Solo for the King - Concert at the royal court
of Frederick the Great
Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)
Sonata for harpsichord and transverse flute in b minor (BWV 1030)
Musicalisches Opfer (BWV 1079): Fuga canonica in Epidiapente
[2:40]; Canon perpetuus super thema Regium [1:00]
Johann Philipp KIRNBERGER (1721-1783)
Sonata a 3 in g minor [9:20]
Johann Joachim QUANTZ (1697-1773)
Sarabande in G [4:20]
Minuetto in e minor [1:37]
Gigue in g minor [2:04]
Carl Philipp Emanuel BACH (1714-1788)
Duetto in e minor (Wq 140 / H 598) [8:25]
Franz BENDA (1709-1786)
Sonata in e minor (Lee III,57) [11:04]
Jana Semerádová (transverse flute), Hana Fleková
(cello), Bertrand Cuiller (harpsichord)
rec. 10, 12 December 2011, St Francis of Assisi Church, Convent
of St Agnes of Bohemia, Prague, Czech Republic. DDD
SUPRAPHON SU 4087-2 [58:25]
This year (2012) the birth of Frederick II, better known as
Frederick the Great, in 1712 is being commemorated with concerts
and recordings. These pay homage to the musicians who were part
of his court chapel. Frederick was a great music-lover and an
avid player of the flute, much to the his father's chagrin who
thought that making music was something for sissies. It was
only when Frederick set up his own court, first in Ruppin and
then in Rheinsberg, that he was able to gather together an ensemble
of some of the best performers and composers of his time. When
he became King of Prussia in 1740 he was fully free to follow
his passions. He had to deal with political and military matters,
but music was his first love.
The title - and in particular the subtitle - of this disc should
be taken with a grain of salt. There is no proof whatsoever
that any of these pieces have been played at the court of Frederick.
In some cases it is even very unlikely. That is especially the
case with those by Johann Sebastian Bach. There is little chance
that any of the old Bach's music would have been played by the
King or members of his chapel. It is true that Bach visited
the King in Potsdam in 1747. At that occasion Frederick gave
him a theme around which he was supposed to improvise. After
returning to Leipzig Bach used it to create his Musicalisches
Opfer which he then sent to Frederick. The King never even
bothered to thank him for his gift. So it is anything but sure
that this work was ever played at his court.
The same is true for the Duetto in e minor for flute
and violin by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. He had been harpsichordist
in the service of Frederick since 1738, and played an important
role at court until 1767 when he succeeded Telemann as music
director in Hamburg. The relationship with the King was never
unproblematic which had everything to do with the difference
of musical taste between the two men. Frederick was rather conservative,
and didn't like the unpredictable and experimental character
of the Empfindsamkeit of which Carl Philipp Emanuel was
a representative. The latter clearly felt very much constricted
by the King's taste. The duet was written during Bach's time
in Potsdam, but that doesn't imply that it was performed at
court. The members of the chapel also took part in music life
in Berlin, playing in the homes of the bourgeoisie.
One of the virtues of this disc is that in their choice of repertoire
the artists have avoided the obvious, with the exception of
the works of Johann Sebastian Bach. The duet by Carl Philipp
Emanuel is not one of his most familiar chamber music works.
Quantz, who was Frederick's flute teacher, is not represented
by one of his many sonatas for flute and basso continuo; rather
with three pieces from a curious collection which is preserved
in Copenhagen. These are mostly quite virtuosic pieces, probably
exercise material for Quantz's own use. The Sarabande in
G for flute solo is a good example; it includes many wide
leaps. The Minuetto in e minor and the nice Gigue
in g minor are for flute and cello; the latter is mainly
reduced to providing a kind of bass to the flute.
In particular the last movement of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach's
sonata contains some strong contrasts, reflecting the fashion
of the Empfindsamkeit. Some of this is also present in
the Sonata in e minor by Franz Benda, one of the most
brilliant violinists of his time. He was especially famous for
his playing of adagios which could bring audiences to tears.
Charles Burney wrote that his style of playing was "truly cantabile",
and that comes in particular to the fore in the first movement.
Johann Philipp Kirnberger was one of Johann Sebastian Bach's
last pupils and a vehement defender of his teacher's music.
His preference of counterpoint didn't prevent him from allowing
more modern elements to enter his chamber music, such as the
Sonata a 3 in g minor, which starts with a particularly
beautiful andante.
This is one of the better Frederick-related discs I have heard
recently. Jana Semerádová is a technically-assured
player who produces a bright and strong tone. In the first movement
of Bach's Sonata BWV 1030 I had to get used to some unusual
articulations. Even so, she gives a nice performance of this
sonata even if the balance is unduly favours the flute. I would
have liked the harpsichord to have had more presence. Bertrand
Cuiller plays well, but is a little too discreet. Semerádová
indulges the agility of her playing in the Sarabande in G
by Quantz. The balance between flute and violin in Carl Philipp
Emanuel Bach and Kirnberger is excellent, and Lenka Torgersen
delivers engaging readings. The sonata by Benda is a perfect
example of Semerádová's ability to play cantabile.
The contrast in some movements comes off perfectly. Hana Fleková
and Bertrand Cuiller give outstanding support.
The title may be a bit speculative but this is a nice tribute
to the music-loving King of Prussia.
Johan van Veen