Welcome to what
is planned as the first of a series
of monthly overviews of available
I’m starting with
what has to be my DOWNLOAD
Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)
Requiem (1605 ), Salve
regina, etc., recorded by
The Sixteen under Harry Christophers
in April, 2005 (CORSACD16033).
don’t seem to have reviewed this
as a CD or download on Musicweb,
though we carried a review of a
live performance as part of the
ensemble’s 2006 tour – see RJF’s
appreciative recommendation
to attend any performances in the
readers’ vicinity, "regardless
of whatever your previous experience
of this music and this type of singing
might be."
At the same time,
I couldn’t resist a reminder of
the virtues of an older recording
by The Sixteen from 2002,
of motets and hymns by Victoria,
The Call of the Beloved
(COR16007), which Jonathan Woolf
has already dubbed a marvellous
disc – see review.
Add to the Requiem this recording
of Victoria in more festive mode,
the Tallis Scholars’ recording of
the Tenebræ Responsories,on
Gimell (CDGIM022 – also available
to download) and one of the Hyperion
Westminster Cathedral recordings,
and you have the makings of a first-class
collection of Victoria’s music.
For many Victoria’s
Requiem is a quintessential
work of the Spanish renaissance.
Don’t look for the dramatic power
of the Mozart or Verdi Requiems:
with only parts of Dies iræ
set here, the overall mood is
one of tranquil grief and quiet
hope – a mood which Fauré
and Duruflé were to capture
again in their settings.
Everything comes
together here: music, singing and
recording. The performance seems
just right – moving the music along
at quite a brisk pace yet allowing
space for contemplation and never
sounding hurried. The instrumental
accompaniment, where it occurs,
is discrete and unobtrusive; it
includes the use of the bajón,
one of the ancestors of the bassoon.
The recording, too, even in ordinary
stereo, sounds excellent.
The Sixteen also
offer several shorter pieces, including
an affective performance of the
funeral motet Versa est in luctum
– slightly faster than the Tallis
Scholars on Naxos, but equally effective.
chief competition for this recording
of the Requiem comes from
The Tallis Scholars, whose
version can be obtained as part
of a 2-CD package entitled Renaissance
Giants (CDGIM207) recommended
as Bargain of the Month by Dominy
Clements – see review
– or on another 2-for-1 offer where
Victoria’s music is set within the
context of a Requiem Mass (Requiem,
CDGIM205). As usual, the Tallis
Scholars tend to take the music
at a more stately pace (6:13 for
the Introit, for example, against
The Sixteen’s 5:05) but I always
find it difficult to choose between
these two excellent ensembles and
I’m not going to try here – merely
to point the difference and let
you take your pick. Those who prefer
to have the music set in a liturgical
context (not quite in the Paul McCreesh
manner) will prefer CDGIM205. There’s
no doubt that Gimell’s El Greco
artwork on CDGIM205 and 012 makes
for an attractive cover.
There’s little
that I can add to JW’s review of
The Call of the Beloved:
this is marvellous music, excellently
performed in The Sixteen’s usual
brisk but not insensitive manner,
and very well recorded. The Requiem
would be my first recommendation,
but I’m sure you’ll want the other
recording when you’ve heard it.
The Sixteen are
download pluralists, so these recordings
are available from,
whence I obtained the Requiem,
from Chandos’s,
my source for The Call of the
Beloved, and from
The versions from classicsonline
and theclassicalshop come in 320kbps
sound, the highest quality for mp3
and fully acceptable as far as I
am concerned.
The booklets, offered
free on the Chandos website, are
handsome and informative. The texts
and translations which they include
are essential – how about offering
these in future, classicsonline
and eMusic? Hyperion and Gimell
usually include some contemporary
artwork with their recordings of
renaissance music; these Coro covers
are a little nondescript by comparison.
It’s also well worth looking at
the notes on Victoria on the Gimell

I’m on the subject of The Sixteen,
let me also strongly recommend Music
from the Sistine Chapel,
on COR16047 and Music for
Monarchs and Magnates on
CORSACD16016. The former offers
some less predictable, but attractive
works by Anerio, Allegri, Marenzio
and Palestrina (not the over-exposed
Allegri Miserere, for example,
but his Missa ‘Che fa oggi’)
and the latter music for Elizabeth
I and James I; though it includes
what may be your umpteenth version
of Tallis’s Spem in alium
it also contains the contrafactum
of this work, in which the music
is recast to English words, and
some of the pieces are accompanied
by The Symphony of Harmony and Invention.
I downloaded COR16047 from eMusic
and CORSACD16016 from theclassicalshop;
both come in very acceptable sound,
though, of course, you get only
the CD version of Music for Monarchs
and the Victoria Requiem,
both of which come in SACD format
on disc. Theclassicalshop offers
the excellent booklets of notes
and texts for all these Coro recording.
last recording by The Sixteen: music
by Spanish and English composers
of the mid-sixteenth century on
Music for Philip and Mary,
i.e. Philip of Spain and his wife
Queen Mary of England (COR16037),
including Tallis’s Missa: Puer
nobis nascitur, probably written
in anticipation of Mary’s pregnancy,
which, in the end, turned out to
be a non-event. The music certainly
is an event and the performances
are equally fine. I downloaded this
recording from eMusic, an mp3 recording
ranging from 192k to 320k, but it
is also available from theclassicalshop,
where the excellent booklet is also
available, and from classicsonline.
I’ve already mentioned
briefly in another review the music
of William Byrd and Philippe
de Monte on a 1997 Chandos recording
entitled The Caged Byrd
(CHAN0609), available as an excellent
download from
This recording, like the bargain
price Harmonia Mundi Music for
a Hidden Chapel – see review
– shows the private side of Byrd,
the composer of music for Elizabeth’s
Established Church who also wrote
for the recusant community of which
he was a part. The Hidden Chapel
recording is available to download
in good mp3 sound from iTunes and
with the late 16th century,
Signum have recently released a
recording entitled Vox in
Rama, the second book of
motets of Giaches de Wert
(1535-96), an excellent recording
of the church music of a composer
more famous for his madrigals and
as the tutor of Monteverdi. The
performances by Collegium Regale,
alias King’s College, Cambridge,
choral scholars, directed by Stephen
Cleobury, are superb and the 320k
download obtained from theclassicalshop
offers very acceptable sound. I
have put in my ‘bid’ for the CD
of this recording – if successful,
I shall be able to compare the mp3
sound with the disc. The download
comes complete with an excellent
already had two excellent recordings
of early Bach Cantatas in
their catalogue, with Emma Kirkby
et al and the enlarged Purcell
Quartet. CHAN0715 contains Cantatas
Nos. 4, 131, 106 and 196. CHAN0742
offers Nos. 12, 18, 61 and 161,
all composed for Weimar. Now they
have added a third volume (CHAN0752
– slightly confusingly labelled
Weimar Cantatas II)
- equally excellent performances
of Nos. 172, 182 and 21. My only
reservation about recommending the
new recording as a download from
Chandos’s is
that in wma format it costs more
than the CD equivalent, which is
on offer as 2-for-1, an offer not
extended to the lossless download.
Even the mp3 download is not much
cheaper. The Chandos Press Officer
has informed me that they intend
to solve this anomaly: 2-for-1 recordings
will in future also be offered as
2-for-1 downloads."
recent delight in hearing the Avison
Ensemble in some of that composer’s
concertos on the Divine Art label
led me to the eMusic downloads of
their performances of the Cello
Concertos of his contemporary John
Garth – a real discovery: he
isn’t even a name in the Oxford
Companion to Music. (DDA25059,
2 CDs) Strongly recommended: as
I’ve already said in my review of
the Avison CDs, I’d now like to
hear the cellist, Richard Tunnicliffe,
in the Haydn Concertos. This Divine
Art recording is now available from
theclassicalshop, too, in 320k sound
together with the full booklet,
rear inlay and CD labels. I hope
to include the ensemble’s recording
of the Avison Concertos after Geminiani
next month, also available either
from theclassicalshop or from eMusic.
The recent reissues
on the Harmonia Mundi Gold label
at mid price, welcome as they are,
must not be allowed to obscure their
even better value Musique d’Abord
and Classical Express series. Schubert’s
Octet in F on Classical
Express HCX395 7049 is particularly
recommendable – an excellent performance
by a period-instrument ensemble
available in very acceptable 256k
sound from iTunes and also available
from eMusic. My only grumble is
that, as with all this series, the
cover is unimaginative in the extreme.
eMusic and classicsonline also have
a very acceptable Naxos recording
of the Octet, coupled with
an earlier Schubert Octet,
but Music from Aston Magna, directed
by Daniel Stepner on the HM recording
win hands down, unless you’re allergic
to period instruments – there are
a very few very minor fluffs here,
inevitable when playing early wind
instruments, but nothing to spoil
a delectable 64 minutes.
My recommendations
of other recordings in the Classical
Express series have already appeared
in the main Musicweb reviews section:
the Byrd Music for a Hidden Chapel
to which I refer above and two CDs
containing Corelli’s Op.6 Concerti
Grossi – see review.
spoiled for versions of Dvořák’s
chamber music. I’ve been looking
at available download versions of
his Piano Trios and found
an embarrassment of riches. Chandos’s
theclassicalshop offers all four
of these works from their 2-for-1
Borodin Trio recordings (CHAN241-24),
recorded in 1985 and 1992 in very
good DDD sound, which sounds equally
well as a lossless download and
in mp3 format (I tried both). If
you want all these works, this is
the version to go for, but be warned
– the second disc is so full that
I couldn’t burn it all on one CDR.
If you just want the best-known
of these Trios, No.4, Dumky,
theclassicalshop also offers the
same performance of it with Smetana’s
Piano Trio on CHAN8445.
you are looking for excellent versions
of Nos. 3 and 4, look no further
than the 2006 Supraphon recording
by the youthful players of the Smetana
Trio (SU3872-2), available as
a download in very acceptable sound
from eMusic. I compared their recordings
with the now classic accounts by
the Florestan Trio on Hyperion
(CDA66895) and found very little
to choose between them. I’ve derived
great pleasure from the Hyperion
version on CD; it’s available from
iTunes, but not as one of their
superior ‘plus’ recordings – the
piano is notoriously intolerant
of recordings at less than 192k.
Go for the Supraphon if you’re downloading.
theclassicalshop on CRD3403 comes
a version of the Fauré
Piano Quartets to challenge
the hegemony of another Hyperion
recording – the Nash Ensemble
on CRD certainly challenge Domus,
especially in download format, where
iTunes again offer the Hyperion
recording at a less than ideal bit-rate.
The price of £4.80 for the CRD recording
is extremely competitive, too.
other Nash Ensemble recordings are
available at the same price. I hope
to refer to more of these next month
but will mention just one more to
whet your appetite – the splendidly
tuneful Spohr Nonet and
Octet, delightfully played
and in perfectly acceptable 192k
mp3 sound (CRD3354).
Mention of Dvořák
leads me to his son-in-law Josef
Suk, a composer whose music
I like but whose Asraël
has always eluded me. Theclassicalshop
offers the Chandos version conducted
by Jiri Bělohlávek, both as
a single CD, in which form it is
deleted on disc but available
to download, and on a 2-disc coupling.
Despite Rob Barnett’s recommendation
of this version in its 2-CD form
(CHAN9640) – see review
– I still haven’t come to terms
with the work, though I liked this
version better than the now-deleted
Pešek version once available on
HMV Classics; I must try again.
The download version of the symphony
– I didn’t try CD2, as I have the
other works on Supraphon recordings
– comes in very acceptable sound.
been meaning for some time to sample
Marin Alsop’s recordings
of the Brahms Symphonies with
the LPO on Naxos, generally
well received, not least here on
Musicweb. I began with the First,
coupled with the Tragic and Academic
Festival Overtures (8.557428).
I had expected to find this clearly
preferable to Naxos’s earlier Rahbari
recording; it is, but in the event,
I was slightly disappointed, finding
the performance a little tentative
in places, even in the lead-up to
the big tune in the Finale. The
recording, downloaded from eMusic
at around 192k (it varies slightly
from track to track) is perfectly
acceptable: it starts by sounding
somewhat heavy but matters soon
improve. Perhaps there would have
been a case for a 320k or a lossless
version. There’s no booklet with
this recording, even with the version
from theclassicalshop, but the Naxos
website offers all the notes, plus
the rear insert as a pdf. Buy it
from classicsonline, Naxos’s own
download site, and you’ll get the
booklet and insert.
I began with my
Download of the Month; I’ll end
with my Bargain of the Month.
This is not a static recommendation,
since the bargain in question changes
every 24 hours. A new source of
classical downloads launched in
mid-September at
I have a number of reservations
about what they have to offer, not
least their pricing policy which
means that, like iTunes, they offer
all the recordings from a particular
label at the same price, irrespective
of the cost of the equivalent CD,
which sometimes makes the offerings
on both these sites more expensive
than the cost of the equivalent
CD from many retailers.
eMusic have the
opposite problem, since they charge
a flat rate per track: a 4-movement
Mahler symphony is excellent value
from them, but a 25-movement CD
of Corelli or Vivaldi certainly
is not.
passionato score, however, is that
they have one recording on offer
for £1.99 each day – sometimes even
a 4-disc opera recording, such as
Parsifal. I couldn’t resist
trying the Pavarotti, Sutherland
and Mehta version of Puccini’s
Turandot when it was
on offer. I can’t imagine a better
performance – even Peter Pears is
just right as the King – yet, for
some unaccountable reason, I owned
this recording only as a set of
excerpts. I was delighted with the
quality of the download, in 320k
mp3 sound – a flac version is promised
but not yet available – and I shall
certainly make this my version of
Two small grumbles:
the download came out back to front
and took some sorting out – which
‘track 1’ belonged to CD1, which
to CD2? – and passionato have not
yet mastered the difficult task
of making the music continuous across
tracks, so that there are some very
brief and disconcerting dropouts.
Theclassicalshop offer the opportunity
to join tracks when downloading
and, in some cases, to download
a whole CD as a zip file, to avoid
this problem. Passionato – and others
– please emulate.
As I write this
roundup, the offer one day is Karajan’s
DDD remake of the Brahms Symphonies,
certainly well worth £1.99 of anyone’s
money, though not my first choice.
The following day’s offer of the
Pinnock Corelli Concerti Grossi,
Op.6 certainly would be my first
choice if they ever reappear at
£1.99. Next day even better value
– John Eliot Gardiner’s superb Archiv
Bach Mass in b minor.
For an even better
bargain, sign up for Chandos’s monthly
email newsletter; every month it
comes with a free download of a
complete CD.
As I close this
roundup, I note that James Ehnes’s
version of the Elgar Violin
Concerto, available from
theclassicalshop, has come first
in category in the Gramophone
awards. I’m downloading it even
as I write and hope to report more
fully on it next month. Will it
replace Nigel Kennedy’s first version
in my affections?
Brian Wilson