CHRISTMAS 2021: Some Seasonal Offerings
By Brian Wilson
With most people having extra leisure time at
Christmas, I’ve also recommended
‘listening around’ my Christmas recommendations with more music by the same
composers, especially those from what we loosely call the baroque period.
I’ve also included reminders of several recordings which we reviewed
or missed reviewing
several years ago.
Most of these recordings are available on CD from Presto and Amazon in the UK and from ArkivMusic in the USA. The
majority can be downloaded in mp3 and lossless sound from Presto (sometimes
in 24-bit quality) and in mp3 only from Amazon UK. Hyperion’s own
recordings and those from Gimell, Signum, LSO Live, Collegium, Hallé,
King’s College Cambridge, Mariinksy, 1equalmusic, National Symphony
Orchestra, Colin Currie and SDG can be downloaded in mp3 and lossless
(24-bit where available) from,
my recommended source for all these labels. My source for BIS and Harmonia Mundi
downloads in up to 24-bit is; the most recent
BIS recordings can be obtained in surround sound, too. Chandos offer their
own and other recordings in mp3 and lossless, with the latest releases in
24-bit and sometimes in surround sound, from Mp3 streaming is
available from the Naxos Music Library and up
to 24-bit (where available) from Qobuz. Most downloads
and streamed versions come with a digital booklet, but not always –
something which needs urgently to be remedied. All downloads from Hyperion
come with the pdf booklet.
CANTELOUBE Chants d'Auvergne_BIS
Midnight Mass, etc. (Mallon)_Naxos; (Christie)_Erato
- Te Deum, Missa Assumpta est Maria, etc_Harmonia Mundi
- Te Deum, Dixit Dominus, etc._Glossa
GIBBONS, TOMKINS, WEELKES See, see the Word is
GRAUPNER Christmas and Epiphany
Christmas Motets_Naxos (in The Mystery of Christmas)
Christmas Music_Hyperion Helios
- Christmas Music_Accentus
- Lutheran Christmas Mass_DG Archiv
Organ Works (with SCHILDT)_Ricercar
Der Stern von Bethlehem
_Ars Produktion; Carus
Organ Works – see Jakob PRÆTORIUS
Christmas Music_CPO
- Easter Cantatas_CPO
An Oxford Christmas_Albion (and earlier VW Christmas music from this label)
Four Seasons_Signum
- Trio Sonatas, Op.1_Brilliant Classics
Christmas Story and other music_CPO
100 Christmas Meditation
Carol of the Bells
(The Sixteen)_Coro
Christmas Carols with the King’s Singers
Christmas in Berlin
Christmas without Words
Classical Hugs: Music of Comfort and Hop_ABC
Elizabethan Christmas
Epiphany - Medieval Byzantine Chant_Cappella Romana
Femina Moderna_BIS
Hodie Christus natus est
– a Medieval Christmas_Harmonia Mundi
In the bleak Midwinter_King's
Incarnation (McCreesh)_Signum
Licht der
Welt: A Christmas Promenade (Christiane karg)_Harmonia Mundi
Little Christmas
(Sankt Florian)_Ars Produktion
Mexican Christmas_Navona
– Carols from Bohemia, Moravia, etc._Supraphon
A Sentimental Christmas (Nat King Cole)_Capitol
Singer Pur Advent
The Swingle Singers unwrapped

An Oxford Christmas: Arrangements from The Oxford Book of Carols
Sussex Mummers’ Carol [4:55]
Hereford Carol [2:46]
A Virgin Most Pure [6:00]
Sussex Carol (Second Tune) [2:10]
Gloucestershire Wassail [1:40]
The Salutation Carol [2:53]
The Bellman’s Song (Third Tune) [3:00]
Job (Come All You Worthy Christian Men – Third Tune) [3:08]
This Endris Night [3:49]
Sussex Carol (First Tune) [1:43]
Coverdale’s Carol [2:35]
Song of the Crib [4:29]
Children’s Song of the Nativity [2:06]
If Ye Would Hear the Angels Sing [2:33]
Quem Pastores
- Shepherds Left Their Flocks A-Straying [1:26]
The Bellman’s Song (Second Tune) [2:27]
Joseph and Mary [3:31]
Job (Come All You Worthy Christian Men – Fourth Tune) [2:39]
The Seven Virgins [4:21]
Psalm of Sion [2:59]
O My Dear Heart [3:53]
God Bless the Master of This House [3:09]
Joshua Ryan (organ)
Choir of the Chapel of the Royal Hospital Chelsea/William Vann
rec. St. Jude-on-the-Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, October 22-23,
2020 and June 17, 2021
Texts included
Reviewed as downloaded from press preview
[68:12] See also
by John Quinn: ‘This is a richly enjoyable collection of VW’s carol
arrangements, beautifully performed. It’s a worthy follow-up to A Vaughan
Williams Christmas.’
By mid-Autumn, the usual batch of Christmas recordings was well underway,
but this recording deserves the first place – not only because it was the
first to be received, in late August. There’s more to it than that,
however: this selection of music edited by Vaughan Williams for the Oxford
Book of Carols (1928) offers largely unfamiliar settings, possibly up to
half of them never before recorded. (Albion make no claim for that, and I
can’t pretend to have checked.) VW’s original contributions, assisted by
Martin Shaw in some cases, are supplemented by two carols from a later
This successor to the 2016 A Vaughan Williams Christmas
(ALBCD035 –
was recorded, like its predecessor, by the Choir of the Choir of the
Chapel of the Royal Hospital Chelsea. It’s presented as an unashamedly
choral rather than a congregational enterprise: it’s unlikely that any
congregation could cope with such unfamiliar settings. The Sussex Carol
(track 10) is one of the few familiar items, and even that would be beyond
the average congregation in this arrangement.
As usual with Albion recordings, the quality of singing and recording are
matched by that of the presentation, with notes by Jeremy Summerly and John
Francis. It’s typical, too, of the care that has gone into the presentation
that I received an email shortly after being sent the original material to
apologise for three trivial errors or omissions in the booklet, all due to
be corrected for the commercial release. (Whereas I frequently notice
something that I got wrong only when it goes online.) This album is my
recommendation for those seeking something different this year.
If you missed ALBCD035 and the earlier ALBCD013, On Christmas Day: Folk-songs and
Folk-carols of Ralph Vaughan Williams, sung by Derek Welton (baritone) with
Iain Burnside (piano), the latter of which we seem not to have reviewed, I
recommend that you at least stream them, perhaps on Christmas Day itself.
Having missed both when they were released, I grabbed them from my review
access and can thoroughly recommend them. The six songs in the middle of
the programme on ALBCD013 are not Christmas-related, but none the less
enjoyable for that.
You might expect a label and ensemble called Cappella Romana to specialise in music for the Western
Christian tradition, but it’s the music of the Rome of the east, Byzantion,
that they present on Epiphany - CR408: medieval liturgical settings for 1 and
6 January, the feasts of the Circumcision/Baptism of Jesus and Epiphany
respectively, the latter known as Theophany in the East and celebrated
according to the Julian calendar, so several days later than in the Western
church. There are several recordings of Roman chant for the Christmas
season, but this makes a fascinating alternative.
Even if your medieval
Greek is not very strong and you don’t know your Εíσοδικóν (Introit) from
your Aπολυτíκιον (Dismissal), there’s all the help you need in the booklet.
The performances are led by Greek psaltis Dr. Ioannis Arvanitis, acclaimed
scholar and performer of medieval Byzantine chant.
A Medieval Christmas: Hodie Christus Natus Est
Hodie Christus natus est
Uterus hodie Virginis floruit
(anonymous Aquitania, 12th c.) [3:19]
(excerpts from the Sponsus miracle play, Aquitania, c. 1050-1060)
Adest Sponsus
Oiet virgines
(Gabriel) [3:27]
Nos virgines
(Song of the Foolish Virgins) [3:07]
Amen dico
(Christ’s reply to the Foolish Virgins) [1:14]
Verbum Patris humanatur, O!
(Anonymous: Aquitania, 12th c.) [2:19]
Judea et Jerusalem
Dominus veniet
Lux refulget
(anonymous Aquitania, 12th c.) [3:07]
Flur de Virginité
Clara sonent organa
(anonymous Aquitania, 12th c.) [4:13]
Gedeonis area
(anonymous France, 13th from a text by Philp the Chancelor) [1:43]
Flur de virginité, sur le chant d’Aélis
(anonymous France, 13th c.) [3:23]
Veine pleine de duçur
(anonymous England, 13th c.) [2:36]
Edi be thu hevene quene (anonymous England, 13th c.) [2:26]
Nolite Timere
Angelus ad Virginem
(anonymous England, 13th c.) [1:31]
Dal ciel venne messo novello
(anonymous Italy, 14th c.) [5:58]
Nolite timere
English Dance (anonymous England, 13th c.) [2:14]
Quem vidistis Pastores?
Sancta Mater graciae
- Dou way, Robin (anonymous England, 14th c.) [1:48]
Campanis cum cymbalis/Honoremus Dominam
(anonymous England, 14th c.) [1:02]
Benedicat Domino
Por nos Virgen madre
(attributed to Alfonso X of Castille, el Sabio, 1221-1284) [2:46]
Gregis pastor
(anonymous Aquitania, 12th c.) [4:16]
The Boston Camerata:
Anne Azéma (voice, hurdy-gurdy, bells, direction)
Camila Parias (voice)
Deborah Rentz-Moore (voice)
Christa Patton (harp, winds)
Shira Kammen (vielle, rebec, harp)
rec. July 2021, St Ignatius of Loyola Church, 28 Commonwealth Avenue,
Chestnut Hill, Boston MA.
Texts and translations included.
Reviewed as downloaded from press preview.
I’m pleased to see the Boston Camerata tackling this repertoire again. At
first, I thought this might be a reissue of their A Boston Camerata Christmas, a three-hour recording directed by
Joel Cohen and still well worth having (Warner 2564694150,
download only, mid-price, no booklet). It is, in fact a new recording
directed by Anne Azéma, solo or lead voice in most of the pieces. Only a
very few pieces overlap with that older collection or another Boston Camerata
recording entitled A Medieval Christmas (Nonesuch 0349710196, download only, no booklet).
The only very small matter which might put non-Francophone listeners off is
the pronunciation of Latin with the front-mutated French ‘u’ sound, but
that’s fair enough when much of the music comes from Aquitaine and other
French-speaking areas, including the Norman-French English aristocracy.
An Elizabethan Christmas
William BYRD
Out of the orient crystal skies
From virgin’s womb this day did spring
Lullaby, my sweet little baby
An earthly tree
O God that guides the cheerful sun
As it fell on a holie Eve
The cradle
The Queenes New Year’s Gift
Heigh ho holiday
Fantazy No. 1 a 4 ‘for ye great dooble bass’
Fantazy No. 2 a 4 ‘for ye great dooble bass’
To shorten winter’s sadness
Sweet was the song
Helen Charlston (mezzo)
with Emma Walshe, Lucy Cox (soprano); Amy Lyddon (alto); Guy Cutting
(tenor); Malachy Frame (baritone); Edmund Saddington (bass-baritone)
rec. St Mary Magdalen Church, Sherborne, Gloucestershire, UK, 15th – 17th
May 2019 and 7th –8th October 2020
Texts included
Reviewed as downloaded with pdf booklet from
In one important respect this is preferable to Red Byrd’s otherwise very
enjoyable Elizabethan Christmas Anthems (Amon Ra CDSAR046); that recording is billed as ‘using
pronunciation of the period’ which, as usual with such attempts, ends by
sounding like Mummerset. If that was common Elizabethan pronunciation, the
West Country accents of Ralegh and Drake would not have caused such
amusement at court. We just don’t know how far the vowel shift had
progressed by the late sixteenth century. In all other respects, that
recording, with the Rose Consort of Viols, is very worthwhile, not least
because the CD (but not the download) is at budget price but I’m very
pleased that Helen Charlston and her colleagues make no such attempt on
this attractive new Signum release.
Stony-hearted must you be if you don’t go all gooey at Byrd’s My sweet little baby (track 7).
See, See, the Word is Incarnate
Choral and Instrumental Music by Orlando GIBBONS (1583-1625), Thomas
TOMKINS (1572-1656)
and Thomas WEELKES (1576-1623)
James Grimwood (Senior Organ Scholar)
The Chapel Choir of Trinity Hall, Cambridge
Newe Vialles
Orpheus Britannicus Vocal Consort
Andrew Arthur (director & solo organ)
rec. Chapel of Jesus College, Cambridge, 28–30 August 2019.
Henk Klop Chamber Organ. Tuning: a=466' (Sixth-Comma meantone)
Texts included
Reviewed as downloaded from press preview
Though book-ended by music for Advent and Christmas, this collection casts
its net wider than that, so, rather than saving it for this round-up, I
reviewed it separately; this is a reminder of that
Christmas Carols from Bohemia, Moravia and around Europe
Dagmar Pecková (mezzo)
Gentlemen Singers
Musica Bohemica/Jaroslav Krček
rec. Domovina Studio, Prague, 1-4 March 2018.
Reviewed as downloaded from press access (no booklet)
It’s both the attraction of this recording and its Achilles heel that so
much of the material is unfamiliar. The download and streamed versions come
without a booklet, so the only information I have is taken from the sales
sheet. You could, however, follow my advice regarding its successor in my
2020 round-up, sit back and enjoy without bothering about the words: much of the music
is, in any case, instrumental, its rustic charm well captured by the
performers – think of Prætorius’ Terpischore dances as a context
for the baroque items (trs.15-23). Dagmar Pecková is a slightly squally
mezzo, but it’s not a major problem.
There is no period richer in Christmas music than the North German baroque,
and Michael PRÆTORIUS (1571/2-1621) was one of the main
figures. It’s ten years since Johan van Veen
an ‘intriguing and captivating’ recording of his music for Advent and
Christmas from Westminster Cathedral Choir, the Parley of Instruments and
David Hill, so it’s timely to remind readers of it (Hyperion Helios CDH55446). The CD is no longer at budget price, but it can
be downloaded in lossless sound from
for £5.99. Like all Hyperion downloads, it comes with the booklet,
containing texts, translations and notes.
Also available from Hyperion, an earlier (2003) recording of Christmas
music from The Tallis Scholars: at £7.99 for the lossless download of the
contents of a 2-CD set, it’s even better value. Christmas with The Tallis Scholars
contains three Mass settings, by Clemens non Papa (Missa Pastores quem vidisitis) and Tallis (Puer natus est nobis) and the
anonymous Missa in gallicantu, or Dawn Mass.
Best of all, however, is a 1993 DG Archiv recording directed by Paul
McCreesh which flickers in and out of the catalogue. With music chiefly by
Prætorius, it’s a reconstruction of a Lutheran Christmas Mass as it might
have been celebrated around 1600. The Gabrieli Consort and Players are
joined by the congregation of Roskilde Cathedral: CD on mid-price 4791757 or super-budget download (no booklet) on 4399312. For all my enjoyment of the other Prætorius
recordings listed here, this is still my prime recommendation.
Don’t let the drab cover put your off a new release:

Jubilate Domino
à 9 (1607)
Melchior VULPIUS (1570– 1615)
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
Canon à 4
Michael PRÆTORIUS Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
à 4 (1607)
Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her
à 8 (1607)
Magnificat super Angelus ad pastores ait
à 5 (1611)
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
à 4 (1609)
Quem pastores laudavere
à 7 & 11 (1621)
Der Morgenstern ist aufgedrungen
Angelus ad pastores ait
à 8 (1607)
Resonet in laudibus
à 7 (1611)
Puer natus in Bethlehem
à 3, 7 & 1 1 (1619)
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
à 10 (1619)
Deo patri sit gloria
à 7 (1611)
(8th verse of Veni redemptor gentium)
Isabel Schicketanz (soprano), Jonathan Mayenschein (alto), Christopher Renz
(tenor), Martin Schicketanz (bass)
Dresdner Kammerchor and instrumentalists/Hans-Christoph Rademann
Texts and translations included
rec. Stadtkirche Radeberg “Zum heiligen Namen Gottes”, July 2021
Reviewed as downloaded from 24/96 wav press preview.
Inevitably, there’s some degree of overlap between the Hyperion and the new
Accentus. The main difference is the inclusion of some of Prætorius’ dance
music on the former, while the latter is purely choral. The dance music may
tempt you to a fuller collection, such as the classic David Munrow
recording, gloriously inauthentic but great fun, with crumhorns and all
(Erato Veritas, super-budget twofer, with dance music by Susato, Morley,
etc). If you thought that there was only one tune to Es ist ein Ros entsprungen, the Vulpius setting on track 2 will
come as a pleasant surprise.
Both sets of performers bring out the sheer sense of joy in this Christmas
music, and both are well recorded, with the 24/96 version of the Accentus,
which I heard, giving the sound an edge over the 16-bit only Hyperion, good
as that is. If it makes any difference, the Accentus seems likely to cost
around three times as much on CD as the Hyperion download in the UK – the
pre-order from one dealer is priced as £19.75 as I write, but I note that
the US SRP is considerably lower, at $19.99.

Organ Works of the North German Baroque Vol. XIII
contains Complete Organ Works of Michael PRÆTORIUS and
organ music by
David ABEL, Johann BAHR, Jakob BÖLSCHE, Petrus HASSE I, Petrus HASSE
and Melchior WOLTMANN – Friedrich Flamme on the
Christoph-Treutmann-Orgel der Klosterkirche St Georg zu Grauhof bei Goslar
(CPO 777716-2, 2 SACDs, reviewed as downloaded in stereo
from press access)
This set – the complete organ works of Prætorius and the other, lesser
composers, presents a good selection of music across the liturgical year,
including several Advent and Christmas works.
There were several composers called Prætorius, mostly unrelated – it’s a
Latinized version of a German name – but Jakob PRÆTORIUS (1586-1651) was the son of yet another of
the name, Hieronymus Prætorius. Jakob’s organ music has been recorded by
Bernard Fouccroulle on the organ of Jakobikirche, Lübeck, together with
organ music by Melchior SCHILDT (1592-1667) on Ricercar RIC400 –
Tobias ZEUTSCHNER (1621–1675)
Ehre sey Gott allein
à 12 [4:50]
Hosianna Filio David
à 6 [6:15]
Die Geburth unsers HERRN und Heylandes Jesu Christi
à 18 (1660) [25:46]
Es ist kein ander Heyl
à 6 [6:17]
Ecce nunc benedicite
à 3 [3:47]
Halleluja – Gelobet seystu Jesu Christ
à 15 [7'18]
Magnificat cum rotulis
à 18 [17'15]
Weser-Renaissance Bremen/Manfred Cordes
rec. 3-5 January 2020, Stiftskirche Bassum.
Texts and translations included
Reviewed as downloaded from press preview.
CPO 555368–2
If you have been charmed by Schütz’s Christmas Story and are looking for
something like it, this Zeutschner account of ‘The birth of our LORD and
Saviour Jesus Christ’ in 18 parts may well fit the bill. It’s my discovery
of discoveries for Christmas 2021. Its date was doubtful until recently,
but the notes place the first performance firmly in January 1660, thus
predating the Schütz by a few years. Who else would you expect you to
provide it but CPO?
PHILIDOR le Cadet (1657-1708)
Marche de Timbales
Marc-Antoine CHARPENTIER (1643-1704)
Te Deum, H.146 [23:22]
‘Assumpta est Maria’ H.11 [32:24]
Litanies de la Vierge
H.83 (à 6 voix et 2 dessus de violes) [17:54]
Les Arts Florissants/William Christie
rec. 4-7 October 1988, Église Notre-Dame du Travail, Paris (XIVe)
Texts and translations included
Reviewed as downloaded from press preview
This mid-price reissue is included in this Christmas selection by
association: the Te Deum was coupled with Charpentier’s setting of
the Messe de Minuit, the Christmas Midnight Mass, on a King’s
College, Cambridge, recording many years ago. That David Willcocks
recording, though far from authentic, still makes for enjoyable listening
by dint of the quality of the singing – the choir supported by Felicity
Lott, James Bowman and Ian Partridge, but it’s now over-expensive as a
download without booklet (Warner
5747262). Around £13 is
far too much to pay for that when Kevin Mallon and his Aradia Ensemble
couple the two works on Naxos (8.557229 –
review). Even less expensively, Les Arts Florissants and William Christie perform
the Mass and other Christmas works, In nativitatem Domini canticum, H. 416, and a selection of Noëls, in style on another
download-only recording available for less than £4.50 (Erato 8573858202 –
2018 Christmas Survey)
and Harmonia Mundi have now reissued this recording of the Te Deum at mid-price.
The new CD sells for around £9, but you may be able to find the earlier
release of this recording on Harmonia Mundi Gold to download for slightly
less than that (HMG501298) and their still earlier Veritas recording of the Te Deum and Messe des Morts can be found as a download
for just over £6 (5457332).
Marches Pour Les Trompettes
H.547 [4:28]
Te Deum
H.146 [20:42]
Dixit Dominus
H.202 [11:12]
In Honorem Sancti Ludovici Regis Galliæ Canticum
H.365 [15:49]
Domine salvum fac Regem
H.291 [2:47]
Le Concert Spirituel/Hervé Niquet
rec. Église Notre Dame du Liban, Paris, July 2000
Texts and translations included
Reviewed as downloaded from press access
[55:11] Originally released as GCDC921603.
This more recent recording of the Te Deum has recently been
reissued at around the same price as the Harmonia Mundi, an attractive
£8.50 or so on CD, but, perplexingly, a pound or so more expensive as a
lossless download from some dealers. At least the download comes with a pdf
booklet. Much as I like Les Arts Florissants in the music of this period
and in Charpentier in particular, Niquet and le Concert Spirituel really
hit the spot with a lively account of the Te Deum on what was their
first recording for the Glossa label. The coupling may be less generous than the
Harmonia Mundi but, otherwise, this would be my preferred choice. Apart from
being graced with one of the label’s attractive botanical covers, the booklet is
as fine as the original – preferable to the text-free version which accompanied
these recordings when released as part of a 3-CD offering which Robert Hugill
liked in all other respects (review).
At the risk of seeming banal, I should mention that two recent recordings
have added to the groaning shelves of Antonio VIVALDI (1678-1741) The Four Seasons, Op.8/1-4.
Despite my preference for period-instrument performances, and especially
for the super-budget Brilliant Classics set of the whole of Op.8, I was
very impressed with the very young Christian Li and the Melbourne Symphony
Orchestra (4851824 –
review). Those seeking period performance may be more interested in a recent Avie
release, from Apollo’s Fire with Francisco Fullana (violin) and directed by
Jeannette Sorrel (AV2485). At just 52 minutes, with a
single filler, the Trio Sonata, Op.1/12, ‘La Folia’, it’s short value for a
full-price issue, and the publicity claim that Fullana is ‘one of the first
international solo violinists to fully embrace and absorb the baroque
language of historical performance’ is rather exaggerated – didn’t the
likes of Rachel Podger and even earlier exponents get there first?
Or, indeed, La Serenissima and Adrian Chandler on an earlier Avie recording
of the Manchester manuscript version (AV2344). Not only is
the performance preferable to the new version, which strives a little too
much for effect in the faster movements, though the shepherd’s drowsiness
is well caught in the slow movement of Spring, there are three substantial
bonus concertos, RV501, 221 and 496, two of them receiving their first
recorded outings –
After hearing Nigel Kennedy’s mangling of The Seasons, that La
Serenissima recording seemed irresistible when I reviewed it in
DL News 2015/10.
The short playing time of the new Avie means that you could obtain the
Brilliant Classics Op.8 twofer and their recording of the complete Op.1
sonatas, including ‘La Folia’, like the Op.8 from Federico Guglielmo and
L’Arte dell’Arco (94784), as lossless downloads, around
£5.50 each, four times the music, for around the same price. Other download
releases of the Brilliant Classics Op.8 are even less expensive, for
example, a 4½-hour offering with the cello, oboe and flute concertos for
around £8.50, with booklet (96045, also on CD for around
£14). Not all dealers now seem to stock these Brilliant Classics Vivaldi
recordings on CD – even Amazon UK, who have them for around £11 are
reporting short stock – but the lossless downloads make a good substitute,
apart from the lack of booklets, with 96045 an honourable exception.
Georg Philipp TELEMANN (1681-1767)
wrote more sacred music even than Bach, so it’s hardly surprising that
there’s music for all seasons in his output, not least for Advent and
Christmas. And if there’s one label that we can rely on to bring us that
music, it’s CPO, and this is a good place to sum up their releases of the
Advent Cantatas: 777955-2 –
Christmas Oratorios: 555254-2
Christmas Cantatas: 999515-2
Christmas Oratorio (Cantatas from 1761/2): 999419-2
Christmas Cantatas II: 555166-2 –
Christmas Cantatas III: 555396-2 –
I couldn’t find that we had reviewed three of these, so I checked them out
from B2B access and streaming.
contains three works: Sehet und schmecket, TWV1:1251; Im hellen Glanz der Glaubensonnen, TWV1:926; Herr Gott dich loben wir, TWV1:745 and Und das Wort ward Fleisch, TWV1:1431, all from the 1730/31 cycle.
Kölner Akademie and Michael Alexander Willens, regular stalwarts of CPO’s
baroque coverage, are joined by a fine group of soloists – Telemann had an
accomplished group at his disposal in Hamburg – recorded in 2018 and
presented with texts and translations. Though these works are of cantata
length, the notes justify the use of the term ‘oratorio’. In fact, the two
terms were more or less inter-changeable: Bach’s ‘Christmas Oratorio’ is
actually a series of cantatas for the days between Christmas and Epiphany.
consists of three cantatas, recorded in 1996 by Constanze Backes (soprano),
Mechthild Georg (alto), Andreas Post (tenor), Klaus Mertens (bass),
Telemann Kammerorchester and Kammerchor Michaelstein, conducted by Ludger
Rémy: Die Hirten bei der Krippe zu Bethlehem, TWV 1:797; Siehe, ich verkündige euch große Freude, TWV 1:1334 and Der Herr hat offenbaret, TWV 1:262.
Ludger Rémy also conducted the same choir and orchestra in 1997 on 919515-2: this time the soloists are Dorothee Mields,
Britta Schwarz, Wilfried Jochens and Dirk Schmidt. The works are Saget der Tochter Zion, TWV1:1235, Saget den verzagten Herzen, TWV1:1233, Auf Zion, TWV1:109
and Göttlichs Kind, lass mit Entzücken, TWV1:1020. All these are well
worth seeking in the back catalogue; though some dealers report the CDs
currently out of stock, they are available to download or stream with the
It’s not just Telemann’s Christmas music that CPO have covered in such fine
fashion. One of their recent releases of his music is of four Easter Cantatas:

Ich war tot, und siehe, ich bin lebendig
[TVWV 1:872] [13:25]
Triumph! Ihr Frommen freuet euch
[TVWV 1:1424] [19:48]
Er ist auferstanden
[TVWV 1:460] [8:31]
Brannte nicht unser Herz in uns
[TVWV 1:131] [14:45]
Verlass doch einst, O Mensch
[TVWV 1:1470] [14:33]
Johanna Winkel (soprano), Margot Oitzinger (alto), Georg Poplutz (tenor),
Peter Kooij (bass),
Kölner Akademie/Michael Alexander Willens – rec. 17-20 November 2020.
Texts and translations included CPO 555425-2 [71:40]
In fact, Telemann is such a Man for all Seasons – with apologies to Thomas
More – that it’s rapidly becoming apparent to me that he requires an
article all to himself, in which CPO will figure largely. Meanwhile, don’t
wait till Easter to savour this recording, or another recent CPO release of
Telemann’s cantatas for the Hanoverian Kings of England. I didn’t even know
they existed, but again it's CPO who have provided them : 555426-2
Christoph GRAUPNER (1683-1760)
Christmas Cantatas
Frohlocke, werte Christenheit
Der Herr hat mich gehabt im Anfang
Du Licht des Lebens scheinet hell
Das Licht scheinet in der Finsternis
Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
Veronika Winter (soprano)
Franz Vitzthum (alto)
Jan Kobow (tenor)
Markus Flaig (bass)
Das Kleine Konzert/Hermann Max
rec. January 2010.
CPO 777572-2
It’s eleven years since Johan van Veen made this a Recording of the Month –
review. The record companies have brought us more of the music of this composer
who would have been preferred by the town council of Leipzig to Bach, but,
sadly, there have not been many more recordings of his copious Christmas
music, so I thought it well worth including a reminder of this.
There’s more Graupner music for Advent through to Epiphany on a pair of
Ricercar CDs which I reviewed in DL Roundup
February 2012/2. That’s also included in an inexpensive 7-CD set of German Baroque Sacred Music: Christmas (RIC349).
Another CPO recording brings us Epiphany Music by Graupner: Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, er ist mein Licht, GWV1114/43
[17:58]; Erwacht, ihr Heyden, GWV1111/34 [18:37]; Die Waßer Wogen im Meer sind groß, GWV1115/35 [16:37]; Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, es bleibt gerecht sein Wille,
GWV1114/30 [19:39]; Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild,
GWV1113/54 [19:19] – Andrea Lauren Brown (soprano), Kai Wessel
(countertenor), Georg Poplutz (tenor), Dominik Worner (bass), Kirchheimer
BachConsort, Sirkka-Liisa Kaakinen-Pilch (555146-2, 2
Nowadays, most people seem to believe the superstition that the Christmas
decorations must be taken down before January 5, which they wrongly believe
to be Twelfth Night – that’s January 6, the Epiphany, the culmination of
the twelve days of Christmas and an important date in the Lutheran, Roman
and Anglican calendars, though now largely overlooked. Why not restore the
practice and listen to these Graupner cantatas on the day itself or the
following Sunday? Performance, recording and presentation are all up to CPO
Joseph Gabriel RHEINBERGER (1839-1901)
Der Stern von Bethlehem
, Op.164 (1890) [46:47]
(9), Op.176:
No. 1. Ad te levavi [2:04]
No. 2. Universi [1:49]
No. 3. Ex Sion [1:52]
No. 4. Deus tu convertens [2:21]
No. 5. Qui sedes [2:12]
No. 6. Benedixisti [2:19]
No. 7. Rorate coeli [1:55]
No. 8. Prope est Dominus [2:06]
No. 9. Ave Maria [1:59]
Dilek Gecer (soprano), Michael Junge (baritone)
Vogtland Philharmonic Orchestra Greiz-Reichenbach
Dresden University Choir/Stefan Fraas
rec. Lukaskirche Dresden, 20-21 December 1998 and 7 February 1999.
Texts in German and Latin included – no translation.
Previously released in 1999 as FCD368374
Reviewed as press preview
Alternative recording: Der Stern von Bethlehem – Rita Streich
(soprano), Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (baritone), Bavarian Radio Chorus,
Graunke Symphony Orchestra/Robert Heger, rec. 1968 CARUS 83:111 [47:39] –
– also included in 10-CD set – Rheinberger Sacred Choral Works CARUS 83.336. Advent Motets included in 10-CD set or with Missa in G, S Crucis, Thomas Berning (organ), Vocalensemble
Rastatt/Holger Speck CARUS 83.158.
Neither of these recordings is new, but either would serve very well. I
have to admit to finding Christmas music from the baroque era much more to
my liking, so neither of these recordings is likely to find a place on
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, though I might be more tempted by Rita
Streich and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau on the Carus reissue of a recording
which once appeared on HMV ASD2630.
The Carus 10-CD set is also well worth considering.
Philipp WOLFRUM (1854–1919)
Ein Weihnachtsmysterium nach Worten der Bibel und Spielen des Volkes
Op.31 (1898) [100:49]
Joo-Anne Bitter (soprano)
Anne Schuldt (alto)
Paweł Brozek (tenor)
Martin Berner, Hans Christian Hinz (baritone)
Hamelner Kantorei an der Marktkirche
Jugendkantorei Hameln
Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie/Stefan Vanselow
rec. 30 November and 1 December 2019, Marktkirche St. Nicolai, Hameln,
German text included
[62:11 + 38:41]
How could someone called Wolfrum not be a friend of and influenced by
Wagner and Liszt? And how could someone so influential in musical circles
around 1900 be so little know today? Richard Strauss described this
Christmas work as 'Bachsches Können, vereint mit Lisztscher Ekstase' (Bachian
ability combined with Lisztian ecstasy), yet this is the only current
recording, and I don’t recall any others, and there are only two other
currently available recordings of his music, both of organ music. Brent
one of these, on MDG, and I listened to the other, performed by Halgeir
Schiager on the Sauer organ of the Lutheran Church, Chemnitz (Oehms OC416,
rec.2011). I can’t compare the two, but the Oehms is certainly well worth
investigating by lovers of large-scale organ music, especially fans of
Liszt organ music.
If Vivaldi’s ‘Winter’ is not seasonal enough, there’s always Alexander GLAZUNOV (1865-1936) The Seasons, which opens
not with Spring but with Winter. There are several fine recordings at all
prices; many like the version from the Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Neeme Järvi (Chandos CHAN8596, with
Violin Concerto), but it’s not quite my ideal, with Spring a little rushed
and Autumn a little lethargic; I think you would be better with a Decca
Eloquence twofer from Ernest Ansermet, now download only and more expensive
than when I
the CDs, or, perhaps best of all, a Double Decca from the RPO and Vladimir
Ashkenazy, coupled with Prokofiev Cinderella (4553492). But hurry – the CDs are out of stock from some
dealers, and the whole Double Decca series has a tendency to become
Richard WETZ (1875–1935)
Ein Weihnachtsoratorium auf alt-deutsche Gedichte
(Christmas Oratorio based on old German poems, 1927-29)
Marietta Zumbült (soprano)
Máté Sólyom-Nagy (baritone)
Dombergchor Erfurt
Philharmonischer Chor Erfurt
Thüringisches Kammerorchester Weimar/George Alexander Albrecht
rec. live, Thomaskirche Erfurt, November 27, 2010
Texts not included
Reviewed as downloaded from press access
CPO 777638–2
Back catalogue material which we seem not to have reviewed. Don’t expect
the gloriously confident Christmas that Schütz, Prætorius, Telemann and
Bach give us. There are joyful moments, to be sure, but the overall
impression is of a serious reflection on the Nativity, rather in the manner of TS
Eliot’s Journey of the Magi.
The lack of texts in such unfamiliar material is inexcusable.
Francis POULENC (1899-1963) Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël
is the main item on a 1997 recording entitled The Mystery of Christmas, performed by the Elora Festival Singers
and Noel Edison, with Michael Bloss (organ) on a Naxos recording from the
back catalogue (8.554179). The other main item of interest
is the Huron carol which opens the proceedings, while the rest of the
programme is varied but not especially adventurous.
The Elora Festival Singers re-recorded the Poulenc for Naxos in 2013 as
part of an all-Poulenc album, ‘an ideal place to start’ according to Gary
Higginson (8.572978 –
). They are, in fact, something of a mainstay of the Naxos choral
repertoire and both recordings of the Poulenc demonstrate why their albums
have been consistently well received.
Carol of the Bells
Bob CHILCOTT (b.1955)
Pilgrim Jesus [2.04]
Michael PRAETORIUS (c.1571-1621) / Jan SANDSTRÖM (b.1954) Lo, how a rose e’er blooming [4.23]
Sans Day Carol [2.50]
Matthew MARTIN (b.1976)
Adam lay ybounden [3.13]
Mykola LEONTOVICH (1877-1921)
Carol of the Bells [1.16]
Cecilia McDOWALL (b.1951)
Of a rose [2.31]
Carol of the Advent [2.08]
Kim PORTER (b.1965)
Christmas Eve [2.49]
Sir Richard Rodney BENNETT (1936-2012)
(from Five Carols) [1.35]
Alan BULLARD (b.1947)
Glory to the Christ Child [2.53]
Eric WHITACRE (b.1970)
Lux aurumque
Jonathan DOVE (b.1959)
I am the day [6.54]
Gustav HOLST (1874-1934)
This have I done for my true love [5.46]
Wassail Song [3.16]
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
Long, long ago [5.30]
William WALTON (1902-83)
All this time [1.47]
All in the morning [3.00]
Joseph PHIBBS (b.1974)
Lullay, lullay, thou lytil child [4.28]
James BURTON (b.1974)
Balulalow [2.20]
Herrick’s Carol [3.16]
Advent Antiphons [13:17]
The Sixteen/Harry Christophers
rec. Church of St Augustine, Kilburn, London, 23-25 March 2021
Texts included
Reviewed as 24/96 download from
[79:37] Also available on CD and as mp3 and 16-bit downloads.
The Sixteen’s offering for Christmas 2021 is a blend of the traditional and
the contemporary – and none the less enjoyable for that.
Their many fans will doubtless add this to their collection without any urging
from me.
Various works, performers and recording dates
[5 CDs – 5:30:25]
This 5-CD set of meditative Christmas music, a follow-up to Capriccio’s 100
Christmas Classics (C7331) offers good value – around £26.50 – if your
collection needs a boost of Christmas music. A word of caution, however:
what looks like a rich compendium consists mainly of short, often very
short extracts from longer works in recordings which have in many cases
been round the block and back several times. I know that there are many
whose acquaintance with classical music extends no further than
compilations like this, but many listeners will want to take the next step
and choose at least a complete CD of extracts from Messiah, Bach’s
Christmas Oratorio, the ‘Christmas’ concertos of Corelli, Manfredini, etc.
And surely anyone who doesn’t have a recording of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons
will want to progress to the complete set of four concertos and, hopefully,
to the complete Op.8 set of which they form the first part. If so, I
wouldn’t necessarily choose the Frankfurt Vocal Ensemble, Concerto Köln and
Ralf Otto in the Bach or Max Emanuel Cenčić, Charles Hemphries, the Academy
of London and Peter Marschik in Messiah.
CD 1
BACH: Christmas Oratorio: Pastoral Symphony
PRAETORIUS: Kindelein zart
The Four Seasons: Winter (arr. flute and harp)
Jesu mienes Herzens Freund
MANFREDINI: Christmas Concerto (excerpt)
HERBECK: Pueri concinite
Flute Sonata in E-flat: Siciliano
HANDEL: Messiah: He shall feed his flock
GABRIELI: Symphoniæ sacræ: Sonata pian’ e forte
Maria durch ein Dornwald ging
Concerto pastorale in G
Gott hat dich Maria erwählt
Oboe Concerto, BWV1059R: Adagio
Cantata No.143 (except): Du Friedenfürst, Herr Jesu Christ
Divertimento da camera No. 6 in c minor: Lento dolce
HANDEL: Organ Concerto in B-Flat Major, Op/6 (version for harp and orchestra):
CD 2
Messiah (Pastoral Symphony)
BACH: Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier
CORELLI: Christmas Concerto Op. 6/8
TRADITIONAL: Es ist ein Reis entsprungen
GRIEG: Ave Maris stella
BRUCH: Song of the Holy Kings, Op. 21…
CD 3
PRAETORIUS: Den die Hirten lobten sehre
BACH: O Jesulein süß
VIVALDI: Concerto grosso Op. 3 No. 11 (Siciliano)
WILLIS: It Came upon a Midnight Clear
BACH: Nun komm der Heiden Heiland….
CD 4
ADAM: Cantique de Noël (O Holy Night)
LOCATELLI: Concerto grosso “Christmas Concerto”
REGER: Und unser lieben Frauen
MENDELSSOHN: Psalm 91 (Denn er hat seinen Engeln)
CD 5
SAINT-SAËNS: Oratorio de Noël (Air)
BRUCH: Songs of the Christ Child
TELEMANN: Overture in F “A la pastorelle”
PALESTRINA: Et incarnatus est
REICHERT: Heilige Nacht
ALBINONI: Concerto in d minor (Largo)
GRUBER: Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
Wiener Sängerknaben (Vienna Boys’ Choir); Dresdner Kreuzchor; Thomanerchor
Leipzig; Regensburger Domspatzen; Rheinische Kantorei
Ruth Ziesak, Ann Monoyios, Maria Zadori (soprano)
Jochen Kowalski, Axel Köhler, David Cordier (alto)
Reinhold Friedrich (trumpet); Eckart Haupt (flute); Andrea Vigh (harp);
Matthias Eisenberg (organ; Concerto Köln; Deutsche Bachsolisten; Neues
Berliner Kammerorchester; Dresdner Barocksolisten; Lautten Compagney;
Academy Of London
Michael Erxleben; Hermann Max; Hans-Joachim Rotzsch
Over the years there have been several DG albums of Christmas music
featuring Herbert von Karajan and the Berlin Philharmonic. Universal seem
to go up to their attic every so often and rummage around to bring us a
seasonal compilation. The latest is Christmas in Berlin (4861324), and
some of these tired old Karajan recordings feature again, which makes the new
compilation no more enticing than the 2017 reissue on which they appeared.
I’m a great fan of Karajan in the right repertoire, as in the recent
blu-ray/5-CD reissue of his Sibelius (Recording of the Month –
review), but
his attempts at baroque music are models of how not to do it. I’m amazed to
see that the great Edward Greenfield described the ‘languorous beauty’ of
his Christmas recordings when they appeared in 1970, though he did warn
that anyone with a feeling for authentic style should stay well clear.
Mercifully, this time, it’s not all Karajan; if you want Albrecht Mayer,
Rainer Kußmaul and the Berliner Barock Solisten in the reconstructed Bach
Concerto BWV1060, for example, that recording is no longer otherwise
generally available, but the Karajan items still present a problem.
I expected more from the Sankt Florianer Sängerknaben in Little Christmas (Ars Production ARS38602
– from
Amazon UK) and I was not disappointed. The choir at St Florian in Upper Austria has
existed continuously since 1071, so this release is a celebration of their
950th birthday, with recordings made between 1998 and 2021 under the
direction of Franz Farnberger and Markus Stumpner. The repertoire is
wide-ranging, from the opening chant Veni redemptor gentium to Jingle Bells and Have yourself a very merry Christmas,
with mainly traditional material in-between – O Tannenbaum, Adeste fideles, God rest you, merry gentleman, Es ist ein Ros entspungen, and the like. There’s no Bruckner, who
was one of the Sängerknaben and later the organist there. There is,
however, music by Kodály and Max Reger. The singing – with the men joining
the boys in several of the pieces, for welcome variety – is clear and
lucid, as is the diction, even in the English texts, and there’s nothing
coy or over-sentimental. Apart, perhaps, from the solo in Have yourself a very merry Christmas, and that’s a very
sentimental piece. Texts and translations are included.
The cover shot of feet in slippers and socks toasting at the fire suggest
that there’s more traditional fare on Christmas Carols with the King’s Singers (SIGNUM SIGCD683 [68:20]) and what you see is pretty well what you
get. For once, this recording was made at the right time of the year, at
Cedars Hall, Wells Cathedral School, in December 2020. The repertoire
ranges from the plainsong Hodie Christus natus est via O Little Town of Bethlehem and Tomorrow shall be my dancing day, to Bob Chilcott’s (b.1955) The Shepherd’s Carol. Some of this is core repertoire through
several avatars of the King’s Singers; their current incarnation will not
disappoint their many fans. There’s also some less known material, such as
Goff Richards’ arrangement of the traditional La filadora (the
Though collections like this and the Ars Production contain some
interesting unfamiliar material, you end up with your umpty-ninth version
of some (over) familiar pieces.
The Newberry Consort/Ellen Hargis
EnsAmble Ad-Hoc/Francy Acosta, José Luis Posada
rec. live 8 December, 2019, First United Methodist Church, Evanston IL
There have been other recordings of the music performed in the New World in
the seventeenth century, often, like this, with a mix of European and
Native American instruments, and in a style which blends the two. Of
particular interest are the three recordings for Hyperion by Ex Cathedra
and Geoffrey Skidmore – all reviewed in
Hyperion Top 30, while SACDA67600 also remains available on SACD –
review. Of the composers included there, only Juan de Padilla (Christus natus est; Voces, las de la capilla; Al establo más dichoso;
Si al nacer o miniño) and Juan de Zéspedes (the
wonderful Convindando está la noche) feature on this Navona release, along
with Gaspar Fernandez (Andrés Do quedo el ganado? Dame albricias, mano Antón), José de Cáseda (Qué musica divina), Fray Jerónimo Gonzalez (Serenísima una noche), Joan Cererols (Suspended, Cielos, vuestro dulce canto) and Santiago de Murcia (Cumbé; La Azucena). The music
embraces a number of styles, from convent to plaza, much of it in the
villancico manner, and the (live) performances, while not quite as striking
as those of Ex Cathedra, very enjoyable. Texts and translations from the
Navona website.
I missed a Signum recording entitled
Incarnation, a sequence of seasonal music concluding with
Benjamin BRITTEN’s A Boy was born, when it
was released in 2013 and reviewed by
John Quinn, who ‘enjoyed [it] enormously’ and jointly by Gwyn Parry-Jones (Recording
of the Month) and Simon Thompson –
review. I’m including it here for no better reason than that just about
everything that Paul McCreesh has ever set his hand to, with his Gabrieli
Consort, here supplemented by the Copenhagen Boys’ Choir, has been well worth hearing. I shall not miss it this Christmas –
it’s sure to be a regular, if belated, listening experience, along with
their recording of the Prætorius Christmas Mass mentioned above. Its
generally contemplative nature offers the ideal contrast to the outpouring of
joy on the DG album. The cover
may not be as fancy as that DG Archiv; all their recordings for Signum share the plain look,
and ‘tinsel and holly are nowhere in sight’, to quote JQ again, but there’s
nothing here that needs to be dressed up. The download from
comes in mp3, 16- and 24-bit formats, booklet included, with even the
higher format costing a mere £9 (SIGCD346 [77:22])
millions of people around the world, Christmas begins with the Festival of Nine
Lessons and Carols from Cambridge on December 24. More recently, King's College
choir have brought
us an annual album to supplement that broadcast. This year their present to
us is entitled In the bleak Midwinter: Christmas Carols from King’s, with
the choir directed by Daniel Hyde, with Matthew Martin (organ). That’s all
that many readers will need to know.
The programme, recorded in December 2020 and June 2021, opens with the
usual processional Once in Royal David’s City and, while the
programme is mostly traditional, some of the settings may be unfamiliar,
including an arrangement by Elizabeth Poston and Daniel Hyde of I saw three Ships (track 16).
The title carol receives an especially heartfelt performance (tr. 4). Some familiar music appears with
unfamiliar words, as in the case of Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour, to an old French tune
(tr. 13). There’s new-ish material, too, including Bob Chilcott’s Still, still, still (tr. 17), while the Philip Ledger arrangement
of Mendelssohn’s Hark! The Herald Angels sing is preceded by a
prelude composed and played by Matthew Martin (tr.18). I listened to the
24/192 download, with booklet, from mp3, 16-bit and 24/96 versions are also available. (KGS0060 [74:30]).
The Australian label ABC Classics regularly fillets its own recordings and
puts them together as a themed release. Classical Hugs: Music of Comfort and Hope, an inexpensive
2-CD set or download is one of their latest compilations – no holly or
tinsel, but what better theme could there be for this time of year? None of
the recordings would be my first choice but cumulatively they add up to
very competent presentations – often more – of the repertoire. Opening with
the Air from BACH’s Suite No.3 (Tasmanian SO/David
Stanhope), followed by Jayson Gilham (piano) in Jesu, Joy of Man’s
Desiring, FAURÉ's Pavane (Sydney SO/Matias
Bamert) and Bailèro from Songs of the Auvergne (Sara
Macliver, the Queensland SO/Brett Kelly), the 14 tracks on CD1 close with VAUGHAN WILLIAMS’ Fantasia on Greensleeves (Tasmanian
SO/David Stanhope). CD2 (14 tracks again) opens with Vergnügte Ruh
from BACH’s Cantata No.170 and closes with BARBER’s Adagio for strings. (ABCL0006 or CH0012, download only in
My chief reason for recommending it to those still hovering on the brink of
classical music is that it may well tempt them to try a complete recording
of, say, Bach Cantatas, or CANTELOUBE’s Songs of the
Auvergne. The latter, by happenstance, has just been released on the BIS
label in a recording of all five series of these beautiful settings by
Carolyn Sampson (soprano), Tapiola Sinfonietta and Pascal Rophé, a Recording of the Month (BIS-2513 SACD –
review by John Quinn). I listened to the 24-bit stereo download from, where it’s available with booklet. Surround sound comes at the same price
as 24-bit stereo and there’s also a less expensive 16-bit version. Though
my allegiance to Victoria de los Angeles (Warner 5669872, download only)
and Kiri te Kanawa (a bargain Decca twofer 4449952, with Villa Lobos Bachianas No.5) is not diminished, the new release takes its
rightful place alongside them, with SACD and 24-bit availability a bonus,
especially for fans of surround sound.

Nat ‘King’ Cole: A Sentimental Christmas
runs for a mere 36 minutes, but the 11 tracks pack in all that you might
expect, from the opening Deck the Halls/Joy to the World to the
closing Chestnuts roasting on an open Fire. The friends who
contribute are Johnny Mathis, Kristin Chenoweth, Calum Scott, Gloria
Estefan and John Legend.
I’m not sure of the date of all these recordings, but there was a 1962
album The Christmas Song with very similar contents, including the
roasting chestnuts, a song first set down by Cole in 1946. There’s even a vinyl
version, at a price, for those wishing fully to recreate the nostalgia. (Capitol Records/Decca
3816917 also on LP).
Femina moderna: music for mixed choir
Libby LARSEN (b. 1950)
Songs of Youth and Pleasure (1986) [10'49]
Anna-Karin KLOCKAR (b. 1960)
Speeches (2015) [9'17]
Andrea TARRODI (b. 1981)
(2007) [6'09]
Lera AUERBACH (b. 1973)
Lullaby (2002) [4'13]
(2013) for female choir [2'45]
Cecilia McDOWALL (b. 1951)
Regina cæli
(2004) [2'45]
Tebogo MONNAKGOTLA (b. 1972)
Apelsinen har mognat
(2000) [3'13]
Nana FORTE (b. 1981)
Libera me
(2003) for two mixed choirs [5'58]
GRIGORJEVA (b. 1962)
In paradisum
(2012) for male choir [2'46]
Maria LÖFBERG (b. 1968)
(2014) [7'08]
Karin REHNQVIST (b. 1957)
Tilt, drama för kör
(1985) [8'42]
Susanne ROSENBERG (b. 1957)
(1998) [4'58]
Clara LINDSJÖ (b. 1991)
The Find (2010) [4'50]
Allmänna Sången/Maria Goundorina
rec. September 2015 and March 2016, Bälinge Church, Sweden
Texts and translations included
Reviewed as 24/96 download with pdf booklet from
Admittedly, there’s plenty on this celebration of modern femininity by contemporary
composers that isn’t immediately relevant to Christmas, but I can make a
strong case for my favourite piece, Lume: like Diwali and Hanukah,
Christmas is a celebration of light over darkness, of good over evil, and Lume celebrates just the one word, ‘Light’ with six minutes of
ethereal singing. The following track, Lullaby, is also
appropriate to the Christmas season, as is Regina cæli, the
celebration of Mary as Queen of Heaven. Even the two settings of parts of
the Requiem, Libera me and In paradisum, are not
inappropriate: after all, TS Eliot’s Magus, reflecting many years later on
his journey to the infant Jesus, reflects on how life and death are
inter-related. Most importantly of all, this is an attractive album,
attractively sung, with nothing too avant garde despite some quirky
texts, which we seem to have missed when it was released, and well worth getting
to know over the Christmas period, perhaps after
the carols have been over-played and the Vienna New Year’s concert has yet
to happen.
Licht der Welt: A Christmas Promenade
Engelbert HUMPERDINCK (1854-1921)
Weihnachten. Leise weht’s durch alle Lande [3’07]
Das Licht der Welt. Es strahlt am Himmelsrande [1’49]
Peter CORNELIUS (1824-1874)
Die Hirten Op.8/2b. Die Hirten wachen nachts im Feld [3’00]
Christbaum. Wie schön geschmückt der festliche Raum! [1’48]
Die Könige Op.8/3b. Drei Kön’ge wandern aus Morgenland [2’25]
Jean SIBELIUS (1865-1957)
Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt, Op.1/4 [3’21]
Weihnachtslied. Auf, schicke dich [2’27]
Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856)
Weihnachtslied Op.79/16: Als das Christkind ward zur Welt gebracht [2’03]
Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924)
Noël Op.43/1. Le nuit descend du haut des cieux [2’41]
Eduard TOLDRÀ (1895-1962)
Cantarcillo. Pues andáis en las palmas [3’07]
Joaquín NIN Y CASTELLANOS (1879-1949)
Villancico murciano. Esta noche es Nochebuena [Diez villancicos españoles,
No.6] [2’09]
Villancico vasco. Ator, ator mutil etxera [Diez villancicos españoles,
No.3] [2’18]
Edvard GRIEG (1843-1907)
Julens Vuggesang [The Christmas Tree, EG 155]. Du har saa bløden Vuggeseng
Gioacchino ROSSINI (1792-1868)
La Nuit de Noël [Péchés de vieillesse, Album français no6]. Calme et sans
voile [5’22]
Camille SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921)
La Madonna col Bambino. Fermarono i cieli [3’39]
MAURICE RAVEL (1875-1937)
Noël des jouets. Le troupeau verni des moutons [3’02]
Jules MASSENET (1842-1912)
Noël païen. Noël ! Noël ! [3’10]
Noël des fleurs. Il pleut des iris, des jasmins, des roses [1’55]
Le Noël des humbles. L’enfant est nu [2’05]
Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893)
Chantez Noël CG 184a. Montez à Dieu, chants d’allégresse ! [5’37]
Cécile CHAMINADE (1857-1944)
Noël des oiseaux. Petit Jésus, maître du ciel [3’01]
Joseph MARX (1882-1964)
Christbaum [Lieder und Gesänge, I. Folge Nr.2]. Hörst’ auch Du die leisen
Stimmen [3’11]
Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949)
Weihnachtsgefühl WoO.94. Naht die jubelvolle Zeit [2’12]
Die heiligen drei Könige aus Morgenland [Sechs Lieder Op.56/6] [5’42]
Christiane Karg (soprano)
Gerold Huber (piano)
Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks/Howard Arman
rec. 29 March-1 April 2021, Bayerischer Rundfunk – Studio 2
Texts and translations included
Reviewed as downloaded from press preview. Download in 16- and 24-bit from
That this recording finds itself almost at the end of the round-up has nothing to
do with its quality, rather it’s because the press preview arrived late on
the scene, as I was preparing to draw the threads together. In a way, it’s
appropriate that the survey should begin and end with mostly less familiar
material, this time from a wide variety of sources, but opening and closing
with German-language repertoire, all delightfully sung and sympathetically
accompanied. Most of the material is sung solo by Christiane Karg who has,
as Margarida Mota Bull predicted in making one of her early recordings on
Berlin Classics a Recording of the Month –
– since deservedly become more of a household name. Along with the less
familiar material, it was a risky move to have a soprano sing Cornelius’ Die drei Könige, usually firmly in the male vocal domain, but the
gamble has worked.
(arranged by Bjorn Kleiman)
Sleigh Ride [2.45]
Largo – second movement from Winter [1.53]
Traditional (arranged by Bjorn Kleiman)
Deck The Halls [1.59]
(arranged for violin and string orchestra by Yuri Zhislin)
Melodie, Op.42 [3.36]
Traditional (arranged by Take 6, orchestrated by Yuri Zhislin)
O Come All Ye Faithful [2.16]
Hugh MARTIN and Ralph BLANE
(arranged by Yuri Zhislin)
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas [3.28]
Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (arranged by Bjorn Kleiman)
By the Fireplace (“January”), from The Seasons, Op.37 [5.03]
and Walter KENT (arranged by Yuri Zhislin
I’ll Be Home for Christmas [2.17]
Traditional (arranged by Yuri Zhislin)
Silent Night [3.49]
Camerata Tchaikovsky/Yuri Zhislin
ORCHID ORC100186 [26:47]
If you want to get away from the words, this EP from Camerata Tchaikovsky
could be your answer. If anything, you’ll find yourself wishing it were
longer – unless you find it all too sugary: try the Take 6/Yuri Zhislin
arrangement of O come, all ye faithful first.
The Swingle Singers … unwrapped.
Arcangelo CORELLI
Concerto Grosso Op.6 No.8 (‘Christmas Concerto’)
Harold DARKE
In the Bleak Midwinter
Mel TORMÉ & Robert WELLS
Christmas Song
Howard BLAKE
Walking in the Air (From ‘The Snowman’)
Sammy CAHN & Julie STYNE
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
arr. Alexander L’Estrange
O Tannenbaum
Johnny MARKS
Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
Joan JAVITTS, Philip & Tony SPRINGER
Away in a Manger
Carol of the Drum
Amazing Grace
Johnny MARKS
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Last Christmas
John LENNON & Yoko ONO
Happy Christmas (War is Over)
Hotaru no Kikari (Melody: Traditional Scottish, Words: Traditional
The Swingle Singers/Joanna Forbes – rec. March/April 2004.
From prefiguring a new release without vocals, let’s end with an older
recording that’s all vocal, from The Swingle Singers, recorded in 2004. As
with The King’s Singers and The Sixteen, fans will know exactly what to
expect; others should tread cautiously, but they may well find themselves
becoming fans.

Just as I was converting this review to html and proof-reading it, I
discovered a recording entitled Alla Napoletana.
Performed by L’Arpeggiata and Christina Pluhar, it’s a whole lot of fun,
with some lively music jazzed up in arrangements by Pluhar. I have found
some of the hyped performances of music of this period by Patricia
Kopatchinskaja too over the top (What’s Next Vivaldi, Alpha 624 –
review), but I greatly enjoyed this album from L’Arpeggiata, my Fun Recording of
the Month if we had such a thing. The point in mentioning it here is that
among the fun music, exemplified by the singing fish on the cover, there’s
a short, 13½-minute, Nativity cantata by Cristoforo CARESANA – La Veglia: Cantata a 6 voci con violini Per la Nascita di Nostro Signore
(1674). It’s followed by a short piece by Sigismondo d’INDIA, Sfere fermate, and a Pastorella, Ogni angelo, again by Caresana, both
celebrating the Nativity. ERATO 9029660361 [2 CDs –