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Grøn er vårens hæk. Elisabeth Meyer-Topsøe sings Danish Songs Niels W. GADE (1817-1890) Grøn er vårens hæk (1852) Snedronningen (The Snow Queen) (1850) (Green is the hedge of spring) Martsviolerne (1850) (The March violets) J.P.E. HARTMANN (1805-1890) Vintergæk (1896) (Snowdrop) Violen (1896) (The violet) Stork! Stork! Langeben (1847) (Stork! Stork! Long-leg!) Lær mig nattens stjerne (1866) (Teach me, star of the night) Peter HEISE Den unge lærkes forårssang (1866) (Spring song of the young lark) Liden Karen (Little Karen) Sol deroppe ganger under lide (ca 1849) (The sun up there is descending) C.E.F. WEYSE (1774-1842) Storken sidder på bondens tag (1837) (The stork is sitting on the farmer¹s roof) Dybt skoven bruser (1803) (The deep forest is whispering) Morgenstund har guld i mund (1837) (Early morning is golden) P.E. LANGE-MÜLLER Solen springer ud som rose (1896) (The sun is out like a rose) Genboens første vise (1880) (The neighbour¹s first song) Ved solnedgang (1880) (At sunset) Fini HENRIQUES Våren er kommen (1917) (Spring has come) Friedrich KUHLAU Der vanker en ridder (1828) (There is a knight) En yndig og frydefuld sommertid (ca 1850) (Lovely and joyful summertime) Det haver så nyligen regnet (It has been raining only just now) Nu løvsalen skygger (1828) (Now the bower gives shade) J.A.P. SCHULZ O, fordum elskte steder! (1782) (Oh places that I used to love) Genboens første vise Sig månen langsomt hæver (1790) (The moon is slowly rising) Rudolf BAY Fred hviler over land og by (1827) (Peace has descended on country and town) Elisabeth Meyer-Topsøe (soprano) Per Salo (piano) Recorded at Focus Recording Studio, Copenhagen, September 2004 DANACORD DACOCD 625 [56.45] [JW]

Particularly attractive and simpatico. If you snapped up the earlier volume then you’ll want to snap up this. ... see Full Review

Mirrors of Fire Ross EDWARDS (b. 1943) Blackwattle Caprices (1998) [6:27] Graeme KOEHNE (b. 1956) A Closed World of Fine Feelings [4:55] Richard CHARLTON (b. 1955) Surface Tension (1999) [4:45] Robert DAVIDSON Junction Rd [4:36] Martin WESLEY-SMITH (b. 1945) Kolele Mai (2000) [8:23] Richard VELLA Mirrors of Fire [4:10] Nigel WESTLAKE (b. 1958) Hinchinbrook Riffs (2003) [8:08] Antarctica (1992)a [22:00] Tim Kain (guitar) Tasmanian Symphony Orchestraa/David Porcelijna Recorded: ABC Studio 2000, December 2001 and August 2003; and Ball Room, Government House, Hobart, no date (Antarctica) TALL POPPIES TP 169 [64:27] [HC]

A very enjoyable and commendable selection of accessible 20th century music for guitar. I recommend it wholeheartedly. ... see Full Review

Musique & Art Nouveau Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) La Plus que lente (1910) Rêverie (1890) Clair de Lune (from: Suite Bergamasque -1890) Erik SATIE (1866-1925) Gymnopédie No. 1 (1888) Le Piccadilly (1904) Gnossienne No. 3 (1890) Lili BOULANGER (1893-1918) D'un vieux jardin (1914) D'un jardin clair (1914) Cortège (1914) Darius MILHAUD (1892-1974) Trois Rag-Caprices (1922) Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937) Pavane pour une infante défunte (1899) Germaine TALLEFERRE (1892-1983) Pastorale in Ré (1919) Romance (1913) Hommage à Debussy (1920) Francis POULENC (1899-1963) Mouvements perpétuels (1918) Jacques IBERT (1890-1962) From Histoires: No. 2: Le petit âne blanc; A giddy girl Cristina Ariagno (piano) Recorded Camponogara, Venice, June 2001 ARTS 47672-2 [60.33][JW]

An enthusiastic recital of French music from the decades straddling the nineteenth and twentieth centuries ... see Full Review

Music for Quiet Listening Sergei RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) Preludes, Op. 32/5, 23/6 Lilacs, Op. 21/5 Daisies, Op. 38/3 Leopold GODOWSKY (1870-1938) Java Suite: Boro Budur in Moonlight Hollis KELLOGG (b. 1953) Dance for a New House David DELUCIA (b. 1958) Carol Ross' Rapture Germaine TAILLEFERRE (1892-1983) Three Sonatines Maurice RAVEL (1875-1938) Adagio from Piano Concerto in G major Franz LISZT/Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Widmung (Dedication) Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Bénédiction de Dieu dans la Solitude (from Harmonies Poétiques et Réligieuses) David DeLucia, piano Recorded Neighborhood Music School, New Haven, Ct., December 2003 PERSONAL LABEL 59672 [62:39]
More Music for Quiet Listening Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (from Cantata No. 147 - transcribed by Myra Hess) Prelude in B minor (from Clavier Buchlein for W. F. Bach - transcribed by Alexander Siloti) David DELUCIA (b. 1958) Jubilant Jane and Her Adventures Song for Michelle Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Reverie Ballade 1st Arabesque Hollis KELLOGG (b. 1953)
Pandiatonic Piece No. 1 Howard HANSON (1896-1981) Impromptu, Op. 19/1 Poèmes Erotiques, nos. 1/2/4 Melodic Etude Richard RODGERS (1902-1979) Hello Young Lovers (transcribed by Stephen Hough) The March of the Siamese Children (transcribed by Stephen Hough) Charles WILLIAMS (1893-1978) The Dream of Olwen David DeLucia, piano Recorded Neighborhood Music School, New Haven, Ct., November 2003
PERSONAL LABEL 59692 [67:15] [DS]

Snuggle up to your partner and let the music work its magic. The results should be sublime ... see Full Review

Music for Oboe and Strings Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
Oboe Quartet in F, K. 370 [17:56] Oboe Quintet in c minor K. 406 (K. 388) [22:20] Bernhard Henrik CRUSELL (1775-1838) Divertimento in C, op. 9 [9:55] Johann Christian BACH (1735-1782) Oboe Quartet in B flat, B 60 [10:22] Max Artved, oboe Elise Båtnes, violin Tue Lautrup, violin/viola Dimitri Golovanov, viola Lars Holm Johansen, cello rec. Danish Radio Concert Hall, Copenhagen, 11-14 January 2003. DDD NAXOS 8.557361 [56:52] [KS]

A most pleasant and recommendable disc ... a firm spot in the winner’s column ... see Full Review

Nettle & Markham in America Leonard BERNSTEIN (1918-1990) Scenes from "West Side Story": Prologue and Jet Song; Something’s Coming; Maria; I Feel Pretty; A Boy Like That; I Have A Love; Rumble; Somewhere; Tonight; America Richard Rodney BENNETT (b.1936) Four-Piece Suite: Samba Triste; Country Blues; Ragtime Waltz; Tempo di Hard Rock Percy GRAINGER (1882-1961) Fantasy on George Gershwin’s "Porgy and Bess": Introduction; My Man’s Gone Now; It Ain’t Necessarily So; Clara, Don’t You Be Downhearted; Strawberry Call; Summertime; Oh, I Can’t Sit Down; Bess, You Is My Woman Now; I Got Plenty O’ Nuttin’; Oh Lawd, I’m On My Way David Nettle and Richard Markham (pianos) rec. 24-26 February 1988, EMI Studio 1, Abbey Road, London. DDD NEMA NEMACD100 [66'29] [RNB]

Another winner! ... see Full Review

Anne Sofie von Otter George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Hercules (1745): Where shall I fly? (5:24), Giulio Cesare in Egitto (1724): E pur così … Piangerò la sorte mia (6:23) Claudio MONTEVERDI (1567-1643) Scherzi musicali (1607): O rosetta che rosetta (1:48), La violetta (3:06), Arianna (1608): Lasciate mi morire (3:47) Johan Helmich ROMAN (1694-1758) Then Svenska Messan (1752): O Herre Gud Gudds Lamb (3:28) Georg Philipp TELEMANN (1681-1767) Trauer-Music eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels (1737) (15:07) George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Semele (1744): Where’er you walk (4:03) Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano), Drottingholm Baroque Ensemble Recorded 28th February-March 2nd 1983 at Sa Gertrud Church, Stockholm PROPRIUS PRCD 9008 [46:45][CH]

It is interesting to find Anne Sofie von Otter sounding more like a contralto than she does today. An excellent baroque anthology in any case. ... see Full Review

Romantic String Trios from Hungary Leo WEINER (1885-1960) String Trio, Op. 6 in g (1908) [21.54] Zoltan KODÁLY (1882-1967) Intermezzo (c.1905) [5.12] Ernst von DOHNANYI (1877-1960) Serenade Op. 10 (1902) [21.14] Deutsches Streichtrio: Hans Kalafusz, violin; Jürgen Weber, viola; Reiner Ginzel, cello Recorded at Kirche der Karlshöhe, Ludwigsburg, Germany, April 1992 Notes in English, Français, Deutsch. CPO 999 9502 [48.50] [PSh]

Excellent performances of very approachable chamber music that should be much better known. ... see Full Review

Burkhard Schliessmann, piano Leopold GODOWSKY (1870-1938) Symphonic Metamorphoses on Waltzes and Themes of Johann Strauss Die Fledermaus [14:05] Alt-Wien [2:54] Wienerisch [3:10] Ein Künstlerleben [16:34] Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Piano Transcriptions of Schubert Songs Die Forelle [3:57] Auf dem Wasser zu Singen [4:50] Ständchen nach Shakespeare [3:15] Leise flehen meine Lieder [6:31] Aufenthalt [3:55] Erlkönig [4:57] Frederic CHOPIN (1810-1849) Ballade in g minor, op. 23 [10:08] Ballade in F major, op. 38 [7:44] Ballade in A flat major, op. 47 [7:23] Ballade in F minor, op. 52 [11:14] Fantasie in f minor, op. 49 [13:09] Barcarolle in F-sharp major, op. 60 [8:18] Polonaise-Fantasie in A-flat major, op. 61 [12:52] Reflections on Chopin (Waltz in c-sharp minor, op. 64 no 2. [3:45] Burkhard Schliessmann, piano rec. Mendelssohn Saal, Stadthalle am Johannisberg Wuppertal. No recording date given. ARTHAUS DVD 100455 [73:00] BONUS DVD AUDIO (CHOPIN) [70:00] [KS]

Liszt Schubert transcriptions: Mr. Schliessmann portrays their poetry. He is fleet of finger and his handling of inner voices is exquisite. ... see Full Review

Shu-Cheen Yu (sop) Serenade see review for details Shu-Cheen Yu (sop)
Patrick Nolan flute The Queensland Orchestra/Brett Kelly Rec. 3-6 Feb 2004, Studio 420, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Brisbane. DDD ABC CLASSICS 476 2610 [64.26] [RJF]

Discs such as this by singers of similar ability can sell well with good promotion and where the singer has public appeal. It may appeal to fans of Shu-Cheen Yu’s earlier albums and will certainly extend their musical horizons. ... see Full Review

South American Guitar Classics Manuel PONCE (b.1882) Valse (arr. Segovia) (>1931) [2.56] Preambulo e allegro (1931) [4.19] Gavotte (<1931) [3.21] Astor PIAZZOLA (1921 - 1992) La Muerte del Angel (‘1960s’) [4.09] Agustin BARRIOS [MANGORÉ] (1885 - 1944) Mazurca appassionata (<1916) [5.10] Danza Paraguaya (<1916) [2.20] Tremelo “Una limosna por el amor de Dios” (1944) [3.42] Tango No.2 (<1916) [3.27] Study in A “Las Abejas” (<1916) [1.59] Valse Op 8 No.3 (arr. Stover) [5.41] Choro de Saudade (arr. Stover) [5.41] Julia Florida (arr. Stover) (c.1932) [3.38] Antonio LAURO (1917 - 1986) Vals Venezolanos No.2 (1963) [1.32] El Negrito (1968) [1.50] El Marabino (1968) [1.22] Dilermando REIS (1916 - 1977) Si ela perguntar [3.01] Heitor VILLA-LOBOS (1887 - 1959) Five Preludes (1940): No.1 [4.18]; No.2 [3.00]; No.3 [6.30]; No.4 [3.14]; No.5 [4.09] Marcelo Kayath, guitar Rec. MAMP, Haberdasher’s Aske’s School, London, UK, 1987-1991 Notes in English. REGIS RRC 1149 [75.19][PSh]

For brilliant effortless guitar virtuosity, this is the finest guitar disc I’ve ever heard. ... see Full Review

Nina Stemme Recital Richard WAGNER (1813 – 1883) Wesendonck Lieder (1857/8) [20:37] Gösta NYSTROEM (1890 – 1966) Sånger vid havet (1942/3) [18:33]
August de BOECK (1865 – 1937) Sept Mélodies (1911/5) [26:33] Nina Stemme (soprano); Jozef de Beenhouwer (piano) Recorded: Academiezaal, Sint Truiden, March 2003 (Wagner, Nystroem) and Blauwe Zaal-deSingel, Antwerp, May 2004 (de Boeck)
PHAEDRA 92040 [66:05][HC]

I enjoyed this release enormously and recommend it wholeheartedly. ... see Full Review

Vanitas Vanitatum (Vanity of Vanities) - Rome 1650 Giacomo CARISSIMI (1605-1674) Vanitas Vanitatum II (attrib): SSATB, 2 violins and basso continuo 1. Simphonia [11'03"]; 2. Hinc, mortales [6'18"] Marco MARAZZOLI (c.1605-1662) Ogni nostro piacer: SSA, 2 violins and basso continuo - Cantata [13'07"] Domenico MAZZOCCHI (1592-1665) Da tutti gli horologi si cava moralità: Tenor and continuo (1640) [3'36"] Luigi ROSSI (1597-1653) Ergi la mente al sole: SSATB, 2 Violins and continuo- Oratorio 1. Introduttione [4'09"]; 2. Io sono il sole [9'52"] Virgilio MAZZOCCHI (1597-1646) Sospirate bellezze: ATB - Madrigal (pub.1652) [2'42"]
Stefano LANDI (c.1586-1639) Superbe colli: Bass and Continuo - Arie (pub.1620) [6'22"] Luigi ROSSI O si quis daret concentum: SSS, solo violin, harp and organ - Motet [7'36"] ANONYMOUS Ciaccona di paradiso, e dell'Inferno: SSATB and Continuo O che bel star è star in Paradiso [3'51"] (from Canzonette spirituali, e morali, Milan 1677) Passacalli della vita: SA and Continuo O, come t'inganni [4'26"] (from Canzonette spirituali, e morali, Milan 1677)
Tragicomedia/Stephen Stubbs and Erin Headley Recorded in the Doopsgezinde Kerk, Haarlem, The Netherlands, 2/1995 (Re-issue from Teldec 4509-98410-2) WARNER APEX 2564 61687-2 [74'00"][JP]

All in all, a delightful disc which I am sure will appeal to anyone interested in this period of Italian music. ... see Full Review

Variations Aaron COPLAND (1900-1990) Orchestral Variations (1957) [12:46] Luigi DALLAPICCOLA (1904-1975) Variazioni per Orchestra (1954) [13:37] Elliott CARTER (b. 1908) Variations for Orchestra (1955) [23:41] William SCHUMAN (1910-1992) arranged from Charles IVES (1874-1954) Variations on ‘America’ (1963) [6:45] The Louisville Orchestra/Robert S. Whitney (1904-1986) Recorded: 1954, 1956, 1957 and 1974, Louisville, Kentucky Executive producer: Matthew Walters Partial funding by National Endowment for the Arts. world premiere recordings (apart from Ives/Schuman) all mono FIRST EDITION FECD-0001 [56:50] [RB]

This fine disc is the first issue in Matt Walters’ revival of the recordings into the modern market. The unifying thread is the variation form read through dissonant modernity ... see Full Review

The Art of the Vienna Horn Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Horn Sonata in F, Op. 17 (1800) [14’17]. Franz Peter SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Auf dem Strom, D943 (1828) [9’57]. Robert SCHUMANN (1810-56) Adagio and Allegro in A flat, Op. 70 (1849) [8’48]. Johannes BRAHMS (1833-97) Trio in E flat for Piano, Violin and Horn, Op. 40 (1865) [27’47]. Wolfgang Tomboeck (Vienna horn); Genia Kühlmeier (soprano); Johannes Tomboeck (violin); Madoka Inui (piano). Rec. ORF Funkhaus, Vienna, 10-14 November, 10 December 2003. DDD NAXOS 8.557471 [60’48] [CC]

A triumph; a real disc to be savoured. And most emphatically not limited in its appeal to horn players! ... see Full Review

Bruno Walter in New York - Volume II Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Exsultate Jubilate K165 Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Piano Concerto No.2 Op.83 Violin Concerto Op.77 Symphony No.2 Op.73 Irmgard Seefried (soprano) Myra Hess (piano) Erica Morini (violin) New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra/Bruno Walter Recorded live 1951 (Symphony and Piano Concerto) and 1953 (Violin Concerto and Mozart) TAHRA 545 [63.14 + 77.23] [JW]

An attractive compilation. The Concerto performance is deeply attractive and the Symphony shows his special affinities. Warmly recommended. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH We Want The Light With Vladimir Ashkenazy, Daniel Barenboim, Evgeny Kissin, Zubin Mehta, Itzhak Perlman, and Pinchas Zuckerman. the Gürzenich Orchestra of Cologne, the Cologne Opera Chorus, the Cologne Cathedral Children's Choir plus three camp survivors: Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, Jacques Stroumsa and Alice Sommer Herz and others. Directed and written by Christopher Nupen. All regions DVD 2004 Allegro Films/ Christopher Nupen Films BBC/OPUS ARTE OA CN0909 D [330:00] [AO]

The interviews with musicians who survived the concentration camps are remarkable. They support the view that music resonates with something fundamental in the human soul, and cannot, ultimately, be hijacked for evil purposes ... see Full Review



Alberich and Friends by Ian Runcie Published by Trafford, 2004. 145 pages; Perfect bound; catalogue #04-0456; ISBN 1-4120-2628-8 [JL]

Ian Runcie tells the story of the Ring in short novel format, focusing on the main characters in a Jungian interpretation. ... see Full Review

Louis ANDRIESSEN: De Staat Robert Adlington 2004 159 pp. CD recording included ASHGATE PUBLISHING LTD ISBN 0 7546 0925 1

Uncommon lucidity and perception ... a revelatory series ... an innovative approach which treats its readers and listeners with respect ... see Full Review

The Cambridge Companion to Rossini Edited by Emanuele Senici Cambridge University Press 2004 softback, 264pp ISBN 0-521-00195-1 Price: £17:99/$23.99 [IL]

An intensive, yet readable study revealing many facets of Rossini’s art. ... see Full Review


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