Following on from La-La Land Records release of Band’s Re-animator score, they continue to support the composer’s work with this intriguing offering inspired once again by the work of horror fantasist H.P. Lovecraft and directed by B-movie terror specialist Stuart Gordon.
Very much a mood piece with tinkling keyboard and sultry strings creating what the composer intended to be a kind of sensual other-worldly ambience, the music could perhaps be described as abstract psychedelia. Of course there are moments of more traditional dramatic tension, but much of the score is dominated by brooding, undulating synth and string effects that generate a definite atmosphere of subtle seductiveness. Personally, as a fan of Band’s scores, neither this or Re-animator rank among my personal favourites but in terms of collectability I think there will certainly be a market for this soundtrack. A composer like Richard Band really does deserve attention and I sincerely hope enough copies of this limited release of three thousand sell to justify delving a little deeper into his body of work as there are several real gems that need to be unearthed. For those who enjoy low-key suspense or atmospheric flights of fantasy this will no doubt appeal, but to be truthful, melodically the score is less than diverting.
Not for everyone, but still has a debauched kind of charm.
Mark Hockley