2012/1 Download Roundup
of the Month
Antonio VIVALDI (1678-1741)
La Cetra, Op.9/1-12
CD 1: Concertos Nos.1-6 [60:29]
CD 2: Concertos No2.7-12 [56:56]
Holland Baroque Society/Rachel Podger (violin) � rec. September
2011 and January 2012. DDD/DSD
Pdf booklet included
CHANNEL CLASSICS CCSSA33412 [60:29 + 56:56] � from channelclassics.com
(mp3, 24/44, 24/96, 24/192 lossless and DSD)
was uncertain what should be Download of the Month until, late
in the day, this came along to end my quandary. From the very
first notes of Concerto No.1 I knew that Rachel Podger and Channel
Classics had pressed all the right buttons once again. We already
had some fine versions of these neglected but very fine concertos,
from the Academy of St Martin�s* for those who prefer modern
instruments and the Raglan Baroque Players or the Academy of
Ancient Music on period instruments** but they sound a little
dull by comparison with the greater variety of approach on the
new recording. I shall still keep those earlier recordings but
I�m sure that their new rival will be a more frequent choice.
This is some of Vivaldi�s most imaginative music � less immediate
in appeal than Op.3 and Op.8 but ultimately very rewarding �
and it benefits from the imaginative approach of Podger and
her team, as evidenced right from the start with the chamber-scale
opening of the first concerto. The overall tempo for this movement
is marginally slower than that of the Raglan Players, but the
variety of approach makes it actually sound livelier. In this
company, the Tactus recording with I Filarmonici is stylish
but completely outclassed, unless you come by it as part of
the bargain Brilliant Classics box (94056) which I reviewed
some time ago � here
� 40 CDs for around £35.
Attractive prices � good value for 2 discs, from £9.09
for mp3 to £18.18 for 24/192 and £26.44 for DSD
� put the icing on the cake. There�s a mixed metaphor in there
� how can a cake press buttons � but I think you know what I
mean. More succinctly, this is one for all Vivaldi lovers to
buy. Then go on to Rachel Podger�s recording of Vivaldi�s Op.4,
la Stravaganza with Arte dei Suonatori on CCSSA19503
(2 CDs � see review
and November 2011/1 Roundup)
if you haven�t yet done so.
* Decca import 448 1102 (2 CDs) � Iona Brown (violin);
Academy of St Martin in the Fields/Neville Marriner, with Neil
Black and Celia Nicklin in the couplings, concertos RV535 and
RV445. Download from hmvdigital.com.
** Virgin Veritas 5615942 (2 CDs) � Monica Huggett (violin);
Raglan Baroque Players/Nicolas Kraemer: apparently no longer
available on CD: download from hmvdigital.com
or classicsonline.com.
At just £5.99, the amazon.co.uk download is less expensive
than either, but comes at a lower bit-rate. Stream from Naxos
Music Library.
Decca 475 7693 � Academy of Ancient Music/Christopher
Hogwood: available as a download only, in mp3 or lossless from
(with Op.3, Op.4 and Op.8, 6 CDs for £22.99)
of the Month
Premieres and Encores
Henry Hugo PIERSON (1815-1873)
Macbeth, Symphonic Poem Op. 54 (1859) [20:34]
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Barry Wordsworth
Alan RAWSTHORNE (1905-1971)
Fantasy Overture, Cortèges (1945) [14:34]
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Barry Wordsworth
David MORGAN (1933-1988)
Contrasts (1974) [21:47]
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Vernon Handley
Francis CHAGRIN (1905-1972)
Concert Overture: Helter Skelter (1949) [6:46]
London Philharmonic Orchestra/John Pritchard
Peter WARLOCK (1894-1930)
Serenade for Strings (1922) [7:44]
London Philharmonic Orchestra/Nicholas Braithwaite
Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006)
Comedy Overture: Beckus the Dandipratt (1943) [7:52]
London Symphony Orchestra/Nicholas Braithwaite � rec. 1976-78.
LYRITA SRCD.318 [79.22] � from emusic.com
[See review
by John France � Recording of the Month - and
by Rob Barnett.]
British Light Music Premieres � Volume 6
Anthony HEDGES (b.1931) Overture:
Saturday Market (1978) [4:33]
Alun HODDINOTT (1929-2008) Two
Welsh Nursery Tunes (1962) [3:01]
Philip LANE (b.1950) Lyric
Dances (2007) [11:33]
Carey BLYTON (1932-2002)
Suite: Cinque Port (1957-58) [13:20]; El Tango Ultimo
(Tango Cromatico) (2000) Op 111 [1:48]
David MORGAN (1933-88) Music
for Children (1960s) [5:16]
John FOX (b.1926) Portrait
of Diana (1997) [3:16]
Mansel THOMAS (1909-1986) Breton
Suite (1949) [9:10]; Six Welsh Dances (1936-60) [13:46]
Richard ADDINSELL (1904-1977)/Noel
GAY(1898-1954) The André Charlot show of 1926
Royal Ballet Sinfonia/Gavin Sutherland
BBC Concert Orchestra/ Barry Wordsworth (Addinsell only) � rec.
2006 � 2010. DDD
World Premiere Recordings
DUTTON EPOCH CDLX7283 [77:48] � from hmvdigital.com
[See review
by Gary Higginson.]

common denominator is the attractive music of David Morgan �
something of a mystery man, which explains why I hadn�t even
heard of him before, though I shall look out for his name in
future. He�s not the only discovery, however, or the sole reason
to buy either or both of these recordings. Henry Pierson, whose
Symphonic Poem Macbeth opens the Lyrita album was also
a welcome discovery. Malcolm Arnold�s Beckus the Dandipratt
is the only well known item on the Lyrita recording � for
that reason I could wish that something else less familiar had
replaced it, though it receives a good performance.
Everything on the Dutton recording was new to me � by definition,
since it comes from a series of premiere recordings � but the
whole is very enjoyable; the mystery is why these pieces have
not been recorded before. The download of the Dutton from hmvdigital.com
is in good, maximum 320kb/s, mp3 sound; the emusic.com download
of the Lyrita averages only around 192kb/s but sounds perfectly
acceptable. There�s no booklet with either download but the
MusicWeb International reviews to which I�ve given links above
and Dutton�s own website � here
� will help fill the gap.
There�s another Lyrita recording which contains David Morgan�s
Violin Concerto � see review
and review.
Amazon.co.uk have this as a download, but the Morgan is not
available separately and I must admit to having been put off
obtaining the album because of the couplings, works by Don Banks
and Peter Racine Fricker. Despite John France�s advocacy, I�m
afraid that I�m happy for Banks and Fricker to remain terra
of the Month
month I recommended the posthumous Hoffnung Astronautical
Music Festival for just £0.42 from Past Classics on
emusic.com. This month, as a logical follow-up, my bargain is
the earlier Hoffnung Music Festival from November
1956 [48:23] � even more fun with Gerard Hoffnung himself at
the helm. The recording again comes from Past Classics courtesy
of emusic.com..
Non-members can obtain this for £0.89 from amazon.co.uk.
funnier still is Hoffnung at the Oxford Union,
featuring The Bricklayer, Holiday Letters from
Tyrolean landlords and other delights, as well as some more
serious observations on the state of the arts and racial prejudice,
from FourMatt Music, again via emusic.com,
this time for £0.84. It lasts for just 26:15 but it�s
a must if you don�t already have a copy. The same transfer costs
£1.38 from amazon.co.uk. Would that I had been there but,
alas, the occasion (1958) took place two years before I went
up. Don�t forget that you can obtain these and other Hoffnung
CDs from MusicWeb International�s Hoffnung webpage � here.
of the Month
Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953)
Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67 [29:19]
Cinderella Op. 87: Music from the Ballet: Introduction; Quarrel;
Pavane; Cinderella and the Prince; Three Oranges; Southern Countries;
Orientalia; Amoroso [26:24]
Lina Prokofiev (narrator)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Neeme Järvi � rec.1986.
CHANDOS CHAN8511 [55:10] � from theclassicalshop.net
(mp3 and lossless)
mp3 version of this recording was Chandos�s latest free gift
to subscribers to the monthly newsletter from their theclassicalshop.net.
It�s well worth having as a gift but if you missed out and would
like to buy it, there�s a much better option: though still available
as a download and on CD from the Archive Service, the contents
of the programme are now available less expensively at lower
mid-price, and with some short additional pieces, on CHAN10484.
The novelty is provided by having Prokofiev�s widow speak the
narration in Peter and the Wolf � in excellent English
� otherwise, the Cinderella Suite is more suited to Järvi�s
approach than Peter. Even in mp3 the recording sounds fine.
For this and Neeme Järvi�s recordings of other Prokofiev�s
works, please refer to my December 2008 Roundup.
Beulah Extra
Piotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893)
Symphony No.4 in f minor, Op.36
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra/Yevgeny Mravinsky � rec.1961.
BEULAH EXTRA 1-4BX191 [41:35] � from eavb.co.uk
Gabriel FAURÉ
(1845-1924) Dolly Suite, Op.56 (orch. Henri Rabaud)
Orchestre National de l�ORTF/Sir Thomas Beecham � rec.1959.
BEULAH EXTRA 12BX43 [17:57] � from eavb.co.uk
Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1928)
La Mer [23:05]
Boston Symphony Orchestra/Charles Munch � rec. 1957. ADD/stereo
BEULAH EXTRA 20BX32 [23:05] � from eavb.co.uk
Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937) Rapsodie
Espagnole [15:19]
Boston Symphony Orchestra/Charles Munch � rec. 1958. ADD/stereo
BEULAH EXTRA 24BX32 [15:19] � from eavb.co.uk
The June Beulah releases reached me a little later than usual
this month, so I�m having to review them in two chunks. In the
first half I�m concentrating on the four reissues listed above
� all effectively self-recommending. You�ll find the remaining
June releases here.
Mravinsky�s Tchaikovsky Fourth has rightly achieved almost
legendary status, along with his recordings of Symphonies Nos.
5 and 6. I made the DG Originals 2-CD reissue of all three (477
9111) my Bargain of the Month in my April
2010 Roundup
and I can�t do better than repeat what I said then:
For me, performances of Tchaikovsky�s last three symphonies
don�t come any better than this ... You will either love or
hate the performances for the sheer Russian-ness of the brass
in particular and the white-hot energy of Mravinsky�s direction.
This set offers the power that I found lacking recently in Andrew
Litton�s version of the Fifth Symphony (Virgin 6932382,
super-budget, coupled with a much better performance of the
Sixth � see review).
Whatever other versions of these works you may have, you should
add these to your collection; for all the virtues of the 1956
mono set on which Mravinsky shared the symphonies with Sanderling,
the newer recording is preferable.
It remains only for me to say that the Beulah transfer is excellent
and that I can hear no appreciable difference between it and
the amazon.co.uk download of the DG release; in fact, as the
Beulah is at 320kb/s and the Amazon at 256k or slightly less,
younger and keener ears may well score in favour of the Beulah.
On both the sound coarsens very slightly at full blast, but
no more than you might expect from a recording of this vintage.
The DG set remains available but the separate Beulah release
will be ideal for those who want the Fourth separately at an
attractive price.
Thomas Beecham�s Fauré is also available in a larger
collection (Sir Thomas Beecham conducts French Music
EMI 9099322, 6 CDs � see review
and review)
but, as with the Mravinsky Tchaikovsky, many will find its separate
inexpensive availability more to their liking. Beecham�s way
with lollipops, especially those of French origin is legendary
� and he�s conducting a French orchestra here, as well as having
played the piano duet version with Fauré himself. Charming
music, some of the most beautiful ever composed for or about
children � older listeners will recall with nostalgia the use
of the opening berceuse as the theme tune of Listen
with Mother � winningly conveyed and sounding very well
in this transfer.
separate availability of Charles Munch�s La Mer
for £2 will also be welcomed by those who don�t wish to
go for the Sony Originals CD which also includes Prélude
à l�après-midi d�un faune, Nuages et fêtes,
Printemps and Ibert�s Escales (88697689542).
Slightly more than a quarter of the contents of the CD for around
a quarter of the price looks like good value. Should you so
wish, the sections are also available separately as 21-23BX32.
I�ve given Beulah�s date of 1957 for the recording, though the
booklet for the 1988 RCA CD reissue says December 1956. More
importantly, the transfer sounds fine, with a good but not excessive
dynamic range between the opening, which Munch handles as delicately
and sensitively as any version that I�ve heard, and the climaxes
where the performance packs plenty of power without going over
the top. You may wish to set the volume slightly lower than
Rapsodie Espagnole is not, so far as I am aware,
otherwise available in the UK at present, though it was available
in the latter days of RCA and it has as much claim as any of
these four reissues to be the kind of recording which should
never be unavailable. Yet the performance received something
of a pasting from the reviewers, both of the original mono release
in 1958 and of the stereo follow-up in the following year. It
seems the adverse reaction was mostly to do with the extreme
hype with which RCA were pushing the Boston orchestra. Reviewers�
opinions seem to mellow with the years; by 1994, on a CD reissue,
Munch�s colourful performance was receiving a much better response
� as it deserves. The sound in this transfer is good.
Claudio MERULO
Missa Virginis Mariae �In Annutiatione Domini� (1568)
Toccata Seconda del V Tono [7:02]; Voltum tuum
(chant) [2:56]; Kyrie � alternatim [5:32]; Gloria
� alternatim [16:10]; Tollite portas (Chant) [5:24];
Toccata Ottava [3:53]; Diffusa est gratis (Alleluja)
[3:06]; Ave Maria [2:33]; Sanctus � alternatim
[3:42]; Agnus Dei � alternatim [3:52]; Ecce Virgo
(Chant) [2,32]; Toccata Primo del V Tono [5:46])
Roberto Loreggian (organ); Schola Gregoriana Scriptoria/Dom
Nicola M. Bellinazzo � rec. 2000. DDD
TACTUS TC533801 [62:08] � from emusic.com
[�This disc offers an interesting insight into a species of
sacred music which is rarely if ever encountered in the flesh.�
� see review
by Gary Higginson and review
by Johan van Veen: �In short: this new recording is a winner
in every respect.�]
Missa Virginis Mariæ is an example of an alternatim
or organ mass � alternate verses sung in plainchant and played
on the organ � a form which was surprisingly prolific until
it was banned by papal authority in the early 20th century,
no doubt for the excellent reason that half of the words went
unheard, the very antithesis of the Reformation and Counter
Reformation desire to make the words sovereign. The most famous
examples are Couperin�s Messe pour les couvents and Messe
pour les paroisses. For all its liturgical shortcomings
such music is often well worth hearing and so it proves with
this example by Claudio Merulo, especially for lovers of organ
The bit-rate of the emusic.com download varies between around
200 and 220kb/s � not a great rate, but the result sounds well
enough. There are no notes, but the two MusicWeb International
reviews should help.
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)
Maria Stader (soprano) � Pamina; Rita Streich (soprano) � Queen
of Night; Ernst Haefliger (tenor)- Tamino; Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
(baritone) � Papageno; Josef Greindl (bass) � Sarastro; Kim
Borg (bass) � Speaker, Second Armed Man; Martin Vantin (tenor)
� Monostatos; Lisa Otto (soprano) � Papagena; Marianna Schech
(soprano) � First Lady; Liselotte Losch (soprano) � Second Lady;
Margarete Klose (mezzo) � Third Lady
Berlin RIAS Chamber Choir and Orchestra/Ferenc Fricsay � rec.
1954. ADD/mono
PAST CLASSICS [122:13] � from emusic.com
chosen to commemorate Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau with a Schubert
recording (below) but this album which includes him as Papageno
is an irresistible bargain at £1.26 or less from emusic.com
(£2.37 from hmvdigital.com
for non-members of emusic.com). Ferenc Fricsay had a sure feel
for Mozart and all concerned generally do very well by him.
I prefer Zauberflöte without dialogue � one reason
why the Klemperer recording still heads my list* � and I�m pleased
to see that it�s been edited out from this transfer.** The sound
is mono only and the transfer is at a low bit-rate, around 170kb/s,
but it sounds not at all bad; the hmvdigital.com version is
offered in 320kb/s sound. With the overture, Act I and Act II
each complete on one track, there�s no problem with gaps in
the playback from an mp3 player.
* recently re-reissued on EMI Opera 9667932� download
from hmvdigital.com
for £7.99
** hmvdigital.com
have the DG reissue of this performance with dialogue for £7.49.
The Naxos Classical Archive recording also retains the dialogue
� 9.80720/1, from classicsonline.com
(£3.98) or stream from Naxos Music Library.
Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828)
Piano Sonata No.21 in B flat, D960
Schubert�s final piano sonata (from his last year, 1828) is
one of the greatest works in the keyboard repertoire; the andante
sostenuto is among the most heartfelt music, alongside the
slow movement of his String Quintet in C. I�ve made some recommendations
in earlier Download Roundups but I thought it might be helpful
if I summed up my thoughts, added a few more recommendations
and, in some cases, updated references to where the recordings
might be found. Apologies if I�ve missed your favourite version.
There have been several transcriptions of the recording by Artur
Schnabel. The most reliable is probably that on an EMI Icon
8-CD set, 2650642 � Artur Schnabel (Scholar of the
Piano). The recording is inevitably a bit sub-fusc, but
very good for its age (rec. January 1939) and there is almost
no surface noise. Forget the �scholar� in the title: however
well informed, this is heart-felt Schubert and in many ways
it still sets the benchmark. Download from hmvdigital.com
or stream from Naxos Music Library. Hmvdigital.com
and Naxos Music Library also have the 2-CD set from EMI Réferences.
top recommendation remains with the second-earliest of the recordings
under consideration, from Clifford Curzon. Unfortunately,
Curzon�s recorded Decca uvre now seems to have
been almost entirely wiped out by Universal, even including
the multi-CD album on which his D960 was coupled with an equally
wonderful version of the Dvořák Piano Quintet. Fortunately
still offer as a download that 5-CD set of Curzon�s Decca recordings,
1941-72: Volume 2 (475 0842) 4 CDs for £15.49 (mp3)
or £18.99 (lossless).
have also done a great deal to keep Curzon�s flag flying, with
his Grieg Piano Concerto (the earlier version with Fistoulari,
6-8BX7 � see October 2011/1 Roundup),
Mozart Piano Concerto No.23 (with Boyd Neel, 1-3BX101
� see January 2011 Roundup)
and the Schubert Trout Quintet (with Vienna Octet, 1-3BX41
� Reissue of the Month, August 2010 Roundup).
Alfred Brendel recorded the Schubert sonatas several
times. His first recordings were for Vox and Vanguard; though
I don�t believe that he recorded D960 for either, Sonatas 16,
19, 20 and the Wanderer Fantasy have been reissued at
budget price on Vanguard ATM-CD-1209 (from
classicsonline.com or stream from Naxos Music Library) and
Nos. 15, 19 and the German Dances, D783, also at budget price,
are on Musical Concepts Alto ALC1040 (again from classicsonline.com
or stream from Naxos Music Library).
the other end of Brendel�s career he chose D960 for his farewell
concerts (Decca 478 2116, 2 CDs � see review
by Dominy Clements). Between the Vanguard and Decca recordings
came a 1972 analogue recording, formerly available with the
Wanderer Fantasy on Philips at mid price (420 6442).
That�s no longer available, except as a download from amazon.co.uk
or hmvdigital.com
� a pity, because in many respects it remains my favourite recording
and it still sounds very well. The same recording comes with
Sonatas 19 and 20 and the Klavierstücke D926 on
an inexpensive Decca Duo 438 7032 (from hmvdigital.com
or in lossless sound from deutschegrammophon.com).
In all his recordings Brendel omits the first movement repeat,
the importance of which Stephen Hough stresses in the notes
to his own recording (Hyperion CDA67027 � see below),
but in every other respect it�s to the 1972 Brendel version
that I turn most often. He takes a little longer over each movement
in his farewell version, thereby adding a little gravitas, especially
to the first; I could happily live with either version. Avoid
Brendel only if you are averse to his employment of rubato
or you can�t live with the retention of applause. Listen to
the farewell concert from Spotify and you�ll find it hard to
resist buying it (hmvdigital.com).
There are two other Brendel recordings to consider � a studio
digital remake (on a single CD with the Wanderer, 422 0622,
mp3 from hmvdigital.com
or mp3 and lossless from deutschegrammophon.com,
or in Schubert Piano Works 1822-1828, 478 2622, 7 CDs
at budget price from hmvdigital.com
or in lossless quality from deutschegrammophon.com)
and the live Festival Hall recording from 1997 which forms part
of his 80th Birthday tribute Alfred Brendel plays Schubert,
2 CDs � see review
� also inexpensively from hmvdigital.com
and in lossless flac from deutschegrammophon.com).
Hyperion have two excellent recordings of this sonata: the first
from Stephen Kovacevich (CDA66004),
who re-recorded the work for EMI, and Stephen Hough (CDA67027)
� both reviewed in my February 2010 Roundup.
The Kovacevich version is offered alone at an attractive price
of £4.99; the Hough comes with D613 and D784 at the regular
£7.99 for mp3 and lossless.
Not the least of the virtues of the Kovacevich recording
is the fact that he takes the first movement repeat � why did
Schubert write a 9-bar lead in if he didn�t want the repeat?
He does so again on his more recent EMI recording, where the
sonata is coupled with the Allegretto, D915 and Moments
musicaux, D780. Stream from the Naxos Music Library, but
don�t hit the classicsonline.com purchase button which will
take you to an asking price of £7.99. Instead you should
choose their download � here
� of the more recent, less expensive reissue on the EMI Recommends
label at £5.99. If anything, this is even finer than the
András Schiff also takes the first-movement repeat
on an inexpensive 2-CD set of Sonatas 19-21 and Impromptus D899
(Double Decca 475 1842 � rec.1990-93). Normally around
£9 on CD, one dealer has a special offer price of £5.75
for this series at the moment. Otherwise download from hmvdigital.com
for £7.49 or in lossless from deutschegrammophon.com
for £11.99. His account of this movement highlights the
contrast between the dramatic and inward sections in a way suggestive
of Schumann�s Eusebius and Florestan. I enjoyed Schiff�s way
with this sonata � his Bösendorfer is well suited to the
music and, like everything that he plays, the performance comes
from the heart, especially in the second movement � but ultimately
I have to rule it out because of the gear-changes in the first
movement, which I think many will find off-putting, though at
least one reviewer has awarded full marks. Try it from Spotify
� use the free version if you can stand the inter-track ads
� and if you like it you may even consider investing in Schiff�s
9-CD set of Schubert Sonatas and Impromptus; you can sample
that, too, from Spotify. It�s £19.99 from hmvdigital.com.
When first released, the recording was criticised for placing
the piano too distantly, but I didn�t find that a problem.
David Levine offers the last two sonatas on an inexpensive
Virgin Classics Virgo recording (699538-2) which I reviewed
on CD. It�s not at all bad, but just not special enough for
this music � see review.
I haven�t been able to hear Mitsuko Uchida, but her Schubert
has received considerable praise. Deutschegrammophon.com
offer her complete recordings of the sonatas and other works
(8 CDs) on 475 6281 for £21.29 or £25.99
(mp3/flac). That�s less than amazon.co.uk and considerably less
than hmvdigital.com. Nor have I been able to listen to Wilhelm
Kempff, whose Beethoven I still rate with the greats; I
see that Colin Clarke was less than enamoured of his version
of D960. Complete sonatas on 7 CDs, 463 7662 (in lossless
flac only, no mp3) from deutschegrammophon.com.
Ove Andsnes originally recorded the late sonatas (Nos. 17,
19-21) in tandem with Schubert Lieder, still available at full
price, but his recordings have also been rearranged on two budget-price
CDs (EMI 5164482 � review).
Like Kovacevich, Andsnes takes the first movement repeat � whether
by luck or design their timings for the movement are almost
identical � and, though Andsnes sounds a little episodic in
places, this is another version well worth considering, especially
if you want the three other sonatas and the price is tempting.
His slow movement is one of the most intense versions of this
affective music. Sainsbury�s, who have recently entered the
download business, offer the set in full 320kb/s mp3 for a tempting
£2.99 � sainsburysentertainment.co.uk.
charge only a little more at £3.49 � also superb value.
Stream it from the Naxos Music Library but don�t hit the classicsonline.com
purchase button unless their price has tumbled well below the
£14.99 that I found when I checked.
Cooper performed the Schubert sonatas at the Queen Elizabeth
Hall. The results were played by the BBC on Radio 3 and licensed
by them to Avie who released them in three 2-CD volumes. D960
features on Volume 3, AV2158, along with Sonatas 14 and
15, 12 German Dances, D790, and 4 Impromptus, D899 � see review
by Bob Briggs of live concert. Download from classicsonline.com
with booklet.
The piano tone is slightly harsher, less gratifying than, say,
any of the Brendel recordings, but that�s not a major problem;
the ear soon adjusts. In direct comparison with any of the Brendel
recordings, the first movement weighs in a trifle on the heavy
side at 15:59 � around a minute slower � which makes her approach
sound more studied. I didn�t think this a problem when I first
heard this recording on its own, so you may not think that it
matters when the other movements are superb, but it does now
make me wonder if a recording with which I was initially very
much taken quite deserves the top spot. Like Mark Sealey � review
� I shall still return to Cooper�s Schubert, however. There�s
no first movement repeat and this recording retains brief applause
after each work.
Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828)
An die Entfernte D765 [3:14]
Auf dem Wasser zu singen D774 [3:24]
Der Schiffer D536 [1:49]
Der Wanderer D649 [3:48]
Nachtgesang D314 [3:56]
Das Zügenglöcklein D871 [3:54]
Der Jüngling und der Tod D545 [4:08]
Das Heimweh D456 [1:23]
Das Lied im Grünen D917 [5:04]
Der Tod und das Mädchen D531 [2:29]
Der Winterabend D938 [7:22]
Der zürnende Barde D785 [1:45]
Der Strom D565 [1:37]
Litanei auf das Fest Allerseelen D343 [3:36]
Sei mir gegrüsst D741 [3:56]
Du bist die Ruh D776 [4:17]
Heidenröslein D257 [1:47]
Ständchen, �Horch! Horch! die Lerch� D889 [3:56]
Der Jüngling an der Quelle D300 [1:33]
Die Forelle D550 [2:01]
Der Erlkönig D328 [4:03]
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (baritone); Gerald Moore (piano)
EMI ENCORE 5747542 [69:00] � from hmvdigital.com
best to complete my self-imposed task of commemorating Dietrich
Fischer-Dieskau, who died on the 18th May 2012, with just one
recording? The answer had to involve Schubert, so I could have
cheated and recommended the DG complete Lieder edition � 477
8989, 21 CDs, available to download from deutschegrammophon.com
for an unbelievably inexpensive £23.49 (mp3) or £27.49
(lossless flac). More realistically, I decided to choose a single-CD
collection and, as I�d already recommended a recital of the
Goethe Lieder, mostly with Jörg Demus (DG Originals 457
7472: January 2010 Roundup),
I chose this EMI collection with Gerald Moore, partly because
there are only two works which duplicate that earlier recommendation.
Either accompanist � or Daniel Barenboim or Alfred Brendel �
would have done very well, but Fischer-Dieskau and Moore seemed
to go together like hand in glove.
With the virtual disappearance of the EMI Encore label � some
dealers still seem to have this album � downloading is the best
option. Hmvdigital.com have several versions of this download,
all at the full 320kb/s, and some at £7.99; go for the
one to which I�ve given the link above, at a very reasonable
£3.49. Ignore the passionato.com link for the DG recording
� they are no longer in the download business � go to hmvdigital.com
for the mp3 (£4.99) or to deutschegrammophon.com
for lossless (£8.99).
Rutland BOUGHTON (1878-1960)
Three Folk Dances (1911) [5:44]
Aylesbury Games (1952) [22:20]
Flute Concerto in D (1937) [5:20]
Concerto for String Orchestra (1937) [31:58]
Emily Beynon (flute)
New London Orchestra/Ronald Corp � rec. 2000. DDD
HYPERION CDA67185 [73:03] � from hyperion-records.co.uk
(mp3 and lossless)
is one of my regular pleas for an attractive premiere recording
that has fallen on hard times and was in Hyperion�s �please
buy me� slot when I wrote this. Remember to check that and the
�bargain basement� regularly. The music is congenial and lyrical
� Rob Barnett aptly called it graceful rather than dramatic:
� but it should have a wide appeal and certainly doesn�t deserve
to be relegated to the waifs and strays. Excellent performances
and recording and the Hyperion notes are, as always, generous
in proportion.
Bela BARTÓK (1881-1945)
Concerto for Orchestra, BB 123 (1943) [37:57]
Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, BB114 (1936 [29:29]
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra/Marin Alsop � rec. 2009 and 2010.
Pdf booklet included
NAXOS 8.572486 [67:27] � from classicsonline.com
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library
beginning to think that Marin Alsop is infallible. This was
a strong contender for the Download of the Month slot � as fine
a performance of these two works as any that I�ve heard, including
both Solti versions (Decca), Reiner (Sony from RCA) and Iván
Fischer (Philips)*. I think there�s no need to look any further
unless you insist on lossless sound, in which case you�ll have
to wait until classicsonline.com start to offer flac downloads
(as promised) or until eclassical.com take this Naxos recording
under their wing, as I presume they will. Most will be perfectly
happy with the very good mp3 transfer. The booklet is included
with the deal and contains notes written with his usual authority
by Keith Anderson � brief but to the point. Good value, too,
at £4.99 now that most dealers have pushed Naxos CD prices
up into the lower-mid-price category.
* 3-disc set, 475 7684, not available on CD: download
in mp3 or lossless from deutschegrammophon.com.
(See June 2010 Roundup).
Alfredo CASELLA (1883-1947)
Concerto for Orchestra, Op. 61, À Willem Mengelberg
ed all�orchestra del Concertgebouw di
Amsterdam (1937) [26:55]
A notte alta, Op. 30, Poema musicale per Pianoforte
ed Orchestra, À Yvonne (1921)* [19:53] Symphonic
Fragments from La donna serpente, Op. 50 (1932) [26:16]
First Series: À Fritz Reiner
Second Series: À Bernardino Molinari
BBC Philharmonic Orchestra/Gianandrea Noseda
rec. 5 August 22 and 23 November 2011, MediaCity UK, Salford.
Pdf booklet included
CHANDOS CHAN10712 [72:37] � from theclassicalshop.net
(mp3, 16-bit lossless & 24/96 Studio)
of my most significant discoveries of recent years has been
the music of Alfredo Casella; long neglected it�s been championed
by Francesco La Vecchia, whose fine Naxos recordings of the
first two symphonies impressed me so, and Gianandrea Noseda.
The latter�s account of the quasi-Mahlerian Second Symphony
and Scarlattiana is nothing short of stupendous, especially
in its 24-bit Studio version (review).
Virile, imaginative scoring and a strong, sure grasp of his
material gives Casella�s uvre a potency and pull
that both these conductors exploit to the utmost.
Chandos have followed up their first triumph with this intriguing
collection, starting with the Concerto for Orchestra. Seconds
into this fizzing, virtuosic score it�s hard to believe this
is a premiere recording. Dedicated to Willem Mengelberg and
the Concertgebouw on their 50th anniversary it has all the hallmarks
of Casella�s symphonies; it�s big, bold and cuts a dashing figure.
The BBC Philharmonic play their hearts out for Noseda, relishing
the endless invention, colour and mood swings of this terrific
I was a little concerned that the orchestra�s new recording
venue � MediaCity UK in Salford � would put the dampers on this
concert, as it seems to have done with Juanjo Mena�s de Falla
I�m delighted to say the sound here is excellent, with plenty
of weight and �air�, individual timbres very well rendered.
And in a work that could so easily succumb to prolixity it�s
good that Noseda has such a firm hold on the reins; he draws
crisp, animated playing from his band, especially in the concerto�s
propulsive third section. It�s all so taut and muscular, with
a festive coda that any orchestra would die for.
A notte alta, or �deepest night�, is an autobiographical
piece dedicated to a student, Yvonne Müller, who went on
to become the second Mrs Casella. As Gerald Larner points out
in his detailed notes, the piece was originally written for
solo piano in 1917, the version for piano and orchestra penned
for a US tour in 1921. Sun Hee You gives a good performance
of this on Naxos 8.572414
� review
� although the piano plays a fairly minor role in this strange,
unsettled piece.
From its quiet, gong-tormented introduction to its Debussian
flourishes on the piano A notte alta displays an economy
of style that�s most impressive. And although its deeply personal
nature invites introversion and self-pity there�s a surprising
degree of nuance, of light and shade, Roscoe�s restless figures
bright pinpricks in the gloom. The recording is atmospheric,
those Letheward-sinking pizzicati superbly caught. It�s
a gem of a piece, raw emotions artfully distilled and sensitively
voiced. Make no mistake, the Naxos version of A notte alta
is good, but this newcomer has an added coherence and polish
that�s even more compelling.
The two sets of symphonic fragments from Casella�s short-lived
opera, The Serpent Woman, are most elegantly scored;
also, the transparent recording brings out so much inner detail.
As Gerald Larner says in the booklet it�s not really important
to know the details of the opera, as these fragments have all
the strength and flair required of stand-alone works. They certainly
aren�t lacking in incident, but it would be idle to pretend
they�re in the same class as the symphonies or the concerto.
The second series is the more brilliant and extrovert of the
two, culminating in a thrilling if somewhat overworked finale.
As ever, Noseda proves an emphatic and persuasive advocate,
and I doubt you�ll hear this music played with as much affection
and insight as it is here.
Another welcome addition to the Casella discography, and a sonic
spectacular to boot. Throw in informative and very readable
liner-notes and you a have a quality package that�s well worth
your time and hard-earned shekels.
Dan Morgan
Ernest John MOERAN (1894-1950)
Cello Concerto (1945) [30:30]
Cello Sonata in a minor (1948) [25:11]
Prelude for cello and piano (1944) [4:40]
Peers Coetmore (cello)
Eric Parkin (piano)
London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Adrian Boult � rec. 1969.
LYRITA SRCD.299 [60:25] � from emusic.com
[see reviews by Rob Barnett � here
� John France � here
� and Ewan McCormick � here.]
Violin Concerto (dedicated to Arthur Catterall)* [33:18]
Lonely Waters (dedicated to Ralph Vaughan Williams) 9:19
Whythorne�s Shadow (dedicated to Anthony Bernard) [6:30]
Cello Concerto [28:41]
Lydia Mordkovitch (violin)*
Raphael Wallfisch (cello)
Ulster Orchestra
Bournemouth Sinfonietta
Vernon Handley
Norman Del Mar � rec.1985, 1987 and 1989. DDD.
CHAN10168 [78:03] � from theclasicalshop.net
(mp3 and lossless)
all the shortcomings of Peers Coetmore�s handling of
the solo, as outlined by EMc, this is a very special recording;
it�s not every day that we get to hear a concerto performed
by the composer�s widow, especially when the work was composed
to celebrate their marriage. It�s best to overlook the blemishes,
as RB and JF did in their reviews and to regard this as a complementary
recording to the Chandos with Raphael Wallfisch which I recommended
in the February 2009 Roundup
� with Violin Concerto, etc � details repeated above); that�s
very special, too, not least because it comes at an attractive
price (£4.99/£7.99 for mp3/lossless) and couples
the two concertos.
The emusic.com download costs just £2.10 and comes at
the usual variably (mostly low, below 192 kb/s) bit-rate but
sounds perfectly adequate.
Having read Rob Barnett�s review
of the new Dutton recording of Martin Yates� realisation of
Moeran�s sketches for the second symphony, I�m looking forward
to obtaining that on download. It doesn�t seem to be available
at the time of writing but I�ve pencilled in its first broadcast
on BBC Radio 3 from the Dorchester Festival on the first of
Gerald FINZI (1901-1956) Some
For no particular reason � no anniversary is pending and I haven�t
yet heard Mark Padmore�s new Britten and Finzi (Dies natalis)
on Harmonia Mundi � the spirit moved me to make some recommendations
for the music of Gerald Finzi. I have not aimed at a comprehensive
survey � you�ll find a MusicWeb International discography here
� just some of the recordings that I like of music that strikes
a real chord.
Cello Concerto in a minor, Op.40 (1956) [39:10]
Raphael Wallfisch (cello)
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/Vernon Handley � rec.
1986. DDD
Prelude for string orchestra, Op.25 [5:00]
Romance for string orchestra, Op.11 [7:52]
Concerto for small orchestra and solo violin (1925-1927)
Tasmin Little (violin)
City of London Sinfonia/Richard Hickox � rec. 1999. DDD.
Pdf booklet available
CHANDOS CLASSICS CHAN10425X [72:07] � from the classicalshop.net
(mp3, 16- and 24-bit lossless) or stream from Naxos Music Library
Clarinet Concerto in c minor, Op.31 (1949)* [29:19]
Cello Concerto in a minor, Op.40 (1956)** [41:06]
John Denman (clarinet); Yo-Yo Ma (cello); New Philharmonia Orchestra*;
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra**/Vernon Handley � rec. 1977, 1979.
LYRITA SRCD.236 [70:25] � from emusic.com
or amazon.co.uk
[see review
by Rob Barnett and review
by Dominy Clements.]
perennial problem of coupling bedevils recommendations for the
Cello Concerto. That on CHAN10425X has the advantage
of also offering the Violin Concerto; both soloists are excellent,
well supported and recorded in very good DDD sound. The price
is right, too (£6.00 for mp3, £7.99 for lossless)
and there�s even a 24-bit option at £15.99. Confusingly,
Wallfisch�s recording is also available coupled with
Kenneth Leighton�s Cello Concerto on CHAN9949
(mp3 and lossless) and in its original coupling with Leighton�s
Suite Veris Gratia on CHAN8471
(mp3 and lossless), both still at full price.
Chandos would be my clear recommendation were it not that Yo
Yo Ma�s recording of the Cello Concerto on SRCD.236
is very special � made at the start of his career in a work
to which he has never returned in the recording studio. It�s
worth buying even if you already have or intend to purchase
one of the several other versions of the Clarinet Concerto.
The emusic.com download of the Lyrita is good value at £2.52
or less. It�s no match for the Chandos from their own theclassicalshop.net,
yet, though the transfer has been made at an extremely low bit-level
of around 180kb/s the result sounds quite acceptable. Non-members
will find the amazon.co.uk version a more reasonable substitute
at £7.49 than the hmvdigital.com (192 kb/s only) for £7.99.
Concerto for Clarinet and Strings in c minor, Op.31 (1949) [27:31]
5 Bagatelles for clarinet and piano, Op.23 [15:25]
Emma Johnson (clarinet); Malcolm Martineau (piano); Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra/Charles Groves � rec. 1992. DDD.
(with Charles Villiers STANFORD (1852-1924)
Clarinet Concerto in a minor, Op.80 [21:04]; 3 Intermezzi for
clarinet and piano, Op.13 [8:35])
ASV CDDCA787 [72:36] � see August 2009 Roundup
Concerto for Clarinet and Strings in c minor, Op.31 (1949) [21:30]
Dame Thea King (clarinet); Philharmonia Orchestra/Alun Francis
� rec.1979. DDD.
(with Charles Villiers STANFORD
(1852 -1924) Clarinet Concerto in a minor, Op.80 [27:38])
Pdf booklet included
HYPERION HELIOS CDH55101 [48:56] � from hyperion-records.co.uk
(mp3 and lossless) � see September 2010 Roundup,
Top 30 and review
by Christopher Howell
If you choose the Lyrita recording of the Cello Concerto, the
Clarinet Concerto comes as a welcome bonus.
thought Emma Johnson�s ASV recording very competitive
in 2009. It�s still available on CD for around £8.50 but
the passionato.com link no longer works � no more downloads
from that source � and the replacement from hmvdigital.com,
at £7.49, is only a little less expensive than the CD.
(£5.99 from amazon.co.uk if you don�t mind the lower,
256kbs bit-rate.) The same recording is also available, again
from hmvdigital.com,
on a Classic FM album, where it�s coupled with Ian Bostridge
in Dies Natalis.
£5.99 (mp3 and lossless), the Hyperion album is
shorter but less expensive and the booklet comes as part of
the deal. If you decide to go for one of the Wallfisch couplings
of the Cello Concerto, this is well worth having � slightly
more business-like than either Denman or Johnson, but by no
means brusque. In fact, even if you have chosen the Lyrita,
it�s worth duplicating the Clarinet Concerto in this version
or Emma Johnson�s for the sake of the under-rated Stanford coupling
on both recordings.
There�s an interesting coupling of the Finzi and Copland Clarinet
Concertos, with the chamber version of Copland�s Appalachian
Spring Suite on Somm SOMMCD244,
available from theclassicalshop.net in mp3 and lossless sound
(Sarah Williamson, Orchestra of the Swan/David Curtis). Bob
Briggs thought it an interesting attempt � review
� but far preferred John Denman (Lyrita, above).
for small orchestra and solo violin (1925-1927)
As well as the coupling with the Cello Concerto (above), Tasmin
Little�s account of the Violin Concerto is available at full
price with the Prelude and Romance and orchestrations of some
of Finzi�s songs, sung by John Mark Ainsley on CHAN9888
� see review
by Rob Barnett.
A Severn Rhapsody, Op. 5 (1923) [6:14]
Nocturne, Op. 7 (c.1925) [10:23]
Three Soliloquies for small orchestra (1946): (Grazioso[1.40];
Adagio [1.40]; Allegretto [1:19])
Romance for string orchestra, Op.11 (1928) [8:08]
Prelude for string orchestra, Op.25 (date uncertain) [5:16]
Introit for small orchestra and solo violin, Op.6 (1925) [9:48]
The Fall of a Leaf � Elegy for Orchestra Op.25 [9:14]
Eclogue for piano and orchestra (1956) [10:33]
Grand Fantasia and Toccata for piano and orchestra (1953) [15:14]
Rodney Friend (violin), Peter Katin (piano); London Philharmonic
Orchestra/Sir Adrian Boult or New Philharmonia Orchestra/Vernon
Handley (Eclogue, Fantasia)
rec. 1978 (Boult); 1977 (Handley), venues not given. ADD
LYRITA SRCD.239 [79:26] � from emusic.com
(mp3) � reviewed in January 2010 Roundup
[See also reviews by Rob
Barnett and Gary
is a generous selection of beautiful music, excellently performed,
well recorded, good value for £4.62 or less, and sounding
well in mp3 format, even though the bit-rate falls even below
the 192kb/s now usually regarded as a bare minimum. There are
some fine recordings of the Eclogue, including that coupled
with Ferguson�s Piano Concerto and other pieces on Somm, SOMMCD241,
which I reviewed,
on CD, but none to excel the performance here � it avoids the
slightly over-placid nature of Mark Bebbington�s performance
on that newer recording. Introit is a surviving fragment from
the Violin Concerto, still worth hearing even though the original
work has been reconstructed on the Chandos recording (above)
� as Rob Barnett points out in his review
of the latter, the two sound quite different.
Gerald FINZI (1901-1956)
Dies Natalis, Op.8 (1939) [26:00]
Benjamin BRITTEN (1913-1976)
Les Illuminations, Op.18 [22:59]
Quatre chansons françaises [13:24]
Frederick DELIUS (1862-1934)
A Late Lark [5:20]
Susan Gritton (soprano); BBC Symphony Orchestra/Edward Gardner
� rec. 2009. DDD
English texts and French texts with English translations included
in pdf booklet
CHANDOS CHAN10590 [68:15] � from theclassicalshop.net
(mp3 and lossless)
Dies Natalis for tenor solo and string orchestra, Op
8 (1939) [24:20]
Intimations of Immortality � Ode for tenor solo, chorus and
orchestra, Op 29 () [42:15]
John Mark Ainsley (tenor)
Corydon Singers; Corydon Orchestra/Matthew Best � rec. 1996.
Pdf booklet with texts included.
HYPERION CDA66876 [66:55] � from hyperion-records.co.uk
(mp3 and lossless)
Centuries, which furnished the text of the opening Intrada
of Dies Natalis � an account of his magical childhood,
in Wordsworthian terms long before Wordsworth � had only recently
been discovered and literally rescued from the flames when Finzi
set this selection. Finzi�s setting is just perfect; it�s not
just because I got to know it before I heard his Intimations
of Immortality that I prefer it, though I yield to none
in my love of Wordsworth.
John Quinn had issues with Susan Gritton�s diction and
vibrato, issues which I regret that, on reflection, I share
to the extent that this rules out for me what I had hoped might
be as definitive a soprano take on the wonderful Dies Natalis
as the tenor versions. I was too forgiving of these faults when
I reviewed her recording in the June 2010 Roundup,
perhaps unduly influenced by the fact that she brings more life
and colour to the music than John Mark Ainsley, who is
a little lacking in these qualities. Re-hearing them both, I
now prefer the Hyperion, which also comes with a pdf booklet
of texts and couples the Immortality Ode.
I still prefer Wilfred Brown�s ground-breaking recording with
the ECO and Christopher Finzi to both. The most succinct of
all the recordings, yet without sounding hurried, it�s still
available on an attractive budget-price 5-CD set of English
Song (EMI 6805132) and on another 5-CD set of Bax, Finzi,
Vaughan Williams and Holst (EMI 0954332 � see review
by Rob Barnett) � both around £20 in the UK. The English
Song collection comes at an advantageous price of £14.99
from classicsonline.com (5099968051358),
but their download of the other collection is uncompetitive
with the CDs at the time of writing. Try them both from the
Naxos Music Library. See also my December 2011/1 Roundup.
Gerald FINZI Romance, Op.11 [8:09]
Dies Natalis, Op.8 (1939) [26:41]
William WALTON (1902-1983)
String Sonata (from String Quartet, 1947) [28:17]
Toby Spence (tenor); Scottish Chamber Ensemble � rec. live 2007.
WIGMORE HALL LIVE WHL0021 [63:07] � from classicsonline.com
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library
two multi-CD collections which contain Wilfred Brown�s Dies
Natalis work out at around £4 or less per disc, but
if you if you don�t wish to dip in so deeply, this Wigmore Hall
collection can be had for just £4.99 from classicsonline.com.
(More from other download suppliers.) The Scottish Chamber Ensemble
open with a tender account of the beautiful Romance,
a fine curtain-raiser for Toby Spence in Dies Natalis.
There is applause -fairly lengthy � which I know some find off-putting,
though I think it�s part of the package of a live recording.
The orchestral opening of Dies is equally delicate, foreshadowing
the mystic nature of the words to come, so it�s something of
a shame that when the voice enters Toby Spence is a little too
forthright, a little too keen to make us understand the meaning.
His diction, unlike Susan Gritton�s is exemplary, but ideally
the music needs a mid point between Spence�s emphasis and Ainsley�s
slightly bland approach � and that mid point was struck by Wilfred
Brown. Nevertheless, though I heard Spence at the end of a long
line of comparative recordings, I still found a great deal to
enjoy here. Though Robert Hugill mentioned this recording in
his review of the Naxos Dies Natalis, it seems to have
slipped through our net, so I�m pleased to catch it now, even
if I can�t wholly recommend it. Try it from the Naxos Music
Library if you can � you may agree with the reviewer who thought
Spence�s Dies sensitive or another who thought it rather
special. There�s no booklet but you won�t need it � the words
are crystal clear.
Gerald FINZI
Dies Natalis (1939) [26:16]
Prelude for String Orchestra (1929) [4:36]
The Fall of the Leaf (Elegy) (compl. Howard Ferguson) (1929)
Two Sonnets for Tenor and Orchestra (1928) [7:37]
Nocturne (New Year Music) (1928, rev. 1940s) [9:39]
Farewell to Arms (1926-8, 1940s) [9:01]
James Gilchrist (tenor); Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra/David
Hill � rec 2007. DDD
Pdf booklet. No texts � these are available online.
NAXOS 8.570417 [66:40] � from classicsonline.com
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library
recording received a pretty good press, not least from our three
reviewers Rob
Barnett, Michael
Cookson and Robert
Hugill. I was a little put off by the sentimental cover
picture � Traherne and Finzi are not sentimental, but that�s
no great matter. The orchestral opening is a little less magical
than that on the Wigmore Hall recording, but it�s the soloist
who makes or breaks the performance and James Gilchrist makes
a good impression from the start � a little more emphatic than
Wilfred Brown, but less so than Toby Spence. The coupling, all-Finzi,
may be more to your liking, too, than the Walton which concludes
the Wigmore Hall recording, attractive though that is. Almost
inevitably, however, these additional Finzi works do overlap
with some other available recordings.
This could well be the modern single-disc equivalent of the
Brown/EMI recording and, at £4.99, it�s as economically
priced as a download from classicsonline.com as the Wigmore
Hall version. Don�t even consider paying more to download this
or any other Naxos recording than from classicsonline.com at
£4.99, unless it be to obtain a lossless version from
eclassical.com � and they don�t have the Finzi at the time of
Gordon LANGFORD (b.1930) Orchestral
Fanfare and Ceremonial Prelude (1981/1995) [4:34]
Concertino for Trumpet and Orchestra (1979) [11:37]
Four movements for String Orchestra (1965) [16:14]
A Song for all seasons � A Fantasie for Piano and Orchestra
(1997) [11:48]
First Suite of Dances (1973) [14:01)
Greenways (1970) [3:30]
Spirit of London (overture) (1965) [6:43]
The Hippodrome Waltz (1988) [3:10]
Pastorale (1996) from Colour Suite [3:08]
March (1966) from Colour Suite [3:18]
Crispian Steele-Perkins (trumpet); William Stephenson (piano)
BBC Concert Orchestra/Rumon Gamba � rec. 2003. DDD
Pdf booklet available
CHANDOS CHAN10115 [79:04] � from theclassicalshop.net
(mp3 and lossless)
[�Chandos are to be congratulated for recording this disc. I
hope that it will encourage further issues. Rumon Gamba is a
true champion of light music, though it is my opinion
that such a description of the music on this disc is entirely
inappropriate.� See review
by Steve Arloff.]
is light-classical music at its very best � I use the term despite
Steve Arloff�s disapproval, for lack of a better, without meaning
to belittle its value. There�s as much a place for this repertoire
in my book as there is for the high art of the renaissance,
baroque, classical and romantic periods. If you like the two
recordings which I�ve made my discovery of the month, Chandos
have plenty of wonderful CDs and downloads such as this that
you could move on to. Rumon Gamba is at the helm of many of
these and I doubt you could find a better advocate for the music
here. The lossless sound is excellent.
In brief
Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949) Also
Sprach Zarathustra, Op.30 (1895-1896) [29:56]
Gustav HOLST (1874-1934)
The Planets, Op.32/H.125 (1914-1916) [45:58]
Boston Symphony Orchestra/William Steinberg � rec. 1970-1971.
Pdf cover art; no booklet
LINN/UNIVERSAL UNI016 [75:54] � from linnrecords.com
(mp3, 16-bit lossless and 24-bit Studio Master)
So pleased was Dan Morgan with this that he not only made it
his Download of the Month, he also couldn�t wait
for the next Download Roundup, so reviewed it in the main pages
of MusicWeb International � here.
I didn�t have time to obtain the 24-bit version from Linn, but
even as heard in mp3, this is a stupendous recording.