Here is an essential review, and well merited celebration,
of a central strand in the recent history of the new music scene in
Britain during the last thirty years, compiled in a brilliant collaboration
between the CMN and Unknown
It explores some key concerns of Seen&Heard
in its first two years under my Editorship. At the outset we pleaded
for readers' suggestions
to replace the outmoded 'classical music' title, which suggests backward
looking stuffiness, and might put off web surfers who shared our commitment
to new music and younger musicians.
The Contemporary
Music Network has been taking that same commitment all around
the country with its tours,
and from the 70's one rarely missed CMN concerts, enticed by their colourful
posters. So this book is a nostalgic trip, but far more.
It is about live music at its liveliest, and an interview
with Beverley Crew describes the nuts and bolts of selecting artists
and programmes and setting up the tours. The early monopoly of 'classical
music' has given way to eclecticism and the shift away from the philosophy
that only 'classical' music qualifies as serious, and she finds that
young 'classical' composers share her own eclectic tastes, with references
in their music to pop, jazz & world music 'likely to fly over the
heads of those "mature critics and academics" who deplore CMN's later
diversification'. Change is of the essence in concert promotion and,
indeed, has been in the development of Seen&Heard.
This is a substantial read, which focuses thought on
many crucial issues for the future of live music at a time when there
are grounds for hope, but not for complacency. In nearly fifty pages
of small print, Chris Heaton surveys the scene from 1895 to 1970 before
embarking on a detailed review of 1971-2001. Reading about the 70s &
80s was engrossing because 'I was there' for most of those concerts,
which are listed in their entirety. There are essays and interviews
with luminaries of the time, including Annette Morreau, who devised
CMN and was its founder-director for 17 years and Richard Steinitz (just
retired as director of the Hudderfield Festival, which he founded 1978).
The listing brings back memories, and many of them
are revived in sound on the two CDs incorporated, every track annotated
in fullest detail. For me, there is Birtwistle (Jane Manning in her
prime), Max Davies (Fires of London), Reich (Drumming) & Stockhausen
(Mantra) from the '70s; in the '80s, Michiko Hirayama singing Scelsi,
Adrianne Csengery's devotion to Kurtag; in mid-'90s John Adams Road
Runner, escaping minimalism before he 'softened' again with the
El Nino opera! There are several anecdotes, my favourite the
PhilipGlass Ensemble's first UK tour (1975) - apparently so few attended
the concerts that it would have been cheaper to fly the entire audiences
from all venues to USA & put them in a posh hotel instead!! That
reminded me of hearing the Kronos play three Sallinen String Quartets
at RAM in the mid '80s before an audience of no more than a dozen of
us, very shortly before they made the big time and gave up playing such
In compiling the fully documented CDs, Chris Heaton
sought to reflect in a historical context the diversity of music toured
and some of the more unusual and significant tours. He did not seek
to reflect his own tastes and the compilers of the book recognise that
they could not please everyone. My fondest CMW memory is of the juxtaposition
of the 'classical' Roger Woodward with the wild, sustained jazz-set
of Cecil Taylor (dreadlocks and bright yellow socks, no shoes), both
exciting but - if a contest had been intended? - the jazzman was the
clear winner for at least one of Beverley Crew's "mature critics". When
planning tours, Crew is 'on the look out for truly exceptional concerts
- - the buzz one feels on the journey home after an extraordinary live
event'. That Woodward/ Taylor juxtaposition - I can still See &
Hear the 'buzz' - came back to mind last month as my reference standard,
whilst attending the two jazz improvisation sessions in the Lucerne
Piano Festival; nothing there approached the sheer excitement of
that great CMN evening in 1987.
Peter Grahame Woolf