PAUL CORFIELD GODFREY was born in London and after a period of residence
in Ireland now lives in Wales, studying composition and conducting at
various times with Alan Bush and David Wynne. His compositions include
four symphonies: various orchestral, chamber and instrumental works:
songs and choral works: operas, including The Dialogues of Óisin
and Saint Patric and Arcturus, both performed in Cardiff and elsewhere:
and a cycle of epic scenes based on J R R Tolkien’s posthumous
novel The Silmarillion, the largest work written in Wales in the twentieth
century, excerpts from which have been publicly performed in Oxford
and which has been recorded and released by Prima Facie Records in association
with Volante Opera in a set of ten CDs. Other operas have also now been
recorded, including The Nightingale and the Rose after the fable by
Oscar Wilde, and Blithe Spirit after Noel Coward (released in autumn
2023). Many other works have been performed in London and elsewhere
throughout the UK, Hungary, America, Australia and New Zealand, and
videos of many of these are available on YouTube. His manuscript scores
are lodged at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth. He has appeared
as a performer both on radio and television.