November 2000 Film Music CD Reviews

Film Music Editor: Ian Lace
Music Webmaster Len Mullenger

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Franco GODI
VIP My Brother Superman
 CAM 498797-2 [31:22]

If you think the timing is short on this CD don't worry by the time you reach the end you will be totally exhausted. This is a jolly, breezy score that rejoices in its brash vulgarity. For the most part the lyrics are not so much words as gurgles like awa,awa,awa; or uh, uh, uh; or che, che, che… In tracks like 'Naufraghi e isola relax' and 'Pesci e mare', we have whistling and a male voice whispering chir, chir chir, over intimate close dancing music in the former, and caper music that is not so far away from Henry Mancini's Pink Panther theme in the latter - you even get snores in this one!!. Which really brings me to the point to explain that this is caricature music for an Italian cartoon production of 1968 - and the music is very much of the period.

The main theme is cool, when it is allowed to flower as in 'Lisa' that has a remarkably attractive combination of harpsichord and solo trumpet. Featured solo instruments shine in a number of tracks for instance the clarinet in 'VIP e il colonnello' and piano in 'Happy Betty' -- another cute cue.

There are many styles: traditional, mainstream and modern jazz, 1960s ballad-style, slow waltz, Latin etc. One or two cues suggest more dramatic chase or sinister elements but the emphasis is on the gaudy lyrical.

Crazy, but not without charm.

Ian Lace


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