Both Passionato and Chandos’s download
site, theclassicalshop.net, have recently been revamped
and greatly improved. The new Passionato site offers many
more labels than the old, not all of them up and running
when I completed this roundup. I hope to be able to do
full justice to both in separate supplements to my monthly
of the Month
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791)
No.29 in A, K201 [31:17]; Symphony No.31 in D, K297 (‘Paris’)
(with alternative second movement) [20:27]; Symphony No.32
in G, K318 [7:39]; Symphony No.35 in D, K385 (‘Haffner’)
[20:41]; Symphony No.36 in C, K425 (‘Linz’) [36:47]
Chamber Orchestra/Sir Charles Mackerras
City Halls, Glasgow, 11-17 July, 2009. DDD
[2 CDs 116:53] – from Linn
(mp3, lossless and 24-bit)
This is a superb follow-up to the Linn/Mackerras
2-CD set of Mozart’s last symphonies which I praised last
year (CKD308, February, 2009, Roundup).
Mackerras had already recorded the earlier symphonies with
the Prague Chamber Orchestra for Telarc – I also praised
Nos. 34-36 in February 2009 – but these new versions are,
if anything, even better. Here is all the delicacy of Mozart
but with his underlying strength, too. Bone china may be
exquisitely fine, but it’s also extremely strong and the
same is true of these works in Mackerras’s hands; the lossless
download serves to emphasise the quality of the music and
the performances. May we now expect a third volume, with
Nos. 25, 28, 30, 33 and 34?
Bargain of the Month
Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893)
No.4 in f minor, Op.36 [41:53]
No.5 in e minor, Op.64 [43:08]
No.6 in b minor, Op.74, Pathétique [43:53
Philharmonic Orchestra/Yevgeny Mravinsky – rec. 1960. ADD.
ORIGINALS 477 5911 9
[2 CDs 68:26+60:28] – from Amazon
me, performances of Tchaikovsky’s last three symphonies
don’t come any better than this or, at Amazon.co.uk’s price
of £5.98 for the two CDs, much cheaper. You will either
love or hate the performances for the sheer Russian-ness
of the brass in particular and the white-hot energy of Mravinsky’s
direction. This set offers the power that I found lacking
recently in Andrew Litton’s version of the Fifth Symphony
(Virgin 6 93238 2, super-budget, coupled with a much better
performance of the Sixth – see review).
Whatever other versions of these works you may have, you
should add these to your collection; for all the virtues
of the 1956 mono set on which Mravinsky shared the symphonies
with Sanderling, the newer recording is preferable.
To hear these performances on CD involves
a side-break in the Fifth Symphony; the download format
avoids that. Passionato
offer the same recordings in slightly better 320kbps sound
for £12.99, but the Amazon transfer at 256k is perfectly
Bargain of the Month
George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759)
Music; Water Music; Concerti a due cori, 2-3; Concerti Grossi,
Op.3/1-6 and Op.6/1-12; Concerto Grosso Alexander’s Feast
English Concert/Trevor Pinnock – rec. 1981-1984. DDD.
ARCHIV COLLECTORS’ EDITION 463 0942 [6 CDs: 339:41] – from Passionato
This set is already highly recommendable
on CD at around £30, but Passionato’s download price of
£24.99 represents a useful saving even on that bargain offer.
The performances range from good to excellent; nothing is
below par and most of the music receives performances as
good as any that you are likely to hear. Whatever other
versions of this music you may have – even if, like me,
you already have several performances of some of the items
– this is a very useful supplement. If you have yet to
add some or all of the repertoire to your collection, this
would be a very useful set with which to start.
If you are looking for just Pinnock’s Fireworks
and Water Music, Passionato can oblige again with
the DG Originals recording (477
7562) but the box set offers much better value. Alternatively,
Hyperion have re-coupled the King’s Consort recordings of
these works on their budget-price Helios label (CDH55375)
– available for download in mp3 and lossless sound for less
than the Passionato single-CD issue. Michael Greenhalgh
thought the Hyperion an excellent second choice after Norrington
on Virgin Classics – see review.
Passionato have the Norrington, too, but you would be better
advised to buy this on CD for around £6.50 (3913342).
of the Month
ROREM (b.1923) On an echoing road (19 Songs)
Prince Consort – rec. February, 2009. DDD
with texts included
– from Linn
records (mp3, lossless and 24-bit)
This was my first encounter with the songs
of Ned Rorem. Though I was aware that he had been dubbed
the master of the art song, I had no high expectations,
but I actually liked them very much, thanks to the quality
of the performances. There is a wide variety of material
here, for different voice-ranges and combinations, all of
it much more attractive than I expected and all excellently
sung; I urge you to give it a try. The recording is very
fine indeed in lossless CD-quality wma, the version which
I chose. Only those with very acute hearing and equipment
to match will need one of the 24-bit versions: Squeezebox
won’t play these – they are at 88.2 and 192kHz and it can
cope only with 44kHz – and you cannot burn them to CDR.
John Quinn made this Recording of the Month – see review.
of the Month
Frédéric CHOPIN (1810–1849) The Great Polonaises
Polonaise in c sharp minor Op 26/1 [8:11]; Polonaise
in e flat minor Op 26/2 [7:51]; Polonaise in A major Op
40/1 [3:48]; Polonaise in c minor Op 40/2 [8:30]; Polonaise
in f sharp minor Op 44 [10:40]; Polonaise in A flat major
Op 53 [7:00]; Polonaise-Fantasy in A flat major Op 61 [14:20];
Andante spianato and Grande Polonaise * Op
22 [14:09]
Ohlsson (piano); * with Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra/Kazimierz
New York, 1993, and Warsaw, 1997. DDD.
[74:34] – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
This is, for me,
the pick of the seven CDs reissued by Hyperion to celebrate
Chopin year. I’m not a great Chopin fan – it takes someone
of the calibre of Rubinstein or Pollini to bring his music
to life for me – but I warmed to the persuasion of Ohlsson’s
playing and he is very well supported in the orchestral
version of the Andante spianato and grande polonaise.
This work used to be coupled on LP with one or other of
the piano concertos, but longer playing times on CD, with
the two concertos coupled, mean that it has somewhat fallen
by the way. I’m glad that it was included here. For three
suggestions for the Piano Concertos, see my February Download
The Rubinstein recordings, with Wallenstein and Steinberg,
are available from Classicsonline in the Naxos Historical
recording (8.111296)
for £4.99.
You may be puzzled when you have completed
the download to discover oddities in the track numbering,
as a result of Hyperion’s having reorganised music originally
spread over a number of CDs in the 16-CD box set, which
remains available (CDS44351/66 – a Musicweb International
Bargain of the Month – see review).
Don’t worry – your CD-burning programme or Squeezebox should
sort them into the right order for you to play, with the
two orchestral tracks placed last.
The recording, originally on the Arabesque
label, is very good and the lossless transfer does it full
If it has to be Rubinstein’s Polonaises,
Amazon.co.uk have his recording for £6.99.
Jérusalem : La Ville des deux
Paix: La Paix céleste et la Paix terrestre
Montserrat Figueras; L. Elmalich, M. Shanin Khalil, R. Amyan, B.
Olavide, Ll. Vilamajó, M. Mauillon,Y. Dalal, G. Mouradian,
O. Bashir, Andrew Lawrence-King; Hesperion
XXI; La Capella Reial de Catalunya/Jordi Savall
[2 CDs 152:52] – from passionato
The cover of this recording proclaims its contents
in French, Hebrew and Arabic, to signify the importance
of Jerusalem as the City of Heavenly Peace and Earthly Peace
for Christians, Jews and Moslems, and the album draws music
from all three Abrahamic traditions. After the raucous
fanfare which accompanies the fall of the walls of Jericho
(here boldly assigned to 1200 BC, despite archæolgical evidence
to the contrary) the result is the usual Savall mixture
of exotic beauty and excitement. The ethereal tones of
Montserrat Figueras contribute most to the effect, but she
is supported by a veritable United Nations of performers.
The recording, in good mp3 (320k), is offered
at an attractive price of £11.99, but it comes without the
400-page luxury book of notes and texts – in Hebrew, Aramaic,
Arabic, Greek, Latin – which accompanies the SACDs and which
was one of the reasons why the original won such high praise.
Even without the book, this is a stupendous achievement
and one which leaves me wanting more – please, Passionato,
may we now have the two more recent Alia Vox albums, Istanbul
and The Forgotten Kingdom? Amazon already have these,
at £6.99 and £13.98 respectively (256k, mp3).
Meanwhile, you may be interested in a download
of similar repertoire performed by Eduardo Paniagua, with
another multi-cultural ensemble, of music from various Mediterranean
traditions: Puentes sobre el Mediterráneo (Bridges
across the Mediterranean). It’s on Paniagua’s own Pneuma
label and comes from eMusic
on 15 tracks.
John SHEPPARD (c.1510-1585) Media Vita
gaude, gaude, Maria virgo [14:13]; The Lord’s Prayer [4:19]; I give you a new
commandment [3:00]; Media vita [25:32]; Christ rising
again [4:24]; Haste thee, O God [3:34]; Te Deum [15:14]
[70:16] – from emusic
(mp3) or amazon
Sheppard, like his better-known
near-contemporary Tallis, lived his adult life through the
reigns of Henry VIII (Latin liturgy), Edward VI (English
Prayer Book), Mary I (back to Rome) and Elizabeth I (English
liturgy again, though with tolerance of Latin settings.)
The music on this new recording reflects those changes.
It may not rise to the heights of Tallis or Byrd, but it
is most certainly worth hearing.
The obvious comparison for the main track,
Media vita (In the midst of life we are in death)
is with the performance by the Tallis Scholars, either on
their all-Sheppard Gimell CD or, much better value, on the
download equivalent of the 2-for-1 CD set, The Tallis
Scholars sing Tudor Music, Volume 2 (Gimell CDGIM210)
which I made Bargain of the Month some time ago – see review.
That recording is even better value as a download at £7.99
(mp3) or £9.99 (lossless) from Gimell.
Better still, whereas the Gimell recording consists solely
of Latin music, the new Harmonia Mundi contains four items
for the Anglican liturgy, so there is no other overlap between
the two. Nor is there any significant overlap with Hyperion’s
more comprehensive recordings of Sheppard’s music with The
Sixteen, on two 2-for-1 Dyad albums (CDD22021 and CDD22022)
or on their recent 10-CD compendium of Sixteenth-century
polyphony (CDS44041/10, Bargain of the Month – see review),
since The Sixteen do not include Media vita or any
of the English-text works.
I’ve remarked before on the slow tempi
which Stile Antico adopt in their performances of sixteenth-century
polyphony; once again, their 25:32 for Media vita
is significantly slower than the Tallis Scholars’ 21:45.
The Scholars usually take a little more time than their
competitors, so Stile Antico seem to be pushing things here,
at least on paper, but this is, after all, music with funereal
associations, which could have been sung instead of its
English equivalent at the opening of the Prayer Book Burial
Service. All the performances here are less overtly exciting
than we are accustomed to – music performed in tranquillity
– but there is room for both approaches when the singing
is so secure.
All the tracks on the emusic download come
at or very close to an acceptable 230kbps, potentially for
under £2, depending on your chosen tariff. The version
from amazon.co.uk is offered at the slightly higher bit-rate
of 256k, for a still very reasonable £6.99. Whichever you
choose, the quality of the performances and of Sheppard’s
music will almost certainly lead you to explore him further
via the Gimell and/or Hyperion recordings.
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548–1611) Te
Deum laudamus [8:13]
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/6–1594) Missa
Te Deum laudamus [32:47]; Tu es Petrus a 6
[7:01]; Missa Tu es Petrus [29:33]
Choir of Westminster Cathedral/Martin Baker
Westminster Cathedral, London, 2–3 and 9–10 March 2009.
and translations included.
[77:19] – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
Hyperion chose
the second volume of Beethoven Cello Sonatas as their Recording
of the Month for March, 2010; for my money, they could just
as easily have chosen this, the latest in a line of distinguished
recordings of renaissance polyphony from the Westminster
Cathedral Choir. Not only are the performances and recording
first class, these are, to the best of my knowledge, the
only recordings currently (or ever?) available of the two
Palestrina masses, though there are several versions of
the 6-part motet, including a very fine King’s College/Willocks
account on an inexpensive and highly recommendable Classics
for Pleasure CD, with paired settings of works by Byrd and
his continental contemporaries (CFP 5860482).
Dietrich BUXTEHUDE (c. 1637-1707)
Sonatas, Op.1
Suonata I, in E, BuxWV 252 [8:47]; Suonata II, in G,
BuxWV 253 [7:47]; Suonata III, in a minor, BuxWV 254 [8:54];
Suonata IV, in B-flat, BuxWV 255 [8:02]; Suonata V, in C,
BuxWV 256 [8:13]; Suonata VI, in d minor, BuxWV 257 [7:47];
Suonata VII, in e minor, BuxWV 258 [6:42]
Catherine Mackintosh, Catherine Weiss (violin);
Purcell Quartet - rec. Church of St Bartholomew,
Orford, Suffolk, UK, November, 2008 and January, 2009.
[56:12] - from Chandos
(mp3 and lossless)
There were already two good recordings
of these Sonatas in the catalogue, by John Holloway et
al, on Naxos 8.557248 – see review
– and by L’Estravagante on Arts Blue Line 77318. I recommended
the latter, together with the same artists’ versions of
the Op.2 Sonatas (77319) in my November, 2008, Download
The new version is equally attractive and well recorded
– for once, I tried the 320 kbps mp3 rather than the lossless
version and was perfectly happy with it. I’m not sure that
it’s worth paying the extra, however, when the Naxos is
available from classicsonline and passionato for £4.99,
unless you really must have the lossless version of the
Philipp Heinrich ERLEBACH (1657-1714)
Sonate à Violino e Viola da Gamba col suo Basso Continuo
I in D [11:03]; Sonata V in B flat [09:57]; Sonata II in
e minor [11:04]; Sonata IV in C [11:17]; Sonata VI in F
[12:08]; Sonata III in A [14:31]
Rodolfo Richter (violin); Alison McGillivray (viola da gamba);
Peter McCarthy (violone); Eligio Quinteiro (theorbo); Silas
Standage (harpsichord (organ) - rec. November 2001, St Michael’s
Church, Highgate, London, UK. DDD
LINN RECORDS CKD270 [70:59] – from Linn
records (mp3 and lossless)
I’m less inclined
than Johan van Veen to be troubled by minor faults in the
interpretations – see review
– and absolutely at one with him in recommending the music
of Erlebach: well worth much more attention than he has
received. The CD-quality lossless download is excellent.
Giuseppe Tartini (1692–1770)
Concertos in B flat [9:53];
in g minor, D85 [16:29]; in C [14:03]; in F, D58 [10:25];
in D, D15 [18:53]
Wallfisch (violin); The Raglan Baroque Players/Nicholas
[70:11] – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
This could easily
have been my Reissue of the Month. The music is attractive,
the performances are stylish and the recording does the
enterprise justice. If you like Vivaldi but are looking
for something just different enough to be distinctive, Tartini
could be your man.
If you would like to explore more Tartini,
try the very inexpensive Warner Apex 2-CD set of Three Violin
Concertos, Five Cello Sonatas and a Cello Concerto (I Solisti
Veneti/Scimone, 2564 61693-2, or download from amazon.co.uk).
The playing is not quite as accomplished as the Hyperion,
but it’s well worth hearing, and there are no overlaps between
the two programmes. Hyperion also have a recommendable
set of the attractive Violin Sonatas on their 2-for-1 Dyad
label (Elizabeth Wallfisch again as part of the Locatelli
Trio, CDD22061 – see review.)
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788)
Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu, Wq240 (The Resurrection and Ascension
of Jesus) (1777/8)
Schwabe (soprano); Christoph Genz (tenor); Stephan Genz
(baritone); Ex Tempore; La Petite Bande/Sigiswald Kuijken
- rec. Bruges, Belgium, June 2002. DDD
CDA67364 [72:37]
– from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
I ought really
to have included this with my Eastertide selection last
month and we seem not to have reviewed the parent CD when
it was issued. Better late than never. This short(ish)
oratorio makes an attractive pendant to either of Bach senior’s
Passions, though you could never mistake it for his work,
time and musical fashion having moved on. It receives a
fine performance: the three soloists are splendid, and they
receive first-class support. The lossless download is excellent.
Unusually, the booklet with the texts is not available to
download. The diction is clear enough for those with a
decent command of German; others may prefer to spend a little
more on the CD. Either way, this is preferable to the recording
by the Rheinische Kantorei on a 2-CD Capriccio set which,
in any case, is now deleted. Alternatively, Passionato
have the Herreweghe recording on Virgin.
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770–1827)
in G on ‘See the conqu’ring hero comes’ from Handel’s Judas
Maccabaeus WoO45 [12:54]; Cello Sonata in C Op.102 No
1 [15:47]; Variations in F on ‘Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen’
from Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte Op 66 [10:18]; Variations
in E flat on ‘Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen’ from Mozart’s
Die Zauberflöte WoO46 [10:00]; Cello Sonata in D
Op.102 No 2 [22:04]
Müller-Schott (cello); Angela Hewitt (piano)
Jesus-Christus-Kirche, Berlin, 20–23 March 2009. DDD.
[70:59] – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
no argument from me – but see Palestrina, above – Hyperion
feature this as their star release for March, 2010. If
you followed the advice to buy the first CD, you will almost
certainly want to purchase its successor. Don’t be put
off by the inclusion of three sets of variations – they
are all as skilful as they are enjoyable. Only the new
cover seems to me less attractive than that which graced
its fore-runner. The lossless download sound is excellent.
on Hyperion and Chandos.
Frédéric CHOPIN (1810–1849) Piano Concerto
No.2 in f minor, Op.21 [31:31]
Concerto No.1 in e minor, Op.11 [40:54]
Demdenko (piano); Philharmonia Orchestra/Heinrich Schiff
– rec April, 1993. DDD.
[72:06] – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
Having remembered
mixed reviews of this recording when it was first released,
I had tended to steer clear of it. In fact, it offers a
very viable alternative to the Argerich, Zimerman and Pollini
versions which I recommended in February and it’s less expensive
than any of them. The lossless version of the recording
is very good – just a trifle recessed. Squeezebox mysteriously
stopped playing the slow movement of Concerto No.2 – here,
rightly, placed first, as it was the first to be written
– for a few seconds in the same place twice, but the problem
seems not to lie with the download, since it played without
pause the third time.
No.11 in g minor
[2:01]; No.12 in B flat [2:51]; No.13 in A flat [3:52];
No.14 in g sharp minor [3:34]; No. 15 in b flat minor [4:56];
No.16 in G flat [6:56] ; Polonaise-Fantasy in A flat Op.61
[14:19]; Bolero in a minor, Op.19 [7:35]; Berceuse in D
flat, Op.57 [4:18]; Tarantella in A flat, Op.43 [2:56];
Allegro de concert in A, Op.46 [11:32]
Demidenko (piano) – rec. 1992. DDD.
[65:51] – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
Having heard Ohlsson’s performances of
the better-known Polonaises, you may well wish to
sample the lesser-known examples, in which case Demidenko’s
recording is ideal. Tony Haywood had some reservations,
which I mostly share – see review
– but thought that the recording was worth sampling, a sentiment
with which I certainly agree. I’m a little more tolerant
of rubato in Chopin than TH.
Impromptus [21:34]; Barcarolle in F sharp major Op. 60 [8:32];
Piano Sonata No. 3 in b minor Op. 58 [26:28]
Shelley (piano) – rec. St Silas the Martyr, Kentish Town,
London, Nov. 1992. DDD
[56:50] – from Chandos
(mp3 and lossless)
in D flat, Op.57 (1843) [4:27]; Piano Sonata No.2 in b flat
Minor, Op.35 (1837-1839) [21:51]; Two Nocturnes, Op.27 (1836):
Nocturne in c sharp Minor, Op.27 No.1 [5:18]; Nocturne in
D flat, Op.27 No.2 [5:48]; Barcarolle in f sharp, Op.60
(1846) [8:39]; Piano Sonata No.3 in b Minor, Op.58 (1844)
Marc-André Hamelin (piano) - rec. 15-17 March 2008, Henry
Wood Hall, London. DDD
HYPERION CDA67706 [76:40] – from Hyperion
(mp3 and lossless)
Shelley’s splendid performance of the Third Piano
Sonata appears no longer to be available on CD – download
only. This may betoken an impending reissue at a lower
price – it’s hard to believe that a performance of this
calibre will be lost, though Chandos’s policy of keeping
everything available as a download ensures that it won’t
be. The lossless download certainly sounds well.
Hamelin’s performance of
the Third Piano Sonata offers a fine alternative
to Howard Shelley’s on Chandos and Hamelin also offers the
Second on this well-filled recording. If for no other reason,
the fact that the lossless version of this recording is
available at the same price as the mp3, £7.99 – £2 less
than the lossless Chandos – prompts me to give it a slight
don’t overlook the Symphony ‘Polonia’ by that
great Chopin interpreter, Ignacy Jan Paderewski
(1860-1941) on Hyperion Helios (CDH55351 – from Hyperion):
Barnett described the full-price original as ‘a must-have
for anyone who enjoys grand late-romantic symphonies: epic,
romantic and, the most challenging of all, often memorable’.
(See review).
At its new budget price, it’s irresistible.
Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856)
No. 1 in B flat major, Op. 38 (Spring) (1841) [31:29];
Overture: die Braut von Messina, Op. 100 (1851)
[8:34]; Overture: Genoveva, Op. 81 (1850) [8:18];
‘Zwickau Symphony’ in g minor (1832-3) [10:44]; Overture,
Scherzo and Finale, Op. 52 (1841-5) [17:09]
Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Thomas Dausgaard
Örebro Concert Hall, Sweden, March 2005 (Overture, Scherzo
and Finale); October 2006 (Zwickau); December 2006 (overtures);
August 2007 (Symphony). DDD.
BIS-SACD-1569 [77:36] – from classicsonline
see review
by Philip Borg-Wheeler
Symphony No.2 in C major Op.61 (1845-46) [35:21]; Overture
to ‘Scenes from Goethe’s Faust’ (1853) [7:38]; Julius
Caesar, Overture Op.128 (1851) [8:25]; Symphony No.4
in D minor Op.120 (original version, 1841) [23:40]
Chamber Orchestra/Thomas Dausgaard
March 2005 (Symphony No.2); March 2006, Örebro Concert Hall,
Sweden. DDD.
BIS SACD-1519 [75:54] – from classicsonline
by Dominy Clements
No.3 in E flat major (‘Rhenish’), Op.97 [29:22]; Overture
to Manfred, Op.115 [11:07]; Hermann und Dorothea,
Overture, Op.126 [8:53]; Symphony No.4 in D minor, Op.120
(final version, 1851) [26:46]
Chamber Orchestra/Thomas Dausgaard
[76:30] – from classicsonline
No. 3 (‘Rhenish’), Op.97 [34:50]; Des Sängers Fluch,
Op.139 (The Minstrel’s Curse) [38:38]
Fischer, Marianne Rorholm, Roland Wagenfuhrer, Dietrich
Henschel, Bo Anker Hansen; Danish National Radio Choir,
Danish National Radio Symphony Orchestra/Michael Schønwandt.
– rec. 1998, DDD
Chandos CHAN 9760 [73:27] – from
(mp3 and lossless)
No.4 in d minor, Op.120 [31:30]; Vom Pagen und der Königstochter,
Op.140 [32:20]
Fischer (mezzo) - Princess/Queen; Marianne Rorholm (mezzo)
– Narrator; Roland Wagenfuhrer (tenor) – Page; Dietrich
Henschel (baritone) - Merman/Minstrek; Bo Anker Hansen (bass)
– King; Danish National Choir; Danish National Symphony
Orchestra/Michael Schønwandt - rec. March-May, 1998. DDD.
[63:58] – from Chandos
(mp3 and lossless)

The three BIS recordings
should get you off to a good start in Schumann’s bicentenary
year. They have received somewhat mixed receptions here
on MusicWeb International, though they have been generally
well received elsewhere. Dominy
Clements particularly liked ‘the sheer joy of life and
creativity’ which Dausgaard brings to the original version
of the Fourth, but those are the very qualities which I
found lacking in his version of the First. I’m with Philip
Borg-Wheeler on this one: it’s just a little too strong
and fiery as an evocation of Spring, for my liking, by comparison
with the old 10” Decca LSO/Josef Krips recording on which
I got to know this symphony and with the EMI recording by
Wolfgang Sawallisch with the Dresden Staatskapelle which
replaced it in my affections, originally as part of a box
set of LPs and more recently on CD. That Sawallisch set
is available from Passionato as a download (EMI US Angel
5677712), but at a rather unfeasible £19.99 for the lossless
version; even the mp3, at £14.99 is a few pence dearer than
the price for which the parent CDs can be found. Amazon.co.uk
have both the UK EMI Classics (5677682) and Angel versions
as downloads for rather less.
Apart from that reservation concerning
aspects of the First, I’m happy to recommend these BIS recordings.
The chamber-size orchestra and left-right divided strings,
together with Dausgaard’s and his players’ commitment to
the music and the high quality of the recordings (good 320kbps
mp3, but with none of the surround capabilities of the SACDs)
all combine to make this a worthwhile set. With both versions
of the wonderful Fourth to choose from as an added incentive,
only that one reservation should stand in your way. Dausgaard
takes us some way along the path of authenticity; if you
wish to travel that path further, iTunes have John Eliot
Gardiner’s complete set of the symphonies with the ORR for
case you’re puzzled by the covers of these BIS recordings,
they are all part of a series entitled Opening Doors.
The Chandos recordings offer more conventional
readings as far as the size of the orchestra is concerned,
but each symphony is coupled with a choral work. It’s an
interesting concept, similar to the presentation of the
Brahms symphonies on John Eliot Gardiner’s SDG label, and
it works particularly well in the combination of the Rhenish
and Des Sängers Fluch. Schumann sets not only the
Uhland poem – a favourite of mine among German Romantic
poetry – but several medieval troubadour and Minnesänger
texts. Gerald Fenech gave this a well-deserved full five
stars in 2000 – see review.
I was slightly less taken by the music of Vom Pagen und
der Königstochter which accompanies the Fourth, but
the performance, recording and download quality (in lossless
form) are equally fine. The Rhenish appears to be
available as a download only.
Richard WAGNER (1813-1883) Tannhäuser (Paris Version)
Plácido Domingo (tenor) - Tannhäuser; Cheryl Studer
(soprano) - Elisabeth; Agnes Baltsa (mezzo) - Venus; Matti
Salminen (bass) - Hermann; Andreas Schmidt (baritone) -
Wolfram; William Pell (tenor) - Walther; Kurt Rydl (bass)
- Biterolf; Clemens Bieber (tenor) - Heinrich; Oskar Hillebrandt
(bass) - Reinmar; Barbara Bonney (soprano) - Shepherd boy;
Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden; Philharmonia
Orchestra/Giuseppe Sinopoli
427 6252 [3
CDs: 71:14 + 70:53 + 54:11] – from passionato
If you can accept Plácido Domingo’s rather
mangled German, this is the Tannhäuser to have, on
CD or as a download. Domingo’s singing more than compensates
for his poor diction; the rest of the cast are almost equally
ideal and the direction superb. All in all, this recording
makes the strongest case for regarding Tannhäuser
as Wagner’s masterpiece, the Ring cycle only excepted.
The mp3 transfer is good and the price
(£17.99) represents quite a saving on the CDs. Though there
is no libretto or synopsis, these are easily available from
the web.
Year’s Day Concerts, 1952-1954
Philharmonic Orchestra/Clemens Krauss – mono/ADD
[2 CDs: 145:54] – from Passionato
the 2010 New Year’s Day concert, with Georges Prêtre at
the helm of an excellent event which deserves to be regarded
as one of the best post-Boskovsky concerts – see review
– made me think about the begetter of the tradition, Clemens
Krauss, whose early-1950s concerts have, thankfully, been
reissued by Archipel. The (mono) sound is a little dry
but the ear soon adjusts to Archipel’s fine re-mastering
– this is emphatically not dry-as-dust old sound and the
320k mp3 transcription in no way detracts from enjoyment.
Krauss’s Im Krapfenwald’l, to name but one item,
is even more entertaining than Prêtre’s 2010 version. The
only fly in the ointment is that the 2-CD set can be obtained
rather more cheaply than passionato’s £11.99. Their new-style
website has brought a more flexible price structure, but
it still isn’t quite flexible enough.
Friedrich GERNSHEIM (1839-1916)
Quintet No. 1 in d minor, Op. 35 [34:09]
Quintet No. 2 in b minor, Op. 63 [29:57]
Vio String Quartet; Edouard Oganessian (piano)
[64:06] – from Toccata
(mp3, lossless due shortly)
could very easily have been my Discovery of the Month.
There is one other recording of the First Quintet, on the
equally enterprising Silvertrust label, who also have a
performance of the Second Quintet in the pipeline, but it’s
hard to imagine that their versions are or will be preferable
to this enterprising release from Toccata. The music is
unfailingly attractive, influenced by Brahms, but with a
voice of its own. The performances are persuasive and the
mp3 recording is adequate – Toccata plan to offer lossless
soon, which, I imagine, will alleviate the slight congestion
in places. Reducing the volume helps. I suspect that the
instrument rather than the recording is to blame for the
slightly harsh piano tone. For members of Toccata’s club,
the discount brings the price of the download to an appealing
£5.99. Please keep them coming, Toccata.
Sir Arthur SULLIVAN (1842-1900) Ivanhoe
- romantic opera in 3 acts (1890-91)
Davies (baritone) - Richard Cœur-de-Lion; Stephen Gadd (baritone)
- Prince John; James Rutherford (bass-baritone) - Sir Brian
de Bois-Guilbert; Peter Wedd (tenor) - Maurice de Bracy;
Peter Rose (bass) - Cedric the Saxon; Toby Spence (tenor)
- Wilfred, Knight of Ivanhoe; Matthew Brook (bass-baritone)
- Friar Tuck; Leigh Melrose (baritone) - Isaac, the Jew
of York; Andrew Staples (tenor) - Locksley/The Squire; Janice
Watson (soprano) - The Lady Rowena; Catherine Wyn-Rogers
(mezzo) – Ulrica; Geraldine McGreevy (soprano) – Rebecca;
Knights and Ladies, Attendants, Saxons, Youths - Adrian
Partington Singers
BBC National Orchestra of Wales/David Lloyd-Jones
rec. BBC Hoddinott Hall, Cardiff, Wales, 24-28 June 2009.
with text available as pdf document
CHAN 10578 (3) [3
CDs: 59:01 + 52:08 + 54:24] – from theclassicalshop
(mp3 and lossless) or classicsonline
Raymond J Walker voted this Recording of
the Month – see review.
I might not go quite that far: it falls short of being an
English Lohengrin, but I was intrigued to hear Sullivan
producing the kind of ‘high’ opera that he usually mocks
so effectively in his comic vein. The performance is everything
that could be wished and the lossless download sounds very
well, though the voices are balanced a little backwardly
against the orchestra. At £15.99 (mp3) or £19.99 (lossless)
from Chandos’s own theclassicalshop, the download is a real
Gabriel Fauré (1845–1924)
Piano Quartet No.1, in c minor, Op. 15, à Monsieur H. Leonard (1876–79,
revised 1883)
[29:00]; Piano Quartet
No.2, in g minor, Op. 45 (?1884 – 86) [34:11];
Nocturne No.4, in E-flat, Op. 36, for solo piano, à
Madame la Comtesse de Mercy-Argenteau (1884) [8:15]
Kathryn Stott (piano); The Hermitage String Trio (Boris Garlitsky, violin,
Alexander Zemtsov, viola; Leonid Gorokhov, cello)
Potton Hall, Dunwich, Suffolk, UK; 24–26 April 2009.
[71:49] – from Chandos
(mp3 and lossless)
recent rivals have appeared to challenge the hegemony of
the Hyperion recording of these charming works (Domus, CDA66166)
– one, from the Trio Wanderer on Harmonia Mundi which I
haven’t yet heard, and this from Chandos. I still marginally
favour the slightly greater power of the Hyperion performance,
but it’s a close call and the inclusion of the solo Nocturne
may sway the decision for you. On the other hand, the lossless
(flac) version of the Hyperion download may be had for the
same price as the mp3 and, with a reduction from the normal
£7.99 to £6.99 to take account of the playing time, is £3
less expensive than the new Chandos. Both sound well in
lossless format. Even less expensive – 8 tracks, so potentially
as little as £2 – is the Nash Ensemble recording on CRD
from emusic
– without the access to notes which comes with the Chandos
and Hyperion downloads, mp3 only, and at variable bit-rates,
but well worth considering.
Piano Quintet No. 1, in d minor,
Op. 89, à Eugène Ysaÿe (1887-95, revised 1903-05) [28:51]
Piano Quintet No. 2,
in c minor, Op.115, à Paul Dukas (1919-21) [31:57]
Schubert Ensemble -
rec. Potton Hall, Suffolk, UK, 16-18
March, 2009. DDD
CHANDOS CHAN10576 [60:14]
– from Chandos
(mp3, lossless and 24/96 studio quality)
is another Chandos Fauré recording to challenge the version
by Domus on Hyperion (CDA66766). In fact, I think that these
idiomatic and enticing performances come even closer than
the recording of the Piano Quartets, good as that
is. I included both those Domus recordings in my 30 Best
Hyperion Downloads and I’m certainly not about to desert
them, but these two Chandos recordings will certainly join
them among my favourite late-evening listening.
revamped Chandos website at theclassicalshop.net, now offers
new releases in Studio Quality 24-bit recordings as well
as mp3 and lossless. Unfortunately, as these are at 96KHz,
Squeezebox won’t play them – or, if it does, it simply dumps
anything beyond 44kHz. Gimell offer both kinds of 24-bit
recording, but Chandos have chosen to follow the route taken
by Linn for their most recent downloads. The lossless versions
will be more than adequate for most listeners, including
Cyril SCOTT (1879-1970)
Concerto (1937) [27:08]; Symphony No. 1 in G major (1899)
Paul Watkins (cello); BBC Philharmonic/Martyn Brabbins
Studio 7, New Broadcasting House, Manchester, 17-18 October
2007. DDD
– from Chandos
(mp3 and lossless)
Trio No. 1 (1920) [33:48]; Trio for Clarinet in B-flat,
Cello and Piano (1955)1 [18:04]
Quintet (1951, revised 1953)2 [13:13]; Piano
Trio No. 2 in one movement (published 1951) [10:08]; Cornish
Boat Song for Violin, Cello and Piano (1931) [3:00]
Piano Trio (Lucy Gould (violin); Alice Neary (cello); Benjamin
Frith (piano) with 1,2 Robert Plane (clarinet);
2 Mia Cooper (violin) and David Adams (viola)
Champs Hill Music Room, West Sussex, 9-10 March and 12-14
May. DDD. CHANDOS10575 [81:37] – from Chandos
(mp3 and lossless)

Until I came across his first two Piano
Concertos and Early One Morning on Lyrita (SRCD.251
– see July, 2009, Roundup),
Cyril Scott was little more than a name to me. Though I
had some residual doubts about the lasting value of his
music, I liked what I heard there enough to try the last
of Chandos’s recordings of his orchestral music, coupling
his early First Symphony and the later Cello Concerto,
presented in the reverse of chronological order in performances
and recording that should certainly win friends for the
composer. The Symphony makes a glorious noise, but it’s
the Concerto that caught my attention. I may not be quite
as enthusiastic as MusicWeb International editor Rob Barnett
– see review
– but listening to this recording prompted me to try the
chamber works programme, where most of the music is receiving
its first recording.
I found the latter attractive; if not very
distinctive; this music is well worth exploring and the
performances and recording are well up to Chandos’s usual
exalted standard. The first-rate notes by Lewis Foreman
may be downloaded as part of the deal and an extra 2:48
track, Little Folk Dance, which would have made the
CD too long, comes as a bonus with the download. The timings
above are for the CD – the download actually runs for 81:35.
Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953)
Quartet in B minor No. 1, Op. 50 (1930) [24:00]
for Two Violins in C major, Op. 56 [15:05]
Quartet No. 2 in F major on Kabardinian themes, Op. 92 (1941)
Haas Quartet
SU3857-2 [60:40]
– from emusic
On this new recording
the young Pavel Haas Quartet offers performances to match
their recent and highly lauded accounts of the Janáček
and Haas Quartets. (See review
of SU3877-2). Jonathan Woolf thought them a little lacking
in intensity on that earlier CD; they seem to have discovered
it for Prokofiev. The Supraphon recording is good and has
been well transferred in good mp3 sound. As usual with
emusic, some of the tracks are at the full 320kbps, others
at an adequate 192k or somewhere between the two.
You may prefer the alternative Naxos version
of the quartets, coupled with the Cello Sonata (Aurora Quartet,
8.553136), also available from classicsonline
and emusic.
I’ve lived happily with these performances on CD for some
Roy HARRIS (1898-1979)
Symphony No. 3 (1938) [17:59]; Symphony No. 4 Folk Song
Symphony for orchestra and chorus of mixed voices (1939)*
Colorado Symphony Chorus (4); Colorado Symphony Orchestra/Marin
rec. live, Performing Arts Center, Denver, Colorado, USA,
22-23 January 2005. DDD
NAXOS AMERICAN CLASSICS 8.559227 [58:47] – from classicsonline
(mp3) or passionato (mp3 and lossless)
No.5 (1942/3) [24:13]; Symphony No.6 (Gettysburg)
(1944) [29:26]; Acceleration (1941) [7:15]
Symphony Orchestra/Marin Alsop
AMERICAN CLASSICS 8.559609 [61:45] – from classicsonline
(mp3) or passionato
(mp3 and lossless) or emusic
I echo John Quinn, who found it a pleasure
to recommend the excellent first CD in this series, coupling
the well-known Third with the less familiar Fourth – see
A symphony based on Western songs such as The girl I
left behind me may sound rather gash, but it isn’t;
it’s no undiscovered masterpiece, but, like JQ, I think
it attractive.
Marin Alsop now offers us the Fifth and
Sixth with her former orchestra, the Bournemouth Symphony
Orchestra. The Fifth is certainly well worth hearing and
the Sixth not far behind; with good performances and recording,
this is clearly the next stop for those who have been taken
with the Third.
Both downloads come in mp3 only from classicsonline,
albeit at the maximum 320k, and with the booklets. Passionato
don’t have the booklets but do have lossless as a slightly
more expensive alternative. When I downloaded these, in
early March, passionato had a special price offer for any
three Naxos American Classics. Tracks 1 and 4 from passionato’s
lossless version turned out to be empty tracks when I tried
them; I have notified them and I’m sure the matter will
have been dealt with by the time that you read this review.
I downloaded substitutes from passionato’s 320kbps mp3 version
and these were fine. These performances are also available
from emusic; at bit-rates between 192k and 256k, they aren’t
in quite the same league as passionato’s flac or classicsonline’s
320k, but they are perfectly acceptable and the complete
CD comes potentially at less than £2 from emusic.
No. 5 in D minor, Op. 47 (1937) [51:36]
No. 9 in E flat major, Op. 70 (1945) [26:31]
Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/Vasily Petrenko - rec.
Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool, UK, 7-8 July 2008 (Symphony
No. 5) and 29-30 July 2008 (Symphony No. 9)
NAXOS 8.572167 [78:07] –
from classicsonline
Wright made this Bargain of the Month – see review
– and William Hedley was hardly less enthusiastic – see
What struck me most was that, although there’s no lack of
energy where it’s required, Petrenko points up all the moments
of lyricism, especially in the Fifth – not all of them occurring
where I had expected them. This could easily have been
my Download of the Month – there was considerable competition.
The quality of the new recording sent me
back to Petrenko’s version of the Eleventh Symphony
(Naxos 8.572082 – also available from classicsonline.)
Dan Morgan was not at all enthusiastic about this – see
– but he was swimming against the tide: Bob Briggs, who
made it Recording of the Month – see review
– was much more in line with that consensus. Hearing it
straight after the new recording, I begin to think that
it’s the work itself that is the problem, rather than the
performance. Petrenko’s recording is about as good as any
that I have heard, though I also like Ashkenazy, whose complete
set I reviewed
some time ago, and an Olympia recording, no longer available,
under Rozhdestvensky. Someone really should obtain from
Melodiya the right to reissue the latter. In both the Naxos
recordings the classicsonline mp3 sound is good, but, if
you must have lossless, passionato
offer that for the Eleventh for £1 extra.
Brian Wilson