Franz Ignaz BECK
Stabat Mater
Vocalenensemble des SWR
La Stagione Frankfurt/Michael Schneider with soloists Sandrine Piau, Heidrun
Kordes, Derek Lee Ragin, Christophe Einhorn, Klais Mertens
KochSchwann 3-6583-2 [60
An exact contemporary of Haydn, Franz Ignaz Beck (1734-1809) was a
pupil of Stamitz in Mannheim, but lived and worked mainly in Bordeaux, where
he was rated highly. Documented information about Beck is meagre and the
3-page introduction is unable to date this Stabat Mater, which is
reckoned his masterpiece. It failed initially at Versailles and caused something
of a furore, because of his forward looking harmonic modulations; the orchestra
sabotaged his instructions for extreme dynamic contrasts. It points towards
Berlioz in its originalty and I fully endorse the commentator's claim that
Beck is another neglected composer whose music, once heard, demonstrates,
yet again, that the accepted canon of 'great' composers, with most of the
others cast into oblivion, is misleading and regrettable.
There are 13 sections, five arias, three duets, a trio with solo horn and
four choral numbers. The tenor soloist appears only in one duet, suggesting
that he would have been drawn from the choir. The prevailing mood is celebratory
rather than mournful; as is the case with Haydn, Beck does not make heavy
weather of a mainly tragic text and a lot of the music moves briskly. There
are two sweet toned sopranos, the American counter-tenor Derek Lee Ragin
mellifluous and soft-grained, and the tenor & baritone parts are in capable
hands. The orchestra is one of Germany's leading 'authentic historical
performance' ensembles and has been associated in many recordings with Michael
Schneider, head of Frankfurt's Ancient Music Department which is heavily
involved in research and publishing. The SWR Vocal Ensemble (enjoyed in Stuttgart
in Tallis & Huber - S&H review
Festival, Feb 2000) specialises in 'lesser known or
exceptionally demanding' choral music.
The introductory essay is comprehensive but although the words are given
in Latin, German & English, these are consecutive, not in parallel. The
track list on the case gives only tempo indications - that at the front of
the booklet is given with the first few words in Latin - a lot of page turning
is therefore required to sort it all out whilst listening.
This is a real winner and will give a great deal of pleasure to purchasers
who don't pass over unfamiliar names and assume that minor composers wrote
minor music. It loses half a star only because of the inept pagination of
the track list and text.
Peter Grahame Woolf