Music Webmaster Len Mullenger


WOODY ALLEN – standup comic  RHINO R2 75721 [76:03]




EDITOR’s Recommendation


This is the album Woody Allen fans have been clambering for! Originally issued on vinyl by Casablanca Records in 1979, Standup Comic is available on CD for the first time.

The 25 tracks here – Allen’s only recordings as a standup comedian are taken from three live performances recorded in 1964, 1965 and 1968. Woody was then honing the persona that would bring him world fame through his films. Standup Comic, like his later films, is frequently autobiographical, touching upon such themes as sexual neuroses, disfunctional families and life in New York that were portrayed so memorably in films like Annie Hall and Manhattan.

A few examples of Woody’s inspired humour:-

"I was breast-fed from falsies – I was scarred emotionally!"

"My Rabbi became a TV personality…he tried to name the Ten Commandments but ended up naming the Seven Dwarfs."

"I cannot tolerate alcohol. Once, after two martinis, I tried to hijack an elevator and fly it to Cuba!"

"My sunlamp rains on me and my clock goes backwards."

"I had a really deep cavity in a tooth – my dentist sent me to a chiropodist!"

"I am always polite and non-combative. A guy hit my fender. I said to him ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ - but not in those words."

On income tax – "I tried to put my analyst down as a business expense but the government said it was entertainment so we compromised on it as a religious contribution."

"My grandfather was very reserved. His hearse followed all the other cars"

"I was kidnapped. When the news reached home, they let my room. The kidnappers told my father they wanted $1,000 in a hole in a tree; the $1000 was OK but he got a hernia carrying the tree."

"I played softball for neurotics – bed-wetters vs naiI-biters"

Much of the material is inspired, particularly the saga of the moose. Woody shoots and thinks he kills it, straps it to his fender and ends up taking it to a fancy dress party where it is miffed when a couple dressed as a moose wins!

I will confess to being an incurable Woody Allen fan, hence the top marks


Ian Lace


Ian Lace

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