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November 2002 Film Music CD Reviews

Film Music Editor: Ian Lace
Music Webmaster Len Mullenger

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I Spy Original Television Soundtrack 
  FILM SCORE MONTHLY  Vol. 5 No. 10  

Available from Film Score Monthly, 8503 Washington Boulevard, Culver City, CA90232; Tel: 1-888-345-6335; overseas: 310-253-9595; fax: 310-253-9588;

I Spy

I wish all soundtrack releases could get the FSM treatment. Their packaging and presentation, sleeve notes and attention to detail always impress me.

The music presented here for the popular sixties adventures series I Spy is a perfect example of the kind of jazzy, pop-based scoring that was so much in evidence on American television in the mid to late 1960s. However one of the most remarkable things about the soundtracks for the series was that each of its eighty-two episodes had original music, expressly written for each individual show. And although Earl Hagen's work was the mainstay of the series, other composers such as Hugo Friedhofer and Nathan Van Cleave also contributed (with occasional examples also included here).

The CD itself is broken up into several different episodes, representing the globe trotting nature of the series, featuring sections depicting Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, Burma and Spain. This provides a wealth of variety rarely found on this kind of television based compilation and makes this particular release very worthwhile.

Another success story for FSM with many to follow I'm quite sure.

Mark Hockley


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