Srdjan JACIMOVIC White
Yugoslavian composer Srdjan Jacimovic presents us with both
music from the feature film White Suit, as well as a selection
of bonus tracks.
`Orchestral Tango' opens up the proceedings and this is very
much what you might expect from the title. However, it does have the added
attraction of a female voice (vaguely Morricone like) and is pleasant enough,
but perhaps just a little overlong. Next up is `First Theme' with a raucous
string sound that is somewhat grating, although the melody is moderately
engaging, if repetitive. The jaunty, almost circus like `Aquarium' is a
double-bass driven piece with again some tango elements. But unfortunately
it is rather drawn-out, undermining whatever appeal it might have.
A number of very short cues pepper the CD with `Rising of the
Thing', `Train 2' and `Bordel in Train' among them and while they appear
to be well thought out, none provide too much in the way of entertainment.
The first extra track not taken from White Suit itself is `Little
Reg with Russian Spice', which has an almost experimental structure, with
plucked strings and various violin flourishes. Very hard going unless you
are into avant-garde performance music.
One of the more appealing cues from the film itself is `Love
on First Sight' with its subtle string theme, but as it is quite short it
doesn't really have time to build into anything substantial, which is a pity.
Several pieces feature variations on themes already heard, such as `Marco's
Condolence' reprising `First Theme' and `White Tango-Expressive', `White
Tango-Depressive' recalling `Orchestral Tango'. Plaintive strings and acoustic
guitar highlight `Scene with a Dog' and are effective in a low-key way. The
more emotional theme that appears in `Love Declarations', despite more strident
strings, is for me the best track included here and perhaps promises better
things for the future.
Some more extra tracks not from the film are `Russian Piece
for Clarinet', `Valce for the End of the War', `Yearn with Guitar' and `Bicycle,
than (then?) Telegram' The first of these is a solo clarinet, jazz influenced
composition that seems to last far longer than its three and a half minute
running time! `Valce' utilises those plucked strings again with another wistful
violin lead but does not register particularly strongly. `Yearn' and `Bicycle'
are both dominated by acoustic guitar, the former a classical solo work that
at five minutes plus could be criticised for being over-indulgent. The latter
is a little more accessible with the inclusion of piano.
`Train from another Movie' and `A Bit of Melancholy' should
also be mentioned (again not from White Suit) as they demonstrate
a contrasting stylistic approach from the rest of the work here. Both feature
various keyboard styles and sounds along with rhythm and bass guitar backing.
But despite this change of pace I'm afraid to say they didn't make too much
impression on me.
I wish I could be more enthusiastic about this collection,
but although there are a few moments of melodic interest, overall there is
far too much introspective excess that may well showcase some accomplished
playing, but is far from captivating for the casual listener.
Mark Hockley