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Reviews in preparation
for May 2003
Wednesday April 30th |

The Hoffnung little
The Maestro, Symphony Orchestra, Music Festival,Companion
to Music, Musical Chairs, Acoustics
Get SIX for the
price of FIVE
$70 incl P&P
NEW Happy Hamper, Little Ones, Postcards, Autobiography,
Birds, Bees and Storks |
Recording of the Hoffnung Music Festivals: CDs
The Hoffnung Music Festival Concert 1956,The Hoffnung
Interplanetary Music Festival 1958,The Hoffnung
Astronautical Music Festival 1961
A Last Encore Now on CD $22 post free world-wide
BBC recordings of Speech Day, Oxford Union, December
1958 "Life begins at 38" with the famous
Bricklayer story and the hotelier offering French
widows in every bedroom. |
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