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[This month's Recommended recordings]


RECORDING OF THE MONTH 20th Century Piano Sonatas Alban BERG (1885-1935) Piano Sonata Op.1 (1908) [10:46] Paul HINDEMITH (1895-1963) Piano Sonata No. 2 (1936) [12:17] (Maessig schnell [3:01]; Lebhaft [2:04]; Sehr langsam – Rondo: Bewegt [7:11]) Arnold SCHOENBERG (1874-1951) Three Piano Pieces (1894) [10:21] (Andantino [3:27]; Andantino grazioso [3:50]; Presto [2:58]) Karl Amadeus HARTMANN (1905-1963) Piano Sonata ’27 April 1945’ [31:16 including alternative finales] (Bewegt [4:45]; Scherzo: Presto assai [3:50]; Marcia Funebra: Lento [10:26]; Allegro risoluto (1st version) [6:28]; Allegro furioso (2nd version) [5:41]) Allison Brewster Franzetti (Blüthner concert grand piano) rec. California, USA 15-16 November 2004; Engineer Leslie Ann Jones NAXOS 8.570401 [64:55][SH]

A brilliant musician with academic knowledge as well as sensitivity is rare ... see Full Review

Autumn Journey - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Part I: Documentary on the life and work filmed on the occasion of Fischer-Dieskau’s 70th birthday in 1995 [103:00] Part II: Recital Franz Peter SCHUBERT (1797-1828) An Schwager Kronos, Hoffnung, Auf der Donau, Der Strom, Der Wanderer, Die Götter Griechenlands, Freiwilliges Versinken, Der Zwerg, Wehmut, Totengräbers Heimweh, Auf der Bruck, Des Sängers Habe, Am Fenster, Fischerweise, Das Zügen Glöcklein, Der Kreuzzug, Des Fischers Liebesglück, Die Sterne, Der Einsame, Aus ‘Heliopolis’ II, Geheimes, Im Abendrot, Abschied Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (baritone), Hartmut Höll (piano) rec. live, Opera Theatre, Nuremberg, 1992 (?) WARNER MUSIC VISION 50-5144 22169-2-9 (KULTUR 4207) [188:00] [GF]

Watching this DVD made for a wholly absorbing evening ... see Full Review

A-Z of Pianists With 863 page book with 300 biographies NAXOS 8.558107-10 [4 CDs: 75:24 + 77:11 + 78:36 + 78:53] [JW]

A most important resource. Transfers by Ward Marston ensure quality work. For newcomers this is a fascinating collection and I daresay old pianophiles may find a nugget or two here as well ... see Full Review

Fiamma Izzo d’Amico - Opera Arias Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797–1848) Maria di Rohan: 1. Infausto Imene … Havvi un Dio [6:07] Don Pasquale: 2. Quel guardo il cavaliere … So anch’io la virtù magica [5:12] Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901) Ernani: 3. Surta è la notte … Ernani! Ernani, involami [6:03] La traviata: 4. E’ strano! … Ah, fors’è lui … Sempre libera [8:03] Giacomo PUCCINI (1858–1924) Turandot: 5. Tu, che di gel sei cinta [2:23] La rondine: 6. Chi il bel sogno di Doretta [2:57] Suor Angelica: 7. Senza mamma [4:40] Madama Butterfly: 8. Un bel di vedremo [4:09] Manon Lescaut: 9. In quelle trine morbide [2:17] La Bohème: 10. Donde lieta uscì [3:07] Jules MASSENET (1842–1912) Manon: 11. Allons! Il le faut … Adieu, notre petite table [3:53] Francesco CILEA (1866–1950) Adriana Lecouvreur: 12. Ecco, respire appena … Io son l’umile ancella [3:11] Fiamma Izzo d’Amico (soprano) Münchner Rundfunkorchester/Alberto Zedda rec. July 1987, Studio 1, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich texts and translations in Italian, French, English and German EMI CLASSICS CDC 7 49233 2 [52:46][GF] Shows Fiamma Izzo d’Amico in the best possible light. Had I heard this CD when it was first released almost twenty years ago I would have prophesied a great career for the then very young singer ... see Full Review

Angeli: Music of Angels, Chant and Polyphony for the Nine Orders of Angels and the Queen of the Angels ANON Salve virgo virginum [2:29] (Latin motet, Worcester Manuscript) Patricia van Ness (b. 1951) Arcanae I Seraphim [4:48]; II Michael [3:30]; III Lucis angeli [2:43] ANON O lilium convallium [3:17] (conductus, Notre Dome repertory) Crawford Young (b. 1952) Custos desertorum [3:08] Patricia van Ness Ego sum Custos Angela [2:59] Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) O vos Angeli (responsory) [10:52] Shira Kammen (b. 1961) Au renouvel [4:44] ANON Gaude Maria [11:18] (organum/Vesper responsory, Notre Dome repertory) ANON Te domine / Te dominum [2:19] (Latin motet, Worcester Manuscript) Anon Sanctus Christe yerarchia [9:34] (troped Sanctus, Notre Dome repertory) Hildegard von Bingen O gloriosissimi lux (antiphon) [7 :33] Ensemble P.A.N. (Project Ars Nova: Laurie Monahan (mezzo); Michael Collyer (counter-tenor); Shira Kammen (vielle and harp); Crawford Young (lute and tanbur)) with guest ensemble Tapestry (Cristi Catt (soprano); Sandra Morales-Ramírez (soprano); Laurie Monahan (mezzo); Daniel Tošič (alto)) and William Hite (tenor), Harlan B Hokin (tenor) and Paul Cummings (baritone) rec. Studio A, National Music Center, Lenox, MA, 11-14 September 1995. 20-bit DDD with Spatializer © Surround Sound. Booklet with notes in English and texts in Latin with English translation TELARC CD-80448 [69:14] [BW]

Medieval-music specialists will be better served by the likes of Gothic Voices, but the general listener will probably find this a very attractive and soothing CD ... see Full Review

Arias For Rubini Vincenzo BELLINI (1801-1835) Il Pirata - Nel furor delle tempeste ... Del disastro di queti infelici ... Per te di vane lagrime [9.30] with Filippo Adami Itulbo; Ugo Guagliardo Goffredo Bianca e Fernando - Tutti siam? – Si, tutti uniti ... Eccomi alfin, guerrieri ... All’udir del padre afflitto ... Degna suora di Fernando ... Odo il tuo pianto, o padre [14.45] Gioachino ROSSINI (1792-1868) Elisabetta, regina d’Inghilterra - Che intesi! ... Deh! troncate i ceppi suoi ... Vendicar sapró l’offesa [12.35] Il turco in Italia - Intesi: ah! tutto intesi ... Tu seconda il mio disegno ... Si il mio rival deludo! [5.45] La donna del lago* - Pace non trovo ... Tu sorda ai miei lamenti ... Ah! come nascondere [6.47] Guglielmo Tell - Non mi lasciare, o speme di vendetta ... O muto asil ... Vendetta! ... Corriam! voliam! [12.42] Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797-1848) Marino Faliero - No, no, d’abbandonarla senza un addio ... Di mia patira o bel soggiorno ... Ma un solo conforto [9.43] Juan Diego Flórez (tenor) Orchestra e Coro dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia/Roberto Abbado rec. Sala Santa Cecilia, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome, 29 August-10 September 2006, DDD Sung texts enclosed * World premiere recording of 1825 Paris version DECCA 475 9079 [71.41] [MMB]

If Rubini was the stuff of legend, with a voice out of this world, then we certainly have in Juan Diego Flórez a rightful and perfect successor ... see Full Review

British Horn Concertos Gordon JACOB (1895-1984) Concerto for Horn and Strings (1950s) [20:35] Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006) Concerto No. 2 for Horn and Strings, Op. 58 (1956) [14:03] York BOWEN (1884-1961) Concerto for Horn, string orchestra and timpani (1956) [16:27] Ruth GIPPS (1921-1999) Horn Concerto, Op. 58 (1968) [17:11] Gilbert VINTER (1909-1969) Hunter’s Moon (1943) [6:22] David Pyatt (horn) London Philharmonic Orchestra/Nicholas Braithwaite rec. Watford Town Hall, 10-21 Jan 1994 (Jacob, Bowen, Arnold); Henry Wood Hall, London, 8-9 Feb 1994 (Gipps, Vinter). DDD LYRITA SRCD.316 [74:42] [JW]

Canny, whimsical, poetic and fruity … an excellent programme ... see Full Review

Boris Christoff - Russian Opera Arias & Songs Modest MUSSORGSKY (1839–1881) Boris Godunov (rev. Rimsky-Korsakov): 1. Pimen’s Monologue [5:45] 2. Varlaam’s Drinking Song [2:35] 3. Boris’s Monologue [6:37] 4. Boris’s Farewell and Prayer [7:14] 5. Death of Boris [4:38]* Khovanschina (compl. Rimsky-Korsakov): 6. Dosifei’s Aria [6:26] 7. Song of the Flee (orch. Rimsky-Korsakov) [3:14] Alexander BORODIN (1833–1887) Prince Igor (compl. Rimsky-Korsakov; Glazunov): 8. Prince Galitsky’s Aria [3:50] 9. Khan Konchak’a Aria [7:24] Nikolai RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844–1908) Sadko: 10. Song of the Viking Guest [3:47] The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and of the Maiden Fevroniya: 11. Prince Yuri’s Aria [4:25] Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840–1893) Eugene Onegin: 12. Prince Gremin’s Aria [4:54] trad. 13. Song of the Volga Boatmen [4:27] 14. The Siberian Prisoner’s Song [4:18] Modest MUSSORGSKY Songs and Dances of Death: 15. No. 4 The Field Marshal [4:54] 16. The Spirit of Heaven [3:18] Boris Christoff (bass) Philharmonia Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden*/Nikolai Malko (1), Herbert von Karajan (2), Issay Dobrowen (3-10, 13), Wilhelm Schüchter (11-12); Gerald Moore (14-16) rec. No. 1 Studio, Abbey Road, London, 3 December 1949 (1), 28 November 1949 (2), 19-20 May 1949 (3-5), 4 May 1950 (6, 10), 8 June 1950 (8), 5 May 1950 (9), 19 March 1952 (11, 12); No. 3 Studio, Abbey Road, London,  3 March 1951; Kingsway Hall, London, 5 October 1950 (7, 13) Texts and translations included EMI CLASSICS GREAT RECORDINGS OF THE CENTURY 3 92054 2 [78:28][GF]

Should on no account be missed by lovers of great singing ... see Full Review

The Carols Album Huddersfield Choral Society/Joseph Cullen Darius Battiwalla (organ) rec. Huddersfield Town Hall, 12-14 January 2007; text and translations included SIGNUM SIGCD108 [74:12] [JS]

Favourite carols in varied and attractive arrangements, well sung and recorded... see Full Review

The Contralto Voice: Eugenia Mantelli, Marianne Brandt, Guerrina Fabbri and Rita Fornia Eugenia Mantelli (1860-1926) (contralto) Gioachino ROSSINI (1792-1868) La Cenerentola - Nacqui all’affanno [2:49] La Cenerentola - Non più mesta [2:26] Il Barbiere di Siviglia - Una voce poco fa [2:58] Il Barbiere di Siviglia - Dunque io son [2:58] with Taurino Parvis (baritone) Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797-1848) Lucrezia Borgia - Brindisi [2:46] La Favorite - O mio Fernando [3:00] La Favorite - Ah, l'alto ardor [2:43] with Taurino Parvis (baritone) Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Don Giovanni - La ci darem la mano [3:03] with Taurino Parvis (baritone) Giacomo MEYERBEER (1791-1864)   Les Huguenots - Canzone paggio (Vaga donna…) [3:04] Les Huguenots - No, no giammai di giovin paggio [2:55] Ambroise THOMAS (1811-96) Mignon - Leggiadre rondinelle [2:44] with Taurino Parvis (baritone) Mignon - Io conosco un garzoncel [Styrienne] (3:44) Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893) Faust -  Le parlate d’Amor [3:09] Romeo et Juliette - Que fais-tu, blanche tourterelle [Stéphano’s Aria] (3:34) Georges BIZET (1838-75) Carmen - Habanera [2:44] Carmen - Séguedille [2:49] Carmen -  Chanson bohème [2:13] Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901) Il Trovatore -  Stride la vampa [2:34] Amilcare PONCHIELLI (1834-86) La Gioconda - Voce di donna [3:10] Antonio LOTTI (c1667-1740) Pur dicesti [3:22] Paolo TOSTI (1846-1916) Dopo [3:14] Good-bye [2:34] Gaetano BRAGA (1829-1907) Serenata [4:16] Pietro MASCAGNI (1863-1945) Ave Maria, Adaptation from Cavalleria rusticana [3:12] Guy D’HARDELOT (1858-1936) Sans Toi [3:03] Anton RUBINSTEIN (1829-1894) Der Asra [3:00] ALVAREZ Los ojos negros [3:46] NIETO and GIMENEZ El Barbero de Sevilla -  Me llaman la primorosa [3:48] Marianne Brandt (1842–1921) (contralto) Giacomo MEYERBEER (1791-1864) Le Prophète - Ach, mein Sohn [2:21] Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797-1848) Lucrezia Borgia - Trinklied [1:57] Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Frühlingsnacht, op. 39 no. 12 [1:37] Guerrina Fabbri (1866–1946) (contralto) Vincenzo BELLINI (1801 – 1835) I Capuleti ed I Montecchi - Ascolta…Se Romeo t’uccise [2:57] VACCAJ Giulietta e Romeo - Ah, se tu dormi* [2:27] Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797-1848) Lucrezia Borgia - Brindisi [2:18] Gioachino ROSSINI (1792-1868) L’Italiani in Algeri; Rondo [3:18] Vincenzo BELLINI (1801 – 1835) I Capuleti ed I Montecchi - Ascolta…Se Romeo t’uccise [3:03] Giacomo MEYERBEER (1791-1864)   Le Prophète:  Figlio mio [3:20] Gioachino ROSSINI (1792-1868) Semiramide: Cavatina d’Arsace [4:02] Il Barbiere di Siviglia - Una voce poco fa [3:33] Rita Fornia (1878–1922) (contralto) Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893) Faust: Faites-lui mes aveux [3:17] Faust: Faites-lui mes aveux [2:55] Romeo et Juliette:  Que fais-tu, blanche tourterelle [Stéphano’s Aria] [4:08] Giacomo PUCCINI (1858–1924) Madama Butterfly: Lo so che alle sue pene [2:12] with Riccardo Martin (tenor) and Antonio Scotti (baritone) Fryderyk CHOPIN (1810-1849) Mazurka, op. 33 no. 2 (Aime-moi) arranged Viardot-Garcia) [2:16] Benjamin GODARD (1849-1895) Chanson de Florian (Ah, s’il est dans votre village) [2:25] Cécile CHAMINADE (1857-1944) Tes doux baisers “Madrigal” [1:55] MEYER-HELMUND Das Zauberlied [2:47] Dein gedenk’ ich, Margaretha, op. 12 no. 2 [2:56] BECKER Frühlingslied, op. 31 no. 2 [2:38] Frülingszeit, op. 3 [2:59] LASSEN Allerseelen, op. 85 no. 3 [2:26] HILDACH Der Spielmann “Du mit diener Fiedel”, op. 15 no. 1 [4:25] With instrumental and orchestral accompaniment rec. Eugenia Mantelli, US Zonophones 1905-07: Marianne Brandt Artistikal/Pathé, Vienna 1905: Guerrina Fabbri, G & T, Milan, 1903: Rita Fornia, Victors 1910-12 MARSTON 52053-2 [75:15 + 78:58][JW]

It’s wearying to keep saying it but Marston has produced another twofer that will powerfully appeal to the vocal collector. Intrinsic disc rarity is one good reason, quality another. ... see Full Review

Franco Corelli - Verismo Arias Giacomo PUCCINI (1858–1924) Tosca: 1. E lucevan le stelle [2:48] Turandot: 2. Non piangere Liù [2:29] 3. Nessun dorma [2:56] Pietro MASCAGNI (1863–1945) Cavalleria rusticana: 4. Mamma, quell vino [3:54] Umberto GIORDANO (1867–1948) Fedora: 5. Mia madre … Vedi, io piango [7:01] Giacomo PUCCINI Madama Butterfly: 6. Addio, fiorito asil [1:40] Francesco CILEA (1866–1950) Adriana Lecouvreur: 7. La dolcissima effige [2:06] Giacomo PUCCINI La fanciulla del West: 8. Or son sei mesi [3:39] Umberto GIORDANO Andrea Chenier: 9. Come un bel di di maggio [3:10] 10. Un di all’azzurro spazio [5:37] Fedora: 11. Amor ti vieta [3:13] Pietro MASCAGNI Lodoletta: 12. Se Franz dicesse il vero [4:59] Ruggiero LEONCAVALLO (1858–1919) Pagliacci: 13. Recitar … Vesti la giubba [3:40] 14. No! Pagliaccio non so! [3:16] Bonus: Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901) Aida: 15. Se quell guerrier io fossi! … Celeste Aida [4:47] 16. Pur ti riveggo, mia dolce Aida [12:43] 17. La fatal pietra sovra me si chiuse [10:42] Franco Corelli (tenor) Maria Curtis Verna (soprano) (16, 17); Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della RAI; Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano della RAI/Arturo Basile, Alfredo Simonetto, Umberto Cattini; Orchestra Sinfonica e Coro di Torino della RAI/Angelo Questa (15-17) rec. 1956-1957 URANIA URN 22.319 [78:52][GF]

The Aida excerpts are the most valuable items here but there are excellent things among the verismo arias and with such a whole-hearted singer as Corelli one has to take the bad with the good ... see Full Review

The Davydov-Fanning Duo Live in Concert François COUPERIN (1668-1733) Pièces en concert; Prélude; Siciliène; La Tromba; Plainte; Air de Diable  [10:50] Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Sonata No.2 in D major BWV 1028 (1720) [14:01] Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Twelve Variations in F major on Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen from the Magic Flute Op.66 (1796) [9:37] Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Sonata in D minor (1917) [10:49] Felix MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847) Sonata No.2 in D major Op.58 (1843) [27:16] Dieuwke Davydov (cello) Diana Fanning (piano) rec. live in concert, no further details PRIVATE RECORDING [no number] [70:43][JW]

A good souvenir of this duo in concert ... see Full Review

Duos d'Operettes - Barbara Hendricks and Gino Quilico Rudolf FRIML (1879–1972) Rose Marie. 1. Indian Love Call [5:35] Sigmund ROMBERG (1887–1951) The Desert Song: 2. Why wasting your time [4:44] The New Moon: 3. Wanting you [3:15] The Student Prince: 4. Deep in my heart [5:14] Reynaldo HAHN (1875–1947) Ciboulette: 5. Nous avons fait un beau voyage [2:32] André MESSAGER (1853–1929) Véronique: 6. Duo de l’escarpoette [4:28] 7. Duetto de l’âne [2:22] Maurice YVAIN (1891–1965) Ta bouche: 8. Valse: Ta bouche a des baisers si bons [3:46] Henri CHRISTINÉ (1867–1941) Phi-Phi: 9. Duo des souvenirs [3:08] Jacques OFFENBACH (1819–1880) Barbe-bleue: 10. Duo: Tous les deux, amoureux [3:09] Karl MILLÖCKER (1842–1899) Gasparone: 11. Wie freu’ ich mich, Sie hier zu she’n … Hüten Sie sich [5:24] Richard HEUBERGER (1850–1914) Der Opernball: 12. Hier ist die Uhr … Geh’n wir in’s chamber séparée [5:17] Johann STRAUSS II (1825–1899) Der Zigeunerbaron: 13. Wer uns getraut? [3:39] Wiener Blut: 14. Das eine kann ich nicht verzeih’n … Wiener Blut! Wiener Blut! [5:59] Franz LEHÁR (1870–1948) Das Land des Lächelns: 15. Bei einem Tee à deux [4:14] Die lustige Witwe: 16. Lippen schweigen [2:44] Barbara Hendricks (soprano), Gino Quilico (baritone) Orchestre de l’Opéra de Lyon/Lawrence Foster rec. Lyon, Opéra, 19–24 November 1993 Texts and French translations included EMI CLASSICS 55151 [66:30] [GF]

A splendid collection of well-known and less frequently heard operetta duets, tastefully sung by two of the most beautiful lyrical voices of the 1990s ... see Full Review

English Violin Sonatas CD1 Thomas DUNHILL (1877-1946) Violin Sonata No. 2 (1918) [29:47] Granville BANTOCK (1868-1946) Violin Sonata No. 3 (1940) [19:53] Charles Villiers STANFORD (1852-1946) Violin Sonata No. 1 (1880) [25:39] CD2 Peter Racine FRICKER (1920-1990) Violin Sonata No. 1 Op. 12 (1951) [15:34] Violin Sonata No. 2 Op. 94 (1986-87) [21:32] Alan RAWSTHORNE (1905-1971) Violin Sonata (1958) [15:32] Ralph VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872-1958) Violin Sonata in A minor (1954) [25:14] Susanne Stanzeleit (violin) Gusztáv Fenyö (piano) (CD1) Julian Jacobson (piano) (CD2) rec: 1994 (CD1), 1995 (CD2) at St Michael's Church, Highgate, London. DDD PORTRAIT PLC2105 [75:34 + 77:52] [MC]

This Portrait release is a valuable survey of a selection of English violin sonatas that should interest and even challenge ... see Full Review

For Children Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Für Elise (1808) [3:33] Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Kinderszenen Op.15 (1838) [18:08] Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Children’s Corner (1908) [15:42] Béla BARTÓK (1881-1945) For Children – extracts; Book 1 Nos.1, 3, 5, 16, 35 Book II Nos 18, 34 (1908) [6:20] Heitor VILLA-LOBOS (1887-1959) O polichinelo – Prole do Bébé No.1 [0:49] Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) The Nutcracker Suite (1892) arranged for piano, two hands, by Dag Achatz [22:29] Dag Achatz (piano) rec. Nacka Aula, Nacka, April and May 1980; Studio BIS, Djursholm, May 1983 (Tchaikovsky) BIS CD158 [68:12] [JW]

Rather an up-and-down affair all told. Rather difficult to delineate a target audience as well ... see Full Review

Gitano – Rolando Villazón sings zarzuela arias Rolando Villazón (tenor) Orquesta de la Comunidad de Madrid/Plácido Domingo rec. Teatro Albeniz, Madrid, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19 July 2006. DDD VIRGIN CLASSICS 365474 2 8 [57:06] [GF]

A disc that should be heard by everyone with a taste for good singing ... see Full Review

Best of the Glasgow Orpheus Choir 1. Belmont – Hymn (By Cool Siloam’s Shady Rill) [4.12] (adapted by Webbe: arr. Roberton) 2. Peat-fire Smooring Prayer (from ‘Songs Of The Hebrides’) [4.22] (Kennedy-Fraser: trans. Macleod; arr. Roberton) 3. Ae fond kiss (3.24] (Burns; arr. Roberton) 4. Bonnie Dundee (Trad.; arr. Roberton) [2.05] 5. Orlington (Psalm Tune) (Campbell; arr. Roberton) [4.04] 6. An Eriskay Love Lilt (from ‘Songs Of The Hebrides’) [3.52] (Kennedy-Fraser: arr. Roberton) 7. Ca’ the Yowes (Burns: arr. Roberton) [3.00] 8. The Dashing White Sergeant (arr. Roberton) [2.02)] 9. Crimond (Scottish Psalm Tune) (Grant) [3.42] 10. Hark, Hark The Echo Falling (Rothery: di Lasso; ed. Benson) [2.03] 11. The Blue Bird (Stanford; Coleridge) [3.18] 12. Ellan Vannin (Dear Isle Of Man) (Green; Townsend) [3.20] (Faux Bourdon by Roberton) 13. All In The April Evening (Roberton; Tynan) [3.48] 14. White Waves On the Water (Roberton; Plumfield) [2.47] with piano accompaniment 15. Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring (J.S. Bach; Allen) [3.24] 16. The Cloud Capp’d Towers (Choral Album No.19) (Stevens) [2.10] 17. The Faery Song (from ‘The Immortal Hour’) [1.25] (Boughton; MacLeod) 18. (a) Far Away (Londonderry Air) (Trad; arr.Jozé; Sigerson) [4.08] (b) The Old Woman (Roberton; Campbell] 19. Go Lovely Rose (Thoman; Waller) [2.35] 20. O Can Ye Sew Cushions? (Lullaby) (Trad.; arr. Bantock) [3.21) 21. Iona Boat Song (Trad.; arr. Roberton) [2.43] 22. Mice And Men (Set To The Psalm Tune ‘Desert’) [2.11] (Trad.; arr. Roberton) 23. Kedron (Roberton) (2.57) 24. In Silent Night (Brahms: Rothery) (2.38) 25. All Through The Night (Trad.; arr. Roberton) (3.03) Glasgow Orpheus Choir/Sir Hugh Roberton rec. AAD. Mono. Transfers from pre-1952 LPs and 78s? REGIS RRC1280 [76:47] [RB]

A smooth curve into slumber sweet ... another astutely done winner from Regis.... see Full Review

The Glenn Gould Trilogy - A Life 1 - The Idea of Music [73.59] 2 - The Drop-Out [77.19] 3 - The Quiet in the Studio [76.59] Written by Michael Stegemann Glenn Gould: Tom Zahner Narrator: Leslie Malton Other voices: Jean-Theo Jost, Charles Ripley, Pierre Shrady, Ilene Winkler rec. March - July 2007, WDR Studios, Cologne, Germany SONY 8869 713064 2 [3 CDs: 73.59 + 77.19 + 76.59] [KM]

An interesting approach to a Gouldian biography in words, music and sounds … see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Grandes Pièces Symphoniques: Ian Tracey plays French Organ Works Charles Tournemire (1870-1939) Improvisation sur le Te Deum (1930) (edited by Maurice Duruflé, 1958) [6:50] Joseph Bonnet (1884-1944) from Douze Pièces; Elves, Op. 7 (No. 11) [3:53] Lamento, Op. 5 (No. 2) [4:08] Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) from Sept Improvisations, Op. 150; Allegro giocoso (No. 7) [3:39] César Franck (1822-1890) Grande pièce symphonique, Op. 17 (1860-2) [23:44] Andante serioso – Allegro non troppo e maestoso – Andante – Allegro – Andante – Andante serioso – Allegro Eugene Gigout (1844-1925) from Dix Pièces; Scherzo (No. 8) [4:17] Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937) Symphonie, Op. 13 No. 4 (1872) [26:22] I Toccata; II Fugue Moderato assai; III Andante cantabile, Dolce; IV Scherzo Allegro vivace; V Adagio; VI Finale Moderato Ian Tracey (organ) rec. Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, 27 June 2006. DDD/DSD Booklet with notes in English, French and German CHANDOS CHSA5056 [73:52][BW]

First-class performances and recording make this the ideal CD for beginners and aficionados of the French organ repertoire alike: very strongly recommended … see Full Review

The Grand Tradition George Friedrich HANDEL (1685–1759) Concerto No. 2 in B flat Major, Op. 4 [11.18] Richard WAGNER (1813-1883) Liebestod (from Tristan und Isolde) [7.53] Maurice DURUFLE (1902-1883) Choral varié sur le thème du Veni Creator, Op. 4 [5.34] Charles-Marie WIDOR (1844-1937) Andante Sostenuto (from Symphonie Gothique, Op. 70) [5.46] Felix MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847) Sonata I in F minor, Op. 65 [15.00] Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Prelude and Fugue in D Minor [10.04] Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Sketch in D flat major Op. 58, No. 3 [2.56] Alexandre GUILMANT (1837-1911) March on a theme by Handel [6.35] Richard Morris (organ) rec. 27-29 June 2006, First Presbyterian Church, Savannah, Georgia. DDD MSR CLASSICS MS1187 [66.38] [RH]

If you enjoy the sound of the American symphonic pipe organ from the 1940s and 1950s then buy this disc. Morris displays a superb technique and dazzling control of the tonal colour ... see Full Review

Improvisata: Sinfonie con titoli Antonio VIVALDI (1678-1741) Sinfonia ‘Improvisata’ [3:23] Giovanni Battista SAMMARTINI (1700/1-1775) Overture (Sinfonia) in G minor [9:11] Carlo MONZA (c.1735-1801) Sinfonia detta ‘La tempesta di mare’ [5:45] Luigi BOCCHERINI (1743-1805) Sinfonia No.6, ‘La casa del diavolo’ [19:15] Giuseppe DEMACHI (1732-post 1791) Sinfonia, ‘Le campane di Roma’ [16:02] Europe Galante/Fabio Biondi rec. 20-24 November 2004, Fondazione Teatro Regio di Parma, Auditorium Paganini, Parma VIRGIN CLASSICS 363430 [53:36][GPu]

A stand-out performance of the Boccherini, supported by characteristically vivacious playing in some lesser-known works … see Full Review

I Sing the Birth Andrew SMITH (b. 1970) Veni Redemptor gentium [2:36] Plainchant Hodie Christus natus est [[0:53] Giovanni Pierluigi da PALESTRINA (c 1525-1594) Hodie Christus natus est [1:39] Puer natus est nobis. Introit for the Feast of the Nativity [2:47] Kenneth LEIGHTON (1929-1988) Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child* [2:58] PÉROTIN (c.1160-1240) Beata viscera [1:54] William CORNYSH (c.1465-1523) Ave Maria Mater Dei [2:36] Plainchant Alma Redemptoris Mater [1:39] Irish trad. Arr. Alexander CRAIG The darkest midnight in December [2:05] Peter MAXWELL DAVIES (b. 1934) The Fader of Heven [1:21] Introit: Vox in Rama [0:53] Clemens non PAPA (c.1510–c.1556) Vox in Rama [3:08] Introit reprise: Vox in Rama [0:59] Normandy trad. Arr. New York Polyphony Away in a manger [2:26] Robert PARSONS (c.1530-?1570) Ave Maria* [3:35] Coventry Carol Lully, lulla, thow littel tyne child [2:28] Plainchant Ave Maria [1:00] Fifteenth-century English carol Lullay, lullow, I saw a swete semly syght [2:10] Fifteenth-century English carol Mervele noght, Josep [5:44] Richard SMERT (fl. 1428-1477) Nowell: Dies wous garde, byewsser [2:52] Plainchant Veni Redemptor gentium [0:51] William BYRD (c.1540-1623) O magnum mysterium [4:54] Plainchant Ecce advenit dominator Dominus [2:07] Clemens non PAPA Magi veniunt ab oriente [3:18] Andrew SMITH Nunc dimittis* [2:35] Plainchant Vox in Rama [0:56] New York Polyphony (Geoffrey Dunstan Williams (counter-tenor); Geoffrey Silver (tenor); Scott Dispensa (baritone); Craig Phillips (bass-baritone)) *with Elizabeth Baber (soprano)/Ruth Cunningham (soprano)/Emilie Williams (alto) rec. St. George’s Church, Stuyvesant Square, New York, November 2006, April/May 2007. DDD Texts and translations included AVIE AV2141 [60:55] [JQ]

A superbly executed and very thoughtfully constructed recital. I’d urge you to make it part of your seasonal listening ... see Full Review

The Italian Ground Gaspar SANZ (1640-c.1710) Rujero [0:51]; Paradetas [0:27]; Zarabanda [1:43]; Folias [2:05]; La Cavalleria de Napoles con dos Clarines [1:13]; Canciones [0:29]; Lantururu [0:45]; Dos Trompetas de la Reyna de Suecia [0:33]; La Esfachata de Cataluña [0:59]; Canarios [3:38] Lucas Ruiz DE RIBAYAZ (1626-after 1677) Tarantella [5:21] Giovanni Girolamo KAPSBERGER (c.1580-1651) Toccata [2:05]; Colascione [1:49]; Kapsperger [2:32]; Canario [1:57] Alonso MUDARRA (c.1510-1580) Fantasia que contrahaze la harpa en la manera de Ludovico [2:12] Santiago DE MURCIA (c.1682-c.1732) Gaitas [3:09]; Cumbees [2:19] Bernardo GIANONCELLI (d. c.1650) Tastegiata [1:51]; Galliarda [1:33]; Corrente [1:17]; Bergamasca [2:48] Lucas Ruiz DE RIBAYAZ Españoletas [3:20] Alessandro PICCININI (1566-1638) Chiaccona in partite variate [2:50] Bellerofonte CASTALDI (1580-1649) Quagliotta Canzone [3:40] Lucas Ruiz DE RIBAYAZ Chaconas [1:07]; Marionas [1:24] anon The Italian Ground [4:08] Ludovico's Band ((Ruth Wilkinson (viola da gamba); Marshall McGuire (triple harp); Tommie Andersson, Samantha Cohen (theorbo, guitar); Guy du Blêt (percussion)) rec. February 2006, Iwaki Auditorium, Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Southbank Centre, Melbourne, Australia. DDD ABC CLASSICS 4766158 [59:49] [JV]

Fine music in fine performances, but in many cases not in accordance with what the composers had in mind ... see Full Review

Late Romantic Music for Cello and Piano John IRELAND (1879-1962) Sonata in G minor (1923) [21:40] Albéric MAGNARD (1865-1914) Sonata in A major Op.20 (1910) [31:21] Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949) Improvisation from Violin Sonata Op.18 (1888) arranged for cello and piano by Parry Karp [9:12] George ENESCU (1881-1955) Sonata No.2 in C major Op.26 No.2 (1935) [30:54] Sergei RACHMNAINOFF (1873-1943) Sonata in G minor Op.19 (1901) [36:26] Parry Karp (cello), Howard Karp (piano) No recording details UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON SCHOOL OF MUSIC 1913956907 [62:29 + 67:51] [JW]

A splendid conspectus of cello sonatas. Make an effort to seek this out ... see Full Review

From Leipzig to London - Duo Sonatas from the 18th and 20th Centuries Gordon JACOB (1895-1984) Sonatina for oboe and harpsichord (1963) [9:30] Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Sonata in D for oboe d'amore and harpsichord BMV 1028 [14:35] Stephen DODGSON (b. 1924) Suite in D for oboe and harpsichord (1972) [8:41] Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Sonata in G for cor anglais and harpsichord BWV 1027 [13:11] Elizabeth MACONCHY (1907-1994) Three Bagatelles for oboe and harpsichord (1972) [8:29] Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Sonata in G minor for oboe and harpsichord BWV 1020 [9:19] Michael HEAD (1900-1976) Siciliana for oboe and harpsichord (1972) [5:50] Althea Ifeka (oboe, oboe d'amore, cor anglais) Katharine May (harpsichord) rec. Church of St Edward the Confessor, Mottingham, London, 7-9 July 2005. DDD OBOE CLASSICS CC2013 [69:44][JF]

For once I suggest a good old fashioned continuous through-listen for this album. And then of course you can pick out your favourites. ... see Full Review

A Little Nonsense Ronald BINGE (1910-1979) The Story of Cock Robin [6:16] The Grand Old Duke [3:21] TRADITIONAL Oranges and Lemons [1:48] Doctor Foster (arr. Herbert Hughes orch. Cyril Watters) [1:13] The Jolly Beggar (arr. Victor Hely-Hutchinson) [1:55] A Good Roarin' Fire [0:46] The Great Meat Pie [1:54] The Harrin' Heed [1:55] J Michael DIACK Sing a Song of Sixpence (arr. Mackerras) [2:20] Little Jack Horner (arr. Mackerras) [2:05] Jack and Jill (arr. Mackerras) [1:56] Liza LEHMANN (1862-1918) Matilda - (arr. Mackerras) [2:59] Henry King (arr. Mackerras) [3:00] Victor HELY-HUTCHINSON (1901-1947) Old Mother Hubbard (rearranged Mackerras) [2:39] The Owl and the Pussy Cat [1:58] The Table and the Chair [2:10] The Duck and the Kangaroo [2:37] Owen Brannigan (bass-baritone) Pro Arte Orchestra/Charles Mackerras rec. EMI Studio No.1, London, January 1962 DECCA 442 9077 [41:51] [JW]

A pity if this kind of disc mouldered away in the “Humour” racks. It had life then and it has life now. I didn’t like all of it – but I did like a lot of it ... see Full Review


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