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[This month's Recommended recordings]


Mare, Luna e d’intorni – The Golden Age of Neapolitan Song Di GIACOMO/COSTA Catari' [3:45] Era de Maggio [4:17] 'e spingule frangese [3:35] TRADITIONAL Mare 'e Margellina [2:40] INSTRUMENTAL Tarantella [1:41] Monte marano [4:12] VIVIANI 'o vapore [1:44] Quanno jarraie a spusa [3:21] Lavannarè'!.[3:31] Tarantella segreta [2:20] NICOLARDI/NARDELLA 'mmiez'ô ggrano [4:32] Giacomo ROSSINI Danza (instrumental) [3:59] DE LUCA/BUONGIOVANNI 'a cartulina 'e Napule [3:08] DEL PRETE/LABRIOLA Lo cardillo [4:38] GALDIERI/BONAVOLANTA Serenatella a na cumpagna 'e scola [2:57] DI BOVIO/CANNIO 'a serenata 'e Pulicenella [3:23] DI CIACOMO/MARIO Miérolo affurtunato [4:08] GALLO/PERSICO 'e palumme [2:40] Luciano Catapano (tenor and guitar) Gino Evangelista (mandolin) rec. live, Eglise St-Nicolas, Rougemont, Switzerland, June 2006 CLAVES 502618 [60:42] [JW]

The guitar-mandolin duo works nicely; sometimes brisk and jaunty, with fine sonority and good ensemble work ... see Full Review

Maria - Medieval Songs and Swedish Traditional Music E.A. KARLFELDT (1866-1931) Jungfru Maria [3.09] TRAD. Sankt Göran och draken [5.43]; Shepherd’s tune [1.26]; Josef kare, Josef min [1.49]; Kritsllen den fina [2.12]; Limu, limu, lima [1.25] Oswald Von WOLKENSTEIN (1377-1445) Wer ist sie die da leuchet; Ave Mater, o Maria [3.46] ANON ENGLISH c.1350 Angelus ad Virginem [1.22]; Edi beo thu [1.36]; Stond wel moder under roode [6.07] Jacques de CAMBRAI Retrowange novella [3.41] ALFONSO X of SPAIN c.1250 Rosa das Rosas; Como podem [2.59] Leonel POWER (c.1375-1445) Beata Progenies [2.15]; Pipe Improvisation on Du adela ros [1.18] ANON SPAIN 14th Century Stella Splendens [5.30]; Polorum Regina [4.21] Jean GHISELIN (c.1455-1511) O florens rosa [3.02] Guillaume DUFAY (c.1400-1474) Vergine Bella [3.20] C.J.L. ALMQVIST (1793-1866) Marias häpnad [0.41]; Den lyssnande Maria [1.17]. Helena Ek (soprano) Göran Månsson (pipes, frame drum, string drum, hurdy-gurdy); Johannes Landgren (organ); Marie-Louise Marming (medieval fiddle); Berit Lindberg (harp) rec. 25-27 January 2006, Hemsjo Church, near Goteborg, Sweden. DDD MUSICA REDIVIVA MRCD015 [67.10] [GH]

A pleasant disc, nicely conceived and well worth searching out ... see Full Review

The McCormack Edition - Volume 5 Franz SCHUBERT Schwanengesang, D. 957: No. 4. Standchen (Softly Through the Night is Calling) [3:40] Pietro MASCAGNI Cavalleria Rusticana: Intermezzo, "Ave Maria" (arr. for tenor) [2:58] Ernest R. BALL Who Knows? [2:02] Hermann LOHR The Little Grey Home in the West [1:37] Chauncey OLCOTT Romance of Athlone: My Wild Irish Rose [3:15] Liza LEHMANN Bonnie Wee Thing [3:05] John S. FEARIS Beautiful Isle of Somewhere [2:20] Milton WELLINGS Golden Love [3:35] Guy d' HARDELOT Because [2:25] Wilton KING Avourneen [3:13] Sidney NELSON Mary of Argyle [2:50] Nelson KNEASS Ben Bolt [3:01] James Carroll BARTLETT A Dream [2:16] Michael William BALFE The Bohemian Girl: When other lips and other hearts [2:54] Stephen C. FOSTER Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming [3:16] Luigi DENZA Funiculi, funicula [2:30] Giuseppe VERDI Rigoletto, Act III: Bella figlia dell'amore [3:51; La traviata, Act III: Parigi, o cara [3:24]; Aida, Act IV: O terra addio [3:49] Giacomo PUCCINI La boheme, Act I: O soave fanciulla [3:08] Julius BENEDICT The Lily of Killarney: The Moon hath Raised Her Lamp Above [3:23] Jack JUDGE/Harry WILLIAMS It's A Long Way To Tipperary [3:20] Arthur TATE Somewhere a Voice is Calling [2:57] Harold CRAXTON Mavis [3:26] Francis DOREL When My Ships Come Sailing Home [3:42] Wilfred Ernest SANDERSON Until [2:13] John McCormack (tenor) Fritz Kreisler (violin); Vincent O’Brien, (piano); Francis Lapitino (harp); Rosario Bourdon (cello); Lucrezia Bori (soprano); Lucy Isabelle Marsh (soprano); Josephine Jacoby (contralto); Harry Macdonough (tenor); Lambert Murphy (tenor); Reinald Werrenrath (baritone); William F. Hooley (bass) rec. New York, 1914-15. ADD NAXOS HISTORICAL 8.111315 [78:10][RJW]

McCormack was a strong lyrical tenor with a clean edge to the voice. Lacks the power of a Pavarotti but very much at home with ballad singing ... see Full Review

John McCormack - The McCormack Edition 5: 1914-1915 Acoustic Recordings Franz SCHUBERT (1797–1828) 1. Ständchen (Softly Through the Night is Calling) D957 No. 4 [3:40] Pietro MASCAGNI (1863–1945) Cavalleria rusticana: 2. Ave Maria (adapted from the “Intermezzo” [2:58] BALL (? - ?) 3. Who Knows? [2:02] Hermann LÖHR (?) The Little Grey Home in the West: 4. The Little Grey Home in the West [1:37] Chaunsey OLCOTT (1858–1932) 5. My Wild Irish Rose [3:15] Liza LEHMANN (1862–1918) 6. Bonnie Wee Thing [3:05] FEARIS (?) 7. Beautiful Isle of Somewhere [2:20] WELLINGS (?) 8. Golden Love [3:35] Guy d’HARDELOT (1858–1936) 9. Because [2:25] KING (?) 10. Avourneen [3:13] NELSON (?) 11. Mary of Argyle [2:50] KNEASS (?) 12. Ben Bolt [3:01] BARTLETT (?) 13. A Dream [2:16] Michael BALFE (1808–1870) The Bohemian Girl: 14. When other lips and other hearts [2:54] Stephen FOSTER (1826–1864) 15. Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming [3:16] Luigi DENZA (1846–1922) 16. Funiculì, funiculà [2:30] Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901) Rigoletto: 17. Bella figlia dell’amore [3:51] La traviata: 18. Parigi, o cara [3:24] Giacomo PUCCINI (1858–1924) La Bohème: 19. O soave fanciulla [3:08] Giuseppe VERDI Aida: 20. O terra addio [3:49] Julius BENEDICT (1804–1885) The Lily of Killarney: 21. The Moon hath Raised Her Lamp Above [3:23] Harry WILLIAMS (1879–1922) 22. It’s a Long Way to Tipperary [3:20] TATE (?) 23. Somewhere a Voice is Calling [2:57] CRAXTON (?) 24. Mavis [3:26] DOREL (?) 25. When My Ships Come Sailing Home [3:42] SANDERSON (?) 26. Until [2:13] John McCormack (tenor) Fritz Kreisler (violin), Vincent O’Brien (piano) (1, 2); Francis Lapitino (harp) (3); Rosario Bourdon (cello) (4); Lucrezia Bori (soprano) (17-19); Lucy Isabelle Marsh (soprano) (20); Josephine Jacoby (contralto) (17); Harry Macdonough (tenor) (15, 16, 22); Lambert Murphy (tenor) (15, 16); Reinald Werrenrath (baritone) (15-17, 21, 22); William F. Hooley (bass) (22); Orchestra (3-24); orchestra/Walter Rogers (25, 26) rec. 1914-1915, Victor Talking Machine Company, Camden, NJ NAXOS 8.111315 [78:15][GF]

McCormack’s beautiful voice and his masterly use of it can be admired on every track, but there may be people who feel the sugar-content too high to be healthy ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Mady Mesplé - Airs d'Operettes Victor MASSÉ (1822–1884) Les Noces de Jeanette: 1. Air du Rossignol: Au bord du chemin qui passe à ma porte [9:24] André MESSAGER (1853–1929) Madame Chrysanthème: 2. Écoutez, c’est la chant des cigales [4:19] Oscar STRAUS (1870–1954) Trois valses: 3. La valse interrompue (1900): Je t’aime quand meme [3:40] 4. La valse du destin (1937): Mais c’est le destin peut-être [3:29] 5. La valse du destin (1937) e ne suis pas ce que l’on pense [2:34] Franz LEHÁR (1870–1948) Das Land des Lächelns: 6. Entrée de Lisa: Merci pour ce charmant accueil [3:19] Die lustige Witwe: 7. Chanson de Vilya: Là-bas dans nos rudes vallées [6:05] Jacques OFFENBACH (1819–1880) Pomme d’Api: 8. Couplets de Catherine: Bonjour Monsieur, je suis la bonne [3:05] Reynaldo HAHN (1875–1947) Ciboulette: 9. Moi j’m’appelle Ciboulette [2:07] Charles LECOCQ (1832–1918) La petite mariée: 10. Je tenais Monsieur mon Époux [2:11] 11. Pour vous sauver, on se dévoue [2:08] Les cent vierges: 12. O Paris, gai séjour [6:02] Mady Mesplé (soprano) Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo/Pierre Dervaux rec. Salle Garnier, Monte-Carlo, 9-13 June 1980. ADD EMI CLASSICS 47545 [48:57] [GF]

The programme is wholly attractive and Mady Mesplé’s by turns warm and glittering singing makes this one of the loveliest operetta recitals I have come across ... see Full Review

Mady Mesplé - Airs d'Opers Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797–1848) Lucia di Lammermoor: 1. Mad Scene Il dolce suono … Ardon gli incense … Spargi d’amaro pianto [18:57] Gioacchino ROSSINI (1792–1868) La cambiale di matrimonio: 2. Come tacer … Vorrei spiegarvi il giubilo [4:19] Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901) Rigoletto: 3. Gualtier Maldè … Caro nome [6:55] Leo DELIBES (1836–1891) Lakmé: 4. Ou va la jeune hindoue [7:27] Claude DEBUSSY (1862–1918) Pelléas et Mélisande: 5. Oh! cette pierre est lourde [3:58] André GRÉTRY (1741–1813) L’Amant jaloux: 6. Je romps la chaine qui m’engage [5:06] Adolphe ADAM (1803–1856) Le toreador: 7. Ah! Vous dirai-je maman [7:09] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756–1791) Die Zauberflöte: 8. O zittre nicht … Zum Leiden [4:51] 9. Der Hölle Rache [3:03] Richard STRAUSS (1864–1949) Ariadne auf Naxos: 10. Grossmächtige Prinzessin [11:25] Mady Mesplé (soprano) Lucian Marinescu (tenor), Christian Portanier (bass) (tr. 1); Raymond Amade (tenor), Charles Clavensy (bass) (tr. 7); Orchestre lyrique et Choeurs de l’ORTF/Gianfranco Masini (tr. 1), Pierre Michel Le Conte (tr. 9); Orchestre Lyrique de la RTF/Manuel Rosenthal (tr. 2), Pierre Dervaux (tr. 6), Eugène Bigot (tr. 7); Orchestre de Chambre de l’ORTF/Jésus Etcheverry (tr. 4, 8); Choeurs et Orchestre de la Suisse Romande/Lamberto Gardelli (tr. 3), Peter Maag (tr. 10); Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Française/D.E. Inghelbrecht rec. Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, 16 January 1958 (tr. 5), 7 February 1974 (tr. 1); Grand Théâtre de Genève, 21 September 1967 (tr. 3), 20 February 1969 (tr. 10); la Maison de la Radio, Paris, 29 September 1966 (tr. 9); radio recordings: 19 January 1961 (tr. 2), 24 January 1966 (tr. 4, 8), 14 May 1959 (tr. 6), 23 January 1963 (tr. 7) EMI CLASSICS 49168 [73:35] [GF]

During her long career Mesplé displayed unfailing accuracy and greatness and the present compilation of excerpts from some of her greatest roles is a worthy document of her excellence ... see Full Review

Anna Netrebko - Opera Giacomo PUCCINI (1858–1924) Gianni Schicchi 1. O mio babbino caro [2:47] Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901) La traviata 2. Libiamo ne’ lieti calici (Brindisi) [3:09] Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841–1904) Rusalka 3. Mĕsíčku na nebi hlubokém (Sont to the Moon) [5:04] Jules MASSENET (1842–1912) Manon 4. Suis-je gentile ainsi? … Obéissons, quand leur voix appelle [6:33] Giacomo PUCCINI La bohème 5. Quando men vo (Musetta’s Waltz) [2:39] Vincenzo BELLINI (1801–1835) La sonnambula 6. Ah! Non credea mirarti [4:48] 7. Ah! non giunge uman pensiero [2:36] Giuseppe VERDI La traviata 8. Parigi, o cara [4:24] Charles GOUNOD (1818–1893) Faust 9. Les grands seigneurs … Ah! je ris de me voir si belle (Jewel Song) [6:24] Giuseppe VERDI La traviata 10. È strano! … Ah, fors’è lui … Follie! [4:53] 11. Sempre libera [3:35] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756–1791) Don Giovanni 12. Crudele? … Non mi dir, bell’idol mio [6:34] Giuseppe VERDI La traviata 13. Un di felice, eterea … Ah, se ciò è ver [3:37] Vincenzo BELLINI La sonnambula 14. Elvino! E me tu lasci senza un tenero addio? … Sono geloso del zefiro errante [8:49] Giuseppe VERDI Otello 15. Ave Maria [5:11] Bonus Track: Vincenzo BELLINI I Capuleti e I Montecchi 16. Eccomi … Oh! quante volte [3:48] Anna Netrebko (soprano) Rolando Villazón (tenor) (2, 8, 13); Saimir Pirgu (tenor) (6, 7, 11); Joseph Calleja (tenor) (14); Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor (2, 4), Coro Sinfonico di Milano Giuseppe Verdi (6, 7), Mahler Chamber Orchestra/Claudio Abbado (1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16), Wiener Philharmoniker/Carlo Rizzi (2, 8, 13), Gianandrea Noseda (3-5, 9, 12), The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields/Carlo Rizzi (14) rec. Grosser Saal, Musikverein, Vienna, March 2003 (3-5, 9, 12);t Teatro Municipale Valli, Reggio Emilia, February and March 2004 (1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16); All Hallows Church, Gospel Oak, London, May 2005 (14), Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg, August 2005 Song texts and English translations included DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON 477 6344 [75:28] [DM]

Highly photogenic with an extraordinary voice … the makings of a very fine singer … but still some way to go before she becomes a truly great one ... see Full Review

Inga Nielsen - Voices - Live and Studio Recordings 1952–2007 CD1 George Frideric HANDEL (1685–1759) Athalia: 1. My Vengeance [4:29] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756–1791) Idomeneo: 2. Tutte nel cor vi sento [5:18] Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770–1827) Fidelio: 3. Abscheulicher! Wo eilst du hin? [7:28] Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797–1848) Lucia di Lammermoor: 4. Il dolce suono [16:13] Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901) La traviata: 5. ‘Deh non mutate in triboli [16:00] Charles GOUNOD (1818–1893) Faust: 6. O Dieu! que de bijoux! [4:54] Jules MASSENET (1842–1912) Manon: 7. Toi! Vous! Oui … c’est moi! [8:34] Richard WAGNER (1813–1883) Tannhäuser: 8. Dich, teure Halle [5:07] Richard STRAUSS (1864–1949) Die Frau ohne Schatten: 9. Wehe, mein Mann [3:52] Elektra: 10. Ich kann nicht sitzen [6:07]CD2 Max REGER (1873–1916) 1. Waldeinsamkeit [1:42] Johannes BRAHMS (1833–1897) 2. Vergebliches Ständchen [1:40] 3. Och Moder, ich well en Ding han [1:59] Giovanni Battista PERGOLESI (1710–1736) Stabat Mater: 4. Vidit suum dulcem natum [5:43] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART 5. Ch’io mi scordi di te, Concert Aria K505 [10:11] Richard STRAUSS 6. Im Abendrot from Vier letzte Lieder [8:05] Arnold SCHÖNBERG (1874–1951) 7. Erwartung [30:56] Franz LEHÁR (1870–1948) Die lustige Witwe: 8. Bitte, meine Herrn! [3:36] Jerome KERN (1885–1945) Showboat: 9. Can’t help lovin’ dat man [3:42] Robert MacGIMSEY (1898–1979) 10. Sweet little Jesus Boy [3:22] trad. 11. The Year’s at the Spring [2:00] Carl NIELSEN (1865–1931) 12. Jeg ved en laerkerede [1:00] Harold FRASER-SIMSON (1872–1944) 13. Christopher Robin is saying his prayers [3:16] Inga Nielsen (soprano) Knut Skram (baritone) (CD1 tr. 5); Placido Domingo (tenor) (CD1 tr. 7); various accompanists and orchestras, conducted by Christopher Hogwood, Gustav Kühn, Gerd Albrecht, Antonio Pappano, Eugene Kohn, Michael Schønwandt, Lamberto Gardelli, Ingo Metzmacher, Heinz Wallberg, David Firman rec. 1952-2007 sung texts can be found on CHANDOS CHAN 10444(2) [78:40 + 78:13] [GF]

One of the most versatile of today’s singers … this set of mostly live recordings is a fine portrait of her abilities ... see Full Review

Birgit Nilsson Rarities CD 1: Richard STRAUSS (1864–1949) Ariadne auf Naxos: 1.Ein Schönes war, hiess Theseus-Ariadne [6:41] 2. Lieben, Hassen, Hoffen, Zagen [2:08] 3. Es gibt ein Reich [5:47] 4. Ein schönes Wunder [3:57] 5. Circe, Circe, kannst du mich hören? … Du schönes Wesen! … Bin ich ein Gott … Gibt en kein Hinüber? [19:49] Richard WAGNER (1813–1883) Götterdämmerung: 6. Zu neuen Taten [13:43] rec. Recital New York, Lincoln Centre, Philharmonic Hall, 12 November, 1967 Niccolò PICCINNI (1728–1800) Alessandro nelle Indie: 7. Se il ciel mi divide [5:08] Franz SCHUBERT (1797–1828) 8. Dem Unendlichen, D291b [4:25] 9. Die junge Nonne D828 [4:59] 10. Auflösung D807 [2:36] 11. Seligkeit D433 [2:12] Giacomo PUCCINI (1858–1924) Tosca: 12. Vissi d’arte [3:01] Richard STRAUSS 13. Wiegenlied, Op. 41 No. 1 [4:24] CD 2: 1. Kornblumen, Op. 22 No. 1 [1:58] 2. Freundliche Vision, Op. 48 No. 1 [2:34] 3. Zueignung, Op. 10 No. 1 [1:49] Jean SIBELIUS (1865–1957) 4. Höstkväll, Op. 38 No. 1 [4:39] 5. Säv, säv, susa, Op. 36 No. 4 [2:25] Carl NIELSEN (1865–1931) 6. Den förste laerke, Op. 21 BK II, No. 2 [2:01] 7. Aebleblomst, Op. 10 No. 1 [0:54] rec. Recital New York, Carneige Hall, 30 April, 1972 Richard WAGNER Tannhäuser: 8. Dich, teure Halle [3:16] Hugo WOLF (1860–1903) 9. Gebet [2:43] 10. Begegnung [1:19] 11. Anakreons Grab [3:22] 12. Mignon [7:01] Richard STRAUSS 13. Allerseelen, Op. 10 No. 8 [3:12] 14. Wiegenlied, Op. 41 No. 1 [4:40] 15. Du meines Herzens Krönelein, Op. 21 No. 2 [2:11] 16. Ständchen, op. 17 No. 2 [2:27] Edvard GRIEG (1843–1907) 17. Og jeg vil ha mig en Hjertenskjaer, Op. 60 No. 5 [1:38] 18. Med en primulaveris, Op. 26 No. 4 [1:47] 19. Det første møde, Op. 21 No. 1[3:41] 20. Killingdans, Op. 67 No. 6 [1:48] Wilhelm PETERSON-BERGER (1867–1942) 21. Aspåkerspolska [1:41] Emil SJÖGREN (1853–1918) 22. Jeg giver mit digt til vaaren, Op. 1 No. 2 [1:41] Erkki Gustav MELARTIN (1875–1937) 23. Gib mir dein Herze, Op. 73 No. 1 [2:35] 24. Tjugo år [Op. 162 No. 5 [2:13] Alfredo CATALANI (1854–1893) La Wally: 25. Ebben … ne andrò lontano [3:15] Swedish Folk Song 26. Fjorton år tror jag visst att jag var [2:07] Viennese Song 27. Im Prater blüh’n wieder die Bäume [2:39] Salvatore MARCHESI (1822–1908) 28. La Foletta [1:29] Rudolf SIECZYNSKI (1879–1952) 29. Wien, Wien, nur du allein [3:06] CD 3: Swedish Festival 1967 Richard WAGNER Wesendoncklieder: 1. I. Der Engel [3:22] 2. IV Schmerzen [2:36] 3. V Träume [6:14] Tristan und Isolde: 4. Prelude [11:18] 5. Mild und leise [7:10] rec. Concert at Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires 1967 Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770–1827) 6. Ah, perfido! Op. 65 [12:20] Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901) La forza del destino: 7. Pace, pace mio Dio! [5:40] Giacomo PUCCINI Turandot: 8. In questa Reggia [5:38] rec. Charity Gala at Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires 1967 Jean SIBELIUS 9. Säv, säv, susa, Op. 36 No. 4 [2:50] Edvard GRIEG 10. En svane, Op. 25 No. 2 [3:06] 11. En drøm, Op. 48 No. 6 [3:10] Encores: Salvatore MARCHESI 12. La Foletta [2:37] Swedish Folk Song 13. Fjorton år tror jag visst att jag var [1:46] Birgit Nilsson (soprano) Set Svanholm (tenor); Carl-Axel Hallgren (baritone); Elisabeth Söderström (soprano) etc (CD1 tr 1-5); Jean Cox (tenor)(CD1 tr. 6); Royal Swedish Opera Orchestra and Chorus/Herbert Sandberg (CD1 tr. 1-5); Chicago Symphony Orchestra/Ferdinand Leitner (CD1 tr. 6); John Wustman (piano) (CD1 tr. 7-13 and CD2); Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra/Sergiu Celibidache (CD3 tr. 1-5); Orchestra della Teatro Colon/Roberto Kinsky (CD3 tr. 6-8); Ferdinand Leitner (piano) (CD3 tr. 9-12) rec. Royal Swedish Opera, Stockholm, 23 May 1949 (CD1 tr. 1-5); Chicago, 27 November 1974 (CD1 tr. 6); Philharmonic Hall, Lincoln Centre, New York, 12 November 1967 (CD1 tr. 7-13 and CD2 tr. 1-7); Carnegie Hall, New York, 30 April 1972 (CD2 tr. 8-29); Stockholm 1967 (CD3 tr. 1-5); Teatro Colon Buenos Aires, 24 September 1967 (CD3 tr. 6-8); Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires, 1 November 1967 GALA GL 100 624 [3 CDs: 78:57 + 76:23 + 67:54][GF]

This is definitely not a set for the general listener. The question is: was it a good idea to release it. It won’t add anything to Birgit Nilsson’s reputation – rather the contrary – and had she been alive today I am certain that she would have protested loudly ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Noël Nouvelet Felix MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847) Frohlocket ihr Völker auf Erden [1:22] Michael HEAD (1900-1976) The Little Road to Bethlehem [3:08] Bob CHILCOTT (b. 1955) Shepherd’s Carol [2:56] German 14th Century arr. John RUTTER (b. 1945) Quem pastores Laudavere [1:42] John RUTTER Mary’s Lullaby* [3:34] Kenneth LEIGHTON (1929-1988) Coventry Carol [3:06] Jonathan RATHBONE (b. 1957) Corpus Christi Carol [4:25] Judith WEIR (b. 1954) Illuminare Jerusalem* [2:43] Morten LAURIDSEN (b. 1943) O magnum mysterium [6:02]  French trad. arr. Stephen JACKSON (b. 1951) Noël Nouvelet*[4:15] Naji HAKIM (b. 1955) Ding dong! Merrily on high [2:14] Humphrey CLUCAS (b. 1941) Love came down at Christmas* [2:04] Paul EDWARDS (b. 1956) No small wonder* [2:38] Franz GRUBER arr. Jonathan RATHBONE Silent Night [3:55] John GARDNER (b. 1917) Tomorrow shall be my dancing day*[1:51]Arr. Nigel SHORT (b. 1953) Away in a manger* [3:09] Arr. Malcolm SARGENT (1895-1967) Hawaiian Lullaby [2:14] Mel TORMÉ arr. Ward SWINGLE (b. 1927) Christmas Song [3:20] English trad. arr. Andrew CARTER (b. 1939) The Twelve Days of Christmas [5:17] Vasari Singers/Jeremy Backhouse *Jeremy Filsell (organ) rec. St. Jude’s, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, 10-12 November 2006 texts and translations included GUILD GMCD7314 [60:06] [JQ]

Offhand, I can’t think of a better disc of Christmas music for you to find under your tree on December 25th ... see Full Review

Noël Nouvelet Traditional and Contemporary Carols (for details see above) Vasari Singers/Jeremy Backhouse *Jeremy Filsell (organ) rec. 2006 texts and translations included GUILD GMCD7314 [60:06] [JS]

One of the most enjoyable Christmas discs I have heard for many years ... see Full Review

Rosa Ponselle - American Recordings 1923–1929: Volume 3 Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901) Aida: Tomb Scene 1. La fatal pietra [6:47] 2. O terra addio [5:43] Gaspare SPONTINI (1774–1851) La Vestale: 3. Tu che invoco [4:34] 4. O nume tutelar [3:30] 5. O nume tutelar [3:30] Paolo TOSTI (1846–1916) 6. ‘A vucchella [3:10] 7. Luna d’estate [2:32] Jules MASSENET (1842–1912) 8. Élegie [3:46] 9. Élegie [3:48] Charles GOUNOD (1818–1893) 10. Ave Maria [4:35] Franz SCHUBERT (1797–1828) 11. Ständchen [4:37] Giuseppe VERDIAida:12. Ritorna vincitor [4:54]13. O patria mia [4:48] Nikolay RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844–1908) 14. The Nightingale and the Rose [3:29] Paolo TOSTI 15. Serenade [3:45] 16. Good-bye [3:41] Percy B. KAHN (1880-1966) 17. Ave Maria [3:37] Giuseppe VERDI Ernani: 18. Ernani! Ernani, involami [4:30] Rosa Ponselle (soprano) Carmela Ponselle (mezzo) (11); Giovanni Martinelli (tenor) (1, 2); Elsie Baker (mezzo) (2); orchestra/Giulio Setti (11-14, 16); Rosario Bourdon (all other tracks) rec. 1926-1927 NAXOS 8.111140 [75:18] [GF]

Certainly one of the most complete singers in recorded history! ... see Full Review

Puer nobis nascitur: Christmas Carols Louis-Claude Daquin (1694-1772) Douze Noëls (c.1740) Noël Suisse (Noël XII) [3:37] Quand Jésus naquit à Noël (Noël X) [5:56] Adam fut un pauvre homme (Noël VI) [6:09] John Bull (1563-1628) Carol Een kindeken is ons geboren (I) [2:02] Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621) Ons is gheboren een kindekijn (Puer nobis nascitur) [3:27] Jean-François Dandrieu (1682-1738) Noël de Saintogne [2:51] Noël Poitevin [2:21] Si c’est pour ôter la vie [2:57] Adam fut un pauvre homme [3:39] Domenico Zipoli (1680-1726) Pastorale [3:24] Pablo Bruna (1611-1679) Tiento sobra la letania de la Virgen [6:49] Dieterich Buxtehude (1637-1707) Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern [6:17] Nun komm der Heiden Heiland [2:09] In dulci jubilo [2:02] Nicolas Lebègue (1631-1702) Une Vierge Pucelle [1:52] A la venue de Noël (dialogue) [1:31] Noël pour l’amour de Marie [3:29] Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Pastorale (BWV 590) [9:47] In dulci jubilo (BWV 729) [2:08] Ton Koopman (Organ by Van Peteghem, 1778) rec. 30 April-1 May 2006, St. Martinuskerk, Haringe, Belgium. DDD. Booklet with notes in English, German and French CHALLENGE CLASSICS CC72234 [72:36] [BW]

Not ‘carols’ in the conventional sense but attractive Baroque Christmas music. Some of Koopman’s playing is excellent but too often, especially in the French pieces, he distorts the music in an attempt to be exciting ... see Full Review

Romance Alexander GLAZUNOV (1865-1936) Melodie Op.20 No.1 (1891) [8:16] Camille SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) Allegro appassionato Op.43 (1877) [3:49] Édouard LALO (1823-1892) Cello Concerto in D minor (1877) [25:27] Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Rondo in G minor Op.94 (1893) [8:50] Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Andante cantabile – from String Quartet in D major Op.11 (1871) [8:34] Pablo CASALS (1876-1975) El cant dels ocells [Song of the Birds] [4:37] Han-Na Chang (cello) Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia/Antonio Pappano rec. December 2005 live; the Lalo Concerto, July 2006. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome EMI CLASSICS 3 82390 2 [59:32] [JW]

A strange programme, generically performed, efficiently accompanied. A soloist with charisma and technique but little awareness of apt style ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Kate Royal: DEBUSSY L’Enfant prodigue - Air de Lia; DELIBES Les Filles de Cadix - Chanson espagnole; CANTELOUBE Chants d‘Auvergne: Baïlèro; Malurous qu’o uno fenno; La delaïssádo; RAVEL Vocalise en forme de habanera (orch; Hoerée); STRAVINSKY The Rake’s Progress: No word from Tom; My father! Can I desert him; I go, I go to him; ORFF Carmina Burana: In trutina; R. STRAUSS Wiegenlied, Op. 41/1; Morgen!, Op; 27/4; Ich wollt’ ein Strãusslein binden, Op. 68/2; GRANADOS Goyescas: Queyas, o la maja y el ruiseňor; RODRIGO Cuatro Madrigales amatorios; TRADITIONAL The Sprig of Thyme Kate Royal (soprano) Academy of St. Martin in the Fields/Edward Gardner. rec. Abbey Road Studios, London, no date supplied EMI CLASSICS 394419-2 [65:14] [CC][SV]

This disc bodes well for a singer of clear and huge talent. ... see Full Review

Amanda Roocroft (soprano) George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Samson: Let the bright Seraphim [5.32] Giulio Cesare: E pur cosi … Piangero [7.07] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Cosi fan tutte: Temarari…. Come scoglio [5.59] Idomeneo: Solitudini amiche….Zeffiretti [6.57] Giacomo PUCCINI (1858-1924) La Rondine: Chi il bel sogno di Doretta [3.22] Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro [2.11] Manon Lescaut: Il quelle trine morbide [2.29] Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901) Otello: Ave Maria [4.57] Antonin DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Rusalka: Song to the Moon [6.07] Gustave CHARPENTIER (1860-1956) Louise: Depuis le jour [4.57] Henri DUPARC (1848-1933) Chanson Triste [2.53] Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949) Morgen!, Op. 27, No. 4 [3.42] Befreit, Op 39, No 4 [5.15] Amanda Roocroft (soprano) London Philharmonic Orchestra/Franz Welser-Möst rec. No 1 Studio, Abbey Road, London, 15-17 January 1994 EMI CLASSICS CDC 5 55090 2 [61.32][RJF]

The return to ready availability of this debut recording of one of Britain’s finest sopranos is to be welcomed. ... see Full Review

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf – lieder by Mozart, Schubert, Wolf CD 1: Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756–1791) 1. Ridente la calma K152 [3:19] 2. Oiseaux, si tout les ans K307 [1:21] 3. Die kleine Spinnerin K531 [1:45] 4. Als Luise die Briefe K520 [1:55] 5. Abendempfindung K523 [5:06] 6. Das Kinderspiel K598 [1:45] 7. Der Zauberer K 472 [2:01] 8. Im Frühlingsanfange K597 [2:48] 9. Die Zufriedenheit K349 [1:47] 10. An Chloe K524 [2:06] 11. Sehnsucht nach dem Frühling K596 [2:11] Franz SCHUBERT (1797–1828) 12. An die Musik D547 [2:38] 13. Im Frühling D882 [4:30] 14. Wehmut D772 [2:59] 15. Ganymed D544 [4:49] 16. Das Lied im Grünen D917 [4:33] 17. Gretchen am Spinnrade D118 [3:23] CD 2: 1. Nähe des Geliebten D162 [3:17] 2. Die junge Nonne D828 [4:47] 3. An Sylvia D891 [3:04] 4. Auf dem Wasser zu singen D774 [3:18] 5. Nachtviolen D752 [2:46] 6. Der Musensohn D764 [2:11] Hugo WOLF (1860–1903) 7. Mignon I [3:55] 8. Mignon II [2:19] 9. Mignon III [4:07] 10. Philine [3:16] 11. Mignon (Kennst du das Land) [6:51] 12. Ganymed [5:07] 13. Anakreons Grab [3:02] 14. Die Spröde [1:59] 15. Die Bekehrte [2:48] 16. Blumengruss [1:23] 17. Gleich und gleich [0:55] 18. Frühling übers Jahr [1:58] 19. St. Nepomuks Vorabend [3:00] 20. Epiphanias [4:37] Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano) Walter Gieseking (piano) (Mozart); Edwin Fischer (piano) (Schubert); Gerald Moore (piano) (Wolf) rec. 1956 (Mozart), 1952 (Schubert), 1957 (Wolf) URANIA URN 22.325 [49:05 + 64:52][GF]

The three LPs that are the sources for this Schwarzkopf set outdo practically everything else she did in the field of Lieder ... see Full Review

Cesare Siepi (bass) Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901) Infelice e tu credevi (Ernani) (1); Tu sul labbro dei veggenti (Nabucco) (1); Son lo Spirito che nega (Mefistofele) (1); O tu Palermo (I Vespri Siciliani) (1); Ella giammai m'amo (Don Carlo) (1) Amilcare PONCHIELLI (1834–1886) Si, morir ella de (La Gioconda) (1) Vincenzo BELLINI (1801–1835) Vi ravviso O luoghi ameni (La Sonnambula) (2) Gioacchino ROSSINI (1792–1868) Le femmine d'Italia (L'Italiana in Algeri) (3); La Calumnia (Il Barbiere di Siviglia) (2) Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756–1791) Deh vieni (Don Giovanni) (2) Sir Paolo TOSTI (1846-1916) L'ultima canzone; Non t'amo piu; Malia Luigi DENZA (1846-1922) Occhi di fata Sir Paolo TOSTI (1846-1916) Serenata Augusto ROTOLI (1847-1904) Mi sposa sara la mia bandiera BROGEI Visione Veneziana Vincenzo BILLI (1869-1938) E canta il grillo Cesare Siepi (bass) Orchestra Sinfonica Radio Italiana/ Arturo Basile (1); Orchestra Sinfonica Radio Italiana (2); Orchestra Sinfonica Radio Italiana/ Simonetto (3) rec. 1948 NIMBUS NI 7942 [72.59] [RH]

An excellent introduction to the work of an outstanding Italian bass, heard in his impressively youthful prime. ... see Full Review

Simply Anne-Sophie Antonio VIVALDI (1678-1741) First Allegro from Concerto for Violin and Orchestra op. 8 no. 1, RV 269 "Spring" (The Four Seasons) [3.36] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Rondeau: Allegrofrom Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 3 in G major, K 216 [6.22] Adagio from Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 5 in A major, K 219 [11.16] Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Romance for Violin and Orchestra no. 2 in F major op. 50 [8.27] Jules MASSENET (1842-1912) Méditation from Thaïs [6.43] Fritz KREISLER (1875-1962) Liebesleid [4.25] Lambert Orkis (piano) André PREVIN (b. 1930) Song – from Tango Song and Dance, (dedicated to Anne-Sophie Mutter) [5.04] André Previn (piano) Johannes BRAHMS 1833-1897) Hungarian Dance no. 6 in B flat major - Vivace (transc. Joseph Joachim) [3.46] Lambert Orkis (piano) George GERSHWIN (1898-1937) Summertime from Porgy and Bess (transc. Jascha Heifetz) [2.14] André Previn (piano) Pablo de SARASATE (1844-1908) Fantaisie de Concert sur des motifs de l’opéra "Carmen" op. 25 [12.35] Anne-Sophie Mutter (violin, conductor) Trondheim Soloists London Philharmonic Orchestra New York Philharmonic/Kurt Masur Wiener Philharmoniker/James Levine rec. Vienna, 1992; Copenhagen, 1999; Munich, 2001-2002; New York, 2002; London 2005 Bonus DVD: VIVALDI The Four Seasons TV Spot [0.37]; MOZARTRondeau: Allegro – from Concerto for Violin and Orchestra no. 3 [6.53]; BEETHOVEN Violin Concerto, excerpt from 1st movement [3.41]; PREVIN Song [5.28]. Picture gallery. Discography. Anne-Sophie Mutter (violin); Trondheim Soloists; Camerata Salzburg; New York Philharmonic/Kurt Masur; André Previn (piano) DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON 00289 477 7166 [64.29] [MM-B]

A lovely anthology - a sequence of extremely pleasurable highlights ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Soprano Duets Elisabeth Schwarzkopf and Irmgard Seefried - Claudio MONTEVERDI (1567–1643) 1. Io son pur vezzosetta pastorella [3:06] 2. Ardo scoprir [3:33] 3. Baci cari [3:07] 4. Dialogo di ninfa e pastore [4:08] Giacomo CARISSIMI (1605–1674) 5. Detesta la cativa sorte in amore [4:10] 6. Lungi omai [2:31] 7. Il mio core [3:31] 8. A piè d’un verde alloro [3:10] Antonin DVOŘÁK (1841–1904) Moravian Duets, Op. 32, Nos. 1-13: 9. Ich schwimm’ dir davon [2:17] 10. Fliege, Vöglein [2:41] 11. Wenn die Sense [1:09] 12. Freundlich lass uns scheiden [1:00] 13. Der kleine Acker [1:04] 14. Die Taube auf dem Ahorn [1:21] 15. Wasser und Weinen [2:30] 16. Die Bescheidene [1:38] 17. Der Ring [2:07] 18. Grüne, du Gras! [3:12] 19. Die Gefangene [2:07] 20. Der Trost [3:23] 21. Wilde Rose [2:43] Engelbert HUMPERDINCK (1854–1921) Hansel und Gretel: 22. Suse, Liebe, Suse … Brüderchen, komm, tanz mit mir [9:38] Richard STRAUSS (1864–1949) Der Rosenkavalier: 23. Herrgott im Himmel! (Presentation of the Silver Rose) [11:26] Elisabeth Schwarzkopf and Irmgard Seefried (soprano) Gerald Moore (piano) (1-21), Philharmonia Orchestra/Josef Krips (22); Wiener Philharmoniker/Herbert von Karajan (23) rec. No. 1 Studio, Abbey Road, London, 25-27 May, 1955 (1-21), 26-27 September, 1947 (22); Musikvereinsaal, Vienna, 9 December 1947 Texts and translations included EMI CLASSICS GREAT RECORDINGS OF THE CENTURY 3 92057 2 [75:56][GF]

One of the most magical moments in the world of recorded opera. Go out and buy! ... see Full Review

Trumpet Colors William SCHMIDT (b.1926) Jazzberries (1982) [12:10] Alex SHAPIRO (b.1962) Elegy [7:46] Astor PIAZZOLLA (1921-1992) Las Cuatro estaciones porteñas - arranged by Ishmael Betancor and Carlos Rivero [25:20] Scott ROBBINS (b.1964) Three Blues for cello and trumpet (1988) [9:34] Robert J. BRADSHAW (b.1970) Statements, Commanding (2004) [15:05] Trio Chromos; Ishmael Betancor (trumpet): José Luis Castillo (piano): Carlos Rivero (cello) rec. Parafino, U.L.P.G.C, undated CRYSTAL RECORDS CD766 [70:31] [JW]

Enjoyable and never trivial, these works are excellently realised ... see Full Review

A Venetian Christmas First Mass of Christmas in St Mark’s as it might have been celebrated in Venice around 1600 Giovanni GABRIELI (1554/56-1612) Intonazione dell’undecimo tono [0:30] Audite principes [5:23] Introit (chant) [2:10] Cipriano de RORE (1516-1565) Missa ‘Præter rerum seriem’a 7: Kyrie [4;11] Missa ‘Præter rerum seriem’: Gloria [6:55] Oratio (Collect, chant) [0:57] Prophetia (OT reading, chant) [1:36] Epistola (Epistle, chant) [1:34] GABRIELI Canzon noni toni [3:26] Evangelium (Gospel, chant) [3:48] de RORE Missa ‘Præter rerum seriem’: Credo GABRIELI Intonazione del settimo tono [0:30] Salvator noster a 15 [4:11] Præfatio (Preface, chant) [2:09] de RORE Missa ‘Præter rerum seriem’: Sanctus [6;20] Elevatio : Toccata (improvised after Girolamo FRESCOBALDI) [2:21] Gabrieli O Jesu mi dulcissime [6:14] Pater noster (chant) [1:52] de RORE Missa ‘Præter rerum seriem’: Agnus Dei [2:39] GABRIELI Canzon duodecimi toni [2:36] Postcommunio – Benedictio (Postcommunion and Blessing, chant) [2:37] Quem vidistis pastores? [8:48] Gabrieli Consort and Players (on authentic instruments, pitch a’=440)/Paul McCreesh rec. Brinkburn Priory, Weldon, Northumberland, UK, July 1998. DDD. Booklet with notes in English, German and French, full texts and translations DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON ARCHIV 471 333-2 [80:57] [BW]

A refreshing Christmas recording to set alongside McCreesh's Lutheran Christmas ... see Full Review

Viola Swirl Kenji BUNCH (b. 1973) Suite (1998) [17:31] Dan COLEMAN (b. 1972) Summer (2003) [10:41] Christopher THEOFANIDIS (b. 1967) Flow My Tears (1997) [7:05] George GERSHWIN (1898-1937) Fascinatin’ Rhythm arranged by Deborah Holden-Holloway [1:56] Summertime arranged by Deborah Holden-Holloway  [2:38] I Got Rhythm arranged by Deborah Holden-Holloway  [2:49] Cole PORTER (1891-1964) From This Moment On arranged by Kenji Bunch [2:24] Begin the Beguine arranged by Kenji Bunch [3:55] Anything Goes arranged by Kenji Bunch [2:47] Carol Rodland (viola) Tatevik Mokatsian (piano) No recording details CRYSTAL RECORDS CD834 [52:41][JW]

Odd name or not this is an enjoyable disc ... see Full Review

We Wish You a Merry Christmas Various Artists rec. various ADD/DDD. No texts or translations provided DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON 477 6738 [54:26] [DM]

Not everything her is worth hearing but the rest is genial enough. Ready to played in the background over Christmas as a kind of festive wallpaper. ... see Full Review

What Child Is This? Lesser-known Christmas music and arrangements Chorus Angelicus and Gaudeamus/Paul Halley rec. 2006 PELAGOS MUSIC PEL1005 CD [66:42] [MM]

A varied and unique collection of popular and lesser-known Christmas music ... see Full Review

World Keys – Virtuoso Piano Music A. Adnan SAYGUN (1907-1991) Sketch on Aksak Rhythm – from Ten Sketches on Aksak Rhythms No.10 Op.58 (1976) [1:28] Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) Piano Sonata No.3 in A minor Op.28 (1907/1917) [7:19] Dia SUCCARI (b.1938) La Nuit du Destin (1978) [10:53] Halim EL-DABH (b.1921) Sayera – from Makta in the Art of Kita (1955) [1:37] Qigang CHEN (b.1951) Instants d’un opéra de Pékin (2000) [6:51] Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Concert Paraphrase of Verdi’s Rigoletto (1859) [6:37] William BOLCOM (b.1938) … la belle rouquine – from Nine Bagatelles (1996) [1:43] Peter SCULTHORPE (b.1929) Nocturnal (1983/89) [6:30] Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Piano Sonata No.2 in G minor Op.22 (1833/38) [18:02] Peteris VASKS (b.1946) Kantate (1980) [5:00] Joel Fan (piano) rec. Bayside Performing Arts Centre, San Mateo, CA, January 2006  REFERENCE RECORDINGS RR-106 [67:00] [JW]

Positively shouts iconoclasm and fresh thinking ... see Full Review

The Legacy of Maria Yudina
Volume 1

Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)

Variations and Fugue on a theme from Prometheus in E flat major (Eroica Variations) Op.35 (1802) [21:11]
Diabelli Variations in C major Op.120 (1822-23) [44:01]
Rec. 1961
VISTA VERA VVCD-00069 [65:12]
Volume 2
Ernst KRENEK (1900-1991)

Sonata Op.59 (1928) [16:55]
Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)

Sonata in C (1924) [11:51]
Serenade for Piano (1924) [10:03]
Béla BARTÓK (1881-1945)

Microcosmos (1926-39) – Eight movements; Nos. 128, 132, 137, 142, 144, 145, 146 and 149 [15:26]
Paul HINDEMITH (1895-1963)

Sonata for two pianos (1942)
Marina Drozdova (piano) – Hindemith
Rec.1961 (Krenek), 1962 (Stravinsky) and 1970 (Hindemith). Bartók undated
VISTA VERA VVCD-00070 [73:51]
Volume 3

Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)
Das Wohltemperierte Klavier: Book II, BWV 870-893 (1722)
Nos 1-12; 15 and 21 [77:55]
rec. 1953-57
VISTA VERA VVCD-00071 [77:55]
Volume 4
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)

Sonata No.29 in B flat major Hammerklavier Op.106 (1818) [38:27]
Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897)

Intermezzo Op.116 No.2 [3:04]
Intermezzo Op.117 No.1 [4:19]
Intermezzo Op.117 No.2 [3:17]
Intermezzo Op.117 No.3 [4:35]
Intermezzo Op.118 No.1 [1:48]
Intermezzo Op.118 No.2 [4:33]
Intermezzo Op.118 No.4 [2:19]
Intermezzo Op.116 No.6 [4:34]
Intermezzo Op.119 No.2 [4:31]
Intermezzo Op.119 No.3 [1:41]
Rec. 1951 (Op.117 No.2); 1952 (Beethoven; Op.118 No.1, Op. 118 No.4 and Op.119 No.4); 1966 (Op.118 No.6) and 1968 (Op.116 No.2, Op.117 Nos 1 and 2, Op.118 No.2 and Op.119 No.2)
VISTA VERA VVCD-00072 [73:13]
Volume 5
Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897)

Variations and Fugue on a theme of Handel Op.24 (1861) [23:37]
Rhapsody in G major Op.79 [4:50]
Piano Quartet No.2 in A major Op.26 (1861-62) [46:03]
Dmitri Tsyganov (violin); Feodor Druzhinin (viola); Sergei Shirinsky (cello) of the Beethoven Quartet in the Quartet
rec. 1948 (Handel variations), 1952 (Rhapsody) and 1968 (Quartet)
VISTA VERA VVCD-00073 [74:30]
Volume 6
Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828)

Piano Sonata in B flat major Op. posth, D.960 (1828) [41:45]
Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856)

Fantasiestücke, Op. 12 (1837) [29:07]
Vogel als Prophet Op 82 No.7 [3:07]
rec. 1947 (Schubert), 1951-52 (Schumann)
VISTA VERA VVCD-00074 [74:05]

Volume 7
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58 (1806) [34:58]
Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat major (Emperor), Op. 73 (1809) [37:29]
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra/Kurt Sanderling, recorded 1948 (No.4)
USSR State Symphony Orchestra/Nathan Rakhlin, recorded live in 1950 (No.5)
VISTA VERA VVCD-00075 [75:29]
Volume 8
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)

Piano Sonata in C minor, Op. 10 No. 1 (1796-8) [18:35]
Piano Sonata in A flat major, Op. 26 (1800-01) [19:53]
Piano Sonata in F major, Op. 54 (1804) [11:34]
Piano Sonata in C minor, Op. 111 (1821-22) [22:56]
rec.1950 (Op.10/1); 1951 (Op.54); 1958 (Op.26); 1958 (Op.111)
VISTA VERA VVCD-00080 [72:59]
Volume 9
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Piano Sonata in G major, Op. 31 No. 1 (1801-02) [22:58]
Piano Sonata in E minor, Op. 90 (1814) [11:46]
Piano Sonata in A major, Op. 101 (1816) [18:54]
Violin Sonata No. 6 in A major Op. 30 No. 1 (1801-02) [22:23] *
Maria Kozoloupova (violin)
rec. Moscow 1950 (Violin Sonata); 1951 (Op31 No.1); 1958 (Op.90) and 1959 (Op.101)
VISTA VERA VVCD-0081 [76:06]
Volume 10
Sergei TANEYEV (1856-1915)

Piano Quartet in E major Op.20 (1906) [35:24]
Piano Quintet in G minor Op.30 (1911) [50:10]
Beethoven Quartet
Rec. 1953 (Op.20) and 1957 (Op.30)
VISTA VERA VVCD-00084 [76:33]
Volume 11
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K466 (1785) [31:13]
Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major, K488 (1786) [23:32]
Rondo in A minor K511 (1787) [9:25]
USSR State Symphony Orchestra/Sergei Gorchakov, recorded 1948 (K466)
USSR State Symphony Orchestra/Alexander Gauk, recorded 1948 (K488)
Rondo rec.1961
VISTA VERA VVCD-00087 [65:12]
Volume 12
Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)
Das Wohltemperierte Klavier: Book I, BWV 846-869 (1722)
Preludes and Fugues BWV864-869 [34:15]
Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue BWV 903 [11:05]
Prelude and Fugue in A minor BWV 543 arranged Franz Liszt [9:47]
Violin Sonata in E major BWV 1016 [19:20] *
Maria Kozoloupova (violin)
rec.1948 (Violin Sonata) and 1950-55 (remainder)
VISTA VERA VVCD-00088  [73:51]
Volume 13
Modest MUSSORGSKY (1839-1881)

Meditation [4:49]
Album Leaf [4:32]
Three Pieces on themes from Boris Godunov – adapted for piano by A Kamensky [7:58]
Nikolai MEDTNER (1880-1951)
Sonata-Triad in A flat major Op.11 [No.2] (1904-06) [25:07]
Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953)

Romeo and Juliet Op.75 (1938) – concert transcription No.10 [8:58]
Visions Fugitives Op.22 (1915-19) [23:07]
rec. 1949 (Meditation and Album Leaf); 1952 (Romeo); 1953-55 (Visions Fugitives); 1969 (Three Pieces) and 1958 (Medtner sonata)
VISTA VERA VVCD-00090 [74:42]
Volume 14
Modest MUSSORGSKY (1839-1881)
Pictures at an Exhibition (1874) [33:20]
Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH (1906-1975)
Piano Sonata No.2 Op.61 (1942) [25:01]
rec. October 1965 (Shostakovich); Mussorgsky undated
VISTA VERA VVCD-00109 [58:33]

For all the perplexing elements of her playing her granitic single-minded approach is compelling. I’d sample a little at a time. ... see Full Review


1001 Classical Recordings You Must Hear Before You Die General Editor Matthew Rye ISBN: 1844035794 13 Digit ISBN: 9781844035793 Publication Date: 15 Nov 2007 Format: Paperback Page Size: 210 x 160mm Number of Pages: 960 Price: £20.00 CASSELL – Octopus Books [RB]

Fresh and handsomely done … a book that informs and provokes … if it stimulates listeners to explore then all to the good. ... see Full Review

The Clock of the Years - a Gerald and Joy Finzi Anthology ed. Rolf Jordan Chosen Press ISBN 978 0 9556373 0 8 Hardback 300 pp. £20.00 or $30.00 [RB]

Essential, surprising and gratifying reading. ... see Full Review

The Rest Is Noise by Alex Ross 624 pages Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, 2007 Hardback: 0374249393, £10.76 $30 [KM]

An excellent overview of twentieth-century classical music ... see Full Review

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[Part 2 A-B] [Part 3 C-L]
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[Recommended recordings]

Membra Jesu nostri BuxWV 75 (?1680) [56:21] Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit BuxWV 102 [4:07] Walts Gott, mein Werk ich lasse BuxWV 103 [7:44] Christina Kaiser, Astrid Werner, Anja Zügner (soprano); Alexander Schneider (alto); Tobias Hunger (tenor); Matthias Lutze, Marek Rzepka (bass); Daniel Deuter, Margaret Baumgartl (violin); Juliane Laake, Benjamin Dreßler, Katharina Schlegel, Renate Pank (viola da gamba); Matthias Müller (viola da gamba; violone); Michaela Hasselt (organ); Michael Dücker (theorbo); Dresdener Kammerchor/Hans-Christoph Rademann rec. live, 11 February 2007, Lukaskirche, Dresden Texts and translations included CARUS 83.234 [69:01][GPu]

Membra Jesu nostri BuxWV 75 (?1680) [56:21] Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit BuxWV 102 [4:07] Walts Gott, mein Werk ich lasse BuxWV 103 [7:44] Christina Kaiser, Astrid Werner, Anja Zügner (soprano); Alexander Schneider (alto); Tobias Hunger (tenor); Matthias Lutze, Marek Rzepka (bass); Daniel Deuter, Margaret Baumgartl (violin); Juliane Laake, Benjamin Dreßler, Katharina Schlegel, Renate Pank (viola da gamba); Matthias Müller (viola da gamba; violone); Michaela Hasselt (organ); Michael Dücker (theorbo); Dresdener Kammerchor/Hans-Christoph Rademann rec. live, 11 February 2007, Lukaskirche, Dresden Texts and translations included CARUS 83.234 [69:01][GPu]

Membra Jesu nostri BuxWV 75 (?1680) [56:21] Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit BuxW69:01][GPu]

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