Download Roundup
June 2011/2
A reminder that the previous Roundup, June 2011/1, can be found
All earlier Roundups are listed here.
The arrival of Hyperions fine new recording of the music of
Herbert Howells and his inclusion in a reissue on their budget
Helios label of music for Evensong from St Pauls has given
me an opportunity (if any excuse were needed) to make him Composer
of the Month. There is plenty of Howellss music on CD and available
as a download, but some fine recordings have already succumbed
to the deletions axe or are available only to special order.
Thankfully, many of these are still available in decent quality
sound as downloads at a reasonable price and Ive tried to pick
my way through the best of them.
As I was closing this Roundup, I noted that Hyperions
2-for-1 Dyad recordings of Howellss music, sung by St
Pauls Cathedral Choir under Christopher Dearnley, is languishing
in their please buy me half-price waifs and strays.
I shant have time to include it in this Roundup, but Ill
come back to it next month.
Bargain of the
Jean SIBELIUS (1865-1957)
Complete Symphonies, Karelia, Lemminkäinen and Violin
Overture in E, JS 145 [11:29]
Symphony No. 1 in e minor, Op. 39 [35:28]
Finlandia, Op.26 [8:40]
Symphony No. 2 in D, Op. 43 [45:09]
Lemminkäinen Suite, Op. 22: I. Lemminkäinen and the
Maidens of the Island [15:23]
II. The Swan of Tuonela [9:38]
III. Lemminkäinen in Tuonela [17:42]
IV. Lemminkäinens Homeward Journey [6:40]
Symphony No. 3 in C, Op. 52 [31:04]
Valse triste, Op. 44 [4:46]
Symphony No. 4 in a Minor, Op. 63 [40:05]
Concerto in d minor for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 47* [35:20]
Symphony No. 5 in E-Flat, Op. 82 (Final 1919 version) [31:54]
En saga (A Fairy Tale), Tone Poem for Large Orchestra,
Op. 9 [18:26]
Symphony No. 6 in d minor, Op. 104 [27:15]
Karelia Suite, Op. 11 [17:29]
Symphony No. 7 in C, Op. 105: in one movement [23:03]
Snöfrid (Snowy Peace), Improvisation for Reciter,
Chorus and Orchestra, Op. 29** [14:28]
Symphony No. 5 in E-Flat, Op. 82 (Original 1915 version) [35:41]
Tapiola, Symphonic Poem for Orchestra, Op. 112 [17:56]
Leonidas Kavakos (violin)*; Stina Ekblad**,Jubilate Choir**;
Lahti Symphony Orchestra/Osmo Vänskä
AMAZON from BIS originals [7:27:43] from
has to be one of the best bargains around: all seven Sibelius
Symphonies, including the original and definitive versions
of the Fifth, plus the Violin Concerto, Lemminkäinen
Suite (complete, not just The Swan of Tuonela), Karelia
Suite, etc., in mostly A-class performances, some at A*, all
for just £5.99. I must thank Nick Barnard for having alerted
me to this, the whole cycle plus extras for less than one third
of the modern equivalent of a single LP of the inexpensive Anthony
Collins (Ace of Clubs) and Tauno Hannikainen (World Record Club)
recordings from which I got to know Sibelius in the early 1960s.
Ive appended Nicks thoughts on this and other download bargains
as a supplement to this Roundup and I hope to include some of
his other recommendations in coming months.
Vänskäs performances of the Second Symphony and
Karelia Suite serve as excellent correctives to the recent
Naxos recording from the NZSO and Pietari Inkinen which I reviewed
in the May 2011/2 Roundup and thought only partly successful.
(8.572704: see Brian Reinharts review
for a slightly more positive assessment.) Though only one track
is at the same 320kb/s as the version of
the Inkinen, the sound is full-bodied.
In fact the Amazon recordings come at variable bit rates, from
220kb/s to the full 320kb/s. Very occasionally I noted some
slight constriction which I attributed to the mp3 process, but
it didnt interfere with my enjoyment. If youre looking for
just some of these recordings and in better sound (full 320k
mp3 or lossless flac), the best place to go is,
who have the original BIS couplings at attractive prices charged
by the second in US dollars. Ive yet to find anything there
for more than $9.00: Sibelius Symphonies 2 and 3, for example,
run to 74:49 for $8.98, which compares very well with other
sites which charge typically £7.99 for mp3 and £9.99
for lossless.
The details are:
Symphonies 1 and 4: BIS-CD-861: $8.89 here
Symphonies 3 and 4: BIS-CD-862: $8.98 here
Symphony No.5: BIS-CD-800 (original version with original version
of En Saga): $6.81 here
or Symphony No.5 (both versions) BIS-CD-863: $7.94 here
Symphonies 6 and 7: BIS-CD-864: $8.01 here
Violin Concerto (original and final versions): BIS-CD-500: $8.82 here
Karelia Suite (original version), King Christian, etc.: BIS-CD-918:
$9.09 here
Lemminkäinen Suite (with original version and appendices):
BIS-CD-1015: $9.36 here
Snöfrid, etc.: BIS-CD-1265: $8.72 here
Sibelius novices should probably forego the bargain and obtain
the symphonies one by one from, where the booklet
of notes comes with the deal to add to the attraction no notes
from, though they have begun to include them with
some of their recent premium releases. The text and translation
of Snöfrid, or even its overall gist, are likely
to prove elusive unless your Swedish is first-rate, which means
purchasing the version for the booklet.
Those determined not yet to dip their toes into the download
water may wish to note that BIS have released these Vänskä
performances of the Complete Symphonies as Volume 12 of their
Sibelius Edition (BIS-CD-1933/35, 5 CDs for the price of 3,
including both versions of No.5 and performances of some fragments
and alternative movements, conducted by Jaakko Kuusisto).
Discovery of the
Early Polish Masses
Marcin LEOPOLITA (??-1589)
Missa Paschalis (Easter Mass) [18:29]
Chant: O Gloriosa Domina [1:50]
Marcin MIELCZEWSKI (1600?-1651)
Missa Super O Gloriosa Domina* [17:02]
Grzegorz Gerwazy GORCZYCKI (1665?-1734)
Missa Paschalis [14:37]
Il Canto:
Barbara Janowska, Wanda Laddy (soprano)
Robert Lawaty (counter-tenor)
Krzysztof Szmyt (tenor)*
Cezary Szyfman (baritone)
Michał Straszewski (bass)
Jarosław Malanowicz (organ)* rec. 1996. DDD.
Pdf booklet included with texts and translations.
CD ACCORD ACD018 [50:32] from
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library
[CD available from Musicweb International here.]
fascinating glimpse into the music of a time and place under-represented
in the catalogue: two Easter Masses and one in honour of the
Virgin Mary by little-known Polish late-16th and early-17th-century
composers. Im not going to make extravagant claims for the
music, performances or recording, but I did very much enjoy
hearing this 1996 production, now back on the market on CD and
as a download. The music is very attractive try the Sanctus
and Benedictus of the Missa super O Gloriosa Domina
- but hardly the equal of Palestrina, Victoria, Monteverdi
or Charpentier; the singing is likewise of good workaday standard
and the recording more than adequate, though I could have preferred
both to be a little fuller and brighter. Theres a degree of
vocal insecurity in the closing Agnus Dei of the Gorczycki,
the last track of the recording, but otherwise the singing is
secure enough. The booklet is informative; the English translation
is perfectly comprehensible, if a trifle stilted: missal cycle(s),
for example, instead of mass cycle(s). I have taken the Polish
word pieśn (literally song) to mean chant in
the credits list.
Venosa (1566-1613)
Madrigals Book 1 (1594)
Baci soavi e cari (part 1) [3:36]
Quanto ha di dolce amore (part 2) [3:15]
Madonna, io ben vorrei [3:35]
Come esser può chio viva? [2:41]
Gelo ha madonna in seno [2:39]
Mentre madonna (part 1) [2:39]
Ahi, troppo saggia (part 2) [2:56]
Se da si nobil mano [2:24]
Amor, pace non chero [2:03]
Sì gioioso mi fanno i dolor miei [3:32]
O dolce mio martire [2:39]
Tirsi morir volea (part 1) [3:21]
Frenò Tirsi il desio (part 2) [2:46]
Mentre, mia stella, miri [2:56]
Non mirar, non mirare [3:08]
Questi leggiadri odorosetti fiori [3:37]
Felice primavera! (part 1) [2:11]
Danzan le ninfe (part 2) [1:33]
Son sì belle le rose [2:31]
Bella angioletta [2:13]
Delitiæ Musicæ (Alessandro Carmignani, Paolo Costa,
Fabio Fùrnari, Paolo Fanciulacci, Marco Scavazza, Walter
Testolin)/Marco Longhini
rec. Chiesa di San Pietro in Vincoli, Azzago, Verona, Italy,
23-27 July 2007.DDD
Pdf booklet includes sung texts and English translations.
NAXOS 8.570548 [56:15] from
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library
Madrigals Book 3 (1595)
Voi volete chio mora (part 1) [1:34]
Moro o non moro (part 2) [2:59]
Ahi, disperata vita [2:15]
Languisco e moro [4:54]
Del bel de bei vostri occhi [2:36]
Ahi, dispietata e cruda [3:35]
Dolce spirto damore [3:31]
Sospirava il mio core (part 1) [2:52]
O mal nati messaggi (part 2) [3:11]
Veggio, sì, dal mio sole [2:39[
Non tamo, o voce ingrata [2:48]
Meraviglia damore (part 1) [1:23]
Ed ardo e vivo (part 2) [1:56]
Crudelissima doglia [3:32]
Se piange, ohimè [3:56]
Ancidetemi pur, grievi martiri [3:53]
Se vi miro pietosa [2:41]
Deh, se già fu crudele [2:41]
Dolcissimo sospiro [3:52]
Donna se mancidete (a sei voci) [3:01]
Come vivi cor mio (canzonetta) [4:38]
Allombra degli allori (canzonetta) [4:06]
Delitiæ Musicæ (Alessandro Carmignani, Paolo Costa,
Fabio Fùrnari, Raffaele Giordani, Marco Scavazza, Walter
Testolin)/Marco Longhini
rec. Chiesa di San Pietro in Vincoli, Azzago, Verona, Italy,
27 July to 1 August, 2008. DDD.
Italian texts and English translations may be accessed online
NAXOS 8.572136 [68:37] from
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library
recordings of Monteverdis Madrigals which Delitiæ
Musicæ made for Naxos were a somewhat variable feast.
Likewise in Gesualdo: Johan van Veen was impressed by their
singing in Book I, but questioned some of their practices
see review.
Mark Sealey was more impressed with Book II see review
and it seems that Naxos are testing the water with (initially)
a download-only recording of the Third Book.
view of Book III tends more towards MSs opinion than JVs.
This was an age when High Renaissance style gave way to Mannerism
in art, and Gesualdos music shares many of its exaggerated
characteristic with that style. I enjoyed Delitiæs
rather mannered singing of Gesualdo, therefore, more than I
did their Monteverdi. The themes and even some of the texts
will be familiar from Monteverdi and other madrigal composers,
but the heated and intense manner is a speciality of Gesualdos
sacred and secular music. You may even find it better to ration
your listening an hour or so of Gesualdo at a time may
be too intense.
Theres no booklet with texts, as there was with Book I,
which is a shame, but the diction is good enough throughout
to make out the words, which can be found online (see above),
as can some notes on the music here.
The back cover which comes with the download suggests that a
CD version is planned. I very much hope that the CD appears
soon in order to reach the wider audience of those who resist
downloading. This is, as MS suggested, even more adventurous
music than that of the first two books and the performances
are even more suited to it. Stream from the Naxos Music Library
first if you can; otherwise I recommend starting with Book III
rather than Book I.
Henry PURCELL (1659-1695) Keyboard
Suites Nos.1-8, Z661-9; Suites Nos.9-11
Suite No.1 in G [5:07]
Suite No.2 in g minor [7:37]
Suite No.3 in G [5:57]
Suite No.4 in a minor [5:05]
Suite No.5 in C [5:39]
Suite No.6 in D [6:08]
Suite No.7 in d minor [5:49]
Suite No.8 in F [6:12]
Suite No.9 in a minor [4:04]
Suite No.10 in G [9:24]
Suite No.11 in B-flat [7:04]
Thurston Dart (Thomas Goff harpsichord, 1952) rec.1956.
BEULAH 1PD69 [68:03] from iTunes (mp3)
Nos.1-8 were published posthumously in 1696 as A Choice Collection
of Lessons and there are several rival recordings and downloads
of this collection. Kenneth Gilbert plays a 1681 Vaudry harpsichord
from the V&A collection on Orion LAN390, available from
at the attractive price of £4.99, but rather short
value at 52:18 by comparison with the Beulah recording which
adds three extra works, whose provenance Im unsure of:
I cant find them in the Zimmerman catalogue but the music
is attractive.
Gilberts harpsichord creates a fuller sound than Darts
brighter modern instrument and his approach is also bigger
to the extent of sounding dogged by comparison. I prefer Darts
lighter approach and the Beulah refurbishment of the 1956 Decca
recording is preferable: on Orion theres a sharp and disturbing
cut-off of the busy ambient sound at the end of
each movement. The cut-offs are much less frequent and less
noticeable on the Dart recording.
Martin Souter on a 1700 Tisserand Harpischord (The Gift of Music
CCLCD011 from
is much lighter than Gilbert perhaps even a shade too
reticent-sounding by comparison with Dart, but I preferred the
slightly less forward recording: Dart sounds a bit too bright
and up-front by comparison. Souters recording is also
offered at £4.99 and the eight Suites are supplemented
by a series of short pieces which bring the total time to a
respectable 70 minutes.
On another budget-price recording Thomas Charlston on a modern
reproduction instrument also ekes out the Suites to 64 minutes
with short transcriptions and alternative movements. (Naxos
8.553982 from
This is the quietest, most intimate version of all, reproducing
at something like the level of domestic performance on a clavichord,
and theres more use of notes inégales. There
are some informative notes with this version, too click
the About this Album tab.
Of the various choices, Dart appeals not only because he was
such an important pioneer in editing, understanding and performing
music of this period: his bright up-front closely recorded performances
are still highly competitive. Purists may criticise some of
his tempi and changes of registration they did back in
1957 but these make the music more accessible for modern
Gilbert is, surprisingly, too stodgy and the recording fails
to do him justice. Charlston is ideal for intimate listening
I think I shall want him and Dart for different moods
but Souter seems to me to offer the ideal compromise
between Scylla and Charybdis for repeated listening. Actually
thats an unfair metaphor, since neither Darts nor
Charlstons version is at all monstrous, and, in any case,
I dont think youd want to listen to all eight Suites
in one go, let alone eleven.
These Thurston Dart recordings will also appear on Beulah Extra
as 7-17BX69, available from July 2011, and can be sampled
on YouTube here.
Among the Beulah Extra releases for July are also Thurston Darts
Handel Harpsichord Suites 1-4 (18-21BX69).
Beulah are also about to release an album of Peter Dawson
in Classical Mood, ranging from Handel (including Honour
and arms, inevitably) to selections from Vaughan Williams
of Travel. (1PD53 from iTunes supplemented
by Beulah Extra 12BX53 Stanford Songs of the
Sea - and 13BX53 Bevan The Admirals
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Piano Sonatas, Op.31/1-3 (1802)
Piano Sonata No.16 in G, Op.31/1 [24:07]
Piano Sonata No.17 in d minor, Op.31/2 (Tempest)
Piano Sonata No.18 in E-flat, Op.31/3 (La Chasse)
Alfred Brendel (piano) rec.1992. DDD.
PHILIPS 438 1342 [72:08] from
recently reviewed Thomas Sauers MSR recording of these
three sonatas for the main MusicWeb International pages (MS1284)
and found myself wanting something more than Sauers performances
excellent as far as they go in conveying every note on
the page, but not personal enough or adventurous enough for
my liking. I found what I wanted, as I had expected, in these
Brendel performances, no longer available separately on CD;
though you could do much worse than buy the complete set, the
download from in good mp3 offers a good alternative.
Unless you are a sworn enemy of what some consider to be Brendels
agogic tendency considerable use of rubato
this is the version to have.
Fearing that I might have been too hard on Sauer, I asked a
former colleague, Geoffrey Molyneux (hereafter GM), a music
teacher who has forgotten more about pianism than I ever knew,
for his opinion. While agreeing with me about Sauer and preferring
Brendel, his recommendation was for Bernard Roberts or for Barenboim
on DVD.
DVD is outside the remit of this Roundup, but I listened to
Roberts in the Tempest Sonata, Op.31/2, via the Naxos
Music Library, and was sufficiently impressed to wish to sample
his Beethoven further from the complete 11-CD set (Nimbus NI1774
purchase CDs from Musicweb-International,
download from
or stream from Naxos Music Library). I should point out
that its unfortunately and most unusually
the case that the download costs more than
twice as much as most suppliers charge for the CDs. Ive
requested a review copy of the CD set [just received as I convert
this review to html] and look forward to writing about it on
the main MWI pages hopefully as a two-hander with GM
in the near future.
Franz LISZT (1811-1886)
Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat, S.124 (LW H4) [18:33]
Piano Concerto No. 2 in A, S.125 (LW H6) [20:46]
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Piano Sonata No. 10 in G, Op.14/2 [13:55]
Piano Sonata No. 19 in g minor, Op.49/1 [8:37]
Piano Sonata No. 20 in G, Op.49/2 [7:58]
Sviatoslav Richter (piano)
London Symphony Orchestra/Kirill Kondrashin rec. 1961,
1963. ADD.
PHILIPS 464 7102 [69:49] from
a recent Newton Classics reissue of Byron Janis performing the
Liszt Concertos with Kirill Kondrashin (8802058 see review)
I found myself marginally preferring this Richter recording,
again with Kondrashin, now with the addition of three fine recordings
of Beethoven Piano Sonatas in Philips Top 50 series. Christopher
Howell described these as among the greatest performances
these concertos have ever had see review
and thats my verdict, too. also have the earlier reissue, coupling the Concertos
with the Liszt Piano Sonata, which some will prefer (446
2002), especially as its available in mp3 and lossless.
Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893)
Symphony No.5 in e minor, Op.64 (1888) [47:09]
Francesca da Rimini, Fantasy for orchestra after Dante, Op.32
(1876) [24:30]
Russian National Orchestra/Mikhail Pletnev
rec. DZZ Studio 5, Moscow, June 2010. DDD.
Pdf booklet included with purchase.
PENTATONE PTC5186385 [71:41] from
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library
must be the quietest opening that Ive ever heard for the
Fifth Symphony. Even after things begin to warm up a
little, Pletnev never seems really to engage with the music,
as if hes trying to hold any emotional involvement at
arms length, so that the first movement only momentarily
catches fire. By the end of the movement, Im sorry to
say that I, too, had become disengaged from the performance,
not the music. Amazingly, Pletnev takes only a few seconds longer
than Mravinsky in either of his DG recordings or Szell, yet
it seems like an eternity longer, proving once again that its
not the stopwatch that counts so much as the momentum (or lack
of it) which the conductor generates.
A slow movement should be slow, but once again here I felt that
conductor and orchestra were trying to make a point about how
languid they could be or had just played this music so
often that they were simply feeling bored. In this case the
stopwatch does tell part of the story, with the new recording
taking two minutes longer than either Mravinsky recording and
a minute longer than Szell.
Everything comes briefly to life when the Fate motif
blazes out, but thats all. The other two movements follow
the same pattern: only at the very end of the Finale does the
performance come to life. You could say that Pletnev has been
saving his big guns, but a few minutes of real Tchaikovskian
excitement wouldnt atone for the preceding forty minutes.
A strong account of Francesca da Rimini, with all the
energy thats lacking in the Symphony, cannot atone, either.
The choice is clear, then, as far as Im concerned: if
you can take the dated recording and idiosyncratic Russian playing
of the time, either of Mravinskys performances, both offered
in packages of Symphonies 4-6 from DG 419 7452
(1960) here
or DG Originals 447 4232 (1956, with Sanderling)
The Amazon version of the 1960 set (477 5911) which I recommended
in the April 2010 Roundup has now gone up to £7.49
but is still less expensive than the passionato, though
the mp3 is at a lower bit-rate and there is no lossless version.
HMV Digital have the Szell just the Symphony alone for
£3.16, without the Capriccio Italien with which
it was most recently coupled on a CD which seems to have been
deleted in the UK (82876 787442: Bargain of the Month
see review).
Rob Barnetts recent review
suggests that Pletnevs 1990s version of the Fifth Symphony
included in the DG budget-price box set (477 8699) suffers far
less from the extremes of interpretation than the PentaTone
André MESSAGER (1853-1929)
Les deux Pigeons: Suite
Orchestra of the Opéra Comique, Paris/Richard Blareau
rec.1952. ADD/mono
BEULAH EXTRA 1BX139 [14:14] from Beulah (mp3)
and attractive music in an idiomatic performance and sound which
belies its age: even though its a mono recording, theres
plenty of air around the music. This kind of blast from the
past is most welcome, since I could find only two current CD
versions of the complete ballet, both elderly recordings (Classics
for Pleasure 5861782, 2 CDs with Hérold La Fille mal
gardée and Richard Bonynge on Eloquence 476 2448)
why do we get so little of these lighter classics on
modern recordings? have the Mackerras recording
as a download in a coupling with Delibes and Gounod on EMI Encore
5752212 here.
Benjamin DALE (1885-1943)
Piano Sonata in d minor (1902-1905) [42:08]
Prunella (1923) [2:44]
Night Fancies (1909) [9:01]
York BOWEN (1884-1961)
Miniature Suite in C major, Op 14 (1904) [11:22]
Danny Driver (piano) rec. 15-17 July 2010 (Dale) &
18 December 2010 (Bowen), Henry Wood Hall, London, UK. DDD.
HYPERION CDA67827 [65:17] from
(mp3 and lossless)
havent yet had time to listen to this, so Im grateful
to Dan Morgan for his contribution:
Danny Drivers recent Balakirev recital review
impressed me enormously, so I wasted no time downloading
this new release when it appeared. He has already recorded the
Bowen Piano Sonatas (CDA67551/2) and Third and Fourth Piano
Concertos (CDA67659) to well-deserved acclaim. In terms of its
ambitious structure and technical peaks, Benjamin Dales
Piano Sonata must surely draw comparisons with Liszts
B minor behemoth; yet there a tough, entirely individual, musical
intelligence at work here. Well two actually, for Drivers
no slouch either; indeed, his control of dynamics, rhythm and
colour is just astonishing. Add a typically fine recording and
this becomes my DISCOVERY OF THE MONTH.
The Sonata ranges far and wide, from the animated opening Allegro
deciso a mix of sinew and sweep through to
the moody, rather skeletal Adagio and its five variations. Theres
a clarity of utterance here, a directness, that Driver brings
out most beautifully, and yet theres a rich, late Romantic
seam to be mined here too; just sample the gentle radiance of
the second variation, essayed with remarkable fluency and grace.
The point and sparkle of Variations 3 and 5 is no less beguiling,
and Driver never allows the restless, dark-toned No. 4 to become
self-indulgent. These all-important qualities also inform his
Balakirev recital, confirming him as a pianist of rare sensitivity
and good judgment.
And it just gets better, the free-flowing Andante and Finale
as fiercely focused and confident as anything the Abbé
ever wrote. Indeed, the blend of energy and inwardness in the
latter encapsulates everything that makes this release so rewarding
rare but highly original music played with an advocacy
and commitment most composers can only dream of. As for the
little Prunella, I doubt shes ever sounded so charming,
or the mood of Night Fancies so pensive; in the latter,
Driver conjures up some of the most gorgeous sounds imaginable,
the dying moments especially memorable.
By contrast, Bowens Miniature Suite is more nakedly
virtuosic; cast in three movements Humoresque, Nocturne
and Scherzo: Finale it all seems to pass in a burst of
energy and light. It certainly allows Driver to display his
wilder side, which he does with all the flair and confidence
Ive come to expect of him. As before, rhythms are taut,
articulation pin sharp and proportions well judged. Theres
some introspection in Humoresque dedicated to Dale
the Catherine-wheel-like finale despatched with breathtaking
What a find! Factor in excellent liner-notes, an idiot-proof
download process and exemplary sound and you have a cracker.
Absolutely not to be missed.
Dan Morgan
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
The Winchester Service and other late works
Jubilate Deo (for the Chapel Royal, St Peter ad Vincula)
Thee will I love [5:47]
The Winchester Service [10:25]
Rhapsody No 4 (solo organ) [6:52]
Come, my soul [4:29]
Te Deum (for St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol) [12:02]
Coventry Antiphon [4:49]
A Flourish for a Bidding (solo organ) [3:20]
Antiphon [4:03]
The fear of the Lord [5:46]
Exultate Deo [6:22]
Simon Bell (organ)
Winchester Cathedral Choir/Andrew Lumsden
pdf booklet with notes and texts available.
HYPERION CDA67853 [68:30] from
(mp3 and lossless)
new Hyperion recording of Howellss Winchester Service,
stylishly performed by the choir for which it was intended,
and other rarely performed late works is not only welcome for
itself but also as an excuse, as if one were needed, to look
at some other recordings of Howellss music. Theres
just enough of the former student of Stanford to appeal to lovers
of more traditional church music, combined with a spice or two
of the late twentieth century though nothing too avant-garde
to attract others. Mostly the music is gentle and caressing,
but there are moments of drama, too.
Hyperion have made several fine recordings at Winchester under
David Hill, with whom they also recorded at Westminster Cathedral,
but theres no sign of any diminution of standards under
Andrew Lumsdens direction. With excellent recording, especially
in the lossless format, this is an excellent addition to recordings
of Howellss music, some of which are now available only
as downloads. This Hyperion recording, for example, is available
only from the Archive Service or as a download:
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
A Sequence for St Michael [10:48]
A Hymn for St Cecilia [3:11]
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem [7:08]
Service for St Georges Chapel, Windsor: Te Deum
[10:42]; Benedictus [6:28]
I love all beauteous things [6:24]
Salve Regina [4:35]
Service for New College, Oxford: Magnificat [6:12]; Nunc
dimittis [3:04]
Three Carol-Anthems: A Spotless Rose [3:04]; Sing lullaby [3:23];
Here is the little door [3:43]
Collegium Regale (Service for Kings College, Cambridge):
Magnificat [5:12]; Nunc dimittis [4:06]
Rupert Gough (organ)
The Choir of Wells Cathedral/Malcolm Archer
HYPERION CDA67494 [79:34] from
(mp3 and lossless)
of these fine Hyperion recordings could well form the basis
of a Howells collection: youll soon want to add the other
and you can do so without any duplication. Ive listed
some other excellent recordings of his choral music below, but
most of these involve some duplication of material on one or
other of the Hyperion discs or with each other perhaps
not a major problem when the music is so fine and the performances
so good. John Quinn made the Wells programme a well-deserved
Recording of the Month see review.
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
for Strings
Concerto for String Orchestra [31:33]
Elegy for Solo Viola, String Quartet and String Orchestra [10:36]
Suite for String Orchestra [20:36]
Serenade for Strings [4:24]
Sinfonia of London/Richard Hickox rec. October 1992.
CHANDOS CHAN9161 [66:51] from
(mp3 or lossless)
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
Orchestral Music
1 [58:07]
Kings Herald (1934; 1937) [4:24]
Paradise Rondel, Op. 40 (1925) [9:34]
Fantasia for cello and orchestra (1936-37)* [17:24]
Threnody for cello and orchestra (compl. 1935)* (Orchestrated
by Christopher Palmer) [9:05]
Pastoral Rhapsody (1923-24) [12:19]
Procession, Op. 36 (1920; 1922) [4:37]
CD 2 [65:22]
The Bs, Suite for orchestra, Op. 13 (1914) [32:18]
Three Dances, for violin and orchestra, Op. 7 (1914-15)
In Green Ways, Op. 43 (1915; 1928) [18:12]
Yvonne Kenny soprano
Lydia Mordkovitch violin
Moray Welsh cello*
London Symphony Orchestra/Richard Hickox rec. 1995 and
1997. DDD.
CHANDOS 2-For-1 CHAN241-20 [58:07 + 65:22] from
(mp3 and lossless)
[formerly CHAN9410 see review
and CHAN9557 see review
and review.]
Howellss orchestral music may be less distinctive than
his choral output, but its still very attractive and its
hardly likely to receive better performances than these two
Chandos releases the second extremely good value in its
2-for-1 reissued form which I briefly recommended in
the January and February
2009 Roundups. After the two Hyperion choral recordings
and the chamber music (below), these are essential Howells purchases.
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
No. 1 in c minor for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 4* [38:55]
Concerto No. 2 in C for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 39** [27:29]
Penguinski [4:19]
Howard Shelley (piano)*; BBC Symphony Orchestra/Richard Hickox
*/** premiere recordings, *completed by John RUTTER (b.1945)
rec. Watford Colosseum, UK, 22-23 May 2000. DDD.
CHANDOS CHAN9874 [70:52] from
(mp3 and lossless).
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
for string orchestra (1938) [27:52]
Three Dances for violin and orchestra (1915) [14:08]
Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor (1925) [27:03]
Kathryn Stott (piano)
Malcolm Stewart (violin)
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/Vernon Handley
HYPERION HELIOS CDH55205 [69:19] from
(mp3 and lossless)
I reviewed the Chandos recording in the January
2010 Roundup, echoing Hubert Culots very positive
(See also 4-star review by Terry Barfoot here
and review by Rob Barnett here.)
The link which I then gave to is no longer valid,
but theres no reason not to purchase from Chandoss
own site at Im alarmed to see how
much material has been lost from the site in
recent weeks, including, it seems, the whole Chandos label.
The inexpensive Hyperion recording offers an excellent alternative
version of the Concerto for string orchestra (see above)
and the Second Piano Concerto, together with the Dances
for violin and orchestra. Christopher Howell praised the performances,
though the Concerto for string orchestra failed to make
an impression on him see review.
While I tend to the view that Howellss best music is for
choir, I share CHs high opinion of the performances without
sharing his low opinion of some of the music.
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
Piano Quartet in a minor Op. 21 (1916) [27:59]
Fantasy String Quartet Op. 25 (1917) [13:06]
Rhapsodic Quintet for clarinet, two violins, viola and cello
Op. 31 (1919)* [12:12]
Richards Piano Quartet (Bernard Roberts (piano); Nona Liddell
(violin); Jean Stewart (viola); Bernard Richards (cello)) with
Thea King (clarinet)* rec. 1973. ADD
LYRITA SRCD.292 [53.20] from
(mp3) or
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
In Gloucestershire (String Quartet No.3) (1919/1920) [32:38]
George DYSON (1883-1964)
Three Rhapsodies for string quartet (1905-1912) [30:55]
Divertimenti: (Paul Barritt (violin); Rachel Isserlis (violin);
Gustav Clarkson (viola); Sebastian Comberti (cello))
rec. 1984. DDD.
HYPERION CDA66139 [64:22] from
(mp3 and lossless)
recommended these recordings, too, in the February
2009 Roundup*, but its worth repeating my recommendation
and again drawing your attention to reviews of the parent Lyrita
CD by Em Marshall here
and John Quinn here
and of the Hyperion by John France here.
Howellss chamber music is as distinctively beautiful yet
challenging as his choral works Id place both just
ahead of the orchestral works, but its a close call when
all his music is so accomplished.
eMusic version of the Lyrita comes at variable bit-rates, without
booklet, and now costs new subscribers more than it did before,
but its still worth considering as a less expensive alternative
to the CD at £2.10 or less. The Hyperion has reverted
from the Helios label to full price and the CD is available
only from the Archive service, but the download, at £7.99,
is offered in good lossless sound as well as mp3 and the booklet
comes with the deal. O ye of little faith, why did you not snap
this wonderful recording up in sufficient numbers when it was
at budget price? I did (says he smugly) but I also checked the
lossless download and found it to be excellent.
* What I wrote then about the iTunes download being more expensive
than the CD no longer applies if you download direct from Hyperion.
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
To Chosen Hill ...
Piano Quartet in a minor, Op. 21 (1916) [26:40]
Phantasy String Quartet, Op. 25 (1917) [13:37]
Rhapsodic Quintet for clarinet and string quartet, Op. 31 (1919)
The Lyric Quartet; Andrew West (piano); Michael Collins (clarinet)
rec.1992. DDD
MÉTIER MSVCD92003 [52:40] from
(mp3 and lossless) or
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library.
offers an exact alternative to the Lyrita recording (above)
and theres not a great deal to choose between them. MWI
Classical Editor Rob Barnett reviewed it shortly before the
release of the Lyrita and had very few reservations see
Its continuing availability is far from superfluous, especially
for those who dont wish to take a subscription to eMusic
for the Lyrita download. The version comes
in lossless as well as mp3, but the lossless costs more than
the parent CD direct from offer the mp3 for just £4.99. Neither
download offers the booklet
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
Rhapsodic Quintet for clarinet and string quartet (1919) [11:31]
Clarinet Sonata (1946) [21:03]
Prelude for Harp (1915) [5:58]
A Near-Minuet for clarinet and piano (1946) [2:42]
Violin Sonata No. 3 in e minor (1923) [24:24]
Mobius (Robert Plane (clarinet); Alison Nicholls (harp); Sophia
Rahman (piano); Phillippe Honoré (violin); Lucy Gould
(violin); Ashan Pillai (viola); Josephine Knight (cello))
rec. 2002. DDD
Includes pdf booklet of notes.
NAXOS 8.557188 [66:05] from
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library
rival version of the Rhapsodic Quintet has received sufficient
praise from Rob Barnett here
John Quinn here
and Terry Barfoot here
to need no more from me. Coupling must decide between
this, the Lyrita and Métier versions.
Theres also an excellent version on Hyperions budget
Helios label, from Thea King and the Britten String Quartet,
coupled with Clarinet Quintets by Arnold Cooke, Elizabeth Maconchy
and Benjamin Frankel and Joseph Holbrookes Eilean Shona
(CDH55105 download from
the classicsonline downloads are in good mp3 sound but the Hyperion
is also available as a lossless download at no extra cost.
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
Rhapsody in e-flat minor, Op.17/2 [8:10]
Organ Sonata No.2 [29:51]
Intrata No.2 [8:16]
Partita [27:26]
Robert Costin (organ of Dunedin Town Hall, NZ) rec. 2006.
ATOLL ACD606 [73:43] from
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library
on this download is sparse and even the Atoll website is not
very forthcoming about venue and date: I had to go to Robert
Costins homepage to ascertain that the organ is that of
Dunedin Town Hall, recorded in April 2006. That apart, this
is a first class recording and its offered at the bargain
price of £4.99 as a download. I should point out that
Robert Costin is a MusicWeb International reviewer. and both have the five volumes
of Howellss Morning and Evening Services and two volumes
of his organ music, all on the Priory label and in lossless
as well as mp3 from theclassicalshop. These have been generally
well received, but I dont have any review access to Amazon
or to Priory recordings from theclassicalshop to add a personal
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
Choral and Organ Music Volume 2
O God our Defender [3:52]
Missa Ædis Christi [19:44]
Psalm Prelude, set 1/1 (organ) [7:03]
Preludio Sine Nomine (organ) [5:11]
Sing Lullaby [3:11]
Here is the little door [3:48]
A Spotless Rose [3:18]
Pæan (organ) [5:49]
Where wast thou? [13:20]
New College Choir, Oxford/Edward Higginbottom rec.1990.
CRD CRD3455 [66:22] from
(mp3 and lossless)
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
Deum [8:38]
Jubilate [3:15]
Collegium Regale: Office of Holy Communion [19:31]
Psalm Prelude, Op. 32/2 [5:47]
Preces and Responses I [2:15]
Psalm 121 [2:25]
Psalm 122 [2:36]
Magnificat [5:13]
Nunc Dimittis [4:03]
Preces and Responses II [7:49]
Take Him, Earth, for Cherishing [8:19]
Rhapsody for organ, Opus 17/3 [8:23]
Gregory Moore (cantor), Simon Williams (tenor), Peter Barley
Choir of Kings College, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury
rec 1989. DDD.
DECCA 470 194 2 [78:28] from (mp3)
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
Will I Love [6:11]
Hills of the North [4:12]
I Love All Beauteous Things [6:55]
Missa Ædis Christi [20:01]
Tranquillo ma con moto from Six Short Pieces for Organ
Allegro Scherzando from Six Short Pieces for Organ [3:12]
Aria from Six Short Pieces for Organ [2:12]
Allegro impetuoso from Six Short Pieces for Organ [2:24]
Chorale from Six Short Pieces for Organ [1:36]
Quasi lento: teneramente from Six Short Pieces for Organ
This World, my God, is held within your hand [1:55]
Hæc Dies [2:38]
A Maid Peerless [6:04]
Sweetest of Sweets [5:21]
O Holy City, seen of John [2:21]
The Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin/Judy Martin
Tristan Russcher (organ) rec. St Bartholomews Church,
Dublin, 22-24 February 2008. DDD.
Pdf booklet with notes and texts included
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library
CRD: This is the second of two fine recordings which
New College Choir made, but its predecessor, CRD3454, is apparently
not available from offer only the
first volume here
so between the two you can download both volumes.
Cleobury: Like Terry Barfoot, I would have welcomed a
fuller choral tone, but, like him too, I found the Decca British
Composers collection very satisfying see review.
The Passionato mp3 transfer is good, too, and, though there
are no texts, these are mostly easy to obtain from the traditional
1662 Book of Common Prayer. Now that the CD appears to have
fallen to the deletions axe, the download is all the more welcome.
Signum: this duplicates the Missa Ædis Christi
from CRD3455 but contains some interesting works not available
on other recordings, of which only Hills of the North
struck me as less attractive than the setting in The English
Hymnal. The Dublin choir proves that Howells music
can be successfully exported and the performances, interspersed
with organ pieces, are idiomatic. For a full appreciation, please
see the review by John Quinn here:
as so often occurs, he might have taken the words out of my
mouth. The Naxos Music Library version sounds fine, the classicsonline
download even better.
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
Missa Sabrinensis and Stabat Mater
CD 1: Missa Sabrinensis, for soprano, contralto, tenor,
baritone, chorus and orchestra* (1954) [76:10]
CD 2: Stabat Mater for tenor solo, chorus and orchestra
(1965) [51:44]
Janice Watson (soprano)*
Della Jones (mezzo)*
Martyn Hill (tenor)*
Donald Maxwell (baritone)*
Neill Archer (tenor)
London Symphony Chorus
London Symphony Orchestra/Gennady Rozhdestvensky rec.
1994 and 1995. DDD.
Pdf booklet available with texts and translations.
CHANDOS CHAN241-27 [76:10 + 51:44] from
(mp3 and lossless)
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
Choral Works
CD 1 [79:25]
Te Deum (for St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol) [10:58]
Even Such Is Time [5:48]
The Summer Is Coming [7:37]
Nunc Dimittis [3:13]
The House of the Mind [10:04]
Two Madrigals [7:53]
Salve Regina [4:41]
Mass in the Dorian Mode [22:38]
God Is Gone Up [6:30]
CD 2 [78:47]
Three Carol-Anthems: Here is the little door; Sing lullaby;
A spotless Rose [9:56]
Sweetest of Sweets [5:22]
Hæc Dies [2:43]
Regina Cli [3:31]
Long, Long Ago [5:13]
A Sequence for St Michael [12:01]
Antiphon [4:11]
Requiem [21:06]
Take Him, Earth, for Cherishing [8:59]
Thee Will I Love [5:43]
The Finzi Singers/Paul Spicer rec. 1992-1996. DDD.
Pdf booklet available with texts and translations.
CHANDOS CHAN241-34 [79:25 + 78:47] - from
(mp3 and lossless)
The large-scale Missa Sabrinensis contains some of
the most intense choral writing that you are likely to hear
and the Stabat Mater is not far behind. Only a history of incredible
bad luck in its earlier performances at the Three Choirs Festival
and in London prevented the Missa Sabrinensis from establishing
itself in the repertoire as firmly as Hymnus Paradisi (see
below for two versions of the Hymnus). With committed
performances all round who would have tipped Rozhdestvensky
as a superb interpreter of this quintessentially English composer?
and with excellent recording in lossless sound, the appeal
of these recordings as a 2-for-one set is assured. [See full
review by Rob Barnett here.]
is a less essential purchase, mainly because so much of the
music has been duplicated, though not superseded, on other recordings.
Howells completists will want it and others may find that at
the attractive 2-for-1 price it makes a preferable alternative
to other recordings. Its a measure of the welcome attention
which recording companies, Chandos and Hyperion in particular,
have given to Howellss music that I can list such a fine
recording as an honourable also-ran.
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
St. Pauls
Magnificat [6:32] and
Nunc dimittis
Like as the Hart [5:01]
Pæan for Organ [5:59]
Salvator mundi [1:58]
Psalm 23 [2:20]
Requiem æternam (1) [2:52]
Psalm 121 [2:21]
Requiem æternam (2) [3:53]
I Heard a Voice from Heaven [3:53]
Long, Long Ago [4:07]
Office of Holy Communion (
Collegium Regale) [16:38]
Rhapsody No. 3 for Organ [7:18]
Take Him, Earth, for Cherishing [7:50]
Iain Farrington (organ); St. Johns College Choir, Cambridge/Christopher
Robinson rec. 1999 (?) DDD.
No booklet or texts, but a set of notes about this album
NAXOS 8.554659 [75:37] from
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library.
Charles Villiers STANFORD (1852-1924) Services
in G, Op. 81:
Magnificat [4:02]
Herbert HOWELLS Gloucester
Magnificat [6:27]
Charles Villiers STANFORD
Services in B-flat, Op. 10:
Magnificat [3:30];
Dimittis [3:03]
6 Bible Songs and Hymns, Op. 113/6: O for a closer walk [3:18]
Herbert HOWELLS 4 Anthems:
No. 3: Like as the hart [5:28]
The fear of the Lord [5:18]
Charles Villiers STANFORD
I heard a voice from heaven [4:55]
Herbert HOWELLS Requiem:
Salvator mundi [1:50]
II. Psalm 23 [2:18]
Requiem æternam (1) [3:15]
IV. Psalm 121 [2:18]
Requiem æternam (2) [3:35]
VI. I heard a voice from heaven [4:15]
Charles Villiers STANFORD
8 Partsongs, Op. 127/3: When Mary thro the garden went [3:28]
Herbert HOWELLS Long, long
ago [4:42]
Charles Villiers STANFORD
Services in C, Op. 115:
Te Deum [7:22]
Herbert HOWELLS All my hope
on God is founded [3:18]
Wayne Marshall (organ); Cambridge Singers/John Rutter
Texts not included
COLLEGIUM COLCD118 [72:22] from
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library.

Naxos recording marked the beginning of a fruitful partnership
with St Johns. It contains versions of the
Take him, earth which are more than capable of competing
with its rivals and, at Naxos price, CD and download are on a
par price-wise with the Chandos twofer which contains those works
(CHAN241-34, above). Both are good enough and there is so little
overlap between them, however, that you could download both and
still have change from the price of a full-price CD.

Collegium recording offers yet another excellent way to
obtain an evocative performance of the
Requiem, this time
enterprisingly coupled with the music of Howellss teacher
Stanford, whose music is beginning to be appreciated again but
still needs all the advocacy that it can get. Rutter is a great
admirer of Howellss music and these performances clearly
demonstrate his commitment. The opening Stanford
receives a slightly over-reverential treatment, but this is nevertheless
a welcome recording of both composers.
Theres yet another recommendable option for the
this time coupled with the Vaughan Williams
Mass in g minor
Te Deum in G (Corydon Singers/Matthew Best, Hyperion
CDH55220 download from
in mp3 or lossless at budget price.)
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
The Summer is Coming [7:18]
Sweetest of Sweets [4:58]
Sing Lullaby [3:17]
One Thing Have I Desired [5:21]
A Spotless Rose [3:11]
Antiphon [4:20]
Walking in the Snow [4:05]
A Grace for 10 Downing Street [2:33]
Here is the Little Door [3:35]
God be in my head [1:24]
Long, Long ago [4:55]
Te Deum (Collegium Regale) [8:54]
Jubilate (Collegium Regale) [3:09]
Magnificat (Dallas Canticles) [5:35]
Nunc Dimittis (Dallas Canticles) [3:18]
A Hymn for St Cecilia [3:07]
Tom Winpenny (organ); Rodolfus Choir/Ralph Allwood rec.
2008. DDD
Pdf booklet includes texts.
SIGNUM SIGCD190 [69:02] from
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library.

again there are overlaps with other recommended recordings but
there are also some works not included elsewhere, such as the
Dallas Canticles. The mix of secular music works well
too often Howells is seen as just a composer of church music.
The performances and recording are too good for this to be regarded
as an also-ran, so Im surprised that we seem not to have
reviewed the parent CD.
Some other Howells recordings which have been reviewed in these
Download Roundups:
- A Sequence for St Michael [10:02]; By the Waters of Babylon
[10:11]; A Spotless Rose [3:24];
Magnificat and
Dimittis (Gloucester Service, premiere recording) [11:26];
Psalm 142 (premiere recording) [4:14]; A Grace for 10 Downing
Street [2:29]; One Thing Have I Desired [5:38]; Like as the Hart
Magnificat and
Nunc Dimittis (
Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense) [7:33];
Salve Regina [4:44];
Te Deum (
Collegium Regale) [9:01]
Choir of St Johns College, Cambridge/Andrew Nethsingha
rec. 2009. DDD.
CHANDOS CHAN10587 [75:33] from
(mp3 and lossless) (
- Sir Patrick Spens, Op. 23 [19:49];
Hymnus Paradisi [45:01]
Claire Rutter (soprano); James Gilchrist (tenor); Bach Choir;
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra/David Hill rec. 2006. DDD.
NAXOS 8.570352 [64:28] from
(mp3) (
Hymnus Paradisi [44:57]; An English Mass [34:27]
Julie Kennard (soprano); John Mark Ainsley (tenor) Royal Liverpool
Philharmonic Choir; Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/Vernon
Handley rec. 1992. DDD.
HYPERION CDA66488 [79:24] from
(mp3 and lossless) (
Top 30)
* The link no longer applies.
My Spirit Hath Rejoiced: Best-loved settings of the Magnificat
and Nunc dimittis
Thomas Tertius NOBLE (1867-1953)
Evening Service in b minor Op 6 [8:18]
Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983)
Magnificat and
Nunc dimittis Gloucester Service
Herbert MURRILL (1909-1952)
Magnificat and
Nunc dimittis in E [7:21]
Basil HARWOOD (1859-1949)
Evening Service in A flat Op 6 [8:02]
Harold DARKE (1888-1956) Evening
Service in F [9:51]
Herbert Whitton SUMSION (1899-1955)
Magnificat and
Nunc dimittis in G [7:42]
Sir George DYSON (1883-1964)
Evening Service in D [7:54]
Christopher Dearnley (organ); The Choir of St Pauls Cathedral/John
Scott rec.1988. DDD.
Pdf booklet contains texts
HYPERION HELIOS CDH55402 [60:50] from
(mp3 and lossless)

serves as a reminder that the format of the Evensong canticles
Magnificat from Vespers and
Te Deum from
Compline need not be restrictive: theres a variety
of styles here, not all placid and contemplative. The St Pauls
Choir under John Scott is as sure a guide to authenticity of performance
in this repertoire as their Westminster Cathedral counterparts
in Victoria. This is well worth having at its new budget price,
even if it means duplicating the Howells settings.
Charles MINGUS (1922-1979) Mingus!
Canon [5:57]
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting / Boogie Stop Shuffle [8:28]
Fables of Faubus [12:58]
Eclipse* [7:09]
Jelly Roll [6:51]
Self-Portrait in Three Colors [7:23]
Nostalgia in Times Square** [8:25]
Reincarnation of A Lovebird** [4:22]
Tá Lam 11
rec. RBB Studios, Berlin March 24/25, 2010. DDD.
arr. Gebhard Ullmann except * Michael Thieke,** Benjamin Weidekamp
JAZZ WERKSTATT 105 [61:33] from
(mp3) or stream from Naxos Music Library

is emphatically not easy-listening jazz, nor will
these avant-garde arrangements necessarily appeal to purist fans
of Charles Mingus. Try it first from the Naxos Music Library,
however, and let it grow on you.
Classicsonline also have some recordings by Mingus himself
rather easier on the ear than the Tá Lam 11 programme:
- Mingus in Europe: Enja ENJ-3077
- Mingus in Europe Volume 1: Yellowbird YEB-3049-2
Despite the similarity of the titles, these are two quite separate
recordings, with no overlap. The Yellowbird download is especially
good value at £4.99.
Amazon download
bargains round-up
In my ongoing hunt for a bargain in any format I have recently
come across some unheralded re-releases on Amazon (and other sites
in similar layout I assume) of some remarkable compilations.
Many collectors will have seen the uninspiring titles and artwork
for most of these downloads and passed by on the other side
of the road. That was my initial inclination especially
given Amazons pre-disposition with such items NOT to list
artists, bit-rates or indeed almost any useful information on
the download page. But I dipped a toe and chose one selection
and have been so impressed that several others have followed and
my initial impression of fantastic value boasting many fine performances
is confirmed.
Before getting onto specific albums a few general
observations. Most collectors will be concerned about bleeding
chunks. Not so here every work with one exception,
whether symphony, concerto, sonata or quartet is presented complete.
The only departure from this rule is when a series of piano works
are represented by a selection the Grieg
Lyric Pieces
is an instance. With the exception of the clearly historical tracks
bit rates are mainly around an acceptable 220+ kps. Many I know
would like higher or indeed lossless but at the price point offered
usually the equivalent of a single Naxos disc this
is good enough for me. Much of the repertoire is still available
at a higher price in versions from the original label. I have
not been able to compare files like for like but cannot complain
about the cheaper versions on technical grounds. Mixed
in with the many fine performances there are routine and occasionally
poor items in the selections I have chosen the good significantly
outweigh the bad. In any case I also subscribe to the opinion
that you can often learn a lot about a piece from a poor performance
if only by highlighting the good! The bulk of the best performances
seem to have been licensed from VOX or BIS. The VOX items are
sonically inferior to BIS but it has been a good chance to reacquaint
myself with some old friends.

first series of downloads to consider are collectively titled
"The 99 most essential
" The title alone smacks
of the worst kind of poorly compiled bleeding chunks and indeed
under the umbrella of this series there are just such aberrations.
But dig a little deeper mainly into composer specific titles and
some treasures appear. Specifically I have found
The 99 Most
Essential Saint-Saëns Masterpieces a winner in almost
every regard. This is heavily sourced from BIS. With the exception
of a heavy-handed unsmiling Russian
Carnival of the animals
the bulk of the set is stunning. Principal works are: 4 of the
5 Symphonies (only No.1 is missing) No.3 is very impressive
with exciting playing and recording, Violin Concerti 1-3 (Kantarow
in stunning form), Cello Concerti 1 and 2, Piano Concertos 1 and
2, Various concertante works some pops but lots of interesting
rare stuff too,
Danse Macabre,
La Muse et le Poète,
solo organ music (this is the discovery of the set for
me: really beautiful music atmospherically recorded by Hans Fagius),
Clarinet Sonata a total of 9:46:04 of music for £4.99.
Only the string chamber works and the operas (there are a couple
Samson et Dalila excerpts) are missing.

similar lines is
The 99 Most Essential Grieg Masterpieces.
Here the orchestral performances are more varied ranging from
the exceptionally fine BIS-sourced Bergen PO
Dances, Norwegian Dances, Sigurd Jorsalfar etc., to a routine
Peer Gynt and
Piano Concerto but with a rather good
Holberg Suite from the Slovak Philharmonic. The stand-out
works here are the chamber items. All 3
Violin Sonatas
are included Nos. 1 and 2 from Dong-Suk Kang especially
fine. But there is also the
Cello Sonata and the
Sonata and the curious
String Quartet. The Sonata is
by pianist Eva Knardahl and taken from the BIS complete piano
works set as are the other solo piano works here played
by Love Derwinger. Some of the beautiful Grieg songs are here
too including the superb cycle
Haugtussa which is
this sets discovery for me again fine BIS sourced
performances from Monica Groop and Love Derwinger. This time you
get a mere 8:02:19 but again for just £4.99. Never listen
to half the set, dislike half the remainder and its still
fantastic value!

less detail but worth looking at are
The 99 Most Essential
Schubert Masterpieces and
The 99 Most Essential Brahms
Masterpieces. The former has a good mix of orchestral
BIS sourced symphonies from Järvi and the Stockholm Sinfonietta
and chamber. The latter includes the famous later quartets
and the piano trios respectably performed by the Arion Trio and
a good selection of piano music VOX sourced Im almost
certain from the likes of Walter Klien, Peter Frankl and
Alfred Brendel. The
Trout Quintet and the
String Quintet are here too. Oddly the incomplete
work is a
Winterreise. Throughout all these compilations
there is evidence of some real care and thought, evidenced here
by the inclusion of the rare
Fierrabras Overture and the
Rondo for violin and string quartet. There is even
one of the Masses from a Russian choir. I like the fact the selection
closes with Björling singing
Die Forelle a
lovely sweet-meat to finish with. Performance quality IS more
variable here but hey at £2.69 yes that is right
not a typo for 13:41:36 (yes thirteen + hours of music)
are you really going to ask for a refund?

Brahms set is not anything like on this level but even
here I find the slow and rather massive approach to the symphonies
by the Berlin SO and Eduardo Marturet quite compelling once you
get into the basic concept No.1 is awful though; a sloppy
live performance. Highlights of this set are the Aaron Rosand
Violin Concerto and three
Violin Sonatas. These
latter are easily worth the cost of admission alone. Good versions
of the
Piano Trios too from the Kalichstein-Laredo-Robinson
trio. No string quartets here but good
Viola Sonatas and
respectable concertos I liked the
Piano Concertos
more than when they were reviewed here. But again at £4.99
I find it hard to complain when average performances piggy-back
in with some rather special ones.

last of these compilations which is a real winner is
The 99
Most Essential Cello Masterpieces. Probably the best of the
lot this includes ALL the core repertoire cello concertos including
those by Dvořák, Elgar, Saint-Saëns (No.1), Haydn
(Nos. 1 and 2)/ Shostakovich (No.1), Prokofiev (Cello-Symphony),
Britten, Miaskovsky, Khachaturian, Tchaikovsky (
Rococo Variations),
Schumann, Bruch (
Kol Nidrei) and so on. Add a couple of
Bach cello suites (in very well received performances), a Britten
Suite, the ubiquitous Swan and Sonatas by Debussy,
Chopin, Rachmaninov and other odds and ends and you will see this
is a one-stop-shop for cello repertoire! Many of the performances,
both concertos and chamber, are BIS-sourced, featuring cellist
Torleif Thedéen. Those that are not are idiomatically played
by their respective soloists. Since most of the music here is
well-known there is less that is revelatory but the quality of
performances and recordings are consistently the highest with
no major duds and several really superb performances. Just the
12:38:09 of music here for your £4.99!
BIS have clearly made a decision to license their recording using
a brand-less banner. This goes further than the inclusion in sets
as above they have taken to releasing complete sets direct
from their own catalogue. Again I cannot make a technical comparison
but in repertoire terms these are identical. Stand-out sets here

The Greatest Orchestral Works (£6.99)
The Symphonies and Orchestral Works (£5.99)
The Complete Symphonies (£4.99)
The Complete Symphonies Karelia Lemminkäinen
Violin Concerto (£5.99)
[See above
BARGAIN OF THE MONTH for the Sibelius.

Of the above; the Grieg is stunning effectively 6 of the
8 discs from the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestras collected
orchestral works. Only the complete
Peer Gynt and the opera
fragments are missing. These performances go straight to the top
of my list for this repertoire. The Tchaikovsky set I recently
reviewed and was disappointed with. BUT, I caveated that the smaller
rare works were well worth hearing. Great chance to buy the lot
here for a give away price and never bother with the symphonies
more than once!

Glazunov are the Otaka/ BBC NOW cycle which had varying reviews
but again at this price gives you an option of another way
I personally love the Svetlanov no-prisoners approach
but am looking forward to hearing Otakas more benevolent
approach. The Sibelius is one of the finest of recent cycles and
includes here all 7 symphonies plus the original No.5 and many
other major works too a stunning bargain and worth repertoire
duplication just to hear these justly celebrated performances.
Additionally BIS have heavily contributed to two other albums
of considerable artistic and musical merit:

- Atterberg:
Orchestral Works (£4.99)
- Arvo Pärt:
75 year celebration collection (£7.49)
There is one last group worth mentioning discovering all
over again old-friend-recordings. Here are a couple again
at fantastic value:
Harp Concerto Symphony No. 3 Chrizis (£4.99)
this is the old
Ilya Murometz from the EMI/Melodiya
days played by Nathan Rachlin and the Moscow Radio SO. It might
not be totally complete but what a blood and thunder performance.
Add an idiomatic
Harp Concerto and the otherwise unavailable
(I think) ballet music
Chrizis and this is a great find.

the VOX sourced
The Essential Orchestral
Works (£5.99). The core of this set is the early digital
recordings of Symphonies 1,2,4,5 and 6 conducted by Harold Farberman
using mainly the LSO and also the RPO (for No.2). Farberman has
a very distinct and consistent approach that is not at all the
neurotic psychoanalysis of a Bernstein. Perhaps not your desert
island choice but fascinating to hear it makes you think
about what you want from this music. I liked No.6 which seems
to reflect this almost heavy-hearted approach best. Add to the
set historical song cycles from Horenstein, the famous early Everest
recording of No.9 (mentioned on the bulletin board recently),
a better-than-expected
Das Lied good orchestra and
tenor, rather matronly Slavonic mezzo and a No.10 adagio
and again this is jaw-dropping value for £5.99. Beware,
there is an almost identical selection without all of the works
listed above for £2.00 more
For those who lament the loss of being able to browse
online using the various search options within these online stores
does allow this kind of unexpected discovery none
of albums above were searched for initially so all were
doubly enjoyable for that special frisson of discovering a hidden
bargain. There are other similar products waiting to be found
but the measure of interest will depend on an individuals
musical taste. To my mind these offer collectors both experienced
and new a superb way of investigating a vast amount of wonderful
music at absurdly low cost the CFP LPs of my youth at 99p
now seem expensive!
Nick Barnard