Introduction to the
Life and work of
Sir Granville BantockVincent Budd
An Introduction to the Life and Work of Sir Granville Bantock is an attempt to provide a short guide to the principal features of the composer's career and a background to his most important compositions. It also includes a brief critical appraisal of both the man and his music. the A5 booklet is 40 pages long and include 6 pages of photographs and illustrations, some of which are previously unpublished. it also features, as an addendum, a short discographical guide. The author is the editor of the Bantock Society Journal and is currently at work on a full-scale biography of the composer.
An Introduction to the Life and Work of Sir Granville Bantock is only available direct from the author. It is priced at £6.00 plus 50p p&p (Eurpoe 75p, ROW £1). Please send a sterling cheque payable to 'Vincent Budd@ and post to
2 Seallaidh Bharraidh
the Isle of South Uist
Outer Hebrides