Collective Personnel:
Stacey Kent Vocal
Jim Tomlinson Tenor
Colin Oxley Guitar
David Newton Piano
John Pearce Piano
Andy Cleyndert Bass
Simon Thorpe Bass
Dave Green Bass
Steve Brown Drums
Jeff Hamilton Drums
Stacey Kent was smart to realise that there will
always be a demand for good songs, well sung. The general public
(and for that matter a lot of the jazz audience as well) prefer
their singers and soloists, not to wander too far away from the
original melodic line. She has good intonation, excellent diction
and a sympathetic manner with a song. She also picks her backing
musicians with care and has the benefit of excellent support from
tenor sax playing husband, Jim Tomlinson, a fine melodic player.
It is difficult to understand the purpose of
this release, Stacey has not been on the scene that long and most
of her fans will already have the albums that these tracks are
taken from. It is a good selection, but as she only sings quality
songs with excellent accompaniment, just about any tracks from
the previous albums could have been selected for this limited
edition. It is probably aimed at people who have not bought her
albums before and for this purpose it is ideal.
Personally, I would have liked the personnel
information to include the detail of who plays on which track
and there is an excellent trumpet solo on track 5, which goes
without credit. Overall it is another quality album of the type
we have come to expect from Stacey Kent.
Don Mather