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William WALTON (1902-1983) Façade Suite (1926-1938) [23:11] Gloria (1961) [18:47] Te Deum (1953) [9:19]
Coronation Marches - Orb and Sceptre (1953) [6:49]; Crown Imperial (1937)
[8:59] Barbara Robotham (mezzo), Anthony
Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Brian Rayner Cook (baritone)
(Gloria) Choristers of Worcester Cathedral (Te deum), CBSO
Chorus (Te deum, Gloria)
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra/Louis Frémaux.
rec. venue unknown, ?1977. AAD EMI CLASSICS
47512 [67:02]
William Walton first came to prominence as the composer
of Façade (1921), a suite of light-hearted pieces
accompanying recitations of poems by Edith Sitwell (1887-1964).
Both this piece and the concert-overture Portsmouth Point (1925)
established Walton as the fashionable composer of the intelligentsia.
His association with the Sitwell group (Edith and her bothers
Osbert and Sacheverell) began during his abortive studies
at Oxford and continued throughout the twenties. Not only
did they give him a comfortable place to live but also introduced
him to their own perverse brand of modernism.
The original version of Façade, orchestrated
for a small chamber ensemble resembling a dance band, is
very different to the one that we are accustomed to hearing
today. Walton toyed, tinkered and revised individual numbers
numerous times but the most frequently performed edition
is actually a conglomeration of two suites; the first, premiered
by Walton himself in 1926 was intended as an interlude to
Lord Berners’ ballet The Triumph of Neptune. The second
was first given in New York in 1938, conducted by Barbirolli.
Both suites expand the orchestration to a fairly large ensemble;
what is lost in terms of spiky, almost Kurt Weill-esque satire
is made up for in the added voluptuousness. I do prefer the
original, finding the suites a little too close to the kind
of light music that Walton was surely intending to lampoon.
Nevertheless, if voluptuousness is what you want from
a Façade, then this famous recording from late seventies
Birmingham will serve admirably. It was, of course, Sir Simon
Rattle who really put Birmingham on the musical map, and
the resultant building of Symphony Hall spearheaded the urban
redevelopment that to this date continues to make the city
more and more attractive and vibrant. But that is not to
say that the CBSO were not a top-notch band before Rattle’s
tenure; if anything the greatest improvement in their quality
has happened in the decade or so since Sakari Oramo took
the reins. EMI certainly had enough faith in the CBSO, pre-Rattle,
to extensively record them with conductors such as Frémaux
and Norman Del Mar. Indeed the Frémaux era did produce at
least one bona fide gramophone classic, the blockbusting
Saint-Saëns Organ Symphony of 1978 - rarely out of
the catalogue and currently available at budget price on Classics
for Pleasure.
Frémaux’s performance of Façade shows the CBSO
in the best possible light, as do the couplings. Walton’s Gloria is
not amongst his most popular or accomplished works. Nevertheless,
it certainly deserves to be heard, particularly in this dedicated
performance. It is somewhat more dissonant than much of Walton’s
output and uncharacteristically straight-faced. Not so the
glorious Te Deum, composed for the 1953 coronation,
which serves as a kind of précis of Belshazzar’s
Feast; in the course of its ten minutes it manages to
incorporate all of the stylistic traits so confidently outlined
in the earlier work. The CBSO Chorus (bolstered by the Choristers
of Worcester Cathedral in the Te Deum) sing well,
although there are rough edges in both of the choral pieces
included here. The acoustic also masks quite a lot of orchestral
and choral detail (no recording venue is given for any of
these works; it certainly doesn’t sound like a Birmingham
Town Hall production, but the large amount of reverberation
suggests that the Great Hall of Birmingham University may
have been used).
The two Coronation Marches come
off best; here the CBSO/Frémaux
partnership really shines, turning in performances of immense
polish and swagger. I don’t think that I’ve heard as winning
a performance of Crown Imperial elsewhere. It is a
fitting culmination to a rewarding and enjoyable disc. It
is worth noting, however, that this ArkivCD reprint of the
original 1987 issue comes at the equivalent of full-price;
EMI did reissue it in 1992 as part of their British Composers
series, so it may be worthwhile trying to obtain that before
investing in the present issue.
Hugh Ottaway and Alan Frank provide serviceable notes,
and full texts and translations are provided for the choral
works. Overall, a great compilation of popular and rare Walton;
definitely a spectacular to rank with Frémaux’s Organ