Samples & Downloads
Hans Christian
LUMBYE (1810-1874)
The Best of Lumbye
1. Champagne Galop No. 1 (1845) [2:17]
2. Dronning Louise Vals (Queen Louise Waltz) (1868)
3. Københavns Jernbanedamp Galop (Copenhagen Steam Railway
Galop) (1847) [3:52]
4. Drømmebilleder, Fantasi (Dream Pictures, Fantasia)
(1846) [9:27]
5. Salut for August Bournonville, Galop (Salute to August Bournonville)
(1869) [1:58]
6. Concert-Polka for two violins (1863) [4:43]
7. Amélie Vals (Amélie Waltz-Suite) (1846)
8. Krolls Ballklange, Vals (Sounds from Kroll’s Dance
Hall, Waltz-Suite) (1846) [8:19]
9. Petersborg Champagne Galop fra suiten ‘Erindringer fra
St. Petersborg’ (St Petersburg Champagne Galop, from the
suite Memories of St Petersburg) (1850) [2:54]
10. Britta Polka (1864) [2:34]
11. Columbine Polka-Mazurka (1862) [3:57]
12. Telegraph Galop (1844) [3:39]
13. Hesperus (Klänge), Waltz (1858) [8:49]
14. Finale-Galop from ‘Livjægerne på Amager’
(The Guardsmen of Amager) (1871) [3:24]
Tivoli Symphony Orchestra/Giordano Bellincampi (1-3, 5-8, 10, 11
& 14); David Riddell (4, 9); Tamás Vetö (12, 13)
All tracks previously released on Marco Polo, 1998-2005. DDD
NAXOS 8.556843 [71:21] 
This is a single-CD distillation of the Marco Polo 11-CD complete
recording of the music of Hans Christian Lumbye, the so-called
‘Strauss of the North’. Not surprisingly, the Naxos
selection concentrates on Lumbye’s better-known works,
mostly taken from Volume 1 of the Marco Polo series (8.223743,
seven tracks), and Volume 3 (8.225122, three tracks) on which
Giordano Bellincampi conducts. The other tracks come from 8.225264
(David Riddell) and 8.225171 (Tamas Vetö). It’s especially
apt that the selection should be released now, since Lumbye
was born in 1810, a bi-centenary which might otherwise have
been lost among this year’s other musical celebrations.
The analogy with the Strauss family, especially Johann II is
apt, particularly as Georges Prêtre included the Champagne
Galop (track 1 on the Naxos CD) in the 2010 New Year’s
Day Concert from Vienna (Decca DVD 0743376 or two CDs 478
2113 - see review).
With the exception of the Drømmebilleder (Dream
Pictures) Fantasia (track 4), most of the dances are in the
waltz or galop format and some of the titles are even reminiscent
of the music of the Viennese family.
The title of the opening piece, the well-known Champagne
Galop No.1 recalls Johann Strauss’s Champagne Polka
(on The Very Best of Strauss, Naxos 8.552115/6). There’s
more popping of Champagne corks on track 9. Lumbye’s Erdringer
fra St Petersburg (Recollections of St Petersburg) match
the Erinnerung an Covent Garden (Recollection of Covent
Garden, based on the tune Champagne Charley, on Johann
Strauss Junior: Most Famous Works, Volume 6, Naxos 8.554522),
Erinnerung an Berlin (Marco Polo Johann Strauss I, Volume
7, 8.225283) and Abschied von S Petersburg (Johann Straus
II, Vol.2, Naxos 8.554518).There are even Strauss analogues
for Lumbye’s most famous work, the Jernbanedamp Galop
(Steam Railway Galop, tr.3) in the form of Eduard Strauss’s
Bahn frei! (Clear the tracks, Marco Polo 8.223483), Johann
II’s Vergnügungszug (Pleasure Excursion Train,
Naxos 8.554526) and Johann Senior’s Eisenbahnlustwalzer
(literally Railway Pleasure Waltz, Marco Polo 8.225287).
Three conductors feature in the selections, though Giordano
Bellincampi has the lion’s share. All the pieces are idiomatically
performed - I didn’t detect any divergence of style among
the three - and well recorded. The contributions of Sergei Azizian
and Marianne Melnik in the Concert Polka (tr.6) are also
excellent. I greatly enjoyed listening, especially as it allowed
me to make the acquaintance of more than the two or three pieces
that I knew. I especially enjoyed the Drømmebilleder
Fantasia (tr.4), with its relief from the dance format. It’s
a fine work in its own right, reminiscent of the way in which
Josef Strauss transcended the dance format. I’m sure that
this will now be among the select CDs that I keep when I need
to be cheered up.
You may well be tempted by this selection to invest in some
of the other volumes of the Marco Polo collection. The Naxos
‘family’ also offers a sampling on the Danacord
label (Tivoli Symphony Orchestra/Thomas Jensen, DACOCD503).
This is a reissue of a series of classic recordings from the
early 1940s, but it duplicates several of the items on the Naxos
collection. I see no reason to prefer that CD to the less expensive
Naxos, unless you are attracted by the classics status of the
recordings or prefer a slightly faster tempo for most of the
pieces, including, for example the Champagne Galop (1:58
against 2:17) or the Railway Galop (3:35 against 3:52).
I don’t think the Naxos performances at all dilatory,
but subscribers to the Naxos Music Library can compare the two
recordings there.
The Naxos Music Library will also give you access to a 1993
collection on Chandos: Festival at Tivoli (Danish National
SO/Gennady Rozhdestvensky, CHAN10354X). Again, the collection
duplicates the Naxos CD - including the wonderful Drømmebilleder
- so, though it’s offered at lower-mid-price, little more
than the Naxos, I see no reason to prefer it, unless you plan
to download it in mp3 for £4.99 - here.
(The lossless download costs £7.99, not much of a saving
when the CD can be had for £6.50 from some dealers.) Rozhdestvensky’s
tempi are very close to those of his Naxos competitors.
Another budget-price recording, from Collins, now on Regis (Odense
SO/Peter Guth, RRC1156, around £5), offers surprisingly
little overlap with the Naxos - just one item. I haven’t
heard this CD, but it has received very favourable reviews,
so might well be regarded as a pendant to the Naxos. Its companion
on Regis RRC1155 contains too much overlapping material to be
recommended alongside the Naxos.
Prêtre’s Champagne Galop from the 2010 New
Year Concert (see above) is in a class of its own, since
it’s embedded in the music of the Strauss family - in
one of the best concerts of its kind for many years. I enjoyed
it so much that I see that I forgot to mention the Lumbye -
a shame because he did it proud.
The notes in the Naxos booklet are very detailed: they dispelled
a number of popular misconceptions that I had accumulated, especially
concerning the Railway Galop. I had somehow assumed that
this referred to a fun ride in the Tivoli Gardens, where Lumbye
was the orchestral director, rather than to the first railway
line to be inaugurated in Denmark, from Copenhagen to Roskilde.
All in all this is a delightful release, at the very least fully
worthy to stand alongside the selections from the Strauss family
and Ziehrer which Naxos advertise in the booklet and on the
insert. I’d just have liked a more stylish cover shot.
Brian Wilson