This is an entertaining album of music and songs from the DreamWorks animated
feature. Of the 44 cues I will simply comment on the few that interested
me the most.
The opening 'God's Theme is softly dreamy and hopeful, very atmospheric of
its Biblical time and place with some effective writing for strings, woodwind
and treble percussion. A narrative overlay leads into an ensemble song, 'Miracle
Child'. 'Wolf chase', with tremolando strings pounding percussion and snarling
brass is exciting and dramatic while 'Betrayal', another agitated cue, suggests
not only pain and anger but also compassion.
'Market Place' has pace and excitement (with male voices) and strong motor
rhythms; and ethnic instruments lend an authentic North African flavour.
'Potiphar imprisons Joseph' was another dramatic yet compassionate cue that
impressed me while the next cue 'Rats' is enough to send shivers up your
spine. Another authentic sounding cue is 'Pharaoh meets Joseph' with exotic
instruments sounding an auspicious Pharaoh's court backdrop.
An interesting colourful score.