Roundup, August, 2009
Brian Wilson
of the Month – back catalogue
Benjamin BRITTEN (1913-1976)
War Requiem, Op. 66 (1961) [81:24]
Rehearsing War Requiem: recordings made during session
rehearsals* [49:34]
Galina Vishnevskaya (soprano); Peter Pears (tenor); Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
The Bach Choir; London Symphony Chorus; Highgate School Choir;
Melos Ensemble; Simon Preston (organ); London Symphony Orchestra/Benjamin
rec. Kingsway Hall, London, 3-5, 7, 8, 10 January 1963 Stereo/*mono
DECCA - THE ORIGINALS 475 7511 [54:52 + 76:50] – from
(320k mp3)
Can it really be
almost 50 years since, as an undergraduate, I heard and recorded
on reel-to-reel tape the first performance of the War Requiem
from Coventry? That half century has diminished the power
of the music much less than it has diminished me, and my music
system now is a great advance on that Grundig recorder.
hadn’t heard this version since LP days and the re-mastered sound,
even in mp3 format, was a revelation. In fact, soundwise it’s
pretty well perfect, even by comparison with modern digital recordings.
The only flaw is that some of the tracks do not join seamlessly;
the resulting minor dropouts are annoying – though they are hardly
the end of the world, download providers really must do more to
overcome this problem.
for the performance, there’s very little of value that I can add
to John Quinn’s splendid and very comprehensive review.
Though I’m not a great fan of Peter Pears’s voice, which I often
think too watery, he is even more absolutely irreplaceable here
than in the mono recording of The Turn of the Screw which
I reviewed in April. Whatever other versions you may adhere to
– and many of them have very real virtues – this is an essential
purchase either as a download or on CD. You may well find the
latter on sale for not much more than passionato’s usual asking
price of £15.99 for two CDs; at the time of writing, however,
all Originals were on offer from passionato at £4.99 per CD, £9.99
for a 2-CD set.
are, of course, no notes, but the texts of the Latin Requiem
and Owen’s poetry are not hard to find.
Download of the Month
Tomás Luis De VICTORIA (1548–1611)
Missa Gaudeamus - a liturgical
sequence, with organ works by Girolamo
avanti la Messa * [1:15]
Chant Introit:
Gaudeamus omnes - mode I [3:39]
(Missa Gaudeamus) [4:26]
Gloria (Missa
Chant Collect:
Famulorum tuorum, quaesumus Domine [0:59]
Epistle: Lectio libri Sapientiae [2:24]
Gradual: Propter veritatem - mode V [2:47]
Alleluia: Assumpta est Maria in caelum - mode
V [2:25]
dopo l’Epistola * [1:13]
Chant Gospel:
In illo tempore: intravit Jesus in quoddam castellum [2:01]
(Missa Gaudeamus) [11:23]
dopo il Credo * [2:39]
Chant Offertory:
Assumpta est Maria - mode VIII [2:08]
Vidi speciosam, Part 1 [3:45]
Chant Preface:
Vere dignum et iustum est, aequum et salutare [2:54]
(Missa Gaudeamus) [3:15]
Benedictus (Missa
Chant Pater
noster [1:58]
Dei (Missa Gaudeamus) [5:13]
Chant Communion:
Optimam partem elegit sibi Maria - mode VIII [0:44]
Vidi speciosam, Part 2: Quae est ista [3:19]
Chant Post-communion:
Mensae caelestis participes effecti [1:43]
FRESCOBALDI Recercar: Sancta Maria * [2:24]
Wilson*; Lay Clerks of Westminster Cathedral/Matthew Martin
Westminster Cathedral, London, 7-10 July 2008. DDD.
and translations included.
[73:20] – from iTunes
Having purchased
this from iTunes as soon as it became available on July 1st,
I thought it too good to wait a month for this Download Roundup
and wrote an independent review of it for the main pages of MusicWeb
performances offer that wonderful blend of English and Southern
European styles which has become the hallmark of the Westminster
Cathedral choristers, as already illustrated on earlier recordings
of Victoria – Missa O quam
gloriosum and Missa Ave maris stella under David Hill
(CDA66114) and Missa Dum complerentur, etc., under James
O’Donnell (CDA66886) to name but two of the most successful. The
new recording deserves to join them.
256k mp3 sound is very adequate and the lavish Hyperion documentation
can be obtained from their website.
don’t wish to imply that the Westminster way is the only way with
Victoria and other 16th-century continental polyphonists,
however, so I’ve included a recording of two of his masses by
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford, below as a reminder of
that fact.
Tomas Luis De Victoria
Dum Complerentur [5:42]; Missa Dum Complerentur [29:53];
Missa Simile Est Regnum
Cœlorum [23:31]
Church Cathedral Choir/Stephen Darlington
Dorchester Abbey, Oxon., 12-13 July 1993. DDD.
[59:04] – from
(variable bit mp3) or
(320k mp3)
I’ve included this
download partly to serve as a reminder that the Westminster Cathedral
way with Victoria is not the only way, even though their recording
of one of the works here, the Pentecost Mass Dum Complerentur,
under James O’Donnell is a great success (CDA66886), and partly
because this is an excellent recording in its own right, quite
apart from the contrast with the new Westminster recording above.
In fact, the contrast is not that great: under Stephen Darlington
the Christ Church Choir has become much less of an instrument
solely for the Anglican liturgy than it was almost 50 years ago
when I heard them as an undergraduate, and far more adaptable
to the needs of renaissance polyphony.
wouldn’t rate this recording quite as highly as their award-winning
performance of music by de Monte which I included in my March
09 Download Roundup, but it’s certainly worthy to be mentioned
in the same breath. With just 15 tracks, too, the eMusic download
could cost less than £4, depending on your monthly tariff. The
variable-bit download (most tracks at around 192k, one at 320k)
is good enough to do justice to the performance but those with
keen hearing may prefer to pay a little more for the 320k classicsonline
of the Month
Howard Ferguson (1908-1999)
for an Occasion Op.16 [8:20]; Partita Op.5a [24:52]; Two Ballads
for baritone and orchestra, Op.1 [8:34]; The Dream of the Rood
for soprano, chorus and orchestra, Op.19 [32:59]
Dawson (soprano); Brian Rayner Cook (baritone); London Symphony
Chorus; London Symphony Orchestra/Richard Hickox
St Jude on the Hill, Hampstead, London, 23, 26 January 1992. DDD.
[75:13] – from
(mp3 and lossless)
Selected Chamber Works of Howard Ferguson
Sonata No. 1 Op. 2 [17:35]; Three Mediaeval Carols Op. 3 [8:40];
Four Short Pieces [5:10]; Love and Reason [1:40]; Discovery Op.
13 [8:12]; Three Sketches Op. 14 [4:37]; Five Irish Folksongs
Op. 17 [12:28]; Violin Sonata No. 2 Op. 10 [18:43]
Benson (piano); Lydia Mordkovitch (violin);
Burgess (mezzo); John Mark Ainsley (tenor);
Hilton (clarinet); David Butt (flute); Reiner Schneider-Waterberg
Snape Maltings Concert Hall on 13 November 1993); 18-19 April
[78:05] – from
(mp3 and lossless)

things led me to this music, none of which I had ever heard before:
the tenth anniversary of the composer’s death, my continuing examination
of the recorded legacy of Richard Hickox and the inclusion on
CHAN9082 of Ferguson’s affecting setting of the Old English
poem The Dream of the Rood, a masterpiece which I esteem
even above Beowulf.
music is enthralling – unfailingly tuneful, which is why Ferguson
gave up composing, feeling himself to be moving against the trend
of history – the performances first-class and the recording demonstration-worthy
in the .wav lossless format. Played directly via Squeezebox, without
burning onto CDR, this download is a memorable experience.
because Ferguson is so little known, this recording seems to have
been deleted on CD – all the more reason to obtain the download.
I’m sure that the mp3 version is fine – Chandos mp3s usually are
– but it’s worth spending a little more for the lossless version
(£9.99 against £7.99)
chose to sample the mp3 version of CHAN9316 and found it
more than acceptable. This CD is actually entitled Discovery,
so is even more appropriate for this slot of my Roundup. The music
is less appealing than on the earlier recording, some of which
almost qualifies as Light Music, but it is equally rewarding;
the performances and recording are just about perfect.
Josquin des PRÉS (c.1440-1521): Praeter rerum seriem [7:27]
Cipriano de Rore (c.1515-c.1565) Missa
Praeter rerum seriem [37:18]
Infelix ego [12:15] ;
Parce mihi [11:09] ; Ave Regina caelorum [5:56]; Descendi
in hortum meum [5:35]
Tallis Scholars/Peter Phillips
St Peter and St Paul, Salle, Norfolk, UK, 1993. DDD.
[72:10] – from
(mp3 and lossless)
Garland: Devotional Chamber Music from the Age of Monteverdi
Nicolo Corradini (d. 1646) Spargite flores
(Venice, 1613)
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) Venite, sitientes
ad aquas
(Venice, 1624) [4:09]; Giovanni Pierluigi
da Palestrina (1525/26-1594) Pulchra
es amica mea (Milan, 1620) [4:34]; Alessandro
Grandi (1586-1630) Jesu,
mi dulcissime (Venice, 1625) [3:20]; Michelangelo
Rossi (c.
1602-1656) attrib. Partite
sopra la Romanesca (Rome, 1657) [2:43] ; Tarquinio Merula
(1594/95-1665) Nigra sum (Venice, 1624) [3:53]; Alessandro Piccinini (1566-c. 1638) Toccata
XII - from Intavolatura di liuto, et di chitarrone, libro primo
(Bologna, 1623) [2:34]; Ignatio Donati (c. 1570-1638) O
gloriosa Domina (Milan, 1626) [3:30]; Giovanni
Battista Bovicelli
(fl. 1592-1594) Angelus ad pastores (Venice,
1594) [4:05]; Girolamo Alessandro Frescobaldi
(1583-1643) Canzona ‘La Bernardinia’ (Rome, 1628) [3:03] ;
Giovanni Picchi
(fl. 1600-1625) Toccata [4:31]; Benedetto
Re (fl. early 17th c.) Tulerunt
Dominum (Venice, 1618) [3:19]; Girolamo
Alessandro Frescobaldi Canzona ‘La Capriola’ (Rome, 1628) [3:29]; Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger
(c. 1580-1651) Toccata VII (Rome, 1640) [3:58]; Archangelo
Crotti (fl.
1608) Congratulamini (Venice, 1608) [3:52] ;
Girolamo Alessandro Frescobaldi
I (Rome, 1637) [3:46];
Tarquinio Merula Gaudeamus omnes [3:23]
Gonzaga Band (Faye Newton (soprano); Jamie Savan (treble cornet,
mute cornet); Richard Sweeney (theorbo); Steven Devine (harpsichord,
Church of St Andrew, Toddington, 2-4 April 2008. DDD.
CHAN0761 [63:24]
– from
(mp3 and lossless)
Palestrina, Gombert,
Lassus, Victoria, etc. ‘Song of Songs’
Ego flos campi [6:05]; Osculetur
me [3:24]; Antiphon: Cum esset rex [0:44]; Surge,
propera amica mea [6:07]; Quam pulchra es [6:11] ;
Antiphon: Nigra sum [0:41]; Veni, dilecte mi [4:19];
Vadam et circuibo [10:41]; Alleluia: Tota pulchra es
[2:41]; Ego flos campi [3:18]; Nigra sum [5:34];
Antiphon: Læva eius [0:37]; Hortus conclusus [5:33];
Nigra sum [3:58]; Antiphon: Speciosa facta es [0:42];
Veni, dilecte mi [4:22]; Trahe me post te [5:16];
Antiphon: Iam hiems transiit [0:49]; Vidi speciosam
MUNDI HMU80 7489
[77:28] – from (mp3, variable

of time prevents detailed reviews, but I just wanted to lay down
brief markers on these three delightful recordings, to which I
hope to return next month.
Gimell may be strongly recommended, but I’d like to compare it
with the rival recording on Harmonia Mundi, with different couplings.
reactions to the Chandos and Harmonia Mundi recordings are also
very favourable but I need a little more time to articulate a
more detailed response.
John Dowland (c.1563-1626)
First Booke of Songes (1597)
thoughts [4:05]; Whoever thinks or hopes [2:28]; My thoughts are
wing’d with hopes [2:57 ]; If my complaints could passions move
[3:23]; Can she excuse my wrongs [3:01]; Now, O now I needs must
part [4:25]; Dear, if you change [3:27]; Burst forth my tears
[3:51]; Go crystal tears [3:40]; Think’st thou then [1:50]; Come
away, come sweet love [2:25]; Rest awhile you cruel cares [3:22];
Sleep wayward thoughts [3:42]; All ye whom love or fortune [4:26];
Wilt thou unkind [2:08]; Would my conceit [7:10]; Come again:
sweet love doth now invite [4:33]; His golden locks [4:06]; Awake,
sweet love [2:43]; Come heavy sleep [4:29]; Away with these self-loving
lads 02:49
Consort of Musicke/Anthony Rooley
1976. ADD.
Decca L’Oiseau Lyre 475 9114 [75:08] – from
(320k mp3)
Such was the low
estate of Dowland performances and recordings when this was originally
issued in 1976 that one reviewer thought it unlikely that anyone
would have noticed that it was being released for the 350th
anniversary of the composer’s death. That things are much healthier
now is due in no small part to this recording and its successors,
released in successive years. In fact, the only reason I can think
of not to go for this download is the availability of the complete
set – no longer, apparently, to be had on CD, but as a download
from passionato
for £79.99. I hope to include some of the other parts of that
recording in later Roundups.
price of £7.99 for their decent download – marred only by one
small dropout – is (just) competitive with the Oiseau Lyre CD
at around £8, but most dealers still have the earlier release
of this recording in the British Composers series, with a less
attractive cover, for less than £7.
Georg Philipp TELEMANN (1681-1767) Early Cantatas
Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht (2vv) [9:30]
Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes [8:40]
Passions-Actus [7:43]
Ich freue mich im Herrn (Cantata for Epiphany)
Sei getreu bis in den Tod [24:02]
Birckenstaedt, Soprano; Frederic Meylan, Altus; Martin Krumbiegel,
Tenor; Wolf Matthias Friedrich, Bass; Sächsisches Vocalensemble/Matthias
November 1998. DDD. First recording.
C58102 [59:44]
– from
(variable bit-rate mp3, 194-224kbps)
The music here,
all apparently dating from Telemann’s earliest time at the University
of Leipzig, may not be quite on the level of his Brockes- Passion,
the new Harmonia Mundi recording of which I reviewed in last month’s
Roundup, but it is remarkable for a composer still in his early
twenties and the mature Telemann style is already apparent. The
longest work, Sei getreu bis in den Tod – be faithful unto
death and I shall give thee a crown of Life – is well worth the
minimal cost of the five tracks alone (less than £2, depending
on your tariff). The performances are stylish and sensitive and
the mp3 sound, though only at 192k or a little above, is fully
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750)
Siehe zu, daß Deine Gottesfurcht, Cantata
BWV 179; Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, Cantata, BWV 199;
Herr Jesu Christ, Cantata BWV 113
Kožená (sop); William Towers (c-ten); Mark Padmore (ten); Stephan
Loges (bass); English Baroque Soloists/John Eliot Gardiner
ARCHIV 463 5912
[63:55] – from (320k mp3)
Alles nur nach Gottes Willen, BWV 72; Cantata: Herr,
wie du willt, so schick’s mit mir BWV 73; Cantata: Was
mein Gott will, das g’scheh allzeit BWV 111; Cantata: Ich
steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe BWV 156
Mingardo; Julian Podger; Joanne Lunn; Stephen Varcoe; The Monteverdi
Choir; English Baroque Soloists/John Eliot Gardiner
ARCHIV 463 5822
[56:49] – from (320k mp3)

success of John Eliot Gardiner’s own SDG label in bringing us
the complete series of recordings which he made with the English
Baroque Soloists in their round-the-world tour in 2000 must not
obscure the earlier issues from the same series which DG Archiv
made before, sadly, they dropped the project. Their loss, of course,
was our gain in that it gave rise to the SDG label, but some of
the DG issues are very valuable. The two which I have chosen here
may be taken as representative of the quality of the whole series,
though, with the exception of the Ascension cantatas, most of
the other recordings offer rather short value. The virtues of
the performances are well enough known for me not to need to rehearse
them here and the recordings do full justice to them. No texts
or translations, but a myriad sites on the web offer these.
Georg Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759)
Anthems: Zadok the priest [5:21]; The King shall rejoice [10:54];
My heart is inditing [12:02]; Let thy hand be strengthened [8:54];
Concerti a due cori, No.2 [15:49]; No.3 [18:11]
of Westminster Abbey/Simon Preston; The English Concert/Trevor
ARCHIV MASTERS 447 280-2 [72:29] – from
(320k mp3)
favoured as an alternative to the recent Coro recording of the
Coronation Anthems for those who prefer the coupling: two
of Handel’s three attractive Concerti a due cori – spot
the ‘borrowings’ from his other works here. Good performances
and recording in a most acceptable mp3 transfer. Only the inappropriate
cover – several centuries too early for Handel – lets this down.
Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809)
No.91 [27:23]; Scena di Berenice [11:52]; Symphony No.92
(‘Oxford’) [30:03]
Fink (mezzo); Freiburg Baroque Orchestra/René Jacobs
Mundi HMX296 1849
[69:14] – from
(9 tracks, variable bit-rate) or
(256k mp3)
The recent reissue
of this recording on the Harmonia Mundi Gold mid-price label makes
the download a slightly less enticing bargain at 9 tracks from
eMusic, but it’s still good value at a little over £2, or even
at £6.99 from Amazon. The performances are preferable both to
Simon Rattle’s big-band versions of these symphonies and to those
of the ‘Oxford Symphony and Berenice which I recently reviewed
on the Phoenix label and the mp3 sound more than acceptable; the
Amazon download comes at a consistently higher bit-rate than the
eMusic which varies from track to track, from 192k to 320k.
Trios: No.25 in G (‘Gypsy’) [14:56]; No.29 in E-flat [16:50];
No.18 in A [15:14]; No.24 in D [13:02]
Piano Trio – rec. 1996. DDD.
[60:00] – from
(12 tracks, variable bit-rate) or
(320k mp3)
If you are experimenting
with Haydn’s chamber music in his anniversary year, but haven’t
yet got beyond the string quartets, this recording of four of
the best piano trios should be on your shopping list – either
in CD format or as a download. The performances are excellent
and the mp3 recording fully acceptable – as usual, classicsonline
guarantee 320k quality whilst eMusic’s tracks vary from 192k to
320k. The ‘Gypsy’ trio, which opens the programme, has been much
recorded since the days of 78s (Cortot, etc.), but the other works
are also well worth hearing.
(The Creation, sung in German)
Sylvia McNair; Donna Brown; Michael Schade;
Gerald Finley; Rodney Gilfry
Monteverdi Choir; The English Baroque Soloists/John Eliot Gardiner
rec. 1997. DDD.
archiv grand prix
477 6327 [2CDs 52:02+46:42]
– from (320k mp3)
Last month I gave
slightly qualified support to the Oiseau Lyre recording in English,
with Emma Kirkby and directed by Christopher Hogwood. Only the
extremely quiet recording of the narration leading up to an exaggerated
contrast at the words Let there be Light reduced that endorsement.
John Eliot Gardiner’s version, sung in German, has most of the
virtues of that Hogwood recording, though not, alas, Emma Kirkby;
Sylvia McNair almost makes up for the loss. In fact, all the soloists
are excellent and the level of performance throughout is very
high. This recording also starts with the opening recitative at
too low a level in order to provide more of a bang at the word
Licht, but the effect is much less exaggerated than on
the Hogwood version. The mp3 sound gives a very good approximation
of the quality of the original recording. If you don’t mind the
use of the German text – both texts have equal claims to originality
– this would be a good version to have. The German text is also
much easier to obtain online than the English.
one reservation – passionato’s price of £15.99 for the two CDs
is no longer competitive now that the CDs have been reissued on
the DG Archiv Grand Prix label and are widely available for around
£10, complete with notes and texts. This is the second issue that
I want to highlight this month alongside the occasional dropouts
between tracks that sometimes mar downloads; it really isn’t logical
to offer everything at the same price regardless of the cost of
the equivalent CDs.
Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828)
Piano Sonata No. 20 in A major, D. 959 [43:17]; 12 Ecossaises,
D. 781: Nos. 1-11 [4:31]; 3 Klavierstücke, D. 946 [23:48]
Piano Sonata No. 16 in a minor, Op. 42, D. 845 [37:56]; Piano
Sonata No. 17 in D major, Op. 53, D. 850, ‘Gasteiner Sonate’
Cooper (piano)
live, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, 15 April and 25 November 2008.
[71:41 + 76:36] – from
(320k mp3)
It’s very encouraging
to note that this recording, emanating from a BBC broadcast of
live performances at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, is labelled ‘Volume
1’. Bob Briggs spoke very highly of the concert on April 22nd,
2009, which contained two other mature sonatas, D894 and D858.
I missed his recommendation
to hear these performances when they were broadcast on May 1st.,
so I’m very much looking forward to hearing Volume 2.
was a little disappointed with the performance of the opening
of D959 which opens the first CD, finding it, surprisingly, just
a little prosaic at times by comparison with the likes of Brendel
and Schiff. Perhaps the failure to take the repeat, which reduces
the movement to 13:44 against Schiff’s weightier 16:20 is largely
to blame, but I didn’t feel the same with Brendel’s even shorter
account of this movement (12:30 on his ADD recording of the last
sonatas). Thereafter, however, matters improved and I was able
to enjoy what I’m sure will come to be regarded as a set of vintage
performances. Now when can we have Ms Cooper’s account of the
great D960?
recording, like the performances, is a little understated, but
none the worse for that.
generously classicsonline offer this well-filled 2-CD set for
£11.99, a considerable discount from their usual price of £7.99
per CD and an example of sensible, flexible pricing for other
providers to note and emulate; simply double their
usual price and charge £13.98 for the lower bit-rate of 256k.
in mind, however, that Universal’s offers
the 2-CD Brendel
and Schiff
sets of the late sonatas (438 7032 and 475 1842 respectively)
as downloads for £9.99 each. offers the Brendel
set even more economically for £7.78.
William Sterndale BENNETT (1816-1875)
Concerto No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 1 (1832) [24:12]; Caprice in E,
Op. 22 (1838) [13:22];
Concerto No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 9 (1834) [27:15]
Binns; London Philharmonic Orchestra/Nicholas Braithwaite
Walthamstow Assembly Hall, Henry Wood Hall, 1986. DDD.
[65:43] – from (7 tracks, variable-bit mp3)
Concertos: No. 2 in E flat, Op. 4 (1833) [26:16]; No. 5 in F minor
(1836, finale ed. Geoffrey Bush) [33:21]. Adagio (ed. Cope) (c.1837)
Malcolm Binns; Philharmonia Orchestra/Nicholas Braithwaite.
Rec. Abbey Road Studios and Henry Wood Hall, 1986. DDD
LYRITA SRCD.205 [66:42] – from
(7 tracks, variable bit-rate mp3)

already reviewed the eMusic download of Lyrita’s recording of
Bennett’s Symphony in g, etc (SRCD.206 – June 09). Now
I’m even happier to endorse my colleague Collin Clarke’s strong
support for the two CDs offering four of the five piano concertos
– SRCD.204
and SRCD.205.
The mp3 sound is good enough to do justice to the recording and,
with seven tracks each of your monthly allocation, the downloads
are inexpensive. You won’t, however, get the informative and scholarly
notes to which CC refers, though the website adds the recording
information, which CC was not able to obtain from the booklet.
I’m pleased to note that the young composer, as depicted on these
two sleeves, looked a good deal less ferocious than the strict
pedagogue of his older self, as seen in the photograph on SRCD.206.
Gustav MAHLER (1860-1911)
from des Knaben Wunderhorn
Goerne; Barbara Bonney; Sara Fulgoni; Gösta Winbergh; Royal Concertgebouw
Orchestra/Riccardo Chailly – rec. 2002. DDD.
467 3482
[65:44] – from
(320k mp3)
fine performances and good recording, well transferred to mp3,
this is probably the most recommendable recent alternative to
the classic EMI recording with Schwarzkopf, Fischer-Dieskau and
Szell, which passionato also offer
in mp3 and lossless formats. I hope to compare the two in a future
you’re looking for a bargain and don’t mind the versions of these
songs with piano accompaniment, look no further than Thomas Hampson
and Geoffrey Parsons for a mere £2.79 from
Jean SIBELIUS (1865-1957) Symphony No.3 [27:51];
Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971) Violin Concerto
Symphony No.6 [25:42]
Sinfonia/Thomas Zehetmair (violin and conductor)
19-22 April 2007 (Stravinsky); 4-5 August 2007 (6); 20-21 September,
13 November, 2008, Hall One, The Sage, Gateshead. DDD
[74:20] – from
(320k mp3)
performances come close to replacing my favourite versions of
these works – Colin Davis in Sibelius (Nos. 3 and 7 with the LSO
on LSO Live LSO0051; Nos.3, 6 and 7 with the Violin Concerto,
Swan of Tuonela, etc., with the Concertgebouw on a Philips Duo
which, incredibly, seems to be no longer available, though its
companion twofer with the other symphonies is) and Kyung Wha Chung
and Andre Previn in Stravinsky (another incredible
deletion, apparently
– last seen in the company of the two Prokofiev concertos). The
Concertgebouw recordings are available to download on 446 160-2
but at £15.99, which is rather more than the original Duo set
cost latterly. They also have the Chung/Previn recording on 476
7226 for £7.99.
the absence of two out of three of these classics of the recorded
repertoire, I can only endorse Rob Barnett’s support for these
fascinating new readings – see review.
Zehetmair’s reading of the Stravinsky, in particular, revealed
details which I had never registered before, while the two Sibelius
works emerge from these recordings as sunnier works than in other
320k mp3 transfer is good, but I found that the Sibelius Third
benefited from a small volume boost. If you don’t want to download,
follow the link to RB’s review and click the purchase button –
the CD will cost you £12.49, including postage, against classicsonline’s
£7.99 for the download.
Frederick DELIUS (1862-1934) Violin Sonatas (Complete)
Sonata in B major (1892), Op. posth. [26:22]; Violin Sonata No.
1 (1905-15) [21:12];
Sonata No. 2 (1923) [11:38]; Violin Sonata No. 3 (1930) [18:02]
Stanzeleit (violin); Gusztáv Fenyö (piano)
St Silas, Camden Town, London, 14-16 February 1994. DDD.
[77:13] – from
(320k mp3)
If the 1994 recording
date is really correct, I’m not at all sure why Naxos have ‘sat’
on this recording for so long – perhaps it was the existence of
excellent versions from Tasmin Little and Piers Lane and from
Ralph Holmes and Eric Fenby – but I’m glad that they have issued
it now. Played here in chronological order, the four violin sonatas,
beginning with the withdrawn No. ‘0’, may not be the most characteristic
of Delius’s works, but they make an attractive programme when
they are as well played and recorded as they are here.
may wish to note, however, that the Little/Lane version has just
been reissued on the new BMG Sony Essential Masterworks label
for around the same low price as the Naxos CD or download (88697532142).
John IRELAND (1879-1962)
Phantasie Trio in a minor (1908)* [11:26]; Piano Trio No.2 in
E (1917)* [12:52]; Piano Trio No.3 in E (1938)* [24:39]; Berceuse
for violin and piano (1902) [3:08]; Cavatina for violin
and piano (1904) [2:25]; Bagatelle for violin and piano
(1911) [3:01]; The Holy Boy, arr. for violin and piano
(1913/19) [3:03]
The Gould Piano Trio (Lucy Gould (violin); Alice Neary (cello)*;
Benjamin Frith (piano))
rec. 13-15 June 2008, Potton Hall, Westleton, Suffolk. DDD.
NAXOS 8.570507 [60:34] – from
(320k mp3)
John France wrote
that ‘all Ireland enthusiasts will insist on adding this CD to
their collection’ – see review.
With first-rate performances of this darkly attractive music,
excellent recording and a fully acceptable mp3 transfer, I can
only echo his recommendation. My only real criticism is that the
shorter pieces, apart from The Holy Boy, sound rather small
beer after the trios.
always with recent Naxos recordings, the classicsonline download
comes complete with the booklet to download in pdf format and
Lyrita recording which JF marginally continued to prefer is available
The first CD, containing the three Piano Trios, will cost
a very reasonable 6 credits (£1.50 or less, depending on your
tariff); the second and third discs run to 8 and 6 tracks respectively,
so the whole 3-CD set could be obtained for less than £5. The
iTunes equivalent costs £24.99 – better to buy the CDs @ 3 for
the price of 2, £23, from Musicweb.
William Grant STILL (1895-1978)
Memoriam [7:22]; Africa (Symphonic Poem) [28:00]; Symphony No.1
(‘Afro-American’) [24:56]
Smith Symphony/John Jeter - rec. Arkansas Best Corporation Performing
Arts Center, Fort Smith, Arkansas, 28-29 February 2004. DDD.
AMERICAN CLASSICS 8.559174 [60:08] – from
(mp3 and lossless)
No. 1 (‘Afro-American’) [24:10]
‘Duke’ Ellington (1899-1974) Suite from The
River (orchestrated Collier) [26:50]
Symphony Orchestra/Neeme Järvi
Orchestra Hall, Detroit, 29 September and 3 October 1992. DDD
William Grant STILL Symphony No.2 (‘Song of a New Race’) in
g minor [29:22]
William Levi DAWSON (1899-1990) Negro Folk Symphony
‘Duke’ ELLINGTON Harlem (orch. Luther HENDERSON) [15:48]
Symphony Orchestra/Neeme Järvi – rec. 1992 and 1993. DDD.
[73:54] – from
(mp3 and lossless)

The inclusion of
a short organ piece by William Grant Still on a recital which
I reviewed
(Variations on America, Chandos CHAN10489) reminded me
of his more substantial works, especially the two symphonies,
the first to be written by an African-American.
Chandos the two symphonies are coupled with music by Duke Ellington,
including the Suite from his marvellous The River on the
first disc and Harlem on the second, along with William
Dawson’s Negro Folk Symphony. Surprisingly, Chandos have
chosen to duplicate the Dawson and Ellington works in an alternative
coupling on CHAN9909, so you may prefer to go for the Naxos version
of the First Symphony, which is almost as well performed and recorded
as on Chandos – see John France’s review.
Whichever coupling you choose, you must have the music from The
River, even though jazz purists will deplore the fact that
Ron Collier’s arrangements make it sound more conventionally ‘classical’
than the original.
owned CHAN9154 on CD for some time and can confirm that the other
Chandos lossless downloads are the equal of that hard copy. The
passionato lossless version of the Naxos also leaves little to
be desired.
Erich Wolfgang KORNGOLD (1897-1957) Violin Concerto
in D major, Op. 35 [25:09]
Karl GOLDMARK (1830-1915) Violin Concerto No. 1 in a minor, Op.
28 [36:17]
Tsu (violin); Razumovsky Symphony Orchestra/Yu Long
1996. DDD.
[61:27] – from
(320k mp3 and lossless) and
(320k mp3)
Erich Wolfgang KORNGOLD (1897-1957)
Concerto in D major, Op. 35 [23:49]; Schauspiel Overture,
Op. 4 [13:31]; Much Ado about Nothing Suite [16:13]
Quint (violin); Orquesta Sinfónica de Mineria/Carlos Miguel Prieto
Sala Nezahualcóyotl, Mexico City, August, 2007. DDD.
[53:18] - from (320k mp3)

Naxos now have
two fine versions of the very approachable Korngold Violin Concerto.
Forget the old gag about there being more corn than gold here;
this is a well crafted as well as a very enjoyable work. You may
not have heard of any of the performers on these two recordings,
but everyone concerned gives of their best and there’s no reason
to go for better-known names.
coupling may well decide the issue. The Goldmark concerto is not
in the same league as his Rustic Wedding Symphony, but
it’s well worth having – but so are the Korngold couplings on
the newer recording. Quint’s slightly faster version of the Korngold
concerto has a marginal edge on the older version but either would
do very nicely.
passionato flac download of the earlier version has a slight edge
on the classisconline mp3 of the more recent recording, but there’s
not much in it; both are very acceptable. The classicsonline download
of the new recording comes with the booklet; that of the older
version allows you to cut and paste the notes. There are no notes
with the passionato download.
Gerald FINZI (1901-1956)
for Clarinet and Strings in C minor, Op.31 [27:31]
Bagatelles for clarinet and piano, Op.23 [15:25]
Charles Villiers STANFORD (1852-1924)
Concerto in A minor, Op.80 [21:04]
Intermezzi for clarinet and piano, Op.13 [8:35]
Johnson (clarinet); Malcolm Martineau (piano); Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra/Charles Groves
1992. DDD.
[72:36] – from
(320k mp3)
are other fine versions of the wonderful Finzi Clarinet Concerto,
notably by Robert Plane (Naxos 8.553556), also coupled with the
Bagatelles, but in their orchestrated version, and by Thea
King, one of the
earliest Hyperion recordings, now on the budget Helios label (CDH55101)
and also coupled with the Stanford Clarinet Concerto. There
is also a very fine version from Alan Hacker on Nimbus (NI5665),
coupled with the marvellous Eclogue for Piano and Orchestra
and Love’s Labour Lost, available on CD, or as a download
Emma Johnson can hold her head high in this distinguished company;
if the coupling appeals, don’t hesitate to download this excellent
version in very good mp3 sound.
Albert William KETÈLBEY (1875-1959):
a Monastery Garden [6:20]; The Adventurers [4:35]; Chal Romano
[10:11]; Suite Romantique: No. 1 Romance [6:49]; No. 2 Scherzo
[3:06]; No. 3 Valse Dramatique [5:00]; Caprice Pianistique [3:36];
The Clock and the Dresden Figures [4:11]; Cockney Suite (excerpts):
V. Bank Holiday [2:38]; III. At the Palais de Danse [2:55]; In
the Moonlight [5:12]; Wedgewood Blue [4:15]; Bells across the
Meadows [5:12]; The Phantom Melody [3:58]; In a Persian Market
Philharmonic Male Chorus; Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Adrian
1993. DDD.
POLO 8.223442
[73:31] – from
(320k mp3)
Albert William KETÈLBEY (1875-1959):
Grand Passions of Albert W. Ketèlbey
the Moonlight: Poetic Intermezzo (1919) [4:17]; In a Persian Market
Place: Intermezzo-Scene (1920) [6:55]; Bells Across the Meadows:
Characteristic Intermezzo (1921) [4:11]; he Cockney Suite: Cameos
of London Life (1924) [16:17]; Wedgewood Blue: Intermezzo (1920)
[4:15]; The Clock and the Dresden Figures (1930) [3:55]; Suite:
In a Lover’s Garden (1925) [12:32]; In a Chinese Temple Garden:
Oriental Fantasy (1923) [6:08]; Sanctuary of the Heart: Meditation
religieuse (1926) [4:48]; Jungle Drums: Patrol (1926) [4:56]
Court Theatre Orchestra/Anthony Godwin
Winter Gardens, Bournemouth, 27-28 October 1996. DDD.
[68:58] – from
(320k mp3 and lossless)
I wanted to feature some recordings
of British Light Music this month – what better month to do so
than August? For my money Ketèlbey reigns supreme in this area
and the 50th anniversary of his death is likely to
get lost in such grand company as Purcell, Handel, Haydn and Mendelssohn.
The Slovak performers under Adrian Leaper do him proud – a surprisingly
idiomatic set of performances of this evocative music, combining
the better-known and the lesser-known works. With very decent
mp3 sound, this recording deservedly heads my Light Music list.
The only thing that’s a little po-faced about it is the omission
of the usual title of the fifth item in the Cockney Suite,
’Appy ’Ampstead. You’ll find very detailed notes on the
music on the Naxos website.
The Marco Polo recording features
only excerpts from the Cockney Suite. The Chandos alternative
offers the whole suite and gives ‘Appy ‘Ampstead its usual
nomenclature. With several items here which are not included on
the Marco Polo recording, this inexpensive recording is better
regarded as a complement to, rather than as a substitute for Adrian
Leaper’s programme. Good mp3 and lossless sound, too, but no notes
at all, not even to download, which is unusual for Chandos recordings
Haydn WOOD (1882-1959)
May-Day Overture [6:58]; Soliloquy [5:55]; Variations on a Once
Popular Humorous Song [9:52]; Suite: Paris - I. Waltz: Apache
Life [3:38]; II. Meditation: In the Tuileries Garden [5:54] ;
III. March: Montmartre [4:05]; Roses of Picardy (Song Intermezzo)
[5:57]; A Manx Rhapsody [9:52]; Suite: Frescoes: Sea Shanties
[5:21]; March: The Bandstand [4:37]; An Evening Song [4:13]; Dance
of a Whimsical Elf (from Suite: A Day in Fairyland) [2:35]; March:
The Horseguards, Whitehall (from Suite: London Landmarks) [3:48]
Radio Symphony Orchestra-Orchestra/Ernest Tomlinson
1997. DDD.
POLO 8.223605
[72:45] – from
(320k mp3)
of a Dandy [3:28]; Serenade to Youth [2:51]; Mannin Veen [9:29];
London Cameos: No. 1 The City (Miniature Overture) [4:39]; No.
2 St. Jame's Park in Spring (Intermission) [4:45]; No. 3 A State
Ball at Buckingham Palace (Finale) [6:40]; Rhapsody Mylecharane
[9:28]; Moods Suite: No. 6, Joyousness, Concert Waltz [4:57];
A Brown Bird Singing [5:20];
Overture [7:59]; The Seafarer [9:23]
Radio Symphony Orchestra/Adrian Leaper
1992. DDD.
POLO 8.223402
[68:59] – from
(320k mp3)

Wood is another unjustly almost forgotten light music composer
who died in 1959. Once again Marco Polo and the Slovak Radio Symphony
Orchestra ride to the rescue under the direction of eminent conductor
Ernest Tomlinson and the equally fine Adrian Leaper. As with Ketèlbey,
the performances are thoroughly idiomatic, immensely enjoyable
and well recorded, with the mp3 sound doing good justice to the
original. You may find these recordings decked out in the standard
dark blue Marco Polo livery or in the British Light Music format
with the white background, so I’ve illustrated both to aid recognition
if you’re looking for the original CDs. Again there are detailed
notes on the music on the Naxos website, but ignore the misspelling,
in the track listing there and on of A Sketch
of a Dandy as A Sketch of a Daddy.
Billy Joseph MAYERL (1902-1959)
[3:31]; A Lily Pond [4:43]; Ace of Clubs [3:10]; Ace of Diamonds
[2:51]; Ace of Hearts [3:29]; Ace of Spades [3:59]; From a Spanish
Lattice [4:45]; Minuet by Candelight [3:51]; Aquarium Suite -
No. 1 Willow Moss [3:45]; No. 2 Moorish Idol [3:53]; No. 3 Fantail
[3:18]; No. 4 Whirlgig [4:10]; Autumn Crocus [3:31]; Bats in the
Belfry [2:46]; Pastoral Sketches - No. 1 A Legend [2:39]; No.
2 Lovers’ Lane [2:37]; No. 3 A Village Festival [4:00]; Fireside
Fusiliers [3:32]; Parade of the Sandwich - Board Men [2:42]; Waltz
for a Lonely Heart [3:55]; Busybody [2:47]
Radio Symphony Orchestra/Gary Carpenter
1993. DDD.
POLO 8.223514 [73:54]
– from
(320k mp3)
was something of an annus horribilis for British light
music composers: Billy Mayerl is the third of them to have died
50 years ago. Once again Marco Polo brings Slovak Radio Symphony
Orchestra to the rescue, this time under the able direction of
Gary Carpenter. This is yet another set of idiomatic performances
of enjoyable music, well recorded. This is not just for the over-60s,
though the nostalgic appeal is obvious. Detailed notes are available
on the Naxos website and by clicking on the About this album
tab on the classicsonline website.
Ronald BINGE (1910-1979)
Serenade [3:39]; Scottish Rhapsody [6:27]; Saxophone Concerto
[12:42]; Venetian Carnival [3:49]; Faire Frou-Frou [2:24]; High
Stepper, ‘The Aggie Theme’ [2:43]; Las Castanuelas [3:14]; Madrugado
[3:44]; Miss Melanie [2:49]; Prelude: The Whispering Valley [4:22];
Scherzo: Allegro molto [4:03]; String Song [3:48]; The Dance of
the Snowflakes [3:32]; The Red Sombrero [2:45]; The Watermill
[3:47]; Trade Winds [4:56]; Sailing By [2:38]
Kapova; Kenneth Edge; Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Ernest Tomlinson
1993. DDD.
POLO 8.223515
[72:22] – from
(320k mp3 and flac lossless) and from (320k
Robert FARNON (1917-2005)
of a Flirt [2:44]; How Beautiful is Night [3:21]; Melody Fair
[2:51]; A la Claire Fontaine [7:28]; The Peanut Polka [3:07];
In a Calm [2:43]; Gateway to the West [3:13]; Jumping Bean [2:31];
Pictures in the Fire [5:01]; Little Miss Molly [3:28]; March [3:08];
A Star is Born [2:47]; The Westminster Waltz [2:58]; Manhattan
Playboy [2:47]; Lake in the Woods [10:09]; Derby Day [2:48]; State
Occasion [3:08]
Radio Symphony Orchestra/Adrian Leaper
1991. DDD.
POLO 8.223401
[64:12] – from
(320k mp3 and flac lossless) and from (320k

My final
two, slightly younger, composers from the Marco Polo Light Music
series, Ronald Binge and Robert Farnon – the latter died
as recently as 2005 – cannot claim the distinction of having been
dead exactly fifty years, but their music is just as much in need
of – and worthy of – rediscovery as the anniversarians. I suspect
that some of the music will be more familiar than that of Ketèlbey,
et al., even to the younger generation, especially Binge’s Elizabethan
Serenade and Sailing By and Farnon’s Colditz March.
Not for nothing was Farnon known among fellow musicians as ‘The
Guv’nor’ and Binge’s music is equally attractive. With performances
and recording to match (especially the flac download from passionato)
these also are admirable.
Samuel Barber (1910 - 1981) Adagio for Strings,
Op.11 [8:46]
Charles Ives (1874 - 1954) Symphony No.3
– ‘The Camp Meeting’: 1. Old Folks Gatherin' (Andante maestoso)
[7:49]; 2. Children’s Day (Allegro moderato) [7:18]; 3.
Communion (Largo) [6:12]
Aaron Copland (1900 - 1990) Quiet City for
Cor Anglais, Trumpet and Strings1,2 [8:40]
Henry Cowell (1897 - 1965) Hymn and Fuguing
Tune No.10 (1955) for oboe & strings [6:50]
Paul Creston (1906 - 1985) A Rumor [5:51]
Nicklin (oboe)1, Michael Laird (trumpet)2,
The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields/Sir Neville Marriner
ORIGINALS 475 8237
[51:29] – from
(320k mp3)
Ives has gained
something of a reputation for writing ‘difficult’ music but the
Third Symphony, as interpreted by the ASMF and Marriner
on this recording, is no more difficult than the well-known Barber
Adagio which opens the programme. It’s not that Marriner
is untrue to the composer, far from it, merely that he shows us
a side of Ives sometimes missing from other interpretations. Scott
Mortensen, in his survey of available
recordings of this symphony, thought the performance lacking in
a sense of vitality to be found in other recordings; paradoxically,
I think it’s that sense that Marriner isn’t trying too hard that
I like most. De gustibus ...
Quiet City also receives an excellent performance, as do
the two less well-known works which round off the programme. The
mp3 sound is more than acceptable. If this and other DG/Decca/Philips
originals are still on offer from at £4.99 when
you read this, you should snap up the download as soon as possible.
Even at the regular price of £7.99 it’s (just) competitive with
the equivalent CD.
Francisco Guerrero (1528–1599)
Surge propera
[31.12]; Usquequo, Domine [5.24] ; Ave Maria
[4.15] ; Hei mihi, Domine [4.21] ; Surge propera
[7.21] ; Beata Dei genitrix [6.22] ; Ave virgo
sanctissima [3.57] ; Regina cæli lætare [4.25]
Tallis Scholars/Peter Philips
in Temple Church, London, 8th September, 2004. DDD.
[66.57] – from
(mp3, lossless or 24-bit)
wasn’t until after this Roundup was complete that I discovered
how to play Gimell’s 24-bit Studio Quality downloads on the Squeezebox
without having iTunes convert them to 16-bit recordings. The trick
is to add a ‘Gimell’ folder to the folder ‘My Music’ (pre-Windows
Vista) or ‘Music’ (Vista), then another sub-folder with a short
title for the recording and to copy the 24-bit wma or flac recording
there; it will automatically come up in the Squeezebox ‘Music
Folder’ directory.
performances of the music on this Guerrero recording are of the
usual high Tallis Scholars quality and the recording is excellent.
It comes in very decent 320k mp3 form, as lossless flac or wma,
and in wma or flac 24-bit format. If you have a 24-bit soundcard,
Windows Media Player will play these larger files, but few computers
have speakers which will do the music justice. Squeezebox, which
is rapidly becoming my favourite way of listening to music, will
recognise and play them to perfection, on more than one system
simultaneously if you have two or more units set up.
don’t think this is one of their most successful 24-bit downloads;
they point instead to their recent Josquin Missa Fortuna desperata
and Missa Malheur me bat (CDGIM042) and Gombert Magnificat
recordings (CDGIM037 and 038). I’ve already reviewed these in
their ‘ordinary’ lossless formats respectively and thought them
very good – I even suggested burning the Gombert onto Audio CDRs
rather than the standard versions – so I’m looking forward to
trying and reporting on them in 24-bit form. (See my review
of CDGIM042; the Gombert recordings were reviewed in my November,
2008, Download Roundup).