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Christmas Goes Baroque: A Musical Tour
of Switzerland, Germany & Belgium
Christmas Music in the Style of Bach, Handel & Vivaldi, arranged
by Peter Breiner
Silent Night [3:38]
We Wish You a Merry Christmas [3:28]
Jingle Bells [4:36]
Kommet, Ihr Hirten [3:58]
Alle Jahre Wieder [3:02]
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen [7:00]
Kling, Glöckchen [4:39]
The First Nowell [3:11]
O Du Fröhliche [4:38]
Jolly Old St Nicholas [2:57]
Adeste, Fideles [3:02]
O Tannenbaum [4:24]
Good King Wenceslas [3:35]
Slovak State Philharmonic/Peter Breiner
rec. (music) House of Arts, Košice, May 1989. DDD
NTSC 4:3. PCM Stereo 2.0 / Dolby Digital 5.1 / DTS 5.1. Region:
0 (worldwide). DVD
NAXOS 2.110546
Fifty-four minutes is hardly a generous running time for a CD,
let alone a DVD, but this is essentially a re-release, slightly
edited, of an early Naxos CD of the same title (8.550301), now
with added visuals. The DVD itself was released about a decade
ago with a different cover.
There are thirteen chapters of music and film, averaging about
four minutes each. As a travelogue this disc is, in truth, fairly
dull throughout, consisting of slow, almost stationary shots
of festive objects and scenes, with the images ranging from
the twee or quaint to the clichéd and almost mindless
- for example, daftly romanticised Nativity sets for children,
or shots of soft toy kangaroos and leopards.
The amount of time the camera lingers on its subjects harks
back to an earlier time, before attention spans started halving
every year, especially those of TV and film editors. Twenty
seconds staring at a candle burning on a tree or a garnished
pair of dead fish on a bed of ice will surely be too big an
ask of any youngsters in the audience. There is also an undue
emphasis on Zurich, not one of Europe's most beautiful cities
by any stretch. The DVD's opening gambit, Zurich by night -
commercial buildings with rows of white Christmas lights dangling
off them - does not make for compelling viewing. Shrouded in
mist by day in the next chapter, the city is hardly improved,
and only Breiner's Christmassy music is likely to prevent viewers
from hitting the 'skip track' button. With the end credits the
reason for the Zurich bias becomes apparent: the film was made
by a Zurich-based company!
At least, though, the whole makes for inoffensive family-friendly
viewing, more than can be said of most Christmas TV nowadays.
Grandma will probably enjoy it most, and young children will
doubtless like the bits of it that feature toyshop displays.
Peter Breiner has a huge discography, both as a conductor and
as arranger extraordinaire. He does tend to focus his talent
on the lighter - some might say shabbier - side of music, churning
out arrangements of pop tunes for orchestra, such as Naxos's
'Elvis Goes Baroque' (8.990054) and 'The Beatles Go Baroque'
(8.555010), conceptions for which there can be no rational explanation.
At least on 'Christmas Goes Baroque' Breiner has gone with imitations
of Bach, Handel and Vivaldi - and done pretty well, on the whole,
even though such things have been undertaken numerous times
before. The carols selected are for the most part guaranteed
winners throughout December, and Breiner's arrangements ought
to genuinely delight those desperate to escape the commercial
onslaught of Christmas-mentioning pop songs that were past their
sell-by date the first December 27th after they came out, whether
ten or fifty years ago. True, eyebrows are likely to be raised,
by those with enough post-prandial strength, at God Rest Ye
Merry, Gentlemen, which Breiner has turned into a long, slow
dirge, but O Tannenbaum and Adeste, Fideles have been given
an interesting makeover, 'genuinely' in the style of Vivaldi
and Handel respectively. Moreover, considering the disc was
recorded in May, the tracks are performed with adequate seasonal
spirit by the Slovak State Philharmonic, some fine solo efforts
Recording quality is good. The booklet has as much detail as
anyone is likely to be interested in at Christmas - additional
information can easily be had by consulting the original CD,
the notes for which are always available on the Naxos website,
which, incidentally, somewhat bizarrely lists Bach, Handel and
Vivaldi as 'composers' for this disc!
Collected reviews and contact at reviews.gramma.co.uk