with me and
other favourite hymns All people that on earth do dwell* [04:18]
Dear Lord and Father of mankind [02:56] King of glory, King of peace
[02:15] Ye watchers and ye holy ones* [03:40] Let all mortal flesh keep
silent [03:05] Immortal, invisible, God only wise [02:29] All my hope
on God is founded [03:09] The Lord's my shepherd [03:06] Tell out, my
soul* [02:38] Christ is made the sure foundation [04:16] Come down,
O Love divine [03:10] Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of
creation [02:56] And did those feet in ancient time (Jerusalem)* [02:33]
Abide with me [03:44] Alleluya, sing to Jesus! [04:32] Ye holy angels
bright* [02:29] My song is love unknown [03:04] Holy, holy, holy! [03:03]
Glorious things of thee are spoken [03:33] O for a thousand tongues
to sing [02:42] Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven* [02:45] O praise
ye the Lord* [02:43]
Choir of St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle/Timothy Byram-Wigfield Marlow
Brass Ensemble (*) Roger Judd, organ rec. April 2004, Church of the
Sacred Heart, Wimbledon, UK. DDD
NAXOS 8.557578 [69:06] [JV]
not a top class performance I recommend this disc to those who
are not familiar with English hymns and want get to know them ...
see Full Review
American Cello
(1910-1981) Cello
Concerto Op. 22 (1946) [26:54]
Chen YI (b. 1953)
Cello Concerto Eleanor’s Gift (1998/1999)
[15:19] Behzad RANJBARAN
(b. 1955) Cello Concerto (1998/2000)
Paul Tobias (cello) Virginia Symphony
Orchestra/JoAnn Falletta rec. Chrysler Hall,
Norfolk, VA, USA, 26 Jan 2001 (Ranjbaran);
15-16 Feb 2003 (Chen Yi, Barber). DDD world
premiere recordings: Chen Yi and Behzad Ranjbaran
American cello concertos in contrasting styles.
The Chen Yi is in a tough idiom contrasting
with the frank romanticism of the Barber and
the grace and optimistic favour of the Ranjbaran
... see Full
Art of Galina Barinova Franz
SCHUBERT (1797-1828)
in A minor Arpeggione D821 arranged
violin and piano [21.06] Jules
MASSENET (1842-1912) Meditation
from Thais Act II arranged Marsick
[5.10] Johannes BRAHMS
(1833-1897) Waltz in A major Op.39 No.15
arranged David Hochstein [2.31] Scherzo from
F.A.E Sonata in C minor [5.39] Bedřich
SMETANA (1824-1884) Duet in G minor
No.2 Ma Vlast (1878) [7.14] J
de MONTASTERIO (1836-1903) Sierra
Morena [5.00] Frederick
DELIUS (1862-1934) Legend [7.10]
(1883-1971) Turkey in the Straw [2.03]
Clarence Cameron
WHITE (1880-1960) Nobody Knows
The Trouble I Seen – Negro Spiritual [4.22]
(1866-1914) Humoresque Op.12 No.1
[3.49] Gavotte and Musette Op.15 No.4
Galina Barinova (violin) with Grigori Singer
(piano), Igor Katayev (piano), Alexander Dedyukhin
(piano) rec. 1940-60
MELODIYA MEL CD 10 00997 [69.51] [JW]
specialist acquisition but let’s hope it heralds
those big concertos ... see Full
Beethoven ...
20th Century Chamber Music Max
REGER (1873-1916)
for flute, violin and viola in G major, Op.
141A (1915) [15.46] Árni
EGILSSON (b. 1939) In the Twilight,
for flute, violin and viola [14.02] Bruce
BROUGHTON (b. 1945) The Fingerprints
of Childhood, for flute, violin and viola
Les Amis Musicales: (Cynthia Ellis, flute;
Jeanne Evans Skrocki, violin; Janet Lakatos,
viola) rec. Reger: Little Bridges Hall of
Music, Pomona College, Claremont, CA, USA,
16 March, 2004; Egilsson: Herbert Zipper Concert
Hall, Colburn College of Performing Arts,
Los Angeles, USA, 8 August, 2001; Broughton:
Little Bridges Hall of Music, Pomona College,
Claremont, CA, USA, 19 January 2004. DDD
CENTAUR CRC 2778 [49.53] [MC]
interesting release from those wanting accessible
music away from the mainstream. ... see Full
Bezaly (flute)
Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) Sonata
in D Major, Op.94 (1943) [22:29] Franz
SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Variations in E Minor
on the song ‘Trockne Blumen’, D802 (1824)
[19:28] Henri
DUTILLEUX (b.1916) Sonatina
(1943) [9:15] André
JOLIVET (1905-1974) Chant de
Linos (1944) [10:26]
Sharon Bezaly (flute) Ronald Brautigam (piano)
rec. August 2005, Nybrokajen 11 (the former
Academy of Music), Stockholm, Sweden.
Sharon Bezaly taking up the tradition I for one am happy to follow her
all the way to the checkout till. ... see Full
Björling Collection Vol.
The ‘Erik Odde’ recordings and other popular songs
in Swedish 1931 – 1935 Igor BORGANOFF (pseudonym
for Sten Njurling) (1892 – 1945) När rosorna vissna och dö (When
the roses wither and die); Jules SYLVAIN
(pseudonym for Stig Hansson) (1900 – 1968) Det är
något som binder mitt hjärta vid dig (Something is tying my heart to
you); Helge LINDBERG (1898 – 1973)
Bagdad (Baghdad); Bert CARSTEN (pseudonym
for Bert Carsten Nordlander) (1905 – 1989) Varje litet ord av
kärlek (Every little word of love); Sonja SAHLBERG (-Knoop) (1902 – 1968) Aj, aj, aj
du (Now, now, boy); P. LESSO-VALERIO (pseudonym
for Erich Plessow) (1899 – 1977) Varför? (Why?);
Werner R. HEYMANN (1896 – 1961) Någonstans på vår
jord (Somewhere on our earth); Erik BAUMANN
(1889 – 1955) Läppar som le så röda (Smiling red lips); Umberto TOGNARELLI (? - ?) Allting som är vackert
(Everything beautiful reminds me of you); Erik
TILLING (1908 – 2000) Kanske att vi på samma drömmar bär
(Maybe we are dreaming the same dreams); Per
REIDARSON (1879 – 1954) Sommarens melodi är som poesi (Summer’s
melody is like poetry); Jules SYLVAIN Dina blå ögon lovar mer än dina röda
läppar (Your blue eyes promise more than your red lips give); Alice LEBEAU (pseudonym for Alice Henrikson) (1906
– 1977) Kärlekens sång (Song of love); Lilian
RAY (d. 1949) Säg mig god natt (Say good night to me); Guy AMMANDT (pseudonym for Gunnar Ahlberg) (1886
– 1943) Slut dina ögon (Close your eyes); Adrian
DAHL (1864 – 1935) Bachanal (Bacchanale); Carl Göran NYBLOM (1867 – 1920) Brinnande gula flod (Flaming golden
stream); K.O.W.A. (pseudonym for
Knut O. W. Almroth) (1900 – 1971) Tangoflickan (The tango girl);
Jules SYLVAIN Säg, att du evigt håller mig kär (Say
that you will love me for ever); Jacques
ARMAND (pseudonym for Olof Thiel) (1892 – 1978) Var
det en dröm? (Was it a dream?); Michael
CHRISTGAU (1903 – 1976) Bröllopsvalsen (The wedding waltz);
Georg ENDERS (1898 – 1954) Lilla
prinsessa (Little princess)
Jussi Björling (tenor)Trs 2 – 13 recorded under the pseudonym Erik Odde.
Tr. 1 – 3 with Fred Winter and his Orchestra, 4-5, 7, 14 with Hanns
Bingang and his Orchestra, 6 with Håkan von Eichwald and his Orchestra,
9-11 with Gösta Säfbom’s Soloist Orchestra, 12-13 with Sune Waldimir
and the HMV Orchestra, 15 with Jens Warny and his Orchestra, 16-18 with
Hjalmar Meissner and Orchestra, 19-22 with Sune Waldimir and his Orchestra.
rec. 13 February 1931 – 1 May 1935 Producer and Audio Restoration Engineer:
Stefan Lindström
8.110790 [68:16][GF]
musical material on this disc may be slender but the singing of it
is anything but that. ... see Full
Tuba Concertos Edward
GREGSON (b. 1945) Tuba Concerto (1978)
[18:52] Roger STEPTOE (b. 1953) Tuba Concerto (1983) [14:49] Ralph
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872-1958) Tuba Concerto in F minor (1954)
[12:54] John GOLLAND (1946-1993) Tuba Concerto Op. 46 (1980s) [17:41]
James Gourlay (tuba) Royal Ballet Sinfonia/Gavin Sutherland rec. 3-5
Jan 2004, Phoenix Sound, Wembley. DDD
NAXOS 8.557754 [64:15][HC]
most desirable and lovely disc in every respect. ... see Full
Celebration of Israel Kurt
WEILL (1900-1950) Hatikva (1947)
[1:55] Barcelona Symphony/National Orchestra of Catalonia/Karl Anton
Rickenbacher Julius CHAJES (1910-1985)
Old Jerusalem (1974) [4:44] Ana Maria Martinez (soprano)
Barcelona Symphony/National Orchestra of Catalonia/Elli Jaffe Herbert
FROMM (1905-1995) Pioneers (Halutzim) (1971) [5:11]
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Samuel Adler Max
HELFMAN (1901-1963) Israel Suite (1949) (orchestration:
Charles DAVIDSON) [11:07](Hamisha;
Laila had'mama; B'yom kayitz; Laila pele; Ma yafim
halleilot; Sisu v'simhu)Martin Schebesta (piano)Vienna Boys
Choir, Vienna Chamber Orchestra/Gerald Wirth Julius
CHAJES Hebrew Suite (1939, rev. 1965) [7:14] (Prayer;
Walls of Zion; Hora) Barcelona Symphony/National Orchestra
of Catalonia/Karl Anton Rickenbacher Adarim (1939) [4:42]
Benzion Miller (tenor) Barcelona Symphony/National Orchestra of Catalonia/Jorge
Mester Walter SCHARF (1910-2003) The
Palestine Suite (1941) [10:00] (Andante; Danza Hebraica;
River Jordan) Barcelona Symphony/National Orchestra of Catalonia/Karl
Anton Rickenbacher Herbert FROMM Yemenite
Cycle (1961) [10:25] (Introduction; Yom ze
f'yisra'el; Bammidbar; Zamm'ri Ii; Shalom l'vo
Shabbat) Margaret Kohler (mezzo) Eastman Players/Samuel Adler Sholom
SECUNDA (1894-1974) Yom b'kibbutz (1952) [10:44] *
Berlin/Gerard Schwarz rec. 1998-2000, Barcelona, Bratislava, Vienna,
Rochester NY, Berlin. DDD *Coproduction with Deutschland Radio Kultur
and the ROC Berlin-GmbH
NAXOS MILKEN ARCHIVE 8.559461 [66:00][RB]
Jewish American light music anthology centred on the birth of Israel.
It will appeal to both light music fans as well as followers of the
Milken series. ... see Full
Celli! - Twenty Cellos Play Bach and Brubeck Dave
BRUBECK (b. 1920) Elegy [7:45] God's Love Made Visible (1975)
[3:28] Cello, Celli [11:25] The Desert and the Parched Land (1979) [4:29]
Regret (2001) [7:11] Johann Sebastian BACH
(1685-1750) Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 (1721) [16:02] Jésus
Christ! Je t'implore [2:57] Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 (1721) [11:49]
Yale Cellos/Aldo Parisot
rec. Morse Recital Hall, Sprague Memorial Hall, The School of Music,
Yale University, Connecticut, 1-5 April 2004. DDD
NAXOS 8.557816 [65:10][TP]
up, a rewarding disc that lovers of the cello will enjoy. ... see
Full Review
recital: Fernando Corena Gioachino
ROSSINI (1792-1868)
La Cenerentola - Miei rampolli femminini (5:19); Sia qualunque
delle figlie (4:47); L’italiana in Algeri - Ho un gran peso sulla
testa (4:28) Domenico CIMAROSA
(1749-1801) Il matrimonio segreto (1766) - Udite, tutti, udite
(4:59) Jules MASSENET (1842-1912) Grisélidis
(1894, rev. 1898) - Jusqu’ici, sans dangers (4:12)* Ambroise
THOMAS (1811-1896) Le Caïd (1849) - Je comprends que la
belle aime le militaire (5:15)* Charles
SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) Le pas d’armes du roi Jean (5:01)*
Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893) Philémon
et Baucis (1859-60) - Au bruit des lourds marteaux (2:55)* Jacques
OFFENBACH (1819-1880) La Grande Duchesse de Gérolstein (1866-7)
- A cheval sur la discipline ...Pif paf pouf! (1:50)*
Fernando Corena (bass) Orchestra
del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino/Gianandrea Gavazzeni * L'Orchestre
de la Suisse Romande/James Walker rec. Teatro alla Pergola, Florence,
September 1956, * Victoria Hall, Geneva, October 1956. ADD mono.
DECCA 475 7170 [39:15][ED]
- more a bass-baritone than a bass - wasn’t
a great singer, but he wasn’t a dull one either
and he is caught here in good form ... see
The Heart of the Tuba Kerry
TURNER (b. 1960) Sonatine for
Tuba and Piano (1986): Allegro [3:52];
Hymn [3:54]; Allegro [3:09];
Four Duets: Introduction & Waltz [3:06];
Malaguena [3:34]; Intermezzo [2:48];
Trigger [2:27] Robert
SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Adagio
and Allegro transcribed by Kyle
Turner [8:28] Johann
Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Sonata
No. 3 In E Major BWV 1016, Adagio ma non
troppo transcribed by Kyle
Turner [5:43] Leonard
BERNSTEIN (1918-1990) One Hand,
One Heart / Somewhere from West Side
Story arranged by Walter
Perkins [8:31] John
WILLIAMS (b. 1932) Irish Reel/Leaving
Home, from Far and Away arranged
by Tom Nelson [3:58]
Zequinha ABREU (1880-1935)
Tico Tico arranged by Tom
Nelson [3:00] Vittorio
MONTI (1868-1922) Czardas transcribed
by Kyle Turner
(1947-1996) Farewell to Manju from
Salaam Bombay arranged by Tom
Nelson [2:59]
Kyle Turner (tuba); Elizabeth DiFelice
(piano); Joe Tomkins (percussion); Alan Baer
(tuba).rec. 24-26 January 2005, Theatre C,
State University of New York. DDD
MSR CLASSICS MS1118 [60.01] [JuW]
well-recorded album provides a revealing insight
into the possibilities of an instrument rarely
heard solo. It shows a versatility going well
beyond its typical role ... see Full
Sacred Music of Bavaria,
c.1600 Hans-Leo
HASSLER (1562 - 1612) Canzon
12. toni a 8 [04:01] Cantate Domino a 12 [03:47]
[Introit] Christian
ERBACH (c1570 - 1635) Sacerdotes
Dei a 5 [04:49] Orlandus
LASSUS (1532 - 1594) Missa Bell'
Amfitrit' altera a 8: Kyrie [02:30] Hans-Leo
HASSLER Toccata in G (organ) [01:49]
Orlandus LASSUS Missa
Bell' Amfitrit' altera a 8: Gloria [04:51]
[Gradual] Christian
ERBACH Canzona 2. toni (organ)
[03:13] [Alleluia] Hic est sacerdos a 5 [02:39]
Orlandus LASSUS Missa
Bell' Amfitrit' altera a 8: Credo [07:02]
[Offertorio] Hans-Leo
HASSLER Canzon 9. toni a 8 [04:50]
Orlandus LASSUS Missa
Bell' Amfitrit' altera a 8: Sanctus &
Benedictus [03:25] Christian
ERBACH Fantasia sub Elevatione
(organ) [01:53] Orlandus
LASSUS Missa Bell' Amfitrit' altera
a 8: Agnus Dei [02:24] Christian
ERBACH Toccata 8. toni [fragment]
(organ) [00:52] [Communion] Hans-Leo
HASSLER O sacrum convivium a 7
[05:25] Christian
ERBACH Posuisti Domine a 5 [01:35]
Canzon La Paglia a 5 [02:55] Hans-Leo
Domine Dominus noster a 12 [04:24]
The Choir of Westminster Cathedral His Majestys
Sagbutts & Cornetts (Jeremy West); Timothy
Roberts, Iain Simcock, Iris Schöllhorn
(organ)/James O'Donnell rec. June 1993. DDD
excellent recording which gives a good idea
of the splendour at the Bavarian court at
the end of the 16th century ... see Full
Wake – new music for violin and piano Aaron
COPLAND (1900-1990) Sonata for Violin and Piano (1943) [19:27]
Elliott CARTER (b.1908) Riconoscenza
per Goffredo Petrassi for violin solo (1984) [7:11] Ching-chu
HU (b.1969) Passions for Violin and Piano (2001) [9:59]
Jeremy Dale ROBERTS (b.1934) Capriccio
for Violin and Piano (1965) [11:25] Morton
FELDMAN (1926-1987) Spring of Chosroes for Violin
and Piano (1977) [14:15] David GOMPPER
(b.1954) Finnegan's Wake for Violin and Piano (1997) [7:45]
Wolfgang David (violin),
David Gompper (piano) rec. Gnessin Academy, Moscow, 19-23 April 2003.
spite of my apostrophe fixation I think
this CD deserves solid and unreserved recommendation.
... see Full
Concertos for Two Pianos Francis
POULENC (1899-1963)
for Two Pianos and Orchestra in D minor
(1932) [17.14] Darius
MILHAUD (1892-1974) Concerto
for Two Pianos and Orchestra (1942) [17.03]
(1899-1972) Concerto for Two Pianos
and Orchestra, Op. 17 (1932-3) [19.25]
Piano Duo: Genova and Dimitrov (pianos)
SWR Rundfunkorchester Kaiserslautern/Alun
Francis rec. SWR Studio Kaiserslautern,
June and December 2003
CPO 999 992-2 [54.14] [SV]
pianists don't avoid a touch of glare, but,
all things considered, they acquit themselves
rather well ... see Full
Garland of the Elizabethan John
1575 – ?) All creatures now; Weep, O mine eyes John
FARMER (c. 1560 - ?) A little pretty bonny lass; Fair Phyllis
I saw sitting John WILBYE(1574
- 1638) Lady when I beheld; Adieu sweet Amaryllis Thomas
WEELKES (1575 - 1623) Since Robin Hood Richard
John Samuel STEVENS (1757 - 1837) Ye spotted snakes; Doubt
that the stars William SHIELD
(1748 - 1829) Poor Barbara William
HORSLEY (1774 - 1858) Slow fresh fount Traditional
arr. John COTTON Drink to me only Franz
SCHUBERT (1797 - 1858) arr. John COTTON Hark! Hark! The lark; Who is Silvia?
Charles GOUNOD (1818
- 1893) arr. John COTTON My true love Ralph
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872 - 1958) arr.
John COTTON Orpheus with his lute Francis POULENC (1899 - 1963) arr.
John COTTON Fancie William WALTON (1902 - 1983) arr.
John COTTON Under the greenwood tree Richard PANTCHEFF (b. 1959) Five Elizabethan lyrics
The Clerks of Christ
Church (John Cotton, Tom King, Adrian Lowe, Brian Chapman, Angus Wilson,
William Gaunt) rec. 20-22 February 2004, The Chapel of St. Edward’s
School, Oxford
SOMMCD 047 [62.07] [RH]
to be heard for Pantcheff’s settings of Elizabethan lyrics; the
accompanying items are attractively done even if you might question
their necessity in the programme. ... see Full
Gigli – The Gigli Edition, Volume 12 Jacques
E. HALEVY (1779-1862) La
Juive, Act IV: Rachel, quand du Seigneur [4:49] Royal Opera House Orchestra,
Covent Garden/Rainaldo Zamboni rec. 4 December 1946 Edouard
LALO (1823-1892) Le Roi d'Ys, Act III: Puisqu’on ne peut...Vainement,
ma bien-aimée! [3:27] Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden/Rainaldo
Zamboni rec. 4 December 1946 Francesco Paolo
TOSTI (1848-1916) Parted! [3:27] Royal Opera House Orchestra,
Covent Garden/Rainaldo Zamboni rec. 4 December 1946 Alan
MURRAY (1890- ) I'll walk beside you [2:41] Royal Opera House
Orchestra, Covent Garden/Rainaldo Zamboni rec. 4 December 1946 Salvatore
CARDILLO (1874-1947) Core ‘ngrato [3.59] Royal Opera House
Orchestra, Covent Garden/Rainaldo Zamboni rec. 13 December 1946 Jules
MASSENET (1842-1912) Manon, Act III: Je suis seul!..Ah! Fuyez,
douce image [4:44] Beniamino Gigli, tenor Royal Opera House Orchestra,
Covent Garden/Rainaldo Zamboni rec. 13 December 1946 Werther, Act III:
Pourquoi me reveiller? [3:08] Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden/Rainaldo
Zamboni rec. 13 December 1946 Rodolfo FALVO
Dicitencello vuje [3:19] Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent
Garden/Rainaldo Zamboni rec. 13 December 1946 TRADITIONAL
Adeste fideles [2:44] Kitty Wilson, harp/Herbert Dawson,
organ Studio orchestra/Rainaldo Zamboni rec. 26 November 1947 Franz
GRUBER (1787-1863) Silent night, holy night [2:32] Kitty
Wilson, harp/Herbert Dawson, organ Studio orchestra/Rainaldo Zamboni
rec. 26 November 1947 Franz SCHUBERT
(1797-1828) Ellens Gesang III, D. 839, "Ave Maria" [4:27] Kitty
Wilson, harp/Herbert Dawson, organ Studio orchestra/Rainaldo Zamboni
rec. 26 November 1947 Pietro MASCAGNI
(1863-1945) Cavalleria rusticana: O Lola, "Siciliana"
[2:47] Kitty Wilson, harp rec. 26 November 1947 Fryderyk
CHOPIN (1810-1849) Reviens mon amour [Etude No. 3 in E major,
Op. 10] (arr. M. Melfi) [2:34] Studio orchestra/Rainaldo Zamboni rec.
27 November 1947 Santiago CITTADINI Ninna
nanna [2:58] Studio orchestra/Rainaldo Zamboni rec. 27 November 1947
Francesco Paolo TOSTI (1848-1916)
Segreto [4:44] Studio orchestra/Rainaldo Zamboni rec. 27 November
1947 Santiago CITTADINI Nostalgia d'amore [3:21] Studio orchestra/Rainaldo
Zamboni rec. 27 November 1947 Alberto WILLIAMS
Vidalita, Op. 45, No. 3 [2:49] Studio orchestra/Rainaldo
Zamboni rec. 30 November 1947 Carlos Lopez
BUCHARDO 6 Canciones al estilo popular: Cancion del Carretero
[3:22] Studio Orchestra/Rainaldo Zamboni rec. 30 November 1947 May
Hannah BRAHE (1885-1956) Bless this House [2.50] Studio
orchestra/Rainaldo Zamboni rec. 30 November 1947 Arthur
A. PENN Smilin' through [2:23] Studio orchestra/Rainaldo
Zamboni rec. 30 November 1947
Beniamino Gigli (tenor) accompaniments as above
NAXOS 8.111101 [67.05][JW]
escaping the uneven nature of these songs.
Of all the Gigli volumes this is really the
least important ... see Full
Gigli Edition : Vol. 12 - The London Recordings
1946-1947 Fromental
HALÉVY (1799 – 1862) La Juive: Rachel, quand du Seigneur*
[4:49] Edouard LALO (1823 – 1892) Le Roi d’Ys: Puisqu’on
ne peut … Vainement [ma] ô bien-aimée* [3:27] Paolo
TOSTI (1846 – 1916) Parted* [3:27] Alan
MURRAY (1890-1952) I’ll walk beside you* [2:41] Salvatore
CARDILLO (1874-1947) Core ’ngrato* [3:59] Jules
MASSENET (1842 – 1912) Manon: Je suis seul! … Ah!
Fuyez, douce image;* [4:44] Werther:
Pourquoi me réveiller?* [3:08] Rodolfo
FALVO (1873-1937) Dicitencello vuje* [3:19] Traditional Adeste fideles** [2:44] Franz GRUBER
(1787 – 1863) Silent night, holy night** [2:32] Franz
SCHUBERT (1797 – 1828) Ave Maria** [4:27] Pietro
MASCAGNI (1863 – 1945) Cavalleria rusticana: O
Lola (Siciliana)*** [2:47] Fryderyk
CHOPIN (1810 – 1849) Reviens mon amour (from Étude in
E major Op. 10 No. 3) [Tristesse]** [2:34] Santiago
CITTADINI (18??-19??) Ninna nanna** [2:58] Paolo
TOSTI (1846 – 1916) Segreto**
[4:44] Santiago CITTADINI
(18??-19??) Nostalgia
d’amore** [3:21] Alberto WILLIAMS
(1862-1952) Vidalita, Op. 45 No. 3** [2:49] Carlos
Lopez BUCHARDO (1881-1948) Canción del Carretero (from Seis
Canciónes al estilo popular)** [3:22] May
BRAHE (1885 - 1956) Bless this house** [2:50] Arthur
A. PENN (1876-1941) Smilin’ through** [2:23]
Beniamino Gigli (tenor) *Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden/Rainaldo
Zamboni; **Orchestra/Rainaldo Zamboni, with chorus, Herbert Dawson,
organ, and Kitty Wilson, harp; *** with Kitty Wilson (harp). rec. Studio:
4 December 1946, Abbey Road, London, (tr. 1 – 4); 13 December 1946,
Kingsway Hall, London (tr. 5 – 8); 26 November, 1947, Kingsway Hall,
London (tr. 9 – 12); 27 November 1947, Kingsway Hall, London (tr. 13
– 16); 30 November, 1947, Studio 1, Abbey Road, London, (tr. 17 – 20).
NAXOS 8.111101 [67:05][GPu]
consistently, the very greatest of Gigli, but there is much to enjoy
and admire if you can take the sentimentalism of some of the material
... see Full Review
young Emil Gilels
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37 [36.44] Piano Sonata No.23 in F
minor Op.53 Appassionata [20.41] Johann
Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Brandenburg Concerto No.5 BWV
1050 [20.46] Robert SCHUMANN
(1810-1856) Piano Sonata No.1 in F sharp minor Op.11 [30.08] Johannes
BRAHMS (1833-1897) Piano Quartet No.1 in G minor Op.25 [35.51]
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART
(1756-1791) Piano Sonata No.14 in C minor K457 [21.01] Sergei
PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) Piano Sonata No.2 Op.14 [16.37] Sergei
RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) Moment musical No.5 Op.16 [3.29]
Mily BALAKIREV (1837-1910)
Islamey (Oriental Fantasy) [7.44]
Emil Gilels (piano) Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra/Kyrill Kondrashin,
recorded 1947 (Beethoven Concerto) N Kharkovsky (flute) USSR State Symphony
Orchestra/ Kyrill Kondrashin, recorded 1948 (Bach) Members of the Beethoven
Quartet, recorded 1948 (Brahms) rec. 1947-51. ADD
ANDROMEDA ANDRCD 5046 [3 CDs: 57.21 + 66.05 + 70.01] [JW]
playing throughout is sovereign but given concerns about provenance
you will need to view this set with some caution. ... see Full
– Music from Israel and South America for soprano,
flute and guitar Daniel AKIVA (b.1953)
I Fumo [2:55]; Lunes 15 March 1943 [2:59]; La Galaksia
Eskuresida [2:54]; El Milagro de la Lingua [3:27] for soprano,
flute and guitar Astor PIAZZOLLA (1914-1992)
Histoire du Tango for flute and guitar (Bordel 1900 [3:35];
Café 1930 [3:15]; Night-club 1960 [6:03]; Concert d’aujourd’hui
[3:15]) Heitor VILLA-LOBOS (1887-1959)
Distribution of the Flowers for flute and guitar [4:11] Haim
PERMONT (b.1950) Hope for soprano, flute and guitar
(2003) [5:48]; Bagatelle for flute and guitar [3:14] Daniel
AKIVA Ya Vien El Cativa for soprano and flute [3:55]
Jerusalem de España for flute
and guitar: (Cancion [1:11]; Desielda a la Morena [3:37];
Los Jardines de España [1:00]; Meskito
[1:41]; Paisages de España [1:59];
Blanco Flor [1:31]) Las Estreyas for soprano, flute and
guitar [3:13] Durme Hermoza Hijoco for soprano, flute and guitar
Ronit Widmann-Levy
(soprano); Laurel Zucker (flute); Daniel Akiva (guitar) rec. Skywalker
Sound, Marin County, California, USA, 2004
CANTILENA RECORDS 66027-2 [65:41][SA]
really enjoyed this disc and can be sure that I’ll be playing it often
and what greater compliment can one give? ... see Full
for and By Fanny Hünerwadel Alexander
MÜLLER (1808-1863) Tempo
di Mazurka [4:24] Johann Carl ESCHMANN (1826-1882)
Kleine Studie [1:11] Heinrich Wilhelm ERNST
(1814-1865) Moderato [0:43] Ferdinand
(Fürchtegott) HUBER (1791-1863) Sehnsucht nach
der Heimat [0:59] Friedrich Wilhelm EICHLER
(1809-1859) Himmel auf Erden [4:27] Max
SEIFRIZ (1827-1885) O du glückliches Vögelein [1:35]
Julius EDELE (1811-1863) Ein Lied
ohne Worte [2:55] Johann Wenzel KALLIWODA (1801-1866)
Wanderlied [2:29] Carl Leopold BÖHM
(1806-?) Über Nacht [4:10] Franz
ABT (1819-1885) Von Dir [2:33] Christian
Gustav Gottlieb RABE (1815-1876) Warme und kalte Genüße
[0:38] Henri VIEUXTEMPS (1820-1881)
Andante espressivo [2:00] Teresa MILANOLLO
(1827-1904) Allegro moderato [0:31] Richard
WAGNER (1813-1883) Siegfrieds Tod [4:02] Franz
LISZT (1811-1886) á Fanny H. [1:29] Fanny
HÜNERWADEL (1826-1854) Sechs Lieder [17:28] Sonntagsfrühe
[4:38] (Anonymous) Vocalizzo [1:29]
Wilhelm BAUMGARTNER (1820-1867) Sechs
kleine Lieder [16:52]
Yvonne Howard (mezzo) Richard Edgar-Wilson (tenor) Kathron Sturrock
(piano) Jack Liebeck (violin in solos) Ileana Ruhemann (flute) Niamh
Molloy (cello) Charles Sewart (violin) Ursula Gough (violin) Yuko Inoue
(viola) Andrew Fuller (cello) The Fibonacci Sequence rec. Potton Hall,
Suffolk, England 20-25 November 2004
GUILD GMCD 7293 [76:16] [DB]
very pleasant disc. ... see Full
- Latin American guitar music:
(1918-1990) America from West
Side Story, arr. Jorge
MOREL (solo:
Vincea) [2:11]; Alfonso
MONTES (b.1955) Suite Latina
(duo) [14:59]; Leo
BROUWER (b.1939) 11 studies for
guitar (solo: Vincea) [12:75], Micro Piezas
(duo) [5:08]; Fernando
Misionera (solo: Vincea) [2:45];
Paulo BELLINATI (b.1950)
Contatos (solo: Vincea) [3:15]; Agustin
(1885-1944) Cancion de la Hilandera
(solo: Vincea) [3:12]; Roland
DYENS (b.1955), Tango en Skai
(solo: Vincea) [2:34]; Celso
MACHADO (b.1953) Sambinha (duo)
[2:07]; Jorge CARDOSO
(b.1949) Milonga (solo, duo) [3:39]
Vincea McClelland, Raymond Cousté
(guitar solos and duets) rec. Sept 2000, Studio
Marine, Carrières-sur-Seine, France.
CODA PRODUCTIONS DDD 6001-1 [52:20] [ZT]
recording has been around for several years
but those who may have missed it can confidently
add it to their priority wish-list... see
Full Review
The Jerwood
Series: Volume 1 Tansy
DAVIES (b.1973) neon
(2004) [10:19]
(b.1976) Interact (2003) [21:34]
John Wallace (trumpet)
London Sinfonietta/David Porcelijn; H.K.
Gruber rec. 19 February 2005 (Davies); 10
May 2003 (MacRae), Queen Elizabeth Hall, London.
promising start to a projected series of six
London Sinfonietta discs celebrating the talent
of the younger generation of British composers.
... see Full
Jerwood Series: Volumes 1&2 Tansy
DAVIES (b.1973)
(2004) [10: 19] Stuart
MACRAE (b.1976) Interact (2003)
[21: 34]
John Wallace (trumpet) London Sinfonietta/David
Porcelijn; H.K. Gruber rec. BBC Radio live
recordings, Queen Elizabeth Hall, South Bank
Centre, London, 19 February 2005 (neon);
10 May 2003 (Interact)
CD1-2006 [31:53]
Morgan HAYES (b.1973)
Dark Room (2002/3) [12:
(b.1971) smear (2004, rev. 2005)
[9: 57] Dai FUJIKURA
(b.1977) Fifth Station (2003)
[15: 28]
Louise Hopkins (cello) Valérie Hartmann-Claverie;
Bruno Perrault (ondes martenots) London Sinfonietta/Martyn
Brabbins rec. BBC Radio live recordings, Queen
Elizabeth Hall, South Bank Centre London,
14 February 2004 (Dark Room; Fifth
Station), Royal Festival Hall, South Bank
Centre, London, 27 March 2005 (smear).
CD2-2006 [37:48] [DC]
piece has a freshly-minted quality, and for those of you who want to
be up-to-date with recent compositional work these issues are a must.
... see Full Review
Johannsen (organ) Lieder
zu Advent und Weihnachten Macht hoch die Tür [2:04] Nun komm, der
Heiden Heiland [1:57] Ihr lieben Christen, freut euch nun [1:15] O Heiland,
reiss die Himmel auf [1:40] Es kommt ein Schiff, geladen [2:06] O komm,
o komm, du Morgenstern [1:33] Wie soll ich dich empfangen [3:17] Die
Nacht ist vorgedrungen [2:22] Tochter Zion, freue dich [1;36] Von Himmel
hoch, da komm ich her [2:25] Es ist ein Ros entsprungen [2:41] Kommt
und lasst uns Christus ehren [1:27] Brich an, du schönes Morgenlicht
[1:28] Lobt Gott, ihr Christen all gleich [1:17] Gelobet seist du, Jesu
Christ [2:32] Nun singet und seid froh [1:15] Zu Bethlehem geboren [2:31]
Kommet, ihr Hirten [1:31] Herbei, o ihr Gläub’gen [1:18] Ihr Kinderlein,
kommet [1:17] Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier [2:56] Fröhlich soll mein
Herze springen [1:57] Hört, der Engel helle Lieder [2:12] Stille Nacht,
heilige Nacht [4:55] O du fröhliche [1:58]
Kay Johannsen Mühleisen organ, Stiftskirche, Stuttgart rec. 9-10, 12,
15 October 2005. DDD
CARUS 83.179 [51:30][GPu]
you are at all fond of organ recitals and/or
contemporary organs, don’t wait until next
Christmas to hear this excellent CD. A delight
and a joy from beginning to end! … see Full
Lanza At His Best: Twelve
Neapolitan Songs, The Vagabond King selection
Mario Lanza (tenor) Chorus and Orchestra conducted
by Franco Ferrara (songs) and Constantine
Callinicos (Vagabond King) rec. Italy, Nov-Dec
1958 (songs) and July 1959 (Vagabond King)

[79:15] [TH]
transfers are generally excellent and this
release will be welcomed by Lanza’s legion
of admirers, many of whom rate the Neapolitan
album as one of his finest achievements. ...
see Full
aus Des Knaben Wunderhorn Felix
MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY (1809-1847) Jadglied
Op. 84, No. 3 (1831-1839) [2:23] Altdeutsches Frühlingslied Op. 86 No
6 (1826-1847) [3:30] Gustav MAHLER (1860-1911)
Scheiden und Meiden - from Lieder uns Gesänge aus der Jungendzeit
(1880-1890) [2:24] Ablösung im Sommer from Lieder uns Gesänge
aus der Jungendzeit [1:33] Robert SCHUMANN
(1810-1856) Marienwürmchen - from Lieder-Album für die
Jungend Op. 79 No. 13 (1848) [1:51] Johannes
BRAHMS (1833-1897) Der Überläufer – from Sieben Lieder
mit Begleitung des Pianoforte Op. 48 No. 2 (1855) [1:16] Liebesklage
eines Mädchens - from Sieben Lieder mit Begleitung des Pianoforte
Op. 48 No. 3 (1855) [1:45] Gustav MAHLER
Nicht Wiedersehen! - from Lieder uns Gesänge aus der Jungendzeit
[4:46] Carl LOEWE (1796-1869)
Herr Oluf – from Drei Balladen Op, 2 No. 2 (1821) [5:56]
Gustav MAHLER Ich ging mit Lust
- from Lieder uns Gesänge aus der Jungendzeit [4:00] Um schlimme
Kinder artig zu machen - from Lieder uns Gesänge aus der Jungendzeit
[1:51] Zu Strassburg auf der Schanz’- from Lieder uns Gesänge aus
der Jungendzeit [4:21] Richard STRAUSS
(1864-1947) Himmelsboten Op. 32 No. 5 (1896) [3:09] Junggesellenschwur
Op. 49. No 6 (1902) [2:03] Alexander von
ZEMLINSKY (1871-1942) Das bucklichte Männlein (1934) [2:58]
Arnold SCHÖNBERG (1874-1951) Wie
Georg von Frundsberg von sich selber sang – from Sechs Lieder Op.
3 No 1 (1899) [2:29] Carl Maria von WEBER
(1786-1826) Abendsegen – from Acht Volkslieder für Gesang
und Klavier Op. 64 No 5 (1819) [5:21] Johannes
BRAHMS Wiegenlied – from Fünf Lieder mit Begleitung des
Pianoforte Op. 49 No. 4 (1864-1868) [1:03]
Thomas Hampson (baritone); Geoffrey Parsons (piano) rec. Siemensvilla,
Berlin, March 1989. DDD
WARNER CLASSICS 2292 44923-2 [54:16][JQ]
in sovereign voice ... revel in the sound of an intelligent singer at
the height of his very considerable powers. ... see Full
in Ramallah Wolfgang
Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Sinfonia Concertante in
E flat major for Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and Horn, KAnh.9 (297b)*
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Symphony No. 5 in C minor Op. 67 [31:35] Speech by Daniel Barenboim.
[4:34] Encore Edward ELGAR (1857-1934)
Nimrod from Enigma Variations Op. 36 [4:06]
*Mohamed Saleh (oboe); Kinan Azmeh (clarinet); Mor Biron (bassoon);
Sharon Polyak (horn) West Eastern Divan Orchestra/ Daniel Barenboim
live, Cultural Palace, Ramallah, 21 August 2005. DDD
WARNER CLASSICS 2564 62791-2 [69:57][JQ]
very fine and rewarding disc. The playing is excellent and the performances
are thoroughly musical and enjoyable. Most stimulating and enjoyable
... see Full Review
Me Sweet – Songs of love through the ages Giulio
CACCINI (1551-1618) Amarilli,
mia bella [3.21] Girolamo FRESCOBALDI
(1583-1643) Se l’aura spira [1.30] John
DOWLAND (1563-1626) Sorrow, stay [3.39] Can She Excuse My
Wrongs? [2.17] A Shepherd in a Shade [1.57] Carl
VINE (b.1954) Love Me Sweet [2.35] Roger
QUILTER (1877-1953) Now Sleeps The Crimson Petal Op.3/2 [2.10]
Music, When Soft Voices Die Op.25/5 [1.41] Barbara Allen [3.45] Drink
To Me Only With Thine Eyes [2.44] Felix MENDELSSOHN
(1809-1847) Auf Flügeln des Gesanges Op.34/2 [2.46] Max
REGER (1873-1916) Maria Wiegenlied Op.76 No.52 [2.01] Ludwig
van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Mit einem gemalten Band Op.83 No.3
[2.16] Ivor GURNEY (1890-1937) Sleep
[2.53] Ralph VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872-1958)
The Sky above the Roof [2.31] Peggy GLANVILLE-HICKS
(1912-1990) Come Sleep [2.06] Samuel
BARBER (1910-1981) The Daises Op.2/1 [0.53] Robert
JOHNSON (c. 1583-1633) As I Walked Forth [3.21] Full Fathom
Five [1.32] Where the Bee Sucks [0.56] Reynaldo
HAHN (1875-1947) Reverie [2.40] A Chloris [2.57]
Jane Edwards (soprano) Marshall McGuire (harp) rec. St.Scholastica’s
Chapel, Glebe, Sydney, February 1999
ABC CLASSICS 476 9108 [52.35][JW]
calling card and an interesting if somewhat uneven programme. ... see
Full Review
Detailed listing (last two days)]
1 New] [Part
2 A-B] [Part 3
[Part 4 M-R]
[Part 5 S-Z]
[Part 6 Misc A-L]
[Part 7 Misc M-Z]