Brian Wilson
Jacques IBERT (1890-1962) Quatre Chansons
de Don Quichotte (1932) [11:11]
Manuel de FALLA (1876-1946) El retablo
de Maese Pedro (1923) [26:09]
Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937) Don Quichotte
à Dulcinée (1932/3) [7:12]
Jesus GURIDI (1886-1961) Una aventura
de Don Quijote (1915) [11:06]
Álvarez (baritone); Eduardo Santamaria (tenor); Xavier Olaz
Moratinos (boy soprano)
Orquesta de la Comunidad de Madrid/José Ramón Encinar
rec. Teatro
Isabel Clara Eugenia, Madrid, 27 June–1 July 2005, DDD
DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON 476 3094 [55:38] – from passionato
I’ve been fascinated
by Falla’s strange mini-opera El retablo de Maese Pedro
(Master Peter’s puppet show) ever since I borrowed the LP of
Ansermet’s performance from Greenwich Library more than forty
years ago; I later owned it on Ace of Diamonds, coupled with
the better-known El Amor brujo. I don’t think that version
has ever been on CD; perhaps Eloquence will include it in their
Ansermet series.
Bailey made this his recording of the month two years ago for
all the right reasons, for which, and much more of interest,
I refer you to his review.
you just know that after such an enthusiastic review, here and
elsewhere, for example a 4-star rating in BBC Music Magazine,
the CD would seem to have bitten the deletions dust in no time
at all, leaving this download the only way to obtain the recording.
Read IB’s review, then go for the download – even if you’re
not a regular downloader, it’s well worth making the effort.
The mp3 sound is good.
of Andalusia
Jadaka l-ghaithu’idha l-ghaithu hama [1:36]; Yahnikum,
yahnikum [4:51]; Miyyah fi miyyah [7:25] ; Macar
ome per folia [8:17]; Por fol tenno quen na [3:00];
Al pasar por Casablanca [6:59]; Hal dara zabyu l-hima
[2:39]; Estampida (instrumental) [3:56]; Masha s-sahar
hayran [3:27]; Ayyuha s-saqi ’ilay-ka l-mushtaka
[7:20]; Como poden per sas culpas [3:07]; Jarriri
l-dheila ’ayuma jarri [1:11]; A Sennor que mui ben soube
[6:44]; Quen bõa dona querrá [3:33]
Joglaresa: Naziha Azzouz (voice), Belinda Sykes (voice, shawm,
bagpipes), Stuart Hall (oud, tar), Ben Davis (vielle), Paul
Clarvis (bendir, Andalusian tar), Tim Garside (darabuka, Andalusian
tar), Salah Dawson Miller (bendir, Andalusian tar); Hilary Hazard,
Lucy Gibson, Wendy March, Sonia Ritter (voice, on ‘A Sennor
que mui ben soube’ only).
rec. 27-29 January 2000, East Woodhay Church, UK. DDD
METRONOME METCD1062 [64:10] – from emusic.com
The major disadvantage in downloading this
kind of repertoire is the absence of notes: Chandos, Hyperion
and Naxos’s home site, classicsonline.com, usually provide material
from the CD booklet, and classicsonline have also begun to include
this facility for other companies’ recordings, but eMusic still
don’t. Glyn Pursglove’s generally enthusiastic review
covers most of the ground; you should read that before you download.
I was just as enchanted with this programme of Christian, Jewish
and Arab music from medieval Andalusia as GPu, who made it one
of his Recordings of the Year. It combines scholarship with
enthusiastic performance.
tracks from emusic works out considerably less expensive than
the CD – less than £3 if you’re still on the 50-track tariff
at the old rate – but it would be a nice gesture if eMusic started
charging, say, for an extra track and provided some notes.
don’t list this fascinating CD on their website: I trust that
it hasn’t been deleted already. If it has, you must go for the
Cançons de la Catalunya Millenaria
El Fill Del Rei [7:24] ; La Filadora
[3:27] ; El Comte Arnau * [13:19] ; El Cant
Dels Ocells [7:30] ; Cançó Del Lladre [4:07];
El Mestre [4:36]; El Testament d’Amèlia [17:42];
Mariagneta [3:22]; Els Segadors [10:10]
Figueras (soprano); * Francesc Garrigosa (tenor); La Capella
Reial de Catalunya/Jordi Savall
St. Lambert des Bois, Yvellines, France, January, 1977. ADD.
E9937) [71:37] – from emusic
lack of texts is a real problem; some of them, like Els
Cant dels Ocells, are readily available online, but the
version of the final song, Els segadors (The reapers)
employs a text much longer than the usual version of this Catalan
National Anthem, beginning Catalunya triomfant, the last
three stanzas of what is sung here.
Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474) Missa Puisque je
vis [34:08]
Loyset CompÈre (c.1445-1518) Omnium
bonorum plena [10:25]
– traditional Concede
nobis, Domine
[7:11]; Salve maris stella [7:50]
Guillaume Dufay Ave regina caelorum
Binchois Consort/Andrew Kirkman
July 2002, All Saints, Tooting, London.
[67:24] – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
I’ve included this
recording for a number of reasons. We don’t seem to have reviewed
it when it was released in 2003; it divided reviewers then,
though most recommended it, and it now finds itself unjustly
unloved, since it recently appeared among Hyperion’s ‘please
someone buy me’ waifs and strays. I hope that it doesn’t reappear
there; if it does, it’s a bargain at £5.60, but I should like
to think that this review will give it a new lease of life.
not going to get into the question of whether the main work
is actually by Dufay: Hyperion’s notes say ‘almost certainly’
and that represents the consensus of modern scholarship, though
there are other possible claimants. Whoever composed it, it
stands high among the rich musical legacy of the 15th
century and it comes in Compère’s excellent company. With first-rate
performances and recording – but no notes or texts for the downloader
on this occasion – I recommend purchasing this recording in
one form or another.
the great C.S. Lewis used to write off the arts of the ‘long
fifteenth century’. We’ve since begun to realise the strengths
of the literature of the period and recordings like this are
helping to ensure that its music is becoming even less neglected.
Divine than Human: Music from the Eton Choirbook (c.1500-1505)
John Fawkyner Gaude rosa sine spina
William CORNYSH Salve Regina [15:50]
Walter LAMBE Magnificat [13:03]
Richard DAVY In honore summe matris [17:49]
John BROWNE Stabat mater [15:29]
Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford/Stephen Darlington
AVIE2167 [78:55] – from classicsonline.com
or emusic.com
This well-filled
recording offers one work by each of the five principal composers
represented in that miraculous survivor from reformation fervour,
the Eton Choirbook. The Sixteen offer a much fuller selection
on their 5-CD Coro recordings but not everyone will want such
a comprehensive collection and it is good to hear the music
sung by a choir not unlike that for which the music was composed
– Christ Church choir is still constituted as it was in the
days when John Taverner, in the generation following the music
in the Eton book, was their first choirmaster. They may not
offer quite such a finished sound as The Sixteen or The Tallis
Scholars on their recording of the music of John Browne – see
my comparative review
– but there is room for all three.
you download from classicsonline you will get the highest possible
bit-rate (320kbps) and a booklet of notes comes with the purchase;
emusic give you a variable bit-rate (just two tracks at 320kbps,
the rest at 192k, but no complaints) and no notes but, with
just five tracks, you could be paying less than £1.50, depending
on the tariff to which you subscribe.
Antonio CESTI (1623–1669)
disgrazie d’Amore - dramma giocoso morale; opera in 3 Acts (1667) [153:32]
by Francesco Sbarra (1611–1668)
- Cristiana Arcari (soprano); Venere - Maria Grazia Schiavo
(soprano); Vulcano - Furio Zanasi (baritone); Amore - Paolo
Lopez (male soprano); Sterope - Enea Sorini (bass); Bronte -
Antonio Abete (bass); Piragmo - Luigi De Donato (bass); Inganno
- Carlos Natale (tenor); Adulazione - Gabriella Martellacci
(contralto); Avarizia - Martin Oro (counter-tenor); Amicizia
- Elena Cecchi Fedi (soprano); Cortigiano - Francesco Ghelardini
(counter-tenor); Amante - Anicio Zorzi Giustiniani (tenor)
Musici/Carlo Ipata
Pisa, February, 2009. DDD.
[76:51 + 77:43] – from Hyperion (mp3 and lossless, available
from 1 January 2010)
is a real discovery, which I liken to my first encounter with
Cavalli, many years ago: the two were, in fact, near contemporaries
on the Venetian musical scene. This set offers two-and-a-half
hours of delight; it’s likely to be one of my Recordings of
the Year next year and it encourages me to try the other recordings
which Auser Music have made for Hyperion, especially of Porpora’s
Soprano Cantatas (CDA67621),
which we don’t seem to have reviewed on MusicWeb International.
reputation may have proved far less durable than that of his
rival, Handel, but his music is well worth hearing and the performances
of these cantatas are excellent. I might have preferred a slightly
more affirmative performance than that offered by the soloist,
Elena Cecchi Fedi – she is rather more suited to the role of
Amicizia on the Cecchi recording – but there is lot to give
pleasure here and very little to criticise.
Hyperion recordings come with the usual high level of documentation
– if anything, there’s too much to print out with the new recording
– and both sound excellent in lossless downloads.
you want to compare Handel and Porpora, together
with other contemporaries, Albinoni, Alessandro Scarlatti and
Rossi, try Andreas Scholl in Arias for Senesino
(Decca 475 6569), available from passionato
(mp3). For details, see review
by Em Marshall: “highly recommended”.
Jean Baptiste LULLY (1632-1687)
Motets I: Te Deum; Miserere; Plaude lætare Gallia
Concert Spirituel/Hervé Nicquet. rec. 1998. DDD.
and translations from naxos.com.
8.554397 [58:24] – from classicsonline.com
(mp3) and passionato.com
(mp3 and lossless)
first CD in a series licensed by Naxos from the French company
FNAC pre-dated the birth of MusicWeb International, but Colin
Clarke’s welcome
for Volume 3 (four stars out of five) would apply equally well
to this and to Volume 2.
Dieterich Buxtehude (c.1637-1707) The Complete
Organ Works – 2
in G minor BuxWV149 [7:35]; Canzona in C major BuxWV166 [4:39];
Chorale Fantasia Te Deum BuxWV218 [14:08]; Chorale Prelude
Mensch, willt du leben seliglich BuxWV206 [2:13]; Praeludium
in A minor BuxWV153 [5:46]; Chorale Prelude Komm, heiliger
Geist, Herre Gott BuxWV199 [3:23]; Chorale Variations Nimm
von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott BuxWV207 [6:45]; Toccata in
G major BuxWV165 [5:13]; Ciaccona in E minor BuxWV160 [4:35];
Chorale Prelude Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit BuxWV222
[2:13]; Chorale Prelude Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ
BuxWV224 [1:13]; Toccata in D minor BuxWV155 [7:46]; Chorale
Variations Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren BuxWV213 [5:54];
Praeludium in C major BuxWV138 [4:25]
Herrick (Organ of Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway)
January, 2009. DDD.
[76:21] – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless, available from 1 January 2010)
1 appeared in 2008, just a little late for the Buxtehude tercentenary
celebrations in 2007. This second volume is even more belated,
which is unfortunate in view of the fact that several other
series of Buxtehude’s organ music have been completed. You’ll
find my review of the final volume in Bine Bryndorf’s series
for DaCapo here,
with links to reviews of earlier volumes in the series. Similarly,
my review of Julia Brown on Volume 7 of the Naxos series, here,
also contains links to reviews of earlier volumes in that series.
There is also a series with Ton Koopman as organist, on Challenge
Classics, which has received praise in some quarters, though
Chris Bragg on MusicWeb International was decidedly less than
enthusiastic about the first two volumes – see review.
heard Christopher Herrick’s performances of two Buxtehude organ
works on Organ Fireworks XII (CDA67612 – see review)
I was expecting to enjoy his playing here at least as much as
that of Bryndorf and Brown and I was certainly not disappointed.
organ of Trondheim Cathedral is a 1980s restoration of an early
18th-century Wagner organ, therefore of the North
German type with which Buxtehude would have been familiar and
it proves an ideal instrument for Herrick’s excellent performances.
The booklet, available as a pdf document, contains a full specification
and details of the registration of each piece.
very good recording, as conveyed in the lossless flac download,
this is strongly recommended. When may we expect the remaining
Johann Sebastian BACH
Concerto No. 1 in F major, BWV 1046 [19:03]; Brandenburg Concerto
No. 2 in F major, BWV 1047 [10:38]; Brandenburg Concerto No.
3 in G major, BWV 1048 [11:58]; Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in
G major, BWV 1049 [14:48]; Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D major,
BWV 1050 [20:31]; Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 in B flat major,
BWV 1051 [15:26]
The English Baroque Soloists/John Eliot Gardiner (nos. 1-2);
directed by Kati Debretzeni (nos. 3-6)
[41:41 + 50:46] – from classicsonline
now have at least two recent recordings of the Brandenburg Concertos
on period instruments which deserve to be considered among the
best of these popular works that have ever been recorded.
Two years ago Jens F Laurson thought the Avie recording by the
European Brandenburg Concert under Trevor Pinnock
among the best (AV2119 – see review)
but hesitated to commend it at the expense of several other
versions. I rated that version even more highly than JFL then
(see review)
and it has become my version of choice since, to the extent
that my old Archiv/Pinnock CDs have finally departed. Hearing
it again in good 320k mp3 sound from passionato.com
confirms my feeling that this is probably the best all-round
recommendation among period recordings.
along come John Eliot Gardiner and the English Baroque
Soloists to challenge that assumption. In fact, it’s a matter
of swings and roundabouts: Gardiner offers consistently more
defensible tempi and wisely steps down from the podium after
directing the first two concertos, affirming his belief that
the other four are best directed by the soloists themselves,
especially the leader Kati Debretzeni, whose lead in Nos. 3-6
amply justifies the decision. Pinnock’s players, on the other
hand, especially his horns, seem to have mastered their period
instruments in a manner somewhat kinder to the modern ear. After
some very ripe horn playing at the very opening of No.1, matters
improve considerably on the SDG set, but that opening is a little
difficult to forgive or forget. Both recordings sound well in
320k mp3 format.
can – and doubtless shall – live happily with both, or with
Il Giardino Armonico/Giovanni Antonini on Warner Classics
- most recently reissued on 2564 98123 for around £9, much less
expensive that the £15.40 which warner.freshdigtal were charging
when I last checked - for those times when you want a little
more punch than either Gardiner or Pinnock provides.
Bach Cantata Pilgrimage - Volume 9 (Trinity XVII and XVIII)
BWV 148 - Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens [16:13]; BWV
114 - Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost [24:12]; BWV 47 - Wer
sich selbst erhöhet, der soll erniedriget werden [21:47]; BWV
226 - Motet: Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf [7:47]
live, Bach Cantata Pilgrimage, 14 October 2000, Allhelgonakyrkan,
Lund, Denmark
BWV 96 - Herr Christ, der ein’ge Gottessohn [19:22]; BWV 169
- Gott soll allein mein Herze haben [23:39]; BWV 116 - Du Friedefürst,
Herr Jesu Christ [15:29];BWV 668 - Chorale: Vor deinen Thron
tret’ ich hiermit [9:29]
rec. live, Bach Cantata Pilgrimage, 22 October 2000, Thomaskirche,
Leipzig, Germany
Katharine Fuge (soprano), Frances Bourne (alto), Robin
Tyson (alto) Charles Humphries (alto), Mark Padmore
(tenor) Stephen Loges (bass), Nathalie Stutzmann (alto),
Christoph Genz (tenor), Gotthold Schwarz (bass); Monteverdi
Choir; English Baroque Soloists/John Eliot Gardiner
but not texts, available.
SOLI DEO GLORIA SDG159 [70:22 + 68:19] – from classicsonline
13 (Cantatas for Advent, etc.)
komm, der Heiden Heiland I, BWV 61 (1714, Advent I) [15:06]; Nun komm,
der Heiden Heiland II, BWV 62 (1724, Advent I) [19:33];
Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV 36 (1731, Advent I)
Lunn (soprano); William Towers (alto); Jan Kobow (tenor); Dietrich
Henschel (bass)
The Monteverdi Choir; English Baroque Soloists/Sir John Eliot
rec. St. Maria im Kapitol, Köln, 3 December 2000
Wachet! betet! betet! wachet!, BWV 70 (1723, Advent IV)
[22:59]; Bereitet die Wege, bereitet die Bahn!, BWV 132
(1715, Trinity XXVI) [17:40]; Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben,
BWV 147 (1723, Visitation) [28:07]
Brigitte Geller (soprano); Michael Chance (alto); Jan Kobow
(tenor); Dietrich Henschel (bass)/ The Monteverdi Choir/English
Baroque Soloists/Sir John Eliot Gardiner.
rec. Michaeliskirche, Lüneburg, 13 December 2000. Notes, but
not texts, available.
SOLI DEO GLORIA SDG162 [65:19 + 69:03] – from
“The thing that really sets Gardiner’s
Bach cycle apart from its rivals is that, to my mind, he gets
to the heart of the music’s spirituality much more profoundly
than others, and this volume does it every bit as successfully
as its companions.” (Simon Thompson on Volume 9 – see review).
“This evolving
series of recorded performances seem so often to penetrate to
the heart of what this wonderful music is about.” (John Quinn
on Volume 9 – see review).
latest instalment, which as usual ... benefits from very good
engineering, is another fine addition to Gardiner’s excellent
cantata cycle on disc.” (John Quinn on Volume 13 – see review).
need only add that the mp3 sound is good. The excerpts from
Gardiner’s diary come as part of the downloads; there are no
texts, but these are easily found on the web.
word of caution is in order, however: at £15.98, these 2-CD
SDG sets are actually a few pence more expensive as downloads
than the price at which some dealers offer the discs.
taking a month out from recommendations of Handel operas
and oratorios to be renewed, DV, next month.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791)
String Quartets: Volume 2
Quartet No.14 in G, K387 [29:02]; String Quartet No.15 in d
minor, K421 [27:07]; String Quartet No.16 in E-flat, K428 [28:16];
String Quartet No.17 in B-flat, K458 (‘Hunt’) [27:29]; String
Quartet No.18 in A, K464 [33:42]; String Quartet No.19 in C,
K465 (‘Dissonance’) [31:50]
Italiano - rec. c.1966. ADD.
475 7344
[3 CDs: 56:09 + 55:45 + 65:32] – from passionato.com
reissued as recently as 2005, these classic performances appear
to have been deleted on CD, making the passionato download desirable,
even though, at £23.99, these quartets come rather more expensively
than when they were last listed on CD. Quartets Nos. 18 and
19 from this set have long been my versions of choice and the
other works receive equally fine performances. Though the recording
is now a little long in the tooth, it still sounds well enough
in mp3 sound.
August, 2009, I welcomed the 3-CD set which completed the American
String Quartet’s complete Mozart Quartets recording (Nimbus
I promised then to include the Italian Quartet recordings in
a future Download Roundup. I can – and shall – happily live
with both: the Nimbus is inexpensive, but I think these Philips
performances have a slight advantage.
in C ‘Krönungsmesse’, K317 [24:40]; Vesperæ Solennes
de Confessore, K339 [25:15]; Epistle Sonata in C K278/271e
Emma Kirkby (soprano); Catherine Robbin (mezzo);
John Mark Ainsley (tenor); Michael George (bass); Winchester
College Quiristers; Choir of Winchester Cathedral; The Academy
of Ancient Music/Christopher Hogwood. rec. 1992. DDD.
DECCA 436 585-2
[53:44] – from passionato.com
in c minor, K.427 ‘Grosse Messe’, K427
and reconstructed by Alois Schmitt & John Eliot Gardiner
Sylvia McNair (soprano); Diana Montague (mezzo);
Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor); Cornelius Hauptmann (bass); The
Monteverdi Choir; English Baroque Soloists/John Eliot Gardiner
rec. 1987. DDD.
PHILIPS 420 210-2
[54:01] – from passionato.com

favourite recording of Mozart’s frequently recorded ‘Great’
Mass in C minor is the interpretation from John Eliot Gardiner
with his Monteverdi Choir and the English Baroque Soloists.”
(Michael Cookson, reviewing
the Eloquence reissue of Colin Davis’s Philips recording). Taking
my cue from MC, I downloaded the Gardiner version and am sold
on it – it now replaces the Davis and an older version from
Fricsay in my collection.
Hogwood’s recording of the Coronation Mass and Solemn
Vespers is equally desirable, not least for the quality
of his soloists, particularly Emma Kirkby. Both recordings still
sound well in very acceptable mp3 sound.
Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 1 – Goethe & Schiller
Der Jüngling am Bache, D30 ‘An der Quelle sass
der Knabe’ [3:46]
Thekla ‘Eine Geisterstimme’, D73 ‘Wo ich sei, und
wo mich hingewendet’ [3:53]
Schäfers Klagelied, D121 First version ‘Da
droben auf jenem Berge’ [2:47]
Nähe des Geliebten, D162 ‘Ich denke dein,
wenn mir der Sonne Schimmer’ [2:15]
Meeres Stille, D216 ‘Tiefe Stille herrscht
im Wasser’ [2:05]
Amalia, D195 ‘Schön wie Engel voll Walhallas Wonne’
Die Erwartung, D159 ‘Hör’ ich das Pförtchen
nicht gehen?’ [13:09]
Wandrers Nachtlied I, D224 ‘Der du von dem
Himmel bist’ [1:35]
Der Fischer, D225 ‘Das Wasser rauscht’,
das Wasser schwoll’ [2:10]
Erster Verlust, D226 ‘Ach, wer bringt
die schönen Tage’ [2:04]
Wonne der Wehmut, D260 ‘Trocknet nicht,
trocknet nicht’ [0:48]
An den Mond, D296 ‘Füllest wieder
Busch und Tal’ [4:19]
Das Geheimnis, D250 ‘Sie konnte mir
kein Wörtchen sagen’ [3:02]
Lied, D284 ‘Es ist so angenehm, so süss’ [1:07]
Der Flüchtling, D402 ‘Frisch atmet des
Morgens lebendiger Hauch’ [5:24]
An den Frühling, D587 ‘Willkommen, schöner
Jüngling!’ [2:19]
Der Alpenjäger, D588 ‘Willst du nicht
das Lämmlein hüten?’ [4:53]
Der Pilgrim, D794 ‘Noch in meines
Lebens Lenze’ [4:34]
Sehnsucht, D636 ‘Ach, aus dieses Tales Gründen’ [4:29]
Baker (mezzo); Graham Johnson (piano)
1987, no specific date given
[67:57] – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
I produced the list of my choice of the top
30 Hyperion recordings, to celebrate the inauguration of
their download facility, I was very justifiably taken to task
by a friend for not including anything from the Schubert or
Schumann Song Editions. I shall try to put matters right in
forthcoming Download Roundups, beginning with Janet Baker’s
wonderful volume which inaugurated the Schubert series back
in 1987.
Baker’s voice may have been a little past its wonderful best
by then, but the way in which she characterises each song more
than makes up and the partnership with Graham Johnson, a constant
throughout the series, augured well for the whole enterprise.
The lossless flac version sounds very good; as it comes at the
same price as the mp3, you should go for it, unless you need
to download to an mp3 player or your hard drive is getting short
of space. Flac files are much larger than mp3, but you could
consider the purchase of an external hard drive to accommodate
a serious download collection – 500Gb for around £50 or even
a Terabyte for around £80.
are no texts with the download, or, indeed, with any volumes
from the series – most other Hyperion recordings offer the booklet
as a pdf – but the texts are not hard to find on the net.
9 – Schubert & the Theatre
D42 No. 2 [2:24]
D510 ‘Vedi quanto t’adoro ancora ingrato’ [4:28]
Gott, höre meine Stimme, D190 No. 5 [4:49]
Hin und wieder fliegen die Pfeile, D239 No. 3 [1’20]
Liebe schwärmt auf allen Wegen, D239 No. 6 [1’16]
Ich schleiche bang und still herum, D787 No. 2* [3:02]
arr. Fritz Spiegl
Romanze ‘Der Vollmond strahlt’, D797 No. 3 [3:50]
Blanka, D631 ‘Wenn mich einsam Lüfte fächeln’
Daphne am Bach, D411 ‘Ich hab’ ein Bächlein
funden’ [2:23]
Lambertine, D301 ‘O Liebe, die mein Herz erfüllet’
Thekla ‘Eine Geisterstimme’, D595 ‘Wo ich sei,
und wo mich hingewendet’ [5:35]
Zwei Szenen aus dem Schauspiel ‘Lacrimas’, D857 – No. 1:
Lied der Delphine ‘Delphine’ ‘Ach, was soll ich beginnen’
Vier Canzonen, D688 Nos 1 & 2 –
No. 1: Non t’accostar all’ urna [3:00]
2: Guarda che bianca luna! [3:04]
Vier Canzonen, D688 Nos. 3 & 4 -
No. 3: Da quel sembiante appresi [2:00]
4: Mio ben ricordati [2:26]
La pastorella al prato, D528 [2:07]
Der Sänger am Felsen, D482 ‘Klage, meine Flöte,
klage’ [3:21]
Der gute Hirt, D449 ‘Was sorgest du?
Sei stille, meine Seele!’ [3:12]
Lilla an die Morgenröte, D273 ‘Wie schön bist
du, du güldne Morgenröte’ [1:39]
Der Hirt auf dem Felsen, D965 ‘Wenn auf dem höchsten
Fels ich steh’’* [12:19]
King (clarinet)*; Arleen Auger (soprano); Graham Johnson (piano)
– rec. 1989. DDD.
CDJ 33009
[72:27] – from hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
The Lieder on this
volume may not be as well known as those on Janet Baker’s recording
(above) or Fischer-Dieskau’s (below), but it is well worth having
for that minor masterpiece which concludes the programme, The
Shepherd on the Rock. In fact, like Bach’s cantatas, there’s
hardly a single dud anywhere in Schubert’s song output and it’s
well worth experimenting with the less well known when it’s
well sung and even better accompanied and recorded. Auger sounds
a little squally at times; these are dramatic Lieder, but I
didn’t warm to her rendition of some of them and it’s mainly
for that final track that I recommend the CD. Thea King’s accompaniment,
there and in D787 is a further attraction.
a Schubert recital by a soprano on top form, including The
Shepherd on the Rock, you may prefer Margaret Price on Classics
for Pleasure 5726942, available from passionato.com.
At £7.99 (mp3) or £9.99 (lossless) this is more expensive than
the parent CD, but the CD seems to be unavailable in the UK.
To keep the cost down, I sampled the mp3 version and found it
more than acceptable.
Goethe Lieder
Wandrers Nachtlied, D. 224 [1:47]
Wandrers Nachtlied II, D.768 (Op.96/3) [2:33]
Ganymed, D. 544 (Op.19/3) [4:42]
Jägers Abendlied, D. 368 [2:32]
An Schwager Kronos, D. 369 [3:06]
Meeres Stille, D. 216 (Op.3/2) [2:25]
Prometheus, D674 [5:34]
Harfenspieler 1, D. 478 Wer sich
der Einsamkeit ergibt [4:28]
Harfenspieler 3, D. 480 Wer nie sein
Brot mit Tränen aß [4:57]
Harfenspieler 2, D. 479 An die Türen
will ich schleichen [2:10]
An den Mond, D. 296 [4:53]
Auf dem See, D. 543 [3:32]
Erster Verlust, D. 226 [1:56]
Der Musensohn, D.764 (Op.92/1) [2:02]
Rastlose Liebe, D. 138 (Op.5/1)* [1:22]
Nähe des Geliebten, D. 162* [3:27]
Heidenröslein, D. 257 (Op.3/3) Sah
ein Knab’ ein Röslein steh’n* [1:46]
Wonne der Wehmut, D. 260* [1:05]
Erlkönig, D. 328 (Op.1) Wer reitet so spät*
Der König in Thule, D. 367* [3:00]
Geheimes, D719 (Goethe)* [1:48]
Grenzen der Menschheit D 716* [8:06]
Am Flusse D 766* [1:13]
Willkommen und Abschied D 767* [3:17]
Fischer-Dieskau (baritone); Jörg Demus (piano); *Gerald Moore
Janet Baker’s Hyperion
recording offers over an hour of delight. If anything, this
even longer Fischer-Dieskau recital of Goethe Lieder is
more essential still. If you have no or very few Schubert Lieder
in your collection, this is the place to start. There are other
equally fine Schubert recordings by Fischer-Dieskau in the DG
catalogue, not least the 3-CD set of Die schöne Müllerin,
Winterreise and Schwanengesang and I hope to return
to some of these in future months, but I place this Originals
recording first because it offers examples of both his major
accompanists, Demus and Moore, and it was on special offer at
£4.99 at the time of writing. It will still be worth having
at the regular £7.99, but that’s only a few pence less than
the CD, which comes with notes.
mp3 sound completes the bargain.
in E flat major, D950 [52:54]
Gritton (soprano); Pamela Helen Stephen (mezzo); Mark Padmore
(tenor); James Gilchrist (tenor); Matthew Rose (bass)
Musicum 90/Richard Hickox
St Jude-on-the-Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London; 26-27
July 2007. DDD.
and translations available as pdf document.
[52:54] – from theclassicalshop
(mp3 or lossless)
My recent experience
reviewing Schubert’s Masses No.2 and No.4 and his Deutsche
Messe (The Immortal Bach Ensemble/Morten Schuldt-Jensen,
Naxos 8.570764), a recording about which I had no serious criticisms
but equally no great enthusiasm, led me back to Wolfgang Sawallisch’s
performances of Mass No.2, Deutsche Messe and shorter
works, available on a 7-CD budget set or as a single disc from
in good mp3 or even better lossless sound (7474072). The single
CD is deleted in physical format.
versions of the last three Masses, Nos.4-6, remain available
on a budget-price Gemini 2-CD set (3815192, around £8.50). That
budget compilation offers really good value but the Chandos
version, directed by the late and much missed Richard Hickox,
with a fine team of soloists and Collegium Musicum 90 in support,
is even better. The fact that he offers just the single work
makes this rather short value at full price, but the download
price of £7.99 (mp3) or £9.99 offers compensation. The lossless
version reproduces very well.
Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897)
Ich schwing mein Horn ins Jammertal Op. 41/1 (1861-2)
Es tönt ein voller Harfenklang Op. 17/1 (1859-60) [3:19]
Nachtwache I Op. 104/1 (1888) [3:06]
Einförmig ist der Liebe Gram Op. 113/13 (?1860-3) [2:40]
Gesang der Parzen Op. 89 (1882) [11:15]
Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op.. 90 (1883) [33:30]
Nänie Op. 82 (1880-1) [12:01]
The Monteverdi Choir; Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique/Sir
John Eliot Gardiner
rec. live, Salle Pleyel, Paris, 16 November 2007; Royal Festival
Hall, London, 4, 5, 8 October 2008 . DDD.
Notes, but not texts, available.
SOLI DEO GLORIA SDG704 [70:16] – from classicsonline
In his review
John Quinn notes that he found the opening movement of the symphony
a little disconcerting at first, but that he came to relish
the directness. Having cut my teeth on this symphony in Klemperer’s
version, I can take directness here; although there are many
individual differences, I felt as thoroughly at home with Gardiner
as with Klemperer here and throughout the symphony. Though the
Klemperer recording sounds much better now than it did, Gardiner’s
is much better, even comparing mp3 with lossless (flac) in Klemperer
on EMI 5670302 (with Symphony No.2, from passionato.)
Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949)
Suite from Der Rosenkavalier, TrV 227d (1911) [23:47]
Symphonic Fantasy on Die Frau ohne Schatten, TrV 234a
(1946) [20:41]
Symphonic Fragment from Josephs-Legende, TrV 231a (1947)
Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra/JoAnn Falletta
rec. Kleinhans Music Hall, Buffalo, USA, 31 March – 1 April
NAXOS 8.572041 [68:34] – from classicsonline
Maynard praised this “hugely enjoyable and bargain-priced disc”
– see review.
I agree, but my preference for the Rosenkavalier music
remains with an earlier Naxos version (8.550342, Second Suite,
coupled with fine versions of Aus Italien and Die
Liebe der Danaë Symphonic Fragments, also available from
Sir Edward Elgar (1857–1934)
No. 1 in A flat, Op. 55 [51:57]
for Organ in G, Op. 28, transcribed Gordon Jacob
(1895–1984) [26:05]
National Orchestra of Wales/Richard Hickox
Brangwyn Hall, Swansea; 22 and 23 May 2006. DDD.
[78:12] – from theclassicalshop
(mp3 and lossless)
the South (Alassio), Concert Overture, Op. 50 [22:04]
No. 2 in E flat major, Op. 63 [55:09]
National Orchestra of Wales/Richard Hickox
Brangwyn Hall, Swansea; 10 & 11 May 2005
CHANDOS CHSA5038 [77:13]
– from theclassicalshop
(mp3 and lossless)

two Richard Hickox performances, both generously and aptly coupled,
probably represent the safest current recommendations for the
Elgar symphonies, certainly as downloads, where Andrew Davis’s
budget-price Apex version of No.2 is available only from Warner.freshdigital
and at no saving over the physical CD. Handley’s excellent version
of No.2 is available from passionato, but at £7.99 it costs
much more than the budget-price CD.
Clements – see review
– knew from the start that this was the Elgar first for him.
I wasn’t quite so sure – for me Hickox takes just a little too
long to warm up – but I was soon completely convinced.
was even more taken with the second – my favourite of the two,
in any case – and with Alassio which, sensibly, opens
the recording. We don’t seem to have reviewed this on MusicWeb
International but you can take my word that it’s excellent.
recordings reproduce very well in the lossless download.
Herbert Howells (1892–1983)
No. 1 in c minor for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 4* [38:55]
No. 2 in C major for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 39** [27:29]
Shelley (piano)*; BBC Symphony Orchestra/Richard Hickox
premiere recordings, *completed by John Rutter
Watford Colosseum, UK, 22-23 May 2000. DDD.
[70:52] – from theclassicalshop.net
(mp3 and lossless) and passionato.com
(mp3 and lossless).
Shelley plays with assurance and affection, and receives a superb
support from the BBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by Richard
Hickox. So I do not hesitate in recommending this most welcome
addition to Howells’ steadily expanding discography, mainly
thanks to enterprising record companies such as Chandos and
Hyperion.” – see review
by Herbert Culot. That sums up my feelings, too.
lossless recording is very good. The booklet of notes is available
from the Chandos website, whichever download provider you choose.
Gerald FINZI (1901-1956)
A Severn Rhapsody, Op. 5 (1923) [6.14]
Nocturne, Op. 7 (c.1925) [10.23]
Three Soliloquies for small orchestra (1946): (Grazioso [1.40];
Adagio [1.40]; Allegretto [1.19])
Romance for string orchestra, Op 11 (1928) [8.08]
Prelude for string orchestra, Op 25 (date uncertain) [5.16]
Introit for small orchestra and solo violin, Op 6 (1925) [9.48]
The Fall of a Leaf - Elegy for Orchestra Op 25 [9.14]
Eclogue for piano and orchestra (1956) [10.33]
Grand Fantasia and Toccata for piano and orchestra (1953) [15.14]
Rodney Friend (violin), Peter Katin (piano); London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir
Adrian Boult or New Philharmonia Orchestra/Vernon Handley (Eclogue,
rec. 1978 (Boult); 1977 (Handley), venues not given. ADD
LYRITA SRCD.239 [79:26] – from emusic.com
This is a generous
selection of beautiful music, excellently performed, well recorded,
and sounding well in mp3 format. There are some fine recordings
of the Eclogue, including that coupled with Ferguson’s
Piano Concerto and other pieces on Somm, SOMMCD241, which I
recently reviewed,
but none to excel the performance here – it avoids the slightly
over-placid nature of Mark Bebbington’s performance on that
newer recording.
also reviews by Rob
Barnett and Gary
Philip SPRATLEY (b.1942) Music for string
Sinfonietta op. 6 (1987) [26:30]; Clarinet Concertino – Byard’s
Leap op. 27 (1980s) [16:16];
Recorder Concertino - A Gallery of Cats op. 26 (1983
rev. 2008) [13:00]; In Outlaw Country - Suite for Harp,
Strings and Trumpet (1971 rev. 2007?) [15:52]
Linda Merrick (clarinet); John Turner (recorder); Tracey Redfern
(trumpet); Eira Lynn Jones (harp); Royal Ballet Sinfonia/Barry
Wordsworth; Manchester Sinfonia/Philip Spratley
rec. 16 March 2007, Angel Studios, London; 15 September 2008,
St Thomas’ Church, Hillgate, Stockport.
TOCCATA TOCC0088 [71:11] – from toccataclassics
Rob Barnett, I had never even heard of Philip Spratley – see
– but I’m grateful to Toccata for the opportunity to hear his
music. It’s all easy on the ear – often much more than that,
with a distinctive and distinguished voice – and the performances
and recording do it justice. What an enterprising label Toccata
Classics is.
Alexander PRIOR (b.1992)
Velesslavitsa – Concerto for
Piano, Two Violins and Cello (2008) [46:35]
Zhang Xiao Ming (piano); Simone Porter (violin); Michael Province
(violin); Nathan Chan (cello); Northern Sinfonia/Alexander Prior
rec. live, The Sage, Gateshead, 29 April 2009. DDD
TOCCATA TOCC0109 [46:35] – from toccataclassics
You’ll find this
music by the sixteen-year-old Alexander Prior derivative, pretentious
or very promising – I found it all three. Rob Barnett thought
it exciting and with its own intrinsic attractions – see review.
(NB, Rob’s ‘b.1995’, making him seem even more precocious, is
off by two years.) I’m not sure that I’m quite as impressed
as he was but I’m sure that this young composer is more than
a nine-days wonder. The recording is good and the mp3 version
does it justice.
my personal endorsement of some of the discs which my colleagues
chose as their Recordings of the Year for 2009 and links to
online versions of them.
Lamentations - Works by Victoria, Gesualdo, White & Palestrina
Voices rec. 2009
was one of Dominy Clements’ choices; I recommended the download
in my November,
2009, Download Roundup.
Leoš JANÁČEK (1854–1928) Orchestral
Suites from the Operas - Vol. 1
Jenůfa – Suite* (arr. Peter Breiner) [31:06]
The Excursions of Mr Brouček –Suite (1918) (arr.
Peter Breiner) [39:01]
Vesa-Matti Leppanen (violin)*; New Zealand Symphony Orchestra/Peter
rec. 2007. DDD.
NAXOS 8.570555 [70:20] – from classicsonline
(mp3) eMusic
(mp3) and passionato
(mp3 and lossless)
without tears – the first of a welcome series which has already
run to three volumes. Dominy Clements though this a very strong
contender indeed – see review
– and Len Mullenger chose it as one of his Recordings
of the Year. The lossless (flac) download from passionato
offers the best quality, but only classicsonline offer the booklet
and CD liners.
MATHIAS (1934-1992) Choral Music
Vaughn (organ) Wells Cathedral Ch/Matthew Owens; rec. 2008.
CDA67740 [75:32] – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
Barker exercised his right as compiler of the list to nominate
recording. I’m sorry to have missed it on release, when
Glyn Pursglove lauded it – see review
– but very pleased to catch up with it now. Notes and texts
come with the download.
my own choices, the following are available as downloads:
Golden Age of English Polyphony
Sixteen/Harry Christophers rec. 1982-1992
CDS44401/10 – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
wonderful 10-disc set, available on CD (£50) and as a download
(£40). See my review
and Ralph Moore’s review.
BYRD Hodie Simon Petrus: Vol. 11 - The Cardinall’s Musick Byrd Edition
Cardinall’s Musick/Andrew Carwood rec. 2007. DDD.
CDA67653 – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
Michael Greenhalgh and I chose this – I actually sneaked in
Volume 10, too, via the back door. See review.
DOWLAND Lute Music Vol. 4: The Queen’s Galliard
North (lute) rec. 2007
8.570284 – from classicsonline
my review.
Frideric HANDEL (1685-1789) Parnasso
in Festa
Moore (mezzo); Carolyn Sampson (soprano); King’s Consort and
Choir/Matthew Halls. rec. 2008
CDA67701/2 – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
my review
of the CDs.
FERGUSON (1908-1999)
for an Occasion, Partita, Two Ballads, The Dream of the Rood
Dawson (soprano); Brian Rayner Cook (baritone); London SO &
Chorus/Richard Hickox. rec. 1992
CHAN9082 – from theclassicalshop
(mp3 and lossless)
is deleted on CD, so it’s available as a download only. I reviewed
it, with another Chandos recording of Ferguson’s music, in my
August, 2009, Download