Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901)
La forza del destino - Melodramma in four acts.
Revised 1869 version
Marquis of Calatrava, Alastair Miles (bass); Donna Leonora, his
daughter - Nina Stemme (soprano); Curra, her chambermaid - Elisabeta
Marin (soprano); Don Alvaro, lover of Leonora and of Royal Inca
Indian descent - Salvatore Licitra (tenor); Don Carlo of Vargas,
Leonora’s brother - Carlos Alvarez (baritone); Preziosilla, a gypsy
girl - Nadia Krasteva (mezzo); Fra Melitone, a Friar – Tiziano Bracci
(bass); Padre Guardiano, Father Superior - Alastair Miles (bass);
Mastro Trabuco, muleteer - Michael Roider (tenor); An Alcade, a
mayor – Dan Paul Dumetrescu (tenor); Spanish military surgeon, Clemens
Unterreiner (tenor)
Orchestra and Chorus of the Vienna State Opera/Zubin Mehta
Director: David Pountney
Set and Costume design: Roy Hudson
rec. live, Vienna State Opera, 1 March 2008
Picture format: 16:9, HD 1080i. Sound: dts Master Audio 5.0, PCM
Stereo. Region: 0 (worldwide)
Subtitles in Italian (original language), English, German, French,
Spanish, Chinese, Korean
Booklet English, German, French
708204 [161:00]
Verdi wrote La forza del destino after a two year
gap from composition following the premiere of Un Ballo
in Maschera on 17 February 1859. During that period he
had become a Deputy in the first parliament of the recently
unified Italy. However, he was tiring of that scene when approached
for a new opera from the Imperial Italian Theatre in St. Petersburg.
With the composer away on Parliamentary business his wife, Giuseppina,
handled the correspondence and persuaded Verdi that with suitable
provisions the cold in Russia would be manageable and that he
should accept the highly lucrative commission. The first suggestion
of subject, Victor Hugo’s dramatic poem Ruy Blas with
its romantic liaisons across the social divide, met censorship
problems. After some struggle for another subject Verdi settled
on the Spanish drama Don Alvaro, o La fuerza de sino
by Angel Perez de Saavedra, Duke of Rivas. This was deemed suitable
in Russia and Verdi asked his long-time collaborator Piave to
provide the libretto. Verdi worked throughout the summer of
1860 as Giuseppina made the domestic arrangements for the shipment
of Bordeaux wine, champagne, rice, macaroni cheese and salami
for themselves and two servants. The Verdis arrived in St. Petersburg
in November 1861, but during rehearsals the principal soprano
became ill. As there was no possible substitute the premiere
was postponed until the following autumn and after some sightseeing
the Verdis returned home. At its delayed premiere on 10 November
1862 the work was well received with the Czar attending a performance.
Opera Rara has issued a sound recording of this original version
(see review)
and a DVD exists, recorded in St Petersburg in 1998, in a reconstruction
of the 1862 sets (Arthaus Music 100 078).
The original version was reprised in St Petersburg in the two
seasons following its premiere and was seen in several Italian
cities in 1863 as well as in Madrid in 1864 and Vienna in 1865.
Verdi withheld the score from theatres that he considered incapable
of doing it justice. It is evident that he recognised the need
for alterations early on when he transposed the tenor aria in
act 3 downward on the basis that only Tamberlick was capable
of meeting its demands. He instructed his publisher, Ricordi,
to include the alteration in the scores he hired out. Verdi
was also unhappy with some other aspects of the score as it
stood, particularly the three violent deaths in the final scene.
However, it was not until Tito Ricordi proposed a revival for
the 1869 La Scala carnival season that Verdi found a way forward.
By then Piave, the original librettist had suffered a stroke
that paralysed him for the last eight years of his life and
during which Verdi provided much financial help to his family.
The task of versifying the revisions fell to Antonio Ghislanzoni
who the composer had met at the time of the writing of Attila
and with whom he developed a cordial relationship.
The revised La Forza del Destino was premiered at La
Scala on 27 February 1869. The presentation marked a rapprochement
between Verdi and the theatre that he had barred from premieres
of his works for over twenty years. The revisions of the score
from the original version are significant rather than major
and involve the substitution of the prelude by a full overture,
which nowadays is often played as a concert piece. A major revision
of the end of act three includes the removal of the demanding
tenor double aria whilst the whole final scene is amended to
avoid the triple deaths. It is replaced by the Father Guardian’s
benediction as Leonora dies and Alvaro is left alive (CH.45).
In La forza del destino Verdi writes on a massive dramatic
canvas. He described the story as powerful, singular and
truly vast (The Operas of Verdi. Budden. Cassell. Vol 2
p.430 et seq). Some cynics have described it as a rambling
story of improbabilities and contend that it is Verdi’s darkest
opera. It is certainly a story of unrequited love, racial prejudice
and violent deaths. Ever the man of the theatre Verdi leavened
the dark facets of the story with brighter, even humorous, interludes.
The first, in act 2, (CHs.7-13) is set at an inn where Preziosilla,
a gypsy woman of easy virtue, is recruiting for the army promising
fame and fortune as well as sexual favours. The scene is an
ideal counterweight to the accidental death of Leonora’s father
at her suitor’s hand in the first act. Further leavening, even
humour, comes with the character of the irascible monk Melitone
who berates the peasants as he distributes charity (CH. 39)
or laments the goings-on in the army camp as he is forced to
join a whirling dance with the vivandiers in act 3 (CH.35).
Verdi poured great intensity and creativity into this work and
the opera contains an overture, scenes, arias and duets that
are amongst his finest music. The long melodic cantilena of
the meeting between Leonore and Padre Giordano in act 2 scene
2, that starts with Leonore’s aria Sono giunta and
concludes with the trio with chorus of La Vergine degli
Angeli (CHs.14-21) as she is granted sanctity have, I suggest,
no parallel in Italian opera since Bellini’s Norma
in 1833. Further, none of comparable length and dramatic intensity
are found elsewhere in Verdi’s work.
Given the nature of this work from his mature period it is incumbent
on the producer and set designer to clarify the complexities
so as to assist the audience, or viewer, to relate the complexities
and relationships of the various scenes. It is with regret that
I state that the team here manifestly fail in this respect.
The failure starts with setting the costumes in the present
day. The Father Guardian of the Monastery goes around in a suit
and without a tie, belying his status and station. Preziosilla
arrives in a red Wild West costume and hat, her friends likewise,
and in Hot Pants. The odd drape of a cloak or cassock does little
to clarify the religious moments of offering sanctity. The sparse
staging of the opening act, a single metal-framed bed, is later
contrasted with a meaningless large piece of revolving metal
scaffolding that reminds me of the gasometer that marked the
entrance to my nearest city for many a year. Add projections
during the battle scenes, a hardly recognisable entrance to
the Monastery along with the idiosyncratic costumes and many
will be confused as to what is going on and why.
Verdi always wrote with singers, general and often specific,
in mind. For this dramatic opera he wanted spinto-sized
voices. I have already indicated that he watered down the vocal
demands on the tenor singing Alvaro for the 1869 version. It
still demands substantial vocal weight but also, as Bergonzi
demonstrates so superbly on the 1969 EMI audio recording under
Gardelli (7 64646 2), considerable vocal nuance. In this performance
the Sicilian Salvatore Licitra has the necessary heft, but a
complete lack of vocal taste or sensitivity. He slides up to
notes and simply belts out the words seemingly without making
any effort whatsoever at vocal nuance, colour or expression.
With dryness at the top of his voice it’s not even viscerally
exciting as it used to be with the likes of fellow Italians
Del Monaco or Franco Corelli. In contrast, Alvaro’s implacable
pursuer, Don Carlo, brother of Lenora, sung by Carlos Alvarez
has the ideal variety of tone allied to strength of voice, awareness
of characterisation and expressiveness. He makes a near ideal
interpreter of this demanding role. In an era when the shortage
of genuine Italianate Verdi baritones is so acute his presence
and contribution is particularly welcome as is his frightening
histrionic intensity in portraying Don Carlo’s implacable intention
to find his sister and her lover. As his sister Leonora, loved
by Alvaro, Nina Stemme sings with strong bright, forward lyric
tone. She sings the long expressive melodic line of Leonora’s
Pace, Pace, mio Dio (CH.43) in the final scene as well
as I have heard it since Leontyne Price on her mid-1970s audio
recording under Levine (RCA) and surpassing the great American
in her later, and last, performances of the role as caught on
DVD in 1984 (see review).
Elsewhere, she characterises well in her acting and brings welcome
nuance to the meaning of the words. In characterisation, along
with pleasing tone and expression, she is matched by Nadia Krasteva
who conveys a vivacious Preziosilla whose Rataplan
(CH.38), by then she is also kitted in Hot Pants, goes with
a bang in more ways than one.
As the Father Guardian Alastair Miles’ bass is as lean as his
figure. His voice has always been a true bass, but lacking in
sonority and none more so than in this role where his tone shows
sure signs of drying with age. The combination of his vocal
characteristics and costume fail to bring out the humanity that
Verdi invests in his music. It is the same with Tiziano Bracci
as Melitone. Some have suggested this character was a part-model
for his Falstaff. This Melitone, also suffering dryness of tone,
manages to miss any humour which is evident in other recordings,
visual and audio.
Where Pountney does score over the best sung recent video recording,
from Florence in 2007 and reviewed
by a colleague, is in his detailed management of the chorus
who are always actively involved although the purpose is sometimes
unclear. Zubin Mehta conducts both versions. He lets Verdi’s
melodic lines speak for themselves and the drama unfolds naturally.
The Vienna Staatsoper audience are on best behaviour,
or confused, but let the opera proceed without excessive and
lengthy interruptions as was at one time their habit.
Robert J Farr
see also review of the DVD release by David