Essential Yo-Yo Ma CD
1 Johann Sebastian BACH (1685–1750)
Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: Prélude; Antonio
VIVALDI (1678–1741) “Winter” from The Four Seasons, Op. 8
No. 4: Largo; Johann Sebastian BACH Jesus
bleibet meine Freude, BWV 147; Schafe können sicher weiden, BWV 208;
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645; Camille
SAINT-SAÊNS (1835–1921) The Swan from Carnival of the Animals;
Havanaise, Op. 83 [8:54]; Jules MASSENET (1842–1912) Meditation from Thais;
Fritz KREISLER (1875–1962) Liebesfreud; George GERSHWIN (1898–1937) Three Preludes: Prelude
No. 1; Sergei RACHMANINOV (1873–1943)
Vocalise [6:24]; Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH (1906–1975)
Sonata in D Minor for Cello and Piano Op. 40: Allegro; Peter TCHAIKOVSKY (1840–1893) Andante Cantabile for
Cello Solo and String Orchestra, Op. posth. [8:22]; Johannes BRAHMS (1833–1897) Quartet No. 1 in G Minor
for Piano and Strings, Op. 25: Rondo alla Zingarese. Presto [8:05];
Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841–1904)
Concerto in B Minor for Cello and Orchestra, Op. 104: Finale. Allegro
moderato [12:50] CD 2 Cesar Camargo MARIANO
(b. 1944) Cristal; Heitor VILLA-LOBOS
(1887–1959) A lenda do caboclo; Antonio
Carlos JOBIM (1927–1994) Chega de saudade; Paquito
d’RIVERA (b. 1948) Wapango; Astor
PIAZZOLLA (1921–1992) Libertango; Mark
O’CONNOR (b. 1961) Appalachia Waltz (Solo Cello Version);
Butterfly’s Day Out; Edgar MEYER (b.
1960) 1B; John WILLIAMS (b. 1932)
Three Pieces for Solo Cello: Pickin’; Trad. Simple Gifts; Ennio MORRICONE
(b. 1928) The Mission: Gabriel’s Oboe; The Falls; Tan DUN (b. 1957) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon:
The Eternal Vow; David WILDE (b. 1935)
The Cellist of Sarajevo: A Lament in Rondo Form for Solo Cello, Op.
12 [7:00]; Filippo AZZAIOLO (1530–1569) Chi passa per’sta strada;
Chinese Traditional Mido Mountain;
Sandeep DAS and Indrajit DEY Mohini (Enchantment); Claude
BOLLING (b. 1930) Suite for Cello and Jazz Piano Trio: Baroque
in Rhythm; Cole PORTER (1891–1964)
Anything Goes; Frederick LOEWE (1901–1988)
I Could Have Danced All Night
Yo-Yo Ma (cello) various accompaniments and co-musicians, incl. Ton
Koopman, Kathryn Stott, Bobby McFerrin, Emanuel Ax, Lorin Maazel, Isaac
Stern, Kurt Masur, Rosa Passos, Nestor Marconi, Ennio Morricone, The
Silk Road Ensemble, Claude Bolling, Stephane Grappelli and Steven Prutsman.
Recorded 1978 – 2004
SONY S2K 93927 [76:56 + 76:05][GF]
is never in doubt is the high quality of the playing and recording
but whether this is “The Essential Yo-Yo Ma” is another question.
... see Full Review
Ma and The Silk
Road Ensemble
- Silk Road Journeys: Beyond the Horizon Enchantment:
Mohini (Enchantment); Oasis; Distant Green Valley; Akhalqalaqi Dance;
Echoes of a Lost City; Origins: Mountains are Far Away; Yanzi (Swallow
Song); Battle Remembered; Summer in the High Grassland; New Beginnings:
Kor Arab; Shikasta (Minstrel’s Song; Night at the Caravanserai; Gallop
of a Thousand Horses; Tarang (Currents); Sacred Cloud Music
Yo-Yo Ma (cello), The Silk Road Ensemble rec. 20-26 Sept 2004, Right
Track Studios, New York City
SONY SK 93962 [63:33][GF]
have reviewed many discs this year that I will return to with pleasure
but probably none that made me capitulate so unreservedly. ... see
Full Review
María Martínez: Soprano Songs and Arias Léo
DELIBES (1836 – 1891) Les filles de Cadix; Charles GOUNOD (1818 – 1893) Roméo et Juliette: Je
veux vivre; Giacomo PUCCINI (1858
– 1924) Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro; Franz
LEHÁR (1870 – 1948) Die lustige Witwe: Vilja-Lied; Pablo
LUNA (1879 – 1942) El Niño Judío: De España vengo; Francis LÓPEZ (1916 – 1995) Violetas imperiales;
Giacomo PUCCINI La Rondine: Chi il bel sogno di Doretta;
Joseph CANTELOUBE (1879 – 1937)
Chants d’Auvergne: Baïlèro; Giacomo PUCCINI
Madama Butterfly: Un bel di vedremo; Heitor
VILLA-LOBOS (1887 – 1959) Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5 for
voice and 8 cellos: Aria (Cantilena); Dança (Martelo)
Ana María Martínez (soprano) Prague Philharmonia/Steven Mercurio Recorded
in the Dvořák Hall, Rudolfinum, Prague, in August 2000
NAXOS 8.557827 [53:26][GF]
of the freshest, loveliest and most musical soprano voices to have
appeared for some time. ... see Full
Masters, Monsters and Mazes SOLAGE
(fl. 1390) Le basile [4:09] Mark
RIMPLE En la maison Dedalus [2:35] Anon
(c. 1375) En la maison Dedalus [4:16] GRIMACE
(fl. 1370) Se Zephiras/Se Jupiter [3:43] Johannes
CUVELIER (fl. 1372-1387) Se Galas [6:10] Thibaut
de CHAMPAGNE (1201-1253) Ausi comme unicorne sui [5:05]
FRANCISCUS (fl. 1370) Phiton,
beste tres venimeuse [4:25] Guillaume
de MARCHAUL (c. 1300-1377) Phyton
le merveilleus serpent [2:07] Baude CORDIER
(early 15th century) Tout par compas [1:32]
Anon (c. 1300-1400) Ung lion
say [2:24] Johan ROBERT, called TREBOR
(fl. 1390-1410) Se July Cesar [6:11] Jacob
de SENLECHES (fl. 1378-1386) Le harpe de melodie [4:23]
Pierre TAILLANDER (fl. 1390) Se
Dedalus [5:29] Johannes SUZOY (fl.
1380) Pictagoras [4:09] Gaucelm
FAIDIT (c. 1150-1220) Fortz chausa [4:46] Anon
(fl. 1390-1400) Le Mon Aon [6:39]
Trefoil: Drew Minter (counter-tenor, Memling 19-string harp),
Mark Rimple (counter-tenor, 5-course plectrum lute, Ghent altar-piece
gothic harp), Marcia Young (soprano, Cythara anglica) No recording
date or location given
MSR CLASSICS MS 1095 [68:02] [EM]
delightful disc – well presented with some
beautiful and entrancing works. ... see
Full Review
Stina-Britta Melander ”Från
14 till 80 år” (From 14 to 80 years) CD 1 Otto
LINDBLAD (1809 – 1864) Varför skall man tvinga mig att
sjunga; Trad. Fjorton år trot
jag visst att jag var; F GROTHE Illusion;
Giuseppe VERDI (1813 – 1901) Un ballo in maschera:
Saper vorreste; Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART
(1756 – 1791) Die Zauberflöte: Papagena; O zittre nicht;
Der Hölle Rache; Edmond AUDRAN (1840 – 1901) La mascotte: ”Jag älskar
mina pullor små”; André MESSAGER (1853
– 1929) Veronique: Donkey duet; Charles
LECOCQ (1832 – 1918) La fille de Madame Angot: ”Som Madame
Angot”; André MESSAGER Veronique: Swing duet; Franz von SUPPÉ (1819 – 1895) Die schöne Galathea:
”Vackra yngling låt oss fly”; Gaetano DONIZETTI
(1797 – 1848) Don Pasquale: Son anchio la virtu magica;
Jacques OFFENBACH (1819 – 1880) Orphée aux enfèr:
”Alltså. Du bedrar mig”; Giuseppe VERDI
La traviata: E strano, e strano; Franz
BERWALD (1796 – 1868) Jag går i kloster: Jag står vid klostrets
dystra murar; Sköna blomma; Låt mig vara ifred; Hilding
ROSENBERG (1892 – 1985) Lycksalighetens ö (Isle of Bliss):
Den blyga aftonvinden; Allt övervinns av tiden CD 2 Trad.
Paper of pins; Giacomo PUCCINI (1858 – 1924) La Bohéme: Mi chiamano
Mimi; Joseph CANTELOUBE (1879 –
1957) Chants d’Auvergne: L’aio de rotso; Malurous qu’o uno fenno;
Jon LEIFS (1899 – 1968) Mariuljod; Wolfgang
Amadeus MOZART Die Zauberflöte: Ach, ich fühl’s; Max REGER (1873 – 1916) Du meines Herzens Krönelein;
Wenn die Linde bluht; Felix MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY
(1809 – 1847) Andres Maienlied; Joseph
MARX (1882 – 1964) Und gestern het er mit Rosen gebracht;
Richard STRAUSS (1864 – 1949)
Brentanolieder: Amor; Fritz ARLBERG (1830 – 1896) Förgäves uppå stigen;
Isidor DANNSTRÖM (1812 – 1897) Långt bort I fjärran;
Claude DEBUSSY (1862 – 1918)
Pantomime; Claire de lune; Felix MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY
Elijah: Hear ye, Israel; Pyotr TCHAIKOVSKY
(1840 – 1893) Eugene Onegin: Triquet’s aria; Gioachino
ROSSINI (1792 – 1868) Il barbiere di Siviglia: Una voce
poco fa; Giacomo PUCCINI Madama Butterfly: Un bel di vedremo;
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Le nozze
di Figaro: Non so più; Trad.
14 år tror jag visst att jag var Bonus Programme: Bergerettes
(Shepherds’ Songs): Bergère légère; L’amour s’envole; Chanson les
amours de Jean; menuet d’Exaudet; Jeunes fillettes; Chaque chose a
son temps; maman, dires-moi; Non je n’irai plus au bois
Stina-Britta Melander (soprano) with various accompaniments and co-singers,
among them Hugo Hasslo, Gösta Kjellertz, Lars Ekman, Sven Erik Vikström,
Erik Saedén and William Claussen Recorded 1938 – 2004
NOSAG CD 2108 [72:20 + 77:01][GF]
opera singer that the world will hear about. Björling and Gigli can’t
have been wrong and here is evidence aplenty that they weren’t. ...
see Full Review
Benedetti Michelangeli: The Vatican Recordings CD
1 [53:53] Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918)
Images I [15:33], Images II [14:00] Maurice
RAVEL (1875-1937) Gaspard de la Nuit [24:14] Recorded in
the Sala Nervi of the Vatican, 13.06.1987 CD 2 [58:10] Frédéric
CHOPIN (1810-1849) Andante spianato et Grand Polonaise
op.22 [15:18] DEBUSSY Préludes,
Book I [42:46] Recorded in the Sala Nervi of the Vatican, 13.6.1987
(Chopin), 29.4.1977 (Debussy) CD 3 [64:36] Ludwig
van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Piano Concerto no.5 in E flat
op.73 – "Emperor" [37:09]*, Piano Sonata in C op.2/3 [27:24]
Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma della RAI/Massimo Freccia* Recorded in
the Sala della Benedizione of the Vatican, 28.4.1960 (concerto) and
the Sala Nervi of the Vatican, 13.6.1987 (sonata) CD 4 [47:28]
Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Piano
Concerto in A minor op.54 [29:48] Franz LISZT
(1811-1886) Totentanz [17:38]
Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma della RAI/Gianandrea Gavazzeni Recorded
in the Sala della Benedizione of the Vatican, 28.4.1962, in the presence
of His Holiness Pope John XXIII Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (piano)
Orchestras, conductors, dates, locations and CD timings as above
MEMORIA ABM DIVOX 999001 [4 CDs: 53:53 + 58:10 + 64:36 + 47:28]
Liszt Totentanz is fantastic; elsewhere
revelations alternate with enigmas. ...
see Full
MINTS - Game Over
Ed BENNETT Sometimes It Rains [7:45] Artem VASSILIEV Story 1 [10:40] Alexander
RAIKHELSON Criptophonic Piece [9:20] Ed
BENNETT String Factory [12:36] Taras BUEVSKY Largo Recitare [6:45]
Artem VASSILIEV Game Over [10:53]
Roman Mints, violin Timur Yakubov, violin Dmitri Bugakov, oboe Ksenia
Bashmet, piano Ed Bennett, Artem Vassiliev, Alexander Raikhelson,
Taras Buevsky, electronics rec. Belfast Musicians Collective Studios,
Belfast, N. Ireland, the Russian Academy of Music, Moscow Russia,
and the home of Alexander Raikhelson in Moscow, Russia. DDD
possibly, a harbinger of the future of classical music. ... see Full
Mitchell - Sings Favourite Soprano Arias Wolfgang
Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
Le Nozze di Figaro: E Susanna non vien … Dove sono; Giacomo PUCCINI (1858-1924) La Bohème: Si, mi chiamano
Mimi; Madama Butterfly: Un bel di, vedremo; La Rondine: Il bel sogno
di Doretta; Pietro MASCAGNI (1863-1945)
L’Amico Fritz: Son pochi fiori; Giacomo PUCCINI
Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro; Turandot: Tu che di
gel sei cinta; Gioacchino ROSSINI (1792-1868) William Tell: Selva
opaca; Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901)
Ernani: Ernani! Ernani, involami
Leona Mitchell (soprano) National Philharmonic Orchestra/Kurt Herbert
Adler Recorded in 1980. No venue given.
DECCA ELOQUENCE 466 903-2 [45:12][GF]
is to be regretted that this was to be Leona
Mitchell’s only solo album. ... see Full
Moffo Sings Opera Arias Charles
GOUNOD (1818 – 1893) Faust: Air
des bijoux (Jewel Song); Giacomo
PUCCINI (1858 – 1924) La Bohème:
Mi chiamano Mimi; Giacomo
MEYERBEER (1791 – 1864) Dinorah:
Ombre légère (Shadow Song);
Georges BIZET (1838
– 1875) Carmen: Jed is que rien ne m’épouvante
(Micaela’s Air); Gioachino
ROSSINI (1792 – 1868) Semiramide:
Bel raggio lusinghier; Giacomo
PUCCINI Turandot: Signore, ascolta;
Tu che di gel sei cinta; Léo
DELIBES (1836 – 1891) Air des clochettes
(Bell Song)
Anna Moffo (soprano) Rome Opera Orchestra/Tullio
Serafin rec. 20-30 July, 1 August 1960, Rome
Opera House 
LIVING STEREO 82876 67905 2 SACD [44:27]
singing of beautiful arias in stunning sound
that could have been recorded yesterday. ...
see Full Review
Möller plays Spanish Music Manuel
de FALLA (1876-1946)
Homenaje pour le tombeau de Claude Debussy (1920) [3:20]; Joaquin
RODRIGO (1901-1999) Junto al Generalife (1959) [4:56]; En
los trigales (1938) [4:51]; Antonio JOSÉ (1902-1936) Sonata (1933) [21:24]; Eduardo SAINZ de la MAZA (1903-1982) Campanas del
alba (1962) [3:52]; Homenaje a Toulouse-Lautrec (1967) [5:18]; Francisco TÁRREGA (1852-1909) Preludio número 1 (1899)
[1:32]; La alborada (1891) [1:46]; Preludio número 2 (1899) [2:18];
Recuerdos de la Alhambra (1897) [5:22]
Johannes Möller (guitar) rec. Studio 3, Radio House, Stockholm, 2–3
April, 2–3 July 2005. DDD
SFZ RECORDS CD SFZ 6014 [54:44][GF]
beautiful tone is caught to perfection. A cornucopia of immaculately
executed and artistically superb music-making ... see Full
Exotique Vittorio MONTI (1868-1922)
Czardas [4.52] Johannes BRAHMS
(1833-1897) Hungarian Dance No 1 Arranged Joachim [3.08] Hungarian
Dance No.2 Arranged Joachim [3.03] Jenö HUBAY
(1858-1937) Hejre Kati, Op. 32 [5.51] Pablo
de SARASATE (1844-1908) Zigeunerweisen, Op. 20 [8.23] Manuel
de FALLA (1876-1946) Suite Populaire Espagnole; Nana [2.23]
Pancho VLADIGEROV (1899-1978) Suite
Bulgare; Chant, Op. 21/2 [5.57] TRADITIONAL
Elli, Elli arranged by Mischa Elman [3.22] Joseph
ACHRON (1886-1943) Hebrew Lullaby [2.34] Ernest
BLOCH (1880-1959) Baal Shem; Nigun [6.22] Nuit Exotique [3.29]
Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937) Pièce
en forme de Habanera [2.40] Tzigane for violin and luthéal * [10.07]
Ragin (violin)
Rohan De Silva (piano and luthéal*) Recorded February 1996, Recital
Hall, State University of New York at Purchase
CENTAUR CRC 2392 [62.59][JW]
a disc that I felt comfortable with. ... see Full
Paasikivi Joulu tullut on (Finnish Christmas Songs) Armas
MAASALO (1885 – 1957): Joulun kellot Jean
SIBELIUS (1865 – 1957): On hanget korkeat, nietokset op 1
No 5; En etsi valtaa, loistoa op 1 No 4; Jo joutuu ilta op 1 No 3; Joulu
saapuu portin luo op 1 No 1; Tervehtii jo meitä op 1 No 2 P.
J. HANNIKAINEN (1854 – 1924): Kautta tyynen, vienon yön
Selim PALMGREN (1878 – 1951): Ja
neitsyt pikku poijuttansa Karl COLLAN
(1828 – 1871): Sylvian joululaulu Martti
TURUNEN (1902 – 1979): Me käymme joulun viettohon Erkki
MELARTIN (1875 – 1937): Kristuslapsen kehtolaulu Otto
KOTILAINEN (1868 – 1936): Jouluyö P.
J. HANNIKAINEN: Jouluattona Anon.
(15th Century): Tuo armon valkokyyhky Otto
KOTILAINEN: Varpunen jouluaamuna Erkki
MELARTIN: Marian kehtolaulu P. J.
HANNIKAINEN: Tuikkikaa, oi joulun tähtöset Joonas
KOKKONEN (1921 – 1996): Metsän joulu; Legenda; Jouluna
Lili Paasikivi
(mezzo) Musica Choir/Pekka Kostiainen (tr 1, 14, 17) Jyväskylä
Sinfonia/Ulf Söderblom, Recorded in Taulumäen Church, Jyväskylä
in February 2003
ODE 1036-2 [47:36] [GF]
gorgeous voice used with utmost musicality,
extremely beautiful, long legato phrases sung
with fine shading, considerable power and
dramatic temperament ... see Full
Gregor Piatigorsky
– Great Cellists Robert
SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Cello
Concerto in A Minor, Op. 129 (1850) (a) [24:37]
(1829-1894) Melody in F., Op. 3 No. 1,
arranged by David
POPPER (1843-1913) (b) [2:51] Sergei
RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) Vocalise,
Op. 34 No. 14 (b) [3:17] Nicolai
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1908) Song
of India (from Sadko) (b) [3:11] Cesar
CUI (1835-1918) Orientale (from
Kaleidoscope), Op. 50 No. 9 (b) [2:32]
(1840-1893) Chanson triste, Op. 40 No.
2 (b) [2:58] None but the lonely heart, Op.
6 No. 6 (b) [2:23] Camille
SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) The
Swan (from Carnival of the Animals)
(c) [2:35] Franz
SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Moment Musical
in F minor, Op. 94 No. 3 (c) [1:48] Pyotr
Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Valse
sentimentale, Op. 51 No. 6 (c) [2:14] Carl
Maria von WEBER (1786-1826) Rondo
(from Sonata No. 3 for piano with violin obbligato)
(c) [2:25] Anton
RUBINSTEIN (1829-1894) Romance
in E flat, Op. 44 No. 1 (c) [3:07] Enrique
GRANADOS (1867-1916) Intermezzo
(from Goyescas), arranged by Gaspar
CASSADO (1897-1966) (c) [4:51]
(1835-1921) Cello Concerto No 1 in A minor,
Op.33 (1872) (d) [19:10]
Gregor Piatigorsky (cello) with (a) London
Philharmonic Orchestra/John Barbirolli; (b)
Ralph Berkovitz (piano); (c) RCA Victor Symphony
Orchestra/Fritz Reiner rec. (a) Abbey Road
Studio No 1, London, 18 May, 1934 (b) New
York City, 24 October, 1945 and 18 October,
1946 (c) Hollywood, 18 and 19 September, 1950
(d) Manhattan Center, New York City, 7 December,
NAXOS 8.111069 [77.58] [GP]
documentation of an important soloist, but
also musically rewarding performances of two
important concertos ... see Full
PAGANINI (1782 –
1840) Centone di Sonate: Sonata I [7:12];
Sonata VI [4:01] Ludwig
van BEETHOVEN (1770 – 1827) Rondo
a capriccio Op. 129 (arr: David Härenstam)
[6:44] Johann Helmich
ROMAN (1694 – 1758) Sonata in E
minor (Continuo part arranged by Harald Söderberg.
Edited by Konrad Ragossnig) [11:05] Astor
PIAZZOLLA (1921 – 1992) Histoire
du Tango (1986) [18:26] Eberhard
EYSER (b. 1932) Racconti [21:46]
Nils-Erik Sparf (violin and Baroque violin
- Roman), David Härenstam (guitar), Bengt
Forsberg (piano) (Eyser) rec. Studio 3, Swedish
Radio, 26-27 July, 29 Oct 2004
NOSAG RECORDS CD 107 [69:25] [GF]
a long way to prove that really good musicians
are not hampered by boundaries ... This disc
is good. It has an honoured place in my collection
... see Full
Antoine Rebstein Piano Left Hand
Johann Sebastian BACH
(1685-1750)/Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897)
from the partita no. 2 in D minor for solo violin (1877) [15:08] Camille
SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) 6 Studies, op. 135 (1912) [19:27]
Dinu LIPATTI (1917-1950) Sonatina
(1941) [9:12] Alexandre SCRIABIN (1872-1915)
Prelude op. 9 no.1 in C sharp minor [2:33], Nocturne op.9 no. 2,
in D flat major (1894-5) [5:56] Ervín
SCHULHOFF (1894-1942) Suite, no. 3 (1926) [15:55] Johann
(1870-1938) Symphonic Metamorphoses of the Schatz-Walzer - Themes
from the Gypsy Baron (1928?) [11:23]
Antoine Rebstein (piano) rec. La Chaux-de Fonds (Switzerland), Salle
de Musique, 5-8 May 2005.
CLAVES 50-2502 [79:09] [DC]
makes us forget that his performances are
single-handed. With graceful pianism and musicianship
he guides us through a well thought-out programme
... see Full
Road Less Traveled … Byways of American Music
SHEWAN (b.1962) Celebration Overture (2000) [4:37] Moores
School Symphony Orchestra/Franz Anton Krager Randall
THOMPSON (1899-1984) Frostiana (1959/1965) [33:57] Roberts
Weslyan College Chorale and Orchestra/Paul Shewan Ron
NELSON (b.1929) Te Deum Laudamus (1985) [13:40]
RWC Chorale and Symphonic Wind Ensemble/Paul Shewan Stephen
SHEWAN For Dancing Hearts and Tunes (2000) [5:11] RWC Chorale
and Chamber Orchestra/Stephen Shewan Light (2001) [5:13] RWC Chorale
and Percussion Ensemble, Emily Shewan (horn)/Stephen Shewan Land of
Rest(2004) [6:01] RWC Chorale and Strings, Ruth Shewan (soprano)/Matthew
Curlee (organ), Robert Deutsch (cello)/Paul Shewan Vaclav
NELHYBEL (1919-1996) Psalm 150 (1977) [7:53] RWC Chorale
and Brass Quartet/Robert Shewan No recording details given
ALBANY TROY783 [76:59][GPJ]
pretty impressive musical manifesto for
this great
New York college. ... see Full
Rococo Flirt: Light-hearted
and frivolous songs Andreas
HAMMERSCHMIDT (1611-1675) Die
Kunst des Küssens [2:23] Johann
Philipp KRIEGER (1649-1725) Ein
Küssgen in Ehren [2:00] Im Dunkeln
ist gut munkeln [2:06] Karl
Heinrich GRAUN (1703-1759) Das
Töchterchen [1:12] Johann
Valentin RATHGEBER (1682-1750) Von
den Weibsbildern [2:57] Johann
Philipp KRIEGER (1649-1725) Die
schlimmen Männer [1:14] Georg
Philipp TELEMANN (1681-1767] Geld
[0:48] Johann Philipp
KRIEGER (1649-1725) Coridon in
Nöten [2:15] Georg
Philipp TELEMANN (1681-1767] Die
ungekämmte Phillis [1:11] SPERONTES
(1705-1750) Blaustrumpflied [3:21]
Johann Valentin
GÖRNER (1702-1762) Der ordentliche
Hausstand [2:25] Georg
Philipp TELEMANN (1681-1767] Das
Frauenzimmer [1:39] Ein reiches Weib [1:35]
Willem de FESCH
(1687-1757) Tu fai la superbetta [3:07]
Johann Valentin
GÖRNER (1702-1762) Der Kuss
(1705-1750) Liebe mich redlich
[2:36] Jean-Baptiste
de BOUSSET (1662-1725) Air à
boire [1:00] Georg
Philipp TELEMANN (1681-1767] Die
Lieb und auch die Flöh [1:08] Jean-Jacques
ROUSSEAU (1712-1778) Echo
Edith Mathis (soprano), Benno Kusche
(bass-baritone), Fritz Neumeyer (harpsichord),
Reinhold Johannes Buhl (cello). Recorded
Gütersloh, Germany, December 1961
[38:46] [GPu]
thin documentation and a meagre playing
time, but a fascinating glimpse of a little-known
musical landscape ... see Full
Martin Roscoe:
A celebrity recital from the Fifth Chethams
International Summer School and Festival
for Pianists
Frederic CHOPIN (1810-1849)
Ballade No. 1 in G minor Op. 23 (1836)
[8:53] Robert KEELEY
1926) Ballade (2001) [7:58] Robert
SCHUMANN (1810-1856):
Kreisleriana Op. 16 (1838) [29:57]
Martin Roscoe (piano) rec. Whiteley
Hall, Chetham’s School of Music, Manchester,
23 August 2005. DDD
DUNELM DRD0247 [47:18] [WK]
true selling point here is the Keeley Ballade.
... see Full
Cello Sonatas Sergei
RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) Sonata for Cello
and piano in g, Op. 19 (1901) [35.43] Vocalise, Op. 34, No. 14 (1912)
[6.14] Two Pieces, Op. 2 (1892) [10.13] Nicolai
MIASKOVSKY (1881-1950) Sonata for Cello and Piano No. 1 in
d, Op. 12 (1911, rev. 1930) [19.41] Truls Mørk, cello Jean-Yves Thibaudet,
piano Recorded St George’s Church, Brandon Hill, Bristol, UK, 11 June
(1906-1975) Sonata for Cello and Piano No. 2 in d, Op. 40 (1934)
[28.24] Unico Wilhelm van WASSENAER
(1692-1766) arr. Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)
and Samuel DUSHKIN (1891-1976) Suite Italienne for Cello
and Piano (1932) [17.59] Sergei
PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) Sonata for Cello and Piano in C, Op.
119 (1949) [23.43]
Mørk, cello Lars Vogt, piano. Recorded in Eidsvoll Church, Eidsvoll,
Norway, 10 May 1996. Notes in English, Deutsch, Français. Previously
released as 45119 and 45274.
VIRGIN CLASSICS 7243 4 82067-2 5 [71.57 + 70.14][PSh]
worthy program of the greatest modern cello and piano works beautifully
played and recorded. ... see Full
John the Baptist Plainchant
Domini venit [3:08]; Ut Queant laxis [1:06] Giovanni
da PALESTRINA (?1525-1594) Fuit homo missus a Deo Philip
WILBY (b. 1949) Proclamation* [3:24] Orlando
GIBBONS (1583-1625) This is the record of John [3:42]
Arvo PÄRT (b. 1935) Anthem
of St. John the Baptist* [5:11] Michael EAST
(c. 1580- c. 1648) As they departed* [7:17] Tarik
O’REGAN (b. 1978) De Sancto Ioanne Baptista* [6:21] Heinrich
ISAAC (c. 1450-55 – 1517) Introit for the Nativity of St.
John the Baptist * [4:54] Ryan WIGGLESWORTH
(b. 1979) Collect for St. John the Baptist* [2:23] William
BYRD (c, 1539-1623) Benedictus, from the Short Service [3:58]
Plainchant O nimis felix [3:34]
Henry PURCELL (1659-1695) Hear my
prayer [2:08]; Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei [6:30]; Remember not.
Lord, our offences [3:03]; Lord, how long wilt thou be angry [3:49];
I was glad [4:13]
The Choir of St. John’s College, Oxford/Ryan Wigglesworth, Duncan Whitmore
and Peter Buisseret. David Baskeyfield (organ) rec. Merton College Chapel,
Oxford, 6-8 December 2004; 18 April 2005 * world première recording
CANTORIS CRCD6080 [69:38]
enjoyed the recital very much and am happy
to recommend it. ... see Full
Tito Schipa
- Schipa Edition 2: The
Complete Victor Recordings 1924-1925, Vol.
2 Giuseppe
VERDI (1813–1901) Rigoletto: È
il sol dell’anima*; Gaetano
DONIZETTI (1797–1848) Lucia di
Lammermoor: Verranno a te*; Don Pasquale:
Tornami a dir che m’ami*; Richard
BARTHELEMY (19th/20th
Cent) Pesca d’ammore; Tito
SCHIPA (1888–1965) Ave Maria; Vincenzo
De CRESCENZO (1875-1964) Ce steve
‘na vota; CAMPERO
(?) Madrigal español; Giuseppe
VERDI Rigoletto: La donna è
mobile; Manuel De
FALLA (1876–1946) Jota (Siete canciones
populares españolas); Eduardo
Di CAPUA (1865-1917) O sole mio;
Franz LISZT (1811–1886)
Liebestraum (arr. Schipa)§; Tito
SCHIPA A Cuba; Trad.
La farfalletta (arr. Schipa)§;
Anon. La
girometta (arr. Cibelli)§; Arturo
BUZZI-PECCIA (1854–1943) La niña
querida; Mal d’amore; Friedrich
von FLOTOW (1812-1883) Martha:
M’appari; Gaetano
DONIZETTI L’elisir d’amore: Una
furtiva lagrima (take 2 and 3); Giacomo
PUCCINI (1858–1924) La bohème:
Sono andati?#; Oh! Dio, Mimi!#; Jules
MASSENET (1842-1912) Werther: Pourquoi
me réveiller?; Leo
DELIBES (1836-1891) Lakmé:
Fantasie aux divins mensonges
Tito Schipa (tenor) Amelita Galli-Curci
(soprano)*, Lucrezia Bori (soprano)#, Victor
Orchestra/Rosario Bourdon (except items marked
§ with piano accompaniment by José
Echániz) Recorded 1924–1925
NAXOS 8.110333 [72:14] [GF]
disc to return to over and over again and
savour the delicacies – not perhaps in one
continuous sitting but one or two titles at
a time ... see Full
Dialog Jörg
WIDMANN (b. 1973) Lied für
Orchester (2003) [29:41] Wolfgang
RIHM (b. 1952) Erscheinung
(1978) [16:53] Bruno
MANTOVANI (b. 1974) Mit Ausdruck
(2003) [14:59] Dieter
SCHNEBEL (b. 1930) Schubert-Phantasie
(1978, revised 1989) [15:46]
Peter Selwyn (piano) (Rihm) Alain Billard
(bass clarinet) (Mantovani) Bamberg Symphony/Jonathan
Nott rec. Sinfonie an der Regnitz, Joseph-Keilberth-Saal,
Bamberg, 11-12 Dec 2003 (Widmann); 28 May
2004 (Rihm); 16-17 Dec 2003 (Mantovani); 11-14
Oct 2002 (Schnebel). DDD
TUDOR 7132 [77:47] [BB]
Schubertian muse seems to have led these thorny
European modernists to be uncharacteristically
communicative and accessible. ... see Full
Second to None
CURNOW Fanfare and Flourishes
arr. HIGGENS Echoes
of an Era TRAD
arr. Alfred REED
Greensleeves Gioachino
ROSSINI Introduction, Theme
and Variations (clarinet solo: Colour
Sgt Gareth Preston) TRAD
Amazing Grace Richard
My Funny Valentine (trombone solo:
Sgt. David Desmond) Rob
WIFFIN Songs of World War II
(vocal solo: Musician James Scott) Alexander
BORODIN Prince Igor - final
movement Peter GRAHAM
Gaelforce Douglas
POPE Nightfall in Camp Val
HAMM arr. Mackenzie
ROGAN The Coldstream March:
Milanollo National Anthem
Regimental Band of the Coldstream Guards/Major
Graham Jones MBE Recorded live at the Opera
House Buxton Executive Producer: Trevor Caffull
Video producer David Nicholson. Video editing:
Alex Nicholson. Video engineer: Nigel Griffiths
Video Production: Timeline vision Cameras:
Alex Nicholson, Alex Pearson, Daniel Mears.
Sound Production: B&H Sound Services Ltd.
Artwork & Cover Design: GK Design Ltd.
Picture format: NTSC/Colour/4:3 No times given
Sound formats: PCM Stereo. Menu language English.,
Region 2 encoding Plus bonus disc: Interviews
and excerpts from "Bond of friendship","
Jupiter" from "The Planets"
and "West Side Story" 
107 [DD]
works as a memento of the concert. Disappointing.
Much more effort would have been needed to
make this work as a commercial DVD... see
Full Review
Christmas - Christmas Songs from Europe
Die Singphoniker and Guests: Alfons Brandl
(tenor); Hubert Nettinger (alto and tenor);
Ludwig Thomas (baritone); Thomas Hamberger
(baritone); Michael Mantaj (bass-baritone);
Christian Schmidt (bass); Willi Pirzer (bass);
Berno Scharpf (baritone); Irmgard Gorzawski
(harp) rec. Bayerischer Rundfunk, Studio Schornstraße,
Germany, 29 April-29 June 2005. DDD
CPO 777 067-2 [60:17] [RHa]
enjoyed the CD very much, notwithstanding
the occasional moment that sounded slightly
forced. There were a good many new Christmas
items from around Europe that I hadn't heard
before, and which I enjoyed greatly. ... see
Concertos from Spain Isaac
ALBÉNIZ (1860 - 1909) Rapsodia
española (arr. 1959 Cristóbal Halffter) (1887) [17.57]
Joaquín TURINA (1882 - 1949)
Rapsodia Sinfónica, Op 66 (1931) [8.56] London Philharmonic
Orchestra/Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos Recorded Walthamstow Assembly
Hall, London, UK, July 1983 Xavier MONTSALVATGE
(1912 - 2002) Concerto Breve for Piano and Orchestra (1953) [24.12]
Carlos SURINACH (1915 - 1997) Concerto
for Piano and Orchestra (1973) [24.17]
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos Recorded
Kingsway Hall, London, UK, October 1976 Alicia de Larrocha, piano
DECCA ELOQUENCE 476 2971 [75.35] [PSh]
performances, demonstration quality sound, brilliantly colorful, enjoyable
music in the Spanish style. ... see Full
Grete Sultan (piano): The
Legacy – Volume 1 Arnold SCHOENBERG (1894-1951)
Funf Klavierstücke, Op. 23 (1923) [13:19] 1. Sehr langsam 2. Sehr
rasch 3. Langsam 4. Schwungvoll, mässige 5. Walzer Klavierstücke, Op.
33a (1928) [1:51] John CAGE (1912-1992)
7. Music of Changes, Part I (1951) [8.10] 8. The Perilous Night
for prepared piano; the original first recording (1944) [13:34] Claude
DEBUSSY (1862-1918) from: Douze Etudes, Book II (1915) [21:21]
9. No. VII - pour les degrés chromatique [2:15]; 10. No. VIII - pour
les agreements [5:05]; 11. No. IX - pour les notes répétées [3:27];
12. No. X - pour les sonorités opposes [5:49]; 13. No. XI - pour les
arpèges composés [4:28] Johann Sebastian
BACH (1685-1750) Goldberg Variations [78:03]
Grete Sultan (piano) Recorded 1959 (Bach) to 1990 (Schoenberg)
LABOR RECORDS LAB 7037 [55.53 + 78.03] Grete Sultan (piano):
The Legacy Volume 2 Ludwig van BEETHOVEN
(1770-1827) 33 Variations on a Waltz by Anton Diabelli, Op. 120
(1819-23) [52:14] Six Bagatelles, Op. 126 (1823) [17:27] Aaron
COPLAND (1900-1990) Piano Sonata (1939-41) [22:48] Episodes
for piano 14:25 Ben WEBER (1916-1979)
4. Episode I; Interlude (1957); 5. Episode II (1957); 6. Episode
III: Adagio (1957) Stefan WOLPE (1902-1972)
Form for Piano (1959) 7. Remote and restless [3:34] Alan
HOVHANESS (1911-2000) Yenovk (The Troubadour), Partita for
Piano (1951) [6:26]; 8. No. 1 Fantasy [3:02]; 9. No. 5 Gamelan. [1:05];
10. No. 2 Canzona [1:48]; 11. No. 3 Pogh [1:24] Tui
St. George TUCKER (b.1924) Tantum Ergo for piano [13:43]
12. Adagio with solemn ecstasy; Moderato; 13. Im Paradies: Allegro Moderato;
14. Amoroso: Adagio molto espressivo; 15. Laudate Dominum: Allegro;
16. Moderato; with Majestic Jubilation; 17. Moderato; Adagio John
CAGE (1912-1992) Etudes Australes (1974) [15:34] 18. Book
I, No. 8 [3:27]; 19. Book II, No. 12 [3:47]; 20. Book I, No. 6 [4:04];
21. Book IV, No. 32 [4:13]
Grete Sultan (piano) Recorded between 1969 and 1973 except the Cage,
recorded c 1980s
RECORDS LAB 7038-2 [2 CDs 69.41 + 75.10][JW]
powerful sense of authority ... its intellectual strengths can’t be
gainsaid. ... see Full Review
Sutherland - Bel Canto Arias Gaetano
DONIZETTI (1797 – 1848) Il castello di Kenilworth: Par che
mi dica ancora ... Fuggi l’immagine; Giuseppe
VERDI (1813 – 1901) Attila: Liberamente or piangi ... Oh!
Nel fuggente nuvolo; Vincenzo BELLINI
(1801 – 1835) I Capuleti e I Montecchi: Eccomi in lieta vesta ...
Oh! Quante volte; Gaetano DONIZETTI Betly:
In questo semplice modesto asilo; La Favorite: L’ai-je bien entendu?
... O mon Fernand ... Mon arrêt descend du ciel; Giacomo
MEYERBEER (1791 – 1864) l’Africaine: Sur mes genoux; Gioachino
ROSSINI (1792 – 1868) Guillaume Tell: Sombre forêt; Il barbiere
di Siviglia: Una voce poco fa
Joan Sutherland (soprano) Welsh National Opera Orchestra/Richard Bonynge
Recorded at Walthamstow Assembly Hall, September 1985.
DECCA ELOQUENCE 476 2444 [49:25][GF]
is hard to give this a wholehearted recommendation:
too much compromised singing. There is still
enough evidence that by 1985 the old lioness
was still roaring. ... see Full
The Songs of Taizé
BERTHIER (1923-1994)
the Child [5:12]; Jesus le Christ
[3:50]; Nada ne Turbe [5:05]; Veni
Sancte Spiritus [6:38]; Mon ame se
repose [3:44]; Kyrie 1 [2:44];
Jubilate Coeli [2:44]; Singet dem
Herren [3:53]; In the Lord [3:57];
Benissez le Seigneur [3:45] Joseph
GELINEAU (b. 1920) Ubi Caritas
Deus ibi est [4:04] and others
during services at the Church of Reconciliation
in Taizé, France, 1993-2001.
[70:50] [WK]
welcome change from the usual Christmas fare
... see Full Review
(b. 1969) Adoration
of the Magi in the Snow [11'04] Sergej
DMITRIEV (b. 1964) Reminiscences
of the Future [9'02] Franz
LISZT (1811-1886) Weinen, Klagen,
Sorgen Zagen [15'44] William
BYRD (1543-1623) The Firste Pavan
and Galliarde [4'24] Fantasia in a BK 13 [1'33]
VIVALDI (c. 1675-1741) Concerto
in a BWV 593: Allegro [3'53]; Adagio [3'25];
Allegro [3'53] Wir glauben all'an einen Gott
BWV 740 [4'43] 'Dorian' Toccata and Fugue
in d BWV 538: Toccata [5'15]; Fugue [6'58]
Bengt Tribukait, organs Rec Orgryte Nya
Kyrka, Goteborg, 28/29 May, 20 August 2003.
slightly eccentric disc but in general very
well played ... the organs are gorgeous, the
presentation first rate with some great photography
and full registration details ... see Full
of Tribute, Volume 1: Villa-Lobos
(1887-1959) Two Cirandas: N’esta rua, n’esta rua (1926) [3:39];
Passa, passa, gavião (1926) [1:23] Mario FICARELLI (b.1935) Minimal
Ciranda (1987) [3:09] Gilberto MENDES
(b.1922) Viva-Villa (1987) [6:08] Heitor
VILLA-LOBOS (1887-1959) Choros No. 5 – Alma Brasileira (1925)
[5:53] Camargo GUARNIERI (1907-1993)
Improviso No.2: Homenagem a Villa-Lobos (1960) [3:56] Almeida
PRADO (b.1943) Noturnas Saudades do Rio Solimões (1987) [6:28]
Wilhelm ZOBL (1950-1991) Aria Brasileira:
Bachianas Européias No. 1 (1987) [2:28] Heitor
VILLA-LOBOS (1887-1959) Ciclo Brasileiro (1936-7) Plantio
do Caboclo [7:56] Impressões Seresteiras [7:00] Festa no Sertão [5:26]
Dança do Indio branco [4:23] Jorge PEIXINHO
(1940-1995) Villalbarosa: Homenagem a Villa-Lobos (1987) [5:11]
Aurélio DE LA VEGA (b.1925) Homenagem
(1987) [6:08]
Eduardo Martins (piano) Recorded Salle Bulgaria, Sofia, August 1996
delightful, thought-provoking CD, combining the piano music of Villa-Lobos
with some inventive and stylistically various tributes to him ... see
Full Review
Cello Encores Gaspar
CASSADÓ (1897 –
1966) Dance of the Green Devil; David
POPPER (1843 – 1913) Fantasy on
Little Russian Songs; Serenade, Op. 54, No.
2; Johann Sebastian
BACH (1685 – 1750) Air from Suite
No. 3 in D, BWV 1068 (trans. Leonard Rose);
Franz SCHUBERT (1797
– 1828) Ständchen (Serenade)(trans.
Henri Marteau); Franz
SCHUBERT (1808 – 1878) Die Biene
(The Bee) (trans. Werner Thomas-Mifune); Enrique
GRANADOS (1867 – 1916) Intermezzo
from Goyescas (trans. Gaspar Cassadó);
(1906 – 1975) Tarantella from The
Gadfly, Op. 97 (trans. Jusas Tschelkauskas);
Maurice RAVEL (1875
– 1937) Habanera (trans. Paul Bazelaire);
Claude DEBUSSY The
Girl with the Flaxen Hair (trans. L.-R. Feuillard);
Jean Baptiste SENAILLÉ
(1687 – 1730) Allegro spiritoso
trans. J. Salmon); Henri
VIEUXTEMPS (1820 – 1881) Cantilena,
Op. 49, No. 24 (trans. Jénö Hubay);
Siegfried BARCHET
(1918 – 1982) Boulevard de Garavan;
(1819 – 1880) Danse bohémienne,
Op. 28; Sergey RACHMANINOV
(1873 – 1943) Vocalise, Op. 34,
No. 14 (trans. Leonard Rose); George
GERSHWIN (1898 – 1937) Short Story
(trans. Samuel Dushkin)
Maria Kliegel (cello), Raimund Havenith
(piano) Recorded at Tonstudio van Geest, Heidelberg,
Germany, from 5th to 7th
November, 1990
NAXOS 8.557943 [75:14] [GF]
sound, good pianist, generous playing-time.
If the programme appeals to you – don’t hesitate!
... see Full
ZUCKER - Inflorescence – Music
for Solo Flute CD1 Pieces for solo flute Jacques
IBERT (1890-1962) Piece
for Flute (1936) [4:59] Lowell
LIEBERMAN (b. 1961) Soliloquy for
solo flute, Op.44 (1994) [5:29] Robert
MUCZYNSKI (b. 1929) Three Preludes
for Unaccompanied Flute, Op. 18 (1962) [3:03]
Jindrich FELD (b.
1925) Quatre Pièces for flute alone
(1964) [6:34] Laurel
ZUCKER (b. 1955) Three Solos for
Flute alone (1983) [8:45] Arthur
HONEGGER (1892-1955) Danse de la
Chèvre (1932) [4:00] Paul
HINDEMITH (1895-1963) Eight Pieces
for Flute solo (1927) [6:47] Friederich
KUHLAU (1786-1832) Divertissement
Op. 68, Nos. 1-2 [14:41] CD2 Inflorescence
for solo flute Toru
TAKEMITSU (1930-96) Air for flute
(1996) [5:38] Alan
HOVHANESS (1911-2000) Sonata for
Flute solo, Op. 118 (1967) [8:15] Kazuo
FUKUSHIMA (b.1930) Requiem for
solo flute (1956) [4:05] Mei for solo flute
(1962) [4:46] Ulysses
KAY (1917-1995) Prelude for Unaccompanied
Flute (1943 rev. 1975) [3:09] Virgil
THOMPSON (1896-1989) Sonata for
flute alone (1944) [8:45] Stephen
BLUMBERG (1962) Inflorescence (1995)
[3:00] Carl NIELSEN
(1865-1931) The Children are Playing (1921)
[1:16] Edgard VARESE
(1883-1965) Density 21.5 for solo flute
(1936) Friederich
KUHLAU (1786-1832) Divertissement
Op. 68, Nos. 3 - 6 [30:47]
Laurel ZUCKER - solo flute Rec. The Unitarian
Church, Kensington, California, 2000?
CANTILENA RECORDS 66019-2 [56:16 + 76:40]
ambitious and in general well-played sample
of a wide variety of solo flute music. Takemitsu
and even Fukushima don’t sound that difficult
and modern after all ... see Full
- Australian music for percussion duo Daryl
PRATT Modern
Dance (2002) [5.43] Tangos Nuevos II (2002)
[5.00] A Room In The House (2004) [9.22] Water
Settings (2005) [20.09 Michael
SMETANIN (b.1958) Finger Funk (2004)
[8.06] Andrew FORD
(b.1957) The Crantock Gulls (2004) [7.07]
(b.1929) Djilile (1989) [6.12]
Match; Daryl Pratt and Alison Eddington (percussion)
rec. April-May 2005, Recital Room East, Sydney
Conservatorium of Music
TALL POPPIES TP183 [62.40] [JW]
more a Monet man than a Pollock but there’s
no doubt that some controlled splatter is
good for the soul. ... see Full
Laurel Zucker
– An American Flute
Recital Laurel
ZUCKER (b. 1955) Aviary for solo
flute (1982)[3:25]; Aaron
COPLAND (1900 – 1990) Duo for flute
and piano (1971)[13:53]; Alec
WILDER (1907 – 1980) Sonata No.
2 for flute and piano (1965) [11:36]; Laurel
ZUCKER Effect Out for solo flute
(1982) [3:05]; Kent
KENNAN (b. 1913) Night Soliloquy
for flute and piano (1936) [3:59]; Ernest
BLOCH (1880 – 1959) Suite Modale
for flute and piano (1956) [13:03]; Laurel
ZUCKER Shining for solo flute (1982)
[1:26]; Daniel KINGMAN
(b. 1924) Scenario Musical II for
flute and piano (1992) [11:17]
Laurel Zucker (flute), Marc Shapiro (piano)
Recorded in Cunningham Chapel in Belmont,
California. No recording dates given.
CANTILENA RECORDS 660022 [61:44] [GF]
attractive disc with interesting repertoire, well played by Zucker and
Shapiro ... see Full Review
Laurel Zucker and Susan Jolles:
Images for flute and harp
Ida GOTKOWSKY (b. 1933) Eolienne for flute and harp (1976)
[13:34] Jean FRANCAIX (b. 1912) Cinque piccolo duetti for flute
and harp (1975) [9:12] Theo
SMIT SIBINGA (1899-1958) Trois Images for Flute and
Harp (1954) [10:20] Victor
FROST (b.1952) Sonatine for flute and harp (1998)
[11:54] Katherine HOOVER
(b. 1937) Dances and Variations for flute
and harp (1996) [19:30]
Laurel Zucker, flute Susan Jolles, harp rec. Suny Purchase Hall C, Performing
Arts Center, Purchase College, State University of New York, December
CANTILENA 66016-2 [64:39][KS]
complete winner ... an adventure in sound that deserves to be sought
out by serious collectors and musicians, and by casual lovers of delightful
music. ... see Full Review
British Music: The
Journal of the British Music Society Volume
27 2005 Editor: Roger Carpenter
Alan Rawsthorne – Towards Unity by
John McCabe
The Constancy of Lambert and some lesser-known
aspects of the man by Stephen Lloyd
The Music of Thomas Attwood, Maritime Associations
and His Near Contemporaries by Alastair
William Alwyn at 100 by Hubert Culot
John Parry’s Nightingale – A British nineteenth
century concert piece for duct flute by
John Turner
Mátyás Seiber and the Dorian
Singers by Alan Gibbs
Overshadowed: British Symphonism beyond
Parry, Stanford and Elgar by Jürgen
Scott and Arnold: Is the Symphony out-dated?
by Ian Parrott
Published by the British Music Society: 2005.
a fascinating issue. Most of the articles
are extremely interesting, educative and informative.
One in particular, is, to be polite, somewhat
challenging! ... see Full
Cambridge Companion to Haydn Edited
by Caryl Clark 318
pages Cambridge University Press, 2005 Hardcover:
0521833477, £17.99, $17.99; Paperback: 052141077,
£ 45, $75
musicologist’s delight, perhaps, but beyond
the ken of the average listener ... see Full
Cambridge Companion to Liszt Edited
by Kenneth Hamilton, University of Birmingham
Series: Cambridge Companions to Music Cambridge
University Press, September 2005 304 pages;
247 x 174 mm Paperback and Hardback (ISBN-10:
0521644623 | ISBN-13: 9780521644624) [JL]
timely new book on Liszt’s work, splendidly
comprehensive. Requires technical knowledge
for some of it. ... see Full
His Life and Music
by Jeremy Siepmann Published by Naxos Books,
2005. Paperback. ISBN: 1-84379-110-2. 224pp.
Includes two full CDs of music and accompanied
by a free access dedicated website.
well intentioned primer on both man and music;
as such likely to be of most use to one approaching
either for the first time ... see
Full Review
Detailed listing (last two days)]
[Part 1 New] [Part
2 A-B] [Part 3
[Part 4 M-R]
[Part 5 S-Z]
[Part 6 Misc A-L]
[Part 7 Misc M-Z]