Matthew LOCKE
Consort of Fower Parts; The Flatt Consort
Phantasm/Laurence Dreyfus
Global Music Network
GMNC 0109 [55 mins]
These thirty short pieces for viol consort by Matthew LOCKE (1622-77)
are arranged in suites of four to six pithy, concise pieces, which are played
straight through, each taking 7 to 9 minutes. The last one included is for
three viols, the others for 'fower'. There are rather gloomy suites in the
minor and distinctly brighter ones in major keys. It is inventive, experimental
consort music, which influenced Purcell.
Laurence Dreyfus (Professor of Performance at King's College in London)
pursues a dual career as performer and writer, and provides notes about the
'compelling wit and intelligence' of this 'rebellious Catholic', whose consort
music expresses 'purest lyricism and generous warmth - true music of

This music is ideal for home listening and is as well recorded as played.
Dreyfus leads an excellent group which includes on gamba Markku Luolajan-Mikkola,
who plays Forqueray on one of the excellent Alba CDs
111) which have been reviewed favourably in MotW. Recommended.
(GMN has just announced expansion including on-line distribution of music
- see
- and that address heads their new CDs as a virtual title!)
Peter Grahame Woolf