A staggeringly mediocre collection of soft rock and pop songs are assembled here to promote horror maestro Wes Craven’s (A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream) troubled production of Cursed. The fact that Craven had to re-shoot much of the film doesn’t really tell us if it will now turn out to be any good or not, but whoever chose this bunch of bland tracks must be about as middle of the road as they come. I honestly cannot even recommend even a single song, which only leaves us with the six minutes or so suite of Marco Beltrami’s score to get our teeth into. I have to say upfront that I am a big Beltrami fan, his music for Hellboy my favourite score for quite some time and he doesn’t disappoint here either. His action/suspense writing is brash and exciting and there is a nice combination of the modern (effective synthesized effects) with an old-fashioned, almost Hammeresque feel, that is compelling and very entertaining. Cap this all with a big, imposing main theme to close, that I only hope features in the movie itself rather than playing out over the end credits as is so often the case and you have a real treat. While this admittedly may not justify the purchase of the CD, it deserves to be heard and as the likelihood is that there will be no standalone score release, it’s probably all we are going to get.
The real curse here is the vast array of low-grade songs that may lead to few soundtrack enthusiasts getting the opportunity to hear one very fine film music cue.
Mark Hockley
Original Score: 
Source music as many turkeys.