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Heaven and Earth are full of thy
Glory - Music for Holy Communion Basil HARWOOD (1859-1949)
Communion Service in A Flat major(1892) [9:44] John IRELAND (1879-1962)
Communion Service in C major(1913. Kyrie 1941)
[14:09] Charles WOOD (1866-1926)
Short Communion Service in The Phrygian Mode(1919)
[9:21] Harold DARKE (1888-1976)
Communion Service in F major(1926) [12:47] George OLDROYD (1893-1958) Mass of the Quiet Hour (1928) [9:54] Kenneth LEIGHTON (1929-1988) Missa Brevis (1968) [12:20] Wakefield
Cathedral Choir/Jonathan Bielby,
Keith Wright (organ)
rec. 26-28 June 1990, Wakefield Cathedral, Yorkshire, England.
RECORDS PRCD5030 [69:53]
The Priory label is a noted champion of recorded choral and
organ music. This release of performances from Wakefield Cathedral
in 1990 forms an attractive disc of Music for Holy Communion from
six English-based composers.
The first work is by Basil Harwood an organist and composer who was
born in Gloucester in 1859. A Charterhouse pupil Harwood
studied at Trinity College, Oxford before travelling to the
Leipzig Conservatory for lessons from Carl Reinecke and Salomon
Jadassohn. In 1883 Harwood was appointed organist at St.
Barnabas Church, Pimlico, London, then at Ely Cathedral in
1887 before finally settling as organist at Christ Church,
Oxford between 1892-1909.
The earliest composed score on the disc, the Communion Service
in A Flat major was composed by Harwood in 1892. One
is immediately struck by the generally exalted nature of
this highly efficiently rendered Service. The Gloria is
primarily contemplative with a powerful Sanctus and
a moving Benedictus. Light and reverential the Agnus
Dei gently fades away with significant intimacy.
The Cheshire-born composer John Ireland entered the Royal College
of Music (RCM) in 1893 studying with Sir Charles Stanford
and Sir Walter Parratt. Ireland became the youngest ever
Fellow of the Royal College of Organists and served as assistant
organist at Holy Trinity Church, Sloane Street in London.
He taught composition at the RCM from 1923-1939; his most
notable pupils being Benjamin Britten and E.J. Moeran with
several others including Richard Arnell, Alan Bush and Humphrey
Searle achieving a degree of success. From 1904 Ireland was
appointed organist and choirmaster at St Luke’s Church in
Chelsea, London where he served for twenty-two years.
Composing a considerable amount of sacred music throughout his
career Ireland wrote his Communion Service in C major in
1913 with the gentle Kyrie that opens the score added
later in 1941. Ireland dedicated his Communion Service to
his vicar and choir at St Luke’s Church in Chelsea. A highlight
is the opening Gloria containing drama and passion
and one is aware how the solo voices add to the variety of
the attractive Creed. The SanctusandBenedictus movement
is indelibly poignant with colourful textures. Controlled
and gently expressive the closing Agnus Dei is interpreted
with assurance by this strong and disciplined choir.
Armagh-born in 1883 Charles Wood became one of the inaugural class
of fifty students at the newly instituted RCM. There he studied
with professors Stanford and Parry. In 1883 Wood was awarded
an organ scholarship to Selwyn College, Cambridge later transferring
across the city to Gonville and Caius College. Appointed
as a teacher at the RCM in 1888 Wood
the next year became a lecturer at Caius College. For several
years he served as assistant conductor to Stanford with the
Cambridge University Musical Society. After Stanford’s death
in 1824 Wood was appointed as professor of music at Cambridge
serving in the role for only two years until his death in
1926. In a respected teaching career Wood’s most notable
pupils were Ralph Vaughan Williams and Herbert Howells.
Wood composed prolifically in many genres but is principally recognised
today as a composer of sacred music for the Anglican church.
The Short Communion Service in The Phrygian Mode for
unaccompanied choir was composed by Wood in 1919. Sung with
remarkable intimacy and exquisite diction the Short Service is
an essentially contemplative and deeply spiritual work. One
notices the general lack of sharp or harshly dynamic and
rhythmic contrasts.
Harold Darke was born in London in 1888. When aged only fourteen he
entered the RCM studying with Stanford and Parratt for seven
years. Darke in 1906 was appointed as organist at the Emmanuel
Church in West Hampstead, London subsequently moving across
the city to serve at St. James Church, Paddington and then
from 1916 to St Michael’s Church, Cornhill, in the City of
London. At St. Michael’s, Cornhill, Darke achieved recognition
for his Monday lunchtime recitals of which more than 1,800
were given over his remarkable fifty tenure. In 1941 Darke
was appointment organist of King’s College, Cambridge temporarily
during Boris Ord’s absence on war service. Appointed to professor
at the RCM, he achieved a remarkable tenure of over sixty
From Darke’s relatively small output his Communion Service in F
major was composed in 1926 for St Michael’s. The Service is
regarded as one of the finest settings by an English composer
in the twentieth century. With dignified singing of admirable
unison throughout the Gloria is a robust and dramatic
supplication for God’s mercy. The Creed is expressive,
containing significant variety and the two final movements
the Sanctus and Benedictus and the closing Agnus
Dei are beautiful and intimate expressions of faith.
The English-born organist and composer George Oldroyd from 1919 became
organist at the Holborn, St. Alban’s Church in London. A
year later Oldroyd was appointed to St. Michael’s Church
in Croydon where he served as organist until his death in
Of the several masses that Oldroyd composed he is best remembered
today for his Mass of the Quiet Hour from 1928. The
work was dedicated to Cosmo Gordon Lang who later became
Archbishop of Canterbury. The opening Kyrie has a
splendid and lofty sense of expression and the refined singing
of the Gloria is splendidly conveyed. I enjoyed the
smooth and atmospheric quality to the Sanctus and Benedictus movement
and the assured vocal writing of the closing Agnus Dei educes
outstanding choral singing with expressively sympathetic
solo contributions.
The disc closes with Kenneth Leighton’s Missa Brevis (1968).Leighton
was a prolific composer of over a hundred published works.
Born in Wakefield, England in 1947 Leighton started his music
career as a chorister at Wakefield Cathedral. He won a scholarship
to Queen’s College, Oxford graduating in 1951 having studied
with Bernard Rose. The same year he won a Mendelssohn Scholarship
and studied in Rome with Goffredo Petrassi. In 1952 Leighton
became a professor at the Royal Marine School of Music and
a Gregory Music Fellow at Leeds University in 1953-56. In
1956 he lectured in Music at the Edinburgh University returning
in 1968 to Oxford at Worcester College. Leighton was in 1970
appointed to the prestigious post of Reid Professor of Music
at Edinburgh University holding the position until his death.
Leighton’s Missa Brevis from 1968 was written for Liverpool
Cathedral. As the most recently composed score on the disc
it has, not surprisingly, a contemporary sacred feel. The
opening Kyrie has a broad dynamic and is elegant with
a hint of mystery, splendidly conveyed with incandescent
singing. Adventurously challenging sacred writing in the Gloria in
which the poised choir could hardly be more impressive. I
was struck by the controlled and passionate incisiveness
of the Sanctus and Benedictus movement. At
times in the closing movement Agnus Dei I sensed an
atmospheric sound-world similar to that of Estonian composer
Arvo Pärt. This is expressive music that conveys a strong
sense of eternity. I was surprised that the ecstatic choral
climax that I was expecting never happened.
Jonathan Bielby and his splendid Wakefield Cathedral Choir may never
make a better recording, transporting the listener with them
in this beautiful sacred music. The splendid choir is fresh-voiced,
conveying an appropriate degree of reverence combined with
a moving touch of vulnerability. There are occasional moments
where individual voices are prominent at the expense of choral
unison but this is only a minor observation that never detracts
from the enjoyment.
The acoustic at Wakefield
Cathedral is coolly atmospheric with vividly clear words.
Keith Wright is a sympathetic organist who is never obtrusive.
On the downside, I found the essay in the booklet disjointed
and largely unhelpful. This is a most attractive and welcome
For those wanting to explore further this rewarding repertoire
of English sacred music I can highly recommend a superbly
performed compilation of scores from Sir Charles Stanford;
the father of English Choral Music. The Decca disc (on The
British Music Collection Decca 470 384-2) features
a intensely moving performance of the masterly part-song The
Bluebird, Op.119, No.3/8 (1910) performed by the Choir
of New College Oxford conducted by Edward Higginbottom that
was recorded at New College Chapel, Oxford in 2000. The other
works on the disc are performed by a variety of splendid
singers such as: baritone Thomas Allen; the Choir of King’s
College, Cambridge; contralto Kathleen Ferrier et al: Beata
quorum via, Op.38 No.3 (1890);Songs
of the Sea, Op.91 (1904); Te Deum laudamus; Magnificat
in B flat; Nunc dimittis in B flat; Magnificat in G;Nunc
dimittis in G; O sing unto the Lord a new song (psalm
96);O praise God in His holiness (psalm 150);Agnus
dei;The Fairy Lough, Op. 77, No. 2 (1900) and A
Soft Day, Op. 140, No. 3 (1913).
Another highly recommendable Stanford disc is Anthems
and Services for the Naxos label. Here the impeccable
Choir of St. John’s College, Cambridge under the direction
of Christopher Robinson recorded the disc in 2002 at St.
John’s Chapel, Cambridge on Naxos 8.555794.
This Naxos English
Choral Music series that includes the above Stanford
release of Anthems and Services has been widely
acclaimed and includes a number of additional high recommendable
discs of sacred music:
Berkeley Crux
Fidelis; Missa Brevis; 3 Latin Motets; A Festival Anthem on
8.557277; Britten Rejoice
in the Lamb; Hymn to St. Cecilia; Missa Brevis Op.
63 etc. on 8.554791; Elgar Ave Maria; Give unto
the Lord; Te Deum; Benedictus, Op.
34 etc. on 8.557288 (see reviews)
Finzi Lo,
the Full, Final Sacrifice; My Lovely One; Magnificat;
7Unaccompanied Partsongs,
Op. 17 on 8.555792 (see review)
Howells Requiem;
Take Him, Earth, for Cherishing; Magnificat
and Nunc dimitis, St. Paul's; Like as the Hart; Long, Long
Ago; Office of Holy Communion (Collegium
Regale); Rhapsody No. 3 for Organ on 8.554659
Leighton Magnificat
and Nunc Dimittis ‘Collegium
Magdalene Oxoniense’; Crucifixus Pro Nobis; Veni
creator spiritus; What love is this of thine?; Rockingham: Chorale
Prelude on ‘When I survey the wondrous Cross’;
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (The Second Service),
Op. 62 on 8.555795 (see review)
Rubbra Magnificat
and Nunc Dimittis in A flat major, Op.
65;Missa Cantuariensis, Op. 59;Missa
in honorem Sancti Dominici, Op. 66; Tenebrae Motets, Op.
72 on 8.555255 (see reviews)
Tavener Song
for Athene; Svyati; Song for Athene; The Tiger; The Lamb;
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis; Funeral Ikos; Two Hymns to
the Mother of God; Love bade me welcome; As one who has
slept; The Lord's Prayer on 8.555256 (see review)
Walton The Twelve; Coronation Te Deum; Missa
Brevis; Set me as a seal upon thine heart; Henry V: Passacaglia ‘Death
of Falstaff’ & Touch her soft lips and part;
Cantico del Sole; A Litany: Drop, drop slow tears;
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis; Where does the uttered music
go?; Jubilate Deo; Cantico del Sole on 8.555793 (see
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