Sir W S GILBERT (1836-1911) and Sir Arthur SULLIVAN
The Mikado [82:00]
The Mikado – Darrell Fancourt (bass); Nanki-Poo – Derek Oldham (tenor);
Ko-Ko – Sir Henry Lytton (baritone); Pooh-Bah – Leo Sheffield (baritone);
Pish-Tush – George Baker (baritone); Go-To – T. Penry Hughes (baritone);
Yum-Yum – Elsie Griffin (soprano); Pitti-Sing – Aileen Davies/Doris
Hemingway/Beatrice Elburn (mezzo); Peep-Bo – Beatrice Elburn (mezzo);
Katisha – Bertha Lewis (contralto)
Light Opera Orchestra and Chorus/Harry Norris
rec. Small Queen’s Hall, London, 8 November-6 December 1926
no text included
PRISTINE AUDIO PACO 087 [48:30+33:29]
Aficionados of Gilbert and Sullivan tend to have strong views as to the
“best” performances of their works, and one argues with them at one’s
peril. However there is a general consensus that if this 1926 performance
is not the best it is certainly one of the best. I will
happily agree with either view. In terms of pure singing it is certainly
not the best. Derek Oldham’s tenor is an acquired taste both for his tone
and his mannerisms but he was immensely popular in his lifetime. Leo Sheffield
brings bags of character but very little voice to the part of Pooh-Bah.
If you want better singing as well as obviously more modern recording
you might go to the versions conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras or Sir
Malcolm Sargent. Alternatively you could go to one of the many later D’Oyly
Carte versions, in which case your choice will probably be guided by your
preference in the role of Ko-Ko. Martyn Green, Peter Pratt and John Reed
all have their devotees but for me, although I am too young to have heard
him live, Henry Lytton is so obviously superior to the rest that the present
version takes virtually automatic precedence. The higher female voices
are less distinctive but Bertha Lewis had both the necessary voice and
ability to characterise for Katisha.
Previously when discussing recordings of The Mikado I would have
had to try very hard at this point to convince the reader that this 1926
version is the one to have despite severe sonic limitations. It was in
fact one of the earliest “electrical” recordings, made at a time when
presumably all concerned were relatively unfamiliar with the characteristics
of the new system. Large portions of the opera have suffered in earlier
versions from problems of clarity, balance and general “listenability”.
It is therefore a great pleasure to report that Mark Obert-Thorn, who
was responsible for this transfer, has found things in the recording that
you would never have expected might be there when listening to earlier
versions. Obviously it still sounds its age, but for any listener not
demanding the latest in recording techniques it is more than acceptable.
Indeed in many ways it is much better than the series of recordings of
the D’Oyly Carte company made by Decca immediately after the war.
As usual with Pristine Audio releases the presentation is minimal with
only the most essential information given. The total duration is just
over 80 minutes so that the opera spreads onto two discs but Pristine
Audio very fairly have priced the download as if it were a single disc
which makes a much better bargain for those using downloads. For that
and for making listening to this wonderfully characterful performance
a much more comfortable and enjoyable experience PristineAudio deserve
the thanks of all Gilbert and Sullivan devotees.
John Sheppard