Sound Samples & Downloads
Johann Baptist CRAMER (1771-1858)
Studio per il pianoforte, Books 1-4 (1804/1810) [121:07]
Ferruccio BUSONI (1866-1924)
Klavierübung, Book 7: Eight Études after Cramer, BV B53
(1921) [18:32]
Gianluca Luisi (piano); Alessandro Deljavan (piano); Giampaolo
Stuani (piano)
rec. Pieve storica di Sant’ Eusebio, Vicenza, Italy 18-20, 31
May, 1 June 2011.
GRAND PIANO GP613-14 [72:56 + 66:43]
There is only one major issue with this excellent new release
from Grand Piano: how to approach listening to it. The above
listing does not really reveal the problem. The fact is that
Johann Baptist Cramer’s Studio per il Pianoforte,
Books 1-4 contain some 84 complex, involved and highly pianistic
studies (studio=studies=etudes). This represents almost two
solid hours of music. Does one begin at ‘Étude
I in C major’ and work through to ‘Étude
LXXXIV’ in the same key? On the other hand, perhaps, it
could be good to take these a book at a time. Yet each ‘book’
is around 30 minutes. Stravinsky once remarked that Vivaldi
wrote the same work some 400 times. Now I am not implying that
these études lack interest or variety: what I am
suggesting is that after two dozen they begin to sound a little
same-ish. My suggestion is that if the listener can read - or
even follow - music, they should download the four books from
IMSLP (see links below). Personally, I took them at about six
or seven at a time in the order presented. I then stopped and
did something else and then ‘carried on’.
Johann Baptist Cramer was born in Mannheim in 1771 but was brought
to London the following year. After lessons in violin and piano
from his father, he had more formal studies with, amongst others
C.F. Abel and Muzio Clementi. However, as a composer he was
largely self-taught. In 1788 he began to tour extensively as
a concert pianist, playing in many European capitals. In 1828,
he set up a music-publishing house in partnership with Robert
Addison. Although Cramer is best known for his piano solo music,
he contributed seven piano concertos, hundreds of sonatas, a
piano quartet and quintet.
Studio per il pianoforte were published, as noted above,
in four books, two in 1804 as Op.30 and the other two in 1810
as Op.40. They formed the fifth section of the composer’s
massive Grosse praktische Pianoforte Schule (1815). Keith
Anderson points out that they ‘anticipated [Muzio] Clementi’s
Gradus ad Parnassum by nearly seven years.
Cramer’s ‘studio’ cross the boundary between
‘teaching pieces’ and works of art. Beethoven and
Schumann famously admired them: Busoni issued an edition of
these Études and wrote a number of additional examples
in the same style -which are generously included on the present
Nicolas Temperley has suggested that Cramer’s studies
were by far his most ‘influential’ work. They are
historically, as well as musically important. He writes that
they ‘were the first of their kind: in fact, the word
‘study’ (étude) appears to have acquired
its modern meaning through them…’ it was the first
major collection of (high grade) teaching pieces for the pianoforte.
Cramer’s studies are not simply methodological exercises
which would have had a tendency to be as dry as dust. They are
imbued with well-considered formal characteristics and subject
matter which are to be approached as part and parcel of the
technical problems encountered. It has been suggested that only
by a detailed examination of their internal structures will
the qualities of beauty and interest be laid bare. It is unlikely
that most listeners of these pieces will be able to devote this
amount of time and effort to their exploration. However, I guess
that the rule of thumb must be to regard them in a similar manner
as those by Chopin. Alas, it is unlikely that a recital will
include Cramer’s studies as a part of the programme, whereas
Chopin Études are a staple of the concert pianist. However,
at his best Cramer comes close to the Polish master in synthesising
musical material and technical challenge to produce a consistent
and satisfying artistic form.
The great nineteenth century pianist Edward Dannreuther has
described this collection of studies well: ‘this is of
classical value for its intimate combination of significant
musical ideas with the most instructive mechanical passages.’
Stylistically, it is fair to suggest that Cramer’s Études
inhabit the sound-world of Mozart and Scarlatti with frequent
nods to Bach. However, his great achievement is that he has
managed to fuse a conservative playing style with the latest
developments in piano performance made possible by the mechanical
advance in instrument design.
It is good to have Busoni’s Eight Études after
Cramer included in this present CD collection. Unfortunately
there is little information about them in the liner notes. However,
they were dedicated to Carl Lütschg, who was a former pupil
of Ignaz Moscheles. Keith Anderson notes that four of these
studies deal with ‘legato’ playing whilst the remaining
four address the problems of ‘staccato’ touch. Without
a lot of work, I am not sure to what extent Busoni has adapted,
rewritten or amended the original Cramer studies. It would have
been helpful if the liner notes had proved a brief ‘cross
reference chart’.
I thoroughly enjoyed being introduced to the entire run of Cramer’s
84 studies. In fact, it is the first time that they have been
available in their entirety. They are played by three pianists
who bring a huge talent to the performance of these important
works. However, the main impression I get from listening to
these Études is the inordinate enthusiasm and understanding
that comes across in the performance. It would be easy, I guess,
for the technical brilliance of many these studies to overshadow
the poetical element that inhabits much of this music.
The liner notes are reasonable, although a little more detail
may have been helpful. However, I accept that any analysis of
each of these pieces would have made the booklet unwieldy.
The sound quality is impressive and allows the listener the
maximum opportunity to enjoy every moment of this music.
With the above caveat about taking these pieces steadily rather
than through-listening, I am sure that this double-CD will appeal
strongly to all piano music enthusiasts. Whatever their usual
fare, these Études represent a major stage in the development
of piano technique as we have come to understand it in the music
of Chopin, Liszt and other romantic pianists.
The full piano score of Johnann Baptist Cramer’s Studio
per il pianoforte in four volumes can be found at IMSLP.
John France