CD Reviews

MusicWeb International

Webmaster: Len Mullenger

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Reviewers: Tony Augarde [Editor], Steve Arloff, Nick Barnard, Pierre Giroux, Don Mather, Glyn Pursglove, George Stacy, Sam Webster, Jonathan Woolf

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Shapes of Nature




1. Early Spring
2. Squirrel Dance
3. Canvas
4. Rhythm Portals
5. Walking in Rhythm
6. Bending Time
7. Feeling Groovy

George Lernis - Drums
Lefteris Cordis - Piano
Mark Zaleski - Bass
Scott Boni - Alto sax


The preparation for this album must have been amazing: some of the unison passages between piano and alto are nothing short of the near impossible!

Is that a soprano sax I hear on Squirrel Dance? If it is, it isn't mentioned in the sleeve-notes.

All four of these musicians are excellent players, but for me it would need a whole lot of listening to understand what is going on. George Lernis is a very fine drummer/percussionist and Lefteris Kordis is a very special pianist. Scott Boni has an excellent tone on alto sax; it is the sort of tone only acquired through much practice, experience and dedication. Mark Zaleski is a fine bass player and a great asset to any group.

For me the problem is as the Duke said "It don't mean a thing..."

Don Mather

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