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Christian CANNABICH (1731-1798) Symphony in G major (1760) [19:47] Symphony in A major (c.1762) [11:57] Symphony in E flat major (c.1770) [13:55] Symphony in C major (c.1770) [10:01] Symphony in D major (c.1770) [11:09] London Mozart Players/Matthias Bamert rec. 24-25 October 2005, St Jude on the Hill, Hampstead, London CHANDOS CHAN 10379 [66:49] [TB]

The balancing of the ensemble is skilfully handled in these spirited performances. The recorded sound plays its full part in creating the intensity of a live performance ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Elliott CARTER (born 1908) A Labyrinth of Time Directed by Frank Scheffer Region Code: All zones NTSC Picture Format: 4:3 Dolby Digital 2.0 IDEALE AUDIENCE INTERNATIONAL DVD9DS17 [90:00][CT]

Elliott Carter’s unique status in today’s musical world is beautifully realised in film by Frank Scheffer … a masterful piece of film making ... see Full Review

Marc-Antoine CHARPENTIER (c.1643-1704) Judicium Salomonis, H.422 (1702) [40:00] Motet pour une longue offrande, H.434 (1698-99) [22:47] Ann Quintans (soprano); Maud Gnidzaz (soprano); Marc Molomot (tenor), Leif Aruhn-Solén (tenor); Paul Agnew (tenor); Carl Ghazarossian (tenor); Marc Mauillon (baritone); Neal Davies (bass); João Fernandes (bass); Les Arts Florissants/William Christie rec. 5-7 September, 2005, Théâtre de Poissy, France. DDD VIRGIN CLASSICS 0946 359294 23 [63:00] [GPu]

Up to the high standards set by Christie’s earlier recordings of Charpentier – which means that it is strongly recommendable … see Full Review

Fryderyk CHOPIN (1810-1849) Player Piano 2 – Famous Pianists around 1900 Waltz Op.64 No.1 [1:50] Eugen d’Albert; Bolero Op.19 [7:34] - Alfred Reisenauer; Etude Op.25 No.6 [1:44] - Moriz Rosenthal; Ballade No.1 Op.23 [8:56] - Ferrucio Busoni;Etude Op.10 No.5 [1:33] Etude Op.25 No.9 [1:03] - Mischa Levitzki; Etude Op.10 No.12 [2:21] - Mieczyslaw Münz; Scherzo Op.31 [8:04], Sonata No.2 Op.35 (movements 3 and 4 only) [8:31] - Alfred Mirovitch; Ballade No.3 Op.47 [7:16] - Leopold Godowsky; Ballade No.4 Op.52 [8:59] Waltz Op.64 No.2 [3:19] Nocturne Op.15 No.2 [4:18] - Leo Ornstein; piano rolls published between 1914 and 1926 MUSIKPRODUKTION DABRINGHAUS UND GRIMM MDG 645 1402-2 [66:32] [JW]

It’s really only specialists who might like to engage with this material.... see Full Review

October Roses – The Songs of Brian Blyth DAUBNEY (b. 1929) The Lent Lily [2:19]a; March [2:56]a; A Rose for Lidice [5:08]a; She hath an Art [1:26]a; Autumn, the Fool [1:52]b; Echo and Narcissus [2:16]b; The Frost [1:34]b; Helen in Sparta [2:47]b; Goblin Song [2:21]b; Mother Redcap [2:59]a; Hospital Grapes [2:54]a; Young Friend [3:00]a; The Singer [2:40]a; I must go and sleep [2:37]a; Absence [3:06]b; Dirge for a Lady [2:58]b; John Anderson, my Jo [1:44]b; Wantage Bells [1:57]b; Shed No Tear [2:55]b; Natura Naturans [1:37]b; The Storm [2:01]a; The Lake Isle of Innisfree [3:19]a; The Folly of Being Comforted [2:57]a; The Sigh [4:33]a; Lyonnesse [3:08]a; The Fiddler of Dooney [1:35]a; On the Death of Anne Brontë [4:05]b; The Cloths of Heaven [1:39]b; October Roses [1:26]b; Resurrection Spiritual [2:58]b William Berger (baritone)a; Anna Dennis (soprano)b; John Talbot (piano) rec. Music Hall of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, 7, 14 May, 25 June 2006. DDD BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY BMS433CD [79:00] [JF]

A great release and required listening for all enthusiasts of English Lieder. ... see Full Review

Carl DAVIS (b. 1936) Aladdin (2000) [126:09] Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra/Carl Davis rec. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 2005. DDD NAXOS 8.557898-99 [50:18 + 75:51] [PC]

I wish Carl Davis clearly a man of talent had had more courage to be daring and perhaps a bit dangerous. ... see Full Review

Frederick DELIUS (1862-1934) Piano Concerto in C minor (1907 version) [25:45] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Piano Concerto No. 24 in C minor, K491 (1786)* [31:09] Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Choral Fantasia for Piano, Chorus and Orchestra in C minor, Op. 80 (1808)** [20:10] Sir Clifford Curzon (piano) BBC Symphony Orchestra/Sir John Pritchard*; ** London Philharmonic Orchestra/Bernard Haitink rec. Royal Albert Hall, London, 3 September 1981; Royal Festival Hall, London *6 November 1979; ** 28 January 1970. ADD BBC LEGENDS BBCL 4181-2 [77:32][JQ]

A valuable and most interesting release. Curzon’s many admirers will be profoundly grateful that these performances have not been lost for ever ... see Full Review

Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797-1848) Il diluvio universale (The Universal Flood) - a sacred tragedy in three acts (1834) Noè, (Noah) Mirco Palazzi (bass); Jafet, son of Noè, Simon Bailey (bass); Sem, son of Noè, Mark Wilde (ten); Cam, son of Noè, Dean Robinson (bass); Cadmo, chief of the Satraps, husband of Sela, Colin Lee (ten); Sela, wife of Cadmo, Majella Cullagh (sop); Ada, Sela’s confidante in love with Cadmo, Manuela Custer (mezzo) Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra/Giuliano Carella rec. Conway Hall (South London Ethical Society), London, October/November 2005. DDD OPERA RARA ORC31 [71.21 + 57.21] [RJF]

With later additions this tuneful opera-cum-oratorio comes from the year that Donizetti announced himself to the operatic world. This recording gives an opportunity to hear a precursor to the great works to follow from his pen and which we know and love. ... see Full Review

Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797–1848) La Figlia del Reggimento (1840) Maria Costanza Nocentini (soprano) – Maria, a vivandière; Giorgio Casciarri (tenor) – Tonio, a young Tyrolean; Luciano Miotto (bass) – Sulpizio, a sergeant of the 11th regiment; Mililana Nikolic (mezzo) – La Marchesa de Berkenfeld; Eugenio Leggiadri-Gallani (bass) – Ortensio, major-domo of the Marchesa; Arturo Cauli (bass) – Un Caporale; Giulia Martella – La Duchessa; Franco Becconi – Un Paesano; Alessandro Pento – Un Notaio; Orchestra e Coro del teatro Marrucino di Chieti/Marzio Conti rec. live, Teatro Marrucino, Chieti, Italy, 31 March-5 April 2004. DDD NAXOS 8.660161-62 [65:32 + 36:26] [GF]

Far from challenging the old Sutherland/Pavarotti/Bonynge set, this budget-priced production could be an acceptable alternative for someone wanting this opera in Italian. ... see Full Review

John DOWLAND (1562-1626) Walsingham [0:38] Can she excuse my wrongs? [2:36] " Ryght Honorable: As I Have Bin Most Bounde Unto Your Honor..." [0:40] Flow My Tears [4:42] Robert JOHNSON (c. 1583 - c. 1633) Have You Seen The Bright Lily Grow [2:35] John DOWLAND " ...Then In Time Passing One Mr. Johnson Died..." [0:32] The Most High And Mighty Christianus The Forth, King Of Denmark, His Galliard [3:01] The Lowest Trees Have Tops [2:16] " ...And Accordinge As I Desired Ther Cam A Letter..." [0:55] Fine Knacks For Ladies [1:50] " ...From Thence I Went To The Landgrave Of Hessen..." [0:24] Fantasy [2:42] Come Heavy Sleep [3:45] Forlorn Hope Fancy [3:07] " ...And From Thence I Had Great Desire To See Italy..." [0:29] Come Again [2:56] Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me [2:40] " ...After My Departure I Caled To Mynde Our Conference..." [0:29] Weep You No More, Sad Fountains [2:38] My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home [1:34] Clear Or Cloudy [2:47] " ...Men Say That The Kinge Of Spain Is Making Gret Preparation..." [1:01] In Darkness Let Me Dwell [4:07] Sting (tenor) Edin Karamazov (lute) rec. Date not specified, Steerpike Studios, Il Palagio, Italy. DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON 170 3139 [48.25] [KM]

A classical recording not for fans of classical music ... ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Paul DUKAS (1865-1935) Piano Sonata in E flat minor (1899-1900) [43:49] Variations, Interlude et Finale (sur un thème de Rameau) (1902) [17:33] La plainte, au loin, du faune (1920) [4:25] Prélude élégiaque (1909) [4:06] Manuel de FALLA (1876-1946) Pour le Tombeau de Paul Dukas  (1935) [3:17] Joyce Hatto (piano) rec. Concert Artist Studios, December 2004 (Sonata); January 2005 (Variations); January 2006 (remainder) CONCERT ARTIST/FIDELIO RECORDINGS CACD 92742 [74:22][JW]

If you invested in Hamelin you owe it to yourself, and also to Dukas, to seek out Hatto. ... see Full Review

Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Cello Concerto (1894-1895) [38:26]* Symphony No. 9 From the New World (1893) [39:09] Heinrich Schiff (cello)*, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Sir Colin Davis*, Antal Dorati rec. 1980*; 1959. ADD PHILIPS ELOQUENCE 476 8482 [77:46] [TP]

The performances of both works are very fine, and the coupling of Dvořák's best concerto with his best-loved symphony is apt. ... see Full Review

Edward ELGAR (1857-1934) Symphony No. 1 in A flat, Op. 55 (1907-8) [57:02] The Sanguine Fan, Op. 81* (1917) [19:27] Froissart, concert overture, Op. 19+ (1890/1901) [14:28] Symphony No. 2 in E flat, Op. 63 (1909-11) [61:23] London Philharmonic Orchestra/Bryden Thomson rec. All Saints' Church, Tooting, October 1985, *January 1988; St Jude on the Hill, Hampstead, April 1991 CHANDOS CHAN 241-21 [76:40 + 76:00][SV]

Even were Thomson's musical intentions more consistently realized, the bloated engineering puts paid to things ... see Full Review

Edward ELGAR (1857-1934) Violin Concerto in B minor, Op. 61 (1909-1910) [52:49] Introduction and Allegro for string quartet and string orchestra, Op. 47 (1904-1905) [14:39] Nigel Kennedy (violin) London Philharmonic Orchestra/Vernon Handley rec. Watford Town Hall, 30-31 January 1983 (intro); 21-22 March 1984 (concerto) EMI CLASSICS GREAT RECORDINGS OF THE CENTURY 3 45792 2 [68:47][RB]

Rapt and solipsistic stuff. Very special. The signature of this recording is one of introspection and self-absorption. ... see Full Review

Edward ELGAR (1857-1934) Piano Music Sonatina in G (1887, rev. 1930) [4:08] Dream Children Op. 43 [6:16] Une Idylle Op.4 No.1 [4:10] Carissima (1913) [4:14] May Song (1901) [4:16] Douce Pensée (Rosemary) (1882) [2:44] Echo’s Dance (from The Sanguine Fan Op.81 No.7) [2:11] Sérénade Mauresque Op.10 No.2 (from Three Characteristic Pieces) [5:59] Enigma Variations Op.36 [32:48] Ashley Wass (piano) rec. St. George’s Church, Brandon Hill, Bristol, January, February 2006. DDD NAXOS 8.570166 [66:58][PCW]

No one should buy this and think Elgar, Piano – tick … see Full Review

George ENESCU (1881-1955) Cello Sonata in C major, op. 26 N° 2 (1935) [34.20] Nocturne and Saltarello for cello and piano (c.1897) [6.42] Cello Sonata in F minor, op. 26 N° 1 (1898) [28.45] Viviane Spanoghe (cello) André de Groote (piano) Recording dates and locations not supplied. DDD. TALENT DOM 2910 79 [70.05] [ED]

A disc that contains persuasive accounts of all three works and shows much dedication to Enescu’s music. ... see Full Review

George ENESCU (1881-1955) Oedipe, Op. 23 - Tragédie lyrique en 4 actes et 6 tableaux (1936) Libretto in French by Edmond Fleg. Stefan Ignat (bass-baritone) – Oedipe Ricardo Herrera (bass) – Tirésias Bradley Robinson (baritone) – Créon Harold Gray Meers (tenor) - Le berger (The Shepherd) Michael York (bass) - Le grand prêtre (The High Priest) Michael York (bass) – Phorbas Ricardo Herrera (bass) - Le veilleur (The Watchman) Ben Jones (baritone) – Thésée Darren T. Anderson (tenor) – Laïos Ashmani Jha (mezzo) – Jocaste Stephanie Chigas (mezzo) – La Sphinge (The Sphinx) Jan Patrice Helms (soprano) – Antigone Jennifer Proulx (mezzo) - Mérope University of Illinois Chamber Singers Sinfonia da Camera, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/Ian Hobson rec. live, 15 October 2005, Foellinger Great Hall, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. DDD. ALBANY TROY861/62 [74.31 + 71.37][ED]

The second Oedipe to appear on disc this year, and the second that is not entirely satisfactory as a first choice. It is nonetheless a brave attempt at realising a challenging magnum opus. ... see Full Review

Eduard ERDMANN (1896-1958) Symphony No. 4, Op. 20 (1951) [34:37] Monogramme (Eine kleine Serenade für Orchester), Op. 22 (1955) [11:13] Ständchen für kleines Orchester, Op. 16 (1930) [15:47] Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt /Israel Yinon rec. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Konzerthalle, Frankfurt, 5-9 April 2005 cpo 777 175-2 [61:57] [JW]

Erdmann’s Fourth Symphony has a chamber intimacy, almost a confessional sense, with frequent moments of single voices….splendid performances. ... see Full Review

Manuel de FALLA (1876–1946) La vida breve (1913) Victoria de los Angeles (soprano) – Salud; Rosario Gomez (mezzo) – Abuela (Grandmother); Josefina Puigsech (mezzo) – Carmela; Carmen Gombau (soprano) – First Street Vendor; Agustina Turullols (mezzo) – Second Street Vendor; Pilar Tello (soprano) – Third Street Vendor; Pablo Civil (tenor) – Paco; Emilio Paya (baritone) – Uncle Sarvaor (Salvador); José Simorra (baritone) – The Singer; Fernando Cachadiña (baritone) – Manuel; Miguel Pujol (tenor) – A Voice in the Forge and A Voice in the Distance; Amadeo Cartaña (tenor) – Voice of a Hawker, Capilla Clasica Polifonica and Orquesta Sinfonica de la Opera de Barcelona/Ernesto Halffter rec. Palacio de la Musica, Barcelona, 1954 SOMM SOMMCD 059 [66:27] [GF]

In spite of less than ingratiating sound this is a wonderful example of Victoria de los Angeles at her freshest in the role that was her springboard to international fame. ... see Full Review

Gerald FINZI (1901-1956) Intimations of Immortality op. 29 (1949-50) [38:58] (Andante sostenuto [4:40]; There was a time when meadow, grove and stream [2:56]; The Rainbow comes and goes [2:04]; Now, while the birds thus sing a joyous song [4:43]; Ye blessed Creatures, 1 have heard the call [0:58]; Oh evil day! If I were sullen [2:14]; But there's a Tree, of many, one [1:51]; Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting [3:05]; Earth fills her lap with pleasures of her own [1:52]; O joy! That in our embers [2:49]; But for those first affections [3:51]; Then sing, ye Birds, sing, sing a joyous song! [3:20]; And O, ye Fountains, Meadows, Hills, and Groves [4:40]) For Saint Cecilia op. 30 (1947) [16:37] (Delightful Goddess, in whose fashionings [2:19]; Changed is the age; mysterious, man's next star [3:18]; How came you, lady of fierce martyrdom [4:42]; How smilingly the saint among her friends [2:13]; Wherefore we bid you to the full consent [3:51]) James Gilchrist (tenor) Bournemouth Symphony Chorus/Greg Beardsell Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra/David Hill rec. The Concert Hall, The Lighthouse, Poole, 4-5 June 2005. DDD NAXOS 8.557863 [55:35][EM]

A very welcome addition to Naxos’s burgeoning collection of English music releases! ... see Full Review

Gerald FINZI (1901-1956) A Centenary Collection Eclogue for Piano and Strings (1956) [10:01] Music for Love's Labour's Lost (1955) [27:08] (Introduction; Moth; Nocturne; The Hunt; Dance; Quodlibet; Soliloquy I-III; Finale) Clarinet Concerto (1949) [25:36] Prelude for String Orchestra (1923) [5.03] Romance for String Orchestra (1920s) [7.03] Martin Jones (piano) Alan Hacker (clarinet) English String Orchestra/William Boughton rec. Great Hall, University of Birmingham, June 1992 (Eclogue); August 1987. In association with the Finzi Trust NIMBUS NI5665 [74:50] [RB]

Finzi’s modesty and mastery are to be heard in faithful reflection in this fine and tenderly recorded single disc collection. ... see Full Review

César FRANCK (1822-1890) String Quartet in D major (1889) [47:44] Violin Sonata in A major (1886) [29:35] Fitzwilliam Quartet: (Christopher Rowland, Jonathan Sparey (violins); Alan George (viola); Ioan Davies (cello)) Pierre Amoyal (violin); Pascal Rogé (piano) rec. The Maltings Concert Hall, Snape, October 1978 (Quartet) ADD; Barbirolli Hall (St. Clement Danes School), Chorleywood, May 1994 (Sonata). DDD DECCA ELOQUENCE 476 8463 [77:23] [WK]

A super Franck quartet from the Fitzwilliam with a leisurely sonata from Amoyal and Rogé ... see Full Review

Baldassare GALUPPI (1706–1785) Forgotten Arias of a Venetian Master Superbo di me stesso (from the opera L’Olimpiade) [8:36]; Di madre ai cari amplessi (from the opera Scipione in Cartagine) [8:03]; Concerto a Quattro in G minor [11:55]; Ah, di Lete dall’onda profonda (from the oratorio Il sagrifizio di Jephte) [6:27]; Voi che languite (from an unknown opera) [9:23]; Cedo alla sorte (from the pasticcio Il trionfo della continenza) [4:47]; Concerto a Quattro in B flat major [10:23]; È pena troppo Barbara (from the opera Antigono) [7:57]; Benché giusto a vendicarmi (from the opera Antigono) [3:54] Catherine King (mezzo) Il canto di Orfeo/Gianluca Capuano rec. 24–26 May, 20–21 July 2006, S. Vincenzo, Eupilio, Como, Italy. DDD AVIE AV 2116 [71:31] [GF]

Everyone interested in baroque opera or accomplished singing needs to hear this disc – the mental equivalent of a vitamin injection. ... see Full Review

Orlando GIBBONS (1583-1625) Hymns and Songs of the Church (1623) Songs of Joy [7.15]; Songs of Love [13.12]; Songs of Sacrifice [8.58]; Songs of Lamentation [10.19]; Songs of Triumph [10.47]; Songs of Unity [8.40]; Songs of faith [8.50]; Songs of hope [3.41] Tonus Peregrinus/Antony Pitts John Byfield (organ) rec. 24-30 September 2004, Finchcocks, Goudhurst, Kent; also Bromley Parish Church. DDD  full track listing at end of review NAXOS 8.557681 [71.42][GH]

What makes this disc so fascinating is that it is a collaboration, a holding of hands across the centuries between Orlando Gibbons and four young British composers. ... see Full Review

Umberto GIORDANO (1867-1948) Fedora - opera in three acts (1898) Princess Fedora - Mirella Freni (sop); Count Loris Ipanoff - Placido Domingo (ten); De Siriex, a diplomat in Paris - Alessandro Corbelli (bar); Countess Olga Sukarew - Adelina Scarabelli (mezzo) Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro alla Scala, Milan/Gianandrea Gavazzeni rec. live, Teatro alla Scala, Milan, May 1993. Directed for the stage and also TV and Video by Lamberto Puggelli. Set and Costume Design by Lisa Spinatelli. Sound format, DD 5.1. DTS 5.1. LPCM stereo. Picture format 4:3 Introductory essay in English, German and French Subtitles in Italian (original language), English, German, French and Spanish TDK DVWW-OPFED [113:00] [RJF]

This very fine performance and recording of this too rarely heard, but worthwhile, verismo opera from La Scala is strongly recommended. ... see Full Review

Louis GLASS (1864-1936) Piano Music Piano Sonata in A flat major Op. 25 (published 1898) [41:46] Fantasi Op.35 [21:14] Lyriske Bagateller (Lyric Bagatelles) Op. 26 [8:43] Piano Sonata in E Major Op. 6 (published 1892) [37:36] Klaverstykke (Piano Pieces) Op. 66 [11:34] Fantasistykker (Fantasy Pieces) Op. 4 [18:13] Peter Seivewright (piano) rec. Academy Concert Hall, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, Glasgow September 2002; The Byre, Inverness, March 2004 (Lyriske Bagateller, Klaverstykke and Klaverstykke) DIVINE ART 21205 [71:44 + 67:26] [JW]

A powerful and obviously convinced exponent but for me it’s a losing cause. For others it may well be a more enjoyable introduction to Glass’s piano oeuvre. ... see Full Review

Alexander GLAZUNOV (1865-1936) The Complete Solo Piano Music Stephen Coombs HELIOS CDH 55221-4 (each available separately) [PSh]

If you like Rachmaninov and Chopin you will love these pieces, sympathetically and powerfully performed here on these beautiful classic recordings. ... see Full Review

Christoph Willibald GLUCK (1714-1787) Philémon et Baucis: Aristeo (1769) [53:07] Atto di Bauci e Filemone (1769) [44:31] Ditte Anderson (soprano); Ann Hallenberg (mezzo); Marie Lenormand (mezzo); Magnus Staveland (tenor); Chœur de chambre de Namur; Les Talens Lyriques/Christophe Rousset rec. live, 8-10 January 2006, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels. DDD AMBROISIE AMB 9995 [53:07 + 44:31] [GPu]

Attractive premiere recordings of two fragments by Gluck, perhaps chiefly of interest to specialists … see Full Review

Percy GRAINGER (1882-1961) The Warriors Music to an Imaginary Ballet (1916) [17:55] Irish Tune from County Derry (1920) [5:26] Danish Folk-Music Suite (1928 revised 1941) [18:56] Hill-Song No.1 (1902) [13:10] Beautiful Fresh Flower (1935) – arranged Peter Sculthorpe [2:34] Colleen Dhas (1904) [3:05] Hill-Song No.2 (1907) [4:47] Melbourne Symphony Orchestra/Geoffrey Simon rec. South Melbourne Town Hall, February 1989 CALA CACDS 4033 [66:46][JW]

Splendidly attractive … classic Grainger for your collection. ... see Full Review

Enrique GRANADOS (1867-1916) Goyescas (1911) (arr. for three guitars, by Christophe Dejour) Los requiebros [9:40] Coloquio en la reja [11:28] El fandango de candil [7:07] Quejas o la maja y el ruiseñor [6:17] El amor y la muerte [13:11] Epílogo: Serenata del espectro [8:13] El Pelele (Escena goyesca) (1914) [5:49] Trio Campanella: Christophe Dejour, Frank Massa, Thomas Winthereik (guitars) rec. December 2005, April 2006, Torpen Chapel, Denmark NAXOS 8.557709 [61:47] [GPu]

Granados’s most substantial keyboard composition played – very engagingly – in a transcription for three guitars which offers a fresh and entertaining perspective on the Goyescas … see Full Review

Georg Friedrich HANDEL (1685–1759) Solomon (1749) Michael Chance (counter-tenor) – Solomon; Nancy Argenta (soprano) – Solomon’s Queen; First Harlot); Laurie Reviol (soprano) – Queen of Sheba; Second Harlot; Julian Podger (tenor) – Zadok; Steffen Balback (bass) – Levite; Maulbronn Chamber Choir, Hannoversche Hofkapelle/Jürgen Budday rec. live, Maulbronn Monastery, Germany, 27-28 September 2003 K&K VERLAGSANSTALT 3-930643-73-1 [70:19 + 75:01] [GF]

There are swings and roundabouts here, but Budday keeps the music alive through investing much ebb and flow in the playing and singing. ... see Full Review

George Frideric HANDEL (1685–1759) Belshazzar (1745/51) [147.38] Belshazzar – Mark Le Brocq (tenor) Nitocris – Miriam Allan (soprano) Daniel – Michael Chance (counter-tenor) Cyrus – Patrick von Goethem (counter-tenor) Gobrias – Andre Morsch (bass) Arioch – Mark Le Brocq (tenor) A Messenger – Andre Morsch (bass) Maulbronner Kammerchor Hannoversche Hofkapelle/Jurgen Budday rec. live 25-26 September 2004, Maulbronn Monastery K&K VERLAGANSTALT KuK67 [76.01 + 71.37] [RH]

Perhaps an interesting record of a live occasion using Handel’s 1751 version, but not recommendable for the library. ... see Full Review

Georg Frideric HANDEL (1685–1759) Fammi combattere mostri e tifei; Ah Sigie larve (Orlando); Sta nell’Ircana (Alcina) Splenda l’alba in oriente Johan Adolf HASSE (1699–1783) Ti lascio in ceppi avvinto; Se mia speranza sola; Vaghi rai, pupille amate (Arminio) La scusa Vivica Genaux (soprano) Les Violons du Roy/Bernard Labadie rec. Chapelle du Grand Seminaire, Montreal, Canada, 20-22, 24-26 March 2005 VIRGIN CLASSICS 7243-5-45737 2 9 [72.03][RH]

Brilliant singing from a superb singer. What more could one ask for. ... see Full Review

George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Italian Duets Tanti strali al sen mi scocchi (1709-11) [9:07] A mirarvi io son intento (1709-11) [9:12] Troppo cruda, troppo fiera (1709-11) [5:52] Se tu non lasci amore (1711) [7:42] Conservate, raddoppiate (1709-11)[4:13] Langue, geme, sospira e si lagna (?1711) [5:27] Nò, di voi non vo’ fidarmi  (1741) [7:59] Sono liete, fortunate (1710) [4:35] Fronda leggiera e mobile (1744)  [6:20] Gillian Fisher (soprano); James Bowman (counter-tenor), The King’s Consort: Jane Coe (cello); David Miller (archlute); Robert King (harpsichord, chamber organ) rec. 1-3 April, 1990, location not given. DDD HYPERION HELIOS CDH55262 [63:33] [GPu]

These are top-class performances of sophisticated, stylised pieces by Handel, making for an hour of quite delightful listening. ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Howard HANSON (1896-1981) Concerto for Organ, Harp and Strings (1926) [16:09] Nymphs and Satyr Ballet Suite (1979) [12:51] Fantasy Variations on a Theme of Youth for Piano and Strings (1951) [11:00] Serenade for Flute, Harp, and Strings (1945) [8:28] Summer Seascape No. 2 (1965) [8:28] Pastorale for Oboe, Harp and Strings (1948-49) [7:29] Joseph Jackson (organ); Doris Hall-Galati (clarinet); Holly Blake (bassoon); Gabriela Imreh, (piano); Andrew Bolotowsky (flute); Adriana Linares (viola); Jonathan Blumenfeld (oboe); Jacqueline Pollauf (harp) Philadelphia Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra/Daniel Spalding rec. March 2005, First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA DDD NAXOS 8.559251 [61:28] [PC]

Two words remain: Encore! and More! ... see Full Review

Patrick HAWES (b. 1958) Toward the Light (2006) Patrick Hawes (piano) No recording data, date, or venue. DDD SONY/BMG CLASSIC FM CFMCD49 [57:27] [PC]

Far too gentle and unassuming to make me pay attention … something of a healing quality to this music, a sure cure for insomnia. ... see Full Review

Humiwo HAYASAKA (1914-1955) Piano Concerto (1948) [32:41] Ancient Dances on the Left and on the Right (1941) [10:39] Overture in D (1939) [9:32] Hiromi Okada (piano) Russian Philharmonic Orchestra/Dmitry Yablonsky rec. April 29-May 5, 2005 at Studio 5 of the Russian State TV and Radio Company Kultura, Moscow NAXOS 8.557819 [52:51] [BB]

A disc that I expect to return to often.  A great late-Romantic-sounding piano concerto, and a couple of very good orchestral pieces on the side.  ... see Full Review

Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) The Seven Last Words of Our Redeemer on the Cross (Sedm posledních slov našeho Vykupitele na kříži) Hob.XX:1 (1785) Alfred Strejček (narrator) Janáček Quartet (Miloš Vacek (1st violin), Vítězslav Zavadilík (2nd violin), Ladislav Kyselák (viola), Břetislav Vybíral (cello)) rec. Archbishop Palace (Ceremonial Hall), Olomouc, 20-21 February 2006 ARCO DIVA UP0093–2231 [65:09] [DC]

The Janáček Quartet’s performance has all the sensitivity and sustained drama I can imagine wanting in this work. ... see Full Review

Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) ‘Paris’ Symphonies Symphony No. 82 in C major, L’Ours (1786) [26:13] Symphony No. 83 in G minor, La Poule (1785) [23:05] Symphony No. 84 in E flat major (1786) [25:27] Symphony No. 85 in B flat major, La Reine (1785-6) [24:09] Symphony No. 86 in D major (1786) [28:52] Symphony No. 87 in A major (1785) [23:00] English Chamber Orchestra/Daniel Barenboim rec. Kingsway Hall and No. 1 Studio Abbey Road, London, 29 December 1973, 23-24 May, 28-30 June 1974. ADD EMI CLASSICS GEMINI 3 71477 2 [75:02 + 76:17][MG]

He can excite, he can charm, but he can also move. And it’s clear he can see the whole picture, which is perhaps his greatest strength of all. … see Full Review

Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) Symphony in G major, Hob.1: No. 100 Military (1793/4) [22:02] Symphony in D major, Hob.1: No. 101 The Clock (1793/4) [27:12] Paul HINDEMITH (1895-1963) Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes by Carl Maria von Weber* (1943) [20:00] London Philharmonic Orchestra/*London Symphony Orchestra/Eugen Jochum rec. Royal Festival Hall, London 30 January 1973, *23 June 1977. ADD BBC LEGENDS BBCL 4176-2 [71:58] [JQ]

This is a highly entertaining CD, which I enjoyed immensely. ... see Full Review

Joseph HAYDN (1732–1809) Die Jahreszeiten (The Seasons)(1801) Gundula Janowitz (soprano) – Hanne; Werner Hollweg (tenor) – Lukas; Walter Berry (bass) – Simon; Chor der Deutschen Oper Berlin, Berliner Philharmoniker/Herbert von Karajan rec. November 1972 at Jesus-Christus-Kirche, Berlin-Dahlem EMI CLASSICS 0946 3 71482 2 8 [79:16 + 74:00][GF]

Sometimes quite laboured, both when it comes to tempos and dynamics, but still has a great deal to offer and may be a thrilling alternative to some more straightforward versions. ... see Full Review

Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) The London Symphonies Symphony No 93 in D major, Hob.I:93 (1791) [23:10] Symphony No 94 in G major ‘Surprise’, Hob.I.94 (1791) [22:32] Symphony No 95 in C minor, Hob.I:95 (1791) [19:34] Symphony No 96 in D major, Hob.I:96 (1791) [21:37] Symphony No 97 in C major, Hob.I:97 (1792) [23:44] Symphony No 98 in B flat major, Hob.I:98 (1792) [25:21] Symphony No 99 in E flat major, Hob.I:99 (1793) [25:27] Symphony No 100 in D major ‘Military’, Hob.I:100 (1793/4) [21:23] Symphony No 101 in D major ‘Clock’, Hob.I:101 (1793/4) [28:23] Symphony No 102 in B flat major ‘Miracle’, Hob.I:102 (1794) [23:20] Symphony No 103 in E flat major ‘Drumroll’, Hob.I:103 (1795) [30:22] Symphony No 104 in D major ‘London’, Hob.I:104 (1795) [26:41] Die Jahreszeiten (The Seasons) (1801) [144:15] Elsie Morrison (soprano) – Nancy Alexander Young (tenor) – Lucas Michael Langdon (bass) – Simon Beecham Choral Society Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Thomas Beecham rec. Salle Wagram, Paris and Abbey Road, London 1956-59 EMI CLASSICS 3 67893 2 [6 CDs: 65:22 + 70:41 + 77:08 + 78:23 + 72:08 + 72:07] [JW]

Time to consolidate your disparate Beecham-Haydn into one handy slim box. It will provide a lifetime of pleasure, excitement, enjoyment, bewilderment and bravura. ... see Full Review

Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) Symphonies - Volume 30 Symphony No.14 in A major (c.1761-63) [15.58] Symphony No.15 in D major (c.1760) [19.12] Symphony No.16 in B flat major (c.1760-63) [14.36] Symphony No.17 in F major (c.1760-62) [18.56] Toronto Camerata/Kevin Mallon rec. Grace Church on the Hill, Toronto, July 2004 NAXOS 8.557656 [68.42] [TP]

Anyone looking to sample early Haydn should look no further ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Paul HINDEMITH (1895-1963) CD1 Concert Music for Brass and Strings Op. 50 (1930) [16:11] Nobilissima visione – Suite from the Dance Legend (1938) [25:00] Symphonia serena (1946) [33:52] CD2 Clarinet Concerto (1947) [24:13] Horn Concerto (1949) [14:55] Symphony in B flat for Concert Band (1951) [17:04] Louis Cahuzac (clarinet) Dennis Brain (French horn) Philharmonia Orchestra/Paul Hindemith rec. Kingsway Hall, 19-24 November 1956. stereo. ADD EMI CLASSICS 3 77344 2 [75:18 + 56:28] [RB]

Compelling music-making in this handsomely presented EMI Classics set ... see Full Review

Gustav HOLST (1874-1934) The Planets, Suite, Op. 32 (1914-16) [42:35] Marching Song No. 2, from the two Songs Without Words, Op. 22 (1906) [03:16] Ralph VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872-1958) Symphony No. 4 in F minor (1934) [29:51] London Symphony Orchestra/composer (Holst) BBC Symphony Orchestra/composer (RVW) rec. June-October 1926 (Planets) and September 1929 (Marching Song), Columbia's Large Studio, Petty France, London; October 1937, EMI Abbey Road Studio No. 1, London (RVW) NAXOS HISTORICAL 8.111048 [75:42] [MC]

Wonderful to have such amazing historical audio documents of two great English composers conducting their own works. This was a release that I enjoyed from start to finish. ... see Full Review

Charles IVES (1874-1954) String Quartet No.1: From the Salvation Army (1896) [21:46] Scherzo (ca.1907-14) [1:42] String Quartet No.2 (1911-13) [26:59] Blair String Quartet rec. Ingram Hall, Blair School of Music, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 5, 6, 8 March 2004. NAXOS 8.559178 [50:19][DC]

Collectors really need look no further. ... see Full Review

Aram KHACHATURIAN (1903-1978) Violin Concerto in D minor (1940) [35:35] Sergei TANAYEV (1856-1915) Suite de Concert op. 28 (1908-09) [43:38] David Oistrakh (violin) Philharmonia Orchestra/Aram Khachaturian (Khachaturian); Nicolai Malko (Tanayev) rec. Kingsway Hall, London, 26-27 November 1954 (Khachaturian); Studio No. 1, Abbey Road, London, 24-25 February 10950 (Tanayev). ADD EMI CLASSICS GREAT RECORDINGS OF THE CENTURY 3 61570 2 [78:22][RB]

A voluptuously languid Khachaturian not short of fireworks and a classic version of the rare Tanayev Suite. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Erich Wolfgang KORNGOLD (1897-1957) Violin Concerto in D major, Op.35 (1945) [25:02] Samuel BARBER (1910-1981) Violin Concerto, Op.14 (1939–40) [23:32] William WALTON (1902-1983) Violin Concerto (1938-39, rev. 1943) [30:02] James Ehnes (violin) Vancouver Symphony Orchestra/Bramwell Tovey rec. 22-23 February, 2006 (Korngold), 6-7 June, 2006 (Barber; Walton), Orpheum Theater, Vancouver, Canada. DDD ONYX 4016 [78:53][KS/MC]

Kevin Sutton: Clearly at the head of his class … Ehnes at his very finest … a taut sense of inner rhythm and a rhapsodic way with a good melody.

Michael Cookson: This generous Onyx recording from James Ehnes of three late-Romantic violin concertos is superbly played and recorded, and deserves the highest possible praise. ... see Full Review

Michel LEGRAND Live in Brussels Celebrated Film Scores, Jazz Tunes and Chansons Directed by Jeremy Rozen, produced by Vic Demayo, Bernd Hellthaler, Peter Gistelinck and Gunther Broucke rec. Flagey Studio 4 Concert Hall, Brussels, 2005. Picture Format: 16:9; Sound Format PCM Stereo DD 5.1, DTS 5.1; Subtitles GB, D; region Code 0 [Worldwide]; Disc Format: DVD9 EUROARTS 2055118 [115:00] [JW]

An enjoyable concert then of a still vibrant musician, whose jazz licks are well versed in bop, and whose heart still beats to the chansons of his youth. ... see Full Review

Douglas LILBURN (1915-2001) Orchestral Works Aotearoa – Overture (1940) [8:09] A Birthday Offering (1956) [11:38] Drysdale Overture (1937, rev. 1986) [10:34] Forest (Tone Poem) (1936) [15:54] A Song of the Islands (Tone Poem) (1946) [16:40] Festival Overture (1939) [8:20] Processional Fanfare (1961, rev. 1985) [4:01] New Zealand Symphony Orchestra/James Judd rec. Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington, 9-11 November 2004. DDD NAXOS 8.557697 [75:15][PCW][RB]

Listeners could be forgiven for thinking they had stumbled across some previously unknown Sibelius [PCW] ... A sound and well thought-through collection of Lilburn's attractive music. Not to be missed if you have already encountered the symphonies or you warm to the other composers I have mentioned [RB] ... see Full Review

Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Symphonic Poem No. 1: Ce qu’on entend sur la montagne, S 95 (1857) [29.13] Symphonic Poem No. 7: Festklänge, S 101 (1853) [18.57] Symphonic Poem No. 11: Hunnenschlacht, S 105 (1857) [14.24] New Zealand Symphony Orchestra/Michael Halász rec. Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington, New Zealand, 26 May 2005 Notes in English NAXOS 8.557846 [62.35][PSh]

Very good recordings, a worthy addition to the Liszt Symphonic Poem discography; your choice of recordings may depend mostly on filling gaps in your collection. ... see Full Review

Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Sonata in B minor (185) [33:38] Grandes Etudes de Paganini (c.1848) [24:03] George-Emmanuel Lazaridis (piano) rec. 15-18 May 2006, Snape Maltings. DDD LINN CKD 282 [57:41][TB]

The piano tone sounds sounds particularly well, and the first climactic section of the Sonata is thrilling in terms of both sound and performance. ... see Full Review

Matthew LOCKE (c.1622-1677) Consort of Fower Parts Suite I in d minor [11:41] Suite II in g minor/G (orig. d minor/D) [08:50] Suite III in F [09:42] Suite IV in C (orig. in F) [09:18] Suite V in g minor [10:03] Suite VI in F (orig. in G) [09:53] Flanders Recorder Quartet (Bart Spanhove, Han Tol, Joris Van Goethem, Paul Van Loey) rec. May 2003, Oud-Katholieke Kerk, Delft, The Netherlands. DDD AEOLUS AE10106 [59:30][JV]

A splendid recording of fascinating repertoire by an ensemble which unites technical brilliance with a thorough understanding of the music ... see Full Review

Vincent LÜBECK (1654-1740) Praeludium in C [5:46] Praeludium in g [9:15] Praeambulum in F [2:59] Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich [1:32] Praeambulum in E [6:40] Praeludium in d [8:15] Nun lasst uns Gott, dem Herren [5:35] Praeambulum in c [5:00] Praeambulum in G [5:39] Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ [13:19] In dulci jubilo [2:58] Friedhelm Flamme (organ) rec. St Georg, Grauhof bei Goslar, 14-16 October 2005. DDD CPO 777 198-2 [67:03][CB]

Interesting music … Flamme’s playing lacks monumentality …yet remains essential listening for any unfamiliar with Lübeck’s music ... see Full Review


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