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FR1013 Haydn str qts review
FR1017 Hartmann concerto funebre review
FR1023/4 Bach vln/kyb sonatas Barchet review
FR1029 Dohnanyi str qt, pno qnt review
FR1031/2 Bach vln/kyb sonatas Gerle review
FR1033 Beethoven Mendelssohn pno trios review
FR1035 Brahms Strauss cello sons review
FR1035 Nielsen pno ste, str qt review
FR1037/8 Bach vln sonatas partitas review
FR1041 Rachmaninov sy2 review
FR1044 Dvorak str qt Janacek concertino review
FR1046 Prokofiev Stravinsky str qts review
FR1049 Mozart sy Beethoven VC review review
FR1052 Brahms VC review
FR1055 Weber Saint-Saens Pierne vln sons review review
FR1056 Bloch Villa-Lobos str qts review
FR1057 Beethoven sy2 PC4 review
FR1059 Rameau clavecin review
FR1060 Duboscq chmbr wks review review
FR1061 Brahms cello sonatas review
FR1066 Scarlatti sons review
FR1077 Mussorgsky Pictures Firkusny review
FR1086 Mozart vln concs sons Shumsky review review
FR1088 Marais D'Hervelois suites review
FR1090 Brahms VC Wolf review review
FR1097 Roussel pno wks review
FR1098 Franck Debussy vln sons Nadien review
FR1113 Enescu Brahms Schumann vln son review
FR1121 Sibelius VC Eidus review review
FR1133 Weber sy1 review
FR1136 Hindemith Milhaud Schmitt wind band review
FR1137 Bach Bartok Beethoven vln sons Spivakovsky review review
FR1141/2 Beethoven str qts v2 Schaffer review
FR1143 Beethoven vln sons review
FR1145 Schubert pno sonata review
FR1151/2 Beethoven vln sons 1-7 review
FR1153 Beethoven vln sons 8-10 review
FR1158 Strauss Hindemith Martinu vln sons review review
FR1166 Grieg Hindemith str qts review
FR1170 Bach vln sons concs review
FR1172 Dohnanyi Francaix str trios review
FR1173 Brahms VC Ferras review
FR1175 Faure pno qt, trio review
FR1176/7 Scarlatti CPE Bach kybd sons review
FR1181 Brahms VC Ferras review
FR1194 Beethoven VC Szeryng review review
FR1198 Nigg Rivier PCs review
FR1202/3 Bazelaire 78 recs review review
FR1205 Beethoven vln son Jodry review
FR1213 Walden Qt review
FR1220 Roger-Ducasse pno qt review review
FR1223 Faure pno qt Pasquier Tr review
FR1226 Beethoven Brahms VCs Spalding review review
FR1229 Sauguet sy1 review review
FR1230 Stravinsky VC Firebird review
FR1232 Beethoven VC Merckel review review
FR1233 Brahms VC Benedetti review review
FR1234 Bach Telemann Kaufman review review
FR1246 Brahms VC Krachmalnick review
FR1253/4 Beethoven str qts v3 Schaffer review
FR1259 Le Flem Rivier sys review
FR1263/4 Beethoven str qts v4 Schaffer review
FR1266 Badings orch wks review
FR1271 Beethoven vln sons review
FR1279 Huyghues de Beaufond live review
FR1282 Ravel Sibelius str qts review
FR1284 Delius Bennett vln sons review review
FR1285 Hubeau Malipiero VCs review review
FR1288 Sibelius Ponce VCs review
FR1290 Falla Night gardens review
FR1292/3 Mozart trios review
FR1297/8 Tchaikovsky quartets review
FR1331 Strauss Copland vln sons review review
FR1332/3 Mozart sys concs Ristenpart review
FR1338 Mendelssohn VC Gulli review review
FR1341 Paisiello Rossini Bellini orch review
FR1342 Dvorak sy5 review
FR1348 Brahms VC Olevsky review
FR1355 Gendron recital review review
FR1358/9 Beethoven str qts v5 review review
FR1361 Galperine recital review
FR1370 Brahms Tchaikovsky VC Andrade review review
FR1371 Mozart Stamitz bassoon concs review
FR1392 Brahms dble conc review
FR1394 Beethoven vln sons Rostal review
FR1447 Beethoven vln sons review
FR1451 Alma Trio review
FR1457 Roussel Prokofiev str qts review
FR1459 Beethoven vln sons review
FR1466 Milhaud Turina Bernstein chmbr wks review review
FR1468 Beethoven VC review
FR1469 Mendelssohn Bruch VCs Olevsky review
FR1497-8 Honegger orch wks review
FR1506 Vivaldi 4 seasons review
FR1510 Enescu sy review
FR1513 Nat recital review
FR1514 Vivaldi conc review
FR1515 Caplet Le miroir review
FR1518/9 Brahms str sextets review
FR1521 Beethoven PCs review
FR1524 Brahms horn trio review
FR1530 Beethoven Mozart vln sons review
FR1532/3 Beethoven vln sons 1-7 Fournier review review
FR1534 Beethoven vln sons 8-10 Fournier review review
FR1543 Brahms Schumann VCs review
FR1545 Chausson sy review
FR1550 Grieg Peer Gynt review
FR1556 Mendelssohn Tchaikovsky VCs review
FR1557 Khachaturian VC  review
FR1562 Torelli concs review
FR1568 Hindemith VC review review
FR1569 Vivaldi Bach VCs review
FR1570 French str qts review
FR1574 Ravel Roussel Schmitt chmbr wks review
FR1575 Bach cello suites review review
FR1583 Menasce piano wks review
FR1591 Mozart PCs Matthews review
FR1598 Ravel Debussy str qts review
FR1601 Beethoven Schumann trios review review
FR1610 Mozart Tchaikovsky VCs review
FR1612 Mozart Dvorak str qts review
FR1614 Glazunov sy8 review
FR1619 Moeschinger Regamey chmbr wks review review
FR1620 Gimpel VCs review review
FR1622/3 Beethoven Mozart pno sons Matthews review
FR1624 Schubert Onslow str qnt review
FR1626 Dvorak chmbr wks review
FR1641/2 Mozart VCs review
FR1646/7 Mozart str qts review
FR1655 Copeland recital review
FR1668 Beethoven VC Morini review
FR1673 Jacobi VC review review
FR1680 Corelli Tartini sonatas Spalding review review
FR1686 Prokofiev Bliss PCs review
FR1699 Medtner PC review
FR1701 Beethoven complete str qts review review
FR1718 Schubert Trout quintet review
FR1727 Brahms sy4 Rother review review
FR1728 Beethoven VC review review
FR1740 Mendelssohn VC Lack review
FR1741 Thirion sy2  review
FR1750 Thirion sonatas review
FR1757 Prokofiev Khachaturian VCs Kogan  review
FR1775 Jacobi chmbr wks review
FR1803 Bach VCs review
FR1858/9 Bach cello suites review
FR1882 Honegger Martiunu sys review
FR1893 Chopin ballades Siki review
FR1913 Schubert pno trios review
FR1916 Debussy ravel str qts review
FR1918 Bach vln sons review
FR1926/7 Chopin mazurkas v1 review
FR1928 Chopin mazurkas v2
FR1940 Brahms horn trio review
FR1956 Chopin pno wks Banhalmi review
FR1995 Vivaldi concs review



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