This anthology of medieval
- and earlier - music for voices was
recorded fourteen years ago and first
issued in 1993. It has now been given
fresh bib and tucker by being slotted
into a cardboard sleeve. This carries
spanking new livery clearly designed
to appeal directly to the 2006 Christmas
music market.
The songs date back
between 600 and 950 Christmases and
are predominantly spiritual rather than
earthy. There are however a sprinkling
of welcome vigorous tracks. Deo gracias
is virile and truculent and the
words The King went forth to Normandy
are sung with gritty determination.
Be merry be merry is oddly subdued
but restraint is flung aside for Riu
riu with its Iberian roughness and
Carmina Burana staccato. Gaudete
christus is given with burly ebullience.
The heart’s centre for the collection
is however a slow to moderato florid
efflorescence including the lulling
trance to be heard in O viridissima.
In Alma redemptoris I was struck
by the secure blend of the voices –
one of their strengths. Nowell sing
we adopts a slow steady sing-song.
There are two Planctus pieces,
one for the death of William of Normandy
and the other to words by Peter Abelard
lamenting the deaths of Saul and David.
I am not quite sure what these have
to do with Christmas but no matter.
The Planctus David is a tour
de force for Philip Cave and at 15:30
it is the longest piece on the disc.
The booklet does not
reproduce the words and is very much
an economy budget class job.
Oxford Camerata here
comprises four voices and with the exception
of Gaudete christus – which includes
a tambourine or similar – are unaccompanied.
They are recorded in a typically resonant
acoustic adroitly handled by the technical
team who avoid complex echoes and cloudiness.
Microphones are placed in close proximity
to the voices so that one could swear
you can see the breathy cold condensation
rising from each singer’s mouth.
Will appeal to those
who prefer a more spiritual and meditative
emphasis for an anthology of medieval
Rob Barnett