MAHLER (1860-1911) Symphony
No. 2 in C minor, ‘Resurrection’ (1894) [81:46]
Banse (soprano); Anna Larsson (contralto) Schweizer Kammerchor/Fritz
Näf Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich/David Zinman rec. 10-12 February
2006, Tonhalle, Zurich.
82876 87157 2 [22:04
+ 59:42] [DM]
really is on form in this repertoire and that is why this triumphant
new ‘Resurrection’ deserves its place in the winners’ enclosure.
... see Full Review
de MANCHICOURT (c.1510-1564) Regina
caeli [4:04] Peccantem me quotidie [7:08] Missa ‘Cuidez
vous que Dieu nous faille’ [31:32] Osculetur me [6:16] Ne
reminisacaris, Domine [5:24] Magnificat Secundi toni [10:52] Jean
RICHAFORT (c.1480-after 1547) Cuidez vous
que Dieu nous faille [2:07]
Brabant Ensemble: (Helen Ashby (soprano); Kate Ashby (soprano);
Alison Coldstream (soprano); Kate Semmens (soprano); Jan Aitkenhead
(alto); Emma Ashby (alto); Tom King (alto); Gulliver Ralston
(alto); Fiona Shand (alto); Adrian Lowe (tenor); Alastair Putt
(tenor); David Stuart (bass); Tim Scott Whiteley (bass); Angus
Wilson (bass))/Stephen Rice rec. 2-4 September, 2005, chapel
of Merton College, Oxford, England. DDD
CDA67604 [67:16]
music of a neglected corner of sixteenth century polyphony performed
splendidly. ... see Full Review
MAURICE (1868-1936) Overture, La
nuit tous les chats sont gris, Op 35 (1924), [4:51] Pêcheur
d’Islande, impressions musicales d’après Pierre Loti, Op
8 (1895, rev 1911) [23:14] Francesca da Rimini, poème symphonique
d’après Dante, Op 6 (1899) [14:21] Daphné, prélude pour
orchestre, Op 2 bis (1894-7, ed. Adriano) [3:15]
Suite: Perséphone, Op 38 (1930) [27:12] Fugue for stringed instruments,
Op 20 (1901) [5:00]
Moscow Symphony
rec. Mosfilm Studios, Moscow, January 2003. DDD
CDS 1053-2 [78:17]
finely written music here ... see Full
MEDTNER (1880-1951)
Complete Solo Recordings of Nicolai Medtner - Volume 3
Canzona matinata Op.39/4 (c.1918-20) [4:25] Sonata tragica in E Op.39/5
(c.1918-20) [9:58] Arabesque in A Op.7/2 (c.1904) [3:17] Sonata-Ballada
in F sharp Op.27 (c.1912-14) [22:58] Hymn in Praise of Toil (Before
Work) Op.49/1 (c.1926-27) [4:16] Novelle in C Op.17/2 (1908) [4:25]
Märchen [Skazka] in D Op.51/1 (c.1928) [5:26] Märchen [Skazka] in F
Op.26/3 (c.1912) [2:16] Primavera Op.39/3 (c.1918-20) [4:26]
Nicolai Medtner (piano) rec. Studio 3 Abbey Road, London, 1947
APR 5548 [62:29] [JW]
fare for the Medtnerian. Profoundly important documents of a great
executant-composer ... see Full Review
(1809-1847) Octet in E flat, Op. 20 (1825) [31:45]
Max BRUCH (1838-1920) Octet in
B flat, Op. posth. (1920) [24:44]*
Kodály Quartet Auer Quartet * Zsolt Fejérvari (double-bass) rec. Phoenix
Studio, Budapest, June 2003 and April 2004. DDD
NAXOS 8.557270 [56:29][SV]
for the Bruch, and for a different take on the ever-popular Mendelssohn.
... see Full Review
MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847) Verleih’ uns
Frieden [5:44] Kyrie Eleison [1:23]
Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe [4:54] Ave Maria Op. 23 No. 2 [7:22] Mitten
wir im Leben sind Op. 23 No. 3 [8:35] Heilig, heilig ist Gott,
der Herr Zebaoth [1:37] Six Anthems for different times of the year Op.
79 [11:56] Warum toben die Heiden Op. 78 No. 1 [7:15] Richte
mich, Gott Op. 78 No. 2 [3:51] Mein Gott, warum
hast du? Op. 78 No. 3 [10:07] Hör mein Bitten
Anne Dawson (soprano) Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor) John Scott (organ)
Corydon Singers English Chamber Orchestra/Matthew Best rec. 10, 17-18
February 1989, St Jude-on-the-Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London
HELIOS CDH55268 [74:58][ABi]
welcome addition to Helios catalogue – surely a must for bargain hunters
and aficionados alike. ... see Full
MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847)
Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64 (1844) [26:59] Johannes
BRAHMS (1833-1897) Violin Concerto in D Op.77 (1878)
Joseph Szigeti
(violin) New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra/Bruno Walter (Mendelssohn),
Dmitri Mitropoulos (Brahms) rec. February 1941 (Mendelssohn) and October
1948 (Brahms)
AND ARTS CD1197 [67:55] [JW]
admirers should not hesitate to add this disc to their collection.
... see Full Review
French Baroque Cantatas
Pignolet de MONTÉCLAIR (1667-1737)
La mort de Didon (c.1709) [13:04] Ariane et Bacchus (1728)
[14:38] Jean-Baptiste STUCK
(1680-1755) L’amant réconcilié (1706) [12:09] Céphale
et Aurore (1706) [17:14]
Fiona Campbell (mezzo) (Montéclair) Taryn Fiebig (soprano) (Stuck) Ensemble
Battistin rec. October 2004 (Stuck) and September-October 2005 (Montéclair)
[57:25] [JW]
and rewarding listening, especially when performed
so well as here and in so sympathetic an acoustic
... see Full
MONTEVERDI (1567-1643) Madrigali
guerrieri et amorosi: libro ottavo (1638) 1. Combattimento
di Tancredi e Clorinda [22:03] 2. Il Ballo delle ingrate [36:10]
3. Sinfonia a doi violini e una viola di brazzo [0:45] 4. Altri
canti d’amor, tenero arciero, a sei voci con quattro viole e
doi violini [9:52] 5. Lamento de la Ninfa [4:43] 6. Vago augelletto,
che cantando vai, a sei e sette voci con doi violini e un contrabasso
[5:42] 7. Perchè t’ en fuggi, o fillide? A
tre (alto, tenore e basso) [5:59] 8. Altri canti
di marte, a sei voci et doi violini [8:59] 9. Ogni amante è guerrier
[14:18] 10. Hor che ’l ciel e la terra e ’l vento tace, a sei
voci con doi violini [10:46] 11. Gira il nemico, insidioso amore
[5:43] 12. Dolcissimo uscignolo, a cinque voci, cantato a voce
piena, alla francese [3:42] 13. Ardo, ardo, avvampo, mi struggo,
a otto voci con doi violini [4:16] 14. Introduzione e ballo [9:40]
15. Se vittoria sì belle, a doi tenori [2:39] 16. Su, su, su,
pastorelli vezzosi, a tre, doi canti e alto [2:33] 17. Ardo e
scoprir, ahi lasso, io non ardisco, a doi tenori [3:30] 18. Chi
vol aver felice e lieto il core, a cinque voci, cantato a voce
piena, alla francese [2:06]
19. Armato il cor d’adamantina fede, a doi tenore [2:20] 20. Non partir ritrosetta,
a tre, doi alti e basso [4:17] 21. O sia tranquillo il mare, a doi tenori [4:20]
22. Mentre vaga angiolwtta, a doi tenori [9:31] 23. Ninfa che, scalza il piede
Concerto Italiano/Rinasso
Alessandrini rec. (1-3) January 1998, Centro Giovanni XXIII, Frascati, Italy;
(4-13) February 1997, Salone della Musica, Villa Medici, Ora Giulini, Briosco,
Italy; (14-23)
December 2005, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, Italy.
111 OP30435 [3 CDs: 58:24 + 75:11 + 46:22] [GPu]
glorious, theatrical recording of Monteverdi’s final collection
of madrigals, vivid, energetic, full of contrast and power, subtlety
and rhythmic vitality … see Full
Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
Clarinet Quintet in A major, K581 (1789) [31:32]
Johannes BRAHMS
(1833-1897) Clarinet Quintet in
B minor, op. 115* (1891) [39:00]
Scharoun Ensemble Berlin: (Karl-Heinz Steffens
(clarinet), Guy Braunstein (violin 1), Christoph
Streuli (violin 2), Ulrich Knorzer (viola),
Richard Duven (cello)) rec. Kammermusiksaal
der Berliner Philharmonie, 22-23 June 2005,
*Grosser Saal der Berliner Philharmonie, 5-8
February 2006 DDD
TUDOR 7137 [70:44] [MG]
played orthodox performances of a cultivated
homogeneity … see
Full Review
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART
for Horn and Orchestraa – No. 1 in D, K386b (1791?) [8:16];
No. 2 in E flat, K417 (1783) [13:44]; No. 3 in E flat, K447 (1784-87)
[15:53]; No. 4 in E flat, K495 (1786) [16:05]. Quintet for Piano and
wind Instruments, K452b (1784) [21:30].
aDennis Brain (horn); bWalter Gieseking (piano); aPhilharmonia
Orchestra/Herbert von Karajan; bPhilharmonia Wind Ensemble
(Sidney Sutcliffe (oboe); Bernard Walton (clarinet); Dennis Brain (horn);
Cecil James, (bassoon)) rec. aKingsway Hall, London, 12-13,
23 November 1953; bEMI Abbey Road Studio No. 1, London, 15
April 1955. ADD
HISTORICAL 8.111070 [75:16][CC]
disc is pure joy. At the price, it is almost a crime not to snap it
up. This is as near to flawless horn playing as we can expect this side
of the veil. ... see Full
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART
(1756-1791) Oboe
Concerto in C, K. 314 (1777)* [19:25] Sinfonia Concertante for Winds
in E flat, K. 297b+ [27:52] Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 (1791)^ [29:10]
Douglas Boyd (oboe)*+
Richard Hosford (clarinet+, basset clarinet^) Robin O'Neill (bassoon)+
Jonathan Williams (horn)^ Chamber Orchestra of Europe/Paavo Berglund*,
Alexander Schneider+^ rec. no information provided
COE RECORDS CD COE 814 [77:07][SV]
well-matched, stylish, unashamed modern-orchestra Mozart, with a consistent
interpretive approach. ... see Full
Amadeus MOZART (1756–1791)
clemenza di Tito (1791) K. 621
Nicolai Gedda (tenor) – Tito Vespasiano, Imperatore di Roma; Hilde Zadek
(soprano) – Vitellia, figlia dell’Imperatore Vitellio; Ilse Wallenstein
(soprano) – Servilia, sorella di Sesto, amante d’Annio; Ira Malaniuk
(mezzo) – Sesto, amico di Tito, amante di Vitellia; Peter Offermanns
(tenor) – Annio, amico di Sesto, amante di Servilia; Gerhard Gröschel
(bass) – Publio, prefetto del pretorio;
Kölner Rundfunkchor und Rundfunkorchester/Joseph Keilberth rec.
Funkhaus des WDR, Saal 1, Cologne, 28–31 December 1955
CAPRICCIO 67 159 [49:53 + 54:45] [GF]
this can never be a first recommendation it
has good things on offer and admirers of Nicolai
Gedda may well be interested ... see Full
Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
Complete Church Sonatas
Istvan Matyas, organ (KV263, KV278 & KV329)
Thomas Fheodoroff (violin) Regine Schroder
(violin) Alexandra Dienz (bass) Wiener Akademie/Martin
Haselböck (director; organ) rec: 12-15
June 2005, Hofburgkapelle, Vienna, Austria.
DIGITAL SACD 71 064 [61.37] [MC]
is a disc of high quality music from Mozart
which I have no hesitation in recommending
to anyone especially to those who enjoy lesser
known music from the Classical era. ... see
Full Review
Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Piano Concerto No.
21 in C major K467 (1785) [27:41] Piano Concerto No. 25 in
C major K503 (1786) [31:23]
Kovacevich (piano) London Symphony Orchestra/Sir Colin Davis
rec. London, June 1972, ADD
5316 [59:33] [IB]
Enjoy … I
certainly did. ... see Full
Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
Chamber Music CD1 Divertimento
for violin, viola and cello in E flat major K563 (1788) [49:21] Quartet
for oboe, violin and ‘cello in F major K370 (1781) [14:32] CD2
String Quartet no 14 in G major K 387 (1782) [21:11] String Quartet
no 15 in D minor K 421 (1783) [30:45] CD3 String Quartet
no 16 in E flat major K428 (1784) [33:40] String Quartet no 17 in B
flat major K 458 “The Hunt” (1784) [32:49] CD4 String
Quartet no 18 in A major K464 (1785) [37:42] String Quartet no 19 in
C major K465 “Dissonance” (1785) [38:06] CD5 String
Quintet in B flat major K174 (1773) [39:52] String
Quintet in G minor K516 (1787) [39:33]
Smithson String Quartet (Jaap Schroder (violin), Marylin McDonald (violin)
Judson Griffin (viola) Kenneth Slowik (cello), Lisa Rautenberg (2nd
viola in K174 and K516)) rec. Chateaubriant, France, 19-23 September
1990 (disc 1); Evangelische Kirche, Honrath, Germany, 16-23 October
1989 (Discs 2-4); Rosslyn Hill Chapel, Hampstead, London, UK, 17-21
October 1990 (Disc 5). DDD
VIRGIN CLASSICS 3727782 [5 CDs: 63:58 + 66:17 + 66:34 + 75:53
+ 79:13] [IB]
have derived a great deal of enjoyment and insight from this set
and would be willing to give it a fair welcome albeit with two
small reservations. ... see Full
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Piano Concerto No.14 in E
flat major K449 (1784) [22:03] Piano Concerto No.15 in B flat major
K450 (1784) [25:23] Piano Concerto No.17 in G major K453 (1784) [30:18]
Piano Concerto No. 18 in B flat major K456 (1784) [30:07] Rondo in A
minor K511 (1787) [10:36] Sonata in C major K330 (1779) [13:22]
Artur Balsam (piano) The Haydn Orchestra/Harry Newstone rec. BBC broadcasts
June 1956 (Concertos); Concert Hall LP c1951-54 (Sonata) and live at
the Manhattan School of Music, February 1980 (Rondo)
BRIDGE 9217 [67:00 + 66:30] [JW]
retrieval work from Bridge, whose commitment to Balsam has been of long
standing and great worth ... see Full
Amadeus MOZART (1756–1791) Divertimento
in B flat major K254 [17:51] Piano Trio in G major K496 [23:30] Piano
Trio in C major K548 [18:44]
The Florestan Trio (Anthony Marwood (violin); Richard Lester (cello);
Susan Tomes (piano)) rec. Henry Wood Hall, London, 18–20 May 2006. DDD
Trio’s Mozart interpretations are really second to none. … see Full
(1653-1704) Armonico Tributo, 1682
Sonata I in D [13:28] Sonata II in g minor [13:50]
Sonata III in A [08:35] Sonata IV in e minor [08:43] Sonata
V in G [21:31]
Antiqua Austria: (Gunar Letzbor (violin, director), Ilia Korol (violin),
Peter Aigner, Susanna Haslinger (viola), Claire Pottinger-Schmidt (cello,
viola da gamba), Luciano Còntini (archlute), Norbert Zeilberger (harpsichord,
organ)) rec. 2005
SYCAT 00183 [66:35][JV]
performances of five wonderful sonatas by
Muffat … falls a little short in regard to
contrasts in dynamics and tempo ... see Full
(b. 1968) Lost
Highway (2002-2003) (93:10) Libretto
by Elfriede Jelinek and Olga Neuwirth
Constance Haumann (Renée/Alice) Vincent
Crowly (Fred/Mechanic) David Moss (Mr. Eddy/Dick
Laurent) Andrew Watts (Mystery Man) Kai Wessel
(Andy/Mechanic) Gavin Webber (Party Guest/Doctor/Arnie/Raucher)
Grayson Millwood (Al/Party Guest/Mechanic)
Rodolfo Seas-Araya (Ed/Party Guest/Mechanic)
Lucas Rössner (Party Guest/Bill/Mechanic)
Jodi Melnick (Party Guest/Candice/Mechanic)
Klangforum Wien/Johannes Kalitzke rec. Institute
of Electronic Music and Acoustics, Graz, Austria
2003. DDD
KAIROS 0012542KAI [49:58 + 43:12] [PC]
a labor of somebody’s love. But I can only
recommend it to a stalwart few. You may find
some kindred spirits here. ... see Full
Carl NIELSEN (1865-1931) Symphony
No.3 FS 60 (Op.27) “Sinfonia Espansiva”(1910-11) [37:57] Symphony
No.6 FS 116 “Sinfonia Semplice” (1924-25) [32:17]
Pia-Maria Nilsson (soprano)*, Olle Persson (baritone)*, Swedish Radio
Symphony Orchestra/Esa-Pekka Salonen. rec. Berwald Hall, Stockholm,
5-6 June 1989* and 20-21 September 1990. DDD
you want this particular coupling or are keen to hear Salonen's take
on Nielsen, look no further. This disc is worth the outlay. ... see
Full Review
(1865-1931) CD 1 Symphonic Rhapsody (1889)
[8:27] Helios Overture (1903) [12:01] Saga-drøm (1907-8)
[9:01] Violin Concerto (1911) [37:20] CD 2 Pan og Syrinx (1917-18)
[8:36] Flute Concerto (1926) [19:03] Rhapsody Overture (1927) [9:56]
Clarinet Concerto (1928) [25:36]
Arve Tellefsen (violin); Frantz Lemmser (flute); Kjell-Inge Stevennson
(clarinet) Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra/Herbert Blomstedt rec. February-April
1975, Danmarks Radio Concert Hall, Copenhagen
EMI CLASSICS 3 81503 2 [67:16 + 63:42][DC]
will never go far wrong with this programme and these musicians. ...
see Full Review
Sh’maa! The Dirge of York (1995)
Rohan McCollough (speaker), Gyora Novak (speaker), Eidit Arad (mezzo),
Nicholas Hill (horn), Catherine Butler-Smith (oboe), David Watkins (harp),
Robert Truman (cello), Chris Brannick (percussion) No recording details
CLAUDIO CC4832-2 [71:13] [JW]
that gradually becomes more consoling and emptied of external feelings.
... see Full Review
ORFF (1895-1936) arr. John KRANCE Suite from
Carmina Burana (1936) [27:23] Arthur
BIRD (1856-1923) ed. Gunther SCHULLER (b.1925) Serenade for Wind Instruments,
Op. 40 (1898) [24:11] Herbert
Owen REED (b.1910) La Fiesta Mexicana (1954) [22:40]
Peabody Conservatory Wind Ensemble/Harlan D Parker rec. 14 December
2000, 15 February 2001, 18 March 2001, Griswold Hall, Baltimore, Maryland.
WIND BAND CLASSICS 8.570242 [74:15][TP]
you buy this disc for Carmina Burana, you
will be disappointed, but Bird's serenade
is simply delightful and Reed's symphonic
poem is colourful and exciting. ... see Full
(1901-1974) The Bewitched
– A Dance Satire (1956)
Freda Schell (the Witch)/The University of
Illinois Musical Ensemble/John Garvey
rec. 1957, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
Campus Reissue of material originally released
on Gate 5 and subsequently on CRI CD 754 The
Harry Partch Collection – Volume 4
NEW WORLD RECORDS 80624-2 [75:43] [PSe]
restored and sounding as fresh as a daisy,
this recording of the première of The
Bewitched is, to put it bluntly, bewitching.
... see Full
PAVLOVA (b. 1952) Symphony No. 5 (2006) [47:23]
Elegy for piano and string orchestra (1998)* [4:41]
Mikhail Shestakov (violin); Andrei Korobelnikov (piano)* Tchaikovsky
Symphony Orchestra of Moscow Radio/Vladimir Ziva rec. 18-21 June 2006,
Studio 5, Russian State TV & Radio Company Kultura, Moscow
NAXOS 8.570369 [52:04][DM]
even vulnerable, yet always tethered to a grimmer reality …the material
is plain, the colours muted. ... see Full
PENDERECKI (b.1933) CD 1 Anaklasis
(1959)* [5:58] Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima (1959-61)
[9:54] Fonogrammi (1961) [6:40] De natura sonoris No.1 (1966)
[7:15] Capriccio for violin and orchestra (1967) [11:38] Canticum
canticorum salomonis (1970) [16:47] De natura sonoris No.2 (1971)
[9:03] The Dream of Jacob (1974) [7:31] CD 2 Emanationen (1961)
[6:48] Partita [19:15] Cello Concerto (1972) [14:45] Symphony*
(1973) [31:14]
Krakow Philharmonic Choir (Canticum), Polish Radio National Symphony
Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra* Wanda Wiłkomirska (violin
- Capriccio), Felicja Blumental (harpsichord - Partita),
Siegfried Palm (cello - Concerto) Krzysztof Penderecki (conductor)
rec. July 1973, No.1 Studio, Abbey Road, London (Anaklasis and
Symphony), February 1975, Katowice, Poland (Threnody, De natura
sonoris 1, Canticum, Jacob), April and May 1972, Studio of Polskie
Radio, Katowice, Poland (Fonogrammi, Capriccio, De natura sonoris
2, Emanationen, Partita, Cello Concerto).
EMI CLASSICS GEMINI 381 5082 [75:44 + 72:30][DC]
premiere recordings conducted by the composer have something that bit
special to offer. ... see Full Review
PETERSON-BERGER (1867-1942) Domedagsprofeterna (“The
Doomsday Prophets”, comic opera in 3 acts — excerpts,
1917) [79:19]
Sporre, captain - Mikael Samuelson (baritone); Elin - Solveig
Faringer (soprano); Lars - Thomas Sunnegårdh (tenor); Klas
Mugg, Elin’s father - Göran Annebring (bass); Johan Bure, Professor
- Bo Lundborg (bass); Simon Wolimhaus - Sven-Erik Alexandersson;
Rector Magnificus - Curt Appelgren; Drottning Kristina - Inger
Blom; Bengt Skytte - Lage Wedin; Fru Kerstin - IngMari Landin;
Gorvel Mardh - Gunnel Bohman; Johan Papegoja - Nemgt Krantz;
Brita - Catharina Olsson Other roles by members of Orfeo Drängar
and the Allmänna Sången/Robert Sund Swedish Radio Symphony
Orchestra/Ulf Söderblom rec. Stockholm, Swedish Radio, radio
broadcast, January 1984. DDD
CDO1069-2 [79:19] [GR] [RB]
cast acquit themselves with distinction ... what a shame that the
entire work was not made available [GR] ... Allowance made for
the inherently unsatisfactory nature of excerpts every aspect is
exemplary [RB] ... see Full
The Profound Effect of One
(2005) (I. From Nowhere [3:49]; II. Revelation [5:16]; III.
The Uncertainty Principle [6:21])
Ralph Morrison (violin); Richard Altenbach (violin); Simon Oswell (viola);
Andrew Shulman (cello)/H.E. Pietsch rec. 2 June 2005, Todd AO Studios,
Studio City, CA Reflets Dans La Sainte Chapelle (2005)
[16:55] Wally Snow (vibraphone); M.B. Gordy (percussion)/Brent McMunn
rec. 2 June 2005, Todd AO Studios, Studio City, CA The Profound
Effect of One (arr. for two pianos, four hands)
(2005) (I. From Nowhere [3:39]; II. Revelation [4:58]; III. The Uncertainty
[6:12]) Brent McMunn (piano); Bryan Pezzone (piano) rec. 20 December
2005, Capitol Studios, Hollywood, CA. DDD
SPM 6 08793 01072 7 [47:08][PG]
of the most solid recent compilations of music by a young composer.
The orchestral portions of this album could not be more highly
recommended. ... see Full
PONCHIELLI (1834-1886)
La Gioconda (1876)
La Gioconda, a street singer - Andrea Gruber (soprano); Enzo Grimaldi,
exiled Genoese prince in love with Laura - Marco Berti (ten); Barnaba,
sadistic spy who lusts after Gioconda - Alberto Mastromarino (bar);
Laura Adorno, wife of Alvise and loved by Enzo - Eildiko Komlosi (mezzo);
Alvise, one of the Heads of the State Inquisition - Carlo Colombara
(bass); La Cieca, blind mother of Gioconda - Elisabetta Fiorillo (alto)
Orchestra, Chorus and Corps de Ballet of the Arena di Verona/Danato
Renzetti rec. live, Arena di Verona, Italy, June 2005 Director, set
and costumes by Pier Luigi Pizzi Video Director Tiziano Mancini Recorded
in High Definition. dts digital surround sound, Linear PCM 2.0. Vision
16:9 Colour. NTSC
[2 DVDs: 162:00]
hope many will see this DVD and enjoy it, for that may lead to
increased cries for regular stagings of Gioconda in the UK. Offers
a real emotional experience ... see Full
The Carmelites - Opera in three acts (1953-56)
Libretto by the composer after Georges Bernanos' play Dialogue des
Carmélites, revised English version by Joseph Machlis
Ashley Holland (baritone) - Marquis de la Force, Catrin Wyn-Davies (soprano)
- Blanche de la Force, Peter Wedd (tenor) - Chevalier de la Force, Gary
Coward (baritone) - Thierry, Natalie Herman (soprano) - Off-stage voice,
Felicity Palmer (mezzo) - Madame de Croissy, Josephine Barstow (soprano)
- Mother Marie, Orla Boylan (soprano) - Madame Lidoine, Sarah Tynan
(soprano) - Sister Constance, Jane Powell (mezzo) - Mother Jeanne, Anne
Marie Gibbons (mezzo) - Sister Mathilde, Ryland Davies (tenor) - The
Chaplain, William Berger (baritone) - Monsieur Javelinot, James Edwards
(tenor) - First Commissioner, Roland Wood (baritone) - Second Commissioner,
Toby Stafford-Allen (baritone) - First Officer, David Stephenson (baritone)
- Gaoler, English National Opera Orchestra and Chorus/Paul Daniel rec.
Blackheath Halls, London, 20-26 October 2005. DDD.
CHANDOS CHAN 3134(2) [79.50 + 64.25] [ED]
is much to enjoy and move you in this recording. ... see Full
Francois POULENC
(1899-1963) La Voix Humaine ¹ (1958)
[41:31] Gian Carlo MENOTTI
(1911-2007) The Telephone² (1946) [23:29]
Carole Farley (soprano) Russell Smythe (baritone) Scottish Chamber Orchestra/José
Serebrier (conductor) Mike Newman (director) co-production between BBC
Scotland and Decca Records 1992. DVD all regions
VAI 4374
eavesdropping, literally, on an intimate, private moment, as the protagonist
disintegrates emotionally. ... see Full
PUCCINI (1858-1924) La Bohème
(1896) [108:10]
Jussi Björling (Rodolfo, tenor); Victoria de los Angeles (Mimì, soprano);
Robert Merrill (Marcello, baritone); John Reardon (Schaunard, baritone);
Lucine Amara (Musetta, soprano); Giorgio Tozzi (Colline, bass); Fernando
Corena (Benoit/Alcindoro, bass); William Nahr (Parpignol, tenor); Thomas
Powell (Custom House Official, bass); George Del Monte (Sergeant)
Columbus Boychoir, RCA Victor Chorus and Orchestra/Sir Thomas Beecham
rec. 16-17, 30-31 March, 1-3, 5-6 April 1956, Manhattan Center, New
York Bonus Tracks: Jussi Björling sings Puccini Manon Lescaut:
Donna non vidi mai [02:17] Royal Opera House Orchestra, Stockholm/Nils
Grevillius, rec. 1948 Manon Lescaut: Ah! Manon, mi tradisce [02:31],
Presto in fila … No! Pazzo son! [03:50] Licia Albanese, Franco
Calabrese, Enrico Campi, Rome Opera House Chorus and Orchestra/Jonel
Perlea, rec. 1954 Tosca: Recondita armonia [02:45], E lucevano
le stelle [03:02] Swedish Radio Orchestra/Grevillius, rec. 1950
La Fanciulla del West: Ch’ella mi creda [02:19]
Royal Opera House Orchestra, Stockholm/Grevillius, rec. 1937 Turandot:
Nessun dorma [03:15] Orchestra/Grevillius, rec. 1944
REGIS RRC 2075 [54:11 + 74:49][CH]
recording that has to give way before the
better cast, better conducted and better recorded
version under Erede on Naxos ... see Full
OF THE MONTH Sergei RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) Complete
Rodgers (soprano), Maria Popescu (mezzo-soprano), Alexandre
Naoumenko (tenor), Sergei Leiferkus (bass) Howard Shelley
(piano) rec. St. Michael’s Church, Highgate, London 1994-95
CLASSICS 8531 [3 CDs: 76:01 + 71:54 + 68:00] [JW]
decade-old recordings have stood the test of time. The set is something
of a steal ... see Full Review
RAMEAU (1683-1764) Dardanus (1739)
Agnew (tenor) - Dardanus Paul Whelan (baritone) - Anténor,
Kathryn McCusker (soprano) - Iphise, Stephen Bennett (bass)
- Teucer, Damian Whiteley (bass) - Isménor, Penelope Mills
(soprano) - Vénus, Miriam Allan (soprano) - Une Phrygienne;
Un Songe, Anna Fraser (soprano) - Une Phrygienne, David Greco;
Dan Walker; Corin Bone Pinchgut Opera/Justin Way Orchestra
of the Antipodes (on period instruments)/Antony Walker Artistic
Directors: Erin Helyard and Antony Walker rec. live, 30 November,
3-5 December 2005, City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney
CLASSICS 476 5844 [54:35 + 73:32] [DC]
worth seeking out ... see Full
RAVEL (1875-1937)
et Chloé, Orchestral Suite No.1
(1909-12, suite arranged 1911) [11:47] Daphnis
et Chloé, Orchestral Suite No.2
(1909-12, suite arranged 1913) [15:58] Ma
mère l’oye (Mother Goose)
(1908-10, orchestrated 1911, expanded as ballet
1912) [27:04] Boléro, ballet
for orchestra (1928) [15:49]
Concertgebouw Orchestra/Bernard Haitink Rotterdam
Philharmonic Orchestra/Edo de Waart (Bolero)
rec. September 1971, Concertgebouw, Amsterdam,
Holland (Haitink); December 1974, De Doelen,
Rotterdam, Holland. 
CLASSICS SACD PTC 5186 167 [70:29]
excellent performances and superb sound quality
I would not be too displeased to have this
disc as my only representation for these Ravel
scores. ... see Full
Emil REESEN (1887-1964)
Grønlandsk Folketone (1934) [6.56] Polkina Fra Gudindernes Strid (1933)
[2.53] Trianon, Suite I Gammel Stil (1941) [9.23] Variationer over et
tema af Fr. Schubert (1928) [16.49] Agnether Og Havmanden (1929] Jeg
Gik Mig Ud en Sommerdag (1929) [2.43] Gaucho-Suite (1931) [7.03] Himmerland
(1925) [13.24]; Festmarch (1937) [3.41]
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra/Bo Holten rec. Symfonien, Aalborg, 12-16
June 2006.
DACAPO 8.226031
[67.29] [GH]
my kind of composer - imaginative, versatile, highly professional and
writing wonderfully for orchestral musicians. Most enjoyable ... see
Full Review
Carl Heinrich REINECKE (1824-1910)
Symphony No. 1 in A Major, Op. 79 (1858)
[25:45] Violin Concerto in G minor, Op. 141 (1876) [34:03] Romance for
Violin and Orchestra in A minor, Op. 155 (1879) [9:48] Romance for Violin
and Orchestra in E minor, Op. 93. (ca. 1860) [3:39]
Ingolf Turban (violin) Bern Symphony Orchestra/Johannes Moesus rec.
Grosser Saal, Kultur-Casino Bern, 23-24 September 2004, 12 October 2004.
Works for violin and orchestra are from live concert performances.
CPO 777 105 2
pleasant discovery, professionally played. This will be of interest
to fans of romantic literature, particularly the violin concerto. ...
see Full Review
RHEINBERGER (1839-1901) Organ Concerto
No. 1 in F major, Op. 137 (1884) [27:10] Organ Concerto No. 2 in G minor,
Op. 177 [24:54]*
Paul Skevington
(organ) Amadeus Orchestra/Timothy Rowe rec. St Luke Catholic Church,
McLean, Virginia, April, *November 1999
NAXOS 8.557787 [52:04] [SV]
essential impulse from which Rheinberger's music arises is lyrical
rather than thrusting or dramatic ... see Full
(1844-1908) Scheherazade
– Symphonic Suite after "The Thousand
and One Nights", Op. 35 (1888) [45:15] Sadko, a musical picture Op.5 (1867)
[10:49] Fantasia on Serbian Themes Op.6
(1866) [6:56] At the Tomb, Prelude to the
Memory of M Belyaev Op.61 (1904) [4:18]
USSR Symphony Orchestra/Evgeni Svetlanov rec.
Moscow 1969 (Scheherazade) and 1965 (remainder)
MEL CD 10 00180 [67:18] [JW]
1969 Scheherazade in its brazen, indulgent
and dramatic way still has claims to be taken
as seriously ... see Full
Michelangelo ROSSI (1602-1656)
Toccata e Correnti d'Intavolatura d'organo
e cembalo Toccata I [05:34] Toccata
II [05:38] Toccata III [06:05] Toccata
IV [06:15] Toccata V [07:52] Toccata
VI [05:23] Toccata VII [06:06] Toccata
VIII [06:38] Toccata IX [06:08] Toccata
X [09:00] Corrente I [01:05] Corrente
II [01:25] Corrente III [01:34] Corrente
IV [01:11] Corrente V [00:58] Corrente
VI [01:27] Corrente VII [01:15] Corrente
VIII [01:17] Corrente IX [02:45] Corrente
X [01:55]
Sergio Vartolo (harpsichord) rec. June 2003,
Fumano, Italy. DDD
NAXOS 8.557321 [79:31][JV]
keyboard works belong to the most brilliant and captivating of the 17th
century - this interpretation is disappointing as the virtuosic and capricious
nature of the music is underexposed ... see Full
ROSSINI (1792-1868) Ciro in
Babilonia - drama with chorus in two acts (1812)
Baldassare. King of the Assyrians in Babylon - Riccardo Botta - (ten);
Ciro, King of Persia, disguised as an ambassador - Anna Rita Gemmabella
(contralto); Amira, wife of Ciro, prisoner of Baldassare - Luisa Islam-Ali-Zade
(mezzo); Argene, her confidante - Maria Soulis (mezzo); Zambri, a Babylonian
prince - Woitek Gierlach (bass); Arbace, captain of Baldassare's army
- Giorgio Trucco (ten); Daniele, a prophet - Giovanni Bellavia (bass-baritone)
ARS Brunensis Chamber Choir Württemberg Philharmonic Orchestra/Antonino
Fogliani (conductor; harpsichord) rec. live, 16, 22, 24 July 2004, Kursaal
Bad Wildbad, Germany, Rossini in Wildbad Festival.
NAXOS OPERA CLASSICS 8.660203-04 [61.50 + 70.09] [RJF]
not the only recorded version of what is essentially Rossini’s
first opera seria, the ready availability of this live performance
from Naxos will compensate for some vocal and dramatic weaknesses.
... see Full Review
ROSSINI (1792-1868) L’italiana in Algeri
- Opera giocosa in two acts (1813)
Mustafa, Bey of Algiers - Simone Alaimo (buffa bass); Elvira, Mustafa’s
wife - Jeanette Fischer (sop); Haly, captain of the Algerian pirates
- Anthony Smith (bass); Lindoro, a young Italian and Mustafa’s favourite
slave - Bruce Ford (ten); Isabella, an Italian lady - Jennifer Larmore
(mezzo); Taddeo, Isabella’s companion - Alessandro Corbelli (buffa bar)
Orchestra and chorus of the Paris Opera/Bruno Campanella rec. live,
Opéra National de Paris, Palais Garnier, April 1998 Stage Director:
Andrei Surban; Set and costume designer: Marina Draghici Sound format,
DD 5.1. DTS 5.1. LPCM stereo. Picture format 16:9 anamorphic Introductory
notes in English, German and French Subtitles in Italian (original language),
English, German, French and Spanish
singing as Isabella, together with a fine acting cast, rescues this
rather wacky production from presenting Rossini’s opera giocosa as a
farsa. ... see Full Review
Gioachino ROSSINI
Il Viaggio a Reims - dramma giocoso in one act
Madame Cortese,
the Tyrolean owner of the Golden Lily Inn - Anastasia Belyaeva (sop);
Baron Von Trombonok, a German aristocrat - Vladislav Ouspenski (bass);
Contessa de Flolleville, a Parisian lady of fashion - Larissa Youdina
(sop); Count Libenskof, a Russian General - Daniil Shtoda (ten); Marchesa
Melibea, a young Polish widow - Anna Kiknadze (mezzo); Don Alvaro, a
Spanish admiral - Alexei Safiouline (bar); Corinna, a poetess from Rome
- Irma Guigolachvili (sop); Belfiore, a young French chevalier - Dmitri
Voropaev ( ten); Modestina - Olga Kitchenko (mezzo); Lord Sidney, and
English aristocrat in love with Corina - Edouard Tsanga (bass); Don
Profondo, an antique collector - Nikolai Kamenski (buffo bass); Maddalena,
the housekeeper - Elena Sommer (sop); Don Prudenzio, a spoof doctor
and buffoon - Alexei Tannovistski (bass); Don Luigino, cousin of Contessa
de Folleville - Andrei Illiouchnikov; Antonio, Maître d’hôtel - Pavel
Chmoulevitch Chorus and Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theatre St. Petersburg/Valery
Gergiev A co-production of the Mariinsky Theatre St. Petersburg and
the Théâtre du Châtelet, Paris. rec. live, Théâtre du Châtelet 10, 15,
17 December 2005. Stage Director - Alain Maratrat; Set Designer - Pierre
Alain Bertola; Costume Designer - Mireille Dessingey Picture format:
16/9 Anamorphic. Sound formats: LPCM Stereo. DTS surround Subtitles
in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian (original language)
[135:00] [RJF]
modern dress production is wholly enjoyable, not least because
of the acting commitment and quality of the singing and ensemble
of the performers from the Academy of the Mariinsky Theatre ...
see Full Review
ROSSINI (1792-1868) Torvaldo
e Dorliska - Dramma semi-seria in two acts (1815)
- Francesco Meli (ten); Dorliska, Torvaldo’s wife - Darina
Takova (sop); Giorgio, custodian of the Duke of Ordow’s castle
- Bruno Pratico (bass); Duca d’Ordow - Michele Pertusi (buffo
bass); Ormondo, Captain of the Duke’s guard - Simone Alberghini
(bass-bar); Carlotta, Giorgio’s sister - Jeanette Fischer (sop)
Prague Chamber Choir Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano e Trento/Víctor
Pablo Pérez rec. live, Teatro Rossini, Pesaro Festival, Italy,
August 2006 Performed in the Critical Edition by Francesco
PaoloRusso for the Rossini Foundation in collaboration with
Casa Ricordi
CDS 528/1-2 [76.52 + 74.18] [RJF]
lovers will want to add this fine live performance from the 2006
Pesaro Festival of this rarely staged opera to their collection.
They might also hope, and wait to see, if a video recording was
made. ... see Full Review
L’italiana in Algeri - opera giocosa in two acts
Mustafa, Bey of
Algiers - Marco Vinco (bass); Elvira, Mustafa’s wife - Barbara Bargnesi
(sop); Haly, captain of the Algerian pirates - Alex Esposito (bass);
Lindoro, a young Italian and Mustafa’s favourite slave - Maxim Miranov
(ten); Isabella, an Italian lady - Marianna Pizzaloto (mezzo); Taddeo,
Isabella’s companion - Bruno De Simone (buffa bar) Prague Chamber Choir
Orchestra of the Teatro Communale, Bologna/Donato Renzetti rec. live,
BPA Palais, Pesaro, 12, 15, 19 August 2006, Rossini Opera Festival Performed
in the Critical Edition by Azio Corghi for the Rossini Foundation in
collaboration with Casa Ricordi
DYNAMIC CDS 526/1-2 [69.43 + 73.47] [RJF]
those only interested in audio recordings, I suspect the live occasion
caught here will appeal over better sung performances in a highly
competitive market of studio recordings ... see Full
Jan RYBA (1765-1815) Flute
Quartet in C (1811) [15:35] String Quartet in A minor (1801)
[7:00] Flute Quartet in F (1811) [18:00] String Quartet in
D minor (1801) [9:56]
Ostry (flute) M. Nostitz Quartet rec. 9-12 November 2004 Studio
Arco Diva, Dumovinč, Prague
8.557729 [50:54] [DB]
greatly enjoyable disc, recommended especially for fans of Haydn’s
string quartets … see Full Review
listing (last
five days)]
[Part 1 New]
2 A-B]
[Part 3 C-L]
[Part 4 M-R]
[Part 5 S-Z]
[Part 6 Misc A-L][Part
7 Misc M-Z]
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