Editor: Gary S. Dalkin
Assistant Editor: Glen Aitken
Managing Editor: Ian Lace
Webmaster Len
Return to
also Where To Find Soundtracks
& Information on Film Music (13/July/99)
How to get copies of Promotional
Composer Sites John Beal Official web site
Chris Boardman
Bill Brown
William Camilleri - a British film/classical composer based in the USA
Arthur Dulay
François Evans - composer, arranger, conductor, producer:
Christopher Gordon
GORFAINE/SCHWARTZ. composer agency
Todd Hayen
The Bernard Herrmann Web Pages
J Horner web site
Richard Jacques
Ron Jones
The Official Michael Kamen Web Site
Ioannis Kourtis
Morricone web site
Jeff Rona
The Nino Rota web site
Gerard Schurmann website
Lalo Schifrin Web Pages
Alan Silvestri
Richard Stoker
Chance Thomas
Waxman Official site opened July 1999
Debbie Wiseman
Inon Zur
This The Soundtrack Ring site owned by Len Mullenger.
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Where To Find Soundtracks & Information on Film Music (13/July/99)
Stores Mailing lists Newsgroups Periodicals Contact a composer
The following is taken from the rec.music.movies FAQ and should be of help if your looking for soundtracks on CD or information about film music.
Where can I obtain soundtracks albums?
In most cases, during the time that a film is current, the soundtrack for it (if released), is available at your local CD store. For older films, or harder to find soundtracks, try these stores.
North America Europe
(soundtracks are mainly in the shows.cdc catalog)
1030 E. El Camino, #322
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Voice: (408) 985-7905
Fax: (408) 985-0464
WEBSITE: http://www.cdconnection.comA convenient on-line CD store that features all kinds of music, includinga wide selection of soundtracks.
4426, rue Ernest-Gendreau,
Montreal, Quebec, H1X 3J3 Canada
Phone : (514) 522-9590
Fax : (514) 522-2607
website: : http://www.disqcine.qc.ca
Email: disqcine@cedep.com
A Fine Section of New and Near Mint Used CD's.DRG RECORDS
157 W. 57th St.
New York, NY l00l9
(212) 582-3040
Fax (212) 459-9437
email: drgrecords@aol.com
113 East 12th Street
New York, NY 10003
Voice: (212) 533-1572
Fax: (212) 673-1496
E-Mail: footlite@tiac.com
Website: www.footlight.com
A fast mail order service including both new and out-of-print material.GNP CRESCENDO RECORDS
8400 Sunset Blvd
Hollywood California, 90069
Toll Free: (800) 654-7729
Voice: (213) 656-2814
Fax: (213) 656-0693
E-Mail: gnp@pacificnet.net
Website: http://www.gnpcrescendo.comIntrada
2220 Mountain Blvd. Suite 220
Oakland, CA 94611
FAX: 510.3361615
The official outlet of the Intrada label. They do mail-order including overseas, and carry both domestic and import stock from other labels.JABBERWOCKY PRODUCTIONS
P.O Box 3269
Santa Monica, CA 90408
(310) 828-1588
Fax (310) 829-9447
E-mail: jabwocky@aol.com
http://members.aol.com/jabwocky/index.htmThis company is selling a number of titles from the back catalogue of BAY CITIES RECORDS. Supplies are very limited!!!!!!
6850 Canby Ave. #105
Reseda CA, 91335
Phone: (818) 881-9908 (Monday - Friday; 9a.m. - 4p.m. PST)
Fax: (818) 881-0339
E-Mail: records@mobydisc.com
website: http://www.mobydisc.com
*Fax: (818) 881-0339 (Anytime) / Use This Easy Form
*Snail Mail to: 6850 Canby Ave. #105, Reseda CA, 91335Pendulum Entertainment
219 W. 16st
New York, NY 10011
Fax: 212-633-8038
(Reissues of Classic soundtracks like the Expanded DUNE,Cocoon,Clash of the Titans",etc..)SCREEN ARCHIVES ENTERTAINMENT
P.O. Box 500
Linden, VA 22642-0500
PH: (540) 635-2575
FAX: (540) 635-8554
SEND EMAIL TO: craig@screenarchives.com or charles@screenarchives.com
website: http://www.screenarchives.com
Specializes in soundtracks, and carries some of those scores you just won't find anywhere else.SILVA SCREEN RECORDS AMERICA
1600 Broadway
Suite 910
New York, NY 10019
Voice: (212) 757-1616
Fax: (212) 757-2374
Toll-Free Order numbering: 800-757-7515
E-Mail Address: SILVABOP@aol.com
website: http://www.silvascreen.com
912 West Main Street, Suite 201,
PO Box 487
New Holland, PA17557-0487
Tel: (717) 656-0121
Fax: (717) 656-0121
Email: star@cdsgroup.com
website: http://www.soundtrak.com/
Exclusively sells soundtracks (both CDs and LPs); many import soundtracks available.
12072 Brookhurst Street
Fountain Valley, CA 92840-2815
Voice: (714) 636-8700
Toll free: (800) 997-2434
Fax: (714) 636-8585
E-Mail: supercollector@supercollector.com
website: www.supercollector.com
11846 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 130
Studio City, California, 91604
Ph: (818) 753-4143
Fax:(818) 753-7596
email: info@varesesarabande.com
Website: www.varesesarabande.com
The official outlet of the Varese Sarabande label and VARESE CD Club.Digital Disc
1739 Noriega
San Francisco, CA 94122
Voice: (415) 753-2016
Fax: (415) 564-3821
Email: discs@ earthlink.net
WEBSITE: www.digitaldiscsanime.comBOOKS NIPPON
605 W.7th St
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Voice: (213) 891-9636
Fax: (213) 891-9631
email: nippon@netcom.com
website: www.booksnippon.comTwo sources for Japanese anime soundtracks, such as AKIRA and ROBOTECH, etc.
3 Cherry Tree Walk
Leeds LS2 7EB
Voice: +44-113-2-422-888
Fax: +44-113-2-438-840
Free catague available.
email: rick@movieboulevard.co.uk
website: www.movieboulevard.co.ukPRIOR ARRANGMENTS
53 Rosedale Rd
Romford, Essex RM1 4QR
New/Used VinylRARE DISCS (Formly known as 58 DEAN STREET)
18 Bloomsbury Street,
London WC1. B3QA
Tel: +44-171- 580-3516
FAX 44-181-788-3809
3 Newland Close
Notts. NG9 6EQ
phone / fax (+ 44) 115 973 2431
Run by Gareth Bramley, he produces two large bi-monthly catalogues for vinyl/cassettes and CDs. They are 1.50 pounds each for UK residents, 2 pounds for other parts of Europe and 2.50 pounds for the rest of theworld. UK postage stamps and $US notes are accepted.SOUNDTRACKS DIRECT
3 Prowse Place
London NW1 9PH
Voice: +44-171-428-5500
Fax: +44-171-482-2385
EMAIL: James@silvascreen.co.uk
website: http://www.silvanet.demon.co.uk
Also has a first-rate mail order services for soundtracks from the USA.
Studio 200
200 Middeton Road Hey Wood
Lancashire 0L10 2LH
UK Service only (No phone Information available)BACKTRACK
The Old Grammar School Rye
East Susses TN31 7PJ
Phone: +44-179 222-752
44-179-223-543No fax, sorry - but fast service.
ATNN: Mr. Luc Van de Ven
Kon. Astridlaan 171
2800 Mechelen
Voice +32-15-4141-07
Fax: +32-15-43-36-10
Email Address: scq@pophost.eunet.beHandles various soundtracks (VERY HARD TO FIND ITEMS) and PROMETHEUS RECORDS.
Via Cola Di Rienzo
152-00192 Roma
Voice: +39-6-687-4347
Fax: +39-6-687-4046
website: http://www.cam-ost.it
Email: cam-ost@uni.netHas reissued many soundtracks from classic Italian movies.
P.O.Box 520265
D-22592 Hamburg
Contact Person: Christian Krohn
Voice: 011-49/40/89085-200
Fax: 011-49/40/8905671
email address's: Antje_May@edel.de and Christian_Krohn@edel.de
website: www.edel.de
This is the soundtrack mail order arm of EDEL RECORDS, they handle EDEL soundtracks and are one of the best mail order houses in Germany.Cine Musique
50, rue de l'Abre Sec
75001 Paris
Tel: (1)33 42-60-30-30
Fax: (1) 42-60-30-22
Dedicated solely to soundtracks, this store in Paris is run by the helpful Jean Herz and David Afrouz.
Fenn Music Services
Holtenklinker StraBe 82
21029 Hamburg
Fax: +49-40-721-1480
FENN Music distributes the TSUNAMI Label, ALHAMBRA, and LABEL "X" EUROPE
Postfach 11 02 82
20402 Hamburg
Voice: +49-40-35 35 11
Fax: +49-40-34 34 07
http://www.tarantula-records.com/ The website is available both in German and English.Features a large selection of international and European CDs and LPs; writefor a free catalog.
Really good websites for soundtrack information:
Filmtracks: CD - Reviews Updated weekly http://www.filmtracks.com
EDEL RECORDS GERMANY: http://www.edel.de/sndtrack/index.htm
Movietunes: http://www.movietunes.com
SoundtrackNet: http://www.soundtrack.net
CinemaTrax: : http://www.cinematrax.com
Film music network: http://www.filmmusic.net/
SoundTrack Express: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ns6tod/ostpage.htm
The Soundtrack Cafe: http://writemoore.com/st-cafe
The Soundtrack Resource Center: http://pwp.ibl.bm/~sgallant/index.html
Marco Polo: http://www.hnh.com/hnh.htm
Play It Again: http://www.auracle.com/pia
Rykodisc: http://www.rykodisc.com
Silva Screen Unofficial Site: http://freespace.virgin.net/gary.kester/silva.htm
TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES - http://tcm.turner.com
BROXWEB SOUNDTRACK REVIEWS -http://www.shef.ac.uk/misc/personal/cm1jwb/movmus.htm
FILM MUSIC MAGAZINE - http://www.filmmusicmag.com
MOVIE SCORE 0N-LINE - http://home6.swipnet.se/~w-67269/
MOVIEWAVE - http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ma6jes/scores/
UNOFFICAL JAMES HORNER WEBSITE: http://listen.to/jhorner
The Bernard Herrmann Web Pages: http://www.uib.no/herrmann
Patrick Doyle web page, http://web.syr.edu/~ebedgert/doyle.html.
The Rozsa Society Information on the Society is available at: http://members.tripod.com/miklosrozsa/index.html
Offical GORFAINE/SCHWARTZ agency website
One of the biggest agents for film music composer's is GORFAINE/SCHWARTZ.
Among there clients are:
Terence Blanchard, Mark Mancina, John Corigliano, Ennio Morricone, Randy Newman, Thomas Newman, Don Davis, Mike Post, Steve Dorff, John Powell, J.A.C. Redford, Randy Edelman, Jeff Rona, Stephen Endelman, Edward Shearmur, Louis Febre, David Shire, Brad Fiedel, Howard Shore, John Frizzell, Alan Silvestri, Elliot Goldenthal, Harry Gregson-Williams, Mark Snow, Dave Grusin, Dave Stewart, Marvin Hamlisch, W.G. Snuffy Walden, David Hirschfelder, John Williams, James Horner, Patrick Williams, James Newton Howard, Gabriel Yared, Michael Kamen, Hans Zimmer
They now have a offical website that might be of some interest. http://www.gsamusic.com/
Satudays @ 100:00 (Pacific time-USA) SOUNDTRACK CINEMA hosted by Ford A.Thaxton can be heard LIVE on KING FM RADIO 98.1 by way of REAL AUDIO by going to: www.king.org
A pure net version SOUNDTRACK CINEMA is also available on DEMAND @ www.film.com, with a new program uploaded each and every week. For more information or to get on the SOUNDTRACK CINEMA mailing send a request to: FORDAT1@aol.com
"Soundtrack" a film music radio show hosted by Steve Hayes. The program is broadcast live saturdays from 7-9am EST in Real Audio on CFMU-FM. CFMU is a campus/community radio station broadcasting from McMaster University in Hamilton,Canada.The live stream of the show can be accessed via the stations web site at cfmu.mcmaster.ca
There is a very active usenet newsgroup devoted to film music called:
This newsgroups is widely read by a number of professionals in the field of film scoring and a wide range of collectors.
It's an excellent place to ask questions about various soundtracks and scores, as well as to locate hard to find soundtracks.
The best way to contact a composer is by writing to their performing rights society like ASCAP or BMI.
To find out if the composer you want to reach is a member one or the other just look at the credits of their CD's, most say if they are with BMI or ASCAP.
I'd include a short cover letter to the people asking them to forward you letter to the composer in question.
Here's the snail mail address's for both in LA and a break down of who belongs to which company.
James Horner (ASCAP)
Danny Elfman, (BMI)
Hans Zimmer (BMI)
James Newton Howard (ASCAP)
and John Barry (BMI)Here's the address's
Name of Composer
c/o BMI
Film & Tv Dept.
8730 Sunset Blvd
3nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90069
http://www.bmi.comName of Composer
7920 Sunset Blvd
Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90046
INTERNET E-Mailing Lists Information:
FILMUS-L: The Film Music Discussion List
FILMUS-L is an open, moderated list for the discussion of film music, i.e.,dramatic music for films and television. Some possible topics are reviews of current film scores and soundtrack albums, discussion of film composers, film music history and theory, and requests for information about film music (such as film music credits, location and availability of research materials, and how to get in touch with film music professionals).
Language: English
It is possible to receive the contents of this list as a "digest", a periodic collection of articles from the list traffic. You should receive instructions on how to receive the list digest when you subscribe. If not, you should send a politely-worded inquiry to the list contact.
I'd urge first time subscribers to try the digest verison when they first sign-on, Ford A. Thaxton (FordaT1@aol.com)
The server address (the address for commands such as SUBSCRIBE, SIGNOFF, etc.) is now:
You can now search the archives and retrieve the weekly log files interactively at this web address:
Please e-mail me if you have any questions or problems.
H. Stephen Wright Music Library
hswright@niu.edu Northern Illinois University
c60hsw1@mvs.cso.niu.edu Principal Owner, FILMUS-L
Here is information on another soundtrack mailing list that might be of some interest to you, THE SOUNDTRACK MAILING LIST, for more info on email "soundtrack-talk@writemoore.com".
THE SOUNDTRACK TALK EMAILING LIST [Last updated on: Thu Aug 29 11:32:24 1996]
"Soundtrack-talk" is an electronic mailing list that has been established by "The Soundtrack Cafe" (http://writemoore.com/st-cafe) as a forum for the discussion of movie soundtracks, scores, CDs, composers, and basically ANY subject relating to the film music industry.
To send a message to everyone on the list, simply send e-mail to "Soundtrack-talk@iglou.com". When posting a message to the list please use the following format:
Subject Headers:
FS - Use this if you have a soundtrack FOR SALE (i.e., FS: Star Wars Boxed Set)
AUC - Use this if you have soundtracks to AUCTION OFF
TRD - Use this if you have soundtracks to TRADE
All other subject headers are self explanatory. The above abbreviations will make it easier for subscribers to peruse the list and spot those items up for sale, trade or auction.
Welcome to the soundtrack-talk mailing list!
Please save this message for future reference. Thank you.
If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, send the following command in email to
<soundtrack-talk-request@iglou.com>: unsubscribe
Or you can send mail to <Majordomo@iglou.com> with the following command in the body of your email message:
unsubscribe soundtrack-talk
or from another account, besides johndoe@aol.com:
unsubscribe soundtrack-talk johndoe@aol.com
If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list, (if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the
list itself) send email to <owner-soundtrack-talk@iglou.com> .This is the general rule for most mailing lists when you need
to contact a human.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this automated email list, please send them to "soundtrack-talk@writemoore.com".
Thank you and enjoy!
Bruce E. Moore
List Administrator
- Film Music Magazine: -
A brand new trade publication, Film Music Magazine ...and a new website - http://www.filmmusicmag.com
This great and informative website offers the very latest in film music news, a terrific newswire service and a great opportunity to see what your favorite composers are up to. For film music professionals, this new magazine is invaluable. Magazine subscription details are located on the website.
Film Music Network
(818) 507-4900.
Website: http://www.filmmusic.net/
Email: fmn@cinematrax.com(b) Film Score Monthly:
Almost monthly. Q&A, letters, classified ads, upcoming CD recordings, upcoming film scores, CD reviews, articles and interviews. Approx 24 pages/month.
Subscription rates are now $29.95/year US, $35/year Canada, $40/year rest of world. Issues are 24 pages, full of stuff, interviews, reviews, news, etc.
Lukas Kendall
Film Score Monthly
8503 Washington Blvd
Culver City CA 90232
phone 310-253-9595
fax 310-253-9588Questions can be directed to Lukas Kendall at: lukas@filmscoremonthly.com
(c.) Legend-The Jerry Goldsmith Society
Hi! I am Jonathan Axworthy, the Subscription Secretary of the society which follows the career and work of Jerry Goldsmith and other filmusic composers. The society is a non-profit making organisation is now in its tenth year with a world-wide membership, and our aims are to bring together all lovers of filmusic. We produce the magazine "Legend" which is published 3 times a year. Jerry Goldsmith is the life president of the society.
Membership fees are: 12pounds for UK and Europe, 15pounds for all other countries. Only cheques and international money orders made payable to "The Goldsmith Filmusic Society", in pound sterling can be accepted, due to the high commissions charged for processing foreign currency cheques.
The address for all subscriptions and enquiries is:
Jonathan Axworthy
102 Horndean Road
PO10 7TL
EnglandTelephone/Fax +44 1243-371635
or you can send an E-mail to me via BRIAN@IDEALTECH.CO.UK (oh for my ownE-mail address!) or email russell@vorlonb5.demon.co.uk
I personally collect the music of a great many composers of many nationalities, and have been doing so for over 30 years. I would welcome correspondence from anyone else totally hooked on this drug called Film Music!
Thanks in advance
Jonthan Axworthy
MUSIC FROM THE MOVIES is a UK based soundtrack magazine printed on high gloss paper and overall is quite good.
Third Floor Flat,
10 West Mall,
Clifton, Bristol,
BS8 4BH,
Great Britain.
E-mail, Paul Place:
Tel: 011-44-117 -973-3558
Fax: 011-44 -117 -923-8153Rates:All Rates are in English pounds
UK: l0 Pounds for four issues
Rest of Europe,USA and Canada: l4 Pounds
Rest of the World: l6 pounds
all payments not made in pounds sterling add 5 pounds per subscription,
c/o Mikael Carlsson, Annas gard 3,
41483 Gothenburg, Sweden.
Fax: +46-370-49090.
E-mail, MikaelCarlsson: mikael.carlsson@mbox302.swipnet.se.(e.) "New Zealand Film Music Bulletin."
Colin A. Adamson's publishes this quarterly journal, consisting of 24 pages in A5 format. I was in Wellington, New Zealand in March of this year and regret that I was unable to personally thank Colin, for religiously publishing his Film Music Bulletin since the early 1970's.
I am sure that Colin would send a sample copy of his Film Music Bulletin to anyone that requests one. Annual subscriptions (for 4 issues) are: $5.00 New Zealand; $10.00 Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Japan; and 5 pounds sterling U.K. & Europe. Cash is accepted.
You can write to Colin at:
Colin A. Adamson
35 Jenkin Street
Invercargill, New ZealandThom Moore
Troy, Michigan
E-Mail Address: ThMoore3@AOL.COM (Thomas J. Moore)
SOUNDTRACK! is issued on a quarterly basis from Belgium. It's probably one of the oldest soundtrack publications around. An example issue features a great interview with John Williams, a complete and detailed filmography of Jerry Goldsmith, and international new release information.
c/o Luc Van de Ven
Kon. Astridlaan 171
2800 Mechelen
Voice +32-15-41-41-07
Fax: +32-15-43-36-10
E-Mail Address: scq@pophost.eunet.beRates: Great Britain: 10 Pounds sterling per year (Cash Only)
Europe: 500 Belgian Francs (Payable by International Postal Order)
Japan: 600 Belgian Francs (Payable by International Postal Order)
in North America make your checks and money orders for $22.00 payable to:
Attn: John Alcantar
12072 Brookhurst Street
Fountain Valley,
CA 92840-2815
Voice: (714) 636-8700
Toll free: (800) 997-2434
Fax: (714) 636-8585
E-Mail: supercollector@supercollector.com
website: www.supercollector.com(g.) The Score:
Society of Composers & Lyricists
400 South Beverly Dr., Suite 214,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212,
tel (310) 281-2812.
http://www.filmscore.orgA excellent periodical on film scoring is "The Score," published by the Society of Composers & Lyricists, SCL is an organization of film composers and lyricists. Dean thinks that The Score is currently available only to members, but has suggested that they sell subscriptions to the public to raise money. The Score has interviews with prominent composers, articles about legal and business issues of interest to film composers, historical articles and anecdotes, etc.
(h.) ScoreLogue Web Magazine
ScoreLogue Web Magazine, The World of Movie Music.
Composer interviews, score reviews, movie music news and views, and a weekly e-mail newsletter bringing more score news to you! Also...ScoreLogue Imported!: a guide to European film music.
for more information go to: www.scorelogue.com
Promotional Albums offer lesser celebrated film composers the opportunity to bring their work (often of good quality but unsung [if you will forgive the pun]) to the attention of prospective producers who might be interested in contracting them for film scoring assignments. Another market opportunity is for short films, trailers, commercials, and other theatre and TV projects where producers with limited budgets might be interested in buying material "off the shelf." Lastly, film music buffs who have admired the scores but hitherto have never had an opportunity of acquiring the music now have an opportunity of buying scores they have admired. For instance anybody who liked Hummie Mann's music for Mel Brook's farce, Dracula, Dead and Loving It (with Leslie Nielsen) can now buy it from specialist sellers such as
P.O. Box 500
Linden, VA 22642-0500
PH: (540) 635-2575
FAX: (540) 635-8554SEND EMAIL TO:
website: www.screenarchives.com
Specializes in soundtracks, and carries some of those scores you just won't find anywhere else.Or
12072 Brookhurst Street
Fountain Valley, CA 92840-2815
Voice: (714) 636-8700
Toll free: (800) 997-2434
Fax: (714) 636-8585
E-Mail: supercollector@supercollector.com
website: www.supercollector.com