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Štefan Margita: Slzy a úsmevy (Tears and Smiles) - Slovak and Hungarian Songs Mikuláš SCHNEIDER-TRNAVSKÝ (1881 – 1958) Slzy a úsmevy, Op. 25 (Tears and Smiles): A Ring; A Song; Vesper Dominicae; A Crow Flying; The Little Foot; Lullaby; The Morning Bell; Magdaléna; Zo Srdca (From My Heart): If I were a Bird; Béla BARTÓK (1881 – 1945) Hungarian Folksongs: Far Behind I Left My Country; Crossing the River; The Horse-thief; In the Summer Field; I Was in a Garden Green; Deceived in Love; Love’s a Burden; Walking Through the Town; The Horseman; My Love Has Gone A-ploughing; Sylvie BODOROVÁ (b. 1954) The Setting Sun – Seven Slovak Folksongs for Two Voices, Harp and Piano: Bad News; She Gave Me a Little Feather; Sundown; Not Ploughing, Nor Sowing; Blow, Wind, Blow; Why?; Ask Balazs Štefan Margita (tenor), Gabriela Beňačková (soprano) (Bodorová), Katarína Bachmannová (piano)(Schneider-Trnavský, Bodorová), Kateřina Englichová (harp) (Bartók, Bodorová)
rec. Lichtenstein Palace, Prague, December 2005, January 2006 ZENTIVA UP 0084-2 131 [57:15]

One of the pleasures of reviewing is to discover music and musicians one probably wouldn’t have encountered otherwise. It is a pleasure to report to adventurous readers and hope they will share my enthusiasm. Recommended. ... see Full Review

The State Funeral of Horatio, Lord Nelson George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1739) Dead March, from Saul William CROFT (1678-1727) Funeral Sentences Richard AYLEWARD (1626-1669) Preces and Responses Henry PURCELL (1659-1695) Psalm 39 Thomas ATTWOOD (1765-1838) Magnificat; Nunc Dimittis Maurice GREENE (1696-1755) Lord, let me know mine end Thomas ATTWOOD (1765-1838) Solemn Dirge Henry PURCELL (1659-1695) Thou knowest Lord, the secrets of our hearts George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1739) His body is buried in peace Thomas ARNE (1710-1778) Rule Britannia Franz Josef HAYDN (1732-1809) Te Deum The Revd Canon Gavin Kirk (precentor) Colin White (reader) David Thorne (organ) The Choir of Portsmouth Cathedral/David Price rec. February 1999, Portsmouth Cathedral
HERALD AV HAVPCD 232 [76.24][RH]

Not a disc to be dipped into, but listened to carefully it will transport you to an earlier era. ... see Full Review

North - accentus - Eric Ericson CD1 Jean SIBELIUS (1865-1957) 1. Sydämeni laulu [2:11] 2. Rakastava [6:21] (soloists: Violaine Lucas, Rigoberto Marin-Polop) 3. Drömmarna [1:41] 4. Sortnut ääni [1:49] Einojuhani RAUTAVAARA (b.1928) 5. Och glädjen den dansar [2:49] 6. Sommernatten [3:01] (soloists: Nicolas kern, Solange Añorga, Violaine Lucas) Toivo KUULA (1883-1918) 7. Auringon noustessa [4:05] 8. Siell’ on kauan jo kukkineet omenapuut [5:11] 9. Minun kultani kaunis on [1:16] 10. Tuuti lasta Tuonelahan [3:18] 11. Nuku [2:33] Wilhelm STENHAMMAR (1871-1927) Tre körvisor 12. September [2:01] 13. I Seraillets Have [2:01] 14. Havde jeg, o havde jeg en Dattersøn [1:14] David WIKANDER (1884-1955) 15. Kung Liljekonvalje [3:29] 16. Förvårskväll [4:18] Hugo ALFVÉN (1872-1960) 17. Uti vår hage [2:17] 18. Aftonen [3:51] CD2 Einojuhani RAUTAVAARA 1. Die erste Elegie [9:19] (soloists: Caroline Chassany, Isabelle Dupuy-Pardoel, Claire Henry-Desbois, Solange Añorga, Anne-Marie Jacquin, Violaine Lucas) Kurt NYSTEDT (b.1915) 2. O Crux [6:18] Jorgen JERSILD (1913-2004) 3. Min Yndlingsdal [3:51] Jan SANDSTRÖM (b.1954) Två Körpoem 4. Anrop [2:56] 5. Två japanska landskap [4:51] (soloists: Claire Henry-Desbois, Kaoli Isshiki, Caroline Chassany) Lars Johan WERLE (1926-2001) 6. Canzone 126 di Francesco Petrarca [10:22] (soloists: Kaoli Isshiki, Charlotte Baillot, Nicolas Maire, Alain Golven) Choeur Accentus/Eric Ericson rec. January 1999, Théâtre des Arts in Rouen, France (CD1, tracks 12-18, CD2, tracks 2-6); September 2001, L’Église Notre Dame du Liban in Paris, France (CD1, tracks 1-11, CD2, track 1) NAÏVE V5037-2 [91:50] [GPJ]

A stunningly brilliant achievement for all concerned ... see Full Review

Now That's What I Call Brass: Volume 3 see review for details David Childs (euphonium) #; Derick Kane (euphonium) $; Hans Gansch (cornet) %; Jason McCann (tenor) ^; Iwan Williams (flügel horn)*; Iver Kleive (organ) +; Nick Hudson (trombone) ¢; John Doyle (flügel horn) £; Black Dyke Band ¤; Grimethorpe Colliery (UK Coal) Band ¥; Scottish Co-op Band §; Hendon Salvation Army Band ª; YBS Band ±; The International Staff Band of the Salvation Army µ; Brass Band Oberösterreich ¿; Sellers International Band ÷; Eikanger-Bjørsvik Band ˇ; Buy As You View Band ˜; Enfield Citadel Band Π. Rec. dates and locations unspecified. DDD WORLD OF BRASS WOB 109 CD [61:36 + 60:23] [TP]

Will afford pleasure to any band enthusiast who encounters it. ... see Full Review

Else Paaske: A Portrait Live and studio recordings 1967–1983. CD1 Peter HEISE (1830 – 1879) Skønne fru Beatriz; P E LANGE-MÜLLER (1850 – 1926) Genboens første vise, Op. 13, No. 1; Yderst i slaebet, det lette, Op. 48, No. 5; Åkande, Op. 4, No. 2; Dybt i skumring, Op. 20, No. 1; Der sang en fager fugl, no Opus No.; Himlen ulmer svagt i flammenrødt, Op. 19, No. 1; Claude DEBUSSY (1862 – 1918) Trois Chansons de Bilitis: La flute de Pan; La chevelure; Le tombeau des naiads; Peter HEISE Gudruns sorg: Dengang var Gudrun beredt til døden; Hos sad jarlers aedle hustruer; Da sagte Herborg; Da sagte Gullrønd; En gang Gudrun end ham skued; Da sagte Gudrun; Johannes BRAHMS (1833 – 1897) O wüsst’ ich doch den Weg zurück, Op. 63, No. 8; An eine Äolsharfe, Op. 19, No. 5; Ständchen, Op. 106, No. 1; Alban BERG (1885 – 1935) Vier Lieder f¨r eine Singstimme mit Klavier, Op. 2: Schlafen, schlafen, nichts als schlafen; Schlafend trägt man mich; Nun ich der Riesen Stärksten; Warm die Lüfte; Max REGER (1873 – 1916) Zwei geistliche Lieder, Op. 105: Ich sehe dich in tausend Bildern; Meine Seele ist still zu Gott; from Zwei geistliche Lieder (1900): Wenn in bangen, trüben Stunden, no Op. No.; Geistliches Lied: Wohl denen (1903), no Op. No.; Johann Sebastian BACH (1685 – 1750) Kantate 94 (BWV 94) “Was frag’ ich nach der Welt”: Aria: Betörte Welt, betörte Welt CD2 Francis POULENC (1899 – 1963) La grenouillère (1930), FP 96; Deux melodies (1956) FP 162: La souris; Nuage; from Quatre poèmes (1931) FP 58: Carte postale; 1904; Robert SCHUMANN (1810 – 1856) Liederkreis, Op. 39: In der Fremde; Intermezzo; Waldesgespräch; Die Stille; Mondnacht; Schöne Fremde; Auf einer Burg; In der Fremde; Wehmut; Zwielicht; Im Walde; Frühlingsnacht; P E LANGE-MÜLLER Sulamith og Salomon, Op. 1: Sulamiths sang I vinhaven; Sulamiths sang I skovduelunden; Salomons sang med brevduen; Sulamiths sang på bjergtoppen; Sulamiths sang på bjergene; Johannes BRAHMS Die Mainacht, Op. 43, No. 2; Vergebliches Ständchen, Op. 84, No. 4; Gustav MAHLER (1860 – 1911) from Des Knaben Wunderhorn: Rheinlegendchen; Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen; Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt; Ib NØRHOLM (b. 1931) Tre sange for alt og klaver, Op. 54: Drømme; Vandring; Blomsterdigt; Johann Sebastian BACH Weihnachts-Oratorium (BWV 248): ecitativo: Nun wird mein liebster Bräutigam; Aria: Bereite dich, Zion Else Paaske (mezzo) Friedrich Gürtler (piano), Anders Riber (organ)(Reger), Bach-Collegium Stuttgart/Helmut Rilling (Bach Cantata 94), The Danish National Symphony Orchestra/Sir John Eliot Gardiner (Bach Christmas Oratorio) rec. various locations 1967 – 1983 DANACORD DACOCD 647-648 [74:41 + 74:05][GF]

Exemplary! I hope this set will also find listeners outside the Nordic countries. It is well worth it. ... see Full Review

Perspectives 2 Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Piano Sonatas: No. 22 in F, Op. 54 (1804) [11'41]; No. 27 in E minor, Op. 90 (1814) [13'30]. Béla BARTÓK (1881-1956) Out of Doors Suite, Sz81 (1926) [15'46]. Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Piano Sonata No. 3 in F minor, Op. 5 (1853) [40'29]. Andreas Haefliger (piano) rec. Reitstadel-Neumarkt, Germany, 24-27 May 2005. DDD AVIE AV 2082 [41'17 + 40'31][CC]

Sequels rarely live up to the promise of the original. Here, for once, is the exception ... Haefliger's is a career that is moving from strength to strength. ... see Full Review

Reflections Vittorio MONTI (1868-1922) Czardas [4:59] Traditional Deep River (arr. Heifetz) [2:32] Danny Boy (arr. Kreisler) [4:30] Fritz KREISLER (1875-1962) Syncopation [2:00] Miniature Viennese Waltz [2:59] Jay UNGAR (no dates given) Ashokan Farewell [5:18] Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) March from “The Love for Three Oranges” (arr. Kreisler) [1:29] Zdenek FIBICH (1850-1900) Poem (arr. Harrington) [2:06] Phil COULTER (b. 1942) The Battle of Kinsale [3:37] John WILLIAMS (b. 1932) Theme from “Schindler’s List” [4:32] Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH (1906-1975) Prelude No. 24 in d minor op 34 (arr. Tsiganov) [1:15] Astor PIAZZOLLA (1921-1992) Chiquilin de Bachin (arr. Lewis/Harrington) [5:21] Milonga en Re [4:18] George GERSHWIN (1898-1937) Summertime (arr. Heifetz) [2:08] Aram KHACHATURIAN (1903-1978) Sabre Dance (arr. Heifetz) [2:23] Gregory Harrington (violin) William Lewis (piano) rec. 16-17, 30 June 2005, Sommer Center, Bronxville, New York; 22 Aug 2005, Sean Swinney Studios, New York ESTILE RECORDS 783707248905 [52:22][DB]

A pleasant sounding but very shallowly-interpreted collection of familiar tunes ... see Full Review

Renoir: Music of His Time Jacques OFFENBACH (1819-1880) Overture to La Belle Hélène (1864) [5:09] Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra/Richard Hayman. From Naxos 8.550473 Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893) Petite Symphonie: Movement 1: Adagio – Allegretto (1885) [5:33] Marc Grauwels (flute) Orchestre de Chambre de Waterloo/Ulysse Waterlot. From Naxos 8.555954 Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924) Cantique de Jean Racine (1865) [6:25] Schola Cantorum of Oxford, Colm Carey (organ)/Jeremy Summerly. From Naxos 8.550765 Ernest CHAUSSON (1855-1899) Symphony in B flat, Opus 20: Movement 1 (1890) [12:38] Orchestre Symphonique et Lyrique de Nancy/Jérôme Kaltenbach. From Naxos 8.5.53652 Claude Debussy (1862-1918) Préludes Book 1 (1910): Voiles [3:19] Les Collines d’Anacapri [2:58] La Fille aux cheveux de lin [2:13] Francois-Joël Thiollier (piano). From Naxos 8.553293 Danse Profane (1904) [5:15] Ellen Sejersted Bødtker (harp), Vertavo Quartet, Sjur Bjærke (double bass). From 8.555328 Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937) Ma Mère l’oye (‘Mother Goose’) (1910): Les entretiens de la belle et de la bête (‘The conversations of beauty and the beast’) [4:12] Le jardin féerique (’The fairy garden’) [3:52] Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Kenneth Jean. From Naxos 8.550173 Paul DUKAS (1865-1935) Prélude élégiaque (1909) [4:30] Chantal Stigliani (piano). From Naxos 8.555328
Jacques IBERT (1890-1962) Scherzetto for solo harp (1917) [3:28] Ellen Sejersted Bødtker (harp). From Naxos 8.555328 Philippe GAUBERT (1879-1941) Divertissement grec (1908) [4:05] Marc Grauwels (flute) Orchestre de Chambre de Waterloo/Ulysse Waterlot. From Naxos 8.555954 Digital recordings: dates and locations not given. NAXOS 8.558176 [64:38] [GP]

Not a CD for the serious collector, but a pleasant sampler of French music between the 1860s and the 1910s, the years of Renoir’s mature years as an artist ... see Full Review

Paul Robeson (1898-1976): Songs of Struggle see review for content details Paul Robeson, vocals Lawrence Brown, piano New Mayfair Orchestra/Clifford Greenwood and Ray Noble Recorded 1927-1947 AAD REGIS RECORDS RRC1229 [71:15] [PG]

As the work is by a true master, and the pieces are among the highlights of his career, this is a collection that can be truly recommended. ... see Full Review

Piano Transcriptions by Junichi Steven Sato (b. 1973) Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Passacaglia and Fugue in c minor for Organ BWV 582 [13:35] Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Psalm XIII (1855) [23:13] Cesar FRANCK (1822-1890) transc. Alfred Cortot (1877-1962) Violin Sonata in A (1886) [29:31] Junichi Steven Sato (piano) rec. 20, 23-24 August 2004, DePaul University Concert Hall, Chicago SATO MUSIC EDITIONS SME 1001 [66:43] [DB]

Unusual examples of the more and more rarely-encountered art of transcription. ... see Full Review

Tito Schipa - Schipa Edition 2: The Complete Victor Recordings 1924-1925, Vol. 2 Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901) Rigoletto: È il sol dell’anima* Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797–1848) Lucia di Lammermoor: Verranno a te*; Don Pasquale: Tornami a dir che m’ami* Richard BARTHELEMY (19th/20th Cent) Pesca d’ammore Tito SCHIPA (1888–1965) Ave Maria Vincenzo De CRESCENZO (1875-1964) Ce steve ‘na vota CAMPERO (?) Madrigal español Giuseppe VERDI Rigoletto: La donna è mobile Manuel De FALLA (1876–1946) Jota (Siete canciones populares españolas) Eduardo Di CAPUA (1865-1917) O sole mio Franz LISZT (1811–1886) Liebestraum (arr. Schipa)§ Tito SCHIPA A Cuba Trad. La farfalletta (arr. Schipa)§ Anon. La girometta (arr. Cibelli) Arturo BUZZI-PECCIA (1854–1943) La niña querida; Mal d’amore Friedrich von FLOTOW (1812-1883) Martha: M’appari Gaetano DONIZETTI L’elisir d’amore: Una furtiva lagrima (take 2 and 3) Giacomo PUCCINI (1858–1924) La bohème: Sono andati?#; Oh! Dio, Mimi!# Jules MASSENET (1842-1912) Werther: Pourquoi me réveiller? Leo DELIBES (1836-1891) Lakmé: Fantasie aux divins mensonges Tito Schipa (tenor) Amelita Galli-Curci (soprano)*, Lucrezia Bori (soprano)#, Victor Orchestra/Rosario Bourdon (except items marked § with piano accompaniment by José Echániz) Recorded 1924–1925 NAXOS 8.110333 [72:14][JW]

A recommendation is utterly superfluous ... see Full Review

Elisabeth Schumann - Early Recordings 1915–1923 Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770–1827) Fidelio: O, wär ich schon mit dir vereint; Carl Maria von WEBER (1786–1826) Der Freischütz: Trübe Augen, Liebchen; Kommt ein schlanker Bursch gegangen; Ambroise THOMAS (1811–1896) Connais-tu le pays?; Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756–1791) Le nozze di Figaro: Non so più; Voi che sapete; Don Giovanni: Vedrai, carino; Albert LORTZING (1801–1851) Der Wildschütz: Auf des Lebens raschen Wogen; Charles GOUNOD (1818–1893) Faust: Air des bijoux; Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Die Entführung aus dem Serail: Durch Zärtlichkeit und Schmeicheln; Welche Wonne, welche Lust; Don Giovanni: Batti, batti, o bel Masetto; François AUBER (1782–1871) Fra Diavolo: Quel bonheur; Engelbert HUMPERDINCK (1854–1921) Hänsel und Gretel: Wo bin ich? Wach ich? Ist es ein Traum?; Richard STRAUSS (1864–1949) Die heiligen drei Könige aus Morgenland; Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Exultate, Jubilate: Allegro; Andante; Alleluia; Le nozze di Figaro: Deh vieni, non tardar; Die Zauberflöte: Ach, ich fühl’s, es ist verschwunden; Elisabeth Schumann (soprano) with orchestra, rec. 1915 (tracks 1-4), 1920 (tracks 5-14), 1922 (tracks 15-18) and 1923 (tracks 19-20) Producer and Audio Restoration Engineer: Ward Marston NAXOS 8.111098 [77:10] [JWo]

One can savour the beauty of Schumann’s tone unimpeded. A fine collection of a soprano at the start of an auspicious career ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Grigory Sokolov plays Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms CD 1 and 2 Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) The Art of the Fugue, BWV 1080 (circa 1749-50) Partita No. 2, BWV 826 (circa 1727) rec. Gramzapis Studio, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1982 (available individually on OPUS 111, OP30346) CD 3 Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Rondo in C major, Op. 51, No. 1 (1797) Rondo in G major, Op. 51, No. 2 (1800) Rondo alla ingharese quasi un capriccio (Rage over a lost penny), Op. 129 (1795) Sonata No. 4 in E flat major, Op. 7 (1797) Sonata No. 28 in A major, Op. 101 (1816) rec. Villa dei Cedri, Cola di Lazise, Italy, March 1991 (available singly on OPUS 111, OP30420) CD 4 Fryderyk CHOPIN (1810-1849) 24 Préludes, Op. 28 (1831-39) rec. Salle Adyar, Paris, France, June 1990 (available singly on OPUS 111, OP30336) CD 5 Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Four Ballades, Op. 10 (1854) Sonata No. 3 in F minor, Op. 5 (1853) rec. Salle Gaveau, Paris, France, 10 December 1992 (Ballades), 20 December 1993 (Sonata) (available singly on OPUS 111, OP30366) Grigory Sokolov (piano) NAÏVE OP30421 [5 CDs: 54:39 + 55:33 + 71:13 + 60:06 + 66:58][MC]

Accolades for these sterling performances. Should anyone want evidence of a true genius at work then this set provides it ... see Full Review

Songs in Transit – An American Expedition Songs in Transit (soprano) Accompanied by the composers except Anderson, Jaffe and Mitrano - accompanied by Judith Munro de Wette (piano) rec, Skylight Recording Studios, Belleville, NJ. No date given CAPSTONE RECORDS CPS 8756 [55.03] [JW]

Some misses here but quite a few hits. Hoiby is someone to watch. ... see Full Review

David Stanhope (piano): A virtuoso recital Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Toccata Op. 7 [4.59] Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924) Ballade Op. 19 [13.41] Sergei RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) Preludes Op. 32 [38.05] Franz LISZT (1811-1887) Wedding March and Elves Dance from Midsummer Night’s Dream [9.16] Jean SIBELIUS (1865-1957) arr. David STANHOPE The Tryst [3.07] David Stanhope (piano) rec. 21-22 July 2004, Studio, Sydney Opera House. TALL POPPIES TP184 [69.40][RH]

A well planned recital well executed with dazzling playing. But don’t go rushing out to buy this disc especially for the Rachmaninov Preludes ... see Full Review

Joseph Szigeti Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Sonata No.3 in C for solo violin BWV 1005 [24.05] Violin Concerto in G minor BWV 1056 restored G. Schreck from Clavier Concerto in F minor BWV1056 edited Szigeti [11.55] George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Violin Sonata in D Op.1 No.13 [14.14] Giuseppe TARTINI (1692-1770) Violin Sonata in G Op.2 No.12 [7.08] Violin Concerto in D minor [13.12] Joseph Szigeti (violin) Carlo Bussotti (piano) Columbia Symphony Orchestra/George Szell Recorded 1954 (except the solo sonata, recorded 1949) BIDDULPH 80217-2 [71.13] [JW]

The focus inevitably falls on the LP discs of the 1950s; ones that show considerable decline in Szigeti’s playing ... see Full Review

The Tend’rest Breast: Settings of women’s poetry Roger QUILTER (1877-1953) June; A song at parting; Wild cherry. Frank BRIDGE (1879-1941) Thy hand in mine; Where she lies asleep; Love went a-riding. Ivor GURNEY (1890-1937) Seven Sappho songs. Lennox BERKELEY (1903-1989) Epitaph of Timas (Three Greek songs); John IRELAND (1879-1962) The advent; Hymn for a child (Two songs sacred and profane); Love and friendship; Alastair KING (dates not known) Nocturne; The moment; Spell to bring lost creatures home Madeleine DRING (1923-1977) Don’t play your sonata tonight, Mr. Humphries. Montague PHILLIPS (1885-1969) When April laughs; Hush’d is my lute; Sing, joyous bird. Georgina Colwell (soprano), Nigel Foster (piano) rec. Walton on Thames, 4-5 January 2005 DUNELM RECORDS DRD0237 [58:48][RH]

Will appeal to many simply by the composers represented and that song-cycle by Ivor Gurney. Wonderfully communicative performances but listen first to see how you feel about Colwell’s voice. ... see Full Review

Lionel Tertis – The Complete Columbia Recordings 1924-1933
BIDDULPH 80216-2
[4 CDs: 79.39 + 70.55 + 76.04 + 79.27]

A Trail on the Water: Abbado. Nono. Pollini A film by Bettina Ehrhardt and Wolfgang Schreiber. with Claudio Abbado, Maurizio Pollini, Nuria Schoenberg Nono, Alvise Vidolin and André Richard, the Arnold Schoenberg Choir/Erwin Ortner; the Experimentalstudio of the Heinrich Strobel Foundation and the Berliner Philharmoniker. Includes live-music excerpts from Nono: ... Sofferte onde serene ... and Frammento dal Prometeo, Schumann Piano Concerto, Schoenberg Pelleas und Melisande, Op. 5. Marenzio Il non libro de madrigali and Mahler Symphony No. 9. Concludes with a performance of ... sofferte ondo serene ... from the Mozarteum, Salzburg in August 1999. Dolby Digital 2.0. PCM Stereo. 16:9 Anamorphic. Region Code 0 (worldwide). DVD 5. EUROARTS TDK DVWW-DOCNONO [76'00] [CC]

A DVD to treasure, and one that is of real documentary importance. May it win many converts to Nono ... see Full Review

1605: Treason & Dischord - William Byrd and the Gunpowder Plot John DOWLAND (1563-1626) George Whitehead's Almand [01:30] William BYRD (1543-1623) Mass for 4 voices: Kyrie [01:57] A Fancie [04:32] Mass for 4 voices: Gloria [05:56] Richard DERING (c.1580-1630) Ardens est cor meum [02:39] William BYRD Civitas sancti tui [05:07] Peter PHILIPS (1560/61-1628) Ave Maria gratia plena [02:11] William BYRD Mass for 4 voices: Credo [07:59] John DOWLAND Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral [04:21] Thomas WEELKES (c.1576-1623) O Lord how joyful is the King [08:25] William BYRD From Virgin's womb/Rejoice, rejoice [02:07] John DOWLAND M. Bucton's Galliard [01:20] William BYRD Mass for 4 voices: Sanctus - Benedictus [03:54] Francis POTT (b.1957) Master Tresham: His Ducke [13:54] William BYRD Mass for 4 voices: Agnus Dei [03:30] The King's Singers (David Hurley, Robin Tyson, alto; Paul Phoenix, tenor; Philip Lawson, Christopher Gabbitas, baritone; Stephen Connolly, bass) Concordia (Mark Levy, Susanne Heinrich, Emilia Benjamin, Reiko Ichise, Joanna Levine, viols; David Miller, lute) Sarah Baldock, organ rec. March 2005, St Andrews Church, Toddington, UK. DDD SIGNUM SIGCD061 [69:21][JV]

This production on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the Gunpowder Plot contains music which has nothing to do with the plot itself, but is well performed ... see Full Review

Music for the Virgin Mary Nicholas-Antoine LEBÈGUE (c.1631-1702) Prélude du cinquième ton [1'14] Marc-Antoine CHARPENTIER (1643-1704) Antiphon Ave Regina coelorum [3'07] Motet: Sicut spina rosam [2'26] Motet: Gaude felix Anna [1'50] Nicholas-Antoine LEBÈGUE Tierce en taille du deuxième ton [3'22] Guillaume-Gabriel NIVERS (c.1632-1714) Antiphon: Gabriel Angelus Marc-Antoine CHARPENTIER Magnificat pour le Port Royal [10'00] Antiphon Almaredemptoris mater [3'03] Motet Frigidae noctis umbra totum  - In Nativitate Domini N(ost)ri Jesu Christi Canticum [11'16] Nicholas-Antoine LEBÈGUE Noel: Ou s'en vont ces gays bergers? [2'35] Attrib. Jean-Baptiste LULLY (1632-1687) Antiphon Salve Regina [7'12] Guillaume-Gabriel NIVERS Recit de Cromorne du troisième ton [3'24] Marc-Antoine CHARPENTIER Sequence: Stabat Mater pour les réligieuses [9'09] Guillaume-Gabriel NIVERS Dialogue à deux choeurs du sixième ton [2'26] Marc-Antoine CHARPENTIER Antiphon: Reginacoeli laetare [2'38] Hymn: Gaudia Virginis Mariae [3'15] Nicholas-Antoine LEBÈGUE Plein Jeu du huitième ton [2'01] Alastair Ross (organ) Concerto delle Donne/Alastair Ross rec. 27 June-1 July 2005, Notre Dame, Rozay-en-Brie, France. DDD SIGNUM SIGCD073 [69'00][CB]

These are charming performances of charming music. Warmly recommended. ... see Full Review

Water Settings: Australian Music for Percussion Duo Daryl PRATT Modern Dance (2002) [5:43] Michael SMETANIN (b.1958) Finger Funk (2004) [8:06] Andrew FORD (b.1957) The Crantock Gulls (2003) [7:07] Daryl PRATT A Room in the House (2004) [9:22] Water Settings (2005) [20:09] Tangos Nuevos II (2002) [5:00] Peter SCULTHORPE (b.1929) (arranged by Daryl PRATT) Djilile (1989) [6:12] Match Percussion: Daryl Pratt, Alison Eddington rec. April-May 2005, Recital Room East, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney. TALL POPPIES TP183 [62:40] [GPu]

Enjoyable adventures in sometimes unusual sound worlds, with much musical intelligence evident in both writing and performance ... see Full Review

A World of Music Malcolm WILLIAMSON (1931-2003) Lento for Strings [2.45] *; Camargue Scenes [5.25] * Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Piano Concerto in A major, K.414 [25.01] **Constantin SILVESTRI (1913-1969) Three Pieces for Strings [10.51] *** Joaquín TURINA (1882-1949) Rapsodia Sinfonica for piano and strings [8.32] **** London Schubert Players/Alan Tongue (conductor)* Anda Anastasescu (piano/director) ** / Nicholas Miller (leader/director) *** / Alan Tongue (conductor) and Anda Anastasescu (piano) **** rec. Merlin Theatre, Pembrokeshire College, December 1995 (Williamson and Turina) and live at the Bucharest Athenaeum, Romania (Mozart/Silvestri). ADD. CRESSIDIA CLASSICS CRES CD 196 [52.45] [ED]

Offers listeners the chance to enjoy the familiar alongside the lesser known ... The playing too is entirely to be recommended. ... see Full Review

A Year In Paris Francis POULENC (1899-1963) Clarinet Sonata (1962) [14.44]  John CARMICHAEL (b.1930) Pastorale (2002) [3.13] Arthur BENJAMIN (1893-1960) Le Tombeau de Ravel – Valse-Caprices (1958) [14.02] Louis CAHUZAC (1880-1931) Pastorale Cévenole [5.32] Cantilène [5.07] Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Les pas sur la neige [arranged from Preludes 1910-13 edited Prorvich] [3.46] Paul STANHOPE (b.1969) Phospheric Variations [4.40] Colin BRUMBY (b.1933) Danza [2.08] Jean FRANÇAIX (1912-1997) Tema con Variazioni [8.53] Nicole Canham (clarinet) Anthony Smith (piano) rec. Move Records Studio, Eaglemont, Victoria, October 2004 MOVE MCD 288 [63.08] [JWo]

Adroit performances on this Francophile-oriented disc. Abjures the comfortable and the familiar. ... see Full Review


The Correspondence of Camille Saint-Saëns and Gabriel Fauré. Sixty Years of Friendship. Edited by Jean-Michel Nectoux Translated from the French and with an Introduction by J. Barrie Jones Ashgate 2004, 143pp and indices ISBN 0-7546-3280-6 [JW]

This is an important addition to Fauré studies and its appearance in an English edition is a significant event. ... see Full Review

Constantin Silvestri, A Musician Before His Time: Conductor, Composer, Pianist by John Gritten. Published by Kitzinger (London, 1998), 304pp, ISBN 1900496-12-7 [ED]

Illuminates a significant musician with generosity and affection. Surely someone will rise soon to Silvestri’s cause. It’s long overdue. ... see Full Review



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[Part 4 M-R]  [Part 5 S-Z]
[Part 6 Misc A-L]  [Part 7 Misc M-Z]

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