Monty Python’s
SPAMALOT Book and Lyrics: Eric
Idle Music: John
Du Prez and Eric
Orchestra conducted by TODD ELLISON Directed
by MIKE NICHOLS Rec.2005,
DECCA BROADWAY 9880253 [52:14] [DC]
you love high-kicking up-beat Broadway Musical
with added humour then this could be your
disc of the year. ... see Full
from Russian Operas Mikhail
GLINKA (1804 – 1857) A Life
for the Czar (1836) Act 2: After the
battle the god of war (Polonaise and chorus);
Act 4: They sense the truth (Ivan Susanin’s
aria) Vladimir Matorin (bass) Alexander
DARGOMIZHSKY (1813 – 1869) Rusalka
(1856) Act 3: Some unknown power (Prince’s
cavatina); Act 3: What does this mean? (Mad
scene) Mikhail Gubsky (tenor) – Prince Alexander
Naumenko (bass) – Miller Male chorus Peter
Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840 – 1893) Iolanthe
(1892) No, the charms of a voluptuous
beauty (Vaudémont’s Romance) Vsevolod
Grivnov (tenor) Pique Dame (1890)
Act 3: It is close on midnight already (Lisa’s
aria) Elena Zelenskaya (soprano) Mazeppa
(1884) Act 2: O Marija, Marija
(Mazeppa’s arioso) Yuri Nechaev (baritone)
(1873 – 1943) Aleko (1893)
The magic power of song (Old Gypsy’s Story)
Taras Shtonda (bass) Male chorus Alexander
BORODIN (1833 – 1887) Prince
Igor (1890) Act 2: No sleep, no rest
(Prince Igor’s aria) (orch. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Act 2: Are you in good health, Prince? (Konchak’s
aria) Act 2: Hey, bring the captive girls
here! (Recitativo) (orch. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Act 2: Polovtsian Dances Yuri Nechaev (baritone)
– Prince Igor
Valery Gilmanov (bass) – Konchak) Chorus
Chorus and Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
Moscow/Alexander Vedernikov rec. Moscow, November
2005, February 2006. DDD 
CLASSICS PTC 5186 089 (SACD) [75:59] [GF]
realistic sound, impressive playing and singing
from orchestra and chorus and several excellent
singers make this a desirable issue. ... see
Full Review
Own Country Arthur
SULLIVAN (1842-1900) Orpheus
with his lute [3:13]; Edward Gray
[4:35] Hubert PARRY
(1848-1918) Weep you no more
[2:27]; Willow, willow, willow [2:35]
Arr. Roger QUILTER
(1877-1953) Over the mountains
[2:08]; Drink to me only [2:34]
George DYSON (1883-1964)
A poet's hymn [3:49]; Song of
the Cyclops [2:08] Cecil
GIBBS (1889-1960) The stranger
[2:34]; Five eyes [1:13] Ivor
GURNEY (1890-1937) Down by the
Salley Gardens [2:19]; Snow [2:30]
(1892-1983) 0, my deir hert [2:01];
King David [4:27] Peter
WARLOCK (1894-1930) My own country
[2:26]; Rest, sweet nymphs [2:13] Michael
HEAD (1900-1976) Tewkesbury
Road [2:41]; Lavender Pond [3:42]
Benjamin BRITTEN
(1913-76) Tom Bowling [4:20]; The
choirmaster's burial [4:10]
Harry Sever (treble), Robert Bottone (piano)
rec. New Hall, Winchester College, Hampshire,
England, January 2005. DDD
HERALD HAVPCD 311 [59:57] [RW]
light treble voice best suited to the higher
octaves, where he soars effortlessly. Good
dynamics and an excellent vibrato on sustained
high notes. ... see Full
- Röseligarte Patricia
DRAEGER Aufzug [4:04] Nimbus [5:48] Trad. Arr. DRAEGER
Ich habe meis Müetli fast alles verloren [6:14] * Härz mis Härz
Du bruchsch nid z’truure [7:27] Gueti Nacht mis Liebeli [5:49] * De
Haslibacher [6:03] * Ich gieng emale bei der Nacht
[6:41] * Mis Lieb isch gar wilt inne [4:48] *
Patricia DRAEGER
Joliduli [5:36] Trad. Arr. DRAEGER
Schönster Abestärn [6:24] * K.
SIMBIREV Egosuissemousse [4:17] * from Der Röseligarten,
edited Otto von Greyerz (1850)
Paralpin: Patricia Draeger (accordion, flute, vocal); Sergej Simbirev
(accordeon, schweizerörgeli, vocal); Daniel Häusler (clarinet, bass-clarinet,
vocal); Marc Draeger (vibraphone, marimbaphone, percussion, vocal);
Christoph Mächler (double bass, electric bass, jew’s harp, vocal); Marc
Halbheer (percussion, vocal) rec. Altdorf, Switzerland, 17 August 2003
CD 6225 [63:13][GPu]
music, based on folk traditions but finding room for much else in a
heady mixture that makes for delightful listening … see Full
Flute Music Ignacy Feliks DOBRZYNSKI (1807-1867)
e Rondo alla Polacca Op. 42 [11:17] Tadeusz
SZELIGOWSKI (1896-1963) Sonata for Flute and Piano (1952)
[15:25] Aleksander TANSMAN (1897-1986)
Sonatine á Lois Fleury pour flute et piano [9:58] Bolesław
WOYTOWICZ (1899-1980) Sonata for Flute and Piano (1952) [21:14]
Ignacy Jan PADEREWSKI (1860-1941) Krakowiak—Danse
Polonaise Op. 9 No. 5 [3:26] Fryderyk CHOPIN
(1810-1849) Variations in E major on Non piu mesta
from Rossini’s La Cenerentola [4:39]
Antoni Wierzbiński (flute) Elżbieta Tyszecka (piano) rec.
Polskie Radio Łodź SA, June 2005
ACTE PRÉALABLE AP0137 [66:06] [DB]
repertoire of Polish composers, some of high
interest, well-played. ... see Full
Russia Mikhail GLINKA (1804-1857) Ruslan
and Ludmilla - Overture (1842) [4:58] Modest MUSSORGSKY (1839-1881) arr. orch. Nicolai
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1908) Khovanschina
- Prelude (1872) [4:59] Night on the Bare Mountain (1866)
[11:08] Alexander BORODIN (1833-1887) arr. orch. Nicolai RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1908); and Alexander GLAZUNOV (1865-1936) (overture) Prince
Igor - Overture (1875) [10:46] Prince Igor - Polovtsian Dances
(1875) [13:42]
Symphony Orchestra/Sir Georg Solti rec. Kingsway Hall, January, February
1966. ADD
5310 [46:02][TP]
Legendary performances ... but seek out their
Decca Legends incarnation if you can. ... see Full
- Inspirational and Spiritual Music for Choir and Orchestra
Atlanta Symphony
Orchestra and Chorus/Robert Shaw John Aler (tenor) rec. Symphony Hall,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November 1984
TELARC CD-80671 [69:16] [MC]
recorded and performed … Shaw conducts some
remarkable choral singing on this aptly named
release. ... see Full
Cantatas For Alto And For Tenor Johann
Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Geist
und Seele wird verwirret, BWV35 (1726) [25:30] Ich
armer Mensch, ich Sündenknecht, BWV55 (1726) [11:12] Melchior
HOFFMANN (c.1679-1715) Mein Seele rühmt und
preist (c.1714) [15.29] Georg
Philipp TELEMANN (1681-1767) Ich weiss, dass
mein Erlösse lebt (c.1721) [10.30]
Beate Kielland (alto) (Bach BWV35)
Markus Schäfer (tenor) (Bach BWV55, Hoffmann, Telemann) Cologne Bach Choir
(Bach BWV55) Cologne Chamber Orchestra/Helmut Müller-Bruhl rec. 1-3 June 2004
(Bach BWV55, Hoffmann, Telemann), 22-23 November 2004 (Bach BWV35), Deutschlandrundfunk,
Sendesaal, Cologne
8.557615 [62:41] [TB]
the Hoffmann and Telemann cantatas were long
associated with Bach, there is no need to
worry about their musical qualities, but the
solo voices are recorded unnaturally with
a ‘larger than life’ character. ... see Full
conducts: Edward ELGAR
Cockaigne overture (In London Town), op.40
[15.27] *; Symphony No.1 in A flat major,
op.55 [54.53] ** Malcolm
ARNOLD (1921-2006) Beckus The Dandipratt
– comedy overture, op.5 [7.51] *** Peter
Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893):
Symphony No.2 in C minor, op.17 [32.40] ****
(1862-1918) Jeux – Poème Dansé
[17.11] † Benjamin
BRITTEN (1913-1976) Four Sea Interludes,
op.33a [17.13] †† George
ENESCU (1881-1955) Romanian Rhapsody
in A major, Op.11, No.1 [11.15] ‡
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra/Constantin
Silvestri rec. live, Winter Gardens, Bournemouth,
6 December 1966* / 25 July 1968** / 23 February
1963*** / 12 November 1966**** / 10 November
1965† / 26 November 1966†† / Royal Festival
Hall, London, 22 November 1966‡. ADD. All
recordings except the Arnold overture are
in mono sound.
BBC LEGENDS BBCL 41822 [78.36 + 78.59]
reputation as a serious and colourful maestro
is well served by these vividly characterised
performances: this 2 CD set is most enthusiastically
recommended. ... see Full
Summer Felix
MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847) Nocturne
from A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Orchestra/George Szell Claude
DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Prélude à l’áprès-midi d’un
faune London Symphony Orchestra/Michael Tilson Thomas Antonio
VIVALDI (1678-1741) The Four Seasons – ‘Summer’:
Giuliano Carmignola (violin)/Venice Baroque Orchestra Edvard
GRIEG (1843-1907) Summer Evening from Lyrische Stücke Gerhard
Opitz (piano) Johannes BRAHMS (1933-1897) Intermezzo
No. 2 in A Major, Op. 118
Emanuel Ax (piano) Pyotr TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) June
(Barcarolle) from The Seasons, Op. 37b
Yefim Bronfman (piano) Aaron COPLAND (1900-1990) Midsummer
Nocturne Leo Smit (piano) George GERSHWIN (1898-1937) Summertime
from Porgy and Bess Jean-Pierre Rampal (flute), Michel Columbier Arthur
HONEGGER (1892-1955) Pastorale d'été New York Philharmonic
OrchestraLeonard Bernstein Edward MACDOWELL (1860-1908) To
a Wild Rose from Woodland Sketches, Op. 51, No. 1 Philadelphia Orchestra/Eugene
Ormandy Giacomo PUCCINI (1858-1924) Crisantemi Manhattan
String Quartet TRADITIONAL 'Tis
The Last Rose Of Summer Wynton Marsalis (trumpet)/Eastman Wind Ensemble/Donald
Hunsberger Peter WARLOCK (1894-1930) Pieds-en-l'air
from Capriol Suite
English Chamber Orchestra/Jose Luis Garcia Frederick
DELIUS (1862-1934) In a Summer Garden Philadelphia Orchestra/Eugene
Ormandy Michel LEGRAND The
Summer Knows from Summer of '42 Mancini Pops Orchestra/Henry Mancini
No recording dates or locations given.
82876 828492 [73.44]
summer? Simply soporific! … see Full
Community Christe
Lux Mundi: Magnificat 3 [3:
04]; Cantarei ao Senhor [3:39] ; Behute mich, Gott [4:13]; Sit
nomen Domini [3:37]; I am sure I shall see the goodness
of the Lord [3:24]; Seigneur, tu gardes mon ames [3:21]; Viespatie,
tu viska zinai [4:19]; Fiez-vous en Lui [3:19]; Canatate....
canticum novum [2:21]; Kyrie Eleison [3:30]; Frieden,
Frieden [4:07]; Que j'exulte et jubile [4:06]; Christe
lux mundi [3:50]; Dominus Spiritus est [3:07], Kristus,
din Ande [3:54}; Bogoroditse Dievo 2 [2:34]
of performers not supplied rec. 2006 at the Village Church,
T568 [56:32] [JuW]
Taize style is musically simple, relying on repetitive character
to create a meditative and contemplative approach to prayer and
devotion. ... see Full Review
Tertis – The Complete Vocalion Recordings (1919-1924)
Alfredo D’AMBROSIO (1897-1983) Petit
Suite No. 2 [2:27] Aubade Rêverie – Morceaux Op.17 [3.24]
William WOLSTENHOLME (1865-1931)
The Answer [3:25]; Allegretto [3:05]; The Question [3:33] Johann
Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Air on G String – Suite No.3 in
D BWV 1068 [3:21] Fritz KREISLER
(1875-1962) La Chasse in the style of Cartier [1:52]; La précieuse
in the style of Couperin [3:09]; Tambourin chinois [3:24]; Chanson Louis
XIII and Pavane in the style of Couperin [3:09]; Praeludium and Allegro
in the style of Pugnani [3:51]; Rondino on a theme by Beethoven [2:58]
John MCEWEN (1868-1948) Breath
o’ June [3.57] Benjamin DALE (1885-1943)
Suite in D Op.2 – Romance (1906) [4:34] TRADITIONAL
Londonderry Air arranged Lionel Tertis [2:50]; Molly
on the Shore arranged Percy Grainger [3:11] Gabriel
FAURÉ (1845-1924) Après un rêve - Chansons Op.7 (1878) [2:51]
Anton RUBINSTEIN (1829-1884) Melody
in F – Melodies Op.3 (1852) [3.16] Benjamin
GODARD (1849-1895) Berceuse de Jocelyn (1888)
[4:35]; Duettini Op. 18/1 “Souvenir de Champagne” [2:55]; Duettini Op.
18/5 “Minuit” [2:16] Robert SCHUMANN
(1810-1856) Abendlied [2:53] Thomas
DUNHILL (1877-1946) Phantasy Trio (1912) [5:51] Wolfgang
Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Trio in E-flat, K. 498 (1786) [12:34]; Trio in
E, K. 542 (1788) [11:36]; Trio in G K564 (1788) [12:09] Tod
BOYD (d.1946) Samoan Lullaby [2.34]
Marin MARAIS (1656-1728)
Le basque – Livre IV for viola da gamba and continuo (1717) [1:04] Camille
SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) Berceuse [3:00] Pyotr
Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Chanson triste – Morceaux
Op.40 No.2 (1878) [2:42]; Romance sans paroles [2:38]; None But the
Lonely Heart – Songs Op.6 (1869) [2:30] Francis
THOMÉ (1850-1909) Sous la feuillée Op.29 [2:45] Georg
Frideric HANDEL (1686-1759) Passacaglia from Keyboard Suite
No 7 arranged by Johann Halvorsen [3:45]; Sonata No.8 – Sonatas Op.1
No.8 (c.1731) [7:04] Robert FUCHS (1847-1927)
Duet for Violin and Viola Op.60 (1898) [3:59] Benjamin
LEROUX Le Nil [3:44] Henri
DUPARC (1848-1933) Extase [2:46] Franz
SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Trio in B flat D898 (1828) [15:51]
Felix MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847)
Spring Song - Songs without Words Op.62 No.6 (1842) [2:36] REBIKOV
Les rêves Op.7 (1878) [2:56] Gabriel
FAURÉ (1845-1924) Élégie Op.24 [4:08] Pyotr
Ilych TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Barcarolle – The Seasons Op.37a (1875-76) [3:37]
KALNINS Élégie [3:34] Franz
SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Ave Maria – Seven Songs No.6 D839 [3:44]
Edvard GRIEG (1843-1907) I Love
Thee [3.04] Felix MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847)
On Wings of Song – Songs Op.34 No.2 (1834) [3:05] Antonin
DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Bagatelles Op.47 (1880): 1 Allegretto
scherzando [3:57]; 2: Tempo di minuetto [3:39]; 3: Allegretto scherzando
[3:36]; 5: Poco Allegro [3:59] Lionel TERTIS
(1876-1975) Rêverie [4:03]; Sunset [2:50] Franz
LISZT (1811-1886) Liebestraum No.3 in A flat [3:58] Robert
SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Slumber Song [3.26] Felix
MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847) Sweet Remembrance - Songs without
Words No.19 No.1 [2:08]; The Fleecy Cloud Songs without Words No.20
The Fleecy Cloud (1838) [2:52] Edvard
GRIEG (1843-1907) Sonata in C minor Op.45 [22:17]
Georges BIZET (1838-1875) Adagietto
–L’Arlésienne Suite No.1 [3:16] John IRELAND
(1879-1962) The Holy Boy [3:29] Johannes
BRAHMS (1833-1897) Viola Sonata No.1 in F Op.120 (1894) [20:11]
Lionel Tertis (viola)
Albert Sammons (violin); Ethel Hobday (piano); Frank St. Leger (piano);
F.B.Kiddle (piano); Zoia Rosovsky (soprano) rec. London, 1919-24
BIDDULPH 80219-2 [4 CDs: 74:00 + 72:27 + 63:53 + 71:16][JW]
cornerstone collection of Tertis’s entire acoustic recordings…the transfers
lack ambience and timbral variety but the performances are heroic and
pioneering ... see Full Review
Tselyakov plays Variations on the Theme of Paganini T.
Patrick CARRABRÉ (b. 1958) Paganini
vs. Chopin — The Practice Room Exposé [7:23] Sergei
RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
Op. 43 [24:58] Witold LUTOSLAWSKI (1913-1994) Variations
on a Theme of Paganini [10:13] Alexander
ROSENBLATT (b. 1955) Variations on a Theme of Paganini*
Tselyakov (Piano) Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra/David Lockington
(except *) rec. (1-3) live, Centennial Concert Hall, Winnipeg,
4 March 2005; (4) Glenn Gould Studio, Toronto. DDD
GLDC 5701-7 [52:19] [DB]
enjoyable disc, recommended for the new treatments of this familiar
theme. ... see Full
Viola - Esther Apituley Zoltán
KODÁLY (1882-1967) Adagio for
viola and piano (1905) [8:24] Paul HINDEMITH
(1895-1960) Sonata in five parts for solo viola, Op.25 No.1
(1922) [17:19] Benjamin BRITTEN (1913-1973)
Lachrymae (Reflections on a Song of Dowland) for viola
and piano Op.48 (1950) [15:49] Johann Sebastian
BACH (1685-1750) Adagio for solo viola, BWV1001 (1720)* [5:02]
Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937) Kaddish
for viola and piano (1914)* [5:33] Igor STRAVINSKY
(1882-1971) Chanson Russe for viola and piano (1937)* [4.20]
John DOWLAND (1563-1626) ‘Burst
forth my tears’, for viola quartet [1:51]; ‘If my complaints could passions
move’, for viola quartet [2:30] Esther APITULEY
Pizzicato, for viola quartet [1:58] ANONYMOUS
‘Song from Georgia’ for viola trio [2:50] Henri
VIEUXTEMPS (1820-1881) Elegie for viola and piano, Op.30
(c. 1854) [7:51] originally composed for violin and piano*
Apituley (viola); Rië Tanaka (piano); Amsterdam Viola Quartet:
Esther Apituley; Rogier van der Tak; Mieke Honingh; Ernst Grapperhaus
rec. January 2004, Nederlands Hervormde Kerk, Rhoon, Holland. DDD
looking for a collection of rewarding and
approachable string music that tends to avoid
the mainstream need not hesitate. Esther Apituley
plays her ‘Violent Viola’ with distinction.
... see Full
Camilla Wicks
Jean SIBELIUS (1865-1957)
Violin Concerto in D minor (1903 revised 1905) [31:54]¹ Fartein
VALEN (1887-1952) Violin Concerto Op.37 (1940) [12:52]²
Ernest BLOCH (1880-1959) Nigun – Baal Shem (1923) [6:17]³ Dimitri
KABELEVSKY (1907-1987) Improvisation Op.21 [4:17]³ Sergei
PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) March from The Love of Three Oranges
[1:28]³ Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH
(1906-1975) Polka from The Age of Gold – arranged Grunes [2:01]³
Preludes Op.34 transcribed for violin and piano by Dmitri Tziganov ³
Prelude No.10 [1:01] Prelude No.15 [1:03] Prelude No.16 [1:16] Prelude
No.24 [2:02] Pablo de SARASATE (1844-1908)
Spanish Dances Op.21 No.1 - Malagueña [4:25] Julian
AGUIRRE (1868-1924) Huella arranged Jascha Heifetz [2:39]
Edgar Daniele del VALLE (1861-1920
Ao Pé da Fogueira (Preludio XV) arranged Jascha Heifetz [1:35] Arthur
BENJAMIN (1893-1960) From San Domingo (1946) [2:45] Igor
STRAVINSKY (1882-1971) Pastorale [2:54]
Camilla Wicks (violin) Stockholm Radio Symphony Orchestra/Sixten Ehrling¹
Oslo Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra/Oivin Fjeldstad² Sixten Ehrling
(piano) ³ Unidentified pianist Recorded 1949-52
BIDDULPH 80218-2 [78:32] [JW]
Wicks’ Sibelius
is the stuff of legend…one of the great recordings of the Concerto
and Valen’s concerto is a real rarity. A class act all round ...
see Full Review
At The Piano - Volume
1 Camille
SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) Etudes, Op. 111
(1899) – No. 6, Toccata après le Cinquième Concertoa (1899)
[3:06] Isidor PHILIPP (1863-1958) Feux-follets (Will-of-the-Wisp),
Op. 24/3b [1:54] Selim PALMGREN (1878-1951) Spring,
Op. 47 (1915) – No. 1, Evening Whispersc [2:55] Anton
ARENSKY (1861-1906) Characteristic Pieces, Op.
36 (1894) – No. 13, Etude de Concert in F sharpd [2:29] François
COUPERIN (1668-1733) Pièces de Clavecin – Troisième
Livre, 14e ordre (1722) – Le Carillon de Cithèree [2:44] Riccardo
PICK-MICHELANGELI La Danza di Olaf, Op. 33/2f [3:36] Claude
DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Images II (1908) - No. 3, Poissons
d’org [3:36] David GUION (1892-1981) Country
Jig in G h (1936) [2:28] Frutuoso
VIANNA (1896-1976) Corta-Jaca i (1931)
[3:27] Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) Music
for Children, Op. 65 (1935) - No. 2, Valsej [1:17] Georg
Frederick HANDEL (1685-1759) Suite No. 7 in G minor
(publ. 1720) - Passacagliak [3:18] Manuel
de FALLA (1876-1946) Piezas Espanolas - No. 4, Andaluzal (1906/9)
[3:17] Arnold BAX (1883-1953) Paeanm (1920)
[3:40] Bernard STAVENHAGEN (1862-1914) Menuetto
scherzando, Op. 5n [3:23] Darius
MILHAUD (1862-1974) L’Automne, Op. 115 - No.
2, Alfamao (1932) [2:37] Sergei
RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) Prelude in G minor, Op. 23/5p (1903)
[3:22] Alfred GRÜNFELD (1852-1924) Soirée
de Vienne (Concert Paraphrase on Johann Strauss’ Waltz motifs),
Op. 56q [6:01] Emmanuel CHABRIER (1841-1894) Bourée
fantasquer (1891) [5:53] Franz
LISZT (1811-1886) Etudes d’exécution transcendante,
S139 - No. 5, Feux folletss [3:33]; Années
de Pèlerinage, Troisième Année, S163 - No. 4, Les Jeux d’eau à la
Villa d’Estet (1867-77) [7:54] Gabriel
PIERNÉ (1863-1937) Etude de Concert, Op. 13u [4:04] Ignacy
Jan PADEREWSKI (1860-1941) Humoresques de Concert,
Op. 14 (1887-88) - Cracovienne fantasque in B minorv [2:37]
de la Brouchollerie; bGuiomar Novaes; cIris
Loveridge; dMarie Novello; eGaby Casadesus; fSari
Biro; gMyra Hess; h Jeanne Behrend; iReah
Sadowsky; jRay Lev; kMaryla Jonas; lAline
Isabelle van Barentzen; mHarriet Cohen; nEileen
Joyce; oMarguerite Long; pRuth Slenczynska; qHilde
Somer; rEmma Boynet; sJeanne-Marie Darré; tMoura
Lympany; uLucette Descraves; vUna Mabel Bourne.
rec. a22 October, 1947, c27 November 1946, b3
January, d1 May, 1947, e1945, f20
October 1944, g17 February, 1928, h3 July,
1940, i1948, j1946, k3 September
1947, l11 June, 1928, m7 July 1938, n11
January 1937, o10 May 1935, p1945, q1952, r31
March, 1938, s1 May 1944, t22 December, 1947, u3
October 1946, v22 December 1947. ADD
HISTORICAL 8.111120 [77:28] [CC]
An amazing tribute. Pure triumph. The scope
of repertoire is amazing, yet the sheer excellence
of the performances impresses the most. ...
see Full
Love Wondrous
Love (The Southern Harmony, 1835) [1:10]
Motherless Child (Traditional Spiritual, arr.
(b. 1941)) [4:14] Neil
FARRELL (b. 1959) Drop, Drop, Slow
Tears [3:08] PÉROTIN
(ca. 1183 – ca. 1238) Organum quadruplum:
Sederunt [3:19] Lament of Rachel (From Slaughter
of the Innocents, Fleury, France, 13th
century) [3:02] Carlo
GESUALDO (ca. 1561-1613) O vos
omnes [3:29] Crux Fidelis and Pange lingua
(Gallician liturgy, late 6th century)
[4:47] Calvin HAMPSON
(1938-1984) Faithful Cross [5:22]
Misereris omnium, Domine (Gregorian chant;
Introit for Ash Wednesday) [3:37] Johann
Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Komm,
Jesu, komm, BWV 229 [8:09] Neil
FARRELL Hosanna Filio David [2:34]
John KENNEDY (b.
1959) Someday [8:03] Thomas
TALLIS (ca. 1505-1585) O Sacrum
Convivium [3:37] Kevin
OLDHAM (1960-1993) Chorale [3:31]
1959) Christus Vincit [5:52] K.
Scott WARREN (b. 1971) Hallelu
[3:27] Jacob PRAETORIUS
II (1585-1651) Gaudete omnes [2:23]
Phoebe P. KNAPP (1839-1908)
arr. Nancy WERTSCH (b.
1948) Blessed Assurance [4:36]
Choir of St. Ignatius Loyola/Kent Tritle
rec. Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, New York
City, 6, 7, 9, 21 September 2005
MSR CLASSICS MS1144 [74:39] [JQ]
the whole this is a fine and nicely varied
programme that is executed with skill and
élan by a fine choir ... see Full
Harmonious Musick of John
Jenkins: Volume 1, The Fantasias for Viols
359 pages First Published 1992 Toccata
Press ISBN 0-907-689-34-5 [RH]
and lucid but not a light book. Fascinating
biographical chapters. If you have any interest
in viol consorts then this is profoundly illuminating.
... see Full
WITH BAX: A fresh take
on reality.
By Dilys Gater with Paul Gater. 2006 139pp
Anecdotes Publishing ISBN 1-898690-09-9 [CC]
indeed addictive, reading. ... see Full
Detailed listing (last five days)]
1 New] [Part
2 A-B] [Part 3
4 M-R] [Part
5 S-Z]
6 Misc A-L][Part
7 Misc M-Z]