Roundup - November 2011/1
Brian Wilson
The previous Roundup is here
and earlier versions are indexed here.
Renaissance polyphony holds centre-stage this month, with new
recordings of Josquin from the Tallis Scholars on Gimell, Taverner
from Alamire on Obsidian and Victoria from Westminster Cathedral
on Hyperion.
Im pleased to report that finally seem to
have got their pricing policy for EMI and Virgin Classics sorted
out, especially as regards the budget-price 2-CD sets from both
labels, now almost universally on offer at a competitive £6.99
or, occasionally, £7.99. I hope to include several recommendations
next month; meanwhile theres the second volume of Beechams
Haydn London Symphonies to be getting on with.
Not long ago a bit-rate of 192 kb/s was considered acceptable;
now very few download sites offer anything below 256kb/s and
many, including and, offer
all their mp3s at the full 320kb/s.
Better still, however, several own-label sites such as Hyperion
and Coro ( also offer 16- or 24-bit lossless
downloads, often at the same price as mp3 or a little more.
Recently Gimell, Linn, Chandos (at and
High Definition Tape Transfers have been offering 24/96kHz and
even 24/192kHz downloads - large files are involved, but most
home broadband speeds are now good enough to contemplate downloading
such files. Youll soon find yourself needing a large-capacity
external hard drive - go for 2TB from the start - and you wont
be able to burn the music to CD, but those with younger and
sharper ears than my past-their-sell-by-date pair will appreciate
the difference. Even septuagenarians like myself can appreciate
the greater security of the higher sampling rates.
Now Channel Classics are offering their own high-quality downloads,
starting at a reasonable £8.03 for top-rate mp3 and including
24/44.1, 24/96 and 24/192 options. Youll find my reviews of
some of the 24/44.1 and 24/96 recordings below.
of the Month: recent repertoire
Josquin des PRÉS (c1440/55-1521)
Missa De beata virgine [38:03]
Credo quarti toni (Cambrai Credo) [9:23]
Plainchant Ave maris stella (verse 1) [0:36]
Missa Ave maris stella [27:56]
Pdf booklet with texts and multi-lingual translations included.
GIMELL CDGIM044 [75:58] - from
(mp3, 16- and 24-bit lossless and 5.1 surround sound)
[The Kyrie of the Missa de beata virgine will
be offered as a FREE download for a short time.]
readers and/or fans of the Tallis Scholars will be aware that
they are recording the masses of Josquin des Prés and
revealing in the process more fully than we already knew what
a master of polyphonic music he was. The two works now before
us are Marian Masses: the former clearly labelled with Marys
name and containing additions to the text of the Mass which
were excised after the Council of Trent but sung in this recording.
The latter is based on the well-known hymn in her honour, the
first verse of which precedes the Mass itself: Hail star of
the sea. Maris stella, or star of the sea, is one of
the more common of the scores of attributes which were attached
to Mary in the middle ages.
I hadnt heard either of these Masses before and there are no
rival CDs in the current catalogue, though can
offer an earlier recording of the Missa de beata virgine
as a download here
(Harmonia Mundi HMU907136, Theatre of Voices/Paul Hillier, with
motets by Mouton). The earlier Naïve recordings of the
two Masses which Mark Sealey reviewed in a 6-CD box set in 2007
(E8906 - see review)
seem to have disappeared from the UK catalogue. I listened to
these performances by A Sei Voci via the Naxos Music Library*
and Im not surprised to note that they are perceptively faster
overall than the Tallis Scholars - the latter are usually characterised
by more thoughtful, but never sluggish tempi. I enjoyed hearing
A Sei Voci but I thought them outperformed by the Tallis Scholars.
* available to download from in mp3: Missa
de beata virgine on E8560 here
and Missa Ave Maris Stella on E8507 here. also have the Dufay Ensemble in the Missa
Ave Maris Stella on Ars Musici AM1278-2, complete with booklet,
for just £4.99 here.
The Dufay Ensemble offer excellent value and sing idiomatically,
with a firm bottom line, but the top and inner parts are marginally
less secure than the Tallis Scholars. See below for A Sei Voci
in Josquins Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariæ.
The music is in no way inferior to the better-known Josquin
works and the performances perhaps even closer to perfection
than any of the Scholars earlier recordings or those of any
of their close rivals. I realised before I had listened even
to half of this new recording that I had found my Download
of the Month, despite what else might come my way. Whatever
may be the doubts about attributing the Credo to Josquin,
perhaps as a first thought - as fully discussed in notes which,
while inevitably technical in places, are still transparent
to the ordinary reader - it was well worth including here.
The multi-lingual booklet is fully up to Gimells usual very
high standard - a consistency matched only by Hyperion - and
the recording is excellent in the better-than-CD 24/44.1 wma
version which I downloaded. The prices range from £7.99
for mp3, via £8.99 for CD quality lossless, to £19.99
for 24/96 5.1 surround sound.
Here followeth a technical paragraph which, despite its complexity,
I recommend that you read. Just as Hyperion now offer both flac
and alac lossless files, Gimell have now added to their wide
range of download options, 16-bit, 24/44.1, 24/88 and 24/176
alac for iTunes users. Alac will also work with the Logitech
Squeezebox, but flac wont work with iTunes and it has
to convert wma downloads to wav, so alac may prove the best
option. They have also listed the options in groups, as recommended
for Windows Media Player and iTunes. Actually Windows Media
Player will work fine with these recordings because the music
is not continuous between tracks, but I dont recommend
it generally because it introduces 2-second gaps. If you dont
have a programme such as Squeezebox or Linn, download the free
version of Winamp.
We already had a fine selection of recordings of the music of
Josquin even before the Tallis Scholars embarked on their series
three years ago, not least from the Scholars themselves on a
budget-price 2-CD set, The Tallis Scholars Sing Josquin,
but the most recent releases have added considerably to our
knowledge of his work. Youll find my and other colleagues
reviews of those earlier volumes as listed below:
The Tallis Scholars sing Josquin
Plainchant: Pange lingua [3.45]
JOSQUIN Missa Pange lingua
[29:41]; Missa La sol fa re mi [28:44]; Præter
rerum seriem [7:22]; Ave Maria (4vv) [5:29]
Anonymous chanson: Lhomme armé [0:47];
JOSQUIN Missa Lhomme
armé super voces musicales [40:24]; Missa Lhomme
armé sexti toni [33:05]
GIMELL CDGIM206 [2 CDs: 149:00] (See March 2009 Roundup
and Tallis
Scholars at 30)
[see August 2011/2 Roundup
and below for the Westminster Cathedral recording of the Missa
pange lingua on Hyperion Helios]
Missa sine Nomine [27:39]
Missa ad fugam [31:30]
Missa ad fugam (revised): Sanctus and Benedictus
[4:47]; Agnus Dei [2:55]
GIMELL CDGIM039 [68:50]
(See review
by Robert Hugill, review by myself
(Recording of the Month) and February 2009 Roundup)
Missa Malheur me bat [39:46] *
Missa Fortuna desperata [35:41] **
GIMELL CDGIM042 [75:27]
(See review
by Mark Sealey, review
by myself and February 2009 Roundup)
The whole of CDGIM042 is very generously included in
a box set, GIMBX303, Sacred Music in the Renaissance,
Volume 3, 4 CDs for less than the price of 2. (See review
by John Quinn, Bargain of the Month and December 2010 Roundup).
Youll find some other reviews of Josquin below.
of the Month: back catalogue
Antonio VIVALDI (1678-1741)
La Stravaganza - 12 Concertos for violin, strings and
basso continuo, Op.4 (c.1714)
Concerto in B flat, Op.4 No.1 [7:28]
Concerto in e minor, Op.4 No.2 [9:59]
Concerto in G, Op.4 No.3 [7:55]
Concerto in a minor, Op.4 No.4 [8:01]
Concerto in A, Op.4 No.5 [9:12]
Concerto in g minor, Op.4 No.6 [9:22]
Concerto in C, Op.4 No.7 [7:28]
Concerto in d minor, Op.4 No 8 [6:54]
Concerto in F, Op.4 No.9 [6:49]
Concerto in c minor, Op.4 No.10 [9:06]
Concerto in D, Op.4 No.11 [5:53]
Concerto in G, Op.4 No.12 [9:08]
Rachel Podger (violin)
Arte Dei Suonatori - rec. September 2002. DDD
Pdf booklet included.
CHANNEL CLASSICS CCSSA19503 [54:21 + 48:38] - from
(mp3 and 24/44.1, 24/96 and 24/192 lossless)
[These new accounts make the versions from Marriner and Hogwood
seem pale, rather lacklustre and somewhat academic and mechanical
by comparison. The sound engineers at Channel Classics have
provided a top-class sound quality and the annotation is excellent
too. A marvellously presented release. No praise is high enough
for these performances! See full review
by Michael Cookson. NB: change of catalogue number from
that listed in his review.]
first download from direct, as opposed to
via other providers, is very easy to recommend. Performance,
recording, documentation and price are all very attractive.
To deal with price first: in mp3 this is an absolute bargain
at £8.03, effectively two CDs for the price of one; even
at what Channel Classics call CD quality it costs a very reasonable
£14.28. Actually, at 24-bit/44.1kHz, its better than
CD quality. The audiophile 96kHz and 192kHz versions cost £17.84
and £19.63 respectively.
Rachel Podger delivers all that I expected and she is very ably
supported by Arte dei Suonatori. Together their performances
are as delicate as you could wish where the music requires it,
but generally lively, dramatic and as extravagant as the title
la Stravaganza implies, though avoiding those breakneck
tempi which some Italian ensembles produce and which make their
performances suitable only when one is in the right mood.
Im not as ready as Michael Cookson to ditch the Neville Marriner
account on Double Decca 444 821-2 - still the version to choose
for those averse to period instruments, though I dont think
that many even of these will find much to criticise. The Marriner
is available for download from, although, at
£12.99 for mp3 only, thats hardly competitive with the
Channel Classics or with the parent CDs, available from online
dealers for as little as £8.45.
As for Christopher Hogwoods recording, Im going
to do that annoying and greedy thing that we reviewers often
do and advise having both that and Rachel Podgers version.
This time passionato.coms price of £24.99 for Hogwoods
complete Op.3, Op.4, Op.8 and Op.9 sets, almost seven hours
of music, does offer good value (475 7693 - here
- mp3 only: no longer available on CD). If pushed, however,
I have to agree with MC that the Channel Classics recording
is preferable.
Rachel Podgers tempi are close to those adopted by Christopher
Hogwood, or a little faster. Both seem to me to adopt ideal
speeds throughout. In Op.4/1, for example:
Hogwood |
Podger |
Allegro |
3:13 |
2:52 |
Largo e cantabile |
2:11 |
2:11 |
Allegro |
2:36 |
2:25 |
Both are about a minute faster overall in this
concerto than Neville Marriner, who is rather closer to both
in most of the other concertos. Most of the difference is accounted
for by Marriners slower, more overtly expressive
tempi in slow movements than is now fashionable. Bear in mind
that in 1975 Marriner was considered something of a speed merchant:
it was the propulsion of his performances of Op.4 that
caught the reviewers attention.
I chose the Channel Classics 24/44.1 version and thought the
downloaded sound excellent. The broadband router which I normally
use with the Logitech Squeezebox has been misbehaving recently,
so I had to play these recordings via the Winamp player, with
no problems. The sound is a little fuller and heavier than usual
with period ensembles and theres no (audible) harpsichord
in the continuo, though one is listed, but thats becoming
par for the course, so not a matter for major concern. The archlute,
theorbo, organ and guitar compensate, usually perfectly audibly
without being over prominent.
Actually I understand that the great majority of downloads purchased
from Channel Classics are in the top-of-the-range 24/192 version.
Considering that charge £7.56 (CD1) and £7.98
(CD2) for the mp3 version of this recording - and that their
bit-rates rarely approach the maximum 320kb/s and often fall
below 192kb/s - thats excellent value for audiophile sound
at £19.63.
of the Month
Erhu Chant
Idyllic Tune** [7:50]
Weeping River of Sorrow* [8:00]
Celebrating the Harvest of Grapes*** [5:02]
Ode to Shanmenxia Gorge*** [9:06]
Birdsong echoing in a quiet valley [3:43]
A Bunch of Flowers* [8:49]
Moon reflected in the Twin-spring Lake [8:49]
Ballad of North Henan Province*** [10:04]
Yu Hong Mei (Erhu)
Liu Yin Xuan (Yang Qin (cymbalo))*
Wu Lin (Chinese Harp)**
Chen Zhe (Piano)*** - rec. ? DDD/DSD
pdf booklet included
CHANNEL CLASSICS CCS-SA80206 [61:03] - from
(mp3, 24/44.1, 24/96 and 24/192 lossless)
discovery lies not so much in hearing the erhu, a two-stringed
Chinese instrument, which Id heard on several LP and CD
recordings*, as in the beauty of this recital. I cannot pretend
to be any kind of expert on this music, but I do know that I
enjoyed the programme very much and that can only have been
achieved by idiomatic and accomplished playing, especially on
the part of the erhu player, Yu Hong Mei, whose impressive CV/résumé
is included in the notes, and her accompanists.
* there are 40 recordings with the erhu in the Naxos Music Library
alone, including one of Vivaldis Four Seasons and
the Bach Violin Concerto in a minor. Try the erhu version of
the Butterfly Lovers Concerto there on Marco Polo
8.225952 or download it from
The recording, made in Beijing, is excellent. The booklet, offered
as part of the deal, contains photos of the erhu and is very
informative, though it describes Celebrating the Harvest
of Grapes (track 3) as for solo erhu, when the rear insert
correctly describes the piano as participating. To be truthful,
I found this and the two other tracks with piano accompaniment
slightly less authentically Chinese than the rest.
of the Month
Vaclav NELHYBEL Tower Music
Giovanni GABRIELI Canzon
Septimi Toni No. 2 [2:47]
Jeremy DIBB Provence
(arr.) Trio Sonata No. 4 [4:38]
(arr.) Alpine Fantasy [10:42]
Rob DEEMER Shock and
Awe for Trombone Quartet [9:09]
Giovanni Pierluigi da PALESTRINA
Ecce veniet dies illa [3:01]
Enrique CRESPO Bruckner
Etude fur das tiele Blech [5:50]
Eugene BOZZA Andantino
for Trombone Trio [2:18]
(arr.) Abendlied Op.69/3 [2:39]
Johann Sebastian BACH/Donald HUNSBERGER
Passacaglia in c minor [5:30]
Chicago Trombone Consort - rec? © 2010. DDD.
ALBANY TROY1183 [52:12] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
was Chandos free gift in mp3 format to subscribers to
their monthly newsletter from You will
have missed out on this one, but its well worth subscribing
for the sake of future free downloads as well as the information
in the newsletter itself. In any case, the mp3, which sounds
fine, will cost you only £4.99, the same price as from
(320k in both cases). If you must have the lossless, thats
a little more at £7.99. Its a very varied programme
of ancient and modern in novel arrangements which should appeal
to a wide range of listeners except those who are allergic to
a trombone ensemble.
Thanks to some sloppy proof-reading Rheinberger has morphed
into Rhineberger (but his name is correctly spelled by
and JS Bach has somehow been renamed Donald Bach. We knew that
there were any number of musical members of the Bach family,
but presumably Donald is the first name of Mr Hunsberger who
arranged JSBs music on the final track. Once again,
avoid the mistake. Neither download includes the booklet but offer the back cover to all comers. Ive
given the time as stated on that back cover, though Windows
Explorer times the programme at 55:05 and
at 50:12.
Beulah Extra
Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809)
Symphony No. 104 in D (London)
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra/Herbert von Karajan - rec. 1959
BEULAH EXTRA 2-5BX18 [26:11] - from
recorded by the Decca team, this first appeared in tandem with
Mozarts Symphony No.40 on RCA in 1960. Two variant views
of Karajans Haydn are encompassed in the one word, controlled,
some would say finely-controlled, others over-controlled. Even
when this recording reappeared in 1970 on the Ace of Diamonds
label, there wasnt too much competition, but it wouldnt
now feature high on my own shortlist - which must be headed
by the two Philips Duo 2-CD sets of the complete London Symphonies
(Nos. 93-104, 442 611-2 and 442 612-2) with Colin Davis and
the 5-CD Eugen Jochum set which I recommended earlier this year
(DGG 474 364-2 - see July 2011/2 Roundup).
Like Davis and Jochum, Karajan uses a modern-instrument orchestra
but Ive no objections on this count: Haydns last
six London Symphonies were conceived on a grand scale, as if
to out-Beethoven Beethoven, so they work well with a large orchestra.
Nor does Karajan over-drive the music - theres almost
as much charm here as from Sir Thomas Beecham - and the recording
stands up very well in this transfer, yet ultimately Id
go for Beecham, Davis or Jochum, all available very inexpensively. seem finally to have settled on a realistic
price of £6.99 for Beechams wonderful 2-CD set of
Nos.98-104 (see below for review).
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
Quintet in E flat for piano and wind instruments, K452
Alfred Brendel (piano); Members of the Hungarian Wind Quintet
- rec. 1959 ADD/stereo
BEULAH EXTRA 1-3BX165 [23:37] - from
this recording was released on the Vox Turnabout label in 1968
in tandem with Piano Concerto No.20*, both sides of the LP received
something of a pasting from Stephen Plaistow, as did the record
companies for not taking Brendel up in better partnerships and
better recordings. Theres no doubt that the competent
but rather lacklustre accompaniment here is not in the same
league as Brendels pellucid playing, but Id recommend
having this reissue for that alone. The recording seems to have
been tidied up considerably and now sounds more than acceptable,
with a very occasional touch of surface noise.
* reissued on a 2-CD set from Vox, CDX-5177, for around £10.50,
download from
for £9.98 or stream from Naxos Music Library.
The record companies did heed SPs censure and took Brendel
up in a big way. have Brendels later version
of the Quintet on a 2-CD Philips download for £11.99 -
- no longer available in the UK on CD.
Fritz Busch conducts the Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra in
a stylish account of Mozarts Marriage of Figaro
Overture in a 1934 recording on 1BX164 [3:52] - here.
The recording is very acceptable for its age - sounding better,
for example, than Sir Henry Woods Glinka (below). The
sound cuts off very abruptly - perhaps there would have been
a case for some artificial reverberation.
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Symphony No.2 in D, Op.36
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra/André Cluytens - rec. 1960
BEULAH EXTRA 19-22BX82 [35:15] - from
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Symphony No.4 in B flat, Op.60
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra/André Cluytens - rec. 1960
BEULAH EXTRA 15-18BX82 [33:32] - from
are two of Beethovens less flamboyant and less well-known
symphonies in stylish performances to match the music. Ive
recently praised Karl Böhm and Eugen Jochum on Beulah Extra
for the same virtues which André Cluytens Beethoven
exhibits: old-fashioned music-making in the best sense, with
no exaggeration but with no lack of characterisation. With the
Berlin Phil at his disposal and recording which still sounds
very much more than acceptable, I can think of no better way
for newcomers to approach these two symphonies. These performances
were recycled several times on LP and one can easily see why
they were consistently recommended. Listen for example to the
transition from the slow introduction to the main part of the
first movement of Symphony No.4 and you wont find it better
handled. These wont be your only versions of these symphonies,
but theres time later to experiment with period performances
and other finesse.
Mikhail GLINKA (1804-1857)
Ruslan and Ludmilla Overture
Queens Hall Orchestra/Sir Henry J Wood - rec. 1937 ADD/mono
BEULAH EXTRA 10BX3 [4:44] - from
A lively performance, beating super Solti (Romantic Russia,
Decca 460 977-2) by a few seconds and even matching Pletnev
(A Russian Weekend, Decca 477 6288). I have no doubt
that Beulah have done their best with this recording, certainly
to the extent of tidying up the 78 surface noise, but the sound
is rather thin even for its age.
Franz LISZT (1811-1886)
Piano Concerto No.1 in E flat, S124
Alfred Brendel (piano); Vienna Pro Musica Orchestra/Michael
Gielen - rec. 1957. ADD/stereo
BEULAH EXTRA 4BX165 [19:12] - from
Franz LISZT (1811-1886)
Piano Concerto No.2 in A, S125
Alfred Brendel (piano); Vienna Pro Musica Orchestra/Michael
Gielen - rec. 1957. ADD/stereo
BEULAH EXTRA 5BX165 [21:46] - from (mp3)
I have to single out one item (or, rather two items) from the
new Beulah Extra releases, it would be Brendels Liszt,
despite the availability of these recordings on budget price
Regis RRC1362 and Tuxedo TUXCD1013. The CDs are good value at
around a fiver each, but the Beulah downloads are even better
value at £1.25 (US$1.99) per concerto.
These recordings on the Vox label preceded the major discovery
of Brendels wonderful way with the Mozart Piano Concertos
- we had to wait for World Record Club to bring us those in
the early 1960s - so its very interesting that Brendels
talent in these Liszt Concertos was immediately recognised by
Roger Fiske, who strongly recommended the recording to Liszts
admirers and enemies alike. Trevor Harvey was if anything even
more enthusiastic about the Turnabout reissue at £0.99
in 1970.
The performances are lively, with soloist and orchestra even
sharing in some mild syncopation at times, but also sensitive.
The recording now sounds better than I recall from the Turnabout
LPs* - very good, in fact, for its age - and in no way detracted
from my enjoyment of the performances. At Beulahs attractive
price you could afford these as well as the classic Sviatoslav
Richter versions on Philips or the Beulah Extra reissue of Samson
Françoiss recordings (1BX108 and 2BX108) which
I reviewed in the February 2011 Roundup.
* the superior recording of Katchen and Argenta on Decca Ace
of Diamonds, reissued on Decca Legends 470 257-2, with the Hungarian
Rhapsody and so on, no longer available on CD, but download
in mp3 or lossless from - here
- is one reason why I stayed with that recording rather than
the Turnabout Brendel for the remainder of the LP era.
I havent yet heard the new Hyperion recording of Stephen
Hough in these two concertos, together with the Grieg, scheduled
for release on 1 November 2011, but that looks like one to watch.
Antonin DVOŘÁK (1841-1904)
Overture Carnival
Philharmonia Orchestra/Wolfgang Sawallisch - rec. 1960 ADD/stereo
BEULAH EXTRA 5BX166 [8:55] - from
Antonin DVOŘÁK (1841-1904)
Symphony No.9 in G, Op.95 (From the New World)
Philharmonia Orchestra/Wolfgang Sawallisch - rec. 1960 ADD/stereo
BEULAH EXTRA 1-4BX166 [39:26] - from
recording of the New World dates from a time when it
was still generally known as Symphony No.5. When these recordings
were reissued on Classics for Pleasure in 1970 they had the
misfortune to find themselves up against Istvan Kerteszs
earlier VPO recording of the New World on Decca, both
at less than £1. Before you start thinking that those
were the days, multiply that £1 by at least 25 for todays
equivalent. While both were stylish without being over- or under-driven,
the Kertesz was generally thought to have a slight edge, so
that was the version that replaced Karel Ančerl on the
Supraphon LP that Id owned for some time - a wonderful
recording, but Supraphon pressings were hardly the quietest.*
Thus I passed up my chance of hearing Sawallischs Dvořák,
whose acquaintance Im now pleased to make in these excellent
transfers. I can see why Kertesz was marginally preferred but
Id place Sawallisch in my top ten versions of this oft-performed
work. The recording still sounds well.
* Download from here
with Smetana Vltava for £2.10 or less.
Frederick DELIUS (1862-1934)
North Country Sketches (1913/14) [7:13 + 4:04 + 5:48 + 7:33]
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Thomas Beecham - rec. 1949
BEULAH EXTRA 5-8BX43 [24:38] - from
Gustav HOLST (1874-1934)
St Pauls Suite [12:29]
Boyd Neel String Orchestra/Boyd Neel - rec. 1949 ADD/mono
BEULAH EXTRA 3-6BX116 [12:29] - from
Gustav HOLST (1874-1934)
Somerset Rhapsody [9:24]
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra/Charles Groves - rec. 1952 ADD/mono
BEULAH EXTRA 1BX158 [9:24] - from
These performances of Delius and Holst are also included on
the Classical Britain album which I reviewed in the September
2011/2 Roundup (1PD58).
Neel and his orchestra provided some staple recordings for Decca
in the 1940s and 1950s and the four movements of Holsts
St Pauls Suite are among their best offerings, presented
here in thin but very acceptable sound.
The Somerset Rhapsody has been rescued from Classics
Club, later reissued on a crackly Saga LP for 10/- (£0.50).
Its the sort of music that was meat and drink to Sir Charles
long before he became the Grand Old Man of British music and
it sounds well. Beechams Delius has even more classic
status, as evidenced by this mono recording of North Country
Sketches, which I first encountered on a Philips GL-label
LP - originally recorded on 78s (Columbia LX1399-41), and sounding
every bit of it on LP as I recall, despite Trevor Harveys
comments to the contrary when the Philips LP was released in
1964. I wouldnt have recognised the glowing Beulah transfer
as the same recording - either the Columbia original was better
than the Philips reissue or Barry Coward has worked magic on
it, as he so often does.
new reissue makes a welcome supplement to the mono and stereo
recordings of Beechams Delius included in the recent 6-CD
anthology of British music from EMI (see Rob Barnetts
review) which was my Bargain of the Month
in July 2011/1. An earlier (1945) recording of the Sketches
with the LPO features in an all-Delius programme on Somm SOMM-BEECHAM10*,
but includes Autumn and Winter only, so the Beulah version is
all the more welcome. There are too few recordings of this work
to ignore either of these Beecham versions and, in any case,
his way with Delius is unbeatable. Vernon Handley on Chandos
is the sole current alternative for the complete thing, best
obtained on the 2-for-1 The Essential Delius, CHAN241-37,
reviewed in January 2009
* Mark Elder and the Hallé have recorded The March of
Spring on their excellent recent anthology English Spring (CDHLL7528
- Recording of the Month: see review,
and August 2011/1 Roundup: Download of the Month).
Harry Mortimer and the Sale and District Musical Society with
the Fodens, Fairey Aviation and Morris Motors Brass bands perform
Stephen Adams The Holy City on 6BX156
[4:49] - here.
Its a slightly understated performance and the stereo
recording sounds a little on the thin side for its date of 1958.
In another release which should appeal to lovers of band music,
Stanley Boddington conducts the GUS Footwear Band in Hérolds
Zampa Overture on 5BX156 [6:25] - a 1959 stereo
recording - here.
Josquin des PRÉS
Salve Regina a 5 [7:18]
Missa Hercules dux Ferrariæ [27:13]
Virgo salutiferi [7:39]
Miserere mei, Deus [16:54]
De Labyrintho/Walter Testolin - rec. 2003? DDD?
Texts not included.
STRADIVARIUS STR33674 [59:02] - from
Pierre de la RUE (c. 1460-1518)
Missa pro defunctis [27:29]
Josquin des PRÉS
Missa Hercules dux Ferrariæ [22:36]
La Deploration de Johannes Ockeghem [6:13]
New London Chamber Choir/James Wood - rec. 1985. DDD.
AMON RA CD-SAR 24 [56:34] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
Josquin des PRÉS
Deus, in nomine tuo [4:23]
Perfunde Coeli Rore [7:20]
Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariæ [30:55]
Inviolata, integra et casta es [3:28]
Miserere mei, Deus [12:43]
Chi a Martello dio glil toglia [2:35]
A Sei Voci with Les Saqueboutiers de Toulouse, Ensemble Labyrinthes
and Maîtrise des Pays de Loire - rec. Sep. 1996. DDD
No texts.
NAÏVE AUVIDIS E8601 [61:24] - from
Mass for Duke Ercole of Ferrara is one of Josquins most
important and accomplished works. It and the other pieces receive
an excellent performance from De Labyrintho. Only
who crave the varied instrumental accompaniment which A Sei
Voci add to the Mass need seek their alternative, available
only as a download from - Mark Sealey seems
to have found that accompaniment tedious for repeated hearing
(see review)
and I entirely take his point. A little sackbut goes a long
way, though the accompaniment undoubtedly peps up the performance
on first hearing. The Stradivarius recording and transfer are
excellent, the latter at the full 320kb/s. The price is very
reasonable, too.
Bargain seekers, however, will not be at all disappointed with
the Hilliard Ensemble conducted by Paul Hillier in a slightly
faster-paced version of the Mass on a super-budget 2-CD Virgin
Veritas set, coupled with several motets and secular pieces,
including the well-known Scaramella va a la Guerra. Thats
available as 0724356234659 from
in good mp3 for £7.99, again without notes, though these
are usually rudimentary for this series anyway. UK readers will
find this available on CD as 5623462 for around the same price.
Sample via Naxos Music Library.
New London Chamber Choir offer another fine performance
and an alternative coupling, aptly characterised by Robert Hugill:
This is an attractive disc and only occasionally do the
choirs very high standards lapse. Perhaps, nowadays, we
might expect performances which reflect the tuning and tonality
of the 1400s. But Wood and his choir display fine musicality
and anyone wanting performances of these works need look no
further. (See review).
I thought the pace of the Josquin a little too fast, not to
say rushed, and the opening Kyrie certainly follows too
hard on the heels of the final Agnus Dei of the de le
Rue Requiem. The recording, especially in lossless format,
is good. Again, this can be sampled via the Naxos Music Library.
Josquin des PRÉS
Missa di dadi in 4 parts [29:59]
Missa Faysant Regretz in 4 parts [21:57]
The Medieval Ensemble of London/Peter Davies and Timothy Davies
- rec 1984. DDD
No texts.
DECCA OISEAU-LYRE 475 9112 [51:48] - from
issued on LP, this doesnt seem to have survived long in
the catalogue in CD format, even when reissued in 2007 at mid
price, though it had no competitors for the Missa di dadi,
so the download is all the more welcome. There
may be some doubts about the authenticity of the Missa di
dadi, which is based on a song by the English composer Morton
- Josquins name tended to be attached to other peoples
works with the same abandon as Pergolesis was later -
but the music is well worth hearing. Di dadi refers to
the game of dice (Italian dado, plural dadi) and
the music is constructed on mathematical principles; forget
about these and enjoy. Clarity is the keynote of these performances
and the mp3 transfer does justice to the recording. There are
no texts but, as they consist only of the ordinary of the Mass,
these are easily come by.
Josquin des PRÉS
Missa Pange lingua [32:36]
Planxit autem David [14:45]
Vultum tuum deprecabuntur [27:51]
The Choir of Westminster Cathedral/James ODonnell - rec.1992.
Pdf booklet with texts and translations included.
HYPERION HELIOS CDH55374 [75:40] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
budget-price CD and download contains a recording of the Missa
pange lingua, not so much to rival that on Gimell (above)
as to place it in another context - that of a cathedral choir
more attuned to a continental European manner than its Anglican
rivals but, like them, employing boys voices as Josquin
would have done. For once the performance is slower than that
of the Tallis Scholars to allow for the cathedral acoustic.
If I marginally prefer the Scholars, the two remaining works
and the performance of them are such that, coupled with the
attractive price of this recent reissue, you should consider
having both performances of the Mass. I made this my Reissue
of the Month in the August 2011/2 Roundup.
John TAVERNER (d.1545) Imperatrix
inferni: Votive Antiphons and Ritual Music
Quemadmodum [5:39]
Audivi vocem [3:50]
Ave Dei patris filia [14:15]
Dum transisset sabbatum [7:48]
Mater Christi [6:11]
Gaude plurimum [15:28]
[Hodie nobis celorum rex ...] Gloria in excelsis Deo
Kyrie Leroy: O splendor gloriæ [11:51]
Alamire (Grace Davidson, Kirsty Hopkins, Eleanor Cramer (soprano);
Ruth Massey, Clare Wilkinson (contralto); Mark Dobell, Nicholas
Todd, Ashley Turnell, Simon Wall (tenor); Eamonn Dougan, Timothy
Scott Whiteley (baritone); William Gaunt, Robert Macdonald (bass))/David
Skinner - rec. 23-25 November 2010. DDD.
Performing editions by David Skinner
Pdf booklet with texts and translations included
OBSIDIAN OBSID-CD707 [70:21] - from (mp3)
a real feast of renaissance polyphony on offer this month. Had
the new Tallis Scholars recording of Josquin not appeared
at the same time, this and the new Hyperion recording of Victoria
would have had to fight it out for my Download of the Month
- regard them both as very close runners-up. Thankfully, we
arent short of recordings of Taverners wonderful
music, thanks principally to the Taverner Scholars on Gimell
and on The Sixteen on Hyperion. Alamire have already contributed
with Christe Jesu, pastor bone (OBSID-CD705 - see September
2009 Roundup)
but we dont yet have a complete uvre. While
the Easter respond Dum transisset sabbatum has received
a number of recordings, some of the other works here are, to
the best of my knowledge, not available in other versions.
The Imperatrix inferni, or Empress of the underworld
of the title is, of course, the Virgin Mary, to whose honour
much of the music here is dedicated. Its all superbly
sung and very well recorded. The download includes the excellent
book of notes, texts and translations. I was surprised to see
Christe Jesu, pastor bone mis-spelled there, but thats
really picking holes. Try it via the Naxos Music Library and
youll want the download or its parent CD.
Tomás Luis de VICTORIA (1548-1611)
Salve regina (5vv) (1583) [4:48]
Missa De Beata Maria Virgine (5vv) [30:22]
Giovanni Pierluigi da PALESTRINA
Surge, propera amica mea, et veni (4vv) [3:48]
Tomás Luis de VICTORIA Missa
Surge propera (5vv) [28:58]
The Choir of Westminster Cathedral/Martin Baker - rec. July
and October 2010. DDD.
Pdf booklet with texts included.
HYPERION CDA67891 [67:52] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
Tomás Luis de VICTORIA (1548-1611)
O magnum mysterium [4:48]
Missa O magnum mysterium [22:21]
Ascendens Christus in altum [5:01]
Missa Ascendens Christus in altum [20:57]
The Choir of Westminster Cathedral/David Hill - rec. 1985. DDD.
Pdf booklet with texts included
HYPERION CDA66190 [53:08] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
Tomás Luis de VICTORIA (1548-1611)
Ave Regina cælorum for eight voices [4:34]
Missa Ave Regina cælorum for eight voices [19:56]
Ave Maria for four voices [2:08]
Dixit Dominus for eight voices [5:37]
Laudate pueri Dominum for eight voices [5:05]
Laudate Dominum omnes gentes for eight voices [3:19]
Lætatus sum for twelve voices [6:56]
Nisi Dominus for eight voices [5:22]
Magnificat septimi toni for four voices [10:09]
Ave Maria for eight voices [4:15]
Robert Quinney (organ continuo)
The Choir of Westminster Cathedral/Martin Baker - rec. 2004.
HYPERION CDA67479 [67:02] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
doing the new Westminster recording on CDA67891 and the
Taverner (above) a grave injustice by not making either of them
my Download of the Month. In this one roundup alone I
could easily have found half of my allotted six Recordings
of the Year. Its almost superfluous now to remind
you that Victorias music rivals that of Palestrina, that
the Westminster Cathedral forces do him proud and that they
are most ably supported by Hyperion in the form of excellent
recordings and an excellent booklet.
new recording joins several excellent predecessors from Westminster
Cathedral Choir in the music of Victoria, as recorded by Hyperion
under four distinguished musical directors. CDA66190
is the only one that I havent reviewed. The slightly short
playing time is reflected in a reduced asking price of £5.99
for the download, so theres no need to wait for it to
be reissued on the less expensive Helios label. Apart from David
Hills apparent liking for hard g in words like
magnum and genitum, which I hadnt noticed
until now, I need hardly say that it and the others listed below
are excellent:
- Missa Gaudeamus - a liturgical sequence for the Feast
of the Assumption with organ music by Girolamo Frescobaldi (CDA67748,
directed by Matthew Martin) - see review,
August 2009 Roundup
and March 2011/2 Roundup
- Requiem: Officium Defunctorum (CDA66250, directed
by David Hill) - see October 2010 Roundup
- Missa Trahe me post te, etc. (CDH55376, directed
by James ODonnell) - see March 2011/2 Roundup
- Missa Vidi speciosam (CDA66129, reissued CDH55358,
directed by David Hill) - see June 2011/1 Roundup
- Missæ O quam gloriosum and Ave maris stella
(CDA66114, directed by David Hill) - see Hyperion
Top 30 and May 2011/2 Roundup
- Missa Dum complerentur, etc. (CDH55452, directed
by James ODonnell) - see September 2011/1 Roundup
- Tenebræ responsories (CDA66304, directed
by David Hill) - see March 2010 Roundup
CDA67479, see September 2011/1 Roundup,
together with other recordings of Victoria from Harmonia Mundi,
Dynamic and Naxos.
The choristers singing on these recordings isnt
flawless - go for The Sixteen or the Tallis Scholars (below)
for perfect accuracy - but its far and away better than
most Spanish choirs manage, if my experiences of hearing Victoria
in Toledo Cathedral many years ago are representative, and most
will be prepared to forgive minor flaws for the sake of hearing
the music performed with boys voices. Hyperion dont
have the monopoly on Victoria, of course. Other distinguished
recordings of Victoria include:
- Hail Mother of the Redeemer : Coro - Sixteen (May 2011/2 Roundup)
- Lamentations (exc): Chandos - Nordic Voices (+ GESUALDO,
WHITE, PALESTRINA) (November 2009 Roundup)
- Missa Dum Complerentur, Simile est regnum clorum
: Nimbus - Christ Church, Oxford (August 2009 Roundup)
- Missa Gaudeamus a6, etc. Cardinalls Musick -
ASV (March 2011/2 Roundup)
- Requiem (1605), Salve Regina, etc.: Coro - The
Sixteen (October 2008 Roundup)
- Requiem, etc (in Renaissance Giants and
Requiem): Gimell - Tallis Scholars (Oct 2008 Roundup)
- The Call of the Beloved - Motets and Hymns: Coro - The Sixteen
(October 2008 Roundup)
- The Victoria Collection - Coro - The Sixteen (March 2011/2
- The Victoria Collection - Tallis Scholars - Gimell (3 CDs)
(March 2011/2 Roundup)
What better way could there be to commemorate the quatercentenary
of Victorias death than by obtaining and listening to
as many of these as possible?
Barbaric Beauty
Georg Philipp TELEMANN (1681-1767)
Perpetuum Mobile: Concerto Polonois in G, interspersed
with Dances from Rostock Collection and other collections [14:52]
Les Janissaires and Dances from collections [6:11]
Mourky [10:21]
Dances from Collection Uhrovec, etc. [11:44]
Georg Philipp TELEMANN Hanaquoise
interspersed with dances from Boere Tansen (Peasants
Dances) [7:41]
From Collection Szirmay-Keczer, etc.[11:35]
Georg Philipp TELEMANN Marche
Mezzetin en Turc; Dance 277 from Collection Uhrovec;
Les Turcs [9:02]
Holland Baroque Society with Milo Valent (violin), Jan
Rokyta (cimbalom or hammered dulcimer and folk recorders), Armenian
Duduk (clarinet) - rec. DDD/DSD
Manuscript arrangements: Milo Valent and Tineke Steenbrink
CHANNEL CLASSICS CCSSA31911 [77:32] - from
(mp3 and 24/44.1, 24/96 and 24/192 lossless)
[follow link above to see 9-minute video]
is Telemann, but not as we know him. This enterprising new recording
offers not his more familiar music in the French and Italian
styles but music from Eastern Europe from collections which
he himself made or contemporary with him, including the Rostock
manuscript, a collection of dances in his own hand. All the
music here, both that by Telemann and that from the dance collections,
is exotic and very entertaining and the performances are very
lively - even more so than those on the Channel Classics Holland
Baroque 'straight Telemann collection which John-Pierre
Joyce reviewed (CCSSA28409 - see review).
Ive given just a hint above of how the performances intermingle
Telemanns music and the folk works which influenced him.
I was already aware of the influence of Polish music on Telemann
- theres even a Dorian CD, DOR90302, entitled Telemann
alla polacca - but this collection is a real eye-opener.
As for the employment of the Hackbrett, the booklet offers
evidence that he knew and employed this instrument, well known
since its deployment in the film The Third Man. The rear
insert correctly translates this into English as cimbalom or
hammered dulcimer - dont be deceived by the notes which
call it a cymbal, a mistranslation of the Dutch cimbaal.
Otherwise the notes are excellent, as is the recording which
I heard in 24/96 format.
Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)
Violin Concertos
Concerto in a minor BWV 1041 [12:14]
Concerto in E BWV 1042 [15:38]
Concerto in g minor after BWV 1056 [9:24]
Concerto in A after BWV 1055 [9:30]
Rachel Podger (violin/director); Brecon Baroque (Bojan Čičíc,
Johannes Pramsohler (violins); Jane Rodgers (viola); Alison
McGillivray (cello); Jan Spencer (violone); Christopher Bucknall
(harpsichord)) - rec. May 2010. DDD/DSD
Pdf booklet included.
CHANNEL CLASSICS CCSSA30910 [51:18] - from
(mp3, 12/44.1, 24/96 and 14/192 lossless)
in common with most other reviewers, seem to have missed this
recording when it was released on CD. Im delighted to
remedy the omission now.
Not without justification, and hardly surprisingly, Rachel Podger
is a pluralist performer in the Bach Violin Concertos, first
as second string in the Double Concertos on Harmonia Mundi HMU90
7155, with the Academy of Ancient Music and Andrew Manze in
1996 and subsequently as chief soloist in this recording for
Channel Classics. Its hardly surprising that this is listed
on their home page as one of their best sellers since its release
last year (2010). It offers the two well-known solo concertos
together with arrangements of two keyboard concertos which may
well have started life as violin works and sound well in that
form. Its a shame that the Concerto for two violins was
not included - there would have been room for it on a not very
well-filled recording.
Id rate the performances among the liveliest that Ive
heard, the kind that makes you want to sing along, and I would
certainly place it in the top half dozen recordings in a competitive
field unless you must have the regular coupling
with one or more of the double concertos. In fact, you can supplement
it with Podger, again with the Academy of Ancient Music, in
the two-violin concerto, BWV1043, on the Wigmore Hall label
from (WHLive0005,
with Handel and Vivaldi, for £4.99)*. The Channel Classics
downloaded recording is excellent - I tried the 24-bit/96kHz
version - and a fine booklet comes as part of the deal.
* review in the next Roundup
Those who habitually shun period performance - they really need
not in this case - will find their needs well catered for with
the Arthur Grumiaux recording on Philips Silver Line 420 700-2,
available in mp3 from - here.
Johann Friedrich FASCH (1688-1758):
Orchestral Works, Volume 2
Concerto in D, FWV L: D5 [19:10]
Ouverture in a minor, FWV K: a1 [25:51]
Sinfonia in g minor, FWV M: g1 [10:10]
Concerto in G, FWV L: G13 [18:37]
Tempesta di Mare: Philadelphia Baroque Orchestra/Gwyn Roberts
and Richard Stone (artistic directors); Emlyn Ngai (concertmaster)
- rec. live, October 2010, March and May 2011. DDD.
All premiere recordings
pdf booklet included.
CHANDOS CHAN0783 [74:12] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
1 of this series appeared in 2008 and was welcomed by Johan
van Veen, though he felt a lack of dynamic shading, not
just between notes, but also on single notes, and sometimes
the differentiation and articulation could have been a bit sharper.
I would have liked the performances to be more sparkling, with
more attack and with sharper edges. - see
Volume 2 is, if anything, more welcome; though JVs reservations
still hold good Im a little less inclined to give them
weight. There is still too little of Faschs music in the
recorded repertoire, though Dynamic and, to a lesser extent
Naxos, have been working to put matters right. (See my review
of Faschs Passion, 8.570326, with links to various
other Fasch recordings reviewed by JV.) All the works on both
Chandos volumes are receiving their well-deserved premieres
on record. Fasch may not be the equal of Telemann and the performances
may not have quite the liveliness of Collegium 90s recordings
of that composer, also on Chandos, but I enjoyed everything
here enough to send me in search of Volume 1.
The fact that these are live recordings means that we occasionally
hear some rustling noises and clicking of keys and, more seriously
for some, some inevitable rough edges when period instruments,
especially the horns, perform live. I didnt find any of
these disturbing, however.
Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) London
Symphonies: Volume 2
Symphony No.99 in E flat [25:27]
Symphony No.100 in G (Military) [21:23]
Symphony No.103 in E flat (Drumroll) [30:13]
Symphony No.101 in D (Clock) [28:22]
Symphony No.102 in B flat [21:47]
Symphony No.104 in D (London) [26:39]
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Thomas Beecham - rec.1957-8.
EMI CLASSICS 0724358551358 [2CDs 77:09 + 78:24] - from
(mp3) Stream from Naxos Music Library [See review by Terry
Barfoot: Bargain of the Month.]
Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809)
Symphony No 101 in D (Clock) [25:36]
Symphony No 102 in B flat (now known to be the true Miracle
Symphony) [22:15]
Overture to an English opera Windsor Castle [4:06]
The Hanover Band/Roy Goodman (c.1798 fortepiano) - rec. 1991.
pdf booklet included.
HYPERION HELIOS CDH55127 [52:01] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
last the price of EMI and Virgin Classics budget-price twofers
from seems to have settled at a competitive
£6.99, with a few at a still reasonable £7.99. That
means that I can finally recommend the download of Volume 2
of Beechams London Symphonies alongside that of
Volume 1, already on sale for £6.99, which I reviewed
some time ago.
Theres little that I need add: these are supremely stylish
performances, even though they employ editions which were already
out of date in Beechams time and the recording (stereo
for this set) has worn even better than the mono of the first
volume. Whatever other recordings of these symphonies you have,
you need this one.
Goodman series was, sadly, never completed. Only this
recording was made of the second London set and only Nos. 93-95
(CDH55126, reviewed in the January 2011 Roundup)
from the first set. The emphasis here is on recapturing period
performance - hence the often fairly audible fortepiano and
the use of more accurate editions - but the result is far from
dead scholarship. In its own way this is just as enjoyable as
Beecham, occasionally even more so - try the ticking slow movement
from the Clock. Though the proponents of the one
may dislike the other, ideally you need both. You might expect
Goodmans tempi to be faster than Beechams but, interestingly,
its swings and roundabouts in that respect. By comparison
with the EMI set the Hyperion CD offers short value, even for
1991 and, though the price is attractive, the booklet comes
as part of the deal - identifying No.102 as the true Miracle
Symphony, not No.96 - and the lossless flac comes at the same
price as the mp3, the Beecham set is the clearer bargain. also have Geoffrey Tates very recommendable
recordings of Nos.99-104 on three separate EMI Encore recordings
but the prices vary from a very reasonable £3.99 to an
uncompetitive £8.99. Nos.100 and 102-4 are better value
on EMI Classics for Pleasure 5099922836953
at £4.99. (See my review
of the Encore CD of Symphonies 102 and 104.)
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
Divertimento No. 10 in F, K247 [31:27]
Divertimento No. 17 in D, K334 [44:06]
The Gaudier Ensemble (Marieke Blankestijn, Lesley Hatfield (violins);
Iris Juda (viola); Stephen Williams (double bass); Jonathan
Williams, Christiaan Boers (horn)) - rec. 2002. DDD
pdf booklet included
HYPERION CDA67386 [73:35] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
Oboe Quartet in F, for oboe, violin, viola, cello, K370 [17:27]
Horn Quintet in E flat for horn, violin, two violas, cello,
K407 [18:41]
Quintet movement in F for clarinet in C, basset horn, violin,
viola, cello, K580b [12:48]
Quintet for piano, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon in E flat
major K452 [25:03]
The Gaudier Ensemble (Marieke Blankestijn (violin); Iris Juda
(viola); Jane Atkins (viola); Christoph Marks (cello); Douglas
Boyd (oboe) Richard Hosford (bassett horn, clarinet); Nicholas
Rodwell (clarinet); Robin ONeill (bassoon); Jonathan Williams
(horn); Susan Tomes (piano))
Pdf booklet included
HYPERION HELIOS CDH55390 [74:00] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
March, K.445 (320c) [2:27]
Divertimento No.17 in D for 2 violins, viola, bass and 2 horns,
K334 (320b)* [47:25]
Quartet for oboe, violin, viola and cello in F, K.370
Scottish Chamber Orchestra Ensemble (Alexander Janiczek (director/violin)*;
Ruth Crouch (violin)*; Jane Atkins (viola)*; David Watkin
(cello); Nikita Naumov (double bass)*; Robin Williams
(oboe); Pip Eastop (natural horn)*; Harry Johnstone (natural
pdf booklet included
LINN CKD376 [63:48] - from
(mp3, 16- and 24-bit lossless)
reviewed the Hyperion recording of the two Divertimenti
in the January 2011 Roundup
- the recording had not been purchased for such a long time
that it had fallen into Hyperions half-price please
buy me category. Im constantly perplexed to see
what superb recordings are on offer there - its worth
checking at least once a week: you could build up a wonderful
CD library at half price in that way. I hope that neither the
Gaudier Ensemble nor the new version from the
CO Ensemble fall into that predicament again - surely every
serious collector of Mozart needs a recording of Divertimento
No.17. The Oboe Quartet, too, is quintessential Mozart chamber
music and, again, theres the choice here between two excellent
Coupling, price and availability of audiophile 24-bit downloads
could well solve the issue. If you are happy with CD-quality
16-bit lossless, the two Hyperion albums cost £7.99 and
£5.99 respectively, the Linn costs £10 (mp3 is less
expensive at £8, the 24-bit formats cost £18). In
purely mercenary terms, you could, therefore, have twice as
much music from the Gaudier Ensemble for little less outlay.
In musical terms, it depends whether you want K334 with (Linn)
or without (Hyperion) its associated March; Ive no strong
opinion on this issue either way. The Scottish players employ
natural horns, played well in tune - not something that can
be taken for granted but, as it reduces the difference in sound
between them and the Gaudier horn players, it doesnt materially
affect the outcome. Lecturers who need to spot sections will
prefer the Linn recording, which divides the six movements -
six tracks on Hyperion - into twelve sections, with each of
the variations of the second movement on a separate track. Again,
thats an issue that wont affect the vast majority
of listeners, except that the extra divisions on Linn raise
the possibility of very slight drop-outs in the music at track
After an opening allegro where tempi are almost exactly
alike, the Scottish players take a little longer over most movements
than the Gaudiers: the Theme and Variations, for example, take
nine minutes on their recording as against 8:21. That makes
the music sound a little more stately on the new recording but
stateliness never gives way to sluggishness. On the other hand,
the Gaudiers are generally a smidgen more lively and lean on
the music just a little more in a way which reminds me of the
Boskovsky Ensembles Decca recordings of Mozart Divertimenti
and Serenades. (458 310-2, almost 10 hours of delightful music;
CD no longer available but download from
in mp3 or flac.)
Both recordings are very good and both come with informative
pdf booklets. The Hyperion reflects the lighter tone of the
Gaudier Ensemble.
the budget-price Helios recording, I need only repeat
what I wrote as recently as the August 2011/2 Roundup:
Very attractive music, though not as often performed or recorded
as other Mozart works, with the exception of the Piano Quintet.
I need say only that performances, recording and presentation
are among Hyperions best and that the price is most attractive:
I sometimes think that I might just as well cut and paste the
whole Hyperion catalogue into one of my roundups and give it
a blanket recommendation, apart from the rather underpowered
version of Vaughan Williams, Five Tudor Portraits on
Antonín DVOŘÁK
Slavonic Dances, Op. 46 (1878) [34:19]
Slavonic Dances, Op. 72 (1886-1887) [36:09]
Budapest Festival Orchestra/Iván Fischer - rec. March
and May 1999. DDD/DSD
CHANNEL CLASSICS CCSSA90210 [70:28] - from
(mp3, 24/44.1, 24/96 and 24/192 lossless)
[Despite my initial reservations Fischer and the BFO have
persuaded me theres plenty of fine music in these collections,
much of it revealed to me as never before. Throw in excellent
sonics and good liner-notes and you have a most desirable issue.
And while Channels production values are as high as ever,
I dont care for their flimsy Digipaks, which are susceptible
to scuffs and tears. Still, its the music that really
matters, and after hearing Fischer youll be listing your
old faves on eBay. - see full review
by Dan Morgan.]
readers who notice how often I find myself in accord with Dan
Morgan will not be surprised to find me in agreement with him
again - except that I didnt even have any initial reservations
and, of course, with downloads you dont have to worry
about the cardboard digipack, since all the music is safely
stored on your internal or external hard drive, preferably both
for security. Alternatively you can choose your own CD case
if you burn the mp3 or 24/44.1 download to CDR. I chose the
96kHz download, which is too large to burn onto one CDR but
can be got onto a DVD if you have a player capable of playing
DVD Audio. The 192kHz version, of course, produces an even larger
file but can still be fitted on DVD.
Ive downloaded channelclassics.coms recordings in
both 44.1kHz and 96kHz versions this month and been more than
satisfied with both - they are, after all, in 24-bit form -
but real audiophiles will want the top range 192kHz versions.
Make sure that you can play them - try the test files available
on the Channel Classics website. If your player down-samples
or refuses to play the 24/96 and 24/192 versions, youll
need to invest in a good DAC (digital-audio converter), a step
which I still havent taken.
I havent yet said anything about the performances and
many readers will have taken it for granted that this team in
Dvořák is pretty well unbeatable, especially those
who have read my July 2010 Download Roundup
where I preferred the download of the earlier
Philips release of Symphonies 8 and 9 to Marin Alsops
then recent recording of Nos. 7 and 8 on Naxos and thought it
on a par with Rafael Kubelík on DGG Originals. Devotees
of Dvořák will recognise that as high praise indeed
and the Slavonic Dances are worthy of a similar encomium.
I havent heard the Szell recordings on CD but remember
them with affection from a 1961 slightly abridged release on
a Fontana LP that also came with a reproduction of a painting.
For quite some time Ive regarded the Naxos recording as
my benchmark - one of their earlier issues which used to be
available from Woolworths only. (Slovak PO/Zdenek Koler,
8.550143 - download from
in mp3.) The Channel Classics performance is in no way inferior
to either of those - just a touch livelier where it matters
- and the superior recording quality means that this now becomes
my version of choice.
Fischers recording of those two symphonies has now migrated
from Philips to Channel Classics and its available in
a variety of download formats as opposed to (good) mp3 only
from (CCSSA90110 - here.)
If, as I expect, it sounds as good as this recording of the
Slavonic Dances, also originally from Philips, that might
even give it the edge over Kubelík.
Edvard GRIEG (1843-1907)
Two Elegiac Melodies, Op. 34 (1880) [8:47]
Two Melodies for String Orchestra, Op. 53 (1890) [8:20]
From Holbergs Time: Suite in Olden Style, Op. 40 (1884)
Two Lyric Pieces, Op. 68 (1897-99) [7:10]
Two Nordic Melodies for String Orchestra, Op. 63 (1895) [11:07]
Lyric Suite, Op. 54 (1905) [15:42]
Malmö Symphony Orchestra/Bjarte Engeset - rec. August 2006
and May 2009. DDD
Pdf booklet included
NAXOS 8.572403 [71:13] - from
(mp3). Stream from Naxos Music Library
Edvard GRIEG (1843-1907)
Symphonic Works: Volume 1
Symphonic Dances, Op.64 [33:05]
Peer Gynt: Suite No.1, Op.46 [15:11]
Peer Gynt: Suite No.2, Op.55 [17:50]
Sorgemarsj over Rikard Nordråk (Funeral March in
Memory of Rikard Nordraak), EG 107 (version for orchestra) [10:15]
West German Radio Symphony Orchestra/Eivind Aadland
AUDITE 92.651 [73:20] - from
(mp3) Stream from Naxos Music Library
Edvard GRIEG (1843-1907)
Symphonic Works: Volume 2
2 Elegiac Melodies, Op.34 [9:45]
From Holbergs Time, Op.40 [20:58]
2 Melodies, Op.53 [9:05]
2 Nordic Melodies, Op.63 [12:20]
West German Radio Symphony Orchestra/Eivind Aadland
AUDITE 92.579 [52:08] - from
(mp3) Stream from Naxos Music Library
1 of the Audite series has already won golden opinions which
Im entirely happy to endorse. The Symphonic Dances,
though less frequently played than the Peer Gynt Suites,
are the equal of Dvořáks better-known Slavonic
Dances. They receive an excellent performance, as does the
rest of this generously programmed album. The Peer Gynt
Suites represent only a fragment of the fine music for that
work - Id welcome hearing Aadland offer the complete incidental
music or, at least, a 60-minute-plus selection, but for the
moment Im content with his versions of the Suites as a
modern replacement for Fjeldstads slightly fuller excerpts
from Peer
Gynt, coupled with Curzons stereo remake of the Piano
Concerto which I recommended last month. (Decca 448 5992, download
only, see October 2011/1 Roundup).
The Audite recording sounds fine in mp3 format.
Volume 2 of the Audite series and the Naxos recording almost
exactly duplicate each other, except that the Naxos costs less
(£4.99 against £7.99) and contains considerably
more music. At under an hour the Audite is short value. Is it
worth going for the bargain or does the Audite recording merit
costing more than twice as much per second?
First, let me duck the question for a moment and remind you
that the real bargain in Grieg downloads, almost eight times
as much music for the price of the Naxos download, comes from in the form of the 99 Most Essential Grieg
Masterpieces, as recommended in the June 2011/2 Roundup
by Nick Barnard. There the Symphonic Dances come from
a highly recommendable BIS recording (Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra/Ole
Ruud) and the Holberg Suite from the Slovak Philharmonic is
pretty good, too. All this and much more besides - over 8 hours
- costs just £4.99, so it doesnt much matter that
the Peer Gynt Suites from the Tblisi Symphony Orchestra
are less recommendable.
squeezes just a fraction more emotion out of the Two Elegiac
Melodies than Engeset and theres very little to choose
between the two orchestral contributions: at first, for a bar
or two, I wondered whether this was the Malmö Orchestra
at its best, but I need not have worried. If push comes to shove,
I must express a preference for this music not to wear its heart
too overtly on its sleeve, so Im with Engeset on this
one by a small whisker. I already knew that he was an accomplished
interpreter of Grieg - see review,
and review
of his recording of the Piano Concerto and Symphonic Dances
on Naxos 6.110060/5.110060 - and this confirms it.
the Holberg Suite that most people will want - just the
kind of faux-antiquery that I go for. Here again I liked
the slightly faster tempi overall on the Naxos recording. The
opening Prelude goes with a real swing without ever sounding
rushed. As it happens, in this movement Engeset matches Aadlands
timing exactly and both orchestras ably keep up the pace, so
theres little to choose; both are a little faster than
Karajan and a little slower than Marriner to name two classic
accounts. Ole Ruud with the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, my
benchmark among recent versions, is also a shade faster than
both (BIS-SACD-1491, download from
in mp3 and 16-bit lossless for just $6.89; $10.34 for 24-bit),
but theres very little in it. Ian Lace described the BIS
recording as Lovely, warm, sensitive performances of favourite
Grieg pieces in superior SACD sound. (See review).
So its a clear recommendation for the first volume of
the Audite series but a less clear-cut issue for the Holberg
Suite. The BIS download of the Ruud recording from
is perhaps still the safest recommendation and it comes in lossless
sound for around the same low price as the Naxos. The Naxos
recording has the most music and theres little to choose
between the performances there and those on Audite. All three
recordings couple the Suite with the Elegiac Melodies and the
Nordic Melodies and the Naxos and BIS both also contain the
Lyric Pieces. The BIS download comes with the pdf booklet.
Gustav MAHLER (1860-1911)
Symphony No. 4 in G (1892, 1899-1900; revised 1910) [56:41]
Miah Persson (soprano); Budapest Festival Orchestra/Iván
Fischer - rec. September 2008. DDD.
CHANNEL CLASSICS CCSSA26109 [56:41] - from
(mp3, 24/44.1, 24/96 and 24/192 lossless flac)
I reviewed the mp3 version of this recording in the
July 2010 Roundup,
I found myself swimming against the overwhelming tide of critical
opinion, not least that of our own Leslie Wright, for whom it
was Recording of the Month. Apart from the fact
that Channel Classics own lossless recording places the
performance in a much better light than emusics mp3, with
inner detail much clearer, though well integrated within the
overall sound picture, Im not sure why my reaction now
is much more positive. Those Viennese nudgings of the tempo
now seem much more natural than they did a year ago. Id
still place George Szell at the head of the list for this symphony
(CBS/Sony 46535), though Dan Morgan and I had some reservations
about the High Definition Tape Transfer of that recording in
the February 2011 Roundup.
For me Fischer now joins recordings by Michael Tilson Thomas
(August 2010 Roundup)
and Charles Mackerras (February 2011 Roundup)
among the best recent versions.
I listened to the 24/44.1 lossless flac version, partly because
my broadband router is currently refusing to work with my Logitech
Squeezebox and Im having to use the Winamp player, but
I understand from Channel Classics that the great majority of
downloads from their site are in 24/192 quality. Time for me
to get a DAC, I think.
Bernard HERRMANN (1911-1975)
Moby Dick - A Cantata for Male Chorus, Soloists, and
Text selected and arranged by W. Clark HARRINGTON from
the novel by Herman MELIVILLE (1936-38)* [46:20]
Sinfonietta for String Orchestra (1935-36) [6:50]
Richard Edgar-Wilson (tenor): Ishmael / Starbuck
David Wilson-Johnson (baritone): Ahab
Poul Emborg (tenor): Harpooner / Sailor / Voice
Rasmus Gravers (tenor): Pip
Uffe Henriksen (bass): Drunken Sailor
Danish National Choir
Florian Helgath (chorus master)
Danish National Symphony Orchestra/Michael Schønwandt
- rec. January/March 2011. DDD/DSD
* premiere recording of original version
CHANDOS CHAN5095 [63:24] - from
(mp3 and 16- and 24-bit lossless and Studio Surround)
encounter Bernard Herrmann other than as a film composer or
conductor* is rare indeed, though there is a vintage recording
of Moby Dick, conducted at its world première
in 1940 by Sir John Barbirolli (Barbirolli Society SJB1056).
I believe that the Barbirolli recording enshrines the original
version, which Chandos claim to have recorded here for the first
time, rather than the revised version from the 1960s. Otherwise,
even the Varese Sarabande label which offers so many of Herrmanns
film scores has, I believe, only one non-film CD of his music.
The only other current recordings of him as conductor of other
than film music are the Lyrita CD of Cyril Scotts two
piano concertos, with the LPO and John Ogdon as soloist. (SRCD.251
- see review
and review
and July 2009 Roundup)
as well as his Holst Planets on Eloquence
and Pristines
resurrection of his CBS radio studio recordings of British and
American music.
* download Chandos own Film Music of Bernard Herrmann,
CHAN10577, from here.
Dont expect Herrmanns Moby Dick Cantata to
have the immediate appeal of his film music or of Philip Saintons
score for the film of that name. Its a powerful work,
however, which I enjoyed hearing; it captures the spirit of
the book, though I dont expect to return to it often.
There are no weak links among the soloists and the chorus, orchestra
and direction are persuasive.
The Sinfonietta is a predominantly gloomy work, redolent
of the darker side of Bartók without the compensating
energy. Even worse, the dead hand of Schoenberg, in post Verklärte
Nacht mode, also lies upon it. I have to say that I found
it hard to engage with, much less to like, though Im sure
that a good case is made for it here. The recording throughout
is very good in 16-bit flac, equivalent to the CD. I know that
Dan Morgan, who likes the Sinfonietta more than I did,
has been listening to the more expensive 24-bit/96kHz version,
which Ill let him comment on:
Think of Bernard Hermann and his classic scores for Citizen
Kane, Psycho and North by Northwest spring
to mind. And yet he wrote a fair amount of music for the stage
and concert hall; indeed, Sir John Barbirolli - who premiered
the piece in 1940 - declared Moby Dick one of the most
important works by a young American composer. That may seem
overly generous, given the competition, but the cantata certainly
increased my admiration for this multi-talented tunesmith. And
what a good idea that Danish maestro Michael Schønwandt,
should take the helm. His underrated recording of Strausss
Salome - review
- is a slow burner but its pretty compelling, qualities
I expected to find in this Moby Dick as well. I reviewed
the 24/96 stereo download.
Theres an English reticence to Herrmanns writing
here, And God created great whales reminiscent of
Vaughan Williams Sea Symphony, tenor Richard Edgar-Wilson
sounding remarkably Pears-like in Call me Ishmael.
Theres a touch of the introspective Vere as well, but
hes a tad unsteady under pressure. No qualms about the
recording though, the louring bass drum and rocking brass of
this section very well caught. Despite a pleasing smoothness
to the sound it has plenty of range and heft. Balances are nicely
judged and, as expected, Schønwandt ensures steady progress
and stays well clear of the doldrums.
The Danish chorus sing with quiet intensity throughout, and
although diction isnt always as clear as Id like
theyre simply magnificent in the cantatas more expansive
moments. And Id say theres a strong hint of Copland
in the insistent rhythms of the hymn/chorus The ribs and
terrors in the whale. As for the protagonists, the baritone
David Wilson-Johnson makes a finely calibrated Ahab, the wide,
deep soundstage adding immensely to the sense of a vast, heaving
deck across which Melvilles characters have to variously
sing, shout and snarl. The Danish orchestra plays most beautifully,
producing rich, velvety tones when the wind drops as it were,
whipping up a storm when it rises.
All too often composers who write well for the big screen have
difficulty scaling down their ideas for the concert hall. Not
Herrmann, whose quiet, lyrical writing for Ahab in Yonder,
by the ever-brimming goblets rim and Ishmaels
It was a clear, steel-blue day are most beautifully
scaled and shaped. Theres a sense of inner agonies and
dilemmas, of flesh-and-blood characters, thats strongly
reminiscent of Britten at his best. Goodness, this is vocal
writing of a high order, Wilson-Johnson both aching and eloquent.
Herrmann keeps his sails trimmed to the very end, the apotheosis
thrilling without approaching excess. The final pages couldnt
be simpler or more direct, with Ishmaels subdued And
I only am escaped alone to tell thee.
The Sinfonietta is an attractive if unremarkable filler,
the lower strings given a warmth and lustre thats simply
gorgeous. Its a work of contrast and character, and Schønwandt
keeps it scudding along nicely. And despite some slashing, dissonant
figures - a precursor of Psycho, perhaps - this is very
easy on the ear.
Dramatically, Herrmanns Moby Dick isnt as
probing or multi-layered as it might be, but then its
only a 45-minute cantata and not a three-act opera. Musically,
some listeners may find his treatment of Melvilles epic
tale too restrained. Still, its an enterprising project
and I urge you to give it a try.
Dan Morgan
James MACMILLAN (b.1959) Who are these Angels?
And lo, the Angel of the Lord [4:40]
The Strathclyde Motets: Qui meditabitur [5:25]
The Strathclyde Motets: O Radiant Dawn [4:17]
The Strathclyde Motets: Lux æterna [3:44]
The Strathclyde Motets: Os mutorum [4:28]
Bring us, O Lord [6:03]
The Strathclyde Motets: Canticle of Zachariah [3:42]
Benedictus Deus [5:18]
Advent Antiphon [4:23]
The Strathclyde Motets: Pascha nostrum immolatus est
Who are these Angels? [5:52]
Think of how God loves you [2:30]
The Strathclyde Motets: Benedicimus Deum cæli [3:02]
Mass of Blessed John Henry Newman [8:55]
Tota pulchra es [4:33]
Capella Nova (Frances Cooper, Michael Haslam, Christina Sampson,
Rebecca Tavener, Emma Versteeg, Julia Wilson-James (soprano);
Ruth Gibbins, Anne Lewis, Daniel Keating-Roberts, Richard Wyn-Roberts
(alto); Malcolm Bennett, Graham Neal, Tom Phillips, Ashley Turnell
(tenor); James Birchall, Edward Caswell, Paul Charrier, John
Milne (bass)) - rec. 2010. DDD/DSD
All première recordings
LINN CKD383 [72:06] - from
(mp3, 16- and 24-bit lossless)
is a strongly recommended successor to the earlier Capella Nova
recording of James MacMillians music on Linn (CKD301 -
see May 2009 Roundup).
For those not yet acquainted, MacMillans music stands
in a clear line of descent from renaissance polyphony and the
choral music of the twentieth-century heirs of that tradition,
especially Herbert Howells, but with an equally clear voice
of its own, often evocative of Tallis but also seeming to hark
back even beyond the renaissance to the medieval Ars Nova and
the music of the Orthodox tradition. It has a haunting beauty
but also a sharpness and directness that nevertheless dont
set on edge the teeth of those like myself who shun the likes
of later Schoenberg and all their works and, though the music
clearly arises from MacMillans deeply held Roman Catholicism,
I dont think that you need any spiritual beliefs to appreciate
it. If you like, thats the opposite side of the coin to
the way in which the self-styled agnostic Ralph Vaughan Williams
- actually more accurately described, like Thomas Hardy, as
a Christian agnostic - was able to strike a spiritual note.
The short Newman Mass was composed for the papal visit to the
UK in 2010. Like everything here it receives an idiomatic performance
from Capella Nova, who already had the earlier Linn CD and a
number of ASV Gaudeamus recordings to their credit, and the
recording is excellent; I listened to the 16-bit lossless wma.
There is no booklet, so the lack of texts is a problem, though
most of the words can be found online and the notes can be found
on the Linn website. (Link above).
A New Song [4:36]
Mass [35:02]
Christus vincit [6:04]
Gaudeamus in loci pace (organ solo) [6:36]
Seinte Mari moder milde [5:47]
A Childs Prayer [3:42]
Changed [3:02]
Andrew Reid (organ)
The Choir of Westminster Cathedral/Martin Baker - rec.2000.
Pdf booklet with texts and translations included
HYPERION CDA67219 [64:23] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
new Linn recording led me back to this earlier Hyperion release.
I refer you to Stephen Fosters detailed and enthusiastic
review of the original CD - This is another triumph for
Hyperion and further establishes James MacMillan as a unique
and vital voice in British music making. (Full review
I need only add that the recording sounds extremely fine in
the lossless flac download and that all the documentation is
included with the download - its just a shame that Linn
couldnt have matched Hyperion in giving us the texts and
may be a little early for Advent and Christmas, but Ive
already been listening to an enjoyable download from Resonus
of music for that period stylishly performed by Onyx Brass,
ranging from Jakob Handl (Gallus), Tallis, Palestrina, Parsons
and Monteverdi via Corelli, Schütz and Bach to Berlioz,
Tchaikovsky, Cornelius and Holst. (Canite Tuba, RES10105,
mp3, aac and up to 24/96 lossless, download only from
and other sites). More in the next Roundup, for which Ive
already pencilled in two budget-price Hyperion reissues: Epiphany
at St Pauls Cathedral (CDH55443)
and Prætorius Music for Christmas (CDH55446).
The latter was highly recommendable in its previous incarnation
on CDA66200, now its even more irresistible.