- Trompin’
- You’re My Life
- Hoy Soy
- Black Spider Stomp
- Take’Em
- Scategoria
- Rhythm Serenade
- Rib Town Shuffle
- Music’ll Chase Your Blues Away
- I’ll Gather Up My Memories
- A Fool’s Affair
- Jump, Jack, Jump
- I Knew A Time
- Mine You’ll Always Be
- Doin’ The Bow Wow
- Lilla Mae
- Slew Foot Joe
- 1,2,3,4
- Crazy’ Bout Rhythm
- Off the Beam
- King Cole Blues
- Jivin’ with the Notes.
Nat Cole – Piano & Vocals
Oscar Moore – Guitar & Vocals
Wesley Prince – Bass & Vocals
Vocals by the Drifters on tracks 9,19, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16,
Long before he came to fame as a popular vocalist
Nat King Cole was acknowledged as the best jazz pianist around and
generations of jazz pianists since have acknowledged his inspirational
role. Oscar Peterson probably the greatest jazz pianist of all time
modelled his first trio on Nat Cole’s.
This record is of transcriptions made for Nat’s very
popular radio show during 1939 and 1940. A lot of the material is
lightweight but the playing of the trio throughout is superb, Oscar
Moore and Wesley Prince make significant contributions.
The Dreamers were a very professional vocal group
and they benefit from superb accompaniment from the trio, who both
back them with some style and provide some nice jazz. The Dreamers
were a commercial group, but the trio keeps the jazz content up and
makes every track worth listening to.
As with all this series from NAXOS, the noise reduction
and remastering of these recordings is first class and this makes
for a very enjoyable 58 minutes of listening.
Don Mather