Sonatas Wq 51/2-5 (Lars Ulrik Mortensen)
Couperin Prelude in B minor &
17th Ordre from Pieces de Clavecin (Anne Gallet)
Rameau Suite en mi
Christiane Jaccottet. Harpsichord
by Stirnemann, 1777.
Claves 50-9908 [73
Amazon UK
This CD is a celebration of the restoration of an important harpsichord now
in the Geneva Museum of Art & History. It is a magnificently decorated
five-octave insstrument, bequeathed by Mme. Teyssere-Vuilleurnier in order
that her life-long endeavours for early music would be sustained.
Three well-known harpsichordists collaborated on this recording in August
1998; Christiane Jaccottet died shortly afterwards and the release is dedicated
to her memory. Mortensen studied in London with Trevor Pinnock, & can
be heard on the
DG Archiv
Bach concertos
set reviewed recently; his recording of
the Goldberg Variations was awarded the French Diapaison d'or. Anne Gallet
is professor for harpsichord in Geneva.
The CPE Bach sonatas are not amongst his better known - they are enjoyable,
with moods from the expressive empfindsamer Stil to the vivacious.
The French music sounds superb on this lovely instrument and both harpsichordists
are fully into its flexible style, which goes far beyond what one sees in
the score. Although it is unusual to have a CD shared in this way, this one
does not prompt comparisons between the players. Recommended as a multiple
memento, to the former owner and benefactor and to Christiane Jaccottet,
who has a substantial discography.
It is a well balanced programme, well recorded with Radio Suisse Romande-Espace
2 and lavishly documented.
Peter Grahame Woolf