Ferruccio BUSONI (1866-1924)
Hommages à Mozart, Bach, Chopin
Chaconne from Partita in D minor for violin, BWV 1004, by Johann Sebastian Bach, BV. B.24 (1893) [14:26]
Chorale Preludes for organ by Johann Sebastian Bach, BV. B.27 nos. 3, 2, 5, 8, 9 (1898) [19:35]
Giga, Bolero e Variazione: Studie nach Mozart, BV.254 no.3 (1909) [4:01]
Drei Albumblätter, BV 289 (1921) [9:42]
Ten Variations on a Prelude by Chopin, BV.213a (1922) [13:17]
Fantasia nach Johann Sebastian Bach, BV.253 (1909) [12:21]
Nuit de Noël - Esquisse, BV.251 (1908) [4:33]
Roland Pöntinen (piano)
rec. Kammermusikstudio, SWR Stuttgart, 15-18 September 2008. DDD
CPO 777 427-2 [78:05]
Ferruccio Busoni is one of those composers that some critics
seem to loathe by committee. His massive Piano Concerto, for
example, is often - though thankfully not universally - cited
for its "vulgarity" or "excessive length".
Two reviews of separate recent recordings, on Naxos
and EMI
Classics, show both sides of the fence. Yet musicians love
to record his music, as this substantial Wikipedia discography
indicates - eleven commercial recordings of the Piano Concerto,
for example. Especially in a programme like this one, which
includes some of Busoni's deeply respectful yet artistic re-workings
of long-cherished music, audiences too can hardly fail to be
entranced by the variety, virtuosity and pathos on offer.
Not every musician is entirely up to the often prodigious demands
of a Busoni score, particularly in the piano works. Experienced
Swedish soloist Roland Pöntinen is not among that number. His
own discography includes a whole stack of fine recordings for
BIS over the years, and this is his third CD of Busoni's music
for CPO, beginning more than a decade ago now with a programme
of original Busoni, including his six Piano Sonatinas (review),
and followed by further original pieces three years later (review).
Incidentally, CPO took two years after recording to issue the
first, three years for the second and nearly four for this one:
at that rate, if Pöntinen is to record Busoni's complete piano
music, neither he nor many listeners will live to see the final
Besides his self-evidently first-rate technique, Pöntinen is
an expressive player with an impressive stock of tone gradations
at his disposal. Perhaps his account here of the famous Chaconne
is not the most striking - thanks to a piano roll, by the way,
Busoni can be heard playing his Chaconne arrangement himself
- but if that is true, he makes amends in the Prelude Variations
with a vital, sensitive account that realises both the atmospheric
lyricism of Chopin and the profound, chromatic probings of Busoni.
He is even better in the Bach Fantasy, where he combines an
unassuming tenderness of touch with poetic phrasing to great
expressive effect.
Yet although Pöntinen's performances throughout are more than
merely creditable, the accompanying booklet is a major let-down.
At first glance, all seems well: the German-English-French notes
are very detailed - running to somewhere in the order of 4,000
words in the English translation. However, they would be half
that size - a tenth, more like - if they had been written by
anyone other than CPO's resident note-dispenser, the musicologist
Eckhardt van den Hoogen, whose barely concealed delight in his
own erudition, expressed through prolixity, literary obscurantism
and highfalutin phraseology, makes itself once again the focus
of a CPO disc. His recent twelve-column character assassination
of Felix Weingartner was extraordinary above all for the fact
that CPO actually used it for the notes to accompany the CD
of Weingartner's music they were hoping to sell (see review).
Van den Hoogen is kinder towards Busoni, but only on his own
terms, nevertheless repeatedly mocking the pretentiousness of
some of Busoni's writings over the first eight of fifteen columns.
As it happens, Busoni did tend towards pomposity - as is the
wont of self-styled intellectuals - but the fact that Van den
Hoogen cannot recognise self-indulgent smugness in himself rather
diminishes his own position.
To top it all, Van den Hoogen's endless tangential inveiglements
are made even more unpalatable by resident translator Susan
Marie Praeder. She proves incapable of rendering his flatulent
German into sentences acceptable in length and intelligibility
to a native English speaker.
Finally, the CD track-listing is a bit scrappy. Besides the
very small font which does not read well in bold type, the all-German
titling has its share of poor punctuation, randomly applied
italics and misleading labelling. Some of this was tidied up
for the above listing. Lengthy notes come at another price -
a small dense print that verges on the illegible for anyone
with less than perfect eyesight. The English-language proof-reader
is one such - Pöntinen's biography includes the Swedish word
'och' in place of 'and', and the French word 'mars' for what
should have been 'March'. There are other typographical errors
dotted about the booklet, but in truth they barely matter, because
anyone buying this CD is better off focusing entirely on Busoni's
inventive, universal music. Roland Pöntinen's virtuosic but
insightful interpretations are all captured in good quality
Collected reviews and contact at reviews.gramma.co.uk