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Julius Klengel - a Celebration
Julius KLENGEL (1859-1933)
Capriccio on a theme of Schumann for unaccompanied cello [16:33]
Three pieces for two cellos and organ [16:11]
Kleine Suite for three cellos [17:30]
Impromptu for four cellos [5:25]
Hymnus for twelve cellos [5:24]
Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)
Sarabande [3:13]
Giuseppe TARTINI (1692-1770)
Adagio [2:55]
Bernhard COSSMANN (1822-1910)
Tarantelle [2:21]
David POPPER (1843-1913)
Mazurka [3:24]
Julius Klengel (cello: Bach, Tartni, Cossmann, Popper)
Raphael Wallfisch (cello: Capriccio)
Sebastian Comberti (cello: Three Pieces, Kleine Suite, Impromptu)
Sarah Butcher (cello: Three Pieces, Kleine Suite, Impromptu)
Joely Koos (cello: Kleine Suite)
Julia Desbruslais, Ben Chappell (cello: Impromptu)
Cello Classics Ensemble (Hymnus)
Martin Ennis (organ: Three Pieces)
rec. 3 May 2011, St Silas, London (Capriccio), 16 April 2009 and
22 September 2010 (other compositions by Klengel)
no information on recording dates or places for the remaining items
which are re-mastered by Morgan Roberts
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12 Cellisten der Berlin Philharmoniker
David FUNCK (1629-1690)
Suite in D major [14:02] Julius KLENGEL
Hymnus for twelve cellos [6:31] Boris
BLACHER (1903-1973)
Blues, Espagnola, Rumba philharmonica [12:39] Jean
FRANÇAIS (1912-1997)
Aubade [14:43]
12 Cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (Eberhard Finke,
Ottomar Borwitzky, Wolfgang Böttcher, Peter Steiner, Heinrich
Majowski, Gerhard Woschny, Rudolf Weinsheimer, Christoph Kapler, Alexander
Wedow, Klaus Häussler, Jörg Baumann, Götz-Wolfgang
rec. 30 September 1975, Nationalgalerie, Berlin
ACANTA 233497 [48:02] |
As well as such artists as Paganini and Liszt who are well known
to the wider musical world as both instrumentalists and composers
there exists a second group whose reputation is largely confined
to players and devotees of their own instruments. Such a one
is Julius Klengel, who is remembered as a teacher as well as
a composer and performer. His pupils at the Leipzig Conservatoire
included Feuermann, Suggia and Piatigorsky. He wrote many technical
exercises and produced editions of many works for cello by other
composers as well as original works. It is only proper that
a label entitled Cello Classics should pay tribute to
him, and this they have done in an imaginative and largely satisfactory
Let me get the only - minor - criticism out of the way quickly.
Klengel made a number of recordings as a player, four of which
are included here. They certainly make fascinating listening,
illustrating very well the extensive use of portamento
referred to in Sarah Butcher’s notes. No indication is
given however of the dates or circumstances under which they
were recorded. The transfers seem clear and appear to suggest
two distinct dates, but this is mere guesswork. The more showy
pieces sound best, the Bach and Tartini by comparison sounding
effortful as well as inevitably being played in a style which
is not fashionable today. My criticism is of the lack of information
which prevents the listener placing these recordings in relation
to Klengel’s wider career and teaching. In themselves
they are interesting but they do not add much to this picture
of Klengel.
For that we have to go to his own compositions, presented imaginatively
in increasing order of the number of cellos employed. First
comes the lengthy Capriccio for unaccompanied cello,
played with total conviction and great virtuosity by Raphael
Wallfisch. This is a technical tour de force, employing
just about every device available to the instrument. As a way
of demonstrating the full range of a player’s abilities
it must be unequalled. For the listener it can seem a little
unrelenting at times; I am glad to have heard it, especially
in such a performance, but I do not think I am likely to wish
to repeat the experience very often.
The remaining works however I have already listened to repeatedly
with increasing pleasure. No stylistic boundaries are extended,
and there is little here that might be described as being of
great musical consequence, but they are unfailingly beautiful
and illuminatingly laid out for the instruments concerned. If
after listening to the works for two and three cellos you had
come to the conclusion that Klengel was a rather serious, even
solemn, figure the Impromptu may change your mind. It was presumably
written for a specific occasion and starts with Now thank
we all our God and ends with Mendelssohn’s Wedding
March. Best of all is the well-known Hymnus for twelve
cellos, written to the memory of the conductor Nikisch and played
at his funeral. It has the merits of brevity, beauty and obvious
sincerity. Like all the pieces for multiple cellos here it is
played and recorded faultlessly.
The other disc also includes the Hymnus, again in a very
convincing performance, but the remaining contents of this somewhat
ungenerously filled disc of a public concert are very different.
It starts with an arrangement of a Suite by David Funck. This
is pleasant and undemanding if scarcely compelling. The Blacher
and Français items are of much greater interest, both
being written especially for “the 12 cellists of the Berlin
Philharmonic”. The former makes use of aspects of the
various idioms referred to in its title without being a mere
pastiche. The latter is in six short movements, none longer
than three and a half minutes, and makes imaginative use of
the skill of the twelve players all within in the composer’s
familiar idiom.
Both discs have an obvious appeal to cellists, but it would
be a great pity if others were to ignore them because of this
specialist appeal. If I had to choose I would go for the Klengel
for the chance to explore the possibilities he exploits with
different combinations of cellos, but the breathtaking virtuosity
of the Berlin cellists is also well worth hearing. If you enjoy
the sound of multiple cellos it may be better not to choose
but to have both.
John Sheppard
see also review of the Klengel celebration disc
by Jonathan