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Complete Organ Works
Volume 1: Buxtehude and the Mean-tone Organ
Hans Davidsson (North German baroque organ of Örgryte nya kyrka,
Göteborg, Sweden)
rec. Göteborg, Sweden, 28 August – 2 September, 2006. DDD.
Full track-list at end of review
LOFT RECORDINGS LRCD1090/91 [75:38 + 73:28] 
Complete Organ Works Volume 2: The Bach Perspective
Hans Davidsson (North German baroque organ of Örgryte nya kyrka, Göteborg,
rec. Göteborg, Sweden, 13-15, 18-20 February, 2007. DDD.
Full track-list at end of review
LOFT RECORDINGS LRCD1092/93 [79:20 + 78:18]  |
Dieterich BUXTEHUDE (c.1637-1707)
Complete Organ Works
Volume 3: Dieterich Buxtehude and the Schnitger Organ
Hans Davidsson (North German baroque organ of Örgryte nya kyrka, Göteborg,
Sweden) with Anna Jobrandt (soprano) and Jan Börjesson (bass)
rec. Göteborg, Sweden, 28 July-3 August and 28 August-1 September,
2007. DDD.
Full track-list at end of review
LOFT RECORDINGS LRCD1094-96 [3 CDs: 67:49 + 64:58 + 68:22]  |
Since the celebrations of the tercentenary of Buxtehude’s death
in 2007 we have had complete recordings of his organ music from
Naxos (Wolfgang Rübsam, Craig Cramer and Julia Brown) and daCapo
(Bine Bryndorf), a 3-CD selection from Claves (Kei Koto on five
historic organs), a 2-CD reissue from EMI (Lionel Rogg) and
continuing series from Hyperion (Christopher Herrick) and Challenge
Classics (Ton Koopman). It may, therefore, appear that Loft
recordings have missed the boat, but their 7-CD set, or any
of the three constituent volumes, is competitive for anyone
who has yet to take the plunge into Buxtehude’s organ works.
I received this set just as I was completing my March 2011/2
Roundup, giving me just time for a dip into each volume,
which impressed me enough to include a brief mention in that
Roundup, alongside the new, third volume of Christopher Herrick’s
survey of Buxtehude’s organ music on Hyperion – not inappropriately,
since the three Loft volumes are available for download from
classicsonline.com and for streaming from the Naxos Music Library.
I wrote:
I’ve had time so far only for a brief sampling but first impressions
are very favourable. Where I’ve been able to compare, Davidsson
generally adopts a slightly slower tempo than Herrick, but that’s
not necessarily a bad thing. It’s certainly not the sort of
heavy slowness that used to pass in some quarters for expressive
playing of Bach and his contemporaries. Davidsson’s playing
is stylish and, of course, the organ is more ‘authentic’ than
Herrick’s in Paris – it’s capable, for example, of playing in
mean-tone those works which don’t work well with modern temperament
– and the recording is good.
Actually, I was unfair to Herrick if I seemed to suggest that
the Paris organ which he uses is unsuitable for Buxtehude and
I certainly didn’t intend to imply that his tempi are rushed.
The Aubertin organ at St Louis-en-l’Île was built in 2005 specifically
in the North German style, so, like Davidsson’s instrument on
the Loft recordings, it’s well suited to the music. A full specification
is included in the Hyperion booklet.
The North German style organ at Örgyte nya kyrka (new church)
in Sweden was built in 2000 in the manner of Arp Schnitger,
as part of a project by the University of Göteborg (GOArt –
full details here).
It’s claimed as the largest mean-tone instrument currently in
existence, effectively an expanded blend of the Schnitger organs
at Lübeck Cathedral, Sankt Jacobi, Hamburg, Grote Kerk, Zwolle,
and St Laurent, Alkmaar. The photographs in the booklets show
that some of the accidentals have split keys for D-sharp and
E-flat and for G-sharp and A-flat. If you have a sense of absolute
pitch, you will be aware that these represent the most serious
disharmonies on modern keyboard instruments.
I’m not going to get into a description of the difference between
mean-tone and modern tuning, since to do so would be long and
tedious and most listeners just want to enjoy the music without
getting bogged down in the complications of how it was performed.
In any case, Gothic, who distribute these Loft recordings, offer
a splendid explanation on their online catalogue – here.
There’s no doubt that the Göteborg organ is extremely valuable
academically. More to the point, the sound that it makes is
thoroughly convincing. If anything, I thought it preferable,
at least as recorded here, to the Sankt Jacobi organ in Hamburg,
one of the models used by the Göteborg builders and one of the
instruments which Kei Koito plays on her 3-CD set of music by
Buxtehude and contemporaries (Claves 50-1704-06 – see review).
At times the temperament makes the music seem almost discordant
to my ear, attuned to modern tuning, as in the f-sharp minor
version of BuxWV146 (Volume 3, CD3, track 6). It’s an odd but
not unpleasant experience – but see below for how Davidsson
also resolves the problem.
Since Christopher Herrick’s latest recording is still fresh
in my memory, it seems appropriate to compare the works on that
CD with Hans Davidsson’s versions, with a glance at other recordings
which I and other MusicWeb International reviewers have listened
Hans Davidsson’s competence is unquestionable. You’ll note,
however, that I commented on the general slowness of his tempi
in that brief comparison with Herrick, and I came to notice
this more and more frequently as I sampled more from each CD.
It’s not universally the case: Herrick, for example, takes 7:19
for the first work on his programme, the Præludium in d minor,
BuxWV140 and Davidsson 6:52 (Volume 1, CD2, track 1). That’s
a rare example, however, of a slow tempo from Herrick rather
than a fast one from Davidsson: Bine Bryndorf completes the
same five-part Præludium in 6:12 (DaCapo 6.220520 – see
Despite the small inaccuracy in that work which Chris Bragg
notes in his review, and for all that I note his preference
for a more weighty approach in general, I thought Bryndorf’s
performance convincing. Lionel Rogg on a budget-price EMI Gemini
2-CD set which I made Bargain of the Month is fastest
of all in this work at 6:03 without sounding unduly hasty. (4563292
– see review).
Craig Cramer on Volume 4 of the complete Naxos edition (8.557195)
at the other end of the spectrum takes 7:22, which I thought
excessively slow and careful – the effect was of listening to
a completely different work. Don Satz admitted that Cramer was
no whirlwind, but admired this volume greatly – see review
– which serves to remind us that taste in such matters is a
variable feast. Even if you want the majesty of this work, I’d
still look to Herrick or Davidsson, who capture some of the
rhythmic vitality of Bryndorf and the weightiness of Cramer.
Herrick in particular achieves the majestic mood without any
sense of letting the music drag. If you wish to judge for yourself
and you have access to the Naxos Music Library, you’ll find
Cramer’s, Bryndorf’s and Davidsson’s performances there to compare.
You can listen to some of the Herrick performance on the Hyperion
Herrick combines so-called ‘free’ compositions such as the Præludia
with chorale-based works. For the remaining free-form works,
his timings compare with those of Davidsson and others as follows:
Herrick |
Davidsson |
Rogg |
Naxos |
Bryndorf |
Koito |
Præludium in g minor BuxWV163 |
7:52 |
8:42 |
- |
10:14* |
7:26 |
- |
Canzona in e minor BuxWV169 |
2:44 |
3:17 |
- |
3:01** |
2:56 |
- |
Præludium in F BuxWV145 |
6:33 |
7:32 |
6:36 |
7:53* |
7:02 |
7:25 |
Præludium in C BuxWV136 |
6:17 |
6:07 |
- |
7:06* |
5:33 |
- |
Canzona in G BuxWV170 |
3:46 |
3:48 |
- |
4:28* |
3:41 |
- |
Præludium in f-sharp minor BuxWV146 |
7:35 |
9:24 [8:26]^ |
7:18 |
9:26*** |
8:02 |
- |
* Julia Brown ** Craig Cramer *** Wolfgang Rübsam ^ alternative
version in g minor
Timings are certainly not the only consideration, but it is
apparent that in these works Herrick, Rogg and Bryndorf tend
to be on the faster side, with Davidsson and the three Naxos
performers generally slower. Only in BuxWV146, however, are
Davidsson and Rübsam really out on a limb and even here Rübsam
compensates with a lightness of touch – rightly described by
Don Satz as ‘finely honed’ (8.555991 – see review).
Davidsson offers two accounts of BuxWV146 in Volume 3 – the
‘standard’ version in f-sharp minor and an alternative, slightly
faster version in g minor. His playing may not be quite as finely
honed as Rübsam’s or as lively as Rogg’s or Herrick’s, but it
conveys the power of the work without sounding lumpen, and his
chosen registration adds an ethereal touch to the music. Even
Bine Bryndorf, whose tempi are usually among the fastest, takes
her time comparatively in this work: without thinking Rogg or
Herrick rushed, I do think the slower tempi work well here.
As Chris Bragg reports – see review
– Bryndorf plays the work in g minor, unacknowledged in the
notes, to avoid the oddities of tuning which are apparent in
the f# minor version. I like the choice which Davidsson and
Loft give us with their alternative recordings.
In the free-form compositions, then, my initial observation
holds true, that Davidsson’s tempi are among the slowest but,
even when the contrast is most evident, I almost never found
his choices objectionably heavy.
The second item on Herrick’s Volume 3, three variations on the
chorale Danket dem Herrn, BuxWV181, takes 2:55. Loft
track the three sections of Davidsson’s performance separately,
a total of 3:45 (Vol.2, CD2, trs.7-9). The Chorale Fantasia
Nun lob mein Seel den Herrn, BuxWV212, one of several
works based on the German Magnificat, takes 3:16 from
Herrick, 3:19 from Koito and 4:18 from Davidsson (Vol.2, CD2,
tr.12). From Herrick both works, and from Koito BuxWV212, convey
the joyful nature of the words of the underlying chorales without
in any way sounding too fast – happiness with a sense of occasion,
as it were. Walter Kraft, on a 6-CD Vox set of Buxtehude’s complete
organ works, achieves an enjoyable compromise between Herrick
and Davidsson (CD6X-3613, good value at around £21). Though
dating from the early 1960s, these performances are still well
worth considering; although the Lübeck instrument was still
in less than ideal state after Allied wartime bombing, the recording
sounds much better now than on LP.
Davidsson scores over Herrick in one respect: he plays both
works with his customary delicacy and lightness but I miss the
restrained exuberance of the latter – a little too much restraint
and not enough exuberance, as if these were meditative works
on aspects of the Passion rather than expressions of joy: ‘Now
thank the Lord’ and ‘My soul praises the Lord’ respectively.
You probably won’t be surprised to learn that Ton Koopman polishes
off BuxWV181 in just 2:21 (Challenge Classics CC72243). If Davidsson
misses the joy, Koopman’s virtuosity is undeniable but he’s
just too fast and furious to admit of any sense of occasion
here. Though a great admirer of Koopman at his best – for example
in the superb Warner Apex bargain set of Handel’s Organ Concertos
– I have to agree with Chris Bragg, who thought this and its
companion on CC72242 too dissident, macho and eccentric – see
Bryndorf is a little slower than Herrick in BuxWV181, yet somehow
manages to capture the grandeur of the work as effectively as
Davidsson – in fact, if anything, though she takes mere seconds
longer than Herrick, I found her performance just a little too
solemn (DaCapo 6.220520). In BuxWV212, also, she’s a little
slower than Herrick and Koito and just misses the joyful aspect
of the music, though she compensates with some very interesting
variations in her chosen registration (6.220514).
Julia Brown in BuxWV212 is also on the slow side at 4:17 (8.555775):
continuing the pattern established in the free compositions,
she tends to side with Davidsson in playing these chorale-based
works slowly.
To sum up, then, in both the free compositions and the chorale-based
works Davidsson is on the slow side but never impossibly so,
and he compensates with some exceptionally delicate playing.
The chief appeal of this set lies in the wonderful sound of
the reconstructed instrument, as if a master baroque organ builder
had risen from his grave and supervised an instrument in the
state that Buxtehude would have heard. There are, therefore,
powerful arguments for this set. If you decide to order the
complete 7-CD set direct from Gothic Records – here
– the price of $59.98 at the time of writing is attractive.
You can also download the 2-CD sets from classicsonline.com
for £15.98 each and the 3-CD volume for £23.97.
The three organists who contributed to the complete Naxos series
also tend to be on the slow side but, again, there are compensations,
certainly from Rübsam and Brown, less so from Cramer. The two
volumes of this series which I reviewed, from Julia Brown (8.570311
– see review
– and 8.570312 – see review),
are also performed on an interesting modern organ which can
cope with baroque mean-tone tuning and there is the fact that
the CDs are available separately at Naxos’s competitive prices.
For those who like their Buxtehude on the faster side, there’s
the DaCapo series, performed by Bine Bryndorf. The extra appeal
of this set is its availability on single discs and in SACD
sound. You’ll find my review of the sixth and final volume (6.220530)
My judgement then, as now, was that Bryndorf was narrowly worth
the extra cost over the Naxos series.
Christopher Herrick also tends to be on the fast side, though
he usually also captures the sense of occasion. If you are collecting
this series, you may think the gap between issues annoying,
especially if you wanted everything in or soon after the tercentenary;
otherwise you should continue to stay with what you like and
wait for Volume 4. Like Bryndorf, he comes at full price, though
you can save without sacrificing quality by downloading from
Hyperion in lossless sound for £7.99 per volume – the same price
as the mp3 downloads.
Ton Koopman’s series for Challenge Classics is also taking a
long time to complete and, much as I like Koopman in other roles,
including Buxtehude’s vocal works, I’d advise you to steer clear
of his interpretations of Buxtehude’s keyboard works.
Though Walter Kraft’s complete series for Vox was recorded in
the early 1960s on an organ which is no match for the instruments
on the more recent recordings which I have mentioned, his tempi
tend to cater well for all parties – those who like Buxtehude
fast and those who prefer a greater sense of occasion. The complete
set actually works out less expensive than the seven separate
volumes of the Naxos series.
The least expensive way of all to obtain a substantial selection
of Buxtehude’s organ music is fine performances – generally
fast, but not unduly so – and in sound that still holds its
own, is from the EMI Gemini selection of recordings made by
Lionel Rogg. That would be my top recommendation for anyone
who has not yet made the acquaintance of this fine music.
In addition to one or more of the above, Koi Koito’s three CDs
on Claves offer Buxtehude’s organ music alongside that of several
of his contemporaries at a reasonable price (around £13 in the
If you are still undecided, or if you remain unconvinced that
Buxtehude at his best can give even Bach a run for his money,
you can try the Naxos, DaCapo, Challenge Classics and Vox recordings,
as well as several others, if you subscribe to the Naxos Music
Brian Wilson
Track details
Volume 1: Buxtehude and the Mean-tone Organ
Prelude, Fugue and Ciaconna in C, BuxWV137 [6:07]
Canzonetta in G, BuxWV171 [2:44]
Prelude in a minor, BuxWV152 [5:27]
Canzonetta in C, BuxWV167 [1:21]
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BuxWV211 [2:34]
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BuxWV189 [1:56]
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BuxWV188 [9:34]
Nun bitten wir der heil’gen Geist, BuxWV209 [3:10]
Præludium in g minor, BuxWV149 [9:56]
Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist, BuxWV208 [3:42]
Auf meinen lieben Gott, BuxWV179:
I. Allemande [1:03]
II. Double [1:01]
III. Sarabande [1:17]
IV. Courante [0:54]
V. Gigue [0:55]
Præludium in g minor, BuxWV163 [8:42]
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BuxWV223 [8:46]
Prelude and Fugue in D major, BuxWV139 [6:31]
CD 2
Prelude and Fugue in d minor, BuxWV140 [6:52]
Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BuxWV196 [4:17]
Præludium in G major, BuxWV147 [4:32]
Vater unser im Himmelreich, BuxWV219 [3:36]
Toccata in F, BuxWV157 [6:01]
Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott (Vater unser in
Himmelreich), BuxWV207
Verse I [2:32]
Verse II [1:35]
Verse III [3:41]
Verse IV [2:04]
Prelude and Fugue in a minor, BuxWV153 [7:49]
Te Deum laudamus, BuxWV[218]
Præludium [2:01]
Te deum laudamus [3:24]
Pleni sunt coeli et terra [5:25]
Te Martyrium [1:29 ]
Tu devicto [3:27]
Passacaglia in d minor, BuxWV161 [6:28]
Toccata in d minor, BuxWV155 [8:14]
Volume 2: The Bach Perspective
CD 1
Præludium in C, BuxWV136 [6:07]
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her’, BuxWV186 [3:02]
Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn, BuxWV192 [3:18]
Præludium in g, BuxWV148 [8:10]
Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn, BuxWV191 [3:45]
Ach Gott und Herr, BuxWV177 [1:50]
Ach Gott und Herr, BuxWV177, second version [1:10]
Præludium in F, BuxWV144 [3:55]
Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, BuxWV183 [4:15]
Præludium in E, BuxWV141 [7:23]
Ach Herr mir armen Sünder, BuxWV178 [4:37]
Ciaccona in c minor, BuxWV159 [6:52]
Fuga in C, BuxWV174 [3:01]
Ein Feste Burg ist unser Gott, BuxWV184 [4:12]
Toccata in G, BuxWV164 [2:53]
Canzonetta in G, BuxWV172 [2:10]
Præludium in d minor (e minor), BuxWV142 [10:11]
CD 2
Præludium in C, BuxWV138 [4:25]
Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, BuxWV200 [3:40]
Canzona in C, BuxWV166 [5:00]
Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, BuxWV199 [3:56]
Ciaccona in e, BuxWV160 [6:09]
Præludium in e, BuxWV142 [10:45]
Danket dem Herren, BuxWV181 [1:05]
Alio Modo [1:10]
Tertio Modo [1:30]
Præludium in g, BuxWV150 [9:50]
Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl, BuxWV187 [3:15]
Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren, BuxWV212 [4:18]
Præludium in a, BuxWV158 [6:02]
Fuga in G, BuxWV175 [3:20]
Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam, BuxWV180 [3:48]
Præludium in C (E), BuxWV141 [6:55]
Volume 3: Dieterich Buxtehude and the Schnitger Organ
CD 1: Organ Chorales
Præludium in e minor, BuxWV143 [5:26]
Gott der Vater Wohn uns bei, BuxWV190 [3:14]
Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn, BuxWV201 [3:40]
Canzona in g minor, BuxWV173 [1:30]
Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich, BuxWV202 (G) [1:37]
Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, BuxWV185 (g) [2:51]
Præludium in G, BuxWV162 [5:48]
Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BuxWV198 (c) [2:03]
Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren, BuxWV215 (G) [2:44]
Herr Jesu Christ, ich weiß gar wohl, BuxWV193 (a) [3:22]
Von Gott will ich nicht laßen, BuxWV221 (a) [2:39]
Von Gott will ich nicht laßen, BuxWV220 (a) [2:14]
Courant Simple (8 variations), BuxWV245 [9:32]
Mensch, willst du leben seliglich, BuxWV206 (e) [2:50]
Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BuxWV224 (d) [1:58]
Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit, BuxWV222 (a)
Canzonetta in a, BuxWV225 [2:11]
Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (3 variations), BuxWV213
(G) [7:18]
Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren, BuxWV214 (G) [3:54]
CD 2: Christmas
Præludium in F, BuxWV145 [7:32]
Fuga in B-flat, BuxWV176 [5:08]
In dulci jubilo, BuxWV197 (G) [1:57]
Der Tag der ist so freudenreich, BuxWV182 (G) [4:33]
Toccata in F, BuxWV156 [10:00]
Puer Natus in Betlehem, BuxWV217 (a) [1:22]
Præludium in A, BuxWV151 [7:42]
Toccata in G, BuxWV165 [5:19]
Canzona in G, BuxWV170 [3:48]
Magnificat primi toni [Part 1], BuxWV204 [4:16]
Magnificat noni toni, BuxWV205 [1:35]
Magnificat noni toni, BuxWV205(b), verse 5 [2:14]
Magnificat primi toni, BuxWV203 [9:28]
CD3: Learned Counterpoint and chorale fantasia
Præludium in f-sharp/g minor, BuxWV146 [8:26]
Canzon in d, BuxWV168 [4:32]
Ich dank dir schon durch deinen Sohn, BuxWV195 [6:44]
Mit Fried und Freud fahr ich dahin, BuxWV76 [6:39]
Ich dank dir, lieber Herre, BuxWV194 [7:17]
Præludium in f-sharp, BuxWV146 [9:24]
Canzona in e minor, BuxWV169 [3:17]
Klaglied [4:02]
Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g’mein, BuxWV210 [17:57]
Also available from Gothic as a 7 CD set: Code BOX-BUXTEHUDE
Full details of the organ and the registration employed are
available from the Gothic website.