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4x4 North-West John REEMAN (b. 1946) Scena [18:11] Anthony GILBERT (b. 1934) String Quartet No. 4 (2001) [20:54] David ELLIS String Quartet No. 3 (2002) [27:16] Duncan DRUCE (b. 1939) String Quartet No. 4 (2005) [11:44] Manchester Camerata Ensemble (Reeman, Ellis, Druce); Tavec Quartet (Gilbert) rec. St. Thomas Church, Stockport, 17 March 2005 (Reeman); Bollington Arts Centre, Cheshire, 29 March 2003 (Gilbert); Stockport Grammar School, 13 July 2004 (Ellis); Mellor Parish Church, Stockport, 17 July 2006 (Druce). DDD CAMPION CAMEO 2046 [78:55] [CT]

Campion’s third CD of contrasting and striking string quartets by composers with northern UK connections. ... see Full Review

Hermann Abendroth – In Memoriam Anton BRUCKNER (1824-1896) Symphony No.7 in E major (1883) [61:09] Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Symphony No. 6 Pathétique (1892) [48:37] Suite No.3 Op.55 [17:42] Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra (suite)/Hermann Abendroth rec. live, 19 February 1956 (Bruckner); live, November 1950 (Tchaikovsky Symphony); live, March 1951 (Tchaikovsky Suite) TAHRA TAH604-05 [61:09 + 67:08] [JW]

A splendid package … a worthy one ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH American Choral Music Vincent PERSICHETTI (1915-1987) Flower Songs, Op. 157 (1983) [19:25] Charles IVES (1874-1954) Psalm 90 (1923-24) [11:06] John CORIGLIANO (b. 1938) Fern Hill* (1960) [15:33] Lukas FOSS (b. 1922) Behold, I build an House  (1950) [10:05] Aaron COPLAND (1900-1990) In the Beginning* (1947) [16:02] Suzanne Mentzer (mezzo)* The University of Texas Chamber Singers and Chamber Orchestra/James Morrow rec. 21-22 January 2006, Bates Recital Hall, School of Music, University of Texas, Austin. DDD NAXOS AMERICAN CLASSICS 8.559299 [72:11][JQ]

A very stimulating collection of fine performances of mainly unfamiliar repertoire ... see Full Review

Aria – Opera without Words Camille SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) Fantasy on Two Themes from Samson et Dalila (arr. Jean-Yves Thibaudet and Randy Kerber) [6:55] Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949) Ramble on the Last Love Duet from Der Rosenkavalier (arr. Percy Grainger) [7:27} Giacomo PUCCINI (1858-1924) ‘O mio babbino caro’ from Gianni Schicchi (arr. Yvar Mikhashoff) [2:53] Erich Wolfgang KORNGOLD (1897-1957) ‘Gluck, das mir verblieb’ from Die Tode Stadt (arr. Giovanni Sgambati) [6:06] Johann STRAUSS II (1825-1899) Soirée de Vienne – concert paraphrase on waltz themes by Johann Strauss (arr. Alfred Grunfeld) [5:40] Giacomo PUCCINI (1858-1924) ‘Vissi d’arte’ from Tosca (arr. Yvar Mikhashoff) [3:25] Vincenzo BELLINI (1801-1835) ‘Casta diva’ from Norma (arr. Yvar Mikhashoff) [6:58] Christoph Willibald GLUCK (1714-1787) Mélodie from Dance of the Blessed Spirits (Orphée et Eurydice) [3:25] Giacomo PUCCINI (1858-1924) Portrait of Madam Butterfly – An operatic sonata-fantasy on themes of Puccini (arr. Yvar Mikhashoff) [12:18] Richard WAGNER (1813-1883) The Ride of the Valkyries from Die Walkure (arr. Louis Brassin) [5:05] Jean-Yves Thibaudet (piano) rec. 24-28 June 2006, Reitstadt, Neumarkt, Germany DECCA 475 7668 [60:53] [DM]

Like kids in a sweet-shop one is tempted to taste everything at once but restraint is amply rewarded ... see Full Review

Amedeo Bassi Ruggiero LEONCAVALLO (1857-1919) Vesti la giubba - I Pagliacci [3:02] Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901) La mia letizia infondere - I Lombardi [2:49] Arrigo BOITO (1842-1918) Giunto sul passo estremo – Mefistofele [3:02] Giacomo PUCCINI (1858-1924) Tra voi belle - Manon Lescaut [2:14] E lucevan le stelle – Tosca [2:15] Ch´ella mi creda - La fanciulla del west [2:44] In poverta mia - La Bohème [2:16] O Mimi tu piu non torni - La Bohème [2:04] Recondita armonia – Tosca [1:56] O dolci mani – Tosca [1:59] Umberto GIORDANO (1867-1948) Orride steppe – Siberia [3:13] T´incontrai per via – Siberia [1:42] Amor ti vieta – Fedora [2:09] Un di all´azzurro spazio - Andrea Chenier [2:01] Si, fui Soldato - Andrea Chenier [2:18] Come un bel di di maggio - Andrea Chenier [2:20] Canzone guerresca  [2:04] Frederic D’ERLANGER (1868-1943) Stanotte ha fatto un sogno... Il sogno è la coscienza – Tess [5:09] Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901) Questa o quella – Rigoletto [2:13] Luigi DENZA (1846-1922) Occhi di fata [3:09] Titta Ruffo (1877-1953) – 1904 Pathés Giacomo MEYERBEER (1791-1864) Sei vendicata assai – Dinorah [2:16] Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893) Stammi ad udir – Faust [2:12] Ambroise THOMAS (1811-1896) O vin, discaccia la tristezza – Amleto [3:04] Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901) Per me giunto - Don Carlo [2:59] Ruggiero LEONCAVALLO (1857-1919) Buona Zazà – Zazà [2:17] Zazà, piccola zingara – Zazà [2:39] Tu sola a me rimami – Chatterton [2:05] Umberto GIORDANO (1867-1948) La donna russa – Fedora [2:14] O bella mia – Siberia [2:13] Augusto ROTOLI (1847-1904) La mia sposa sarà la mia bandiera [2:17] Amedeo Bassi (tenor) unnamed accompaniments except the Giordano sides, accompanied by the composer, rec. 1904-12 Titta Ruffo (tenor), last ten sides, with unnamed accompaniments, rec. 1904 PREISER 89685 [75:10][JW]

Bassi - uneven but at its best stylish and cultured musicianship. ... see Full Review

Bonne Chanson, Belle Époque Disc 1 Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924) La bonne chanson (1892-94) [21:38] Une sainte en son auréole Puisque l'aube grandit La lune blanche luit dans les bois J'allais par des chemins perfides J'ai presque peur, en vérité Avant que tu ne t'en ailles Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'été N'est-ce pas? L'hiver a cessé Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Ariettes oubliées (1903) [15:32] C'est l'extase langoureuse Il pleure dans mon coeur L'ombre des arbres Chevaux de bois Green Spleen Gabriel FAURÉ Spleen [2:16] Green [1:48] C'est l'extase langoureuse [2:46] Claude DEBUSSY Cinq poèmes de Baudelaire (1887-89) [24:59] Le balcon Harmonie du soir Le jet d'eau Recueillement La mort des amants Disc 2 Claude DEBUSSY Deux Romances [3:56] Romance Les cloches Les angélus (1891) [1:59] Gabriel FAURÉ La Chanson d'Eve (1906-10) [24:18] Paradis Prima verba Roses ardentes Comme Dieu rayonne L'aube blanche Eau vivante Veilles-tu, ma senteur de soleil Dans un parfum de roses blanches Crépuscule O mort, poussière d'étoiles Claude DEBUSSY Chansons de Bilitis (1897) [9:22] La flûte de Pan La chevelure Le tombeau des Naiades Gabriel FAURÉ Le Jardin Clos (1914) [13:06] Exaucement Quand tu plonges tes yeux dans mes yeux La messagère Je me poserai sur ton coeur Dans la nymphée Dans la pénombre Il m'est cher, Amour Inscription sur le sable Corinne Orde (soprano) Jonathan Cohen (piano) rec. September 2005 to March 2006, location unspecified. RODDARD RDD000 [68:51 + 52:31][DC]

Won’t have you running for the hills. ... see Full Review

James Boyd (Guitar) Shapes of Sleep John DOWLAND (1563-1626) Fantasia (DP.72) [7:29]; Fantasia (DP.7) [4:08]; Flow My Tears (transcribed Boyd) [6:08] Michael TIPPETT (1905-1998) The Blue Guitar: Transforming [10:24]; Juggling [3:21]; Dreaming [9:12] Benjamin BRITTEN (1913-1976) Nocturnal After John Dowland Op. 70 [21:26] James Boyd (guitar) rec. Snape Maltings Concert Hall, 31 October-2 November 2004. No catalogue number given [62:11][ZT]

A particularly fine recording, among more recent releases Shades of Sleep is hard to beat in this area of repertory. … see Full Review

Box of Delights - British Light Music Gems Phyllis TATE (1911-1985) London Fields suite (1958) [13:14] Samuel COLERIDGE TAYLOR (1875-1912) Characteristic Waltz No.3 (from Four Characteristic Waltzes op. 22) – Valse de la Reine (1899); Three Fours – valse suite op. 71 (1909): Three Fours No.2 - Andante; Three Fours No.5 – Andante molto [4:30; 2:47; 4:12] Granville BANTOCK (1868-1946) Russian Scenes (1899) [14:18] Cecil Armstrong GIBBS (1889-1960) Fancy Dress Suite (1936) [17:22] Elisabeth LUTYENS (1906-1983) En Voyage – suite for full orchestra (1944) [15:02] London Philharmonic Orchestra/Barry Wordsworth (Bantock; Tate; Coleridge Taylor); Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Simon Joly (Gipps, Lutyens) rec. 1980s. ADD LYRITA SRCD.214 [71:32] [RB]

Continues and re-establishes the Lyrita anthology tradition … see Full Review

Carl Braun Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) O Isis und Osiris - Die Zauberflöte [3:11] In diesen heil´gen Hallen - Die Zauberflöte [4:11] Jacques Fromental HALÉVY (1799-1862) Wenn ew´ger Hass, glühende Rache - Die Jüdin [4:11] Ihr, die ihr Gottes Zorn - Die Jüdin [3:07] Carl Maria von WEBER (1786-1826) Hier im ird´schen Jammertal - Der Freischütz [1:45] Schweig, schweig - Der Freischütz [3:00] Albert LORTZING (1801 - 1851) O, ich bin klug und weise - Zar und Zimmermann [4:43] Auch ich war ein Jüngling - Der Waffenschmied [4:18] Friedrich von FLOTOW (1812-1883) Lasst mich euch fragen – Martha [2:29] Otto NICOLAI (1810-1849) Als Büblein klein - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor [3:19] Richard WAGNER (1813-1883) Mein Herr und Gott nun ruf´ ich Dich – Lohengrin [3:06] Das schöne Fest - Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg [4:16] Abendlich strahlt die Sonne - Das Rheingold [3:09] Was keinem in Worten ich künde - Die Walküre [8:21] Nicht straf´ ich dich erst - Die Walküre [3:21] Hier sitz ich zur Wacht – Götterdämmerung [4:00] Wie aus der Ferne - Der fliegende Holländer [3:51] Mögst du, mein Kind - Der fliegende Holländer [3:34] Mein Herr und Gott – Lohengrin  [2:45] Wilhelm HILL Das Herz am Rhein [3:38] Carl Braun (bass) Unidentified accompaniments rec. 1911-23 PREISER 89687 [74:25][JW]

A noble voice but perhaps more static than colouristic ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH British Horn Concertos Gordon JACOB (1895-1984) Concerto for Horn and Strings (1950s) [20:35] Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006) Concerto No. 2 for Horn and Strings, Op. 58 (1956) [14:03] York BOWEN (1884-1961) Concerto for Horn, string orchestra and timpani (1956) [16:27] Ruth GIPPS (1921-1999) Horn Concerto, Op. 58 (1968) [17:11] Gilbert VINTER (1909-1969) Hunter’s Moon (1943) [6:22] David Pyatt (horn) London Philharmonic Orchestra/Nicholas Braithwaite rec. Watford Town Hall, 10-21 Jan 1994 (Jacob, Bowen, Arnold); Henry Wood Hall, London, 8-9 Feb 1994 (Gipps, Vinter). DDD LYRITA SRCD.316 [74:42] [JQ]

For sheer listening pleasure this is one of the best discs to have come my way for a long time. ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH The British Light Music Collection 1 CD1 Sir Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006) The Roots Of Heaven – Overture (1958) [5:03] William ALWYN (1905-1985) Suite of Scottish Dances (The Indian Queen; A Trip to Italy; Colonel Thornton's Strathspey; The Perthshire Hunt – Reel; Loch Earn – Reel; Carleton House; Miss Ann Carnegie's Hornpipe) (1946) [6:37] Sir Malcolm SARGENT (1895-1967) An Impression on a Windy Day (1927) [7:14] Clifton PARKER (1905-1989) The Glass Slipper – Overture [3:37] James LANGLEY (1927-1994) The Coloured Counties [5:52] Gordon JACOB (1895-1984) The Barber of Seville Goes to the Devil Overture [4:29] Maurice JOHNSTONE (1900-1976) Tarn Hows - A Cumbrian Rhapsody (1949) [13:56] Alan LANGFORD (b.1928) Two Worlds - Overture [5:11] Sir Richard Rodney BENNETT (b.1936) Little Suite (The Bird's Lament; The Widow Bird; The Ladybird; Glow-worms; The Lark) (1965) [9:49] David LYON (b.1938) Joie De Vivre - Overture (1972) [6:50] CD2 Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006) Little Suite No.4, Op.80a (orch. Lane) (Prelude; Siciliano; Rondo) (1963) [7:30] William BLEZARD (b. 1921) The River (1969) [6:11]Adrian CRUFT (1921-1987) Traditional Hornpipe Suite (Newcastle and Navvie; Irish; Del Caro's; Oak Hill; Fisher's; Billy Bones) [7:04] Eric FENBY (1906-1997) Rossini On Ilkla Moor - Overture (1938) [6:35] Raymond WARREN (b.1928) Wexford Bells - Suite on Old Irish Tunes (1970) (Shepherds' Dance'; Lute Book Lullaby; Christmas Jig; Wexford Bells) [10:30] Arthur BUTTERWORTH (b.1923) The Path Across The Moors (1958) [6:39] Anthony HEDGES (b. 1931) An Ayrshire Serenade, Op.42 (1971) (Allegro moderato; Andantino; Molto vivace) [10:08] Paul LEWIS (b.1943) An English Overture (1971) [5:25] Philip LANE (b.1950) Suite of Cotswold Folk Dances (1978) (Wheatly Processional; Constant Billy; Brighton Camp; Jockie to the Fair; Ladies of Pleasure; Princess Royal) [11:40] Royal Ballet Sinfonia/Kenneth Alwyn; Gavin Sutherland rec. Whitfield Street Studios, London, 1-2 April 1998; 24 June, 15 September 1999. DDD RESONANCE CDRSB205 [70:11 + 74:08] [RB]

Light music of euphoria and contentment ... see Full Review

Maria Callas - The Callas Conversations II: L’invitée du dimanche Television interview filmed on 20 April 1969 at ORTF, Paris. Host: Pierre Desgraupes. Guests include Elvira de Hidalgo, Francesco Siciliani and Luchino Visconti. Arias by Puccini, Verdi and Rossini. Bonus features include a 1964 interview with Bernard Gavoty and rehearsal footage from the Paris Opera from May of 1964. EMI CLASSICS 3884579 [95:00] [KS]

Interesting thoughts from one of opera’s biggest stars. It would all be better if everyone else just shut up and let her talk! ... see Full Review

Chonguri Sulkan TSINTSADZE (1925-1992) Chonguri (2005) [1:23] Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) (arr. Thomas Demenga) Dal alte Jahr vergangen ist [2:27] Herr Gott, nun scleuss; den Himmel auf [1:53] Ich ruf’ zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ [3:36] Meine Seele erhebet den Herrn [2:05] Gaspar CASSADÓ (1897-1966) Danse du diable vert [3:20] Frédéric CHOPIN (1810-1849) Nocturne in c-sharp minor Op. Post.(arr. Gregor Piatigorsky) [4:10] Nocturne in E-flat Op 9 No. 2 (arr. Thomas Demenga) [5:04] Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924) Romance [3:56] Aprés un rêve (arr. Pablo Casals) [3:00] Berceuse (arr. Thomas Demenga) [3:22] Anton WEBERN (1883-1945) Drei kleine Stücke [2:20] Zwei Stücke [4:53] Franz LISZT (1811-1886) La lugubre gondola [7:39] Darius MILHAUD (1892-1974) Vocalise-étude pour voix élevées [1:02] Thomas DEMENGA (b. 1954) New York Honk [2:14] Thomas Demenga (cello) Thomas Larcher (piano) Teodoro Anzellotti (accordion) rec. August 2004, Clara Wieck Auditorium, Sandhausen bei Heidelberg, Germany ECM NEW SERIES ECM 1914 [56:53] [DB]

Well-recorded performances of an unusual instrumental combination. … see Full Review

Clarinet Kaleidoscope – Volume Two Sir Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006) Scherzetto [2:40] Aubrey BESWICK Lonely Voyager [2:19] Gavin SUTHERLAND (b. 1972) Air für Zwei [4:36] Philip LANE (b. 1950) Divertissement [9:00] Ernest TOMLINSON (b. 1924) Little Serenade [3:13] Matthew CURTIS (b. 1959) Irish Lullabye [3:14] David LYON (b. 1938) Almost a Waltz [2:14] Michael GRYSPEERDT (1928-2000) Two Pieces Op. 26 [6:42] William LLOYD WEBBER (1914-1982) Frensham Pond [2:14] Gordon JACOB (1895-1984) Four Short Pieces [5:32] John FOX (b. 1924) Six Sketches for Clarinet and Piano [12:48] Leon YOUNG (1916-1991) Stranger on the Shore (arr. Gavin Sutherland) [2:45] Billy AMSTELL (1911-2005) Stick O’Liquorice [2:40] Live Bonus Track Nostalgia Too (medley arr. Gavin Sutherland) [6:00] Verity Butler (clarinet) Gavin Sutherland (piano) rec. January 2007, Prince Michael Hall, Dean Close School, Cheltenham, UK. DDD CAMPION CAMEO 2058 [66:57] [DM]

I really wanted to like this disc but the untidy playing and poor recording make listening more effort than pleasure. ... see Full Review

English Music for Strings Charles Avison (1709-1770) Concerto in A Op.9 No. 11 [7:17] Henry Purcell (1658-1695) Chacony in G minor for strings (realised, Britten 1947/48) [6:37] Clive Jenkins (b.1938) Pastorale and Allegro [7:23] William Walton (1902-1983) Two Pieces for Strings from ‘Henry V’ - Passacaglia: Death of Falstaff; Touch Her Soft Lips and Part (1943/44) [5:24] Paul Lewis (b.1943) Rosa Mundi (2002) [4:20] John Dankworth (b.1927) Mariposas (1996) [10:49]Harold Darke (1888-1976) Meditation on Brother James’s Air [6:34] Nigel Brooks (b.1936) To My Love (Adagio for Strings) [5:18] Edward Elgar (1857-1934) Salut d’Amour (1888)  [3:12] Frank Bridge (1879-1941) A Christmas Dance (Sir Roger De Coverley) (1922) [4:21] Chamber Ensemble of London/Peter Fisher (solo violin) rec. All Saints Church, Tooting  31 January, 1 February 2006 CAMPION CAMEO 2045 [62:16] [JF]

A fine well balanced introduction to the glories of English String Music. The most impressive piece is the Dankworth and the most moving the Brook. ... see Full Review

Fantaisie Triomphale Alexandre GUILMANT (1837-1911) Allegro [4:04] Méditation sur le Stabat mater [7:55] Final alla Schumann sur un noel languedocien [3:52] March-fantaisie sur deux chants d’église [8:53] Camille SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) Cyprès et lauriers (1919) [16:10] Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893) Fantaisie sur l’hymne national russe [9:10] Eugène GIGOUT (1844-1925) Grand choeur dialogue [5:09] (transcribed for organ and Orchestra by Ropartz) Marcel DUPRÉ (1886-1971) Cortège et Litanie (1921) [5:22] Theodore DUBOIS (1837-1924) Fantaisie triomphale  (1899) [10:22] Ian Tracey (organ) BBC Philharmonic/Rumon Gamba rec. Liverpool Cathedral, 28-29 June 2006 CHANDOS CHSA5048 [72:02] [IL]

Much bombast, less substance and with no one stand-out theme to linger in the memory. ... see Full Review

Felix Femina: 13th Century Scottish Polyphony from the St. Andrews Music Book Part One: A Scottish Ladymass Hymn: Ave maris stella [3:47] Introit: Salve sancta parens [3:10] Kyrie: Creator puritatis [5:41] Instrumental [0:55] Gloria: Per precem piissimam [5:58] Gradual: Benedicta et venerabilis [3:38] Alleluya: Post partum virgo [4:00] Sequence: Ave celi imperatrix [2:43] Instrumental [0:46] Offertory: Recordare virgo mater [3:00] Sanctus: Mater mitis vere vitis [4:38] Instrumental [0:44] Agnus Dei: Factus homo [3:36] Communion: Beata viscera [0:46] Hymn/Prosa: Ave Maria gratia plena viris invia [5:10] Part Two Laudes Christo decantamus [6:53] Ave Maria gratia plena [2:40] Instrumental: Sanctus: De vergine nato [2:00] Ave regina celorum (chant) [0:55] Ave regina celorum (polyphony) [1:44] Instrumental: Alleluya: Virga Jesse floruit [1:19] Communion: Simile est regnum [0:58] Instrumental: Agnus Dei: Mortis dira [0:41] Alleluya: Ave Maria gratia plena [4:54] Instrumental: Preter Rerum [1:22] Sequence: Hodierne lux diei celebris in matris dei [5:45] Canty (Libby Crabtree, Micaela Haslam, Anne Lewis)/Rebecca Taverner William Taylor (wire-strung clarsach, symphonie) rec. 14-16 March, 2006, St. Mary’s Parish Church, Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland GAUDEAMUS CD GAU 360 [78:01][GPu]

Ethereal performances of music from a valuable Scottish manuscript … see Full Review

French Orchestral Music Georges BIZET (1838-1875) Carmen – Suite No.1 [10:43] Patrie – overture [12:33] * Roma – carnaval [7:14] * Emmanuel CHABRIER (1841-1894) Gwendoline – Overture [9:24] Joyeuse Marche [3:44] * España – Rapsodie [6:05] # Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924) Dolly – Suite Op.56 orchestrated by Henri Rabaud [17:52] Camille SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) Le Rouet d’Omphale Op.31 [9:22] * Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Française, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra *, London Philharmonic Orchestra #/Thomas Beecham rec. Salle Wagram, Paris 1957-59; No.1 Studio, Abbey Road, London 1957 (Saint-Saëns; Joyeuse); No.1 Studio, Abbey Road, London 1939 (España); Walthamstow Assembly Hall, London 1956 (Patrie) EMI CLASSICS GREAT RECORDINGS OF THE CENTURY 3799862 [77:35] [JW]

To everything in this collection Beecham brings sensitivity, élan, warmth and dynamism. No hesitation required. ... see Full Review

Oscar Fried – A Forgotten Conductor Carl Maria von WEBER (1786-1826) Oberon – Overture (1826) [8:17] º Engelbert HUMPERDINCK (1854-1921) Fantasie on Themes from Hänsel and Gretel (1890-93) arranged Fried [18:11] ¹ Richard WAGNER (1813-1883) Faust Overture WWV59 (1855) [11:12] ² Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949) An Alpine Symphony Op.64 (1915) [40:13] ³ Berlin State Opera Orchestra, rec. c.1924 º Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, rec. 1928 ¹ Berlin State Opera Orchestra, rec. 1928 ² Berlin State Opera Orchestra, rec. 1925 ³ Oscar Fried MUSIC & ARTS CD 1167 [78:03][JW]

Admirers will naturally gravitate to this … Fried’s discography is actually rather circumscribed and so far as I’m concerned everything in it is valuable. ... see Full Review

Nicolai GeddaFrench Connections Hector BERLIOZ (1803–1869) 1 – 6 Les nuits d’été, Op. 7 (1840-1841) [32:18] Henri DUPARC (1848–1933) 7 Phidylé [5:23] 8. Le manoir de Rosemonde [2:17] 9. Chanson triste [3:34] Gabriel FAURÉ (1845–1924) 10. Fleur jetée [1:42] Trois poèmes d’un jour, Op. 21: 11. Rencontre [2:36] 12. Toujours [1:22] 13. Adieu [3:01] Claude DEBUSSY (1862–1918) 14. Beau soir [2:29] 15. Mandoline [1:32] Pelléas et Mélisande, excerpt: 16. Mes longs cheveux descendent (Love Scene act 3) [13:18] Nicolai Gedda (tenor) Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra/Silvio Varviso (tr. 1-6); Jan Eyron (piano) (tr. 7-15); Elisabeth Söderström (soprano), Kim Borg (bass), Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra/Jean Fournet (tr. 16) rec. Stockholm Concert Hall, 25 February 1968 (tr. 1-6); 4 January 1976 (tr. 7-15); 7 July 1960 (tr. 16) BLUEBELL ABCD 096 [70:13][GF]

For Gedda admirers an essential buy ... see Full Review

Elizaveta Gilels (violin) Jean Philippe RAMEAU (1683-1764) Seconde Livre de pièces de clavecin No.4 Le Rappel des Oiseaux arranged Eugène Ysaÿe (1858-1931) [3:37] Seconde Livre de pièces de clavecin No.7 Le Tambourin arranged Eugène Ysaÿe (1858-1931) [4:18] Fritz KREISLER (1875-1962) Sicilienne et Rigaudon in the style of Francoeur [5:46] Galina BACEWICZ (1913-1969) Mazurka – Oberek [1:34] Isaac ALBENIZ (1860-1909) Jota aragonesa arranged Samuel Dushkin [3:17] Ottakar NOVAČEK (1866-1900) Perpetuum mobile – Concert Caprice Op.5 No. 4 [2:36] Ferdinand RIES (1846-1932) La Capricciosa [3:53] Grigoras DINICU (1889-1949) Hora Staccato (1906) arranged Jascha Heifetz (1901-1987) Georg Philipp TELEMANN (1681-1767) Canonic Sonata No.1 for two violins in G major [3:57] Jean Marie LECLAIR (1697-1764) Sonata Op.1 No.1 for two violins in G major [7:34] Sonata Op.1 No.3 for two violins in C major [11:31] Eugène YSAŸE (1858-1931) Sonata for two violins in A minor (c.1914) [21:39] Antonio VIVALDI (1678-1741) Violin Sonata in A major RV 31 [7:49] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Violin Sonata No.8 in C major K296 (1778) [20:41] Violin Sonata No.17 in A major (1787) [27:11] César CUI (1835-1918) Violin Sonata in D major Op.84 (c.1860-70) [15:55] Elizaveta Gilels (violin) Emil Gilels (piano): Vivaldi, Mozart, Cui, 1950-51 Lev Epstein (piano): Rameau, Kreisler, Bacewicz, 1940-63 Abram Makarov (piano): Novaček, Ries, Dinicu, 1948 Leonid Kogan (violin): Telemann, Leclair, Ysaÿe, 1963 rec. Moscow 1940-63 MELODIYA MEL CD 10 01116 [68:25 + 69:37] [JW]

Surely some of the best duo playing of its kind on disc ... see Full Review

Ivry Gitlis Peter Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Violin Concerto in D (1878) Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Violin Sonata No 3 in D minor, Op 108 (1888) – Movement 1 Bela BARTÓK (1881-1945) Sonata for solo violin Sz117 – Movement 3 - Melodia Edward ELGAR (1857-1934) La Capricieuse Op.17 Henryk WIENIAWSKI (1835-1880) Polonaise Brillante in D major Op.4 Capriccio-Valse in E major Op.7 Camille SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) Introduction et Rondo capriccioso Op.28 * Moritz MOSZKOWSKI (1854-1925) Guitarre Op.45 No.2 arranged Sarasate * Isaac ALBÉNIZ (1860-1909) Malagueña Op.165 No.3 arranged Kreisler * Nicolò PAGANINI (1782 – 1840) Violin Concerto No.2 in B minor Op.7 – La Campanella only Ivry Gitlis (violin) Orchestre de l’ORTF/Francesco Mander (Tchaikovsky) rec. 1965 Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra/Stanislaw Wislocki (Paganini) rec. 1966 Tasso Janopoulo (piano) rec. 1962, 1968 Georges Pludermacher (piano) rec. 1971, 1973 * NTSC System 4:3; format; DVD-9 (dual layer-single sided); Sound Format: LPCM Mono 2.0 (PCM dual mono) Menu Languages: English, French, German, Spanish EMI CLASSICS DVB 38846994 [75:22][JW]

A decade’s worth of Gitlis. A fascinating figure … thoughtful and inventive individuality … characteristically idiosyncratic. ... see Full Review

Myra Hess – Historic Broadcast Recordings Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Carnaval Op.9 (1834) [26:38] Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Piano Quartet in F minor Op. 34 (1861-64) [38:36] Myra Hess (piano) Griller Quartet rec.  BBC Broadcasting House Studios, London, 13 October 1950 (Schumann), National Gallery, London, 25 August 1942 (Brahms) APR 5646 [65:36] [JW]

The Brahms is a unique superb document. Hess collectors need this APR. ... see Full Review

Homages for Wind Adam GORB (b. 1958) Awayday (1996) [6:38] Kenneth HESKETH (b. 1968) Diaghilev Dances (2002) [15:07] Sir Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006) Water Music, Op. 82 (1964) [8:08] John McCABE (b. 1939) Canyons (1990-91) [13:24] Buxton ORR (1924-1997) A John Gay Suite (1972-73) [14:34] Royal Northern College of Music Wind Orchestra/Clark Rundell rec. 18-19 March 2006, Studio 7, New Broadcasting House, Manchester CHANDOS CHAN 10409 [58:34][DM]

Huzzas all round! ... see Full Review

Jascha Horenstein – Broadcast Performances from Paris 1952-66 Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937) Piano Concerto in G major (1931) [20:52] Monique Haas (piano) rec. 11 February 1952 Bolero (1928) [17:06] rec. 1 July 1966 Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Symphony No. 1 in C major Op.21 (1800) [24:54] rec. 31 October 1963 Symphony No.7 in A major Op. 92 (1812) [37:57] rec. 1 June 1966 Symphony No. 8 in F major Op.93 (1812) [24:49] rec. 11 February 1952 Symphony No.9 in D minor Op.125 "Choral" (1824) [66:59] Pilar Lorengar, Marga Hoeffgen, Josef Traxel, Otto Wiener rec. 31 October 1963 Egmont Overture Op. 84 - (1810) [9:01] rec. 27 May 1954 Albert ROUSSEL (1869-1937) Le Festin de L'Araignée Op. 17 (1912) [16:46] rec. 1 June 1966 Bela BARTOK (1881-1945) Concerto for Orchestra Sz116 (1943) [39:00] rec. 19 December 1961 Jean SIBELIUS  (1865-1957) Symphony No.2 in D major (1902) [41:41] rec. 19 November 1956 Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971) Firebird Suite (Suite, 1919 version) [20:04] rec. 3 April 1964 Symphony in Three Movements (1942-45) [24:49] rec. 19 December 1961 Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) La Mer (1905) [25:46] rec. 1 June 1966 Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949) Tod und Verklärung (1989) [25:02] rec. 26 September 1961 Metamorphosen (1945) [26:47] rec. 3 April 1964 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)  Don Giovanni Overture (1787) [6:22] rec. 11 February 1952 Felix MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847) Symphony No. 4 in A, Op, 90 (1833) [25:32] rec. 26 September 1961 Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Op. 68 (1876) [44:58] rec. 12 or 19 December 1957 Tragic Overture (1880) [12;32] rec. 19 November 1956 Gustav MAHLER (1860-1911) Kindertotenlieder (1901-4) [25:11] Marian Anderson (contralto) rec. 22 November 1956 Leos JANÁČEK (1854-1928) Sinfonietta (1924) [28:22] rec. 11 February 1952 Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) Symphony No. 100 in G major ‘Military’ (1794-5)  [22:26] rec. 22 November 1956 Samuel BARBER (1910-1981) Violin Concerto Op. 14 (1941) [21:23] Lola Bobesco (violin) rec. 13 November 1950 Sergei PROKOFIEV (1890-1953) Symphony No. 5 in B flat major Op. 100 [41:07] rec. 22 November 1956 ORTF National Orchestra/ Jascha Horenstein MUSIC AND ARTS CD 1146 [9 CDs:  65:45 + 63:55 + 61:50 + 74:22 + 73:27 + 70:35 + 77:03 + 77:11 + 75:12][JW]

So much new to the market. Rare opportunities to hear Horenstein in Paris. Not to be spurned lightly. ... see Full Review

In Tempo Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) BWV 998 Präludium [3:00]; Fuge [5:39]; Allegro [3:50] Sylvius Leopold WEISS (1686-1750) Passagaille from Suite XIII [6:28]. Fernando SOR (1778-1839) Gran Solo Op.14 [8:40]; Sonata seconda Op.15b [8:16]. Joakim ZELMERLOOW: from Six Bagatelles Op.1, Barcarola [2:02], Allegro con Spirito [1:21], Cavatina [1:51]; El Angel Caido Op. 3 [6:30]; Capricci Dinamarca, Op.7, Allegro Assai [2:10]; Allegretto [1:33]; Lento a poco largo [2:19]; Andante Ritmico [3:07]; Vivace [2:07]; Toccata [1:40]; A Mia Sorella Op. 5 [4:03]; Chroma Op.10 [3:07]; Allegro al Dente Op.9 [2:03] Joakim Zelmerlööw (guitar) rec. June-October 2006. JZ 001 [70:48] [ZT]

This is a unique recording with admirable qualities. ... see Full Review

It’s all about Rhythm Daniel NELSON (b.1965) Miz Melody & the Resonant Rhythm Review (1998) Tommi KÄRKKÄINEN (b.1969) Paranoidia (2000) [3:40] Reine JÖNSSON (b.1960) Läge (1992) [10:00] Ylva SKOG (b.1963) Do you mind? (1999) [3:39] Arne LÖTHMAN (b.1954) Cirkel av rött ljus (1994) [10:49] Peter LYNE (b.1946) Septet (2002) [14:50] Ingvar KARKOFF (b.1958) Reggae Beats (1999) [3:47] Örjan HÖGBERG (b.1953) It’s all about rhythm (2001) [15:53] Nordic Chamber Ensemble, Sundsvall rec. 30 June, 1 July 2005, Tonhallen, Sundsvall INTIM MUSIK IMCD 100 [75:23][DC]

For those who like their contemporary music post-modern and ‘figurative’ rather than fiercely intellectual and ‘abstract’. ... see Full Review

Mariss Jansons in Rehearsal (1997) Béla BARTÓK (1881-1945) The Miraculous Mandarin Suite (1919-1928) Rehearsal [35:09] Performance [19:51] Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra/Mariss Jansons rec. Oslo, August 1997 Written/directed by Morten Thomte An NRK production in association with RM Arts ARTHAUS MUSIK 100 318 (PAL) [55:00][DM]

May seem short measure but given the relatively light-hearted nature of its content I'd say the filmmakers have pitched it just about right. ... see Full Review

Koussevitzky and the Boston Symphony Orchestra – Live Recordings 1943-48. Volume 1 Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949) Don Juan Op 20 (1888) [18:03] Bela BARTÓK (1881-1945) Concerto for Orchestra [with original ending] (1944) [35:29] Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971) Ode – Elegiac Chant (1943) [11:26] Carl Maria von WEBER (1786-1826) Oberon- Overture (1826) [9:14] Boston Symphony Orchestra/Serge Koussevitzky rec. Boston 30 December 1944 (Bartók): 8 October 1943 (Stravinsky): 4 March 1947 (Weber) GUILD HISTORICAL GHCD 2321 [74:58] [JW]

The first volume in what promises to be a very collectable series from Guild. ... see Full Review

La flûte musicienne: Danish music for flute and orchestra Svend S. SCHULTZ (1913-1998) La flûte musicienne Tre satser for flojte og strygeorkester (1980) [15:58] Ole SCHMIDT (b. 1928) Suite for Flute, String Orchestra, Harp and Percussion, Op. 21 (1964) [18:52] Niels Peter JENSEN (1802-1846) Flojtekoncert (ca. 1830) [32:16] Rune Most (flute) Randers Kammer-Orkester/David Riddell rec. February 2004 (location not given) CLASSICO CLASSCD 618 [64:10] [DM]

Flute lovers need not hesitate, and even if this repertoire isn’t your thing this disc is well worth investigating for the Jensen alone. ... see Full Review

Jennifer LarmoreGreat Operatic Arias Francesco CILEA (1866–1950) Adriana Lecouvreur 1. The torment of desire, exquisite torture – Star of the Evening (O vagabonda stella d’oriente) [4:18]; Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797–1848) La favorita 2. Can I believe it? – Oh my beloved – I submit to heav’nly powers! (O, mio Fernando) [8:02]; Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901) Il trovatore 3. Fierce flames are raging (Stride la vampa) [2:54] Amilcare PONCHIELLI (1834–1886) La Gioconda 4. My curse upon you! – Love like mine is the light of creation (L’amo come il fulgor del creato) [3:43]; Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756–1791) Don Giovanni 5. To what atrocity – That ungrateful man betrayed me (Mi tradi) [5:46]; Richard WAGNER (1813–1883) Rienzi 6. Oh righteous God – Where was I? (Wo war ich?) [9:19]; Gaetano DONIZETTI La favorita 7. You, most courteous maiden – My beloved (Ah, mio bene) [10:26]; George Frideric HANDEL (1792–1868) Semele 8. Hence, Iris hence away! [3:40]; Gioachino ROSSINI (1792–1868) Tancredi 9. Tell me, my beating heart (Di tanti palpiti) [2:56]; Vincenzo BELLINI (1801–1835) Norma 10. Take my children – See, O Norma (Mira, O Norma) [10:49]; Giuseppe VERDI Don Carlos 11. O hated gift (O don fatale) [4:35]; Charles GOUNOD (1818–1893) Romeo and Juliet 12. Juliet’s Waltz Song (Je veux vivre) [3:44] Jennifer Larmore (mezzo) Susan Patterson (soprano) (4, 10); Colin Lee (tenor)(7); Fflur Wyn (soprano)(7) Philharmonia Orchestra/David Parry rec. Blackheath Halls, London, 12-15 September 2006 All items sung in English. CHANDOS CHAN 3142 [71:27][GF]

The small reservations I have expressed lose in significance against so much accomplished singing and playing, which makes this a highly desirable recital disc – not only for Jennifer Larmore fans. ... see Full Review

Lotte Lehmann - Lieder Recordings, Vol. 1 (1935-1937) Lotte Lehmann (soprano) Ernö Balogh (piano) rec. 17 October 1935 (1-11), 13 March 1936 (12-20), 16 March 1937 (21-32). ADD NAXOS 8.111093 [78:51] [GF]

Undoubtedly one of the greatest singers of the last century and this and its companion discs give a good picture of her excellence as a Lieder singer ... see Full Review

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