Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)
Cantatas, Vol. 53: Cantatas from Leipzig 1730s-1740s
In allen meinen Taten, BWV 97 (1734) [25:05]
Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 177 (1732) [23:01]
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV 9 (1732/35) [18:28]
Hana Blažíková (soprano); Robin Blaze (counter-tenor);
Gerd Türk (tenor); Peter Kooij (bass)
Bach Collegium Japan/Masaaki Suzuki
rec. February 2012, Kobe Shoin Women’s University Chapel, Japan.
Hybrid Disc (SACD Surround/SACD Stereo/CD Stereo)
Suzuki and Bach Collegium Japan started their complete
cycle of the J.S. Bach cantatas in 1995. There are approaching 200 church
cantatas and Suzuki is now well into the home stretch having reached
volume 53 with this release: a collection of three church chorale cantatas
from Leipzig during the period 1732/35.
The Bach Collegium Japan is renowned as Japan’s leading period
instrument ensemble applying its collective historically informed knowledge
of sacred baroque music and specialising in J.S. Bach. The regular venue
for this cycle is the Shoin Women’s University Chapel in Kobe.
By the time these cantatas came to be written Bach had completed his
annual cycle of cantatas. This meant that he only wrote cantatas intermittently;
maybe to plug gaps or for special occasions. These three works are classified
as chorale cantatas as they are based on well known hymns.
In allen meinen Taten (
In everything that I do), BWV 97 was
written in 1734 but nothing else is known of its origins or purpose.
The hymn Bach employs is still sung today. Unusually it is cast in nine
movements and the exultant opening Chorus is written in the manner of
a French overture. Each of the four soloists have an aria and there
is also a splendid duet in verse 7 for soprano and bass with the fresh
and bright sounding soprano of Hana Blažíková contrasting
marvellously with Peter Kooij’s rich steady bass. Best of all
in verse 4 is the extended tenor aria sung by Gerd Türk to an accompanying
violin solo. Türk’s vivid and flexible tenor sounds most
attractive and copes splendidly with the technical challenges of the
Composed in 1732 the five movement
Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ) was intended for the fourth
Sunday after Trinity. The hymn on which it is based is still admired
nowadays and was written by Johann Agricola, a friend and pupil of Martin
Luther. There are splendid arias each for alto, soprano and tenor. I
especially enjoyed the verse 2 alto aria accompanied by basso continuo
with counter-tenor Robin Blaze in expressive, beautifully controlled
voice. Also appealing is the verse 3 soprano aria delightfully rendered
with considerable purity by Blažíková accompanied
by a reedy
oboe da caccia and
basso continuo.
The final
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (
Salvation has come
here) was written some time between 1732/35 for the sixth Sunday
after Trinity to cover a gap in the church choral calendar year. Containing
a text by Paul Speratus, a contemporary of Martin Luther, the hymn remains
significant today in the German Evangelical Church. I enjoyed the effervescent
and summery opening chorus with its fine blend of vocal and instrumental
forces. Although the tenor has a fine aria in movement 3 the highlight
is the lovely, airy duet for soprano and alto with Blažíková
and Blaze accompanied by transverse flute,
oboe d'amore and
The soloists blend delightfully with what is an impressively unified
chorus. It almost goes without saying how well the instrumentalists
of the Bach Collegium Japan respond. Suzuki brings everything together
in masterly fashion.
For those who are interested in these things the admirable BIS booklet
notes state that the music on this hybrid Super Audio CD can be played
back in Stereo (CD and SACD) as well as in 5.0 Surround sound (SACD).
I played this SACD on my standard player and although the sound from
the church acoustic is just a touch bright for my taste the overall
quality is satisfying. The level of performance consistency of this
BIS series is nothing short of remarkable. It really is hard to find
fault when this music is presented in such an exemplary manner.
Michael Cookson
Masterwork Index:
Review index:
Collegium Japan on BIS